
  • In this episode of Longevity by Design, hosts Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD, and Dr. Gil Blander sit down with Dr. Gordon Lithgow, a Professor and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. Dr. Lithgow's research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of aging and identifying genes and small molecules that can prolong lifespan. With a background in genetics from the University of Glasgow and extensive experience in biotechnology and aging research, Dr. Lithgow shares his journey from growing up in Scotland to leading a lab at the Buck Institute.

    Dr. Lithgow discusses the compelling nature of aging as a profound biological mystery, which drew him into the field. He highlights his lab's approach of following curiosity-driven research, often using the nematode worm C. elegans as a model organism due to its short lifespan and genetic similarities to humans. This unbiased method has led to significant discoveries, including genetic mutations and drug-like molecules that extend lifespan. The conversation also covers the concept of geroscience, which Dr. Lithgow helped coin, emphasizing the link between aging and chronic diseases.

    A major focus of Dr. Lithgow’s work is studying protein homeostasis, which declines with age. Protein misfolding is implicated in many age-related diseases; that discovery moved the lab’s focus from lifespan extension to efforts to understand drivers of healthspan and the causes of age-related chronic diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. His work also includes the influence of environmental factors, such as mild heat stress, and dietary iron, vitamin D, and alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) on aging. Dr. Lithgow's interdisciplinary collaborations aim to uncover new interventions to extend healthspan and longevity.

    Dr. Gordon Lithgow is also the host of Buck Institute for Research on Aging's podcast, "We're not getting any younger... yet" on which he speaks with some of the brightest scientific stars on the planet to search for—and actually find answers to—questions on aging. The podcast can be found at https://www.buckinstitute.org/podcasts/ and on podcast apps.

    Episode timestamps

    Introduction: 00:00-02:42What led Dr. Gordon Lithgow to become a scientist and research the biology of aging?: 02:43-06:20Why are worms (C.-elegans) a good model for studying aging?: 06:21-07:55Why did Dr. Gordon Lithgow transition from research investigating ways for extending lifespan to extending healthspan?: 07:56-09:24What specific diseases is Dr. Gordon Lithgow researching?: 09:25-12:01What does protein shape mean for aging?: 12:02-13:12How does mild heat stress impact health and aging?: 13:13-16:35How does vitamin D and alpha-ketoglutarate impact aging, healthspan, and lifespan?: 16:36-25:26How does dietary iron impact aging, healthspan, and lifespan?: 25:27-29:57Are there more genes and proteins to be discovered that influence aging, or have they all been discovered?: 29:58-34:12What compound do you think has the most potential for extending healthspan and lifespan?: 34:13-35:54What is the impact of calorie restriction and exercise on healthspan and lifespan in humans?: 35:55-38:51What is the importance of clinical trials for aging research?: 38:52-42:09What are the future directions of Dr. Gordon Lithgow’s research?: 42:10-43:38Dr. Gordon Lithgow’s top tip for living better longer?: 43:39-48:50
  • In this episode of Longevity By Design, co-hosts Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD, and Dr. Gil Blander welcome renowned professor Dr. Keith Baar. As the head of the Functional Molecular Biology Lab at UC Davis, Dr. Baar has made groundbreaking discoveries about how exercise and nutrition influence the adaptation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. During this episode, he shares his expertise on the critical role of exercise and nutrition for musculoskeletal health, longevity, and improving quality of life.

    Dr. Baar discusses the profound impact that both strength and endurance exercise have on healthspan and longevity, emphasizing the unique benefits of strength training. He delves into the molecular biology of muscles, explaining his discovery that resistance exercise activates the mTOR pathway, which is crucial for muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth. He also shares his knowledge on the effects of the drug rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR, on muscle versus longevity, highlighting the nuances and complex balance needed for optimal health.

    Dr. Baar also shares his expertise and addresses common misconceptions regarding tendons and ligaments. The conversation also covers the significance of nutritional timing, the benefits of integrating protein intake with exercise for muscle, and collagen and vitamin C for tendons and ligaments.

    Listeners to this episode will be equipped with an understanding of the responses to different types of exercise and practical exercise and nutrition advice for optimizing muscle, tendon, and ligament health througout life.

    Episode timestamps

    Introduction: 00:00-02:52What led Dr. Keith Baar to become a scientist interested in exercise physiology?: 02:52-05:19What is the musculoskeletal system, and can you explain why it is so vital for health, physical function and performance, and quality of life?: 05:20-12:13What is the role of mTOR in health and longevity? 12:14-16:44What is the role of rapamycin and metformin in health and longevity? 16:45-20:58Activation of mTOR by resistance exercise and protein: 20:59-23:03Is there a window of opportunity for consuming protein following exercise to increase muscle protein synthesis? Is the timing of protein consumption post-exercise important for muscle protein synthesis? 23:04-27:35Is the type of protein important for muscle protein synthesis? 27:36-28:32Is there a difference between young and older adults in how they respond to resistance exercise?28:33-33:49What are the differences in molecular responses and longevity between resistance and endurance exercise?: 33:50-38:31What are ligaments and tendons? Are there differences in ligaments and tendons between men and women? 38:32-43:26What is the best way to exercise for tendons and ligaments? 43:27-49:10Is there a difference between pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women in tendons and ligaments?: 49:11-51:17Why is collagen important for tendons and ligaments?: 51:18-53:22Why is vitamin C important for collagen synthesis and tendons and ligaments?: 53:23-55:19When should a collagen supplement be consumed?: 55:21-57:07What are some misconceptions about tendons and ligaments?: 57:08-58:42What happens to tendons and ligaments during a joint replacement?: 58:43-01:00:50What excites or interests Dr. Keith Baar the most that has the potential to extend healthspan in the next 5-10 years?: 01:00:51-01:03:36Dr. Keith Baar’s top tip for health: 01:03:37-01:05:59
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  • In this episode of Longevity by Design, host Dr. Gil Blander is joined by Dr. Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, a leading figure in aging research. Dr. Scheibye-Knudsen discusses his groundbreaking research on the role of DNA damage in the aging process and its implications for chronic diseases, aging research, and longevity medicine. The goal of his work is "to discover interventions leading to healthier, happier, and more productive lives."

