Kathy Carter has an ‘all body’ approach to counselling, seeing the nervous system as paramount when supporting her mainly neurodivergent clients. Like so many late diagnosed women, Kathy discovered her autism after seeing traits in her son, and went on a research journey.
We talk about the post diagnosis journey, and how so many feel people like they are in limbo with no support. Kathy believes it’s our duty as therapists to guide our clients, validate and listen, and support them with resources and psychoeducation.
Masking can be exhausting for so many autistic people, who may begin hiding their true selves as children or teenagers in order to fit in. We talk about how important it is to tread carefully when thinking of lowering our masks, using alcohol to create a persona, how we hide our fear of failure, and the risk of others discovering what we are really like.
We also discuss why the menopause can be a difficult time for neurodivergent people, with all the sensory differences, emotional sensitivities and changes in our bodies that it brings.
WEBSITE: https://www.arrivetherapy.co.uk
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/yourholistictherapist/
PODCAST: https://arrive-therapy-hypno-cbt.libsyn.com
Dyslexia is much more than having difficulty with spelling and reading. Dyslexia leaves kids behind, and this impacts on friendships, peer groups, status and confidence, leading to the child feeling like a failure.
Andy shares his life experiences of being diagnosed dyslexic at school aged five, to coming out of university with not one, but two Masters degrees!
Andy's sheer determination got him results. Now he helps others as a Psychologist and Business Coach to ensure other neurodivergent people get all the support they need to build for success.
Find out more and connect with Andy:
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Ric Clarke shares his journey of being diagnosed first as ADHD, then last year as autistic (and with probable dyspraxia thrown in!)
We talk about his love of running, being both left and right handed and the expectations of needing to do well as his siblings at school, and working hard, but not reaching the expected goals.
Ric found his talent in data and Anaplan modelling within the building industry, where he also advocates for neurodivergent people in the workplace, showing that we all have so much to give. He is interested in inclusion and working together to make an equal society, while working with skills and challenges and supporting mental health.
Ric is also a welfare officer at his running club, has an interest in supplements to boost executive function and gut health, has joined the Lived Experience Panel in Scotland, and is working towards getting a Commissioner within government.
Find out more about Ric and connect with him:
Cora Burke has had many challenges in her life as a surviving twin born with epilepsy, who experienced tough early years growing up in a specialist unit away from her parents.
But this, and other life-changing challenges, never stopped Cora from being highly adaptable and extremely determined.
Now Cora has had enough.
Enough of inequality.
Enough of autistic and other neurodivergent people not being treated fairly in the home, education and justice systems or the workplace.
And she’s doing something about it. Cora tells us that, no matter how difficult our lives can be, we can fight for what we believe in. Neurorebellion is such a cause for good. Listen to this inspiring and thought-provoking conversation to hear what it really means when we talk about taking action to help others in the field of Neurodiversity.
Find and connect with Cora:
Currently studying a PhD in organisational psychology and neuro-inclusive practices in education and the workplace, Jessica Dark has done much to support the Neurodivergent Community over many years.
She is an incredible producer of educational and inspirational content on social media, and I have learned so much from this generous advocate for our neurodivergent community.
In this episode, she talks about her late diagnosis journey, life in a neurodivergent family, and her experience of being an advocate.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did recording it!
Find out more about Jessica and connect:
Website: https://ndperspective.squarespace.com/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/100045718560338/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-dark
Tahleel Javed is a specialist doctor within the field of psychiatry, and CEO of STAND - the Society for Tourette's, Autism and Neurodiversity. We talk about her autism and ADHD, the huge amount of work being done to support our neurodivergent community, and what it means to be human.
Tahleel and I have walked a similar path and we share stories about our families, including emotional experiences around our mothers.
She was 26 when she came to England from Pakistan in 2020 and promptly caught COVID, leading to Long COVID, and she shares her traumatic journey to recovery. Just two years later she is working with incredible people from diverse fields all over the world. We met when I was invited to a brilliant Meet and Greet and spoke to members of the Royal College of Psychiatry, musicians, artists and autistic people changing policy within Government.
Tahleel for me is what advocating for the neurodivergent community is really about, and her story is inspiring and emotional. This honest and evocative conversation is one of my favourites so far.
