What better way to celebrate the holidays than to work on your marketing?!
Here are 12 things you can do to make a big difference over the next 12 days that will be so much better for you than all those lords a leaping and swans a singing.
You can watch Pour Over Marketing every Saturday morning at 8am CST (and sometimes on Thursday evenings as Pour Over Marketing: Happy Hour). There are new episodes of the regular New Media Lab Podcast coming soon, as well as audio from Pour Over Marketing, so make sure you are subscribed and watch your feed. In the meantime, enjoy this episode and be sure to let me know if you have any questions you want me to talk about.
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Today's episode is the audio from a live show we do on the New Media Lab Facebook page called, "Pour Over Marketing". You can watch Pour Over Marketing every Saturday morning at 8am CST (and sometimes on Thursday evenings as Pour Over Marketing: Happy Hour). There are new episodes of the regular New Media Lab Podcast coming soon, as well as audio from Pour Over Marketing, so make sure you are subscribed and watch your feed. In the meantime, enjoy this episode and be sure to let me know if you have any questions you want me to talk about.
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Lauren Passell and Arielle Nissenblatt break down What’s In and Out for Podcast Marketing in 2023.
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You can find more details about The Super Awesome Contest To Become The Next Big Voice Actor on the I Hear Voices Podcast Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLnJ5jL_...
Links discussed on today’s show:
www.malaproject.nyc – Restaurant
The Crimewriters on… Podcast http://www.crimewriterson.com
Squadcast https://squadcast.fm/
Tink Media https://tinkmedia.co
Come As You Are Podcast https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/come-as-you-are
Descript https://www.descript.com/
Trint https://trint.com/
Recast Studio https://recast.studio
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Rob’s special guest Aaron Peterson.
Connect with Hollywood Outsider, Remake This Movie Right, The Blacklist Exposed and Beyond Westworld on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, and YouTube.
Find our social media and directory links all in one place at linktr.ee/NewMediaLab
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Aaron Peterson S2E9 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
00:00:09 - 00:12:36
Welcome let's again new media lab today's guest is award winning podcast or Aaron Peterson before we get the let me introduce myself I'm your host Robert Create something we started there weren't that many most film and Television podcasts are out there were very I don't know what the right word stoppage pretentious big plans for the future but we can't do it without some money flowing in here every month I share patriotic only content like errands answer to how he monetize deepall it has their pod catchers in there so they don't have to search for the show it's super convenient I'll put the Lincoln the show notes for you fingertips I've also include Lynch the various pod catchers that new media lab is on which makes subscribing to the show incredibly easy plus if you WANNA share it with other kissed just for the Patriots please go to Patriot dot com slash new media lab and choose your tier or click on it you can find the link to the new media lab Patriot page there as well at the patriotic page you can directly support dish oh at help keep us going we have there's too many of them at that point it cool news kind of redefine that and took it over so just kind of stepped away for a few years and then I realized in other words get into conversation with me either through email facebook twitter instagram patriotic or any place else you could find me the email for this show oh entry it's a great way to support the show and to help keep the lights on here at Southgate Media Group A show like this best when the audience and host or engaged with each other I swear they're not paying me to say this I just love this tool okay that's enough business let's get to Aaron Peterson's interview film mice dilemma film critic but I- host amount website for a long time where you did the typical film news and that sort of thing and we got away from that because it was just I mean really it was it was very harshly critical to almost every film that wasn't an art film and I really WanNA representation of film to lick tree that's L. I. N. K. E. R. Dot e slash new media lab to get all the links right at your southgate media group Dot com where you can find this as well as over a hundred other podcasts plus blogs videos and a lot more by that you know what the podcast thing was starting to be a big deal so what I did was got with some friends and decided to put together Erin can you describe your podcast sure the Hollywood outsiders upon I started many moons ago two thousand eleven I used to be a a show that focuses on movies and television called Hollywood outsider where we would look at it from more of a fans point of view nine all right now there's about a billion of them Oh is southgate small business at gmail.com send me your questions and comments and I promise I'll respond our networks website Nathan podcast related all these links will be on our linked trait once again that's L. I. N. K. T. R. DOT EE Slash New Media Lab follower nearest endeavour on twitter at Indy podcast project and be sure to use the hashtag support independent cast when posting your own shows or sharing dance you know you and I people like all kinds of movies not just certain kind blockbusters art films John Pieces whatever it is so that's what the podcast of two thousand eleven are you a celebrity no no is there anyone associated with the show that is close can you elaborate on the difference yeah absolutely I can elaborate a lot of what has taken a hit out of shows like my own kind of we have a topic every week that's different and we also have reviews of every kind of movie and we touched a little bit on news stuff it's a very it's a variety show there's a lot of stuff from that point so that would be two thousand I want to lay two thousand ten early two thousand eleven and Hollywood outsider started in July so originally got into my buddy Scott wanted to do a gaming podcast in called the the official thread podcast and he needed someone done to grow your audience at a tight we unfortunately many people don't hence the reason one of the reasons I'm doing this paper so what are three key things that you the sound pretentious myself just that just because you have a name doesn't mean that you have a good show and start this is a I want you to answer two ways when did you podcasting and wounded Hollywood outsiders start because they may be different answers Oh yeah they are and one in each episode if variety show does it make you sunny or share share a one hundred percent share I thought so win did you. That's the only reason do you think gaining audience today is the same as when you started no not even when you have too many guys that are just there's too many choices number one it's hard for people to find your show you thing has been word of mouth we introduce an interactive component to our show way back in the day which did a great was a great help was called what's this liberty like a co host or anything that is a celebrity no now we're all independent I don't have a zero desire to be a celebrity I just I do gas because I enjoy it and I got involved in it with him I respect and I started doing a little podcasting on his show and then eventually dispose off from that you know unlike I just took off prince and so it's just different there's too many shows too many celebrities too many people that I honestly don't think are very good podcasters and I don't mean that but I found far more interaction in the group I find groups much more beneficial facebook has really added a lot of algorithms that unless you have constant conversation in your pages nobody's even GonNa find it whereas groups I've I find a you get much better conversation and you get in and other podcasts are celebrities everybody wants their own show I mean everybody thinks they are celebrities and they decided they're going to have a podcast so oversaturation they did a ton of promotion facebook twitter that sort of thing word of mouth what was very high I'll be honest our biggest just more people that really WanNa talk about whatever your topic is what are three key social media practices that you either use or would recommend Qui ones most of them show up do their thing and don't really care to get better There are exceptions Deck Shepherd is one where he came in his show was not very good I didn't think Hashtag your posts so people can find Amisi be regular you know don't make sure you have knew that they would have a concentrated audience that might that are very similar to the Hollywood outsider so therefore those listeners would sample but he seems to have taken advice and criticism and applied it to make it a better podcast which I respect that at least he somebody who's a celebrity and taking it serious the celebrities are the like the the biggest thing because they they come in they get the big dollars behind him at the ad revenue they get the you know they walk to help him with the technical stuff because he he didn't understand it and he didn't know how to understand it so I'm I worked in it I've been in it so I understand the technical side of it as a team I really believe we we've done most of our success from word of mouth I haven't paid for anything you know we're in a very very competitive we're probably the because of apple you have to limit exactly how many descriptors you could even have about what your show is so unless you completely rebrand yourself it's hard for people to even find you media posting with social media feel like if you're not active every day at least several times a day people will forget about you and not only that but on facebook chemistry it's always been chemistry it's been whoever I'm doing a with the their passion for the topic and our chemistry moving basically pay a very short movie clip people write in and guess what the movie isn't it got a lot of interaction got people talking about the show they would share it on social media that sort of thing he's instagram a little bit but honestly it's I'm just don't know how to master it I'm not go with pictures what is the secret to your podcast success they dutiful schedule make sure it same time every week so people know when to look for things and encourage people to share your podcast like audio dramas or audio comedies they haven't really taken off to the level I think they're capable of we've heard a lot of great content fast now when you said make sure it's beautiful schedule are you talking just the podcast or do you have a strategy with a schedule for social competitive while next next to true crime next the true crime I think we're probably the most competitive podcast categories TV and film and we all over seven thousand likes or something like that which is good I mean it's not great it's not it's not towards scale or anything but it's pretty good over the last few years we're alive is a great example Wolverine for stitcher premium was a really good example.
00:12:36 - 00:12:49There's I think that is a niche for hitting a home run before they'd even getting the chance to swing where the rest of us are kind of you know we've been fighting on the mound for a lot of years yeah I use a sports for then you added a group do you see a benefit to having groups as opposed to facebook pages while the page used to be really beneficial I think we're still in Youtube find his shows on your favorite podcast APP be at apple podcast Google podcast Stitcher spotify tune in iheartradio word of mouth is incredibly important it's how they grew their shop stick to a schedule interesting his thoughts on this how it's not just the podcast whatever be sure to subscribe and give excellent reviews to Erin spot tests Hollywood outsider remake this movie right the blacklist exposed and beyond westworld and while you're at it please subscribe New Media Lab with Robert Southgate wherever you listen to podcasts you can email the show at southgate small business at and sample at an did help quite a bit you mentioned you started your facebook group Like a year ago you had a facebook page before that social media and everything and hit projects that will drive interest to your main podcast I love that idea leading to explode on every episode I try to come away with three takeaways Erin had so many but I found three ideas that he kept
Troy Heinritz – S2E8 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special guest Troy Heinritz from the award-winning The Blacklist Exposed and Beyond Westworld.
Find Troy’s podcasts at goldenspiralmedia.com
Connect with The Blacklist Exposed and Beyond Westworld on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, and YouTube.
Find our social media and directory links all in one place at linktr.ee/NewMediaLab
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at newmedialab.smgpods.com.
You can write to us at [email protected] and let us know what you think.
Please rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
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00:10 - 19:45
Episode of New Media Lab Today we have our first guest the incomparable troy hybrids trae is not only a green podcast but a good friend welcome back to another it's something this week I discovered linked tree and a fallen in love with it with wintery I can now give you a single link that has everything aggregated for you it's a great way to support the show and help keep the lights on here at Southgate Media Group A show like this is best when the audience and host or engaged with each other show analysis of the TV show the blacklist from Sony Pictures Television airing on NBC in the states and we just have a lively conversation about I n. k. t. e. r. Dot e slash New Media Lab to get all the links at your fingertips in other words get in conversation with me either through email facebook twitter instagram Patriot you can leave notes on the various platforms Indie podcast when posting your own shows or sharing anything podcast related all these links will be at our link tree once again before we get to the interview let me introduce myself I am your host Robert South and I am so thrilled you decided to join me before we jump in Detroit Center Best Hi Troy Hinrichs from the blacklist exposed at the blacklist exposed dot com our podcast is a TV fan podcast that covers a post free. It's an incredible tool it's also where you can find the link to our patriotic page every month I share patron only content like like I want to tell you about an awesome tool I found every episode I feel like I'm going on forever listing the various ways to subscribe to or contact our show I've been called reds rhetoric and then people call in vote on those two segments when did you start podcasting be personally I started in twenty thirteen his answer to how we monetize his podcast just for the Patriots please go to Patriotdepot DOT com slash new media lab and choose your tears rose and more finely follow our newest indifferent twitter at Indy podcast project and be sure to use the HASHTAG super I'll see them any place that you can find me talk to me the email for this show is southgate small business at gmail.com send me your questions and comments and that's L. I. N. K. T. R. DOT EE slash new media lab they are not a sponsor it's just a tool I am super promise you I'll respond our networks website is southgate media group Dot com where you can find this as well as over a hundred other podcasts blogs video link in the show notes I won't need to put all those other links now one link doesn't all I cannot recommend this enough to you easy it's you from all our social media links to links to the various directories were on any other links that I wanNA share so go to link tree l. what happened that week we have some fan theories that we talked about during the course of the show and then we highlight the best two lines of advice that red gives during the course of the program and my family they think I'm a celebrity because I've been invited to go out to New York and Los Angeles and I've met celebrities that we would consider celebrity status somebody that as a quote unquote podcast I actually have a radio background broadcasting degree so I've done some on air radio for six years prior but in the podcasting spe specific clea was the summer of two thousand thirteen with a TV show fan podcast called under the Dome Radio for the under the Dome Television Show on CBS. Are you a celebrity with the podcast specifically not im- particular so we do have conversations with actors that are on the show so excited about and thank you could use okay that's enough business now let's get on with the interview hi Troy please describe your pod season five so there have been celebrities on our show but beyond that they don't have any relation to the podcast on a regular basis fans of the show who like to hear from Amir Arison who plays the character of Aram on the television show or the lead actress Meghan Boone I am not a celebrity depending on how you wanted to find celebrity so when I talk to my friends at work and around my church and around she plays Elizabeth keen on the show she's come on the podcast before back in season four we had interviews with James Spader you've heard of that guy he was like this eighties liberty by celebrity standards but I'm a celebrity in a smaller community around my local nece is there any celebrity associated with the blacklist podcast we star instill is a fantastic star in his own right in the TV series that he's done well we actually got to interview him for the one hundred episode that aired during it was easy to find your tribe because there were you know facebook and twitter we're still kind of trying to find social media back down on social media I've been around for about five years do you think gaining audience today is the same as when you started that's a really good question I think it's harder today to gain a into the community and just keep pulling people in through tweeting throughout the course of the episodes at that time on Monday night and Tuesday night and the Thursday night Friday night Louis loyal audience it takes a lot of work when we started the blacklist back in what was the fall of two thousand thirteen when the show started out people IRC Schatzer maybe posting comments on the actual blacklists webpage run by NBC specifically in so I think for that with US probably makes millions of dollars an hour of television and so from that perspective no I don't make a Crapton of money like they do so I am not but when you think about people that watch television in particular it's an older demographic so they're just trying to figure out how to use social media and get involved with it you're still trying to Suss to gain the same audience it was challenging we have a very large facebook group and we have a pretty good sized downloads for that specific show but it's not the same biggest thing that we did to grow our audience was twitter when there is lots of conversation happening about a particular television show in our case because that's our engagement with that audience so we have a lot of people but if I were to say put ads sponsor on a Westworld podcast I don't know if I would get the same version rate even though I have more listeners than it would on the blacklist podcast because the blacklist listeners are loyal to troy Aaron I and therefore more people so I think over time we've built up a loyal audience the hard part today is that if we had to go back and do that from square one which we did for our bread and butter we're live watching the show and as the show is airing we're tweeting along and we're tweeting at the main blacklist account from NBC we're tweeting with the writers you say hey go by this we probably better conversion rate with a smaller audience what are three key things you've done to grow your audience well number one the so what are three key social media practices you've done to grow audience the number one thing you can do on social media is when you starting a facebook group in particular and a twitter account and an instagram account right out of the gate it was easy for us to then Sir to reach people in order to pull them Ah podcast called beyond Westworld for HBO's Westworld we're actually the first westworld podcast in itunes and apple podcasts and we found that but it's not just us posting stuff out there it's US responding to stuff head a lady just today who said Hey I just started watching all the blacklist I've injured all the way through acres genre and then of course the second the second thing we did was actually reach out to people involved with the show specifically so we got a writer and then we also then started doing instagram pictures and video and audio grams through our instagram account that caught the attention of sation by doing that actually gets us to a point where people think than they tweet at us they're actually tweeting at the show and it's like hey you guys did a great job tonight AH blacklist room on twitter were tweeting at the guest star that's there that week as well as the rest of the actors and we're following the Hashtag so just being present in the conference has your tweeting enough that you're in the people to follow spotlight on twitter or people that are trending in this topic I think that's when you know you've really made it in that you start to build out a spreadsheet and then all of the people that you interact with you can figure out one or two personal things about them so that as you're going through normal conversation with them and then number three I think it's being responsive to the actual community members that we talk to on a regular basis we have our facebook group and our instagram and our twitter back to her and say hey don't worry we don't we don't miss listen to us either but it is kinda lonely after a while it so you can play along with them in the conversation and you get to know people we actually it actually done some spotlighting of the behind the scenes cast as well where we've had the makeup artist Dan Anthony Peppy we've had stunt coordinator on-court Hessler Dave Porter have a Guy Douglas in our group where he posts what we eat on Thursday nights before the show so even though the show has been off the air since May of two thousand eighteen and we'll be coming back artists and so we're promoting the artists that way we're extending the show were and then we have another segment where we do this thing called breads rhetoric whereas the two clips from start a conversation and have a conversation about that could be as simple as I visited you know pretty close to where you live on some trip before whatever and then what you do there in January of two thousand nine hundred ninety we still post are what are we eating on Thursdays Post and we all share recipes and get to know each other as people rather than just fans which is really fun few people you make a good point that you should have specific content for each platform you talk about twitter instagram facebook is there anything else radziwill post out those as an audio Graham and then people can follow the conversation to say hey did you like this what did you like about this one and we take a vote based on social media you can actually be like hey I remember your daughter was having a a baby was coming up grandbaby how'd that go what's so it gets the interaction rather than just heirs my latest episode go click the link because then you're driving interaction which is what social media is all about as being interacting with what's going on with that and then you can start to have a personal conversation personal relationship that makes a connection with them at a point where you don't have that with somebody say Tumbler we've been doing a lot with TV specifically because tumbler is a huge one for television podcast or television fan group specifically because they like to post their little log content as a tumbler post and then linking to our youtube video that we do it's not really a video but it's the the Oh John McCain camp he did a few interviews with us that lead to then getting Sony's attention which helped us in the PR game of getting the actual actors and actresses on the show and thanks but we haven't put out the guest yet but hopefully with listen board on Friday it'll be up there so when you get to that point where people think you are the shell so with that we're able to support our hearing impaired listeners by using youtube as well and building a community out there what would you say is the secret to your podcast success I think the biggest thing that made us successful with the blacklists expose was perseverance we want we do that good stuff our podcast can be playing in the background for them to listen to which is really cool we also use youtube and the reason why we use Youtube and I know people always are like should you put a podcast on US background from Youtube while they're doing work and stuff so why not have an audio only podcast on Youtube recently we use it specifically is that we actually have hearing impaired list community it's where we interact where we chat where we talk where we suss out theories and have long hundred two hundred comment thread discussions about a particular topic Daniel Nafta come on and he was our first interview from the show's perspective early in season three that interview let us to actually make friends with the creator of the show it was a show that probably was good enough to podcast about because there was this underlying mythology is here is not the Lisbeth Qian's father the album art with the Pike as playing in the background and we put that on Tumbler as well that whistle people as people perusing tumbler and looking at other blacklists who just won an award recently for his great work in television music so really really fun to just kind of work that angle for number two to and especially if there's no actual video with it because no one's going to listen to an audio thing on youtube there's a lot of people that just make playlists of music and have that play in the Jeff's obviously out the entire story sometimes and they have their long winded theories that they type out on on Tumbler and so we basically are repurposing our website television knew about us make sure that NBC the blacklist knew about us made sure that the writer's room knew about us because we wanted to feature ever the end of the day so there was this mystery there but what we really wanted to do is make sure that we figured out how we could make sure Sony pictures which instagram post actually gets better traction because then we'll know which one people like and we do that in twitter as a poll and facebook in our facebook group as a poll combine all of that up for some owners in our blacklist fandom and they had asked for a transcription of the show so that they can follow along because they can hear it but sometimes you know we stumble over words the topic is these days but we're geeks when it comes to following television and entertainment news and that sort of thing so people would probably say we're kind of behind the scenes is because we don't actually get to be on television well then it just turned out that we ended up becoming people on television because they invited us out to do a marriage good storytelling along with live reporting but it's weird because the medium itself tends to be on demand people and it was really really great to be entertainment weekly TV guide some Group from Canada and us that's pretty cool so what do you think is the next big thing in podcasting I think the next big thing in podcasting is really trying to figure out how we can kids are we have a weird midwestern accent since from the Chicago area in so with that we said okay well we'll put it up on youtube and the transcription gets about ninety five percent of it good saying social media is that you have to leverage the platforms for what their best designed for so in our case with facebook we're doing that as in particular but more importantly we want to highlight the people that don't get highlighted all that often we're we're kind of the what do you want to call us Geeks nerds I forget what the calm like how do we leverage podcasting to get the word out around you know here's things firefighters need help with here's things residents need help with single person that does something with the show in a way because we are first and foremost fans of the content creation space otherwise we wouldn't be doing podcasts back from filming one for season six out in Los Angeles and so for us perseverance is the big thing we kept trying we kept calling bothering we kept emailing season opening special that airs in I think it's like seventy countries now that get to see this this pre show if you will we did that for season four and we just recently radio or television you're literally becoming part of their lives and and the point where you can actually travel there and maybe even be part of the birth ceremony that we could be covering it live but we could also be covering it on demand but we should be using our voices for social justice and I think that's really the thing hand but there has to be a way that we can figure out how to make live an interesting thing so I wanna be able one it's all about interaction number two perseverance and number three look for ways to build podcasting ten do and we just need a bigger platform to get at it so if we could cover something that's big and live it makes more awareness for podcast we kept twittering and eventually someone said hey these guys actually a really good show let's go ahead and make them part of the family so much so that they invited us out for the one hundredth anniversary with each episode I tried to come away with three takeaways troy head so many yet I found three central ideas that he did keep coming back to number as you come out at a live event for example there's the the big California fire that's going on right now that's probably the biggest one in the state I do believe stitcher spotify tune in IHEART radio wherever and be sure to subscribe and give the blacklist exposed and beyond Westworld oh I think live converting it into the on demand and bridging that gap I think is the next big thing for us in order to get our voices out into the community quicker awareness I know all three of the basic I know that we've heard this kind of stuff before but here's -
Gordon Rochford – S2E7New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special guest Gordon Rochford from the Those Conspiracy Guys Podcast.
Gordon's website: thoseconspiracyguys.com
Gordon's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tconspiracyguys
Contact Gordon at [email protected]
Find our social media and directory links all in one place at linktr.ee/NewMediaLab
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at newmedialab.smgpods.com.
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#podcast #business #marketing #socialmedia
00:00 - 05:24
This is a really difficult question. Oh that's a great question. That's a good question. That is a great question. That's a really good question. I love this question and i think this this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it want to hear the answers checkout season. Two of new media lab with robert southgate new episodes leads every tuesday available on spotify. I tunes google podcast and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts welcome back to another episode of new media medialab. I've got a fan tastic episode for you today before we get into who my guest is. Let me introduce myself. I'm your host robert southgate southgate and i am so honored that you have decided to join me as promise last time. I have a great interview for you today. Some of you may know this person and for those of you that don't it is my pleasure to be the one to introduce you to him. My guest is gordon rochford from those conspiracy guys podcast. It is a fantastic show that is totally crushing it after my conversation with gordon i can see why this is the interview that i mentioned in the last episode as s. Having over two hours of additional content which i will be placing on our patriotic page for our subscribers what i pitched the idea of an interview to each of our guests i told him i had ten questions and that the total time commitment would be a maximum of maybe twenty five minutes. Gordon kept me on the phone for almost three hours and it was mind blowing he shared tips and secrets no-one else did he was so forthcoming and honest about his podcast journey. I couldn't imagine cutting him off one of the thing i'll tell you about gordon and his podcast those conspiracy guys is it completely ignores the rules and is unapologetic attic about it before we get to the interview. I do have a little business to take care of. I we have a patriotic page which i just mentioned where you can directly support this show and help keep us going every month. I share patriotic only content like the additional two hours of gordon's interview just for you. The patrons please please go to patriot dot com backslash new media lab and choose your tear. It's a great way to support the show and help keep the lights on here at southgate media group a show like this is best with the audience and host or engaged with each other in other words. Get in conversation with me either through email facebook twitter instagram patriotic or any place else you can find me. The email for this show is southgate small business at gmail.com. Send me your questions. Send send me your comments. I promise i will respond you can find new media lab on facebook by searching at new media lab xo or you can follow me on twitter at our southgate or an instagram at rob southgate. Our networks website is southgate. Media group dot com where you can find this as well as over the hundred other podcasts that i'm an executive producer on plus blogs videos and so much more finally follower newest endeavor on twitter at indie podcast project and be sure to use the hashtag support indie podcasts when posting your own shows or sharing anything. That's podcast related okay enough with the business. Let's get on with this interview so gordon. Can you describe your podcast. Yeah mytalk passes those conspiracy guys and it's a a conversational conspiracy show where we take some of the classic conspiracies like nine eleven sasquatch. Ask watch these usual fair. We also do political and cultural analysis on discuss it in a friendly forty forty eight manner and the humor in some of the topics is like the sugar to helps the medicine go down a roundtable discussion usually with three guests and there comedians for my old life a stand up comic in dublin city in ireland and the join me we have the roundtable discussion as easily casual conversational and some of the episodes go six seven hours which seems maybe manageable for for a podcast yet people seem to love and we get another little feedback people like the conversation they like the kind of casual nature of it and we like to delve deep into all the topics so we go into what's usually on the internet is our our main fair and if there's some books or some specific knowledge that we need to guess we go look in there so the remainder of the show is to take whatever is online and examined that run our bullshit meter over us to see if it's true or not true and at the end of the show at we get off the fence and give our own personal opinion union about the information that we have to find so it's a it's approachable.