    Dr. Scheibye-Knudsen's work is on understanding normal and premature aging, with a focus on the pivotal role of DNA damage in the aging process and interventions for healthier aging. By combining computational methods with laboratory experiments, his team explores innovative strategies to target DNA and counteract aging processes. This conversation illuminates the intricate relationship between DNA damage, aging, and chronic diseases.

    Dr. Scheibye-Knudsen also discusses the impact of lifestyle (diet, exercise, sleep, social factors) on aging. He goes on to describe his work using data-driven approaches to better understand aging and developing interventions, including identifying novel targets and drugs, for healthier aging. Additionally, he explains what longevity medicine is and the importance of educating clinicians and politicians on this topic to translate research on aging into healthcare and improve people’s healthspan and lifespan. Dr. Scheibye-Knudsen's dedication to unraveling the mysteries of aging is advancing scientific knowledge, which has tangible benefits for global health and longevity.

    Episode timestamps

    Introduction: 00:00-03:06What led Dr. Morten Scheibye-Knudsen to become a scientist?: 03:07-04:37Could please give us an overview of the research you are doing?: 04:38-05:54What is DNA damage, and what causes it?: 05:55-07:54What do we know about the influence of DNA damage on aging and age-related diseases?: 07:55-09:41Can DNA damage be repaired? 09:42-14:14What questions are your research group asking to better understand DNA damage and repair and their effects on aging?: 14:15-16:22What is NAD, and why is it relevant to aging and age-related diseases?: 16:23-19:56What are the benefits and risks of NR and NMN supplements in humans?: 19:57-24:50What is a ketogenic diet? What are the effects of a ketogenic diet or ketones on DNA damage or repair and aging?: 24:51-31:08What is the effect of a ketogenic diet on cancer?: 31:09-32:29What is the Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) conference and its mission?: 32:30-40:43What are the most prevalent features of aging?: 40:44-47:54Are there differences in aging between females and males?: 47:55-50:21Are there differences in tissue aging trajectories?: 50:22-54:01Identifying compounds that target aging: 54:02-56:16Can nuclear morphology predict cellular senescence and cancer?: 56:17-01:04:04What is longevity medicine, and why is it so important for physicians?: 01:04:05-01:07:25What pharmaceutical drugs are the most promising for targeting aging to extend human healthspan and lifespan?: 01:07:26-01:12:00How important are lifestyle factors such as nutrition, physical activity and exercise, sleep, and social engagement and connections for human healthspan and lifespan?: 01:12:01-01:16:39Dr. Morten Scheibye-Knudsen’s top tip for health: 01:16:40-01:18:22
  • Do you know what senescent (zombie) cells are and how cellular senescence and senolytics impact health? In this episode of Longevity by Design, hosts Ashley Reaver and Dr. Gil Blander are joined by Dr. James Kirkland from the Mayo Clinic, one of the world's leading figures in aging research. This episode is a deep dive into aging research, cellular senescence, and senolytics. Dr. Kirkland discusses the impact of cellular aging (senescence) on healthspan and his discovery of the first senolytic agents that remove senescent cells and extend healthspan, illuminating his pioneering work in aging research.

    Dr. Kirkland shares insights into the science of cellular senescence and how selectively eliminating these cells could revolutionize the treatment of age-related chronic diseases. He sheds light on the mechanisms behind senolytics and their promise for extending healthspan. The discussion also touches on the importance of lifestyle factors like diet and exercise in managing senescent cells.

    Dr. Kirkland also discusses geroscience, a research paradigm that seeks to understand the mechanisms of aging and how this knowledge can be used to slow the rate of aging, reverse its effects, delay or even cure age-related diseases, and extend healthspan. T Dr. Kirkland also covers the challenges and opportunities in translating these scientific discoveries into clinical applications, emphasizing the critical role of interdisciplinary efforts in advancing our understanding and management of aging.

    This is an enlightening episode with Dr. Kirkland on aging research and the opportunities to revolutionize healthcare by combating aging-related diseases and extending people’s health span and lifespan.


    Introduction: 00:00-03:49What led Dr. James Kirkland to become a physician-scientist and become interested in aging research?: 03:50-05:24What is geroscience, and what are fundamental aging processes?: 05:25-09:17What are the differences between targeting aging vs. the traditional medical system of waiting to treat illnesses or diseases after they occur?: 09:18-12:39What are gerotherapeutics, and what is their relevance for healthspan and lifespan?: 12:40-16:10What are senescent cells? What is the impact of senescent cells on the body and aging: 16:11-26:39What are senolytics? How do senolytics work to target senescent cells to remove them?: 26:40-35:05How Dr. James Krikland discovered senolytics such as fisetin, quercetin, and dasatinib? What clinical trials on the effects of senolytics in humans have been done? 36:06-40:47Discovering biomarkers for senescent cells: 40:48-42:37What are some important factors to consider on the effects of gerotherapeutics and senolytics on lifespan and healthspan in model organisms compared to humans?: 40:38-47:39The potential for geroscience and gerotherapeutics, such as senolytics, to transform healthcare. What is the importance and what are some challenges of conducting clinical trials on gerotherapeutics, such as senolytics, to improve healthspan in humans?: 47:40-56:15What is the Translational Geroscience Network, and what are its goals?: 56:16-01:02:01How might senolytics be used clinically in the future if proven safe and effective? What conditions might they benefit?: 01:02:02–01:05:57What are the effects of lifestyle, such as diet and exercise, on senescent cells?: 01:05:58-01:06:52What excites Dr. James Kirkland the most about the potential for extending people's healthspan and lifespan with therapies, drugs, or interventions in the coming years?: 01:06:53-01:07:41Dr. Kirkland’s top tip for health? 01:07:42-01:12:14
  • This episode of Longevity by Design discusses mental health and suicide risk and prevention. The following topics are discussed: depression, suicide, substance abuse, social isolation, among others also. This episode is intended to raise awareness of mental health issues and suicide risk and prevention. The topics discussed may be distressing or triggering for some individuals. Please proceed with caution if you continue to listen to this episode.