You can find out more about what Tahleel does by following these links:
Melly Moore is a Podcaster and YouTuber from Quebec, Canada. In this episode she talks about her ADHD and anxiety journey and challenges in the workplace, and gives a special message for change.
With difficult challenges throughout her life, Melly has chosen to help others within the Neurodivergent and Mental Health Community. We talk about how hard school was for her as an ADHDer, bullying, family struggles and more.
She started meds at aged six, then came off them at fourteen, believing they were a placebo. Her sheer determination shows us that when we keep pushing forward we can succeed in the things we want to do.
Melly has so much passion and enthusiasm, and her smile and personality shines through. An inspiring and engaging conversation.
Melly's YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCt8a9Btiy62kYUeCCnlVlzw
Her TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML98UE6G/
Her Instagram: https://instagram.com/adhdmelly
Her LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melly-moore
Coming from a large Irish family, Eoin could see autism amongst his parents and siblings - in retrospect. Their neurodivergent life together was happy and supportive. A different story developed during the transition from school to college and he describes the big challenges of attempting to fit in, experiencing acute loneliness and living with depression.
Eoin didn’t discover his autism until later in life, but he knew he wanted to work with young people and adults at just twenty. He studied, worked hard and discovered what a fulfilling and rewarding career working within the neurodivergent community truly is.
We talk about his assessment and diagnosis journey, mental health and the challenges and successes of living in a world that can be confusing, lonely and full of ups and downs.
A wonderful chat, full of inspiration!
Eoin’s website:www.autisminformedtherapy.com
Social Media:https://www.facebook.com/Autism-Informed-Therapy-Institute-101827435032551 https://www.linkedin.com/in/eoinstephens/ https://www.facebook.com/Autistically-Minded-100373764776410 https://www.instagram.com/autisticallyminded/
In this episode, Luke Manton talks about his Tourette's and OCD journey.
Luke is an Entrepreneur - and a total dynamo. He left home at 16 and found himself a job as an Event Manager soon after. University followed, and now Luke runs a successful Virtual Assistant agency.
Luke also talks about his experiences on many platforms, inspiring children and adults alike. His video series, Ticced Off, has gone viral.
This episode is a must to discover how Luke's Tourette's journey began, and gives a clear message that just because you might tic, swear and say inappropriate phrases you can still be amazing and fulfil your life passions.
What an inspiring talk with this fabulous guest.
Website: www.mantonexecutives.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/Lukemanton92/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukemantonme/ -
Therapist Sarah Templeton had a horrible journey to get her ADHD diagnosis, and was finally diagnosed aged 51. She talks about her co-occurring severe dyspraxia and dyscalculia and challenging times (and successes) at school. Sarah worked extremely hard and through her determined efforts became an author, activist and advocate for the ADHD community, talking in Parliament about the woeful inadequacies of the prison system not recognising the huge volume of inmates who are ADHD. She works with parents, teachers and policy changers, using her selfless grit to help many thousands of children and adults get the support they need to survive (and indeed to thrive) in a neurotypical world, and to use the many amazing skills we ADHDers have. She is the author of 'How NOT to Murder your ADHD kid - Instead learn to be your child’s own ADHD Coach'. Get ready for some fast talking in this fascinating and jam-packed episode! http://www.SarahTempleton.org.uk ADHD Author and ADHD Therapist - Sarah Templetonhttp://www.HeadstuffADHDTherapy.Co.uk http://www.HeadstuffADHDLiberty.Co.uk https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Not-Murder-Your-ADHD/dp/B09RX2VBKR/2C48&sr=8-1
In this episode, Madge Woollard celebrates her autism and talks about her long career as a piano teacher, being in a great marriage with her wife Jo, and the cat cafe!
Madge was very much supported by her teachers at school so she could follow her passion of music, which lead to her winning a scholarship to Cambridge University. But it hasn’t all been plain sailing; as a teenager, Madge had an eating disorder, and she has struggled through menopause.
She was a joy to interview, sharing her personal life, challenges and successes, and her positivity is contagious. She also talks about her collaboration on a truly meaningful new book about autism for teachers, and about her passion for writing music, including theme tunes.