05:24 - 10:35
It's functional. We ruin our browser history so you don't have to look up stuff like jimmy. Savile at bush end the conversation under discussion like the deep discussion and taken a pirate. These theories is what people really idiot joy. When did you start podcasting. I started the idea. Those conspiracy in mid don't twenty thirteen . That's where we were doing a show. I was already already given up. Stand up comedy. Eh i was itching to perform in some way shape or form on a the two original conspiracy as we all came together and started making this show ice tacked on my own in summer twenty thirteen and i started to produce the show learning how to make websites learning how to do with podcast learning about the industry at listening today of jackson's podcast on the podcast and pasolini as well and trying to figure out like what makes you need and equipment. Could we get away with because we didn't have. I didn't have much time working part time job at a phone store job as a traditional irish music at guides ramdan city so you know it was a weird time a climate for a whole year we launched in twenty twenty fourteen in september eleventh with show on nine eleven and into . The whole first season was over before the end of twenty fourteen so what's over just over four years doing it now and it didn't take off straightway. It has grown to a behemoth now. Are you a celebrity or are there any celebrity celebrities associated with your show. I don't think i'm a celebrity but i have been stopped in the street like a bunch of times. I'll be like only got you the guy from the tang and i'm like yes. Yes i am but i always take step back because we conspiracy finds it could end up being like allows nice which is like. I love you so much stop. I don't think i've ever heard love knife before today's daytime if they can't it if i can't have you nominee will stab stab stab i think now with the amount of people that listen listen for the amount of time that they do. I think of which classes some as some sort of celebrity yeah but i don't think of myself. I'm still doing sits around in my underwear like macomb podcasts when you started your podcast. I know that you're talking about the podcast part of it but when you started do you think you were a level of celebrity already. I don't think so at all because you said you end up comedy yeah but i mean like sixty . Sixty people knew who i was like. There's there's more. There's more people at . Acute style bookstore would have known me for being a stand up lenient. You're mostly friends and stuff you know in like zero capacity was as liberty when i started winning our first couple the twenty thousand downloads amount which is huge for a new show wanted to move with data is getting those emails at the standards audits is cool on it seemed like vindication stand up here in ireland and you're doing thirty or forty people. They didn't initially buy a ticket to see just you. It was more like a showcase type things so they show up in the news just general comedy happening so you were just like a pleasant or sometimes unpleasant surprise so you have to go there. You have to win them over. It's not like you know in america you go to a comedy show on you. Have you know go go to a comedy show in l._a. You might have as eason's ari is playing and you know him and he's like oh my god we gotta get tickets to go see he's marion. You're in a place where like in ireland it doesn't work. There's just some lad telling jokes dick and you know it might end up. It might end up making a fan or someone on twitter but there's no real infrastructure. Far are the creation of celebrity in stand up comedy in ireland's. Music may be little bit different but i don't think any way successful outside of the medium podcast for the production of media. Do you think gaining audience today is the same as when you started. I don't like gin audience scanning audience of the things that are universal universal across any you know media forget an audience if you have regularity of both production and quality if you have consistency of of boats lick release schedule and of of content quality the willingness to adapt and change if you're you're you're content is gonna stay the same forever.
10:36 - 15:25
It's going to grow too big for the pasta. That's in so you're gonna have to change. revolves slowly as somehow and realize that don't do that. Don't stay successful. You see that most in music music where you know the first is like roll and it's all in the garage man and the second tends to be more heavily produced and the tar a lot of intends to veer off into some other kind of genre and they'd be changed a little bit like dylan going electric this still feel so if you're not willing to do dash a you won't be new audience because the people who could be new come to join your show. That's the same old shit. I was listening to the tree years ago. I i was given this guy a chance. Also the people are getting older. So the longer you have a show electricity black podcasts for ten years so their fans may decide to listen to my twenty if it was like you know a beer and boobs as i called him a beer and boobs by castro it's just like tree fat white guys and they talk about comic books computer games tv shows and indeed reviewed whatever beer-drinking under like color so funny man like those shows peter off very quick because the people start listening to them at twenty by the time they're not. They're like this is blue shift that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. I'm i'm finished with that so if you're not willing to evolve and change and develop develop and grow the audience know for me i find that a common intake her and fostering reach tipping point so if you've read their wonderful the book the tipping point you he had tell you that at some point you don't have to do you don't have to enact that same. They don't have to do that still does the same way not to wholesalers hired so at the very restart we report you know social media post. I have what they call the integrated media so i had like it's a grand plans that ended up being way too much like i made a plan at the very start in that first year of five people's equals work like i i already had a whole production companies job in my head so like i wanted to put an episode on nine eleven. Let's and then have every points is like twenty points in that show that we talk about i wanted to have it's either a website article. Social media posts posting the source article got information from our a ah video x. going deeper into more the visual aspects of something like we were talking on the nine level on for example at the way the towers fall tulsa small coming at the site on the pike acid . It'd be better if he could look cat is happening while i'm describing go at the end of that video on youtube go and if you wanna hear is going to this in-depth head over to our podcast listen to the whole team so it's the youtube people people are being directed to the podcast podcast per being directed to youtube people who are looking stuff on google would find it into website and then there's the directed either youtube or to podcasts castillo is all this integration that i had been from the very very start. This is going to be a huge multi media. Yeah endeavor all podcast should try to at least have some element to that because if you're not podcast with no supporting the media the only way people are going to is going to be in their podcast up by typing in either. Your podcast name are the topic of your show so for the very start. I think a lot of our audience came in for the madeleine mccann case off you know about that. I don't know it's a little girl who went missing in in portugal in two thousand seven and it was a whole big thing about people think that her parents killed her and hid the body and there's this massive international her national search that still goes on today. It's like a gopher. A government saunderson give millions of pounds a year to the family to find this girl who disappeared more than ten years ago like it's the johnny gosh are jon benet ramsey no of portugal off the top of england because it was an english girl went missing portugal so that got us massive amounts of traffic he like huge amounts of traffic on the website so the websites post host was showing up at the top of our google searches when you typed in madeleine mccann hoax are madeleine mccann conspiracy which is a very popular term because it was still a popular case it was a hot topic topic and then that would drive people from that website into the show on when they get the shoulder like hey.
15:25 - 20:02
These guys are hilarious. What else at the so like if you were only available in are in the podcast search where you have to look at the height love your show and the titans of the show is sometimes are episode one one six. There's there's nothing in tight of to let you know what's in the show. Might maybe the description but descriptions would show up further down the search if you typed it into agents so it's like these kinds of things that you have to know and learn at the very start to get an audience straightaway so a lot of people would start to show. Its don't get a massive feedback because you know their egos. He goes said i should be getting one hundred thousand downloads not getting out of not doing this happens quite a bit and you've got you know what's it called podcast creek or whatever we're it really put a fight shows all right once a week and then like three weeks and then it's like five months and then you just don't put ghost you you yeah it's gone because they're not getting the numbers they deserve so for for our show at the stack was an awful lot of audience acquisition and retention by putting in different elements of media so people could cause. I knew the conspiracy has into their watching this stuff on youtube this huge long four five six hour documentaries and they want to be able to disseminate that information with someone so we do at florida we do the chewing and they can just swallow it as part of our podcast and now it's a big. It's a different story because there's people calling me up looking for interviews among other the shows. There's a bit of juice going on right so people know i have an audience. They want the non so we're cross pollinate and there's also like you know i've that'd be on national t._v. national radio here in ireland of been on loads of podcasts in america the u._k. In ireland as guest so i'm getting into all of those things on it's now more of that ah products that you either like or don't like it's not about me or it's not about break through us a orange color breaking through that kind of veil spiracy yeah the wall like yours. There's a whole veil just generally draft overall conspiracy podcasts and the one that pops out to you the most like i like the way those guys do so you can choose to take in last podcast on the left are if you wanted to hear tree lads make the books so we have a direct competition because it's a very similar flora greg howard with higher site chance he does one to one interviews with delays who write the books that we read and talk about it on our show. He's talking to the actual people you know and then you have the snowflake joe rogan. He gets people any get celebrities. Comedians in talk about the topics in the clinton learned format so it's like a different shade of conspiracy for everybody a now. That's where we're working on getting the audiences. This is diversifying. I'm still trying to make teased t._v. Try to make as pretty youtube channel. I branched out got into doing true crime because default under my rematch of conspiracy theory like i'm a analysis or whatever sure but they weren't strictly conspiracy conspiracy theories but i never wanted to be stricken series from this tax so i think to recap at consistent consistently improving moving quality sees the mikes were season to a little bit better seasons free way better and they were up to like pro level. Mike's but that comes with money only sold consistent quality improvement consistent innovation in the type of media product. Did you produce absolutely essential like if you keep doing the same show all the time. Maybe caroline are mac. Myron is an exception to the rule bush. Bush are johnny carson. You know david letterman. They're exceptions to the rule but if you're a podcast you're trying to maintain an audience attorney maintain interest you have to involve yourself and then for podcast and particularly irregular schedule so your tires tonight or montemar or whatever like. That's the thing when people know when they're getting if they expected they don't get you will lose audience and that's for a stat new podcast. That's hundred percent essential to success asked if you're not regular with it people think because they're not like the look on the have over a hundred episodes under like a release it when he is not stopping now. It's his full-time job bob but if you've only five episodes they're not going to invest.
20:04 - 25:01
They're trying if those ships are weeks apart. They're going to be like i dunno. It's like watching is like watching the first season of some ropy. T._v.'s like firefly or something like no one's going to watch firefly sees one now because they okay counsels yeah right. Nobody goes it is. They're like i mash so yeah. Consistency and improving quality is the main part right but getting audience what are three key things. You've done to grow your audience a stay true to myself and my own vision no matter what what people have said like audit shows too long are all you make too. Many dick jokes are you know changes to the way i like it out of the hundreds hundreds of thousands of people that could listen to it to be one cont. That'd be like on like this and somehow because like i said we we have all the detriments of celebrity survivor benefits. They get a direct line to me through twitter and that message hits goes like aw that's sore on somehow there louder than all the praise messages and you start denver stuff like maybe maybe i should make the show a bit different and maybe i should change it to that like don't be listening to people who don't make podcasts. Don't be listening to general off off the street decades. They're usually they don't want their . Stay true to your vision. Keep doing what you're doing on train improve for yourself on the people who like it with like other people who don't want apple. Maybe they will later on if you get better. That's the attitude to have asked . The other thing that i've done is try to get as many of the popular bush pertinent episode is probably very particular. Tamale show like to get all all the proper impertinent base information so that i can grow like a plan hades these answer the planet hayes is my second one. Ah i planned all these episodes earlier episodes are like groundwork on background knowledge to the more complicated later episodes her so when you talk about we have a whole series on money so it was like five money episodes so the first one is like money in the second one is like here's the dollar works at the third one on is like what's the petro dollar and the fourth one is like the history of the federal reserve so it's like growing. The knowledge with the audience at undercharging is if you want to grow your have a successful podcast for some people. It's impossible but to make content. It's evergreen so obviously if you're you're doing a sports podcast if you're doing like u._f._c. podcast or you're doing that a news podcast watson politics today or whatever like it's real hard to make stuff that stands the test of time on like say like a baseball podcast. That's only good for one week to the next a next week. That's that content is is you you know inconsequential that means you have to regular and you have to be improving equality but you can't make evergreen stuff for a history podcast or if you're doing at politics podcast a retrospective something that can be evergreen. Leave out like the common references leave about the the the jokes are the most recent episode game of thrones like these these things that would break break. The audiences concentration are make someone feel like they're not anonymous like if you're listening to something from three years ago and i made a joke some taking obama did unin. They're not gonna joke. League slick watching old episodes looks like watching all episodes of the late show with jay leno and then i'll fry. He's like i showed this week. Did you hear about this. Did you hear about this guy went into a seven eleven and it's like the national magris anymore. People don't watch reruns. Jay leno deal yeah right all right. That's a good point. You have to have current stuff so that people can feel involved no matter when they listen to it on having your like it gets easier to more show as you have because if you have one hundred episodes needed new listeners like your listeners these two episodes that's that's two thousand downloads. If you've a hundred episodes over the space of a couple of months that's a hundred thousand downloads so so the more episodes you have the easier. It is to grow the audience because they're going to go back over your back catalogue. If you're still is evergreen they're ready to go in. Listen to all your back catalogue to get to know you to come up to speed and i get a lotta messages at people to refrain for message the until they get to the most recent one and they're like it. Just finished got to the most recent episodes.
25:02 - 30:01
It took me seven months but now i mean what's the crack gardo like it's like a half a casual and now i can say hello to you because i know everything and they're like hey what's up. What do you like brilliant knowing all the crack and then they get to have done anticipation of listening to every episode like i i remember when i watched lost for the first time the first tree seasons i watched in the space of maybe two or three weeks because i had them all to download and it'd be anticipation went for new episode like on a thursday or whatever you're like all when it's on it's on your like all yes feel involved like it's your skin it. Yes you're part of it. rotterdam rather than feeling that loop. I'm like you don't get the jokes because nobody wants to feel on smart and ironically. I don't even know if on smart is a real word. He'll be feel dumb. They don't wanna feel left out. Are you could say you could just go get away with anything like that. So yeah like nobody wants to feel a outside cooed gangs so i do try as much as possible to do that in my show shows where we're making jokes nostalgia stuff. That's way back in the past. Are you know we're we're not doing something today. In the news this happens happens like a lot of our store a lot of episodes history so it's easy to make historic jokes in ends up being evergreen content because you're backed in water three key social media media practices that you've utilized you mentioned some of your social media before and part of the question. I got two parts to this question that i want want you to think about to what platforms do you use with social media and do you use an actual strategy with a plan or is it like we just make sure we keep putting stuff how consistently what do you mean by strategy the plan like what i'll give you an example. If you had a social media calendar and you said okay on mondays we put a edged out on tuesday. We put a poll on wednesday. We make sure that we have or we ask a culture that you sir i don't have i don't have something as as regimented as bash like we'd have certain things for certain days. I would imagine if you had like throwback thursdays days. Are you know a feel fe- feel good friday's or some other kind of alliterative tting include your audience that would probably work but they don't think for our show and you're scrambling to keep up with stuff in there which politics conspiracy the way it is every day as a brand new thing like you could pick your choose the topic to to jump on and you just post away the strategy really had a note from the style was like i said before we release an episodes. Let's say it's an episode on traffic. Watch our sasquatch episode. We talked at the florida skunk. We talked about the aquatic aquatic game theory and then we talked about the picture bash was very famously taken with the blurry sasquatch. Look inside like oh yeah right so those three things in the week release. The sasquatch episode went around social media under wasn't discussion about each of those things so like. I'm trying to take content. That may have been a discussion point that wasn't that that somebody else may have had input on sleep with other social media joined the week. I also put stuff up on the website like more like not like deeper dive into something that may not work audibly. It might have to work. Visually i do work a lot with patriarch folks. I would push like mike and mike patriots strategies that have been more specific so take outtakes and i take the bits and bobs wouldn't go into the main show. I put them on pitcher but social media is like a mix between my achievements as a podcast achievements of the show so i mean cool the show they always make sure to crank knows an awful awful others congratulatory by austin push. 'em like re post. Hey this week show. Is this so a lot of reports and reminders that there's a new episode of port like still discussions from the show's ira push the funny bits that you would find that would be to be something to have hashtag alerts on feeley so he went to feed lii which is like an r._s._s. feed catcher. Am i have all different tags hundreds of tags for all this stuff. We talked about in all the shows on an infield the every morning like wind. I try and follow. That's a cool thing. Whenever news has come up around that hashtag i would then take a few of those active goes go said for example we were talking about nibiru planet x and and you know the progenitor alien race car the medals at attainment recently about a malware which is a orrock that flew flew past.
30:02 - 35:07
It looks like a needle. I yeah the first thing the camp the camp site of our solar system ever on. I think it's like a an aliens pains parole or whatever so sharing stuff with a dash. It's always lincoln back then to hey this week things into our solar system mental mental. Did you ever think to his aliens well in our new bureau episode. We talk about this. I'm more check it like that kind of thing so it's always going back to an episode. People can go to a wink. Yeah yeah yeah yes. What's the episodes are cornerstone content and a little bit slow visual aspects . That's all extra stuff. There's also conversation. I also do . live chats so once a month with the patriot folks. I'm with everyone in general but the patron folks can join me on it where i put up the webcam chat for three three four five hours about that months too big episodes so this month we released cultural marxism on just about to release kosovo on the k._k._k. So i do a live chat next week and people come on sunday gets to talk about what they thought about the the the social the justice warriors and the alde rice and like they get to take the points that i made in both of those shows and go like on such as facilities said this thing now i think is that when we get to actually because a lot of people listen to our show wiser walking to and from work or getting their commuting i hear from people i meet relay for to say and when you said this on the show i wanted to show them to fallen that jet that it was this survey was i often get replaced from people like when to say when i say on the show again the name wrong and just to be involved are just the feelings have contributed. They'll send me the correct sir right so they've never communicated with me. The floor and i'm like the guy what's his name the dog whisperer cesar cesar chavez under like no at caesar alan and i guess like five dozen messages correcting me yeah so it's those kind of things people want to be involved in so i try and involve a ah trained involved in that a us buffer which is a an app that you're able to to write one post post on facebook twitter instagram on on google plus which is better to die largent gocha plus. I also have a sober british and that's usually the place where you have to feel criticism because the people on read the tend to be mildly toxic but there's a lot of nice people are too but obviously you get your get your cripples. Am i also avak pinterest page. It's not very active but i have all the all the sources now go in there and then communicate with people true d._m.'s on on instagram twitter facebook or probably the three main ones. I usually put the same content of everywhere. I tried to make like and for my for my documentary project make documentaries. I have a private t._c. G. t._v. instagram feed and that's only available to the people who donate to go fund me on patriots so that's a private feed that i'm gonna have stuff to they. Don't want the general public but they can be part of it and that's driving people to donate so they can get access to that material sampled patriot like you have secret stuff that only patriotic people get stay dollars for them to give you some money ace but in twitter facebook and that you really use one piece of content you throw out but then for the premium places like patriot and you're doing would special things am i getting back yeah yeah and then when i stream i stream on all platforms so stream on facebook twitter twitch on youtube because youtube and patriots have an integration i stream the episodes live using youtube. I love to do using twitch which but there's no way to make like a pro a private stream on twitch where you candid on youtube snags at so. I met a stream privately just a pantry on folks. I didn't get released at the end of the thing when they released the episodes but like there's there's a certain element of exclusivity and inclusivity to two times insulate jews when it comes to social media so you want everyone to be included. You want that feeling of inclusivity. If you're an audience member you're in on the joke. You're in iraq you. You're you're in on the information. You're not left behind. If you do your homework you can get the full appreciation of the content of the show and then the exodus of pirate is if you want to know more if you wanna get near me like to have a conversation to be involved. There's a paywall on you know. That's that's my wage salary history than exclusive barrier donations so like if people are if people are still on social media.
35:08 - 40:25
It doesn't have to be regular the if you're if you're buzzfeed or if you're within ago one of these lads like a what's zooey . Hello bonnie are like one. She has has right right. You go on and on instagram which is like fifteen polls. lashed out go to many. I can get overwhelming so they don't like the platoon much up there close i wanted to reply to everybody and i do try to replace heavy. I read every message in every email every every d._m. That sent me. I read them all but sometimes you just can't replace everyone wanting to sales by fail on is is at like we said earlier on the negative ones often are louder than the positive ones somehow so i try to refrain in from rewarding that negative energy with a replay but if some things are making accusations sansom sheet here like no fucking buddy to respond to it the natural inclination to be like fuck you so. I trying really hard to not reply you too negative. People are more reward the positive people for their positive input. That's the thing that i think is really important that if someone's willing to glazer way eh positively support your show even if it's just a comment to say hey love your show. This is great that you just like tanks plan like there's more here are thanks for support or whatever to replay more deposit people into negative people is could your head at its good fear fan base as well. What is the secret britt to your podcast success. I think personally. I feel that it's just sticking to your principles. No matter go mature goes like no matter what people are saying you do are like the technical stuff like people are like oh man. You should get a better microphone. Are you should put up some some san treatment on your walls or whatever like yeah i know. I know i show everyone. It's like we were all if we could all be radio station making these podcasts we would but if people are like oh man you shouldn't talk about such and such thing so much. Are you know you shouldn't make fun on of this. Are you shouldn't do this at i think sticking to your principles. Make no one who you are. I'm i'm being yourself on your show unashamedly yeah when make it a lot easier to grow because you're gonna grow naturally as a person and your audience is gonna grow each seat seatac growth. You're going to be able to be more natural and be more relaxed while you're doing the show because you don't have to put on a facade. You don't have to maintain a fake nyerere's in your your heads to be a certain person like oh. No this this podcast gardo now. I'm not allowed to talk about this or not. Let's say this like faulk as say what you like to be able to create as much as possible without getting burned out because you you barnardo's if you're trying to maintain that facade you barnard a lot quicker. That's why michelle is six and seven hours long because i'm like an widow. Let's go. Let's go back and talk about this thing. You know that's my natural inclination as a person. If i was in my head worrying about like the audience getting bored are people are going like all these episodes are too long. You know oh you could miss out on something. Important could miss it on a certain part of the conversation that could be the best part of the show right so i think the secret to the the success on the natural growth of the shoal aena as a person on his podcast on his a man amazon media producer user and as a technical operator of all of these different things that are advancing all the time if you're a person who uses audacity and and you get the opportunity to use a better software but you're like no. I won't use this because i'm used to audacity. You're like okay. Just dig your own grave and 'cause that's dover few the people using feed burner years ago under like i swear by it. I absolutely swear by and then like four years ago. Google just went burner. Never going to update that and you have your whole business built on a feed burner feed like you're stuck so being yourself. I'm willing to grow win at the change and stick just having a central principles that you stick to either personally or professionally at a not listening to the miniscule miniscule negative comments that people to change this find your painter on hammer hammer i._b. Yourself that's what's your audience will come and find you and i found that when i was doing stand up comedy that i was trying to push myself on turkey people who hadn't initially uh signed up to see me and i turned up they were like this is not what i signed up fart but if you have a podcast podcast people will find you and they're like i want more which at all exactly exactly did not like it.
