In their long-awaited Q&A episode, Amelia and Charlie answer listener questions about everything from packing lists to graphic design.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Email: [email protected]'s Website: longrun.us
After an inspiring couple of rest days in Tucson, Charlie continues the long run west— until a careless mishap forces him to backtrack.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Email: [email protected]'s Website: longrun.us
Пропущенные эпизоды?
West of the Continental Divide, Charlie runs into chilling rain, a boulder-filled canyon, and Stevie Wonder's youngest fan. Amelia recalls her own shorter trip through the desert.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Email: [email protected]'s Website: longrun.us
An eight-person chain of connections leads Charlie to a roofless outhouse during a desert snowstorm.
Have a question for Charlie and Amelia? Send it to [email protected] and you might hear the answer in a future Q&A episode!
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
This week, Charlie and Amelia discuss the joys and woes of snail mail, big rigs, and spending a night in a homeless shelter.
Have a question for Charlie and Amelia? Send it to [email protected] and you might hear the answer in a future Q&A episode!
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
Running deeper into West Texas, Charlie imagines otherworldly encounters before being brought back to Earth by some kind teenagers— and a long look at his map.
Have a question for Charlie and Amelia? Send it to [email protected] and you might hear the answer in a future Q&A episode!
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
In—and between—the small towns of West Texas, Charlie is astonished by the variety of receptions he receives.
Have a question for Charlie and Amelia? Send it to [email protected] and you might hear the answer in a future Q&A episode!
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
As Charlie finally faces the desert, he also faces the possibility of an extended stay in jail.
Have a question for Charlie and Amelia? Send it to [email protected] and you might hear the answer in a future Q&A episode!
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
In the surprisingly famous town of Luckenbach, Texas, Charlie comes face-to-face with some fun-loving cowboys.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
Charlie says goodbye to 1979 from a youth hostel in Austin... and then spends several days trying to say goodbye to Austin.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
Bouncing between Houston and Austin during the holidays, Charlie slogs through his longest day of the trip so far. Happy Christmas Eve from us at long/run!
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
As Charlie reaches the Texas border, he and Amelia reflect on how far he has come and how much further he needs to go.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
In Bell City and Lake Charles, Louisiana, Charlie gets into the Christmas spirit with two welcoming families.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
Charlie leaves his heart in the heart of Cajun country.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
Charlie makes his way from a stranger's Thanksgiving dinner to New Orleans and across the Mississippi River. A time-traveling Amelia brings a message from the past.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
On the outskirts of Mobile, Charlie passes a roadside sign with two contrasting sentiments, which causes Amelia to ruminate on our capacity for empathy. In Mississippi, Charlie picks up a very special package.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
Shortly after entering Alabama, Charlie comes face to face with the wreckage of Hurricane Frederic. A few days later, his attempt to enter Mobile causes a stir.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
Running along the panhandle of Florida, Charlie reminisces on a high school English class and spends a surprising amount of time on sailboats.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
As he continues through Central Florida, Charlie encounters a few thousand growling Gators and gets a late-night escort from some curious racehorses. But first, he shows Amelia some souvenirs from last week's adventures.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
As he says goodbye to the East Coast, Charlie makes two cultural pilgrimages, neither of which goes exactly as hoped.
Logo by Amelia BellMusic by Patrick White of Kai-Lani SoundLab
Email us at [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/longrunpodcast/ Charlie's Website: longrun.us
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