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Podcast, jossa ääneen pääsevät Pariisissa asuvat suomalaiset.
Kohtaamisia Attendolla on hoiva- ja sosiaalialan kulttuurinmuutokseen keskittyvä podcast, jossa tunnustetaan hoiva-alalla esille tulleet epäkohdat, ja nostetaan esiin myös hyvin toimivia asioita. Etsimme yhdessä ratkaisuja ja ideoita keskustellen. Vieraina keskustelemassa on sote-alan ammattilaisia, Attendo-kotien johtajia, asiakkaitamme ja läheisiä, sekä tunnettuja muutoksentekijöitä. Podcastia juontaa Attendon asiakaskokemus- ja viestintäjohtaja Susanna Paloheimo.
Jatketaan keskustelua somessa:
#kohtaamisiaattendolla #attendo
Twitter: @attendosuomi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/attendosuomi/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/attendo_suomi/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/attendosuomi/
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to Living Boca, the podcast that features some of the dynamic personalities, favorite businesses, and unique stories that make Boca Raton such a special South Florida community. Each episode spotlights the individual experiences, endeavors, memories and missions of the residents and business owners; so join us each week for an entertaining, engaging, and informative perspective on this beautiful city!
Welcome to "IT's All About Choices," the show where my guest and I discuss our lives and careers, framed by our choices—both good and bad.
In 2023, I celebrated my 30th year in the workplace. As I reached this milestone, I felt it was time to reflect on the choices that had brought me to this point. I wanted to share these experiences not only for my own benefit but also to help others navigate similar career journeys.
I will delve into my own choices as well as those of my network of colleagues, customers, mentors, and friends who are willing to share their experiences. We'll explore the choices made in their lives and careers in IT or potentially in other fields.
IT's All About Choices. -
Welcome to the podcast that gives you permission to say no. No to boring. No to putting off your dreams. No to a job you hate. No to old habits that no longer serve you. No to imposter syndrome. No to normal.
I’m your host, Danielle Renee, and I’ve spent the past 10 years trying new jobs, starting my own businesses, and moving across the country all in an attempt to build a life that doesn’t give the Sunday Scaries (if you know, you know). With this show, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite ventures, like when I converted a school bus into a mobile gift shop, and when I discovered the wonderful world of seasonal work by googling “jobs that pay your rent.”
I’ll also have weekly interviews with creatives, industry-disruptors, and adventurous souls who said “no” to the normal 9-5 life, and are defining happiness and success on their own terms. Basically, I started a podcast so I’d have an excuse to chat with some of the coolest humans I’ve ever met, and I’m excited to invite you along for the ride! -
Привет! Меня зовут Соня Обернихина. Это подкаст о том, как люди строят карьеру, в частности в креативных индустриях.
Так уж вышло, что я выросла с достаточно консервативными карьерными установками. Качественное образование, олимпиады, настоящая, серьезная работа – карьера мечты и путь карьеристки в сложном капиталистическом мире. Доработалась до Яндекса и уволилась в никуда, осознав, что мне это, оказывается, больше не близко. Теперь ищу собственный путь, но те установки давят. Как я могу заниматься танцами, записывать подкаст, – это же несерьезно!
Хочу разобраться, как люди выбирают индустрии, как там оказываются, как себя в них чувствуют и в чем видят ценность. Как выбирать в работе себя и быть счастливым?
Опыт реальных людей, которые однажды уже выбрали ту самую индустрию и до которых я могу дотянуться, помогает мне на этом пути и верю, что может помочь кому-то еще. Приглашаю в эти истории и вас, подглядим, что творят!
Обратная связь:
Inst @s_obernikhina
Tg-канал @chto_tvoritsa -
As the owner of a travel marketing agency, I've worked with travel businesses for over 10 years and seen what works and what doesn't first hand, learning a lot of lessons along the way.
This podcast is here to share the stories of business leaders in the travel industry, from the biggest successes to the hardest challenges and everything in between. And there's a dash of wanderlust thrown in along the way for good measure.
You'll get actionable advice, inspirational stories and leading insight from some of the best in the travel business, direct from people who have been there and done it.
To watch the accompanying video and show notes visit https://seotravel.co.uk/podcast/
Subscribe now, and prepare to take your travel business to the next level. -
Kuuntele Mimmit sijoittaa -podcastia ja audioartikkeleita!
Mimmit sijoittaa -media puhuu sijoittamisesta, ihmisistä ja taloudesta. Käsittelyssä ajankohtaisuudet, sijoittaminen, säästäminen, ura ja raha.