40:25 - 45:18
They can just switch it off to another one. They're not stuck there for fifteen minutes where you can jokes deal lil attacks comedy club and the secret to with i think is is you know unabashedly myself. What's the next big thing in podcasting as we talked about the four. We started at the official recordings here. I think the next big thing is the unification of podcast stats that unilaterally measurement of all shows and you know with our with our powers combined captain planet like all the kids come together rings together on the we're able to then go to the advertisers as legacy media as as you know at movie studios as t._v. Networks are able to do with the unified the audience measurement statistic yeah. I'm be able to go. This is how many people according to this thing and if you're paying him that much you pay these guys this much so means that it doesn't just exclude artisan just include the massive massive shows that get paid that you can have like a youtube infrastructure where even if you're getting to thousands downloads for your episode. You're still getting you know ten in two thousand fifteen twenty dollars right. It's still some sort of an incentive whereas on a handwriting on the money unless you're making two thousand four episode has dollars per episode like with all all the way up to that. That's like going into a job under like hey canova job here. It's like yeah but you can only you can only work at seventy hours a week. If you work on the less than seventy you don't don't make any money right one minute under and you don't get anything happens. If we work forty hours a week you don't get anything for they worked really hard yea but you have to work seventy around but when you work seventy you get like two hundred thousand dollars a year which doesn't make any sense being done on my tink kim gam a unilateral podcast measurement service may be true. I tunes if our partner with one of the big measurement services like pug track are like lipson abson are blueberry if we're all able to unite declines in all like braveheart william models everyone comes together and we just sign sign on the paper the fellowship rain like we're all together in this thing like an axe that could make monetize obliterated have it on youtube or even small appears get paid and that helps them get better equipment. It helps them be able to pull back a bit from the full time job and maybe the hobby as more of a job. I get to take that power type position on work on the podcast. Maybe at some point in two to three years like flip it over until full-time gig. I was blessed that that happened to be delighted that the i never turned us into a full time job you know but it is a full time job. Sometimes i do in twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen hour days. Yes like your stick to the chair right. You know which is why in japan's exactly you gotta have comfort and but i think the next big thing is is unified measurements imagine statistics and measurement service so that we can finally get paid. What word am i say we in all podcasters altogether with each episode. I tried to come away with three takeaways that was impossible with gordon center view. I've listened to this multiple times already. Take each time. I stopped taking notes because there's so much information coming at me. I just want to absorb it. What are your take what word to say that affected your business and content creation going forward. Share your thoughts on the facebook threat with this episode. I would love to read your insights. You you can find board this website at those conspiracy guys dot com make sure to follow those conspiracy guys on facebook definitely joined their facebook group as well. It's it's totally great find his shows and your favorite podcast app apple podcast google podcast stitcher spotify tune in wherever be sure sure to subscribe and give those conspiracy guys great reviews wherever you can and while you're at it please subscribe to new media lab with robert southgate. Wherever you listen to your podcast cast you can email the show southgate small business at gmail.com new media lab is on facebook simply search for new media lab xo our networks website that is south gate media group where you can find this as well as the over one hundred other podcasts and blogs and videos and live events that we have coming up.
45:18 - 46:28
We also have a book coming out new information about that. We'll be hitting soon. If you want to follow me personally i'm on twitter at our southgate or on instagram at robson support this show and get awesome extra content by becoming a patron go to patriotdepot dot com slash new media lab and choose your tier. Please rate and reviewed sean whatever service you subscribe to podcasts on. It really helps others find the show and tells me if you like what i'm doing here. You can find new media lab on itunes google podcast stitcher spotify tune in radio hopefully anywhere else that distributes podcast. If you can't find this show let me know and i'll rectify that situation. All this was more lynch will be in the show notes and on our website so don't worry if you don't have a pen to write all this down. Thanks again to gordon for helping hoping with my thesis and for being such an incredible guest. That's it for this week. Everyone the next episode of creators lab drop next tuesday and we'll be back back with our next guest on new media lab next thursday ooh in it's another good one until then get out there and create something. -
Queen Quaymo – S2E6 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special guest Queen Quaymo
Visit Queen’s website at queenquaymo.com
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Rob and Kevin discuss ghosting the for a bit and then jump right into the meat of the episode. The main topic is tips and tricks to building a following on Twitter. Some best practices are discussed as well as an effective way to gain followers quickly.
Each week, Rob answers questions from Kevin Long and offers advice on how to have a successful podcast. Good for newbies and seasoned podcasters alike!
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at www.southgatemediagroup.com. You can write to Rob at [email protected] and let us know what you think. Be sure to rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
Kevin's Twitter @TheSwamppit
Facebook The Kevin Long Show
Rob Southgate’s Twitter @RSouthgate
Email [email protected]
0:04 - 05:00
Welcome back to an all new episode of critters lamb back effort will heinous. And I while Kevin. I am sorry. Verdict. Saw get back to you with this. I if you listen to you menial prime you heard what I was wrestling with here, and very very common for a lot of podcasters that swin they ghost the audience for good. And they never come back said, no, I'm coming back. I gotta figure out where the problem is. The problem was me when I listened craters lab I hear more by personality come through when I listen to prime. I wasn't so thanks for bearing with me while I figured all that out. But back on track is all good. And I understand what it's like to do a million things. Plus try to get a masters degree, which is now complete. So all right. Let's talk about a couple of things first of all since it's been a while. I kinda don't remember all the things we did we talked about content calendar and all that stuff. I think today. I want to focus on specifically on Twitter. But I wanna touch on a couple of things we've talked about before do it. First of all you've been doing a good job, sending me artwork. For those that don't remember, the artwork should be fourteen hundred fourteen hundred pixels, and it should be something. So there is artwork for the episode. So even if it just as a black screen, and it says Kevin long show episode three that's better than having nothing. But you can have been doing a good job of sending of our work with the episode, which is great. So the other thing we talked about was the content calendar. And I wanna see have you done anything with that yet. I haven't one of my goals this week has been to go look at it and be better at doing it because you've talked about when show drops put five like throughout the day make five posts about it. And I did five the first time we did it. And after that the most I get is three. So I really wanna focus on the calendar this week and making sure I making all the posts. I can. Yeah. Yeah. Which Twitter account? Are you doing this from because you have multiple you have the swamp? It you have Kevin long show one. You have come a long show with each other numbers, which one are you going to use for this project, the one I am using is the Kevin long S H one. Okay. Great. So what I look at that. You need a lot of help here. Yeah. We're putting it. First of all, we're gonna have to get into the content creation part of it for that content. Calendar I want you to really go barebones don't make a thirty day counter. You're already going to have problems with that. And that's how everybody is. Okay. You gotta start. We gotta take some little bites. Okay. But we definitely want to get the message out there. I know you did all your hashtags. You've got all that kind of under control. When you tweet out. Let's go with three tweets on the day. The show drops one tweet like three days later. Okay. And for the rest of it for now. Share other tweets. If you can get in the stuff in there any other stuff great. But right now, just go in everyday share two or three tweets from other people other shows that you think your audience would care about because the idea is we're trying to share content that your audience cares about. Okay. They want us to be the person. They're getting that information from even if they get it from another one too, and they see that you're posting it it builds that audience for you. Okay. Okay. So get those studies three posts today that your show drops one three days later that. Okay. Good. And the rest of the time get at least two shared tweets day, if you can do more if you can create other content or whatever great. But you gotta get in the habit of go on Twitter. I shared a couple of different things. I'm out. All right. You're what you're trying to build some of those habits into what you do. Now. That's that's that part of it. The other side, we can get into we'll get into content creation and other time, and that's going to apply not just Twitter Instagram, Facebook and everything else we're talking specifically Twitter right now and with what you have going. So first of all, let's say, you're content was fine.
05:01 - 10:07
Okay. You only have right now at this moment, forty eight followers and you're only following eighty four. Did I talk to you about the trick on how to get followers? I don't think we have. Let's talk about that. I'm going to share a secret here that might feel like you're gaming the system, you're not this is how you get those initial followers. So you can create content and get people following you that start getting active with you. You can't we're not gonna have ocean immediately. You're trying to get listeners, but we're also trying to build audience through this which you really need to do. There's a thing called creation. And there's a thing called prospecting right now, you need to do a little creation needed to get familiar with that. But you need to prospect. Okay. The way we're gonna prospect or my my suggestion is Kevin. Can you name? Two shows that are similar to yours that would have same similar audience. I can name that goes hammer and roll for. I'm not. Yeah. Rover initiative. They're both part of the wild game productions group, okay? So. Are there any shows in our network that you have been on where you're like? Yeah. I also people kind of know me on this show. About three years ago. I did a show with gaming Scott. Great. So those are your three those are three you're going to focus on okay? Every day whenever you have free time. Go to gaming, Scott, go to faculty hammer at what you're gonna do is you're going to go to their followers. Not who they follow, but their followers. Okay, you click on followers and you'll get a whole list. It's easier from your phone than it is from the website. 'cause on the website. It'll say it'll show who follows them, but it takes longer to scroll through if you do it on your out. It's really fast. So right out on the phone because that's how that's what I do. I probably need to do it more. But I go in the other day and have to start again at the top and work my way down to the people that I'm not following yet. And then I just get why do I wanna do this? Okay. Because right now, you have eighty four that you're following. You need between now and next week. You should have easily five hundred or following if not a hell of a lot more. Okay. Here's the deal. You can do up to four hundred follows a day the prize blocks you out after like a hundred and you've got to wait like an hour. And then you can do another hundred. So it is a little tricky. But if you can if you can follow between now and next Monday five hundred people by doing that. And you follow your competitors followers gaming, Scott, the audience might be familiar with you follow follow all of them. Okay. As big as you, can I don't get bored. If I keep following. Let's say I go to league, which is a great show. A Lil on some of my shows he's on that show. So I'm like, hey that audience knows me I follow their people, and I get a little bored doing that. So I might go to another show that I'm like, you know, what this one is a show that similar we share a similar demographic audience we're targeting I'll follow all their people. So I don't do the same one every day as what I'm getting at. So those are your three focus on those three don't spread out from those until you followed everybody in there's and I'll tell you what gaming was Scott, followed. This advice Scott had like one hundred twenty dollars or something. We started it. You know, has what thirty six thousand something like that. Yeah. I was looking at the other day. It was going to be one of my questions, but it is a hundred percent from doing this. Okay. This is what changed it you could write to Scott. He will tell you. This is what changed it? Okay. You gotta be diligent with it. You gotta keep at it. Now. People say, yeah. But I'm picking up all these people that aren't really fans, I don't care. That's where when you create content that adds value to what they're doing. They start becoming fans. Posting your show alone is not going to do it. They have to be interested in you to say interested enough that I wanna click on your show. But you gotta get net habit of posting your shows because there are people interested. Right, right. That's when if you're sharing other people's stuff, and then you start realizing, hey, I should create content. That is me that is about the subject by my audiences interested in that's where you're going to build real value and build real audience.
10:08 - 15:05
Okay. Now, I'm gonna give a tip here. That goes to another step, but you're not going to do this. Okay. Can the reason you're not gonna do this? I don't want you weeding out until you're at like five thousand people that your following. Okay. K. Once you hit five thousand, and that's actually lower than I like to tell people, but I'm gonna tell you do five thousand once you're at five thousand that your following. You wanna get an app, I just got one that actually Lilith hellfire who has been on this show bunch of times, she recommended it's called tweet sponge that we used to really good one. I can't even remember what it's called because they changed. How it worked? It turned to crap. So I've been searching for a good one to clean out the followers that don't follow back tweets. Bunch. Does a great job. It's only a dollar ninety nine app. Used to use crowd fire yet crossfire was the one. That was good. It's terrible. Yeah. It's terrible now. And so I saw tweet sponge, it's a dollar ninety nine. I just got it today off of recommendation, I cleaned out thousand people on my personal one. That were not following me back. I was like. Okay, gone. I don't care who they are even the ones that are in my network. They're gone. I can always refile them. Right. So good. They're gone. What I'm trying to do. And this is this is where the pro tip really comes in. But we're not going to do that don't do that. Until you've built a lot more because at forty eight followers. You're nowhere close to saying. Hey, I don't I don't need you those or that you're following might convert into being followers. I can see people out here right now that should be following you because I know who they are. And they don't they're not seeing anything that's making them. Click follow. Right. So we gotta we gotta build but start by trying to harvest trying to or. Prospect by you know, hey, I'm throwing my my plate in the water seen if there's any gold in there anything that I work with concert separating some of the mud dirt and rocks out of there. And hey, there's bits of gold left. Okay. Okay. But we don't do that part until after this where we're just getting handfuls of mud from the bottom of that river. Okay. Tweet sponge, really excellent app. Having a great time using it. I've only been using it today. And I made it's already making a difference. The reason you wanna do that is there is a magic number for Twitter. This is something you cannot find out there. This is something that we kept talking about around here. And I'll tell you who figured it out. It was Scott Triano because he is a ten nations, dude. And I said I said this is what I think is happening. His numbers were growing. He was following this then he was following following following following. And he was like how do I make this better? I said, well, there's a magic number it's somewhere around this. But I can't find it in any books. I've talked to experts that are like, I know there's a magic number, and I can't figure it out. He figured out a number. And I set one of our counts to that number. And I'll tell you what my number started going up quickly, the reason that that happens, you think well, what does that matter if if there's number it's the ratio of following to followers, and if you get that number right, and you can maintain it there and just keep checking and changing it. So that it stays right there. Have you ever noticed you're on Twitter, and it'll have recommendations, and you see the same few people all the time. Some of them are people like, you know, different Southgate media group shows because you follow out the media group shows, and some of them are people that you're like why does this dude keep showing up in all my feats? The reason has shows up in your feeds. Not because it's reading an algorithm saying you might be interested in him. It's because yes, it he shares some things that you might be interested in, but he's sitting at that golden ratio by sitting at that golden ratio win an opportunity awry. Rises for somebody to to see you it pops you into their their sphere yet. Yeah. Do so that's all Vance stuff. We're not doing any of that right now. And those you listening out there. That's Vance stuff. Just oh it's coming and we'll work on that. Once we get there. But at eighty four following get it up to five hundred the more you can get the better. Don't don't go. I got five hundred I'm done go higher, but get at least five rent your following. You may only have one hundred followers at the end of that. That's okay. That's totally. Okay. We may get to ten thousand followers, and you have a thousand followers. That's okay, too. Because then we're going to start the call it. We're gonna start weeding these people out, and the crazy thing is every time, I call mine the numbers, go up.
15:07 - 20:01
And here's another secret to success in content creation. If you're if you're a content marketer, your creator, you're making podcast or blog or log or anything like that. If you we hear these things like give mediocre gets bought by Spotify for eight billion dollars. We're all like why did that happen to me? Well, a big reason is they built value into their social media. Their social media is really good, and they have a ton of followers. You wanna get as many followers as many people that you can say, look, I've got I've got one hundred thousand followers that follow me. Even though I'm not famous as the Kevin long show, but I have one hundred thousand followers that are legit followers. Guess what? That's how somebody pays attention and says, hey, he's got a hundred thousand followers. We should probably do something. Dave Matthews band had sold. What was at twenty million albums or something before they got signed? That's why they got signed because he went and sold these individually and could prove sold twenty thousand albums and record company went with that was without advertising about backing without anything your making an impact, and he got they got signed, and they became the bath bathrooms band. Same same principles apply to this dall- makes sense. Kevin. Yeah. All right. Start slow get that content under control real basic stuff and start following your competitors. That share similar demographic just start following the hell out of them. All right. You said you had questions. Let's hear oh, my questions are totally different than the way. We went today. That's okay. So I've been looking at Twitter numbers. And and like, I guess we kinda talked about content today. Scott has gaming with Scott has huge numbers. But I can't remember the last time he posted something right or like, I don't ever see anything for merge, domain, and their numbers aren't as big as Scott's. But again, like I never say anything from them, right? Right. Okay. So now gimme miscount innards domain are both under the Southgate media group umbrella. So I can throw them under the bus a little bit here. If you look through first of all they're doing huge disservice by not posting guess what? I did the same thing. Just like I talked about ghosting on this show. They have goes to their audience on Twitter what they need is a social media strategy that they set up at the beginning of the month. Even if it's three times a week. It would make a huge difference. The other thing is and I've talked to them about this at for some reason, we're not connecting on it. But they need to share content that matters to their audience if you scroll through I'm scrolling through gaming scout right now. And most of what he has ninety nine percent is promotion for the shows his put on. So I'm looking right here in December gaming Scott Star Trek zero one episode twenty two intervention that I go on the next post is follow me into the dark. These are all episodes and LP is the next one as as the next one. That's then it's this crowd fire thing, which is is an automated thing that crowd fire puts in so I start looking through this. And I'm like, these are all just simply promoting something. They have you're not adding value to your customer. You're just like throwing ads out there. Well, yes, he's got right now twenty six thousand followers. Okay. If he took those followers said, hey, these are people that are interested me, which they are. And he started putting he started sharing game news because gaming podcast. He started sharing of once a week of funny memes about gaming or quote from the actual show where they all cracked up because so and so said this they made their own mean for it or they did a poll like these people battled this week this one versus this one which one wins ah tell you what his numbers would go up exponentially. Because the audiences engaged in fines or reason to come there. When you start talking social media, there's multiple platforms. You can go Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat. Let's stick with those right now, you don't have to be out all of them. You wanna be on the one that your is on first and foremost for this Scott has a huge audience. Right. Yeah. He's got an audience there. So okay there there. Let's let's keep pushing that actually the best.
20:01 - 25:02
He has ever said all that. Two posts ago back in April. He posted one of his kids that said, it's bring your kids to work day. It's the best. It's the only thing that's not a promotion at. It's the best because you look at it. You're like, oh, those Scots kids. That's awesome. Something behind the scenes something backstage. It's something different. That's what you want. And if he was able to build that kind of value add start getting in conversation with people because then when you have that people might like it. They might make a comment that post has eight hearts and account. Look at all other ones, not the same amount for every eight likes and a comet is that a lot. No is a lot compared to the others. Yes. Keep it rolling. I I'm definitely going to be talking to Scott ended earns domain about content creation because they have audience. Let's do some basic content creation to provide value to your customer. That's the key provide value at it's gotta be like, you're just giving it away something that they're interested in your audience. Kevin is interested in table top gaming. So every week when geeks gogo posted a review of game off drive through our PG share it. Okay. When you play new game, right? Short review of it only share it through your Twitter account, or or write your blog and share the link to the blog with something extra. You know? Hey, I really dug this game. You got to read my review, I got lost in the whatever. So that people feel like, oh, there's a reason I follow him on Twitter because he's giving me a little something more. Okay. But we're gonna start small we're gonna get your shows posted. You're going to share other people's stuff. Geeks goes a great one to share from. I'll go check it out as soon as we're doing this, man. And you should you should share things from breath through our they're doing they advertise when they've got like their daily discount put that out every day and make sure you use hashtags and make sure you you do all that. And they're going to take notice and they might start sharing your stuff. Okay. Make sense. You does what's another question resent it for today? Yeah. I think that'll be today because I don't wanna go too far from where we got our lying right right at I guess. I'm sorry. I got one more. Go ahead. How does? How do the Twitter numbers compute to downloads? Our example in April, I had nine hundred nine downloads, right at least that's the number. Matt gave me, but I've only been posting to Twitter, you know, three times a week when show comes out. Yeah. They don't. Okay. They don't could they. Yes. Think of it as you're putting advertisement out there at advertisement usually get a one to three percent return on. So if if you've got thirty thousand followers, you should pick up between three hundred and while neck as three thousand listens. Which is pretty significant. Right. Yeah. Well, three thousand three thousand would be ten percent so three hundred but that's three hundred extra listens. Because people saw your stuff on there. And they clicked on it. And it Bill audience out of that post now that there's no way those are hard numbers. Okay. I'm just making up. But but the the one to three percent is a real thing in advertising. So if you think of it as advertising is really just engagement. It's engagement with your audience. That's what you're trying to do is give them engagement. So they feel value. So they wanna talk to you. And that's when they wanna listen to your show. So Scott's numbers do not translate to his downloads. They should. It's because he's not providing value. So all they're seeing this promotion every time if they felt like they were in conversation with their his download numbers would be even higher. Okay. If you're looking for it to happen in a month. That's not gonna happen. Right. All right. K and anyone that's listening. Listen gaming, Scott. If you like gaming shows, it's a fantastic show. I love when he has interviews. They're phenomenal. The phenomenal. Time to grow that audience. Chime for me to do my job and be an executive producer get him growing that audience because I'm telling you, it's it's a excellent excellent show.
25:02 - 27:45
That deserves to be heard it deserves that audience. It has a lot more. So. Yeah. Gaming with Scott, excellent show, at of course, the Kevin long show is an excellent show our Kevin give your social media again, you can find us on Twitter at the Kevin long S H one. You can find us on Facebook by searching, the Kevin long show or you can Email us at the Kevin long show at gmaiLcom rate. And if you are going to post something you wanna post something to either of us one, let's let's do a hashtag for. What do we call this creators lab do hashtag? Okay. If you want to send something to us regarding this particular thing use the hashtag creators lab, I think that'd be pretty cool. We might get a few post here and there and trust me if you post that I've read it, and I'm gonna respond. The other thing is use the hashtag support. Indie podcasts always used that. Because that's what we're all about. And if you have questions for me right to me at Southgate, small business G, mail dot com. You can also find me on Twitter at our Southgate or on Instagram at rob Southgate, or you can find a centre website Southgate media group dot com where we've got over a hundred shows, and blogs, and podcasts blogs and all sorts of stuff going on. And if you have questions don't hesitate to write in for that matter, we might end up putting on a show if you've got a good one I recorded another group that. Wanted me to review their show, and I'll bring that out here in the next couple of weeks I recorded with them in talked all about their show. So stay tuned for that this week. We have our next guest. I don't know. Did you listen to the Scott Philbrick one? I did which I think I thought it was great. That's where my that's where my questions were coming from. That's yeah. Good good. It's one of my favorites this week. I believe I'm going to do the Queen Cuomo episode which Queen is she's at the time recorded into podcasters, she's kind of killing it right now. But what I recorded this back in December. She was still kind of new and get her feet wet. It's really interesting to get the perspective of somebody like her versus somebody like Scott Philbrick and hearing how they're kind of saying the same things, even though, you know, it's the common knowledge we all have, but one is putting into action the different way than the other. So stay tuned for that win Cuomo is the one I'm going to Thursday. Decision was just made until next time. Kevin I will talk to you next week until time keep creating.