Madge's teaching website:https://mwoollard.webs.com/
Her music on Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/artist/375QHFhNlxwoOT0edQLDko?si=Q9NTlj3IR6uWf6y9kwc_jA
Her theatre group https://www.spectrumtheatresheffield.com/
Audio play “How to Drop a Piano” by Samantha Grierson https://anchor.fm/samantha-grierson/episodes/How-to-Drop-a-Piano-e17goki
The book for teachers, to be published in April:https://www.amazon.co.uk/Learning-Autistic-Teachers-Neurodiversity-Inclusive-School/dp/1839971266/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KLRJZ3SMP6KZ&keywords=learning+from+autistic+teachers&qid=1643900453&sprefix=Learning+from+aut%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-1
In this episode, Tigger Pritchard and David Grey-Hammond share the brilliant work they do as Ausomely autistic advocates and talk about equality, their personal lives and much, much more in an authentic and open conversation.
I was delighted to meet Tigger and David. They can be found at the fabulous Aucademy with live events, podcasts (with some exceptional guests), a neurodivergent clothing range and huge support for our community.
It’s been a tough road for both of them, and we talk about psychosis and suicidal ideation, big challenges with mental health and an in-depth look at both of their personal lives and autistic/ADHD journeys. We also talk about the fantastic work they do with young people and adults.
Inspiring and fascinating, this packed episode has an important message for our wonderful culture of wired differently, Ausome human beings.
aucademy.co.ukhttps://www.facebook.com/Aucademy/ David Grey-Hammondemergentdivergence.comhttps://www.facebook.com/emergentdivergence https://www.instagram.com/emergentdivergence/ https://www.tiktok.com/@emergentdivergence https://twitter.com/emgntdivergence Tigger Pritchard Website: www.tiggertraining.com Facebook: The Autistic Coffee Shop with Tigger Pritchard https://www.facebook.com/Autisminfomation/Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/the.autistic.coffee.shop/ YouTube: https://youtu.be/1hPQz50lYKI Podcast: https://anchor.fm/aucademy -
Sara-Louise coached me on my journey to autism/ADHD assessment and diagnosis. It was some of the best therapy I've ever had.
A powerhouse of ideas, determination and drive, Sara-Louise shares intimate personal stories about her life. Hang on to your seats as we talk about PureO, a dramatic form of OCD, sex and relationships as neurodivergents and difficult life challenges leading to dark thoughts and mental health challenges.
Honest, inspiring and hilarious. Not to be missed!
Georgia Di Mattos who owns iPlaySafe App®: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAAC8OmOgBCqF46Qjkt99CI9vDb7Wp3WegLig
Suzan Issa mentioned as my coach: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAACM8oyQBTl5wpldw5ODgvvq8lzLl0WlWDOM
Dawn Huebner PhD who wrote What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?keywords=dawnhuebnerphd&highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6896903554142216192
Pure O great article https://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/aug/31/pure-ocd-the-naked-truth
Freedom Programme: https://www.freedomprogramme.co.uk/ and Own My Life: https://www.ownmylifecourse.org/
Heather Morrison: https://getbumpn.com/
Emma Sayle: https://www.emmasayle.com/
What a packed episode this proved to be with my fascinating guest Dr Liliya Wheatcraft. Liliya is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatry and tells us of her struggles with her diagnosis and coming to terms with her autism and ADHD.
She shares her family life (with all members being neurodivergent) and how she fought to get accommodations for her children, especially within educational settings. Liliya also shares her own challenges as a ‘chubby' child, then anorexic adult, and how she was not understood by those in important clinical roles within the NHS.
We talk about medication, including some fascinating insights into genes, and about the quality of life of autistic folk who struggle far more than others.
I found Dr Wheatcraft insightful, thought provoking and inspiring, and her talk was full of important learnings.
Apologies for the clicking sound which can be heard in this episode.
Mabz Beet brings our first series to an end with an inspiring and fascinating episode. They talk about struggles at school, being different and feeling anxious about their visible autistic traits in the playground and not getting clarity in the classroom.
