Would love to hear from you. See notes below; please don't rely on them as they were generated to accompany shiur and not edited, but feel free to let me know if they are helpful.
Understanding Unity Within Creation: Notes from Likutei MoharanTwo Approaches to Understanding CreationTop-Down Approach: The source (or seed) contains all potential, with everything emanating from it in a structured, orderly way. From this perspective, creation unfolds with perfect unity.Bottom-Up Approach: Starts from our experience of fragmented reality where things may appear disconnected or contradictory. The spiritual work is to align these fragments back with their original source to reveal their deeper unity.
Spiritual Growth as RealignmentAs we ascend through different spiritual levels, we refine ourselves and reconnect with the panimiyus (internal essence) of each level.The Process of Alignment: We must realign ourselves with the inner purpose at each stage of growth, sensitizing ourselves to the deeper truth present at every level of reality.
Money and Tzedakah in Divine ServiceMamon as a Vessel (Kli): Money can either serve as a tool for Hashem's purpose or become empty and meaningless when disconnected from its source.Purpose of Tzedakah: Charity aligns our physical resources with spiritual purpose. When used properly, money becomes a means to express divine unity in the world.Spiritual Rectification: The act of giving redirects resources to fulfill divine will. Money used for tzedakah becomes infused with purpose, rectifying both the giver's soul and participating in the greater tikkun of creation.
Navigating Contradictions in Spiritual LifeApparent Contradictions: At each level of spiritual and personal development, we encounter challenges and apparent contradictions. This happens in all contexts—educational, business, and personal.Growth Process: As we develop spiritually, we begin to see how seemingly contradictory elements fit together in a unified whole, serving a greater purpose.
Yichud (Unity) as Higher PerspectiveTranscending Contradictions: Spiritual growth allows us to access higher levels of unity where we can see the entire system as interconnected.This higher vantage point reveals how each piece works toward the ultimate goal of divine revelation in the world.
Tzedakah as Expression of UnityThrough tzedakah, we actively participate in creating unity between the Creator and creation.When we give, we align ourselves with divine purpose, ensuring our resources reveal Hashem's light in the world.
would love to hear from you; [email protected] let me know if the notes below are helpful (note they are unedited so please do not rely on)
The Bridge Between Mind and ActionIn Likutei Moharan, we’re taught that human nature is shaped by three key faculties:
Intellect (Seichel): The mind that perceives truth and connects to Divine wisdom.Imagination (Koach HaMedameh): The bridge faculty that translates understanding into action.Action (Ma’aseh): The physical implementation of our thoughts in the world.
Two Approaches to RealityTop-Down (Truth-Driven):The intellect, grounded in absolute truth, leads the way.The imagination becomes a faithful transmitter of Divine wisdom.Actions naturally align with Divine will, and there’s no resistance in the system.This approach is like a healthy body, where the limbs move as directed by the mind without friction.
Bottom-Up (Desire-Driven):Desires and circumstances often drive the perception of what’s true.Imagination creates illusions, justifying actions that may not be based in eternal truth.This results in dissonance, where a person’s actions are not aligned with their higher purpose.It’s like a body whose movements are driven by random impulses, instead of being guided by a higher purpose.
The Dynamic System of Spiritual GrowthLayers of Reality (Olamim):Reality consists of interconnected spiritual levels, each with its own essence and outer expression.As we grow, we ascend through these levels, expanding our capacity to connect to the Divine.
The Individual Journey:Spiritual growth begins at the most basic level, and we must master each one before progressing.Moving from one level to the next is like advancing through school—each level introduces new challenges and forces us to begin again in a new environment.Each transition brings us face-to-face with the klipah (spiritual shell) of that level, which we must break through to access the deeper spiritual essence.
Encountering and Transforming BarriersKlipah as Spiritual Barrier:At every level, we encounter a klipah—a spiritual barrier—that prevents us from accessing the deeper truths.These barriers may appear as confusion, resistance, or limitations, but they are not inherently negative; they provide the necessary challenge for spiritual growth.
Revelation of Divine Glory Through ContrastsThe Spectrum of Divine Qualities:Divine attributes like chesed (kindness) and gevurah (strength) may seem like opposites at first glance.From a limited perspective, they appear to conflict with each other. But from a higher vantage point, these contrasting qualities come together to create Divine beauty (tiferes).
The Power of Giving in Spiritual GrowthTzedakah as Spiritual Alignment:Giving tzedakah (charity) creates a powerful connection between the giver and the receiver, as well as with the Divine.By giving, we identify with others and transform our resources into vessels for Divine will, elevating both ourselves and the recipient.
Breaking Inertia Through Connection:Giving tzedakah before prayer sets the stage for spiritual ascent, allowing us to break through barriers and access higher levels of Divine connection.This act of selflessness creates the spiritual alignment needed to ascend through the worlds during... -
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025.2 Achvi Lan Maneh 2 of
Be"H will try and follow with written abstract; if you are enjoying these please share and drop 5 stars to help 'spread the Torah of R Nachman
As we try and spread the Light of Likutei Moharan, please take a moment if you are growing and loving these to drop 5 starts and forward to someone who would appreciate! Tizku l'Mitzvos!
024.4 Emtzausa d'alma 4 of 5
Mid para 2-7
024.2 Emtzausa d'alma 2 of
24.1 Emtzausa dAlama
23.7 Tzivisa Tzedek 7 of 7 (Appendix)
23.6 Tzivisa Tzedek 6 of 7
We will continue on our journey through LM; As a follow up on Torah 73 I am posting a few thoughts on Teshuva. If you like this new format (in addition to learning through the text) please let me know; re this piece in particular or generally. [email protected]
If you are inspired, please share the wealth!
(also drop 5 stars so podcast spreads)
Bonus Elul Tinyana: 73 - Tehillim Mesugal L'teshuva (I would love to hear how this hits you; [email protected])
For Kollel Toras Chaim: Link to be posted If you enjoy please share...
Summary below: I will soon be posting these only to the new Byam Darkecha podcast (spotify link below; will also be on itunes, etc.); we will also start going through some of the other B'Yam Darkecha in advance of Yom Tov, and time permitting, Avodas Hashem, etc. - please follow there:
The core of Teshuva is recognizing Yichud Hashem
The root of transgression is a deficiency in EmunahTeshuva is a recognition of Yichud HashemOne who lives with a recognition of Yichud Hashem lives with HIsbatlusSummary: the Avodah of Elul is to recognize Yichud Hasehm and enter into Avodah from a place of bitul
Summary in comments section of Part 1 posted right before.
Please let me know if we should continue to try and put these up around yom tov; (perhaps set up a separate podcast as a. home for these; or leave these here for a little burst of extra hisorerus)
Sefer B'Yam Darkecha; Join us as we address some of the following questions:
What is the essence of Teshuva?
Don't we have to be perfect?
How can we do teshuva, understanding that perfection is a losing battle? How can we get excited about mediocrity?
How is Elul different that any other time of year when we have an obligation to do the right thing?
How can I do teshuva knowing that I have create a huge "mess" that I have yet to clean up?
How to I think approach actionable steps?
Please reach out to let me know if you are enjoying these pieces. I will try to post LM pieces as well, and thought these would be l'toeles and posted them here. Would love to hear from you. [email protected]
Para 5 "v'shoresh hashpa'os" (middle second maamar of saba dbein atunah) through "Zos HaTorah hi Lashon Rabbeinu)
023.4 Tzivisa Tzedek 4 of
Para 5 through (almost ad kan lashon rabbeinu)
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