Season 3 Episode 25
Battle of Top Bunnies. The icon of WB goes bunny toe to toe with Maroon's top star. Who is the top Toon Bunny? Bugs Bunny voice by the great Mel Blanc versus Roger Rabbit voice by Charles Fleischer.
Episode Dedicated to Mama Carol
Donation link to Ken Johnson Family
Season 3 Episode 24
Toon Town November is coming to a close, The Machos w/ Mrs. Macho took on a classic from 1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? This is a long one, so grab your popcorn and lets go to the movies.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Greatest Generation vs Millennial, Disney Icon vs Nickelodeon Icon, TOON Town month continues with the cartoon juggernauts.
Season 3 Episode 22
It is TOON TOWN month for the Machos. The opening match is a score to be settled...Who is on top of DreamWorks? Kung Fu Panda vs Shrek. However, we know it is Fiona who does the fighting.
Hell just froze over, took a sh*t, and it landed sideways. Battle of the Realms is upon us. Fred of the Dream Realm takes on BeetleJuice of the Netherworld...basically, NOTHING is safe. Good luck, Machos.
Season 3 Episode 20
Newly released on digital platforms The Machos review the sequel to 1988's Beetlejuice. Will the second surpass its predecessor?
Season 3 Episode 19
MAX Destruction PRO WRESTLING EDITION a bout that should happened but never did. So, now it is The Machos turn to let science and math as The Machos speculate who would win in a match between; The Phenom, The Undertaker versus The Icon, Sting.
Season 3 Episode 18
The ultimate killer doll vs killer doll, Old school vs New school...kind of...Machos are taking the Child's Play remake from 2019 and pitting the Ai killer doll, Chucky, against the super toy of the new century, Megan. Who is top toy, Who is top killer?
Season 3 Episode 17
Taking two juggernauts of the action film world...NO scratch that...pop culture icons and seeing if science can give us a definitive answer of who is the top machine. LET'S GO!!! MAIN EVENT!!!
It was bound to happen. Probably, one of the movies that gives this podcast reason to exits. Enough said.
Season 3 Episode 15
They said it many times; There can only be one. So, that still leaves the question? Who is The One?
The Chosen One versus The One. Reeves versus Jet Li.
Neo versus Yu Law. WHO. WILL. BE. THE. ONE.
Season 3 Episode 14
So, ever wonder who the ultimate survivor of Zombie-killing-fun is? Wait no longer, Today's match up will answer ALL your questions Action Junkies. Zombieland's Tallahassee takes on Walking Dead's Rick Grimes. Two cowboys ready to throw down. Also, The Machos recap WWE Bash at Berlin.
There is only one word to describe these combatants: BOSS. And these two are the BIGGEST of them all...with a noir flair. 1992's Batman Returns' Penguin versus 1990's Dick Tracy's Big Boy. Two Crimes Bosses go head-to-head, who will come out on top of the city?
Macho Twins review 1994's Double Dragon. Be advise, this movie is not for the faint of heart lol. All the trops of the 90s arcade era mixed in with a little martial arts. (sigh)
Nostalgic battle for the 90s stan. 90s' Ninja Turtles plus their little sister from the live-action TV shows take on the protectors of Tao, the elemental Warriors of Virtue in a FIRST EVER 5 v 5 battle. Which group, do you think, would outlast the other.
They have done it, we've heard Kaiju battles...but what about the bots that take out the kaijus. THAT'S right, the Kaiju-killing-bots of legend step into the MAX arena to see who reigns supreme.
Why wouldn't we review the greatest MCU film ever created? Scotty and Ken break it down and flip it like Deadpool could and of course treat it with the same dignity that Marvel felt Logan deserved.
It's Smokin! That's right the reason Loki sleeps with the light on worried about that ol DP Deadpool! We put these two 4th wall breakers in a grudge match the only way that MD can! Keep on listening
Finally, we have been waiting all season for Arnold to come back and you can't have had a better duel. Conan vs Leonidas! Battle of the warrior kings. Is the thief of Cemaria enough to take down the King of the Spartans?
Keep on Listening!
LEGAL PROVISION* Certain elements of the show could be seen as attributable to certain living people. This is made via AI generation and are not certified as positive relations to the show.
In other words its entertainment people, while the hosts are awesome there is no way we get an A list actor to record with us.
Don't forget stay tuned for more episodes of the newest DynaMic network show Konsole Kombat!! See the following link for the trailer https://open.spotify.com/episode/1K2baGTO1h92ATAzrH3Ve1?si=agxjjqbvRNuRDSV4kCYUpA
Please subscribe to the Max Destruction Show Page at : https://open.spotify.com/show/2KjWxcPJAF9eeuaolMsA2b A DynaMic Network podcast https://linktr.ee/dynamicpodcasts -
That's right folks. Ken is back with another review for the 3rd greatest swordsman of all time, Conan the Barbarian! This is the lead up to next weeks Conan vs Leonidas fight.
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