As a transgender model with a large following on Instagram, Mabz shares their love for fashion shoots, wonderful outfits and body painting.
Another love for Mabz is acting, and we talk about the fabulous audio play How to Drop a Piano, written especially for this aspiring actor by Samantha Grierson. The play stars Jane Asher, President of The National Autistic Society, and it is through this charity that Mabz works as a carer for young autistic adults.
Mabz is a great Advocate for the autistic community and is involved in training programmes and the Oliver McGowan charity, which raises awareness for disability training after a young autistic man was wrongly prescribed psychotic medication, leading to his death.
Mabz's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mabzbeetmodel/
Their audio play: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3d5o5Ws9RblvEtfUMd6anL?si=NOY-4jiZRhiAGWVWwVoCsA&utm_source=native-share-menu
Their blog on the intersection of autism and transgender: https://the-art-of-autism.com/a-child-of-two-spectrums-the-intersection-between-autism-and-transgender/
Blog about the tragic death of Oliver McGowan: https://blog.theautismsite.greatergood.com/oliver-mcgowen-death/
I so enjoyed our talk. Sam is a vibrant and determined entrepreneur and has worked in a petrol station, for a big gas company and in the Police. She is also a well known Toastmaster.
We talk about her role as an autistic interpreter and her struggles with anorexia athletica and getting out of a narcissistic relationship.
Lots to listen to, inform, support and inspire!
Sam's website: https://get-your-message-across.com/
Her LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samwarner/
Though Chantelle has had many struggles in her life. what comes out from this honest and open episode is her constant desire to help others and to advocate both in education and the workplace.
Through many difficult experiences at school, including neglect and being forgotten on a school trip, to her mental breakdown and feelings of loneliness, her sensory issues and a lack of confidence, Chantelle’s determination shines through.
What an inspiring and warm hearted person.
Read Charlotte's article about being autistic and working in the NHS:https://sicofficial.co.uk/magazine/The-challenge-of-being-autistic-and-working-in-the-nhs
Miguel shares his journey as a mature student and his frustrations when, as an undiagnosed ADHD adult, he struggled with getting the vital support he needed while studying for his degree.
We talk executive function, the pain of fibromyalgia, and coping with chronic stress in a world not accommodating to his obvious neurodivergence.
Miguel tells me about his love for his Labradors, and how he finds the best ways to de-stress are being a DJ and spending time with his loving partner. He also offers fascinating insights into how good gut health can improve mental health.
An all round jolly nice chap and an inspiring conversation.
Samantha Grierson talks about her series of fabulous audio plays, meltdowns, puppy magic and family.
Samantha has written a series of incredible plays - Crocodile, Mole, Henpire, Kitty and How to Drop a Piano - set across the ages and in different parts of the UK. Discover the wonderful well known actors she chose to star in them, and her own personal stories that they are set around, encompassing the themes of motherhood, LGBT and getting old.
Samantha is autistic and ADHD, seeing herself as both a 'poodle' and a 'lion'. She shares what it is like to live through rolling meltdowns, socially awkward nightmares, food issues, her family of neurodivergents and her separate career as a successful Change Strategist, showing how her different mind blows stigma out of the water. We can all be the best we can be, whatever our diversity.
She shares how she dresses down for black tie events, how her puppy helped her to cope and is learning to be a service dog, exercise, and the vital grounding for her mental health that is Home.
Samantha's podcast: https://anchor.fm/samantha-grierson
Her website: https://socroc.co.uk/
For anyone who wants to learn more about autism, Amy Richards shares her captivating journey from undiagnosed autistic high school teacher to becoming self employed and publishing 53 podcast episodes for our wonderful Autistic Community.
From being the good, quiet girl at school Amy ended up using alcohol as a coping strategy through university. A teaching career led to repeated burnouts, until Amy forged a new successful career working for herself in the world of coaching, web design and marketing.
Be inspired and educated as you hear how this dedicated advocate learned how to survive and thrive in a world that doesn’t quite fit.
Amy's podcast, blog and autism resources: https://squarepeg.community/Her business website: https://amyrichards.wales/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squarepeg.community/Twitter: https://twitter.com/squarepegautismLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amyrichardsonline/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/squarepegautism
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