    Our mental health is vital for healthspan and lifespan, yet mental health and suicide remain difficult topics for many. In this enlightening episode of Longevity by Design, host Dr. Gil Blander welcomes Dr. Peter Franz to explore the profound connection between aging, mental health, and suicide. Dr. Franz, an expert in mental health and suicide risk and prevention, shares insights on the prevalence of mental health issues and their impact on our lifespan and healthspan. Through an engaging discussion, they shed light on the critical need for understanding and addressing mental health to live longer, healthier lives.

    The conversation dives into the statistics on mental health and suicide, highlighting how these issues are more common and impactful than many may realize. Dr. Franz emphasizes the importance of raising awareness on these issues, accessible resources and interventions, and the role of social support in combating isolation—a significant factor in mental health deterioration and increased suicide risk. He also discusses other major risk factors for mental health and suicide risk, including the effect of age. The discussion also addresses barriers to seeking mental health care and the stigmatization surrounding these topics.

    Dr. Franz offers practical advice on mental health and suicide prevention, stressing the importance of social support and seeking professional help when needed. He advocates for a holistic approach to health, including social connections and engagement, and the significance of the inextricable link between our mental health and physical health. This episode not only educates on the links between aging, mental health, and suicide risk and prevention but also encourages listeners to take proactive steps toward mental wellness, underscoring the message that taking care of one's mental health is essential for living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

  • Can we find ways to target human aging and extend healthspan? This ambitious premise is at the heart of XPRIZE Healthspan, a 7-year, $101 million global competition with an audacious challenge: to successfully develop a proactive, accessible therapeutic that restores muscle, cognitive, and immune function by a minimum of 10 years, with a goal of 20 years, in persons aged 65-80 years, in one year or less.

    In this episode of Longevity by Design, hosts Ashley Reaver and Dr. Gil Blander spoke with Dr. Jamie Justice, Executive Vice President of the Health Domain at XPRIZE, and Executive Director of XPRIZE Healthspan. The conversation sheds light on the emerging scientific evidence and paradigm-shifting concept for therapeutic interventions to extend healthspan and lifespan by targeting aging, rather than one age-related disease at a time. Dr. Justice also discusses her career journey and the XPRIZE Healthspan competition, in which she is leading international networks to drive innovative solutions to improve human health and aging that is affordable and accessible to all.

    The conversation also explores the intersection of art and science in Dr. Justice's work. She emphasizes the role of creativity in scientific discovery, suggesting that a holistic approach is essential for groundbreaking achievements in aging research. The episode wraps up with Dr. Justice emphasizing a holistic approach for good health. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in aging and healthspan and the innovative work being done by XPRIZE.

    Episode timestamps

    Introduction: 00:00-02:08What led Dr. Jamie Justice to become a scientist?: 02:09-06:55How did Dr. Jamie Justice get interested in aging, healthspan, and longevity research?: 06:56-13:14What kind of research did Dr. Jamie Justice do before becoming the EVP of the Health Domain at XPRIZE Foundation?: 13:15-26:09What is XPRIZE?: What is the mission of XPRIZE? Why did Dr. Jamie Justice join XPRIZE?: 26:10-35:36What is XPRIZE Healthspan?: 35:37-45:46How is XPRIZE uniquely positioned to advance and facilitate innovative solutions to improve human health and aging?: 45:47-49:54What are the phases of XPRIZE Healthspan?: 49:55-56:05Who can apply to be in the XPRIZE Healthspan competition?: 56:06-58:54What kind of trial designs does the XPRIZE Healthspan competition allow?: 58:55-01:02:38How is the winner of XPRIZE Healthspan decided?: 01:02:39-01:04:57Dr. Jamie Jusice’s top tip for improving health: 01:04:58-01:07:46
  • Aging is inevitable, but can we influence how we age? In this episode of Longevity by Design, hosts Dr. Gil Blander and Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD, interview Dr. Nir Barzilai—the Director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Human Aging Research and of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging—during which he discusses groundbreaking research on aging.

    This is an enlightening discussion with Dr. Barzilai on factors influencing healthspan and lifespan, and the paradigm-shifting idea of targeting aging to extend healthspan and lifespan. He shares fascinating insights from his research on the influence of genetics and lifestyle on healthspan and lifespan, and blood biomarkers of aging. The conversation sheds light on the emerging scientific evidence and paradigm-shifting concept for medical interventions (gerotherapeutics) to extend healthspan and lifespan by targeting the underlying biology of aging.

    The episode wraps up with actionable insights for listeners interested in enhancing their healthspan and longevity. Dr. Barzilai discusses the importance of personalized health strategies, integrating cutting-edge research with everyday health practices while emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach. As a listener, you will leave equipped with knowledge and science-backed ways to navigate your personal health journey and help you live healthier longer.


