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Friends discussing environmental science, policy, and community.
Trying not to freak out, trying to be appropriate.
Barely doing either, but we have a good time.
Every other Tuesday wherever you get podcasts! -
On Economics Explained, we take a look at interesting countries, policies, and decisions from the point of view of an economist. The world is an interesting place and we hope to uncover some of this intrigue in our short, informative podcasts.
New show. New mission. Long-time show hosts Bob Dunlap, a businessman from North Carolina, and Eric Matheny, a criminal defense attorney in Florida, have moved to the Freedom First Network to deliver weekly patriotic brilliance. Formerly of “Weekly Wrap-Up With Bob & Eric," the outspoken duo are ready to take it to the next level. America is at a crossroads. Bob and Eric are here to keep people informed about the right directions to go. Catch them every Saturday at noon Eastern as they discuss the important issues of the week.
Podcast oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Sebelas Maret yang akan membahas fenomena terkini disekitar kita dari kacamata psikologi.
Marketing for community colleges is tough! But after 25 years of working solely with two-year, technical, and community colleges, we’ve learned a few things. Now, we want to share them with you! Join the Interact team as we discuss and share actionable, time-tested strategies on topics directly related to community college marketing, such as branding, leadership, career education, public relations, graphic design, enrollment pipelines, targeted campaigns, media buying, demographic research, student media preferences, social media, viral videos, and more! If you’re looking for expert insights from industry experts, you’ve come to the right place.
Podcast for the Marxist Sociology Blog, affiliated with the Section on Marxist Sociology of the American Sociological Association. Interviews with Marxist-influenced scholars discussing their research and its broader implications for a non-academic audience.
Trade expert Lori Wallach cuts through the complexity and jargon to make trade policy and politics and the myriad ways it affects our daily lives accessible to all.
Episodes 1 - 43 were produced in partnership with Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch. -
Seminggu sekali setelah pulang kantor, 3 litigators Brian Manuel (@kickinitreal), Hillman Sembiring (@hillsembiring), dan Kenny Macallo (@kmacallo) berkumpul di sebuah barbershop melepas lelah, ngobrol2 rileks soal hukum dan hal2 tak substantif lainnya.
taktis, praktis, realistis!
tarik kursi dan silahkan bergabung!
siapa tahu dapat sedikit manfaat.
kalo belom, dengerin terus tiap episode nya! Jangan menyerah! -
Indonesia itu indah, berbeda itu seru dan ngobrol itu membuka wawasan. Bareng Aldy, Krisna, Kak Erika juga Nina yuk kita ngobrolin soal "Indonesia" , karena di #ObrolJebi kita akan membuka wawasan soal sosial budaya dan fenomena unik di Indonesia!
Let's Talk About Politics
Portofolio Fandy = kumpulan karya yg diproduksi oleh Alfandy Dafa, more info you can catch up on Instagram (alfandydafa), thankyou!
Podcast Hubungan Internasional dikelola oleh Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Sebagai institusi pertama yang mengajarkan ilmu hubungan internasional di Indonesia, kami berkomitmen terhadap bina masyarakat global yang adil, damai, dan beradab. Setiap episode dalam podcast ini didedikasikan untuk memperkaya kajian seputar keamanan dan politik global, ekonomi politik dan pembangunan, serta studi perdamaian. Website: hi.fisipol.ugm.ac.id | instagram: @hi.ugm | twitter: @HIUGM | YouTube: HI UGM
Official Podcast dari Partai Keadilan Sejahtera. Mari kita ngobrol dengan bahagia.
Iki Jan Karo Linggo. Dua orang membicarakan apa saja melalu sudut pandang ya dari dua orang ini. Nikmati pembicaraan kami ini selagi bisa mendengarkan..
A podcast to gather and connect the ideas of foreign affairs and international relations, covering the most - pressing global and regional issues in relates to democracy, geopolitics, international political economy, state-business relationship, global governance, and world youth trends.
Cokro TV Podcast menyajikan podcast alternatif yang menggembirakan dan mencerahkan.
Budidjaja on Air is a podcast curated by Budidjaja International Lawyers, an international, independent law firm located at Jakarta, Indonesia. Budidjaja on Air will discuss the current and upcoming trending legal & amp; business issues, and so much more. All contents are not to be constituted as legal advices, and the laws and issues discussed are as per the time the episode was recorded.
NALAR adalah kanal pengetahuan yang menyampaikan informasi, pendapat, perspektif, dan sudut pandang tentang kejadian atau peristiwa dalam kehidupan publik dalam dimensi sosial, teknologi, ekonomi, ekologi, politik dan budaya.
Akbar Faizal Uncensored adalah Podcast yang dibawakan oleh Akbar Faizal dengan mengundang tokoh terkemuka, membahas berbagai hal tanpa sensor.
Social Protection Podcast is brought to you by socialprotection.org. We’re a knowledge sharing and capacity building platform, open to social protection practitioners, policy-makers, and experts, as well as academics and students.
Social protection is a large and growing field, that has also achieved increased profile and salience since 2020 due to COVID-19. From building delivery systems and protecting People with Disabilities, to social protection financing and school feeding – there is no shortage of topics for Social Protection Podcast to tackle.
Each month we will aim to bring you rich, interesting and different content. Through interviews, discussions and debates with experts and practitioners, Social Protection Podcast will illuminate new research and bring a range of perspectives to debates and controversies as well as areas of growing consensus.