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #VloggingCreators Lab: Building a Twitter Following
00:00:04 - 00:05:00
Welcome back to an all new episode of critters lamb back effort will heinous. And I while Kevin. I am sorry. Verdict. Saw get back to you with this. I if you listen to you menial prime you heard what I was wrestling with here, and very very common for a lot of podcasters that swin they ghost the audience for good. And they never come back said, no, I'm coming back. I gotta figure out where the problem is. The problem was me when I listened craters lab I hear more by personality come through when I listen to prime. I wasn't so thanks for bearing with me while I figured all that out. But back on track is all good. And I understand what it's like to do a million things. Plus try to get a masters degree, which is now complete. So all right. Let's talk about a couple of things first of all since it's been a while. I kinda don't remember all the things we did we talked about content calendar and all that stuff. I think today. I want to focus on specifically on Twitter. But I wanna touch on a couple of things we've talked about before do it. First of all you've been doing a good job, sending me artwork. For those that don't remember, the artwork should be fourteen hundred fourteen hundred pixels, and it should be something. So there is artwork for the episode. So even if it just as a black screen, and it says Kevin long show episode three that's better than having nothing. But you can have been doing a good job of sending of our work with the episode, which is great. So the other thing we talked about was the content calendar. And I wanna see have you done anything with that yet. I haven't one of my goals this week has been to go look at it and be better at doing it because you've talked about when show drops put five like throughout the day make five posts about it. And I did five the first time we did it. And after that the most I get is three. So I really wanna focus on the calendar this week and making sure I making all the posts. I can. Yeah. Yeah. Which Twitter account? Are you doing this from because you have multiple you have the swamp? It you have Kevin long show one. You have come a long show with each other numbers, which one are you going to use for this project, the one I am using is the Kevin long S H one. Okay. Great. So what I look at that. You need a lot of help here. Yeah. We're putting it. First of all, we're gonna have to get into the content creation part of it for that content. Calendar I want you to really go barebones don't make a thirty day counter. You're already going to have problems with that. And that's how everybody is. Okay. You gotta start. We gotta take some little bites. Okay. But we definitely want to get the message out there. I know you did all your hashtags. You've got all that kind of under control. When you tweet out. Let's go with three tweets on the day. The show drops one tweet like three days later. Okay. And for the rest of it for now. Share other tweets. If you can get in the stuff in there any other stuff great. But right now, just go in everyday share two or three tweets from other people other shows that you think your audience would care about because the idea is we're trying to share content that your audience cares about. Okay. They want us to be the person. They're getting that information from even if they get it from another one too, and they see that you're posting it it builds that audience for you. Okay. Okay. So get those studies three posts today that your show drops one three days later that. Okay. Good. And the rest of the time get at least two shared tweets day, if you can do more if you can create other content or whatever great. But you gotta get in the habit of go on Twitter. I shared a couple of different things. I'm out. All right. You're what you're trying to build some of those habits into what you do. Now. That's that's that part of it. The other side, we can get into we'll get into content creation and other time, and that's going to apply not just Twitter Instagram, Facebook and everything else we're talking specifically Twitter right now and with what you have going. So first of all, let's say, you're content was fine.
00:05:01 - 00:10:07Okay. You only have right now at this moment, forty eight followers and you're only following eighty four. Did I talk to you about the trick on how to get followers? I don't think we have. Let's talk about that. I'm going to share a secret here that might feel like you're gaming the system, you're not this is how you get those initial followers. So you can create content and get people following you that start getting active with you. You can't we're not gonna have ocean immediately. You're trying to get listeners, but we're also trying to build audience through this which you really need to do. There's a thing called creation. And there's a thing called prospecting right now, you need to do a little creation needed to get familiar with that. But you need to prospect. Okay. The way we're gonna prospect or my my suggestion is Kevin. Can you name? Two shows that are similar to yours that would have same similar audience. I can name that goes hammer and roll for. I'm not. Yeah. Rover initiative. They're both part of the wild game productions group, okay? So. Are there any shows in our network that you have been on where you're like? Yeah. I also people kind of know me on this show. About three years ago. I did a show with gaming Scott. Great. So those are your three those are three you're going to focus on okay? Every day whenever you have free time. Go to gaming, Scott, go to faculty hammer at what you're gonna do is you're going to go to their followers. Not who they follow, but their followers. Okay, you click on followers and you'll get a whole list. It's easier from your phone than it is from the website. 'cause on the website. It'll say it'll show who follows them, but it takes longer to scroll through if you do it on your out. It's really fast. So right out on the phone because that's how that's what I do. I probably need to do it more. But I go in the other day and have to start again at the top and work my way down to the people that I'm not following yet. And then I just get why do I wanna do this? Okay. Because right now, you have eighty four that you're following. You need between now and next week. You should have easily five hundred or following if not a hell of a lot more. Okay. Here's the deal. You can do up to four hundred follows a day the prize blocks you out after like a hundred and you've got to wait like an hour. And then you can do another hundred. So it is a little tricky. But if you can if you can follow between now and next Monday five hundred people by doing that. And you follow your competitors followers gaming, Scott, the audience might be familiar with you follow follow all of them. Okay. As big as you, can I don't get bored. If I keep following. Let's say I go to league, which is a great show. A Lil on some of my shows he's on that show. So I'm like, hey that audience knows me I follow their people, and I get a little bored doing that. So I might go to another show that I'm like, you know, what this one is a show that similar we share a similar demographic audience we're targeting I'll follow all their people. So I don't do the same one every day as what I'm getting at. So those are your three focus on those three don't spread out from those until you followed everybody in there's and I'll tell you what gaming was Scott, followed. This advice Scott had like one hundred twenty dollars or something. We started it. You know, has what thirty six thousand something like that. Yeah. I was looking at the other day. It was going to be one of my questions, but it is a hundred percent from doing this. Okay. This is what changed it you could write to Scott. He will tell you. This is what changed it? Okay. You gotta be diligent with it. You gotta keep at it. Now. People say, yeah. But I'm picking up all these people that aren't really fans, I don't care. That's where when you create content that adds value to what they're doing. They start becoming fans. Posting your show alone is not going to do it. They have to be interested in you to say interested enough that I wanna click on your show. But you gotta get net habit of posting your shows because there are people interested. Right, right. That's when if you're sharing other people's stuff, and then you start realizing, hey, I should create content. That is me that is about the subject by my audiences interested in that's where you're going to build real value and build real audience.
00:10:08 - 00:15:05Okay. Now, I'm gonna give a tip here. That goes to another step, but you're not going to do this. Okay. Can the reason you're not gonna do this? I don't want you weeding out until you're at like five thousand people that your following. Okay. K. Once you hit five thousand, and that's actually lower than I like to tell people, but I'm gonna tell you do five thousand once you're at five thousand that your following. You wanna get an app, I just got one that actually Lilith hellfire who has been on this show bunch of times, she recommended it's called tweet sponge that we used to really good one. I can't even remember what it's called because they changed. How it worked? It turned to crap. So I've been searching for a good one to clean out the followers that don't follow back tweets. Bunch. Does a great job. It's only a dollar ninety nine app. Used to use crowd fire yet crossfire was the one. That was good. It's terrible. Yeah. It's terrible now. And so I saw tweet sponge, it's a dollar ninety nine. I just got it today off of recommendation, I cleaned out thousand people on my personal one. That were not following me back. I was like. Okay, gone. I don't care who they are even the ones that are in my network. They're gone. I can always refile them. Right. So good. They're gone. What I'm trying to do. And this is this is where the pro tip really comes in. But we're not going to do that don't do that. Until you've built a lot more because at forty eight followers. You're nowhere close to saying. Hey, I don't I don't need you those or that you're following might convert into being followers. I can see people out here right now that should be following you because I know who they are. And they don't they're not seeing anything that's making them. Click follow. Right. So we gotta we gotta build but start by trying to harvest trying to or. Prospect by you know, hey, I'm throwing my my plate in the water seen if there's any gold in there anything that I work with concert separating some of the mud dirt and rocks out of there. And hey, there's bits of gold left. Okay. Okay. But we don't do that part until after this where we're just getting handfuls of mud from the bottom of that river. Okay. Tweet sponge, really excellent app. Having a great time using it. I've only been using it today. And I made it's already making a difference. The reason you wanna do that is there is a magic number for Twitter. This is something you cannot find out there. This is something that we kept talking about around here. And I'll tell you who figured it out. It was Scott Triano because he is a ten nations, dude. And I said I said this is what I think is happening. His numbers were growing. He was following this then he was following following following following. And he was like how do I make this better? I said, well, there's a magic number it's somewhere around this. But I can't find it in any books. I've talked to experts that are like, I know there's a magic number, and I can't figure it out. He figured out a number. And I set one of our counts to that number. And I'll tell you what my number started going up quickly, the reason that that happens, you think well, what does that matter if if there's number it's the ratio of following to followers, and if you get that number right, and you can maintain it there and just keep checking and changing it. So that it stays right there. Have you ever noticed you're on Twitter, and it'll have recommendations, and you see the same few people all the time. Some of them are people like, you know, different Southgate media group shows because you follow out the media group shows, and some of them are people that you're like why does this dude keep showing up in all my feats? The reason has shows up in your feeds. Not because it's reading an algorithm saying you might be interested in him. It's because yes, it he shares some things that you might be interested in, but he's sitting at that golden ratio by sitting at that golden ratio win an opportunity awry. Rises for somebody to to see you it pops you into their their sphere yet. Yeah. Do so that's all Vance stuff. We're not doing any of that right now. And those you listening out there. That's Vance stuff. Just oh it's coming and we'll work on that. Once we get there. But at eighty four following get it up to five hundred the more you can get the better. Don't don't go. I got five hundred I'm done go higher, but get at least five rent your following. You may only have one hundred followers at the end of that. That's okay. That's totally. Okay. We may get to ten thousand followers, and you have a thousand followers. That's okay, too. Because then we're going to start the call it. We're gonna start weeding these people out, and the crazy thing is every time, I call mine the numbers, go up.
00:15:07 - 00:20:01And here's another secret to success in content creation. If you're if you're a content marketer, your creator, you're making podcast or blog or log or anything like that. If you we hear these things like give mediocre gets bought by Spotify for eight billion dollars. We're all like why did that happen to me? Well, a big reason is they built value into their social media. Their social media is really good, and they have a ton of followers. You wanna get as many followers as many people that you can say, look, I've got I've got one hundred thousand followers that follow me. Even though I'm not famous as the Kevin long show, but I have one hundred thousand followers that are legit followers. Guess what? That's how somebody pays attention and says, hey, he's got a hundred thousand followers. We should probably do something. Dave Matthews band had sold. What was at twenty million albums or something before they got signed? That's why they got signed because he went and sold these individually and could prove sold twenty thousand albums and record company went with that was without advertising about backing without anything your making an impact, and he got they got signed, and they became the bath bathrooms band. Same same principles apply to this dall- makes sense. Kevin. Yeah. All right. Start slow get that content under control real basic stuff and start following your competitors. That share similar demographic just start following the hell out of them. All right. You said you had questions. Let's hear oh, my questions are totally different than the way. We went today. That's okay. So I've been looking at Twitter numbers. And and like, I guess we kinda talked about content today. Scott has gaming with Scott has huge numbers. But I can't remember the last time he posted something right or like, I don't ever see anything for merge, domain, and their numbers aren't as big as Scott's. But again, like I never say anything from them, right? Right. Okay. So now gimme miscount innards domain are both under the Southgate media group umbrella. So I can throw them under the bus a little bit here. If you look through first of all they're doing huge disservice by not posting guess what? I did the same thing. Just like I talked about ghosting on this show. They have goes to their audience on Twitter what they need is a social media strategy that they set up at the beginning of the month. Even if it's three times a week. It would make a huge difference. The other thing is and I've talked to them about this at for some reason, we're not connecting on it. But they need to share content that matters to their audience if you scroll through I'm scrolling through gaming scout right now. And most of what he has ninety nine percent is promotion for the shows his put on. So I'm looking right here in December gaming Scott Star Trek zero one episode twenty two intervention that I go on the next post is follow me into the dark. These are all episodes and LP is the next one as as the next one. That's then it's this crowd fire thing, which is is an automated thing that crowd fire puts in so I start looking through this. And I'm like, these are all just simply promoting something. They have you're not adding value to your customer. You're just like throwing ads out there. Well, yes, he's got right now twenty six thousand followers. Okay. If he took those followers said, hey, these are people that are interested me, which they are. And he started putting he started sharing game news because gaming podcast. He started sharing of once a week of funny memes about gaming or quote from the actual show where they all cracked up because so and so said this they made their own mean for it or they did a poll like these people battled this week this one versus this one which one wins ah tell you what his numbers would go up exponentially. Because the audiences engaged in fines or reason to come there. When you start talking social media, there's multiple platforms. You can go Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat. Let's stick with those right now, you don't have to be out all of them. You wanna be on the one that your is on first and foremost for this Scott has a huge audience. Right. Yeah. He's got an audience there. So okay there there. Let's let's keep pushing that actually the best.
00:20:01 - 00:25:02He has ever said all that. Two posts ago back in April. He posted one of his kids that said, it's bring your kids to work day. It's the best. It's the only thing that's not a promotion at. It's the best because you look at it. You're like, oh, those Scots kids. That's awesome. Something behind the scenes something backstage. It's something different. That's what you want. And if he was able to build that kind of value add start getting in conversation with people because then when you have that people might like it. They might make a comment that post has eight hearts and account. Look at all other ones, not the same amount for every eight likes and a comet is that a lot. No is a lot compared to the others. Yes. Keep it rolling. I I'm definitely going to be talking to Scott ended earns domain about content creation because they have audience. Let's do some basic content creation to provide value to your customer. That's the key provide value at it's gotta be like, you're just giving it away something that they're interested in your audience. Kevin is interested in table top gaming. So every week when geeks gogo posted a review of game off drive through our PG share it. Okay. When you play new game, right? Short review of it only share it through your Twitter account, or or write your blog and share the link to the blog with something extra. You know? Hey, I really dug this game. You got to read my review, I got lost in the whatever. So that people feel like, oh, there's a reason I follow him on Twitter because he's giving me a little something more. Okay. But we're gonna start small we're gonna get your shows posted. You're going to share other people's stuff. Geeks goes a great one to share from. I'll go check it out as soon as we're doing this, man. And you should you should share things from breath through our they're doing they advertise when they've got like their daily discount put that out every day and make sure you use hashtags and make sure you you do all that. And they're going to take notice and they might start sharing your stuff. Okay. Make sense. You does what's another question resent it for today? Yeah. I think that'll be today because I don't wanna go too far from where we got our lying right right at I guess. I'm sorry. I got one more. Go ahead. How does? How do the Twitter numbers compute to downloads? Our example in April, I had nine hundred nine downloads, right at least that's the number. Matt gave me, but I've only been posting to Twitter, you know, three times a week when show comes out. Yeah. They don't. Okay. They don't could they. Yes. Think of it as you're putting advertisement out there at advertisement usually get a one to three percent return on. So if if you've got thirty thousand followers, you should pick up between three hundred and while neck as three thousand listens. Which is pretty significant. Right. Yeah. Well, three thousand three thousand would be ten percent so three hundred but that's three hundred extra listens. Because people saw your stuff on there. And they clicked on it. And it Bill audience out of that post now that there's no way those are hard numbers. Okay. I'm just making up. But but the the one to three percent is a real thing in advertising. So if you think of it as advertising is really just engagement. It's engagement with your audience. That's what you're trying to do is give them engagement. So they feel value. So they wanna talk to you. And that's when they wanna listen to your show. So Scott's numbers do not translate to his downloads. They should. It's because he's not providing value. So all they're seeing this promotion every time if they felt like they were in conversation with their his download numbers would be even higher. Okay. If you're looking for it to happen in a month. That's not gonna happen. Right. All right. K and anyone that's listening. Listen gaming, Scott. If you like gaming shows, it's a fantastic show. I love when he has interviews. They're phenomenal. The phenomenal. Time to grow that audience. Chime for me to do my job and be an executive producer get him growing that audience because I'm telling you, it's it's a excellent excellent show.
00:25:02 - 00:27:45That deserves to be heard it deserves that audience. It has a lot more. So. Yeah. Gaming with Scott, excellent show, at of course, the Kevin long show is an excellent show our Kevin give your social media again, you can find us on Twitter at the Kevin long S H one. You can find us on Facebook by searching, the Kevin long show or you can Email us at the Kevin long show at gmaiLcom rate. And if you are going to post something you wanna post something to either of us one, let's let's do a hashtag for. What do we call this creators lab do hashtag? Okay. If you want to send something to us regarding this particular thing use the hashtag creators lab, I think that'd be pretty cool. We might get a few post here and there and trust me if you post that I've read it, and I'm gonna respond. The other thing is use the hashtag support. Indie podcasts always used that. Because that's what we're all about. And if you have questions for me right to me at Southgate, small business G, mail dot com. You can also find me on Twitter at our Southgate or on Instagram at rob Southgate, or you can find a centre website Southgate media group dot com where we've got over a hundred shows, and blogs, and podcasts blogs and all sorts of stuff going on. And if you have questions don't hesitate to write in for that matter, we might end up putting on a show if you've got a good one I recorded another group that. Wanted me to review their show, and I'll bring that out here in the next couple of weeks I recorded with them in talked all about their show. So stay tuned for that this week. We have our next guest. I don't know. Did you listen to the Scott Philbrick one? I did which I think I thought it was great. That's where my that's where my questions were coming from. That's yeah. Good good. It's one of my favorites this week. I believe I'm going to do the Queen Cuomo episode which Queen is she's at the time recorded into podcasters, she's kind of killing it right now. But what I recorded this back in December. She was still kind of new and get her feet wet. It's really interesting to get the perspective of somebody like her versus somebody like Scott Philbrick and hearing how they're kind of saying the same things, even though, you know, it's the common knowledge we all have, but one is putting into action the different way than the other. So stay tuned for that win Cuomo is the one I'm going to Thursday. Decision was just made until next time. Kevin I will talk to you next week until time keep creating.
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#podcast #business #marketing #socialmedia
Scott Philbrook – S2E5 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special guest Scott Philbrook from Astonishing Legends.
Visit Scott’s website at AstonishingLegends.com
Scott Philbrook Interview
00:00:09 - 00:05:00
Welcome back to new media lab. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable time with me. Hey, before we get started with this week's mazing interview. I wanna fess up this episode of super late two of the ideas. Keep coming up during these interviews or to be consistent did not ghost your audience. I was definitely not consistent. And I'm sure many of you felt ghost. I really did into goes to. But it happened. I've been thinking about why this happened, and I've come to a realization mind, you all the interviews for this season are done and edited there in the can ready to go all I have to do is the intro out tro. And that's it. That's where the stumbling block is. I realized I don't like the show in its current iteration. I love the interviews. Don't get me wrong. But what I don't like is my approach as a host. When I listen to the show. I don't hear my personality coming. Through when I coach people, I stress be yourself here. I am doing the opposite. Yes. This show is more formal and structured than my goofy pop culture shows that does not mean, I should present a sterile version of myself. What I'm asking is that you bear with me as I find my voice on this show. The interviews and information being shared here. Excellent. I truly believe this. My hope by the end of the second season is that I have settled into who. I am on the show. And that you've gotten a ton of value out of what this show truly is my three takeaways from the start of this show are don't ghost your audience without explanation be yourself and don't be afraid to make changes while your show evolves. This week's guest is from one of my favorite podcasts. I love astonishing legends. And it was such a thrill to interview Scott Philbrick, one of the co hosts Scott, I had a great conversation for about an hour. Of which I'm sure in only about twenty minutes. Here. Scott's insights about podcasting and the story of astonishing legends are well, frankly, astonishing before we get to the interview I do have a little bit of business to take care of. I we have a patriot page where you can directly support this show and help keep us going. Join our newest patron Chantal Jones by going to patriot dot com slash new media lab and become a patron right now a show like this is best when the audience and hosting gauged with each other. In other words, getting conversation with me either through Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram patriot or any place else. You can find me the Email for this show is Southgate small business at gmaiLcom, send me your questions and comments. I promise I'll respond. You can find new media lab on Facebook by searching at new media lab show. You can follow me on Twitter at. At our Southgate or Instagram at rob Southgate. Our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well. As over a hundred other podcasts, plus blogs, videos, and a lot more. Finally, follow our newest endeavor on Twitter at Indy podcast project and be sure to use the hashtag support. Indie podcasts when post in your own shows or sharing anything podcast related. This week's guest is Scott Filbert from Donna Shing legends. It's a wonderful show. That is a great example of how to present a professional podcast seriously. Check out the show, check out their website and follow them on social media. Even if you aren't interested in their subject matter, you can learn a lot about the business side of things by paying attention to what Scott and Forrest do with their content and now under the interview, can you describe your podcast? Yes. Well, you know what my? Co-host forest, and I will often say that our podcast is is a a lot like unsolved mysteries. If people remember that show, or if you're older even still in search of except as if it was a hosted by click Clack from NPR's car talk. No for people that don't know click Clack, which there are plenty of people that don't, but it's the ideas that we take a conversational approach to the exploration of unexplained and unusual events from throughout history. We touch on cryptic words paranormal UFO's that sort of thing, but we also do historical mysteries like the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, and that sort of thing, and then that all of that is framed by really deep investigative research that we try to do going into uncover angles on the stories, even if it's a story that's been covered thousand times by other people we try to find more indepth information on.
00:05:01 - 00:10:21So when did you start podcasting are for show? Oh when up in late two thousand fourteen we actually posted our first show in late two thousand fourteen and that is you know, when we started podcasting, technically, however forest, my co-hosted, I had conceived the show probably at least a year earlier, maybe year and a half and spent a whole lot of time talking about it before we did anything to the point where eventually my wife was like are you guys ever going to actually do this? Or you just gonna talk about it, which is sort of what made us get the first show out there. But I I have a kind of a a personal. Obsession with like if you're gonna launch something like that to have it just be as polished in everything as you can possibly make it before you do that first one because the first one's always going to be the worst one. And so I I spent a lot of time making sure we had all the right equipment, and in and that our ideas were wealth out in terms of how the show would flow in all that sort of thing. And to this day, I still m embarrassed by the first few episodes. But that's that's that's how it goes. So yes, we started in two thousand fourteen so we're a little over four years old. Now, are you a celebrity? No, I would say that. I am not a celebrity his an on associated with this show celebrity. No, do you think gaining audience today is the same as win. You started astonishing allegience. No, I don't think it's radically different. And I think it's involving from moment to moment for a wide variety of reasons. I mean, the calling it the wild west is an overused metaphor for anything that's in its infancy like podcasting. And I would say that podcasting. It's it's not an infant anymore. But for me, it's still a toddler everything is, you know, everyone's trying to figure out where they're at the business models are evolving when we started. There was no real business model revenue. There was no we had absolutely no idea if we would ever make a penny on it. And we couldn't find anyone in a mentor capacity or. Anyone anywhere to talk to us about that? You know? Although now, we're close with people, and we could you know, when for example, Jim herald is is a good friend of ours. But if we call him back when we were starting out, he he probably would have not taken the time. Not because he's not a great guy because he is a great guy. But. A billion people are starting out. So an ice seem to remember that when we started. There was I think three hundred fifty thousand podcasts on the I tunes directory. And I think last time I heard it was up at seven hundred fifty thousand it's probably a million now. And so I would say it's a lot harder to get noticed. I would say that shows with really easy to produce content are rampant because it's so easy now to to get started anyone can do it. And so anybody is doing it and people will find out real quickly. Whether people wanna listen to them or not or if they're actually, you know, if they're if in that's it. It's definitely a America Crecy in that way. But there's so much out there. Now that standing out is particularly hard. I would say compared to when we started. I would say it's three or four times harder than the other thing. That's happening is all these big. Companies are consolidating networks. And now the major players are starting to notice that there's revenue in podcasting. Even though it's still just a shadow of what radio revenue is it's gonna catch up. And so what's happening is you know, scripts is getting involved in all these huge multi media corporations in the more of that that happens. I think the harder and harder will be for independent shows to get off the ground not to produce it because you can produce it. You know, if you have an iphone or a smartphone with a recording. You can you can produce something in in get an RSS feed in be out there in minutes. But getting noticed is really the tricky part. You know, how do people find you? And I would say that it's definitely harder now than it used to be worth three key things you've done to grow your audience. The number one thing that we do grow. Our audience is to produce a consistent content and focus on making each show as good as we possibly can. And so when we get overwhelmed with our workload or other things are happening. It's it's very much. A the show must go on. We we work at that to the detriment of our personal lives detriment of everything else to make sure that we are something that our listeners can rely on and trust is going to be there. And so that's one thing that I think really helps I think audiences especially in podcasting and on demand the on-demand world, they look for that thing that they know is going to be there because they wanna plug it into some part of their life at whether they're commuting or working out or doing chores or at work or whatever and.