Lue artikkeleita osoitteessa mimmitsijoittaa.fi ja seuraa meitä Instagramissa, LinkedInissä, TikTokissa ja Facebookissa!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. -
Подкаст о поиске любимого дела. О смелости, которая для этого требуется, о страхах и сомнениях на этом пути.
5 и 6-й сезоны — о локальных предпринимателях. Мы делаем их вместе со студией Либо/Либо и маркетплейсом локальных брендов Flowwow.
Обратная связь [email protected] Tg @ksenia_is_out -
The American English Podcast teaches the language and culture of the United States. Through common expressions, pronunciation tips and interesting cultural snippets or stories, I hope to keep this fun, useful and interesting! All bonus material can be accessed at http://americanenglishpodcast.com/
Ysistä viiteen — Työmatkan pituinen podcast työelämästä ja bisneksestä. Studiossa elämästä nautiskeleva toimistorotta-Vivian sekä yrittäjä ja työnarkkari-Nata. Nappaa tästä kuumimmat keskusteluaiheet kahvipöytään!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Join hosts Corinne Vien and Sabrina Deana-Roga, bi-coastal best friends, with a questionably unhealthy predilection towards all things strange, spooky and creepy, for heavily researched and listener submitted tales of the supernatural. They do warn you though... Two Girls One Ghost is the most haunted podcast in America, countless listeners have reported that listening leads to encounters with the other side. Listen at your own risk.
Welcome to #ABtalks, a YouTube show discovering the human behind the title by shining the spotlight on the 'raw' side of celebrities, achievers and influencers from across the world. Hosted by Anas Bukhash, one of the most successful entrepreneurs and interviewers in the Middle East region, the show is the fastest growing show of its kind and is now also available on Netflix.
Euroopan teillä, oranssilla pakettiautolla seikkaillut Van Elämää -kolmikko on takaisin tien päällä, ja sen myötä ilmoille kajahtaa podcastin kolmas tuotantokausi. 600 päivää on vierähtänyt tien päällä, Lapin talvisessa erämaassa ja missä lie erikoisoloissa. Nyt matka jatkuu pohjolan yöttömään yöhön.
Vuonna 2019 uutisankkuri Aino Huilaja otti loparit, luopui kodistaan ja muutti pakettiautoon miehensä Jerryn ja jääräpäisen Arska-koiransa kanssa. Taakse jäivät vuosien varrella rakennettu oravanpyörä, kiire ja aikataulut. Mitä lähes kaksi vuotta nomadielämää on opettanut? Onko pakettiautoretkikunta löytänyt elämän tarkoituksen? Ovatko he nähneet valon? Hyppää oranssin pakun kyytiin, lähde kiehtovalle roadtripille ja anna maantietarinoiden viedä!
Yhteistyössä Autoliitto. -
En intervjupodcast med Daniel Redgert.
Redaktör: Daniel Frölander
Havuja kengissä on vaellus- ja retkeilyaiheinen podcast, jossa liitytään Laurin, Hennan ja vaihtuvien kanssavaeltajien seuraan nauttimaan luonnossa liikkumisesta. Jokaisessa jaksossa pureudutaan vaellusfiilistelyn ohessa eri aiheisiin, jotka liittyvät retkeilyyn. Podcast on sinulle, joka olet kiinnostunut retkeilystä, kenties ehtinyt jo aloittaa tämän hienon harrastuksen tai tykkäät vain fiilistellä aiheen parissa.
Girlboss Radio is back with a new host and a renewed mission to help women achieve success on their own terms. Meet our host, Avery Francis! Francis is a veteran HR thought leader who specializes in implementing diversity, equity and inclusion practices in as many workplaces as possible through her consultancy, Bloom. Francis has been featured in Forbes and named a Top 40 Woman in Tech by Betakit. Her ethos? Work should work for all of us. The podcast features weekly chats with inspiring executives, founders and A-listers including filmmaker Domee Shi, mega-influencer Matilda Djerf, Knix founder Joanna Griffiths, and Netflix star Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, among others. Girlboss Radio is your destination for no-BS career advice—each episode, you'll walk away with tangible takeaways and success stories that'll help you level-up in your career *and* your life.
Berkshire Hathaway Letter to Shareholders by Warren Buffett. Letter are from 1977-2017. Audio was created by Sponge Audio.
Motorcycle travel roundtable discussions with ARR RAW is a spin-off from the very popular Adventure Rider Radio Podcast and Radio Show.
This monthly ADV motorcycle podcast is hosted by Adventure Rider Radio’s Jim Martin with co-hosts, Graham Field, Sam Manicom, Grant Johnson, Shirley Hardy-Rix and Brian Rix. The show also has guests. -
Where Entrepreneurship and the Law Meet!