    Introduction: 00:00-04:13Why Dr. Barzilai’s studies centenarians and their children?: 04:14-10:07 Do centenarians live longer with poor health or live healthier longer? 10:08-13:07Does becoming a centenarian have a strong genetic influence?: 13:08-15:41How do growth hormone and IGF-1 affect healthspan and lifespan?: 15:32-23:39What other genes affect healthspan and lifespan?: 23:40- 26:51Does low IGF-1 negatively impact muscle and physical functioning?: 26:52-28:40What are the effects of ethnicity and socioeconomic status on longevity: 28:41-30:57What is the effect of lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise on the longevity of centenarians?: 30:58-34:07Do women or men live longer?: 34:08-37:55Why do women live longer than men?: 37:56-41:38Biomarkers of aging and biomarkers of organ aging: 41:39-47:07What is metformin, and what is the purpose of the TAME trial?: 47:08-51:37Do you think metformin will improve healthspan and lifespan?: 51:38-54:20Does metformin only improve blood glucose control, or does it benefit health and aging in other ways? 54:21-56:50Is metformin good for older adults but not young adults?: 56:51-57:45How does the combination of metformin and exercise impact muscle size (hypertrophy) and strength?: 57:46-01:00:45Should everyone take metformin?: 01:00:46-01:03:13Dr. Gil Blander’s and Dr. Nir Barzilai’s personal humorous anecdotes on exercise: 01:03:14-01:04:32Is there a reason and explanation for why metformin did not show an effect on lifespan in mice in the Interventions Testing Program (ITP)?: 01:04:33-01:07:01Are GLP-1 agonists beneficial for healthspan and lifespan?: 01:07:02-01:10:55Are there tradeoffs with using GLP-1 agonists?: 01:10:56-01:11:43What are the top 5 gerotherapeutic candidates for improving healthspan and lifespan?: 01:11:44-01:15:10Dr. Nir Barzilai’s top tip for improving health: 01:15:11-01:19:29
  • In this episode of Longevity by Design, Dr. Gil Blander and Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD, sit down with Dr. Bartek Nogal from InsideTracker to explore the cutting-edge intersections of exercise, genetics, blood biomarkers, health optimization, and longevity. Dr. Bartek Nogal, with a strong background in biological engineering and genomics, dives into how personalized health data can shape our understanding of aging and wellness. He discusses InsideTracker's new innovative approach to using DNA analysis for tailoring health interventions, emphasizing the importance of actionable guidance for optimizing blood biomarkers and extending healthspan and longevity.

    Dr. Bartek Nogal shares compelling insights into the latest findings from InsideTracker's peer-reviewed published study on the effect of running on blood biomarkers and metabolic health, along with the influence of genetics—highlighting the power of exercise combined with the added value genetics provide for even greater personal health optimization. Dr. Nogal also discusses InsideTracker’s new innovative DNA healthspan report and the enhanced information and deeper insights it provides.

    The conversation is a deep dive into how technology bridges the gap between scientific research and everyday health practices, offering listeners a roadmap to a longer, healthier life. Listeners will leave with a clear understanding of the power of exercise on blood biomarkers and genomics for personal health and practical tips for leveraging their genetic information to make even better-informed lifestyle choices. This episode is a testament to the evolving landscape of health and science, where the fusion of data, technology, and personalized insights paves the way for a future of optimized health and longevity.

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: 00:00-02:32What led Dr. Bartek Nogal to become a scientist: 02:33-03:27Dr. Bartek Nogal’s career at InsideTracker: 03:28-04:02InsideTracker’s peer-reviewed study: Dose response of running on blood biomarkers of wellness in generally healthy individuals (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37967046/): 04:03-06:46What is principal component analysis (PCA), and what were the findings using PCA: 06:47-07:56What is the effect of running blood biomarkers? What is the effect of the amount of running on blood biomarkers?: 07:57-09:27What was the effect of running on BMI (body mass index): 09:28-10:44What is Mendelian randomization, and what is the relationship of genetics with exercise and blood biomarkers? : 10:45-12:40What is the influence of genes on the relationship between exercise and diet: 12:41-13:33What are the strengths of Mendelian randomization for understanding the influence of genetics: 13:34-17:05What were the key findings from InsideTracker’s study on the effect of running on blood biomarkers 17:06-18:56What is InsideTracker’s new DNA report? What was the motivation for developing this new DNA healthspan report: 18:57-20:31What additional information and insights does InsideTracker’s new DNA report and scores provide: 20:32-28:41How much do genes or lifestyle influence blood biomarkers and risk of developing diseases: 28:42-32:24How to use InsideTracker’s new DNA and healthspan scores to optimize blood biomarkers and health: 32:25-34:28What is the future of genetics research: 34:29-36:36What is the future of genetic testing at InsideTracker: 36
  • Did you know that your oral health has a profound impact on healthspan and longevity?

    Do you want to learn about the connections between oral health, healthspan, and longevity and what you can do to improve your oral health to help you live longer and add more healthy years to your life?

    This episode of Longevity by Design is an Ask Me Anything (AMA) between Dr. Gil Blander and Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD, where they dive into the often-overlooked importance of oral health for healthspan and longevity. They gathered and answered questions asked by the Longevity by Design audience, with the scientific evidence indicating that oral health is not just about a nice smile but also has a startling link with healthspan and longevity.

    Dr. Gil Blander and Ashley Reaver begin by defining what oral health and oral frailty are. They discuss that good oral health is an essential aspect of overall health and well-being, whereas poor oral health can lead to various dental and health problems. They then answer questions on the oral microbiome and what you should know about it. They also answer questions on how oral health is connected to the health of the rest of the body, healthspan, and longevity–with an emphasis on mortality, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

    Importantly, Dr. Blander and Ashley answer questions backed by science on what you can do to improve your oral health. They conclude by addressing questions on the influence of nutrition on oral health and the not-so-obvious but intriguing evidence on the link between oral health and physical fitness and function.