00:10:22 - 00:15:05We just try to make sure that we don't ever leave and unpredictable hole for them. Because I think to me that could be disappointing. And I know for for me, you know, I watch these series on Netflix, and they'll do like nine episodes, and they come out and watch all nine of them in two days. And then I have to wait a year for the next round. It's very it's like the during the two days. It's awesome. And then it's like, oh my God. I can't even remember what happened by the time. The next round comes out. So we try to always be there. That's one of the primary things we do. We also try to be very approachable and interactive with our audience on social media, and I guess excessively, and that is it's gotten a little harder as the show the duties of the show have become larger than they used to be from a production standpoint. And also our social media following has gotten a lot larger. So for the first couple years, we were answering every Email now we. Read them all but it's very hard to take the time to answer them, which is is hard. But it it least even reading them. It keeps us in touch with our audience in we'd can refer to the feedback that we get when we're on the air. And we do the other thing that we do to grow the audiences. We really work on cross promotion with other shows, and we're gonna be doing more of that this year. Russia gonna have a marketing budget that we're gonna use to get ourselves more out there. I'm not sure how that how well that's going to work. But that's something that we're just starting to do now, but the cross promotion or the promo swops those seemed to work really, really. Well, you yourself mentioned that you heard heard of us on another show. And that was one of Jim Harold shows who I was talking about a minute ago, and that seems to have a lot of value. So we will arrange to have somebody mentioned us or we'll mention them on the show, and we always look for parody in terms of audience exposure. So. The show is smaller. We might ask them to run a run us a couple of times and versus us or if were smaller will offer to run two or three times versus one run on a larger show. So so we do that. And it seems to work whenever we do that. We always hear from on social media from people. Oh, I heard about you on time suck podcast, or you know, I heard about you on drunk history because one of the performers on. There was came on our show once told a story. So that's those were I would say the three biggest things were doing so far, but, you know, primarily where a word of mouth show and that mostly was just because we couldn't afford to be anything more than that. So all three of the things we're doing we do them because they're free. Santer that question. So what are three key social media practices that you do? I would say daily monitoring all our platforms and daily interaction when it can be managed, and I'd mitt I wish I could be daily interactive on all of them. But I find honestly, I find Twitter to be the easiest one because it's so quick and easy for me to check and see who's responded to us or made a comment or tagged us or whatever. And that you can just pick up and do in just a few minutes, I interact weakly on Facebook, Instagram. We have a Facebook closed group and a Facebook page, and I am frequently on both of those. But then that's not the only face that we have there. We also have somebody who works rush. She's our head of research. She also manages those platforms and his end, and there's an additional Adleman who is a fan. Of the show who takes care of the Facebook page two in those two really really are in there all the time. And it's crazy because our Facebook groups have spawned all these spinoff groups. There's now the astonishing literary group, which is like a book club. There's astonishing artists which is end these we don't even have anything to do with them. I had applied to join him. And they are like that's a graphic an artists page where people do artwork inspired by the show or just talk about art. So it's really kind of exploded into this thing. And it's it's funny for me because I was when we started the show I had gotten over Facebook. I had completely deleted my profile because I'd been on there for years. And then I was Guam I doing I'm not really enjoying this anymore and plus over sharing and all this. And I was like I got a I don't need this in my life. So I I did the whole thing where I went to a web page in read how to like blow your profile up from the inside out like ten steps of delete every picture.
00:15:05 - 00:20:03I n data. Then you can't log in. I did. All of that. And then when we were going to launch to show I was like, oh that was dumb because we need all the traction. We can get and when I left I had I don't know five hundred or I can't even remember five less than a thousand friends, but maybe five hundred because I've been on there a long time and I used to work in advertising. So I was connected to all these ad agency people, and I gosh, you know, if I could get these people to download it. They don't even have to listen to it. That'll be good for our traction coming out of the gate. So I had to rebuild the page. And the other thing is Facebook won't let you have a business page unless you have a personal page. So which if I didn't have to have a personal page of probably wouldn't have one. But I do only because we can't have the page the group pages without it. So we we are in there were active as much as we can we read we follow the postings. And it's really great because it's like having a live constant focus group in a way, we can see how people are reacting to our content, and we take it into account when we are producing the next show. So that is. That's a two way street were you know, we're getting something out of it. And and the community the online community is getting something out of it as well. So those are those are kind of our practices, and I'd like to be more involved. But you know, and I've thought, oh, we'll we bring someone on to manage that stuff. But to me it has to be enforced because we're it's us that are the show, and I'm not sure that anyone could fairly represent our perspective. So that's just something that will continue to do as much as we can. So which platforms, are you? You mentioned Facebook mentioned Twitter do Instagram are you doing? Yes. Twitch and all these other things or what we aren't doing. We aren't doing twitch we are on Instagram. Our and our our followers. There are about the same. We're all around ten thousand on on on Twitter and just shy of ten thousand right now on Instagram. And then on our Facebook group is I think at fifteen that's their biggest most active. Group, really? And then we were on tumbler, but we stopped doing that just because it was time consuming. And it's a tumbler is a lot of just recreating re you know, re tumbling other people's content. And I was I wasn't fully. You know following how it works. So I and I it was too much to handle. So we dropped that we still have a tumbler page, but we're not updating it. We're not on twitch were not on any of the emerging ones. I, you know, I guess we would explore them if they really get a foothold in the market, and it's everyone's abandoning one that were already using to go over to this other one. But there's only so much you can handle, you know, we're just two guys. And it's it's there's we just try we try to keep it manageable. I guess do you do a strategy or have you used a strategy where let's say you have a calendar for posting you say, okay, we're gonna make sure we do a mean about something on Mondays we make sure we're gonna do a flashback Friday and things like that. Or is it more just organic, it's more organic. We don't have that kind of stuff scheduled. Maybe that would be a good strategy. I wouldn't fault anyone that does do that. But I just generally, especially with Twitter like I said that I'm most active on it. It's generally when something comes up that I think should be shared, you know. And if it's something unusual that that is pertinent to our base. Than I that's the point at which I'll say, hey, you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna share this own ticket vote or whatever, but you can see even if you follow us on Instagram with our ten thousand followers. I only post something on there either. With every time there's a new episode. We post on all those platforms for sure we we announced the new episode when you have a nice image goes with it. And we say, you know, check your feeds whatever it's it's up. The Ansari posting which would happen on Twitter and Instagram. You know by see a photo or take a picture that. I think will be interesting pertained somehow to some topic we've covered all post it. But it and other cases, it might be a while that will go without posting stuff, which probably is a bad practice. But it's, but it's not something that we we schedule. Do you share the same thing on all the platform? So like, if you you tweet something out to the push to Facebook or do you do some of that? And some original things at each place. We do you know, we I know there's platforms that will publish all of them simultaneously. And we we don't do that. Although I I will put like for new episode announcement essentially, the same thing on all the platforms, but I'll tailor them because the hash tags are different on different platforms, for example, or if you're tagging guest on the show or something it's you know, they may have a different profile on Instagram. Versus twitter. So I do manually post to each one.
00:20:03 - 00:25:04Sometimes the text is all the same other times. It's not on Facebook. We don't have any limitations on the number of characters. So if there was something more that I wanted to say that I couldn't squeeze into a tweet, then I might say more to our Facebook group, but you know, after Twitter increased their tweet length that became less of an issue too. Because you know, you get you get to a point where you figure out how to say it in our main characters that give you now can't remember two hundred something. So it's and that's an art a kind of enjoy trying to get the message out, you know, under the wire in terms of I will frequently tweet in us, you know, be down to zero point on the left character. What is the secret to your podcast success? I, you know, I don't really know why we've been 'Success was we have been. But I think probably a big part of it is just the. Chemistry between me and forest. My co host I we have a very botic in real relationship in repore. I think people here that when they listen to us. And I think that that you know, because it's it's our approach is. Well, a ton of people have done shows on the topics that we do some of them are famous legends have been covered for decades on different platforms in in media formats, but we were pretty sure when we started the show that we were going to be doing it in a way that no one had done before. So there's a combination of it's I would say it's a combination of our how we are conversationally and how we interact in our own personal fascination with our topics that combined with the the approach that we take which is leave. No stone unturned in investigating a legend or mystery. We we're not. Satisfied with the short version of it that you tell your kid at night bed. We wanna know more, and we wanna look at the science behind things to even though some things refused to be classified by science. So I think it's a the reason we're successful is because we're different we wanted to bend the John rouse the paranormal genre, which we felt when we got into it was taking itself too. Seriously. You know, just the the dark theme music, and I'm mostly referring to television. You know, let's mystery and Robert stack and all that which, you know, God bless love that show. It's a huge inspiration force. But we felt like it was time for all this stuff to to take a turn. And so I would I would attribute our success to doing something different within a pre existing and well-worn, John. And then that combined with just the, you know, the chemistry that that might co host. And I have and yeah. That's the end of that sentence. I should put a period on it. Speaking of tweeting. What's the next big thing in podcast, in your opinion? It's it's hard to say like, I said, you know, it's it's it is kind of the wild west the overuse metaphor the wild west there. There's obviously trends that come out in terms of topics that become really popular. And then people don't know that they're popular until they explode like, for example, true crime, which completely exploded after cereal a ton of people heard serial was the first show that was downloaded a million times in a in a week or something. And that was when people were like, oh, wow. This is a mazing. So then on both sides of the equation, people became fanatical about true crime, not only consuming it, but also producing it. So all these shows came to into the podcast universe that were true crime shows, and that's a big trend right now. So, but again, I wonder and I don't know. But I wonder if that if that corner of the. The podcast market is getting saturated, and because it and also I wonder too if the audience is a whole because you think about the longevity of the interest in your in your subject because it's it's part of the the cultural zeitgeist wherever in in the United States. It's like everybody now is kind of interested in in this. But will that Wayne, you know, when we worry about that too with paranormal, stuffing and paranormal things are are very popular right now on their on swing? There could be a cultural shift where people start to move away from that. And then our our show would diminish. I don't know. So in terms of big things in podcasting. There's somebody is going to come out with some new format of a show that's going to be amazing. And everyone's going to be talking about whether somebody really nails the you know a fictional show. Or whatever out something will happen that we haven't thought of yet, and that'll blow up and then when that blows up a hundred thousand other people will come along and try to do the same thing and. You know, five percent of them will get traction. So in terms of the entertainment part of it.
00:25:04 - 00:29:02It's it's hard to say I would say it's kind of unpredictable from the business side, that's even less predictable. Although like, I said earlier big miss big business is starting to notice the podcasting world. And what I see behind the scenes is all these companies are jockeying for position and trying to figure out how they can take advantage of of the podcast world in the podcast audience. I know that everyone is trying to figure out how to evolve subscription model, which I'd meant that. We would be interested in you could trend away from commercials much like cable did when it came out and changed television. Eventually that's going to happen in podcasting. But there's gonna I think there's gonna be a lot of casualties of that experiment along the way. But with that ever comes along and takes hold if you know. No. There's one company that saying they wanna be the net. Flicks of podcasting. That's great. But you you the the listeners have to be on board with it too. It's more than just a business plan. It's gotta have people that are into it. And I think that will be a big deal when it finally happens, but I still feel like a proof of concept on it's a few years out. As with each of these interviews, I try to leave with three key takeaways. The three that's out to me from Scott. Our number one be authentic number to cross promote with other shows and number three actively interact with your listeners. What are your takeaways what it Scott say that affected, your business and content creation going forward? Share your thoughts on the Facebook threat of this episode of I would love to read your. You can find scotch website at astonishing legends dot com. Make sure to follow Scott Phil broke his co host forest Burgess and the astonishing legends podcast on Facebook. And definitely join their Facebook group as well. Find astonishing legends on your favorite podcast app. Apple podcast, Google podcast, Stitcher Spotify. Tune in wherever be sure to subscribe and give astonishing legends great reviews while you're at it. Please subscribe to new media lab with Robert Southgate wherever you listen to podcasts. You can Email the show at Southgate small business at gmaiLcom. New media lab is on Facebook, simply search for at new media lab xo our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well. As over a hundred other podcasts pleasant logged videos information about our live events information wrote a book, we might have coming out shortly and more if. If you wanna follow me, personally, I'm on Twitter at ourselves or on Instagram at Robson support this show. Awesome extra content becoming a patriot like that extra footage. I alluded to earlier with Scott Philbrick, go to patriot dot com slash new media lab. Choose your tier please rate and review this show on whatever service. You subscribe to podcasts on it really helps others find the show and tells me if you like what I'm doing here, you can find new media lab on items, Google dot casts, Stitcher Spotify tune in radio and hopefully anywhere else that distributes podcast. If you can't find us, let me know. And I'll rectify that situation all this plus more links will be in the show notes and on our website. Don't worry if you don't have a pen to write this down. Thanks again. Scott Bill for helping with my thesis and for being such an incredible guest. That's it. For this week, everyone the next episode of creators level trop next Tuesday. And we'll be back with our next guest. A new media lab on Thursday until then get out there and create something.
Rob follows up with Kevin about how the social media tactics worked from the last episode. Social media calendars are discussed and how to use them effectively. Plus Rob breaks down episode art and the important sizes to create.
Each week, Rob answers questions from Kevin Long and offers advice on how to have a successful podcast. Good for newbies and seasoned podcasters alike!
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #VloggingTranscription
This is a really difficult question. Oh, that's a great question. That's a good question. That is a great question. It's a really good question. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it. Want to hear the answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes. Google hod Cass and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. Welcome back to the new media lab. This is the creator's lab. I have with me Kevin long from the Kevin long show. And I am your host, rob Southgate. We are in week three of this experiment. We'll call it that somebody. You sounds great. All right. So let's recap just a little bit. I actually we didn't do it for a couple of weeks. And there's a reason there's couple of reasons one is some craziness on our end. We got asked to do a couple of pockets Marathon's that are coming up at like four weeks. So, wow, that's cool. I have underwater trying to figure that out. But number two after that last conversation, we had I gave you some some homework, and I wanted to give it time to do something one thing that that podcasters I thought about this after we did that one thing the podcasters tend to think is I am going to make one tweet and I'm going to. See an effect.00:01:41
Not true. It takes time. Everything takes time. You don't just build an audience overnight. Although there are times you'll see a spike like we did after week what we're going to go back, and I'm gonna talk to you about where the numbers are now because they are different again. But before we do that. I wanna talk about that homework. We did. Did you do that social media stuff that I was talking about? I noticed that the first time right after you gave it I was really good at doing five five posts out the day for, hey, here's the show or hey, here's this thing. But the last two shows of come out I wasn't as diligent in posting five separate hosts ended you those all in one day. I did do the first time it was five in one day. And then the last two shows it was just, hey, here's my show and totally forgot about it. Okay. And did you do the case you missed it posted do those? And did you have any interaction from any of this? I had one. The first magic Monday that we did after we talked. I had one guy on Twitter. Get back to me and say, hey, this is what I do in my own cool. All right. Very cool. So there was a little bit of engagement there. Now, here's the thing coming like, I said it takes a while for the stuff to build up.00:03:13
Yeah. And engagement is a real tough one. It takes a while for that to kick ins- you have to be diligent you have to keep at it. Now, something that I did and one interaction is good. I gotta tell you something that I did in the interim here between these shows I created a social media calendar for people used just basic one. And then I shared the one that I was using four new media lab two points on that number one. I already have not used my social media calendar that I created. So if you fail added, if you don't do it don't call it a failed to say, you know, what a started now or maybe it's too much at this point. But. I know that that is a best practice for me. I literally just couldn't pull the time together to set up a month's worth of post when I do it. I will actually create that. So that literally twenty five out of the thirty days are done in one day ready to push out there. Okay. So I just wanted to let people know that a even though I'm talking about it. Trust me. I am not perfect in any way. And I understand it takes time. I want you to understand that to now. Did you look at that social media calendar thing that I share I like that it, and I need to I need to do it. Yeah.00:04:32
You know? Here's a thing. You could do Kevin is take take what we did with the five posts try to make that a habit. Okay. And try to make the case you missed of a habit. And then look at that calendar and say, okay, can I get it? So I'm doing something each day doesn't have to fit the counter just something maybe look at the cow. Lindor and say oh today. I might try this great. So it's not like you have to look at it and say, oh, rob said, we should do an Instagram post on Wednesday. And then we should do an encasement stuff Thursday, and they should do this on Friday. Many just if you can't think of something to post look at the calendar. What does it say for the day, and you go, oh, I could throw a quote up there? Boom done talking. You have one of the easiest things in the world. You could literally as long as you have your hashtags that we talked about locked and loaded. You could literally share a piece of D artwork. He could share pictures of dice. I mean, there are people that all they wanna see are the different types of dice out there. You could just search the internet find that setups pictures each day, boom, you've got interaction you've got something or take a quote type in Gary guy gags quotes and put those up, you know, it's really simple stuff. It's nothing that use a lot of brain power for and it should take you about thirty seconds of your old day.00:05:54
Okay. So let's talk about your numbers. What's happened? On that last one we were celebrated because we went over one hundred right right in one day, you have gone right back to where you were. Okay. Do not disappointed with that. I think the reason that we jumped up to one hundred is because of what I did on the back end of not taking credit for this. I'm telling you the reality on the back end. I submitted you to various platforms when you do that it starts painting around and it showed up downloads on here. So now, we have the show in more places for people to find it. Now, it's all about building that awareness, and it will start to really grow before you think that I'm going like. Yeah. It's because what I did if you look at some of my shows take this show for temple. I did the same thing. I added this to to to various platforms that it wasn't on. And I hit a day where the number spiked. I went oh, cool as I started thinking about it was like, yeah. It's ping around. That's why that's happening. Right. So now now we've set the table all of our stuff is right. Let's get in there and promoted to try to draw attention. Okay. You said you said you have a question. What's your question? I do on the show with wanna say entry ah from the creative imposter.00:07:23
Yep. She says one original post on Lincoln every day. Yes. So what she's doing is? She does video every single day and they're about a minute long. And it is her heaven connection on Lincoln Lincoln is a phenomenal platform when you understand how to use it. I do not use it properly yet when I wrote the blog post about the social media calendar, I put it up on there. And it got a lot of response. If you look at our website, you look at the ticks a lot of traffic. Came from that Linden post. That's Andrea is doing that every day. And I believe she's making video everyday, I might be wrong. She might be doing a blog post or posted show. She might be using that same type of strategy strategy that we were talking about of have something unique each day. But I know for awhile there, she was doing a short video every day. And it would be something about training or whatever. In your case, you could do the same thing. But once again, Kevin that's a lot of content. When you're you're still trying to get your feet, you know, stable on this whole, how do I tweet every day? How do I do Facebook every day? Right. And my concern is I was trained that linked in is a professional website. So like my net would be even niche ear on link dead. Sure. But what you're doing is. You're not how do I say this on Lincoln? You're promoting your business which is.00:08:58
This show. Okay. So you're saying I have a new episode. Here's my new episode. We talk about this. And then maybe on the next day post the question very specific to the industry or the people that that are very involved in it create content right for the platform. That's something that I'm stickler about. And that's why I haven't really gripped what I do on Linden yet. Because I wanna make sure the content creating there is proper rattling is about business. But that doesn't mean you can't post your shows. I've seen people post, you know, they're fan of the flash they post their show about the flash. But then the next day they're posting something about the business Harvey. Okay. They're sharing something about social media promotion, they're saying something about content marketing, they're sharing something about new media. And then they post their show. So basically what they're doing by doing all those professional posts is they're earning the right to share their show. Gotcha got. And like with this show, and we do these you should absolutely be posting these Lynton because this is the business side of X Sherrit from your life. Don't just like when I posted share your own, I guess on this show, and we talked about this hashtag has take hashtag hashtag guess what you're going to attracting attention. Hey, wanna know what show we were talking about? Here's the Kevin long show. Here's a post, boom. You've earned the right then for people. All right. Who will I hope that made sense? And you know, you could always reach out to Andrea. It's Andrea Klender. She is wonderful. She will answer questions. You can also reach out to basically anybody. You've heard any media lab. I know that Dave Jackson. He's right on it. You write to him. Boom. He'll right back you Brent. And right back to you. They're all great people, and they're all acceptable. That's why I put their contact information in the show notes. These are all people that reached out when I reached to them like immediately. Whether I knew or not they were like, yeah. Want to be part of it. They were super gracious.00:10:59
An awesome with the information. And they all said, hey, when you share it with your your fans, make sure they know they can they can reach out to us. That's awesome. Okay. So I'm gonna I'm gonna go Nici here. We talked about the social media counter stuff. I'm going to actually do a separate short episode about that. Because people are asking me how that works. I'm gonna do one separate from this separate from new media lab where I literally just talk about the blog post, and how you do it. Okay. Sows get into that in particular. But it will probably bring up questions for you at another time. What I want to talk to you about something really specific that is overlooked a lot, and that is show artwork. Now, I look at your show. And if you go back, you can't really do this necessarily, but if you were to cycle through your post, you would see that there are a handful of shows where I made artwork for most of the time. It's just. Your show logo. Now the show logo is fine. But it's not fresh for people. Right. When people see new episode post. They're seeing the same image every time. Dow some people say to me. Yeah, I tunes. It doesn't show the image. Actually, does there are places on I two where it does show the show image. Yeah. I see change all the time on some of the shows that I listened to and then take platforms like like, Stitcher, it, it doesn't really do it there but in car mode. I think it might I know Spotify shows the different ones. I know that like spreaker I believe does blueberry does like all these different platforms that you should have your show on a lot of them. When you click on it. It does show the artwork you've put it.00:12:46
Okay. Also, if you're we use Lipson, and you use Lipson when you use Lipson it creates a website. So we have our main website and what I'm doing now is used to. Create a different page for each show that I had to keep populating, and it gets to be too much with the hundred shows. So now what I'm doing is. I've got the main frame of that. I just make minor Justice here and there and then when he click on listen to past episodes. It goes to this really beautiful whip Lipson page that has all the episodes laid out. If you don't do original artwork. They all look the same episode. You have to read all this text if what's going up. Okay. I encourage you to make artwork. I encourage you Kevin and every one listening to make something, and here's what you need to do you need to make it. So it's fourteen hundred by fourteen hundred pixels. I usually do it at three hundred DPI, but it can be like one hundred twenty five you just want to have something that looks good. What I say make something original it can be this podcast. This is a little different than if I'm bring something in a magazine. So in your case, Kevin you could take every episode take a different image from dungeons and dragons, okay and just just crop down a fourteen hundred fourteen hundred and then put like episode fifty spolot Spencer in big letters on it.00:14:17
Okay. Okay. And that way any fan that looks at it goes clearly like, oh, it's about to you D. And look this is episode fifty. Gotcha. That is a really effective way to do it. I get bogged down in creating more elaborate stuff, right? Put talk bubbles and do all the stuff that I ended up dropping off of at some point because I was doing a hundred shows. But if everybody when they sent me there episode sent a piece of artwork it would go right in there. Number two on that. So everyone understands the dimensions. You wanna use fourteen hundred fourteen hundred pixels and two hundred three hundred DP. I is is best. Okay. There is a second place on Lipson when you put your artwork, Ed where you can put it a wide screen image. This is for YouTube. Okay. So if you're going to do the YouTube image, you wanna make it nineteen twenty by ten eighty that's the wide screen image that it says here. I do a little different, but that is a perfectly acceptable size. I'll actually post something when I when I do this. I'll do a Saizen an image. Sizing chart then I'll share my long. And that people can see like, what are the dimensions? I actually have. And the reason I don't want off my head is I actually have it preset in pixel mater, which is what I use for this some people use, you know, Photoshop their various other programs can vibe think something people use use pixel mater, and I just have I have one set at fourteen hundred fourteen hundred and the other one set it on twenty ten eighty or whatever it is.00:15:56
I'm using at this point for YouTube, and those are the two sizes us, and actually the reason you want to do that is if it pushes to YouTube, or if it's a service that uses the wide screen image. If you just use the fourteen by fourteen it's going to put it in the middle and have white just junk at the sides, nothing at the sides. If you make two images one that's the fourteen hundred then you make one that is something other than just nothing at the sides. So you've got the fourteen hundred fourteen hundred in the middle, and then maybe a law. On the sides, make a black barred put your social media stuff or something. Okay. If you look at some of our shows, if you go to our YouTube channel for Southgate media group, and you look at the biters podcast. I make a YouTube original YouTube piece for every single one. And all I do is take my fourteen hundred image. I plug it into a framework that I've already built. So I don't have to do this. Every time it's already there. Just type in the new show name and drop the artwork in boom done super easy. But you do want to do this. Because once again, if you go to the website from your server, it's not going to. Is gonna look great. If you don't have different images, and when you shared on social media, if it's always the same image people, go blind to it. If you have the new episode, and then you take the image artwork from this episode. And you cite, you know, Hayward with bag of holding. And it's got an image of bag of holding more. People are going to go lot cool people that are into that are gonna go like oak or people that are going to go.00:17:37
Oh, I wonder what this is. Whereas it's always that the Kevin long show image. Right. It's going to get looked over. Okay. So anyone that wants to see this page at actually I have not done the work on your page. So anyone that wants to see it before? I do the work on. It can go to Kevin long show dot Lipson L I B S Y, N dot com. That is the before I've done the update on it. And if you wanna see how it's done the way, I think it should be done than what's going to happen to Kevin show. Go to new media lab dot Lipson dot com, and you can see that I've got artwork for everything. And yes, it doesn't change drastically. I'm just changing some of the tax on some of her shows I make graphic some of my don't, but it has something different each time. And this is a really slick nice looking page that lives in his up, and it's got all the social media links on it too. So there you go and pay attention because Kevin your page will change over the course of the next week her vase. Oh, one more thing about that. You could send me artwork for passed up Soad's to. Okay. So if you want to go through and do that I'll be happy to put them all in there. So one more one more thing before we go. Kevin one thing.00:19:00
I noticed. I don't know. What this I'm gonna have to look into this. But. But every page, I just looked at it came up with consistency era of categories have changed. This must be something that I choose doing. I'm not sure, but I see that on yours all three category. Areas are different new media lab it changed. It says I have to choose a different one. It might be that has to be more specific. But just be aware. If you use Lipson go in where you set your destinations and check for consistency. Irs it pops up in red. You can't miss it. And I think you just have to change your categories, something, more concise. Okay. So kevin. I guess you don't have to do that. But listeners you have to. All right. Any other questions? Kevin not this week. Excellent. Will we will come back next week and follow up on this? I promise you. We're going to be back on track with all of it. And we will maybe do a bonus episode where we talk about some of these pockets birth things we have going on because it is quite an interesting process. I might actually make a sideshow judge. Just talking about that. Because my gosh, there's a lot involved and a lot of people have no clue what's involved in trying to put up a live show. So maybe we'll do some of that too. All right, Kevin. Well, why don't you give your social media and we're out? So you can find us on Facebook by searching Kevin long show. You can find us on Twitter. We've got a new Twitter just for the show at Kevin long S H one or you can Email us at the Kevin long show at GM dot com. Wonderful and I'll be back this Thursday with an all new new media lab, featuring Scott Philbrick from stashing legends. This is one you to not wanna miss. I know I said that every time, but it's a really really fantastic interview. And once again, if you want to if you want to support this show, go to patriotic we've got one patron right now, the gaming outsider kicked in and.00:21:12
They're really happy with everything. I it's beta on there. We're going to keep this thing knowing and there are costs ball. So that is one way to keep this thing alive. Just go to patriot slash new media lab and become a patron and get the answer to how do you monetize your podcast from each of these amazing amazing people? That's it. Gillette? Ceim keep creating. ? -
On this episode, Rob’s special guest is Jodie Hough from RealiTV and Mom’s on the Rocks.
