A young vigilante, an inexperienced librarian, a gorgeous performer, and a drunk cleric find themselves as unlikely allies as they are faced with some strange plots unfolding in the Nation of Col’Drunn, and possibly throughout the world of Volastea as a whole. With only one year left before the Decimation hits, these wayward ”heroes” are faced with trials not only in the present but from their past as well. Follow along with their (mis)adventures and explore the mental and emotional ramifications of adventuring and how their past can affect their future.
We are a D&D 5E actual play podcast where we explore the mental and emotional effects of playing D&D as both players and as our characters in game. We will be releasing episodes every other Monday morning as a continuing story of fun, laughter, conflict, comradery, tragedy, and triumph. Come join us on this wonderful collaborative storytelling adventure!
This podcast is produced by NC Cutting Edge Counseling