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: 00:00-01:44What is the reason for choosing the topic of oral health, healthspan, and longevity: 01:44-03:11What is oral health: 03:12-04:23How is oral health connected to healthspan and longevity: 04:24-09:01What is oral frailty: 09:02-10:04What is the oral microbiome and what is known about the oral microbiome: 10:05-14:59What is the relationship between oral health and cognitive health: 15:00-19:36What is the relationship between oral health and cardiovascular diseases: 19:37-23:43What is the relationship between oral health and diabetes: 23:44-28:01Preventing versus treating diseases: 28:02-30:54How to improve oral health: 30:55-31:42When should I brush my teeth in the morning, before or after breakfast: 31:43-33:51How long should I brush my teeth? How do I know if I am brushing them correctly and for the right amount of time: 33:52-35:38Should I use toothpaste with fluoride in it: 35:38-36:15How often should I floss? What is a water flosser, and is it beneficial: 36:16-38:15Should I use a mouthwash: 38:15-42:27What is the influence of nutrition on oral health: 42:28-48:35Is there a connection between oral health and physical fitness and physical function: 48:36-51:14Summary: 51:15-55:42
  • In this insightful episode of Longevity by Design, hosts Dr. Gil Blander and Ashley Reaver welcome Dr. Tony Wyss-Coray, a distinguished expert in neurology and brain aging. Dr. Wyss-Coray shares his journey from a childhood fascination with nature to becoming a leading figure in neuroscience and immunology. His initial interest in farming evolved into a passion for understanding the complexities of the human brain, particularly in the context of aging and neurodegenerative diseases.

    Dr. Wyss-Coray discusses his groundbreaking research on Alzheimer's disease and the aging brain. He dives into the intriguing discovery that factors in young blood can rejuvenate older brains, offering potential pathways for treating age-related cognitive decline. This revelation has significant implications for understanding and potentially mitigating the effects of aging on the brain.

    The episode also explores Dr. Wyss-Coray's transition from Switzerland to the U.S., highlighting the cultural and scientific opportunities that influenced his career. His journey underscores the importance of interdisciplinary research and collaboration in advancing our understanding of complex medical challenges like Alzheimer's disease. This conversation provides a fascinating glimpse into the intersection of immunology, neurology, and the quest to unlock the secrets of longevity.

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: 0:00-2:12Why Dr. Tony Wyss-Coray became a scientist: 02:13-03:35Dr. Tony Wyss-Coray’s career journey studying immunology, neuroscience, and aging: 03:36-07:02Dr. Tony Wyss-Coray’s personal story on why he decided to stay in the US: 07:03-11:20Dr. Tony Wyss-Coray’s story on becoming the founder of three biotech companies and what they do: 11:21-15:12Introduction to Dr. Wyss-Coray’s research on proteomics and organ-specific aging: 15:13-15:52What is proteomics: 15:53-16:39What are the SomaLogic and Olink technologies for measuring proteins: 16:40-19:37What are the links between blood-based proteins, organ-specific biological aging, and chronic disease risk: 19:38-28:35Is aging a disease: 28:36-31:01The three waves of aging based on proteomic analysis: 31:02-37:29Are changes in blood proteins the cause or effect of aging: 37:30-43:46What are the effects of parabiosis and blood transfusion on gene expression and aging: 43:47-50:58The future of blood transfusions and synthetic drugs for improving healthspan and preventing neurodegenerative diseases: 50:59-55:07Are the effects of parabiosis or blood transfusions short-term, mid-term, or long-term: 55:08-59:17Proteomics for understanding organ aging, identifying potential drug targets, and young blood transfusions for rejuvenation: 59:18-01:01:58Biological aging of organs: 01:01:59-01:10:29What are the effects of fat tissue or obesity on metabolic health and mortality: 01:10:30-01:12:06What is the effect of accelerated brain aging on cognition and neurodegeneration: 01:12:17-01:15:52What can people do themselves to identify if they have accelerated brain aging: 01:15:53-01:18:27Sleep improves blood biomarkers: 01:18:28-01:19:09Top tip for healthspan: 01:19:10-01:21:44
  • How can you increase NAD+ levels? And do higher NAD+ levels really lead to better metabolic health? What does the research say on their benefits for longevity? These topics and more are discussed in the latest episode of Longevity by Design with Dr. Joe Baur.

    Dr. Baur, Professor at the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, has made key contributions to the understanding of how metabolism and dietary factors influence longevity, for example, resveratrol’s effect on insulin sensitivity. His lab looks at small molecules like NAD+ to understand how they can mimic the health-promoting effects of caloric restriction in rodents.

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

    Episode highlights

    8:08-10:13: What are the Potential Benefits of Resveratrol Supplements? 17:36-19:53: How Does NAD Affect Metabolism?22:49-25:13: Do NAD+ levels decline with age? 25:14- 31:27: How to Combat Declining NAD Levels as You Age 43:54- 49:12: How do NAD Analogs Affect Target Tissues? 50:11-51:06: What are the potential health benefits of taking NMN? 54:17- 1:04:21: Safety, Dosage, and Benefits of NMN + NR Supplements 1:04:22-1:04:31: Should you take NMN supplements?
  • This episode of Longevity by Design features an interview with Dr. Eric Verdin—the CEO of The Buck Institute. The Buck Institute was the first center dedicated to aging research, and many discoveries within the aging field have come out of this research center.

    For this episode, Dr. Verdin, Dr. Blander, and Ashely Reaver sat down in person to discuss the latest updates in longevity research. Dr. Verdin shares his opinion on questions like “is aging a disease?” and “is there a maximum lifespan that humans will never surpass?” Dr. Verdin also discusses updates on the future of anti-aging drugs, including senolytics and metformin.