Jodie’s Twitter @realiTVpod
Jodie’s Patreon patreon.com/realitvpod
Jodie's Website realitvpodcast.com
Rob Southgate’s Twitter @RSouthgate
Email [email protected]
Website www.southgatemediagroup.com/newmedialab
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Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at www.southgatemediagroup.com. You can write to Rob at [email protected] and let us know what you think. Be sure to rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
This is a really difficult question. Oh, that's a great question. That's a good question. That is a great question. It's a really good question. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it. Want to hear the answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes. Google hod Cass and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. Welcome back to new media lab. I am your host route Southgate. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable time me this week's guest is Jody hawk from reality and bombs on the rocks. She calls herself a new, but she's one hundred twenty six episodes into work show with this point close all that patriot content. She does I would say she is solidly in the camp of the podcast professional at this point before we get to the interview, I do have a little business. I want to take care of. I we have a patriot on page where you can directly support this show and help keep us going. Join our newest patrons Scott from the gaming outsider podcast right now by going to patriot dot com slash new media lab and becoming a patron right away. And hey, while you're at it checkout. Scott's fantastic podcast, the gaming outsider. And let them know. You heard about it on this show. Thank you so much for that support Scott.00:01:38
A show like this is best when the audience and host or engaged with each other. In other words, getting conversation with me, either through Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, patriotic or anyplace else. You can find me the Email for this show is Southgate small business at gmaiLcom, send me your comments and questions, and I promise you all respond. You can find new media lab on Facebook by searching at new media lab show. You can follow me on Twitter at our Southgate or an Instagram at rob Southgate. Our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well. As over a hundred other podcasts, plus blogs, videos and more finely, follow our newest endeavor on Twitter at Indy podcast project and be sure to use the hashtag support. Indie podcasts when posting your own shows or sharing anything podcast related. This week's guest. Has Jodi haw from reality v and mom's on the rocks. Jody share some wonderful insights and tactics. You'll quickly come to realize how her podcasts have become so successful so quickly. Enjoy Jodi can you describe your podcast reality is your source for snarky reality TV. Recaps I cover everything from a I need to Bravo. Tv TLC to MTV even shows on Netflix. What I do is. I break all down all the shows that we love and love to hate. I like to think that I'm your best friend, or your inner voice, just nudging you along saying all things that you're thinking at the most cringe worthy of moments. I also have a patriotic a podcast that just.00:03:29
I guess reaches off of reality. I've more freedom there. I talk about all different kinds of topics and then six months ago, I launched another podcast called moms on the rocks. A completely different topic than reality. Which is reality TV. Recaps mom's on the rocks. We like to say, it's not your mom's podcast, and I have a co host Kerry Gillan. She is the host of sip and shine podcast. She's located in DC, so we record remotely. But my my baby is reality. And when did you start podcasting just a little over a year ago? I started in my dining room in the middle of September two thousand seventeen and at first I was just recording one episode a week. And then I started recording five episodes a week. And then I realized that my kids won't raise themselves and that went back to just one episode a week. So I've been added a little over a year. Are you a celebrity? Not at all. If you could only see the stains on my t shirt right now, not in any way at my celebrity is anybody associated with your podcast a celebrity? No now, we're just normal people. Do you think gaining audience today is the same as when you started? I know it's been a short time. But in that short time, I mean things are rapidly evolving. Do you think it's the same? This is a really difficult question. I think it's a yes. And no, I think the platforms that exists where you really have to get yourself out there. In hustle is the same that it was like you said it's just been a little over a year. Those are the same. And I'm referring to Facebook, creating Facebook groups Twitter Instagram, of course, you want to get your podcast on different podcasts platforms. However, I think from what I've seen in a short period of time is that every month that goes by.00:05:31
Why more people are trying their hand at launching their own podcast trying it out. I know I am not the only podcast or I consider myself a newbie still that I have people reaching out to me at least once or twice a month him, a how do you get started? What do you do what are the first steps? So I just think the podcasting world is becoming really saturated with startups, which is great. But every month that goes by there's more and more people in it. So you really have to make yourself very unique. And I think that can be incredibly difficult every month that goes by what are three key things that you have done to grow your audience. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it. And really look at what was it that made my podcast grow so quickly. I had no idea that I would be where I am today. I still think I'm kind of a newbie, and I am not a big celebrity podcasts are but for me. I feel like I'm way farther along than I thought and number one. The very biggest thing for me was Facebook surprisingly, having a closed Facebook group where all my listeners can kind of close the door behind them and speak their mind, all of their comments, everything we talk about in the closed Facebook group cannot be seen by their Facebook friends of their family. So that little Safed room where people can talk about the most vapid of things reality TV and not be completely embarrassed that their friends and family are seeing it that has been absolutely essential. The second thing would be ready.00:07:25
Later episodes. You've got to be consistent and releasing new content that is fresh and timely recording an episode in sitting on it for a couple of weeks or a couple months and releasing it at least in my John RIA that would never fly. I've never gone seven days without releasing a new episode, and I think after time what happens you're consistently giving fresh content is your listeners start to really recognize respect your hustle at it. And that is where I really strongly feel that connection starts happening that moment when your listeners realize, oh, wow. This podcast is giving me a lot. It's thanksgiving weaker it's Christmas week and they're still releasing an episode. And that's where they want to support you in return and be returned listener. And that's where we get into patriotic which I can talk about in a bit. But the third thing. Of course is having Instagram and Twitter, even having your podcasts on YouTube. There are ways to do it. You know, people can look that up. But you'd be surprised how many people listen on YouTube, even though it's a visual platform from what I've been told from listeners, it's because they can listen at work and not be noticed. They don't have their phone out, and that kind of thing, but I think you have to be easily. This may not be a word, but it is now findable on all of those social media platforms. But then you can use Instagram Twitter, of course, to announce your new episodes, and then you're consistently attracting new listeners with your hashtags. Great answer, what are three keys social media practices that you've done to build audience. I know that you kind of answered it in the last one.00:09:18
Yeah. What what do you think about it? Number one, another podcast or who ended up being my co host. On mom's on the rocks. Gave me this advice starting out. And I never really would have given it too much thought I would have figured it out. But far too late is you don't really want to over promote yourself. So for example, every I just call like podcast pimps, you know, where you're saying. Hey, new episode or checkout, my topic, whatever it might be you really have to balance that out with three personal things. Because really what it is people want to know you. Yes, you might be talking about whether you're talking on a true crime, John rea- or a business or marketing people are listening for you. So you have to balance out your podcast and also letting people get to know you. Secondly, I think you have to find your tribe. It sounds cliche. But it's so true. What I mean by that is fellow podcasters? You have to start following other podcasts or podcasters, whether they separate themselves from their podcast brand who you really truly enjoy look at who they're following. And I don't just mean the the big guys in the field. Find other independent podcasters newbies. Just like yourself and start interacting with them. I've actually found some of my best friends that way, you're all in this together. You're finding your tribe, sir. Tagging them tagging them in things you become podcast buddies. And then from that, of course, the networking opportunities, and the camaraderie, just explodes and really that some of the most incredible gifts, I found inserting and Thirdly, you've got to interact with your listeners. I'll just say in the past. I would follow podcasters that I listened to.00:11:18
Even before I started podcasting. And I was looking for not necessarily an individual shoutout or connection with them. But I would start to see that. They would say oh, join this face group Facebook group or follow me on Twitter, but they would never interact and I quickly lost interest. So I think you have got to interact yet. If you make your own Facebook group get in there and interact with people know, your listeners names. My phone is constantly coming up with alerts because people are tagging me on things they feel like they know me. I don't think you really wanna be necessarily seen as though leader. You know, you're all in this together with your listeners, they feel like they're part of the podcast. They are your friend. What is the secret to your podcast success? Hi to stop and think about this one for a little bit. What it comes onto? I'm just me. I'm jody. I'm not trying to be like other podcasters in my John. Rowe who also recap reality shows, I'm not trying to disarm. I there's some pockets. I absolutely adore and I would fan girl out if I ever met them. But he I really just stay true. To who? I am. I don't circle in the New York or the L A podcasters circles. I'm in the Chicago suburbs. E-e-e-e-no really sets me apart. I think is I really don't want to. I should rephrase that now that I don't want to. I really don't have a desire to be come famous or get in with the talent or gets no famous people. It's just not what I do. I feel like I'm behind my microphone, and it's my little confessional. I talk crap about the ridiculous people that put their lives on TV. So then to turn and talk to them on the podcast and say, oh, thank you so much for coming. And I'm a big fan. I can't do that. That's not me my listeners.00:13:25
No. That's not me. I speak my mind. I say the truth. I say that I say what we're all thinking. So being honest, just letting my natural sarcasm and all my weird quirks, my bazaar, observational humor that I don't think anyone is going to get my what's the word. I'm looking for. I can't even think of it. Okay. There's an example right there. My listeners would be screaming saying, okay. I know what you're trying to say it, you know, they just know who I am in that interaction with listeners is the secret sauce because whatever you're lacking they are going to forgive you for that. And if you are trying to be something that you are not behind the microphone listeners pick up on that. As with each of these interviews, I try to leave with three key takeaways. The three that's it out for me from Jodi our number one run a private Facebook group. We've heard this before it's all about that engagement number to find your tribe. This was interesting a lot of times when people say that they're talking about finding their audience cheap end by other podcasters, do what you do in with those podcasters number three interact with your listeners I've been following Jody. I've been looking at her patriotic of looking at Facebook. She is all over it. Whenever somebody posts something. She's right there talking to them. She lives it. I think she's right. I think we need to limit too. So what are your takeaways? What did Jodi say that affected your business and your content creation going forward? Share your thoughts on the Facebook thread this.00:15:20
Episode of that new media lab show. I would love to read your insights, you can find Jody at reality podcast dot com. Get bonus episodes ad free episodes free merchandise, so much more and her patriotic page patriot dot com slash reality. Pop. Make sure to follow Jodi Facebook, join Facebook group, find her shows on your favorite podcast app via apple podcast, Google podcast or Spotify or tune it be sure to subscribe. Shows great reviews while you're at it. Please subscribe to new media lab with Robert Southgate wherever you listen to podcasts. You can Email me at Southgate small business at gmaiLcom. New media lab is on Facebook, simply search for at new media lab xo our networks website is Southgate native dot com where you can find this as well. As over a hundred other podcasts, plus blog videos information about our live events. Marathons we have coming up so much more. If you wanna follow me, personally, I'm on Twitter at our Southgate or on Instagram at props off support this show. Get awesome expert content by becoming a patriot go to patriot dot com slash do media lab. And choose your tier please rate and review this show on whatever service. You subscribe to podcasts on it really helps others find the show and tell. Me if you like what I'm doing here. You can find new media lab on I tunes who will podcasts Stitcher Spotify tune in radio and hopefully anywhere else that distributes podcasts. If you can't find us, let me know. And I'll rectify the situation all this plus Moreland for be in the show notes and on our website. So don't worry if you don't have a pen to write it all down. Thanks again to Jody Hoffer, helping with my these being such an incredible guests, that's it for this week everyone. The next episode of creators lab will drop next Tuesday. And we'll be back with our next guest on new media lab Thursday until then get out there three. -
Andrea Klunder – S2E3 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special guest is Andrea Klunder, your Podcast Boss from Podcast Envy and The Creative Impostor.
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at www.southgatemediagroup.com. You can write to Rob at [email protected] and let us know what you think. Be sure to rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
Andrea's Twitter @AndreaKlunder
Andrea's Website The Creative Impostor
Rob Southgate’s Twitter @RSouthgate
Email [email protected]
Website www.southgatemediagroup.com/newmedialab
Patreon www.patreon.com/newmedialab
Pinterest www.pinterest.com/SMGPods/new-media-lab/
SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #VloggingTranscription
00:00:00 This is a really difficult question. Oh, that's a great question. That's a good question. That is a great question. It's a really good question. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it. Want to hear the answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes. Google hod Cass and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. Welcome back to new media lab. I am so happy you've decided to join me. Again. I am rob Southgate your host. This week's guest is Andrea Klunder from podcast and be and the creative imposter both shows are exceptional and deserve your time. In fact, I think everyone that listens to media lab. Should subscribe to podcast envy as well. Can you tell them a big fan before we get to the interview I do have a little business to take care of? I a show like this is best for the audience and hosting gauged with each other. In other words, get in conversation with me either through Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram patriot or anyplace else. You can find me the Email for this show is Southgate Spall business at gmaiLcom, send me your questions and comments. I promise you I'll respond you can find new media lab on Facebook by searching new media lab show. You can follow me on Twitter at our Southgate or Instagram at rob Southgate. 00:01:38 Our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well as over one hundred other podcasts, plus blogs, and videos, and so much more. Finely, follow our newest endeavor on Twitter at Indy podcast project and be sure to use the hashtag support. Indie podcasts when posting your own show or sharing anything podcast related. Did you know we have a patriotic page. I've set up the new media lab patriotic page to help offset the cost of doing this podcast. I don't see patriots tip jar. It's much much more than that in order to provide value to the new media lab patrons I asked another question of each interviewee that I'm not sharing on the free version of this show. Only supporters will get the answers the question. How do you monetize podcast? Yeah. I know the question they all get asked. And that you get asked all the time. If you're a podcast. After the answers. I got back were incredible. You don't wanna miss out on these each week? I plan to post the answers to the question by the guest featured on the free show exclusively for supporters on patriotic. I also plan to post unedited versions of some of the interviews occasionally as well. My suggestion. Pause the podcast. Go to patriotdepot dot com slash new media lab and become a patron today. After you've done that come on back. Listen to this episode. This week's guest is Andrea Klunder from podcast envy. Our interview interviews chock full of information, and ideas that are unique from any of the other guests and absolutely fantastic. Andrea really understands what it takes to be a successful podcast and freely. Shares her thoughts right here enjoy. So Andrea thank you so much for being on. I have some questions here. I up can you? Describe your podcast. 00:03:40 Sure. I have two podcasts right now. The original podcast that I started with and have had the longest is the creative imposter, and that show is all about creativity. Entrepreneurship mindset, and as the name implies imposter syndrome, and it's kind of wide topic show in that. I interview different creative. Individuals anything from. Artists performers writers to entrepreneurs to healers to therapists to all kinds of different types of professions, who I see doing something uniquely creative and outside of the box. And we talk about a lot of different things. But the conversation always comes back to and focuses around this idea of imposter syndrome and self doubt, and how to move beyond those feelings and still create an still put work out there, despite whatever is going on internally in your own mind. And then I also do solo episodes on that show usually riffing off of some kind of topic that came up in one of the interviews, and or talking about relevant examples from my own life that show is at the time of this recording currently on a little bit of a hiatus since last summer, but will be coming back with some kind. New inventive format in two thousand nineteen that I'm working on. And then my current show that is active at this moment is podcast envy. And the podcast envy is a show all about how to craft a podcast that matters. So it's a lot of podcasting tips in advice beyond sort of just the what's the best microphone to us. And how do I make money on my show? 00:05:36 We talk about little deeper things like how to build community or how to make a show that makes some kind of positive social impact some of those deeper kinds of questions what to do when you're feeling burned out, and you don't wanna make your show anymore. And I alternate again between interviews with other podcasters to see how they're doing things. And then also dispensing advice, as I guess this persona that I've taken on as being your podcast boss when did you start podcasting? So I launched the creative imposter in. In October of two thousand fifteen and that was my first show, and that has been steady up until summer of two thousand eight teen and we'll come back in two thousand nineteen. So that's what three years about three years ago and and podcast envy. Launched this past, sir. Just before I decided to take the highest with the other show, partly because managing to shows. In addition to everything else, I do is kind of insane has so podcast envy. Has only been out for August September October for about four months. Great interpret, this all you like are you a celebrity? I would say no, I just had I mentor a group of high school students, and they produce a show called power your story. And we just interviewed someone today who's a professional storyteller in Chicago. And they asked her if she knew anyone famous or had worked with anyone fame. Mous and or any celebrities, and she laughed and she said defense on how you define celebrity. And so I would say, no, although I have been building more. 00:07:25 What would I say brand awareness around myself? I would say that more and more people in the podcasting space know, who I am as a result of my podcast. So I would not call myself a celebrity by any means, but definitely my network in my circle of influence has expanded since I began podcasting. Do you think that gaining audience today is the same as when you started podcasting? Yes. And no, no. Because I had no idea how to gain an audience when I started I had not any shred of a clue as to how to promote my show other than just making sure that it was in as many directories like apple podcasts in Stitcher and Google, and I mean at that time Spotify did not exist as a directory, but does now I really had no idea how to build an audience or get a following other than just telling the the small network of people that I have and the magic of IT tunes, basically. But now it's different because I have learned a lot more about marketing and positioning and have been more intentional and conscientious about how I'm positioning things specifically with podcast envy. So I just have more knowledge and more of a plan. And also, my approach has changed. Rather than just thinking of it as a podcast that I am promoting and marketing, I'm thinking of it as the whole brand over all. And so there are some people who may never listen to my podcast, but they're still some way in which the brand might be useful to them or they might engage with me on social media. Even if they're never going to actually listen to the podcast water. Three key things you've done to grow your audience. 00:09:21 So one thing that has been huge is public speaking. And that is a combination of applying to speak at conferences. I just spoke at podcast movement this past summer for the first time, which was great and definitely gave me a bump in listenership. Also, I seek out opera -tunities here in Chicago locally to speak about podcasting and do free intro workshops. There's a place called nextdoor Chicago that offers free classes in the evenings centered mostly around being an entrepreneur business startup in that sort of thing, and I do quarterly free classes there, and that has really built up my audience and gotten more listeners for the show. And also, my client base, I might add. So just finding opportunities to speak about podcasting and be face to face with people in real time has been huge that would be number one number two would be thinking very specifically about key words in my show and in my episode titles. And you know, I used to just rely on the magic of items and apple podcasts to get my show out there. But with more and more shows being added to the directory every day, I feel like it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. And their search, isn't that great? So I'm really thinking about how I title those episodes. So that they're more easily findable. And then the third thing that I've been doing is just trying to reach people. However, I can and that largely has to do with social media with creating a Facebook group to engage with people more regularly who already know who I am. And then also too. 00:11:26 Oh, another somewhat social media platform is meet up dot com. I have a local meet up group for creative women in Chicago that I've been running way before I ever was podcast staying, but that group has also been a great way to get new listeners. So it's one public speaking face to face with people to being really conscientious and full about keyword, search ability within the directories and three is using various social media platforms to connect with people who might want to listen to the show. Excellent show. What are three key social media practices that you do you may have answered some of it in that last question. But what would you say or three key social media practices? Yes. So I previously disliked all social media everything. Offend very reluctant to put a lot of time and energy into social media. And so I've had to have help and coaching to to get myself on board with some of this one thing that I did that was surprisingly helpful was I recently came back to Lincoln. So I had one of those ancient linked in profiles that was like dusty. And it had it said I worked somewhere that. I haven't worked in years and people kept sending me messages. Congratulations on my work anniversary that was not a place that I currently work, and I revisited Lincoln because I've started coaching other podcasters and producing shows for individuals and nonprofits and a business coach suggested that it might be a social media platform that I come back to so I'm very consistently posting content original content five days a week on Lincoln. And that has been outstanding. Another thing that I'm doing is. 00:13:15 Have the creative imposter Facebook group, and that has been slowly growing and evolving, and it used to be really vague and general kind of like the creative imposter show. And now I've been custom tailoring it a little bit more to have an emphasis on social support for content creators, so it's a little bit more niche down than just creative. But it's not so Nisha just podcasters. And then the third social media practice that I've been doing is joining other people's Facebook groups, and I'm going to cheat. I'm going to lump this together with two so having my own Facebook group and joining other people's Facebook groups and not motivating my shows, but trying to be helpful in those groups and trying to answer people's questions and provide value there without being self promotional and then the third. Third thing would be I've been just having fun and playing on Instagram and something that's new that. I've started doing for my clients before I've started doing for myself is playing with audio grams on Instagram, which are those little video files that have a static image a sound wave animation and sometimes captions. I've been having a lot of fun playing with those with my clients. And so I'm going to start playing with them for myself as well, not necessarily to get people to listen to the show again, but just to have another way for people to engage with my content. Even if they're never going to listen to the show, what is the secret to your podcast success? 00:14:59 I am so much more of a content person than a marketing person. And so I really focus on making sure that I have consistent high-quality content from a particular point of view. So it's not good enough for me to have a show that is about how to make a podcast, I need it to have a specific point of view or to be a specific conversation that I don't see happening in other shows on how to make a podcast. So there needs to be something that is unique that is answering a question or has a unique point of view like for example, I tried to take the position of a please don't pay that much attention to your downloads and stats like just not looking at them. Just don't even look at them and stop putting all of your focus on how to get more downloads. And let's find other metrics to measure the success of your show and to track. How your show is doing? So I try to take sort of like a counterpoint view to certain popular pieces of advice and wisdom out there. So that's that's it consistent quality content. That has a unique point of view. What's the next big thing in podcast, in your opinion? I think the next big thing in podcasting is many things, and it can be described in one way as podcasting is suddenly becoming worn more mainstream. Instead of just this weird little niche thing that I believe apple probably never expected it to take off in the way that it has. And now they're like holy crap. Where all the shows coming from because it's becoming more and more mainstream. What I'm seeing is creative ways that companies brands organizations and individuals are using the medium for different purposes. Like, for example. 00:16:57 Creating a podcast that is not necessarily about marketing, but might be about archiving and documenting a behind the scenes process. That's one of my nonprofit clients that I'm working with right now, they got a grant to create something and part of the grant was to find an innovative way to archive and document process. And so they were like, well, let's make a process podcast. And so even though it is publicly available. It's really more about that documentation piece than it is even promoting or marketing or brands that are doing internal company podcasts or individuals that are using podcasting. As sort of like a social Justice piece. There's a nonprofit hopefully potential client that I just spoke with who they are creating a podcast. So that they can collect short-form anecdotal evidence for. For their positions when they're meeting with local policymakers, and so there's all these ways to take this one medium and use it for all kinds of different purposes, and all kinds of different ways. And I think that that be as it becomes bigger and more mainstream the niching and the diversification becomes more. Interesting. As with each of these interviews, I try to leave with three key takeaways. The three that stood out to me from Andrea art number one seek out opera -tunities to speak live about podcasting number two post original content to Lincoln number three. Join other Facebook groups and provide value without self promoting. So what are your takeaways? What it Andrea say that affected your business and content creation going forward? Share your thoughts on the Facebook thread for this episode. 00:18:52 I would love to read your insights, you can find Andrea at the creative imposter dot com. Make sure to follow Andrea on Facebook. And join her Facebook group that she talked about find her shows on your favorite podcast app. Be at apple podcasts. Google podcasts Stitcher Spotify or tune in be sure to subscribe and give her shows great reviews. While you're at it. Please subscribe to new media lab with Robert Southgate wherever you listen to podcasts. You can Email me directly at Southgate small business at gmaiLcom. New media lab is on Facebook, simply search for at new media lab xo our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well. As over a hundred other podcasts, plus blogs and videos information about our live events and so much more. If you wanna follow me, personally, I'm on Twitter at our Southgate or on Instagram at rob Southgate, support this show and get awesome extra content by becoming a patron. Go to patriotic dot com slash new media lab and choose your tier please rate and review this show on whatever service. You subscribe to podcasts on it really helps others find the show and tells me if you like what I'm doing you can find new media lab on apple podcasts. Google podcasts Stitcher Spotify tune in radio, I heart radio and hopefully anywhere else that distributes podcasts. If you can't find us, let me know. And I'll rectify the situation all this. Plus more links will be in the show notes and on our website. So don't worry if you don't have a pen to write this all down. Thanks again to Andrea Klunder for helping with my thesis and for being such an incredible guest. That's it for this week everyone. The next episode of creators lab will drop next Tuesday. And we'll be back with our next guest on new media lab on Thursday until then get out there and create something. -
Rob follows up with Kevin on his homework and if the changes had an effect. Together, they decide on the best hashtags to use and agree on a solid show description. Kevin's question this week has to do with audience engagement. The answer lies in this week's topic - social media basics.
