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I Danmarks Første Champagnepodcast tager vi dig med på et eventyr - en oplevelsesrejse ud i alverdens kroge af hele Champagne-distriktet. Du vil få et helt særligt indblik i vores personlige og unikke oplevelser, alt imens du samtidig bliver meget klogere på den eksklusive drik, der i mange århundreder har været både yderst prestigefuld og særlig.
Ord om Øl er et fælles podcast-projekt fra Niels Kristian Skjærbæk, der står bag bloggen A Word on Beers og Anders Ousen fra bloggen Ousen om Øl, hvor vi siger en masse ord om øl. I får altid vores ærlige og umiddelbare mening om det øl vi smager og de emner vi tager op.
Podcasten som hjælper dig med finde din personlige smag inden for vin og samtidig gør dig klogere på de dejlige dråber. Rigtig god lyttelyst!
Vært: Jonas Landin
Ekspert: René Langdahl
Der kan forekomme sponseret indhold i afsnittene.
Køb bogen her https://vinforbegyndere.com/
Besøg os på Facebook og Instagram, hvor man kan vinde vin og se billeder og andet godt.
Web: https://www.radioteket.dk/
Kontakt: [email protected] -
af Thomas Rode Andersen
Velkommen til mit hobby journalistiske projekt “Kok & Kok imellem”.
Jeg er Thomas Rode Andersen, tidligere Køkkenchef på legendariske Restaurant Kong Hans Kælder i Kbh og medstifter af https://www.rigtigmad.dk/
“Kok og Kok imellem” startede imens jeg var i karantæne under den første lockdown som ren "Corona Radio" hvor jeg talte med gode gamle kolleger om alt mellem himmel og jord over en telefonforbindelse.
Her i de efterfølgende sæsoner går jeg lidt grundigere til værks og inviterer de snakkelystne kokke hjem ind i Podamok studiet og optager podcasten med det bedste tekniske set-up på lydsiden, med et kamera snurrende under seancen og dygtige mennesker i kulissen til at sikre at din oplevelse af mine snakke med nogle af landets bedste kokke bliver en klokkeklar fornøjelse. Hør med når jeg og mine gæster snakker om ting, oplevelser og begivenheder som sjældent kommer frem når vi kokke giver interviews med rigtige journalister.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Blindsmagerne er til dig, der interesserer sig for vin. Det kan både være for nybegynderne og nørderne. Vi tilstræber en ukrukket og nysgerrig tilgang, hvor vin tages for det, det er: nydelse frem for alt!
Dine værter er Henrik Lehm og Philip Nordstrand Nielsen.
Hvis du kan lide hvad du hører, og vil deltage i konkurrencer om vinpræmier, kan du støtte os via dette link: https://blindsmagerne.10er.dk/ -
The official podcast of The Last of Us - critically-acclaimed winner of over 200 Game of The Year Awards - offers an immersive experience that blends dynamic conversations and the cinematic storytelling that changed gaming forever. Featuring writer and creative director Neil Druckmann, Part II co-writer Halley Gross, stars Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey as well as other talents and visionaries who brought the games to life, The Official The Last of Us Podcast will take listeners through the groundbreaking journey of Part I and the making of the highly-anticipated Part II.ESRB RATING: Mature 17+ with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
Brian house talks all about making a business out of making things. Occasional guests and lots of advice.
Welcome to Mastering the Knits with Natalie and Alicia, inspiring each other to go outside our comfort zones to master our crafts. Our goal is to connect, inspire, and encourage each other as we take on the Master Knitter Program. We also want to build a community and connect with other fiber artists and those taking the Master Knitter journey!
Jennifer Rosbrugh hosts discussions on fabrics, patterns, techniques, special guest interviews, and sewing motivation to help you in your historical costuming journey and inspiring joy in your creative life.
Two northern craft beer lovers exploring the ins and outs of the industry, with slight profanity throughout.
Food for Thought is THE resource for living compassionately and healthfully. Listen to insightful, common sense perspectives about food, animals, cooking, eating, health, language, politics, zero waste living, literature, film, advocacy, and so much more from the Joyful Vegan herself, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.
Fotopodcast med nyheder, inspiration og diskussioner om alt fotografisk
The Wine Enthusiast Podcast takes you on a tantalizing trip into the world of wine, beer and spirits. Drink up engaging, behind-the-scenes stories reported and recorded by Wine Enthusiast’s editors. In each episode, we explore emerging trends, provide educational tidbits, and introduce you to the passionate people who craft, shake, ferment, and pour their beverage of choice. Inside every bottle is a story.
Five games for Doomsday is a show in which people are thrust into a cabin in the woods but can only take five of their games with them. Which will they choose?
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/five-games-for-doomsday--5631121/support. -
Laura is a news editor who works the night shift. Join her as she burns the midnight oil to sneak in some stitches. Show notes can be found at www.theknitshift.com.
In addition to long form narratives like Godsfall and The Dungeon Rats, RPGs are amazing at creating limited-run podcasts. This is the central idea behind Neon Rival Presents. Starting with Tomb of Annihilation, we will continue to explore various stories across multiple universes.
Firefly Podcast: Balls and Bayonets Brigade is a realplay podcast in the Firefly 'verse using the Margaret Weis Productions Firefly RPG Cortex Plus system.
Velkommen til Kadaverland.
Dansk podcast med fokus på bøger, film, spil og tegneserier om zombier.
Anmeldelser, anbefalinger, interviews, debat m.m.
Vært: Thomas Arnt -
An Appendix N literary podcast for players of the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. Reviewing classic fantasy and helping to bring it to life at the gaming table.