As we close our Youth Week of Prayer, Zama Nkambule reminds us of our Christian duty to spread hope by being available to those who need help and celebrating those who offer it.
As we begin to wrap up our Youth Week of Prayer, our Youth leader Sinethemba Jele reflects on the fears of city-dwellers.
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Our youth leader speaks about hope in the Bible as an answer to the hopelessness often found in the cities.
What does it mean to take care of the bodies God gave us? Find out with Br Ntando.
As we continue our Youth Week of Prayer, Siyolise takes us through how to navigate the depths of depression in life.
In our Youth Week of Prayer, Naledi Thulo considers how the Lord gives us a unique perspective on ministry.
We continue our Youth Week of Prayer by reflecting on how lonely the cities can be; there are so many people but few chances to truly connect.
Our Youth Week of Prayer kicks off with the question of God's interest in urban mission. How does God see the cities? What does He want us to do there?
Elder Collins Matunhu reflects on the story in 1 Kings 21. Naboth held onto his inheritance. He wanted a vineyard full of grapes, while Ahab wanted to fill that land with vegetables. Elder Matunhu encourages us not to replace the fruit of the vine with vegetable sacrifices.
CJ talks to us about sharing as a form of love.
What is worship and how do we do it well?
Obedience to God is more than a checklist of doing good, but is the desire to do as He commands.
Trusting in God requires some work on our part.
We should acknowledge when we are wrong, allow God to redeem and then redirect us to a better way.
We must approach loving God with an attitude of gratitude.
Mary's is an exemplar of sacrifice in the Bible. She gave up so much to do the important work of nurturing the young Jesus into a man who would emulate that sacrificial spirit for God's people.
Sr Abena takes us through the journey of belonging to God rather than to the world. Romans 12:2 tells us not to conform, but transform.
We want to be healthy by choice, not by chance. [Words of wisdom] are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. (Proverbs 4:22 ESV).
God is the Rose of Sharon (SS 2:1). See His love among the thorns of life.
Psalm 37:6-8 tells us that we are vindicated by the LORD. Find out how three women were vindicated by the Master.
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