Each week, Rob answers questions from Kevin Long and offers advice for how to have a successful podcast. Good for newbies and seasoned podcasters alike!
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #VloggingTranscription
This is a really difficult question. Oh, that's a great question. That's a good question. That is a great question. It's a really good question. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it. Want to hear the answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes. Google hod Cass and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. Welcome back. Everybody to the second episode of new media labs, creator lab with me, rob Southgate and with having long. Hey, kevin. Hey, how are you? I'm doing great. How are you doing today? I'm doing well. Thank you. You're going to be doing a lot better in a second. When I start talking about what has happened with your show this week. Okay. So let's go back talk about we'll do a little recap of what we did last week. I've got some suggestions before it gets suggestions, though. I do wanna talk about what happened which you don't know about. So first of all last week. What we talked about was I gave you homework. I wanted you to write a detailed description, and I wanted you to come up with a tag. And I wanted you to get me some hashtags that we could use for Nautilus social media for tagging the show. You did not send me the. The tag yet. Which is okay. I just hold on. I took with you wrote. You sent me a paragraph, and actually I'm going to pull that up to and that way we can read your paragraph than I'll I'll explain what I changed a little bit. And actually, it's any of these kind of things and this is an important point. Should be looked at as a living document. It shouldn't be the kind of thing that you go.00:01:53
Yup. I did it done. You know what I mean? Right. That's where we run into trouble. So here's what you wrote your description that we were adding as they showed description, not an individual episode. It said there was a rich history of tabletop gaming and in the Kevin long show. Kevin and his guest talk about all the additions of dungeons and dragons in some of the shows Kevin builds characters after reading the complete handbook and other weeks, he talks about character concepts and other story outlines not bad, not bad. I made some tweaks to it. Basically what I? I did do it is. I wanted it to flow a little bit better. I also wanted to get a well, let me read it. I got a couple of things out of there that were unnecessary words, necessarily language. So that we can actually make it read a little bit better and add a little bit more to it. And in fact, even reading it now, I want to add a couple of things that we could do later. So here's your description. There is a rich history of tabletop gaming and on the Kevin long show. Kevin and his guests talk about all the additions of dungeons and dragons, Kevin and his guests build characters after reading the complete handbook talk about character concepts and discuss various story outlines. It's it's a little more defined like it more to work from what I want to add as I was reading it. I was Kevin and his guests twice. I'm going to change that I also wanna get in some of our keywords. Now.00:03:18
This is where we went into the hashtags, and you came up with four now where did you find those? I I don't. I think I typed in the right address that you gave me, but I typed in hashtag of fi. And it brought me to like a little huddle. Like a bid me where I in dungeons and dragons in. That's what gave me right? You did you were in this place. I'm sure okay. So here's what you missed. And this is something that is good to know. Because is probably because I've done it enough that I figured out. Oh, don't forget this part of it. You typed in dungeons and dragons and did search in your hashtags. You did not write dungeons and dragons guess what word probably needs to be there, dungeons and dragons, right? So so the other thing, and this is the part that that I figured out a while ago because I wasn't paying attention. I was like, oh, I want to do dungeons and dragons, boom, here's what I got defy E D, R, PG and tabletop. And then I'm like, wait a minute. Each of those should type in and see what it gets because what if something is bigger. Right. So I went through all the different iterations. And here's what I came up with going off of what you had. Oh, what you had those weren't the ones you gave me you gave me five eighty dice five fantasy and gaming.00:04:48
All excellent. I added to that deity five eight dungeons and dragons DND RPG and tabletop and the way I came about those was by typing in like, I typed in DND, right? I got some different ones. I typed in RPG was terrible. It just gave you like Asian letters didn't really do it. But typing in five AD and defy it gave me a couple of different things. Wonderful. So now, we have eight in fact, let's see if I have any others. On here. I did put dragon magazine because that is actually another potential one. I think that's the only one I added. So we have nine different tags. We can use those went in tags and keywords on Lipson. But Kevin those are not those are not really valuable. I tunes doesn't use tag tag tags and keywords what they're valuable for. Is. You wanna have that list? And when you do your social media throughout the week to promote this episode you want to use those hash tax. So we came up with your description. We came up with a good set of hashtags a solid set of hashtags. Okay today. I posted an episode. It was of your your Monday. I can't think of the name because I'm drawing a blank as it Monday. Magic monday. I posted magic Monday today, and do you mind to be giving how many downloads you get on an episode? No. That'd be an easing. Okay. We'll get there.00:06:28
So I posted a magic Monday today and on this episode. I did these things I not only changed your description this week and updated it an added those tags. On the description this week when I posted I added those to the specific episode. I also took something you said in your description and made that your subtitle. So now on every episode, we publish your subtitle says Kevin and his guests talk all about the additions of dungeons and dragons, so now dungeons and dragons hits as a single word as multiple words if somebody is searching for it shows up as an important word to Google. So now Google knows this show is about dungeons and dragons, so we eat. Okay. So now, we are in a much better place. We've niche down like we talked about we've gotten those keywords in here. And the other thing I did then was the stuff that was my part of this. So I went in to your to the settings. And I made sure you were updated on. Various platforms, and guess what? I found. Well, I dropped. I dropped the ball. So I did not have in here some of the different things. So I added your Facebook. This is in settings on Lipson, you if you go to settings you can put in keywords and Email and all that stuff. I put in the Facebook URL, I put in your Twitter handle what I found was you were not posting too.00:08:08
I put an I tunes to even though it was posting the I tunes. I put in that address goes faster, you were not posting to tune in radio. You are not posting to Stitcher. You're not posting to Google play or Google podcasts or Spotify. You are now. So I went through and I made sure every one of those even though technically they don't add up too much for most shows you're there now or you will be in the next couple of days. Those even though you think well if apple is ninety five percent of the downloads. Why do I need to be on all of them? You do you need that all of them? Because what if your show what if the people that listen to tune in radio or totally into your dungeons and dragons show, and you get four hundred dollars on that on tune in radio. And I tunes gets you twenty. We don't know. So the point is for everybody making podcasts out there get him in every channel you can unless that channel is paying you have Stitcher says we want you to be exclusive. And here's a bunch of money to do it. Heck? Yeah. I'll be exclusive. But if they haven't done that. Why would you stay with one put it everywhere? Get it where the customer is getting in front of them that was something I hadn't done it's done. Now, let's get into the thing. You really want to hear about town stew?00:09:28
Today. We post this episode right on average when we post a new episode you get about twenty downloads of that particular like that day. Okay. I'm not going by particular episode. I'm going by downloads on your feet. Okay. This is an important thing to clarify because the number. I'm going to give you is. Not today's episode did this number. It's your feed to this number today. And if you look at your feed average, it's it's you know, a couple of day, and then I'll post road you'll get like twenty okay? Which you and I have been happy with so far. We're like, hey, why not it's twenty people urge you that's pretty rock and great, right? Yeah. Okay today. I edit those keywords I updated the description, I added into those other things, but that's not live yet. So the only one that was really live was I tunes you had one hundred downloads today. Wow. And it's only one o'clock Austin, Chicago. So yeah, man, I think it had an effect will find out tomorrow. If it right. If it continues if you if we start seeing that. Everyday. Let's say it goes up to twenty a day would we're not posting something guess what those little tweaks had an effect. And if they didn't I'll eat my hat because I'm telling you. I know it did. Right. So there you go. We are. We are on our way to building audience now before we move into the next thing.00:11:04
Okay. I want to ask one thing. Yeah. On the show. I like to get whatever question you have before start giving out assignments. So what kind of questions do you have the question today is going to be how do we get more involved with our audience, and and the new media lab, you talked about engaging your audience, and I want to know how to be better at here's the topic. We have this week. Let's do it because I know how to engage the shows that I'm listening to on social. Oh media. I just don't know how to get people to engage Mike show. Excellent. Oh, Kevin you made by day. What my assignment is this week ties into this pervert? Okay. So we're gonna jump ahead from like normally what the idea of the show was was I was gonna help through these little building walks to try to help make your show a brand and build it up. Right. And after we talked last week, I thought okay. Well, these were some really basic things getting those those notes, right and everything getting the tags. Then I thought well, you wanna see more motion. Even though I think what we had today was pretty darn good motion five times. We just went up by five hundred percent. That's good. I wanna see it keep going. So you're right engagement is a keyed everything. Now, this is going to be a slower burn. But we're going to try something K. So first of all, let's go over what social media platforms. You have the show on what do you have?00:12:41
I'm on. I do Facebook and Twitter are the ones that I most active on, but I do have an Instagram account. Okay. And the Instagram account is that four swamp. It is at four the come long show. Or is it your personal? It's a personal. It's a personal. Okay. Let's take that one off the table. Okay. That's not what we need to use. Although I would suggest thinking about at some point getting an Instagram that is the Kevin long show. Okay, instagram. Okay. Here's why with these different platforms. If you have a Kevin long show Instagram when we post something you can post like seventeen hashtags, and it's not weird. Okay. And this is something that I've said before to people, and I get brushback. I don't get brushback from people that actually know the social media kind of etiquette and rules. I get it for people that are like, no, it doesn't really matter. Or no, I do it this way. We'll great. There are no hard and fast rules. But there are some things that do make a difference. So first of all, let's let's talk about these Instagram you could do up to seventeen hashtags there is a trick to get more. But if you have seventeen good hashtags you're off to the races. Okay. When you're using Instagram, and let's just talk about that for a second. Then we'll move onto what matters to you Instagram is a visual medium. So you want to make sure you take like the artwork from the show if you have some if you don't let's start. We'll talk about that on another episode. Kevin k-.00:14:20
If you if you have behind the scenes pictures, or like in your case, you do gaming throughout the week. Take pictures of like your books. Take pictures of your dice take pictures of things related to DND, even if it's a page out of the book or a quote out of one of the books, or when you do your monster of the week or magic Monday, you take a picture of that from the book and you posted on Instagram and you're like, hey, it's the bag holding. That's what we're talking about this week that works beautifully oppose hashtags or things people are looking for. And you put it a good amount of them. And it can be like like I do things when I post because I'm kind of a coffee addict, I take pictures for Instagram where I'm holding a coffee Cup, and I'm like podcasting today. And I'll bet hashtag podcast podcasters, Chicago podcasting media new media coffee coffee addict. Like all these things. And you'd be surprised I have a huge amount of followers that are like these coffee bloggers IB huge amount that are podcasters like because I use those hashtags it gets noticed. Okay. But you don't do Instagram yet. So we're not gonna worry about that for this week. What I want you to do is. We're going to do a Facebook and a Twitter strategy. Okay. You wanna put the pick those you've got those nine hashtags right right now on on Facebook. I know they take hashtags, but it's actually been tracked. If you read some of these sources about social media about you know, what works and what dozen this hashtags don't really work on Facebook. In fact, the the the post without hashtags tend to do a little bit better the ones with I don't know why it makes.00:16:12
When you click on the activity, tag and type in listening to gaming with Scott are the this old good. So so it's just like I said if you can be everywhere with your podcast feel free to use hashtags everywhere with this. Okay. All good stuff. And when you say, you're listening to gaming Lescot. That's an excellent thing. I wish everybody did that for every show there listened to because it sells people where you are. It might entice them to listen, I know that I've clicked on shows when I've seen that pop up. So that's an excellent practice from a personal standpoint. And also from your show because it says Kevin long is listening to me. What Scott anyone that follows? You is going to see that be like a look, there's another gaming podcast. This is cool. You want to build it like reciprocity between the podcasts. And if you mentioned a podcast, make sure you tag them put an at gaming with Scott when we do this. We need. Make sure we put hey gaming at giving. What Scott we talked about you on today's show. Right. Okay. So I've got thoughts here with with Twitter with Twitter you wanna use no more than two maybe three hashtags. I know you can use more it starts to cluttering people. Don't look at them. Sometimes when it has too much starts to look like a bought. Okay. So if you have to hash dad's, you're in good shape. Now, you have nine hashtags to work with what that should mean to you is, hey, every time I post maybe I wanna switch up those hashtags right guy and easy way to do.00:17:48
Do. It is to use a an app called tweet deck where you can go in you sign in you've got your Twitter account when you you can go in and say, here's what I want the tweet to say, here's the image. I wanna use with always use an image on Twitter if tax people go right past it. Okay. So they they see the image. They read the thing. On tweet deck. You can say you can schedule it. So now, you can say, you know, what I wanna make sure that my show is hitting on Tuesday. I wanna make sure that that between seven AM and noone like once on our a tweet goes out. That says, hey, we've got to do episode today. You can send the same tweet all five times. Let's say you're doing five on that day. Okay. And it said the same tweet just change the hash tags on each of them or you can change your verbiage a little bit. So it's a little bit more interesting. If if you're doing like, the the bag of holding maybe there's a couple of different images of bags of holding or images that would be kinda cool that you'd be like, yeah, I could put this on air it or even the the show logo for one of them changing it up a little bit. You don't have to do twenty tweets a day. Okay. But the day launches maybe five would be really good.00:19:08
Okay. The other thing you can do that. Let's say as we're starting. In fact, we will do it this way for this week do five on the date launches you had a magic Monday happened today. Figure out five tweets. Okay. And space out like once an hour. Then we can get into timing. And all that another time. I don't care what it is right now five tweets different hashtags, use them up. Okay. And if you wanna do if you more you can keep in mind that a tweet has a twenty minute lifespan at best. So don't worry that. Oh my gosh. I'm tweeting too much the person looking at the tweets unless they're only looking at your feed your going to go away. They're not gonna care that. You're tweeting every hour, right? Make sense. So let's start with Twitter with that. And then said another thing today is is Monday your show hit today. So setup five tweets I want you to do the exact same thing on Thursday with the same show. But now put ice e or I see why am I in case you missed it in all caps. Why do it with the hashtag? And put that I so it's in case you missed it. I had a new show boasts new magic Monday posted on Monday. Check it out or we did a magic Monday about blank today. Check it out and then use your hashtags. So getting your doubling up you're getting double the hit. And it is a people that you have this show out there and what it's about.00:20:46
Okay. So that's one thing. We'll try that. You're talking maximum of of or a minimum of ten tweets over the course of between now. And next Monday. Let's see what happens. And if you're like, man, I can't do that. Today set them for tomorrow tomorrow and Thursday. Okay. That was good for the regular Kevin long show. Do it. What do we post on Wednesday Thursday? So do I'm gonna switch it up on your man. Okay. Do either today or tomorrow for Thursday do five for the Kevin long show on Friday? Do in case you missed it for magic Monday and on Monday of next week do five in case you missed it for the Kevin long show. Okay. Let's see if these numbers change now Facebook this goes back to your question. Yeah. Finally, Mr long-winded got back to the question. You ask about engagement? So one way to do it or to try, and you may get some you may not. But on your Facebook page. We posted new episode today. Make sure you post a link to it. But you wanna say something? Engage as anybody used this. What what was the magic Monday today? Let's go look and see. One that hit today was the deck of many things are so is there a question related to the Decca many things that you could ask is. Against snow. So ask a question or say, you know, magic Monday deck of many things discussion threat, and then then put a description underneath it. That says like like, let's talk about the Decca many things. And then asked your questions what experience if you guys had what was the best time you used it or whatever it is.00:22:33
Okay. And hopefully, you'll get somebody. That'll right now, here's the key. With all of that. You're you're chumming the water by saying, hey, I want you to talk to me as soon as somebody talks to you make sure it doesn't have to be in that minute. But before you go to bed at night. Make sure that every interaction has had a reaction from say something back engage with them. Get them in conversation. Okay. Okay. You may or may not get any. That's okay. You gotta keep doing it. You wanna know how those shows get interaction? This is exactly how they get. Interaction. Perfect. I have a lot more to say about how to been late all of this. But for now, I think that gives you a good solid thing to work from your homework is do those tweets and make a thread for this episode gets conversation going. Okay. Cool. Sounds great any other questions. Kevin not at the moment. All right. Why hope this is working for people? I hope they're getting some good information. Like, I said, the creators lab is a way more casual discussion. I try to come in with an idea that I wanna share a homework I wanna share and Kevin tries to come in with a question. I hope it's helping and I I hope it's going to help you Kevin because I'm telling you jumping up to one hundred downloads today that was shocking to me. So let's hope that rain continues.00:24:05
Yes, for sure why don't you give your social media? You can find us on Facebook just type in the Kevin long show. And you can find us on Twitter at the swamp pit great. And he will have a thread for the episodes. You can get in conversation about this episode, and please do and Kevin I'm going to give you one more tip before I go. Yeah. And this is something that when I said, give your social media, you should have done, and I wanna make it. So that it's ingrained in you. And it should also be on your your show notes, which it's not give your Email K. So make sure you give your Email whenever you can. Because a lot of people even though you say, here's my Twitter. Here's my Instagram. Here's my Facebook. Here's my YouTube channel a lot of people engage through Email. So give it and make sure it's in your show notes, and actually your homework. Their last thing is text me or tweet me or. Message me with your Email, and I'll put it on your show notes going forward. Sweet. So what's your Email? Kevin you can Email us at the Kevin long show at gmaiLcom perfect city. We're gonna we're gonna get you in good habits. And I can't wait to see where this goes. Wouldn't it be cool? If we actually made this show rock the house that would be great. I think it can. I love the show.00:25:29
All right. Kevin. Thank you so much and everybody else we will talk to you on Thursday with the next episode of new media lab. I hope you enjoyed this last one with Brent hand. So this week's guest is Andrea Klender. Andrea is awesome. She does a thing where she's your podcast, boss. I've been interviewed. Martha I got interviewed by her at a women in podcast festival. She was on the SIM G podcast festival out at blue-box. Cafe. She is really fantastic has wonderful ideas. And. You're probably gonna want to listen to her show in conjunction with this show as soon as you get a load of what she has to say. So the guest for this Thursday is Andrea Klunder from your podcast, boss. You're gonna love it. -
Brent Hand – S2E2 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special guest is Brent Hand from the Hysteria 51 Podcast.
