It's easy to decide that you would be better off if you were different, if you could figure out how to do things different, better. But I make the case this week that if you could learn to choose you, to really love and accept yourself, imperfectly perfect, that life would feel easier AND you would more effectively move towards the goals that you want to achieve.
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I'm here to answer any question you have about your efforts to lose weight. I want to do q&a episodes on a regular basis so I started us out this week with some chatGPT questions about weight loss that I answer for you. Email me your question at hello@beccabrown.com for our next q&a episode.
Today's episode is a response to a friend who emailed in and asked for help in getting out of the funk she's in and back on track, to losing more weight. Together, we take a look at what our friend is thinking and feeling and how it's the thing that's keeping her from getting back on track. Listen in to figure out what you can do, the next time you're feeling discouraged about your efforts to lose weight.
If you're trying to make big changes with your weight and health, you might be tempted to think that making big changes in your diet and daily routine is the answer. What I'd love for you to know is that the big changes that you're after will come when you're willing to make small changes in your life. Listen in and I'll give you specifics on how to start with the little changes in your life.
I go over what a lifescript is and how it's either helping you reach your goals or holding you back. We all have limiting beliefs that we carry around with us and often don't question. I show you this week how you can question those limiting beliefs and decide what you want to believe about yourself and your life on purpose, to make hitting your goals much easier.
Join me as I take you back to a replay of an episode from my old podcast, The Military Wife Podcast. I'm posting this to teach you what to do if you're feeling unhappy. I go over a short 4 step process you can do at home, to help you shake the unhappiness you might be feeling, whether it's in your relationships, your work or your weight loss goals. We take a deep dive into a trouble spot in my own marriage and what I did to find peace and happiness.
Listen in today if you have goals or things that you want to create that you've never done before and you're not really sure how to do it. Instead of deciding what's possible for you based on what you've been able to do in your past, you can decide what's possible by looking at your future. I'll go over 3 steps to take to be able to do the thing that is in your heart or your mind, that you would be so excited to accomplish, whether it's weight loss or something else.
I'm here to tell you a few stories today - one where we decide that the extreme diet that you're thinking is a good idea isn't actually a good idea. It's not going to be the thing that helps you achieve your goals. And it's not helping you practice the skills that will make reaching your goals easier. Listen in and I'm going to put forth a pretty good argument for your own good and accomplishment.
Have you tried affirmations to make something go better in your life? I have and depending on how I did it, had complete success and also, crashing failure. Listen in as I talk more about how to find thoughts to think about your body on purpose. I talk about the real reason - there are more than one - why this is such a fantastic thing to do. And I share a tiny story from my own life when I tried some supposedly powerful affirmation but didn't find success at all. And then, of course, I share what I did to turn that around, and to completely turn around how I feel and think about my own body.
Have you ever had the idea that you can stick to your diet as long as you don't see any of the foods you're not "supposed" to be eating or as long as you don't get a craving for some food that you've had trouble in the past controlling yourself around? This episode is for you. Did you know you can have an urge to eat off the plan that you've made for yourself or you can have an urge to eat something that you don't want to be eating and you can just let it be there? This was a completely new idea to me when I first heard about it and it has changed my ability to stick to my plans, in this world that involves food that is so tasty and delicious and tempting. Listen in to hear all about it.
Join me for storytime as we visit a girl, a costo pizza and a question from her macro coach. And then, together we'll discuss shame and its place in weight loss, weight loss coaching or really, anything else. You'll see as I make a strong argument that shame does nothing except keep us stuck, in hiding and feeling terrible. It's most often the thing that holds us back, as we are going after something new and in those efforts, we stumble. As always, wish this discussion was face to face with you, on my couch but for now, the podcast will have to do.
Have you ever wondered if you were on the right path when it comes to weight loss? Have you ever found a new diet, made plans to start it, and felt so excited about the fact that you figured out the solution to all of your problems? Only to get one day or maybe 2 hours into it and give up when it just became too hard? When it didn't turn out to be all rainbows and butterflies? Join me today as I discuss how to know if you're on the right path and how to navigate the path you're on, to make it the right path for you.
If you've come to me to get your custom macro numbers, or you've gotten them from somewhere else, this is going to be the quick start guide to answer the question "now what?" Going from eating whatever seems like a good idea in the moment to eating according to set macro numbers (meaning specific numbers of grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats) can be overwhelming and feel like a big job. This is your three step guide to how to put those numbers to use in your life in a sustainable, gentle way.
This week I'm sharing some strong insights that I got from my session with my own 1-1 coach. It's not organized well, but neither were all of the thoughts that I shared with my coach on our coaching session last week. What I've learned about what I was doing in my own brain has produced some major shifts in how I'm doing life since my session last week, so I'm sharing them in case you are doing some of the same things.
If you're wondering if you should be using the scale on your weight loss journey, I've got the answer for you. And my answer for you is that you have the answer. You get to decide if you want to use the scale as one data point, in your efforts to lose weight but join me on this episode where I go over all the things you may want to consider, as you decide if you need to throw away your scale for good....or make stepping on that thing part of your daily morning routine.
Come join my discussion on the thoughts that I choose to think that lots of people might disagree with. I'm going to present a strong argument why you can and maybe should do the same thing for your own life. Look for what you can believe about the situations in your life, to make it easier for you to be who you want to be, more of the time. I'll share three examples from my own life and brain and show you how it's ok to think things that other people might disagree with. Happy to have you here.
Today, among other things, I talk about how we can shift our thinking and open up to new thoughts and beliefs that will make weight loss a little easier. Tune in to get some ideas on how to do it for yourself.
Listen in as I go over how your brain loves drama, and how it might be keeping you from losing weight. I share an embarrassing story from my past and offer up a common dramatic story that I hear from clients when they start working with me, so that you can start recognizing the drama when it shows up in your brain and tries to keep you from your goals.
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