"Faith over Fear" can be one of those sayings that tends to get watered down by people with good intentions. What the Bible says about fear and how to defeat it is more than faith. We spend some time detangling Valentines and judging those of you who claim to hate it. But then we get down to a conversation about fear.
We hope to challenge you to be vulnerable first with God about what your fears are, then with your spouse. How we handle our mate's fears can greatly impact our intimacy with each other.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
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Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Thank you Amber for giving us the idea for this episode. The four of us sit down to discuss ways that we have had to purge in our lives because we did not recognize the need to keep pruning.
John 15:1 - “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit."
Philippians 3:12 - 114 "Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
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Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Пропущенные эпизоды?
This week we talked about a lot of things, as usual. But here are the sources for some of the specific things we mentioned.
"The Bible Recap" with Tara-Leigh Cobble. Go to this link to learn more. The Bible Recap
"The Power to Change" by Craig Groeschel. Go to this link to learn more. The Power to Change
Learn more about the movie "The Forge" The Forge Movie
The Quote from CS Lewis.
From a letter to an American woman, 31.7.62
I have a notion that, apart from actual pain, men and women are quite diversely afflicted by illness. To a woman one of the great evils about it is that she can't do things. To a man (or anyway a man like me) the great consolation is the reflection "well, anyway, no-one can now demand that I should do anything." I have often had the fancy that one stage in purgatory might be a great big kitchen in which things are always going wrong - milk boiling over, crockery getting smashed, toast burning, animals stealing. The women have to learn to sit still and mind their own business: the men have to learn to jump up and do something about it. When both sexes have mastered this exercise, they go on to the next.
A clarification written 03.09.62
[this] is simply my lifelong experience - that men are more likely to hand over to others what they ought to do themselves, and women more likely to do themselves what others wish they would leave alone. Hence both sexes must be told "mind your own business" but in two different senses.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
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Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Where are you discontent? What is the remedy to discontentment? Join us as we talk about finding contentment in your marriage and in your life this Holiday season. We will also talk about where Christmas Romance movies are accurate and inaccurate when it comes to real life love stories.We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and
the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in
Midland, TX -
Book: Swipe Right by Levi Lusko
Giving 50/50 adapted from Brene Brown
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
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Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
More about the miracle at Dunkirk:
More about Mental Load/Invisible Labor:
More about communicating Expectations:
Video from the ReEngage Curriculum by Watermark
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
When our priorities are out of order, we can see the results in all areas of our life. When we do not communicate priorities with our spouse, we can find ourselves at whits end in our marriage.
This week, we talk about the ways our priorities get out of alignment and how that affects us.
Scripture used this week:
Matthew 6:33
Ephesians 5:25
Proverbs 22:6
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We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Pride: Puts self first Humility: Puts Spouse first
Phil. 2:3-4 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Ecclesiastes 2:4-11
The Emptiness of Possessions4 I increased my achievements. I built houses and planted vineyards for myself. 5 I made gardensand parks for myself and planted every kind of fruit tree in them. 6 I constructed reservoirs for myself from which to irrigate a grove of flourishing trees. 7 I acquired male and female servants and had slaves who were born in my house. I also owned livestock—large herds and flocks—more than all who were before me in Jerusalem. 8 I also amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. I gathered male and female singers for myself, and many concubines, the delights of men. 9 So I became great and surpassed all who were before me in Jerusalem; my wisdom also remained with me. 10 All that my eyes desired, I did not deny them. I did not refuse myself any pleasure, for I took pleasure in all my struggles. This was my reward for all my struggles. 11 When I considered all that I had accomplished and what I had labored to achieve, I found everything to be futile and a pursuit of the wind. There was nothing to be gained under the sun.
Romans 12:3
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We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Are we tearing our spouse down? What does it look like to champion them? It is really hard to take a turn and choose to speak life into our spouse, but once you gain the courage, you will see God's blessing on your marriage.We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and
the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in
Midland, TX -
We hit it hard with this one. At the cost of offending others, we are to love. What does that look like. How does it affect our marriage when we love those who others deem unlovable? We dive in deep from the very beginning of season 4. SEASON 4?!?!?! How can that be?
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
We have taken a little hayatis this summer, but we drop in to share something on our hearts and catch up a little. Can you even ever really change your spouse? What if we said you are focusing on the wrong person? We hope this episode will challenge you to focus on Jesus and trust him with your spouse.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
This episode reveals a lot about the things we are all learning about and how God is growing us. There are lots of things that come along as a distraction or even wrench in the works. Kids, In-laws or midlife crisis. As we enter our mid to late 40's what are we turning to to make us feel like our lives mean something? I know we are all over the map on this one, but we have all grown so much over our years of pressing into our calling and it is cool to hear in this episode.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Shame is a nasty manipulator. Shame can destroy us, ruin our marriage and break apart our home. What a powerful episode this week! Share it with your friends! Share it on social media! Reach out to us if you would like to further the discussion about preventing and healing from shame.
Jump out of that shame cycle through Christ's forgiveness and live a truly free life!
EMDR= Eye Movement Desensitization and Reproccessing
1 Peter 1:5-8
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
The Fields and the Carters are never short on real life examples of what resolving conflict looks like. This week, we will share some powerful tools for communicating effectively and resolving conflict in a healthy way. Take lots of notes and share with your friends.
Reach out and share your thoughts or requests for new topics.
Instagram @marriage_unfiltered _podcast
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Do you talk about expectations? What are the ways expectations lead to arguments?
Expectations that go unmet
Expectations that are not voiced
Expectations That are unreasonable
It is amazing what a difference it makes just to have a conversation about expectations.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
Let's wrap up our talk about sex! We talk this week talking about how we fight for intimacy in our marriage. What is okay in marital sex?We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and
the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in
Midland, TX -
Have questions or comments? email us [email protected]
Check us out on Instagram. Marriage Unfiltered Podcast
To see photos of Lisa in her "Thug mode" or photos of Bryans hostage Tape check out our latest post on Instagram.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
We will dig into a couple questions from a romantic ice breaker card deck. Where did we learn about sex? What expectations for sex did we have going into marriage? As always, we get real and share what we have learned in this area.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
We will kick this episode off with some of what we do best…real! We planned on recording about sex and one of our couples came to the mics with a real-life conflict that needed a referee. Once we talked through that, we kicked off this month with some talk about sex and its design.
We hope you’ll join us for four straight weeks of intimacy in marriage. What the Church says, what society says, what the Bible says, what gets in the way and what makes it great. As always, we’re not experts…just sharing what we’ve learned along the way.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
We decided to spring board off of a comment Blake made on the last episode. What in your marriage are you viewing as something that is failing to make you happy, when really, it is designed to make you more holy?
This discussion went way into the weeds as the Fields and the Carters work through some miscommunication, understanding each other's love languages and how we still get it wrong. BUT...we are learning and these things are causing us to grow.
We hope you listen and see what really conversation and working through conflict and misunderstanding looks like.
We can be reached at [email protected]
Or on Instagram at Marriage_Infiltered_Podcast
We hope to hear from you!
Marriage Unfiltered is an independent podcast hosted by The Carters and the Fields. This podcast is not affiliated with Stonegate Fellowship in Midland, TX
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