    To close the episode, Dr. Verdin gives life advice for what 5 things we can do on a regular basis to improve our health span.

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: (0:00–2:40) About the Buck Institute (2:40–8:00)Biological aging clocks (8:00–14:31)Public opinion and funding aging research (14:31–16:38) Is aging a disease? (16:38–19:35) Future of anti-aging drugs (19:35–25:25) Senescence and senolytics (25:25–29:42) The hallmarks of aging are interconnected (29:42–36:48) How medicine and public policy has improved life expectancy (36:48–40:50) How much of longevity is due to genetics? (40:50–44:52) Geographic location impacts life expectancy (44:52–51:08) Is there a maximum lifespan for humans? (51:08–56:40) Healthspan vs lifespan (56:40–60:04) The most important interventions to improve healthspan (60:04–1:06:04)
  • Dr. Nick Burd, PhD, is a skeletal muscle physiologist with an expertise in protein metabolism and exercise. In this episode, Dr. Burd discusses the importance of maintaining muscle mass as we age, expressing that “strong is the new healthy.”

    While adequate protein intake is an important aspect of gaining muscle and maintaining healthspan, many people in the US actually over consume protein. In this discussion, Dr. Burd talks about how much protein we truly need, whether or not there is an optimal time to consume protein after exercise, and how to best distribute protein intake throughout the day. He explains why consuming protein from food sources rather than as a powder may be better for muscle growth, and shares why protein is critical for endurance athletes.

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: (0:00–1:50) Why Dr. Burd became a scientist (1:50–4:00)The three types of muscle (4:00–5:00) How much of our muscle mass is skeletal muscle? (5:00–5:40)How obesity impacts muscle mass (5:40–8:16)What is a DEXA scan (8:16–10:30) Benefits of exercise on skeletal muscle (10:30–14:00) Sedentary behavior is detrimental to muscle tissue (14:00–19:00)“Strong is the new healthy” (19:00–20:00)Skeletal muscle and metabolic health (20:00–22:00)Many people over consume protein (22:00–26:50)Is there an optimal time to consume protein after exercise? (26:50–31:30) Protein powders vs. whole food sources of protein (31:30–35:50) Distribution of protein throughout the day (33:50–45:34)Why protein is important for endurance athletes (45:34–51:20) Protein needs for different ages, ethnicities, and gender (51:20–55:20)Resistance training in post menopausal women (55:20–1:01:00)Top tip for healthspan (1:01:00–end)

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

  • In this episode of Longevity By Design, Dr. Gil Blander and Ashley Reaver interview Dr. Sara Gottfried. Dr. Gottfried received her MD from Harvard Medical School and completed residency at UCSF, however she is more likely to prescribe a continuous glucose monitor and personalized nutrition plan to her patients than the latest pharmaceutical.

    This episode is a must listen for anyone trying to optimize their wellness plan. Dr. Gottfried discusses all the data she tracks and how that helps her practice precision medicine. This conversation also sheds light on how birth control pills impact women's health, how erectile dysfunction is an early warning sign for atherosclerosis, and gives advice for women seeking hormone replacement therapy.

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: (0:00–1:00) Dr. Gottfried’s motivation for becoming a physician: (1:00–4:30)Dr. Gottfried’s fascination with performance and healthspan: (4:30–5:30)How do we define “hormone balance”: (5:30–7:10)Is hormone balance more common in men or women? (7:10–9:30)Understanding heart disease trends in women: (9:30–12:07Why women should track their body composition over time: (12:07–16:23) Testosterone is the most abundant hormone in the female body: (16:23–19:19)Chronic stress can accelerate testosterone decline in women (19:19–20:20)How the birth control pill impacts women: (20:20–26:58) Cortisol is one of the most important hormones in the body: (26:58–32:50)Dr. Gottfried’s recommendation for lowering cortisol?: (32:50–37:30)Insulin and avoiding diabetes: (37:30–38:45)Tracking your metrics over time (time-series): (38:45–40:30) DEXA scans and tracking body composition: (40:30–42:30)Cortisol in professional athletes: (42:30–45:43) The female athlete triad: (45:43–49:45) Understanding your health goals: (49:45–51:50)The importance of sleep: (51:50–59:11) Behavioral science: (59:11–1:03:10) Keto diets and the mediterranean diet: (1:03:10–1:07:30) Hormone replacement therapy: (1:07:30–1:15:35) Erectile dysfunction: (1:15:35–1:19:00) Dr. Gottfried’s top tip for healthspan: (1:19:00–1:21:33)

    Check out all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

  • Did you know that blood cholesterol levels are influenced by far more than just the foods we eat?

    Are you eager to know how to assess healthspan using your own body's data?

    This episode of Longevity by Design is an Ask Me Anything between Dr. Gil Blander and Ashley Reaver. We gathered frequently asked questions from the Longevity by Design audience and discussed topics fundamental to longevity.

    Ashley Reaver begins the conversation with a deep dive into cholesterol—including the relationship between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol, the two most impactful nutrients on our blood cholesterol levels, how to navigate a family history of high cholesterol, and much more.

    Dr. Blander then answers questions about health metrics, explaining why VO2max is one of the best markers to assess heart health. He also discusses other markers of healthspan, the value of quality sleep, and the latest science on NAD+ precursors, including NMR and NM.


