Does Progestogen Cause Breast Cancer? (YouTube Video # 381)
Alright, if, based on last week’s podcast, estrogen does not cause breast cancer, could it be that progestogen causes breast cancer? What do the studies on women taking progestogens alone tell us about the role of progestogens in causing breast cancer? In this podcast, I’ll help you discover the answer.
Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer? (YouTube Video # 380)
How would you answer if someone posed the question, “Does estrogen cause breast cancer”? Would you have a ready answer? Would you fumble with the answer? Or would you possibly balk at the question itself? In this podcast, I will lead you through a logical assessment for the answer. And you can decide for yourself.
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Difficulties in Determining if Estrogen, Progestogen, or Both Cause Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 379)
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to determine if estrogen, progestogen, or both cause breast cancer? This is something that warrant a lot of consideration because it’s at the root of some of the most confusion and fear in the world of breast cancer. So, in this podcast, I will set the stage for our analysis for discovering the answer.
) Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tools (YouTube Video # 378)
Have you ever heard of a “breast cancer risk assessment tool”? Or perhaps you’ve heard of such things described as “breast cancer risk assessment models.” Well regardless of whether you have or haven’t heard of them, you need to know that they exist. Beyond that, you need to know that there are many of them, and that they do not agree with one another in terms of your risk for breast cancer. So listen to this podcast to learn their capabilities and limitations in terms of assessing your risk for breast cancer.
Diet & Lifestyle as Risk Factors for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 377)
Do you know the diet and lifestyle risk factors for breast cancer? Do you know the specifics that make them risk factors? And what about how much they each increase your risk for breast cancer? You see, in order to make use of the list of risk factors, you have to know more than just the fact that something is on the list, especially when it comes to diet and lifestyle risk factors. In this podcast, I’ll give you the specifics.
Dense Breasts as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 376)
You’re probably familiar with the term “dense breasts.” You may even have dense breasts. And I’ve already taught you that dense breasts are a risk factor for breast cancer. But do you know why they are? Can you think of any logical reason that more of a normal part of your breast anatomy would put you at greater risk of breast cancer? That’s what I’ll address in this podcast.
Why Menstrual Cycles Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 385)
So far, I’ve taught you that menstrual cycles are what increase your risk of breast cancer. But have you ever wondered why that is? How can it be that merely having menstrual cycles increases your risk of breast cancer? What else is going on when you have menstrual cycles? In this podcast, I’ll make it all crystal clear.
Reproductive Risk Factors for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 374)
Did you know that your entire reproductive life affects your risk for Breast Cancer? When you started having periods and when you stopped having periods. When you first got pregnant and how many times you were pregnant. Even your breastfeeding history affects your risk of breast cancer. Ahh, but precisely how does each of these things exert an effect? That’s what you’ll learn in this podcast.
Age as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 373)
Everybody talks about the fact that your risk of breast cancer increases with age. But, what exactly do they mean by that? Or do they even know what they mean by that? It turns out that the statement “Your risk of breast cancer increases with age” does not mean what you think it means. And you would never understand its true meaning without watching hearing this podcast.
Family History as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 372)
Everybody talks about their family history of breast cancer in terms of how it impacts their own risk for breast cancer. But few are accurate in what they say. There are very specific relatives who have an impact on your risk for breast cancer. But the fear associated with this disease has induce massive extrapolations of the facts. In this podcast, I will delineate the true impact of family history on your risk of breast cancer.
) Exposure to Intense Radiation as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 371)
What do you know about radiation exposure in terms of its effect on your risk of breast cancer? What kind of radiation poses a threat? How much radiation constitutes a risk? How long after radiation exposure do you have the increased risk for breast cancer. These are all questions I’ll address in this podcast. Knowing these specifics can help you focus on radiation that matters and relax about radiation that doesn’t.
Personal History of Cancer as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 370)
Do you know how having had a personal history of cancer affects your risk for breast cancer? Does any cancer in any organ count? Or does it pertain only to gynecologic cancers? And does it include both hereditary cancers and non-hereditary cancers, or just one or the other? You need to know! And if you listen to this podcast, you will.
Risk Factors for Breast Cancer (YouTube Video #369)
If you had to list the risk factors of breast cancer, could you do it? How many would you put on your list? And how sure would you be of their accuracy as a known risk factor for breast cancer? With all the hype and scare tactics of our time, most women would exclude some of the known risk factors and include some that are not known risk factors. In this
Breast Cancer Genetic Mutations (YouTube Video # 368)
How much do you know about the various breast cancer genetic mutations? How many are there? How do they differ? Do they all carry the same degree of risk? There’s more to know that you realize. I’ll address all these things in this podcast … and more.
Hereditary vs Nonhereditary Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 367)
Breast cancer can be hereditary or non-hereditary. And knowing how they differ is critical. This is especially true with the rampant fear of breast cancer that blurs the lines between them more and more. In this podcast, I’ll take you through all the factors that distinguish hereditary breast cancer from non-hereditary breast cancer.
“Risk” of Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 366)
I’m sure you’ve heard the word “risk.” But how much do you know about that word? How do you apply it when you hear about something increasing or decreasing your chance of getting breast cancer? It is so much more than just a simple definition. And in this podcast, I will take you through the nine principles pertinent to “risk.” You’ll never think of it the same way again.
The Cause of Breast Cancer (YouTube Video # 365)
Do you know the true cause of breast cancer? Does anybody? What about all the people who say they know what caused their breast cancer? Do they have the answer? In this podcast, I’ll address the cause of breast cancer honestly.
Breast Cancer Statistics (YouTube Video # 364)
This video is all about breast cancer statistics … sort of. It’s really about all the things for which breast cancer is “first” or “most.” They span the gamut. And it’s really worth your while to know the ways in which breast cancer surpasses all other cancers. In this podcast, I’ll present them all.
What Makes Breast Cancer “Cancer”? (YouTube Video # 363)
How would you answer the question, “What makes breast cancer ‘cancer’?” Would you have a logical set of requirements that it met I order to deserve the designation “cancer”? Or would you realize that you’ve never even thought about it before. If you’ve never even thought about it before, you’re normal. But you’re also vulnerable for labeling disease that are not breast cancer as breast cancer. This podcast will ensure that you know what makes breast cancer “cancer.”
Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast (YouTube Video # 362)
You’ve probably heard of “Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast.” Maybe you know it by its acronym “CIS.” But what do you really know about it? What is it? Could you explain it to someone if you had to? Well, after listening this podcast, you’ll understand it, be able to explain it, and be dumbfounded by it all at the same time.
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