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Podcast a világlátások frontvonaláról. A keresztény álláspont békés, érvelő ütköztetése más szellemi áramlatokkal és jelenségekkel.
Daniel McNatt, Bret Nettles, and Eddie Bradley take on important topics that matter but are not always black and white.
Welcome to the audio podcast of Pastor Jim Frease and Joy Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. We are not about religion, we are about relationship…with God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. We are not about tradition, but the liberating Word of God. We are not about enduring life, we are all about enjoying life! For more information, visit joychurch.net.
The Space Between Podcast connects spirituality and the supernatural with lifestyle and pop culture. Deeply personal stories of artists, musicians, professional athletes, business leaders, spiritual teachers and those spearheading the conscious conversation to challenge existing beliefs and shift the status quo.
The unification of the theoretical knowledge of Zen with real life application through compassion and wisdom.
Visit us at ZenEnergyZen.org
ZENENERGY ORGANIZATION is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the USA. -
The Word of Life podcast is a show dedicated to inspiring and informing faith experiences with stories, discussions, interviews and teaching for a get in your face challenge of your daily walk with God.
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Biblical messages from the Sunday morning worship gatherings at True Life Church in Melbourne, FL. To find out more about our church, visit us online at www.truelifemelbourne.com.
Welcome to the podcast of Cathedral, a church for the people of Los Angeles and Nashville. Our lead Pastors are Jake and Nicole Sweetman and we pray these episodes leave you encouraged, strengthened, and confident in God’s love and good plan for your life. To connect with us or find out more about Cathedral, visit www.cathedral-church.com/
Engaging with culture as Christians in a post Christian world, asking questions we don’t normally ask in church. A project by Brenna Blain.
Sunday messages from Chad Hammons & Ed Webbon of Ignite Church.
Welcome to "Love, Sex, and Tarot" – the podcast where relationships meet spirituality and self-improvement! Are you ready to navigate the complex world of love and sex with a blend of humor, candor, and tarot wisdom? Join me, a divorced single mother who turned to tarot after my own journey through heartbreak, as I help women transform their lives. Whether you're dealing with dating dilemmas, exploring your sexuality, or seeking clarity in your love life, I’m here for you like a best friend.
Each episode features blunt and insightful tarot love readings, storytelling, and discussions on everything from sex positions and female orgasms to coping with toxic relationships and ghosting. Expect recurring segments like monthly horoscopes, listener readings, and sex advice that empowers you to embrace your desires.
With a background in philosophy, psychology, and peer support, I bring a unique perspective to the table, ensuring that every reading is filled with clarity and accuracy. My listeners often thank me for providing the support they need to break free from dead-end situations and find real love and companionship.
So, if you're looking for an escape from the mundane and want to fill your life with passion and abundance, subscribe, download, and share "Love, Sex, and Tarot" today! Let’s explore the mysteries of love and sexuality together – one tarot card at a time!
All Tarot Readings are performed and are only to be used for entertainment purposes. I encourage everyone to “Make Good Decisions.”
For More Information Visit
E-mail Acacia at [email protected]
Follow her public Instagram account @acaciariether
Follow all Socials @lovesexandtarot
Gen Z Today helps you discover practical ways to boldly live and lead for Christ. Grow in your spiritual journey and make a difference with your life, especially when it comes to the Great Commission. Gen Z leader Jordan Whitmer has weekly conversations with influential Gen Z voices from around the world. “Gen Z Today” delivers encouragement for a generation looking for confident hope in Jesus.
Visit Gen Z Today online at GenZToday.com, and on Instagram at @GenZTodayPodcast. -
Együtt a vezetés útján! A Katalizátor podcast célja, hogy inspiráljon és az értékalapú vezetés gyakorlati oldaláról nyújtson praktikus információkat. A műsorban olyan vendégekkel beszélget Bacsó Benjámin, akik komoly vezetői tapasztalattal rendelkeznek. A személyes életpéldájukon keresztül tekinthetünk be a vezetés kihívásaiba és sikereibe, miközben mi magunk is fejlődhetünk a saját területünkön.
Andrew will be tapping into the many connections he has made around the world with spiritual teachers, scientists, scholars, and experts to offer you the latest from leaders in lucid dreaming and the study of mind.
Az Ígéret fiai egy keresztény férfimozgalom, melyben Istent dicsőítjük, róla tanulunk, vele dolgozunk és általa építünk fel közösségben, hogy meglássuk az Ő csodálatos ígéreteit. Ez meg egy podcast ehhez 😎
Welcome to Fresh Goods! Kick back with us as we share our faith journeys, talk life, and have good flipping time doing so, while adding value, and having a laugh!
A Nappaliban a baptista közösség szolgálatát, munkáját ismertetjük meg a hallgatókkal. Adásról adásra meghívunk a nappalinkba néhány izgalmas beszélgetésre, ahol hallgatóként ugyanúgy a beszélgetés részese lehetsz, mint mi a mikrofonoknál. A nappali palettáján a közéleti témáktól a baptisták híreinek színes összefoglalóján át egészen a frissítő lelki üzenetig minden terítéken van. Mindez műsorról műsorra rengeteg szakértővel kiegészülve és hiteles, őszinte házigazdák társaságában. Nappali! Otthon a világban!
Turn Up The AC takes an introspective, retrospective, and sometimes biographical look at the roots of our personal philosophies. We explore the motivations behind our realizations. Anyone who listens will quickly notice that we typically leave our stories open-ended. This approach allows listeners to personalize the experience. Turn Up The AC encourages people to explore how they think, and not just what they think. www.acfischer.com