    Introduction: (0:00–2:22) The relationship between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol: (2:22–3:34) Eggs and cholesterol: (3:34–3:50)Absorbing dietary cholesterol: (3:50–4:10)About 20% of dietary cholesterol influences blood cholesterol: (4:10–5:40)Why you should test your cholesterol every 3 months: (5:40–7:54) Which cholesterol markers you should test: (7:54–9:20) Holding yourself accountable to your health: (9:20–12:03) Navigating a family history of high cholesterol: (12:03–14:08)The two most important nutrients that impact blood cholesterol: (14:08–15:03) Focusing on the aspects of your health that you can control: (15:03–17:40) Saturated fat contributes to elevated cholesterol: (17:40–20:37) Soluble fiber helps lower ApoB: (20:37–23:30) Insoluble fiber: (22:30–25:00) Fiber supplements: (25:00–27:00) Common myths about cholesterol: (27:00–31:54) VO2max is the best physiomarker of cardiovascular health: (31:54–36:00)VO2max declines with age: (36:00–37:40) Sex differences in VO2max: (37:40–39:10)VO2max correlates with other physiomarkers of health: (39:10–42:00)VO2max is correlated with biomarkers of metabolic health: (42:00–46:10)How to improve VO2max: (46:10–48:40) Sleep and VO2max: (48:40–50:00)The importance of adequate sleep for healthspan: (50:00–51:50)Grip strength is correlated with longevity: (51:50–58:10) Using your body's data to assess your health: (58:10–1:04:30) Weight loss strategies and GLP-1 agonists: (1:04:30–1:08:06) Intermittent fasting: (1:08:06–1:09:30) Ashley Reaver’s tips for weight maintenance: (1:09:30–1:15:10) NMN vs NR: which is the best NAD+ precursor: (1:15:10–1:18:17) The scientific rigor behind InsideTracker recommendations: (1:18:17–1:22:15) Top tip for healthspan: (1:22:15–end)

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

  • In this episode of Longevity By Design, Dr. Gil Blander interviews Dr. Bartek Nogal about genetic predispositions to conditions of aging. This episode goes deep into explaining how to improve your healthspan using DNA insights. Dr. Blander and Dr. Nogal talk about bone mineral density, epigenetic age acceleration, cognitive decline, risk of elevated ApoB, grip strength, and more. Knowing your genetic predispositions to certain traits can help you fine tune your wellness plan, and Dr. Nogel and Dr. Blander explain how to do so in this episode.

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: (0:00–3:40) What led Dr. Nogel to become a scientist (3:40–5:32)Moving from academia to InsideTracker (5:32–7:28) What is DNA? (7:28–9:12) How similar is DNA across animal species? (9:12–10:05) Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) (10:05–14:10)How polygenic scores are calculated (14:10–17:25) Defining heritability (17:25–22:53) ApoB is highly heritable (22:53–24:24) Why you should measure blood and DNA together (24:24–31:50) Science behind the new polygenic scores added to InsideTracker (31:50–38:20)How many SNPs are in the ApoB score? (38:20–41:20)Visceral fat (41:20–45:07) Age related muscle weakness (45:07–49:10) Bone mineral density (49:10–51:45) Chronotype—genetic predisposition to morningness (51:45–55:37)Lifespan DNA score (55:37–60:10) Epigenetic age acceleration (60:10–1:06:40)Cognitive aging (1:06:40–1:08:20)Age at menopause (1:08:20–1:10:40)Top tip for healthspan: (1:10:40–end)

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity by Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

  • Did you know an estimated 6.7 million Americans aged 65 and older are living with Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, contributing to 60–70% of dementia cases. Being that aging is the primary risk factor for developing dementia, the Longevity By Design team has been eager to discuss dementia on the show.

    In this episode, Dr. Blander and Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD interview Dr. Joseph Maroon. Dr. Maroon is a professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and longtime team neurosurgeon to the Pittsburgh Steelers.

    Dr. Maroon shares a ton of interesting science related to Alzheimer's disease. He discusses findings from his recently published research on how oxidative stress is a primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease. He explains why sleep can help prevent Alzheimer’s, and gives other lifestyle advice for how to promote brain health as we age.

    Dr. Maroon also talks about his experience in the NFL, how concussions impact the brain, new concussion-detection technology, why VO2max is a great biomarker of fitness, and how triathlons saved his life.

    Episode timestamps:

    Introduction: (0:00–2:50)Why Dr. Maroon became a physician: (2:50–6:20)Most common diseases seen by a neurosurgeon: (6:20-7:38)Most common neurological conditions associated with aging: (7:38-10:40)Lifestyle interventions to decrease oxidative stress: (10:40-12:13)Cigarettes and marijuana impact brain connectivity: (12:13–16:00)What is a concussion?: (16:00–19:00)NFL guidelines for concussions: (19:00–22:04) Dangers of returning to play too soon after a head injury: (22:04–23:30)Do football players age faster than the general public?: (23:30–29:16) New technology for detecting concussions in athletes: (29:16–32:10) Neuroprotective supplements: (32:10–34:00) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for severe concussion treatment: (34:00–38:50)“Triathlons saved my life”: (38:50–45:55)Free radicals and exercise: (45:55–48:40)What happens to the brain when we sleep: (48:40–50:52) The ketogenic diet and cancer: (50:52–58:00)VO2 max and aging: (58:00–1:04:10)VO2 max is correlated with other biomarkers of health: (1:04:10–1:10:47)Top tip for healthspan: (1:10:48–end)

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity By Design at: https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

  • GLP-1 agonist medications have been a popular topic of discussion recently. While this weight loss drug was designed for obesity, GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic have made their way into Hollywood. This has people questioning their safety and possible health risks, especially in the long run. Are GLP-1 agonists a quick fix for weight loss or a lifetime prescription? Who should be prescribed this medication, and what are the possible side effects?

    This Longevity by Design episode features an interview with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky—An obesity and lipid specialist physician. Dr. Nadolsky explains how GLP-1 medications cause weight loss, answers questions about safety concerns, and discusses interesting patient stories about how people react to this medication. Dr. Nadolsky has a lot of patient experience with GLP-1 agonist drugs and is very knowledgeable about their current use and future potential.


    Introduction: (0:00–2:00)Why Dr. Nadolsky became a physician: (2:00–4:13) What is cardiometabolic medicine?: (4:13–5:17)What is a “healthy” metabolism?: (5:17–7:37)How does diet impact glucose regulation: (7:37–10:20)Why has insulin resistance increased in the past decade?: (10:20–11:45)Ethnicity impacts BMI cutoffs: (11:45–12:57)Is obesity a choice?: (12:57–17:40) How socioeconomic status impacts obesity: (17:40–21:30)What's better: A BMI score or a DEXA scan?: (21:30–25:33)How strength training improves healthspan: (25:33–32:32) What a fasting insulin blood test tells you: (32:32–36:58)Health risks of insulin resistance: (35:15–38:08)How insulin resistance can increase ApoB: (38:08–39:25)How does ApoB predict heart disease risk?: (39:25–42:50)Why isn't ApoB included in typical lipid panels?: (42:50–44:25)Behavioral science and clinical practice: (44:25–50:06)How do GLP-1 agonists cause weight loss? (50:06–56:03)Negative side effects of GLP-1 medications: (56:03–57:36)Price of GLP-1s: (57:36–58:53)GLP-1: A short term quick fix or a lifetime prescription?: (58:53–1:02:19)Biggest health myths on social media: (1:02:19–1:08:45)Top tip for healthspan: (1:08:45–end)

    Longevity By Design is produced by InsideTracker. InsideTracker provides a personalized health analysis and data-driven wellness guide to help you add years to your life—and life to your years. Choose a plan that best fits your needs to get your comprehensive biomarker analysis, customized action plan, and customer-exclusive healthspan resources.

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity By Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

  • In this episode of Longevity By Design, Dr. Blander sits down with Dr. Mitch Roslin to discuss insulin resistance. Insulin resistance has been top of mind for Dr. Blander recently, and this conversation offers new insights into how we can prevent insulin resistance through diet and lifestyle. Dr. Roslin parses out the different factors that cause insulin resistance, explaining that some are within our control (diet and lifestyle) while others are not (age and genetics). Dr. Roslin also talks about his clinical experience as a bariatric surgeon, sharing insights on how to manage weight and prevent obesity. He gives his expertise on how to eat optimally for metabolic health and answers questions about the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting.

    Episode highlights:

    Introduction: (0:00–2:45)Insulin’s most important role in the body: (2:46–5:35)What does it mean to be insulin resistant?: (5:35–7:15)What causes insulin resistance?: (7:15–9:00)Fasting insulin is an early warning sign for disease: (9:00–11:45)Dr. Roslin’s clinical experience with obesity: (11:45–14:25) Body fat is not a bad thing: (14:25–16:55)Insulin levels impact where fat is stored in the body: (16:55–19:35)How can we prevent insulin resistance?: (19:35–21:35)Dr. Roslin’s thoughts on the ideal diet: (21:35–22:35)Benefits of going for a walk after you eat: (22:35-23:55)Diet vs. exercise for weight loss: (23:55–26:45)Does the keto diet prevent insulin resistance? : (26:45–28:45)Time-restricted eating for weight management: (28:45–33:15)Psychology of obesity: (33:15–39:40) Does insulin resistance make it harder to lose weight? (39:40–41:43)What form of exercise is best to prevent insulin resistance? (41:43–46:05) How do we objectively identify insulin resistance?: (46:05–48:30)PCOS: (48:30–50:45)Defining “healthy”: (50:45–52:45)Wrap-up: (52:45-end)

    Longevity By Design is produced by InsideTracker. InsideTracker provides a personal health analysis and data-driven wellness guide to help you add years to your life—and life to your years. Choose a plan that best fits your needs to get your comprehensive biomarker analysis, customized Action Plan, and customer-exclusive healthspan resources.

    Listen to all episodes of Longevity By Design at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment in which patients breathe pure oxygen at higher than normal atmospheric pressure. This increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in body tissues, enabling tissue rejuvenation and accelerated recovery. Historically, HBOT has been used for chronic wounds like diabetic foot ulcers, radiation injuries, and non-healing surgical wounds.

    However, the research on HBOT is evolving and has recently suggested its use can have regenerative effects on the brain. At the forefront of this research is the Sagol Center in Israel, where scientists have shown that HBOT can also induce brain tissue regeneration and neuroplasticity, even years after brain injuries. These findings are expanding HBOT’s potential therapeutic uses for conditions like cognitive decline, traumatic brain injuries, stroke recovery, chronic pain, and other medical conditions.

    This episode of Longevity by Design features an exclusive interview with the founder and director of the Sagol Center, Dr. Shai Efrati. Dr. Efrati explains the science behind HBOT and how this treatment improves cognition. He details how oxygen fluctuations trigger the body's regenerative processes within the brain. He also underscores the importance of precision and exactness in using medical-grade equipment for this treatment, cautioning against the use of at-home hyperbaric oxygen therapies.


    Dr. Shai’s background (00:00-15:28)How exercise promotes angiogenesis (15:30-18:40)Commercialization of Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) (18:40–24:40) Health benefits of HBOT (24:40–31:31)Optimal HBOT protocol for improved cognition (31:32–37:22)Is HBOT beneficial for younger populations? (37:22–45:00)Can HBOT benefit individuals with impaired brain function? (45:01–50:40)Alzheimer's disease: Phenotypes and treatment (50:41–58:10)Top tip for brain health (58:10–end)

    Stay up to date at https://info.insidetracker.com/longevitybydesign