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at www.southgatemediagroup.com. You can write to Rob at [email protected] and let us know what you think. Be sure to rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
Brent's Twitter @Hysteria51Pod
Brent's Website Hysteria51.com
Rob Southgate’s Twitter @RSouthgate
Email [email protected]
Website www.southgatemediagroup.com/newmedialab
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #Vlogging00:00:00
This is a really difficult question. Oh, that's a great question. That's a good question. That is a great question. It's a really good question. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it. Want to hear the answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes. Google hod Cass and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. Welcome back to new media lab. I am rob Southgate your host. And I am so happy you've decided to join me on this journey last week's interview with Dave Jackson sparked a lot of questions I messages and emails about specific points that David made. I hope the answers I provided offered a little insight please keep writing in with DA's and questions. The Email here is Southgate small business at g mail dot com. And that's exactly what Kevin long did he wrote in asking about the value of getting on platforms other than I tunes? This started a conversation that resulted in a second show on this feed on Tuesday, we launched our first creators lab, we made it up on the spot basically because there was way more getting asked by Kevin than a couple of simple sentences on Facebook messenger, would've answered it's really cool. Kevin came on and asked a bunch of questions. He's had his show the Kevin long show for a while now. But like all of us.00:01:38
Us. He still has a lot to learn each week will address concepts to build and strengthen his podcast. Plus, I'll answer the questions that came up for Kevin after listening to the latest episode of the show, it's such a cool project. And I am really excited about it. As we progress will track his downloads and other data to see if our experiment is having an effect. I encourage you to listen and try some of these concepts for your own shows. So this is a great time to give my social media information. So you can get in conversation with me too. You can find new media lab on Facebook by searching at new media lab show. You can follow me on Twitter at our Southgate or an Instagram at rob Southgate. Our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well. As over a hundred other podcasts, and blogs and videos. There's just so much there. Finally, follow our newest endeavor on Twitter at Indy podcast project and be sure to use the hashtag. Support indie podcasts when post in your own shows or sharing anything podcast related. Did you know that we have a patriot page for those of you that don't know patriot. As a way for you to support artists and content creators directly I've set one up for the new media lab to help offset the cost of doing this podcast. I don't see patriot as like a tip jar. It's a lot more than that in order to provide value to the new media lab, patrons I asked another question of each person, I interviewed that I'm not sharing on the free version of the show only supporters on patron will get those answers the question. How do you monetize?00:03:19
Yeah. I know the big question that we all asking that. We get asked all the time the answers, I got back were incredible. You don't wanna miss out on these each week? I plan to post the answers to the question by the guest featured on the free show exclusively for supporters on patriot. I also plan to post unedited versions of some of the. The interviews occasionally as well. My suggestion. Pause this podcast, go to patriot dot com slash new media lab and become a patron right now. After you've done that come on back and listen to this episode. This week's guest is Brent hand from the hysteria. Fifty one podcast. It's a great show. That is absolutely killing it. I know Brent because he's a member of the Facebook groups, Chicago, podcasters unite and Chicago podcasters both of which I add men we met when we and his producer and wife. Lisa came to a podcast or meet up that we had put on since then Brent ni- run into each other constantly on the various podcast or groups that were members of Brenton is co host John Goforth are building a solid following. And have created a podcast. That is entertaining. As it is unique. I am honored that Brent offered. His wonderful insights to my thesis. And that he joined me for this interview. Why don't you? Describe your podcast. Yes. I am the co host of hysteria fifty one we've been doing it. We actually just had our two year anniversary in September. We are a comedy.00:04:48
I show we talk about conspiracy theories and the paranormal and the strange and anything weird that we can think of we cover that. And you can find us anywhere with Bod catchers, just look up hysteria fifty one. We also have a Facebook page as everyone podcast hysteria nation is a Facebook group and hysteria fifty-one dot com. If in case you forget any of that stuff where easy to find. Okay. So so Brent win. Did you start podcasting? So I started podcasting. We started in late twenty fifteen my current show hysteria fifty one we started in September of twenty sixteen. I had two shows previously that didn't take off the show that it lasts the longest before this was one called Radyr fad. And we went about six months on it and hysteria fifty-one kind of took off. But so coming up on three years for for solid podcasting. And how many episodes are you posting in a month four we you wanna week we released a new episode every Monday excellent. And is that consistent is at year round. Yeah. Yeah. Every week. Yeah. Yeah. So so far we've never missed a week fingers crossed stays up. Are you? I'm gonna ask another question here and interpret this the way you want, right. Are you a celebrity or is anyone associated with your podcast a celebrity? I'm not even a household. Name of my own household now, I have not as liberty. You know, people at the podcast and CUNY my know me because I'm active, but no, I'm not a celebrity in any way, shape or form.00:06:28
And and your partner is not either. No, no, not at all. Not at all. I wish I wish we would have because we we sure wouldn't of had to of fought and clawed. And Doug to get to where we are. But no, no, no, we are not. So that actually negates the next question, which is where you celebrity when you're starting s. No, I was not I was not do you feel like you're gaining celebrity at this point. We do you know what? So my wife, and I we always judge that as far as like, how many Facebook friends requests. So my wife is she helps produces show we actually had to make her a fake Facebook page because she got so many friend requests and stuff like that not a fake one. But we made her like page, so I guess the more downloads and the more publicity. We get we get a lot more people wanting to reach out and talk to us and things like that. But I I definitely wouldn't call it celebrity when you do show people wanna talk to you people want to interact people wanna get to know you because I think. I think that the difference between, you know, a lot of things in podcasting is people feel that they really get to know the person. And and because of that kind of leads into I want to know this person, I want to be friends, I want to interact with them. That's my own opinion.00:07:43
I guess sure. Sure. Okay. Now, we're going to get into some of the meat here. Sure. Do you think that gaining audience today is the same as when you started this? We've been lucky in finding an audience it's very vocal, and they love to share us. And that's been one of our biggest things are audiences been big supporters. That's something we'd locked into. We've tried as I said, you know, I had ratified and we had a couple of shows before and we tried to reproduce that. And didn't have the best. And and in ways, I guess you could say it's easier because podcasting and podcast is so much easier. Find and are a much bigger piece of the cultural zeitgeist, I guess, you could say the flip side is there so many shows that's hard to gain attention attraction, because you're you know, you're in a sea of other shows. So it's kind of a double edged sword. But you know, you go out and buy yourself a new car right now. And now, they're putting podcast apps built into the stereos and stuff. So that's not a that's not a bad thing. I'm so it's definitely easier. At least you find podcasts. But it's still a lot of of them out there. So yeah, I know that that I was reading a thing recently that that most cars on the road or about twelve years old, which means pod catchers or not there, which is one of the problems as it becomes more prevalent in the automotive industry. It's going to make it easier. It's going to be trouble for mainstream radio.00:09:12
I have a feeling which we've already seen trouble for satellite radio as well. Because they've got to change their game somewhat to to adapt to this. As far as getting that attention. So so now, we've got it. So it's easy to get in the hands of the listener. Okay. The pipeline. Is there? How do we get their attention? So that they know hysteria. Fifty one is there. So we have been. Grassroots have people say, you know, we we have been when we started. Let me let me preface this with with something when I started I went to I'm in Chicago. I went to second city, and they had a you wanna be a podcast. This is in two thousand fifteen that a class like it's so easy. All you. Gotta do is ask your friends and family there's hundreds of downloads in and of itself. So really we start our podcast. We asked her friends and family. They didn't listen they didn't give crap you know. And so, and so it's such you know, everyone's got their own opinion of it. But we started are one of the biggest things we've done in social media. We're on Reddit. We're on Facebook Twitter on Instagram, Snapchat, everywhere, and we just try to interact I try to interact every day. And our Facebook page has been our Facebook group has been one of the biggest things for people to be able to find us and talk about us and we've done contests and giveaways and just really trying to get the few people that we get in the beginning to tell.00:10:42
And they tell to friends, and they tell to friends, and that's that's a big thing where we tried to make sure that we were interacting with those people as much as possible kind of goes back to what I was saying about people wanna know, you they want to get to feel like they have, you know, interaction, and we give them that. And I that's been a big thing for us. At least on our show is the the back and forth interaction and asking ask people to do it. We asked them all the time give us review tell a friend do this and that and they do it. And that's been helpful for us. The other thing that I know John, and I did that that a lot of people John John Goforth by co host a lot of people have maybe don't do or don't have the means to do enough as we've traveled to a lot of different podcast movement. We went to podcast move in. And and. Different promotions. We went on podcast cruise twenty seventeen inches meaning other shows and trying to talk to other hosts and people in the industry and get our name out there. So that they go. Hey, didn't we talk to some guys from hysteria fifty one we're wanting to do it an article, let's let's talk to them and we've gotten written up in some things because of that. And that's been a big help for us.00:11:56
What are the three key things that you've done to grow your audience? I think making it seem and making this true. Not just seem that they're missing out if they are participating in social media kind of like I talked about there's so much more there as far as being able to talk to one another. And so but not just making seem like I said making a true. So that you know, we're doing extra things, and we always talk about the end of our episodes. They we're going to be talking about this talking about that on our our Facebook group or this and that the other, and I think that helps us out a lot you know, is making it worthwhile for them to want to interact outside of just the show. The other consistency. Once you have an out an online community don't retreat, and it's not like it's mission accomplished. You're just you're there to your fans. Like, you said, we're not celebrities, but to them you are in a way because they wanna talk to you. And that gives them a sense of interaction and people love interaction. I think that's one of the biggest things and make sure I guess third one. This is kind of silly. But it's been in the the news lately. Make sure your followers are real don't buy followers. Don't buy listens and stuff because that's just an genius. And then you can see these people that you know, when they have a group, and they have, you know, a few thousand dollars, and they post something they get three likes you like, you know. And I think that people in the industry that it reached out and looking at other shows notice those things and go.00:13:28
Yeah. That doesn't that doesn't jive to me. And I think other people do that to our notice it do you pay attention to things like listen tie. Time general download numbers like fluctuation. There is there as far as the data goes stuff. Like that. Is that stuff that you guys pay attention to your you just keep going? We just wanna go up there very much. So we always do we release on on a Monday and on Thursday, we pull numbers I know that's a whole week. But we just see that gives you know, you've had four days we always look at those numbers and see. Outside of listen time. But you know, how many gallons we have what we're at for thirty days for the week. You know all-time listens. And then the other thing is on. I have we have. And we haven't as far as checked listen time as far as how many people kind of fluctuates. That's not something that we would on our I keep a spreadsheet. So on every Thursday. I I keep track of all the numbers and we've done that since we started. And listen time isn't as much from the we go back and look at because I don't wanna be seen people. Listen to two minutes of the show and don't so we are losing. But the last time we were like seventy eight percent of the show. So that's pretty good. I think the, you know, if you're getting at least three quarters of the show, you're you know, you're getting through.00:14:48
What are three key social media practices to build an audience? So number one is just asking the people to be part of the social media. I know that sounds silly. But I know so many people, and I talked I, you know, I'm in groups with other broadcasts, and they go well and didn't want to inundate people. I don't wanna make them feel weird. It's not making them feel weird. You're asking your audience to grow help them. Do it. You know, ask them to be a part of it. And give them a reason why you know. So, you know, join our X Y group because we're gonna be talking about this that or the other. The second one would be I, you know, make it worth while outside stuff. We've done a lot. I went back and forth in this with a lot of people. But we've done giveaways, just stickers shirts and stuff. We do it all the time. Coloring contests for Halloween. You know, silly things like that people go crazy about because they really like it and is interacting with them. And the other thing that I do because I love podcasting. And I think it helps us is I'm on a lot of other pages. And I don't talk about hysteria fifty one, but I go to other people's pages than I interact, and I tried to to help them and talk and things like that. And I think that that makes them go.00:16:03
Hey, you know, this this Brenes Mystere fifty one you should check them out. I'm not doing it because of that. But I think it does come through, you know, and I think just being active in the community, not just your own community grows your community. Do you have a social media strategy that you work with or is there is it just kind of like, hey, here the places we're gonna put stuff, and we wanna make sure we post every day. So you don't simple like that. Or do you go Monday Tuesday Thursday? We post polls Wednesdays we do when we started out. We very much had a, you know. Okay. So. A new episode comes out on Monday than we do. A we make her own me mon-, Tuesday and Bubba blonde Wednesday. And and we did that. But now since I can spend so much more time on there. I think it comes off more organic when I'm just on there every day, and I'm adding to it, and it probably in the back of my head and not realizing it, but I'm posting similar things every week. But it's not done on purpose. We very much did in the beginning. I don't think that's a bad thing. Because it gets you used to using your social media because a lot of people have a page, and there's nothing on there. I was just recently on on another shows page, and I said, hey, when you post a show how about you posted a link here. So people can listen to it. They said that's a great idea. It's crazy to think that you gotta do that. But you gotta do that for some people, you know. And and and there's nothing wrong. You don't know when you start out you might not know what you're supposed to do. So I think that having a strategy in the beginning. He should always have a strategy. The having any strategy in the begin.00:17:37
Inning of you know, I should post this that and the other we'll help you Intel becomes habit. You know, and the ones that's your habit than this your go to and this is I know I'm going to do this every day now with your social media presence right now, you mentioned you're on red at you're on Facebook, can you lay out basically? So what platforms what is getting original content? So the reason I ask that is some people use Instagram, they put it behind the scenes picture, and they let to everything else. I know read at your starting conversation. I know your Facebook group because I'm a member of of of your group. You're putting original things. How is that broken down kind of? And what firms are you going across? So the biggest one that we probably neglect is our regular Facebook page because we post our stuff to their when I post on Instagram, I post original, photos, Instagram. I let them a lot of times. Go to our Facebook page. So I'm definitely on Instagram on read at we're just usually more for we post, our episodes. If we get in an article or a new source, we we post things like that on their hysteria nation, which is our Facebook group is definitely the one that we do the most original content. That's you know, outside of just are episode and stuff. That's where if I'm finding articles and things I I'm posting it there more than anywhere else. Because that's where we have. You know, a lot of a lot of participation.00:18:58
So I would say Instagram and our Facebook group get the most original content, and we try to post photos on Instagram that we don't post on don't always share on Facebook our Facebook page and definitely not on our discussion group just so that they have a reason to want to go there. What about Twitter to use that at all we are on Twitter? And I am I I'm very active as far as reach weedy and commenting and stuff like that. We don't get we have a few thousand followers. I don't get a ton of traction on there. And I talked to a lot of other shows, and that's their go to maybe it's my age. I don't know. I think. Just pop stuff on. Yeah. I do. I pop exactly I pops up on there. And I try to do it. You know, a couple of times a day or to be active stuff like that. But we don't get the interaction that that we get on Facebook that a lot of people say they love, and they get tons of interaction on there. It's escaped us at least so far. But yes, I am on there. And we do use it. Do you do any video elements to what you do? So we used to and we posted to YouTube quite a bit just, you know, we we would always just your show. Well, so we did both just the show every every week on the show we would use. We would we would convert it into a just a video, then we did, you know on boxing, videos, and behind the scene tours and things like that. And we got decent numbers. But also got a lot of trolls. You know, we got a lot of people that have nothing, you know, to do with the show we're talking and now since we've went onto the new network that we've joined.00:20:43
We had to take down our our whole channel, you know, everything that we had on there that wasn't just original behind the scenes, and we took everything down at this moment. What is the secret of your podcast success? I would say probably one of the best things is John. And I have known each other for thirty plus years, you know, we've been friends for a long time. And we're doing something that we both like we're not we always like to say that we're skept skeptically optimistic about the things we talked about. But we also love what we're talking about. We have a lot of fun with it. And so because we know each other for thirty plus years, we've got a pretty good back and forth. And I think that comes out in the show because we've been friends for so long and be able to rely on another and there were the others going, especially in the show, that's mostly improvised. We have an outline we know we're going to talk about, but we make sure that we know the topic. And we just see kind of where it leads us. That's a huge key to us and a lot of. People always say, you know, or one of the things I like hearing from people when they tell us is like, oh, you know, you guys you can see you guys really know each other and you're very comfortable talking to one another. And I think that that comes through and helps helps quite a bit. But that's not something that's easily. You know, not everyone's going to know their hosts for you know, for that long. And that's not some hasta take that long. We're just lucky in that. And then aspect in your opinion. What's the next big thing? And podcasting. I think that the big thing that's coming outside of just what's in our control is better tech from better apps. You know, better you I and recommendations for more advanced metrics more advertising opportunities. It's time for them to shoot a grow up, and it is slowly. But I think that's the next big thing. As far as I don't know. Exactly, what that looks like, you know, but you know, better metric, so we can breakdown shows, you know, I wish that all hosting companies use the same.00:22:46
What is it called them metrics or whatever, you know, not metrics, but they use the same form ZOA. Download with this host counts as a download with that. Right. The same compliance, and they don't, but hopefully that we can get that in the future. Apps. You know, there's no great every app that's out. There has a fault. I tunes is really fallen behind. And you know, we're we're having issues with iheartradio. Not not always updating a Google their new app has been not updating us, you know, things like that and the search function and a lot of them is very much lacking. So I think and if someone could come out with an fantastic app, I think it would really help out. And the other thing is finding advertising doesn't, you know require the show to have, you know, fifty thousand dollars a month one hundred thousand dollars a month that the that they can work in that. If that means, you know, more shows if you want that not ever show wants advertising, but if you want that ability outside of like advertise cast or something like that. I think that's something that's gonna come in the future. And how about some shows be able to do it? There shows longer. You know, part is, you know, not getting burnout because the money dries up, you know, in your in your hobby pocket stuff like that. I told you brand had a lot of great ideas. I encourage you all to subscribe to hysteria. Fifty one to follow him across social media. There's a lot more to this interview. But like I stood before I'm only sharing the answers to the questions for my thesis on this show as with each of these interviews, I try to leave with three key takeaways. The three that stood out to me from Brant, our number one interact on social media, everyday to add real value to the content you offer outside of the show and three consistency.00:24:44
Yeah. We hear that constantly. Don't wait. I love this quote. He said don't retreat once you're there. So what are your takeaways? What it Brent say that affected your business and content creation going forward? Share your thoughts on the Facebook thread for this episode. I would love to read your insights, you can find Brent and his website hysteria. Fifty one dot. Dot com. Make sure to follow hysteria fifty one on Facebook and join their Facebook group hysteria nation, it's a blast. Find his show on your favorite podcast app. Be iheart radio. I tunes Google podcast, Stitcher. Tune in radio be sure to subscribe and give his show a great review while you're at it. Please subscribe to new media lab with Robert Southgate wherever you listen to your podcast. You can Email the show at Southgate small business at gmaiLcom. New media lab is on Facebook. Simply search for new media lab xo our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well as over a hundred other podcasts, plus blogs, videos information about our live events are more and just so much more. If you wanna follow me, personally, I'm on Twitter at our Southgate or on Instagram at rob Southgate, support this show and get awesome extra content by. I becoming a patron go to patriot dot com slash new media lab and choose your tier please rate and review this show on whatever service. You subscribe to podcasts on it really helps others find the show and tells me if you like what I'm doing here, and please share the show on all your social media. Tell your friends tell your family tell your enemies, we'll take care of them too. You can find new media lab on June's, Google podcasts Stitcher Spotify tune in radio and really hopefully anywhere else that distributes podcasts. If you can't find us, let me know. And I'll rectify that situation all this plus more links will be in the show notes and on our website. So don't worry if he didn't have a pen to write this all down. Thank you again to Brent hand for helping me on my thesis and for being such an incredible guest. That's it for this week's show everyone. The next episode of creators lab will drop on Tuesday. And we'll be back with our next guest.00:27:07
On new media lab on Thursday until then get out there and create something. -
It's the first episode of New Media Lab's spinoff - Creator's Lab. Each week, Rob answers questions from Kevin Long and offers advice for how to have a successful podcast. Good for newbies and seasoned podcasters alike!
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at www.southgatemediagroup.com. You can write to Rob at [email protected] and let us know what you think. Be sure to rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #VloggingTranscription
This is a really difficult question. Oh, that's a great question. That's a good question. That is a great question. It's a really good question. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on. It wanna hear the answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes. Google hod Cass and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. Welcome to the new media lab, creators lamp island. It's a pretty good name for this. What we're gonna do is. I am going to over. The course of the next. I don't know ten weeks four weeks. We'll see how this last. I'm going to interview Kevin long from the Kevin law show. Hey, kevin. Hey, I actually have not interviewing Kevin what we're going to do with. It's a very horrible thing that we're going to do and I'm gonna put it on a regular free feed. And if it turns out that people are really into this and want to get a little bit more. We might do supplemental episodes that we put on the patriot only. But for now, let's give it away because let's face it people have questions and just to give a little background about you. And I'm sure I want you to jump in on this. Kevin. Kevin is part of our network. He's part of the Southgate media group network came to us what three years ago.00:01:34
Yes. All right. And wanted to podcast, and boom is a podcast. And here's the deal. First of all, it's very niche the Kevin long show, and we'll get into what the niches in the second is a very specific group that were retargeting with it. And in the course of three years we've seen very tiny growth. Now, I believe that that growth is directly related to what Kevin is or isn't doing. And what I as a network had 'em doing or not doing. I think we can make this show grow. And I think the most important thing here is. Between us very often you and I right on Facebook. It'll be just a quick ask question. I'll give a quick answer boom or out. And then I thought you know, what I bet there are a lot of people that have show. That's three years old. That has you know, whatever let's say fifty listens and episode, and they really can't figure out why am I not up to five hundred or a thousand and they're going to be in the same boat. You are there are also people brand new to podcasting that can learn a hell of a lot before the three year Mark if we start talking about it now. Right. So Kevin I'm going to turn it over to you to get started. I want you to give background about the Tevin long show. What is it Harare? The Kevin long show is a weekly podcast that has to chose. I guess we'll call him shows on Monday. We talk about magic items and magic spells in dungeons and dragons and how you can use them.00:03:17
In your game. And on Thursday. We have the main Kevin long show where we used to talk about a whole bunch of nerd stuff. But I decided that by original concept was dungeons and dragons, so we're going to go back to focusing on just dungeons and dragons and basically the love of the game. Okay. It's happening in the game as a whole things that like new creator contents for all the old editions one thing that I have coming down the pipeline is some dude in Utah compared what what's characters the Utah Jazz would be if they were in the indie game. So we're gonna look at that. And just dungeons and dragons in all the stuff that comes with it. So you're gonna very specifically talking about that as a property the other the other fitness out there. We have a few shows that I know you listen to there's a thing called actual play podcasts where they played a game. And then you hear your fly on the wall listening to it. And they walk you through it. That's not what you do. You're talking about dungeons and dragons as a fan, so almost like a fan podcast of Dan. And eventually with the original goal was to do an actual play podcast. We're just not there yet as as a show. Okay. Okay. So first of all, here's one thing. I'm going to say. What you just said when we started versus where we are. Now where we started throw it away. We're starting from right now.00:04:58
Okay. The actual play thing. Let's let's make that part of your vision board. Yup. So right now we have magic Monday. And then we have the Kevin long show on Thursday. The the other thing the the actual play part of it is something that as a creator. We can say well, okay now, it's got legs. Now, we've got a lot of fans now we've got people that are really invested in this. And I want to do this actual play thing. I've got a cast for it. Great. We can either add that to this thread, we can give it its own thread, or that's the type of content that you say, this is my patriotic. Here's the Kevin long show patriot. This is what's going to be the fuel to help keep this going to pay for and what have you and you put your actual play show only on there. We're not there yet. Right. But that is definitely a goal that you want to put a pin. It. Okay. Now, everything you just said if I was starting to show. The very first thing. I would do what I'm going to kick you off with an assignment here real fast. Okay. Is you have already figured out your niche? Okay. What you need to do is figure out where that niche is. So tell me exactly what you're inches in niches deity phantom perfect. And you'd be surprised how many people ask a question like that. And they start talking about all sorts of what gigged of a nerd stuff and all this. Nope. Your niche is fans of DND, which there are a lot of it's a nice broad niche, but it is niche.00:06:41
Okay. The name the Kevin long show doesn't tell us that. Okay. One thing that we need to do it will upfront. Here we go. We're going to get into assignments. When when you're launching a show. Let's see you're on Lipson. That's where I do all of our stuff from there are different fields that you have to fill in when you're launching the show one is your show description. Okay. So if I go to the Kevin long show right now, which I am going. Two. And I look at it shows settings. Here's what I have showed us corruption. Kevin is buddies discuss all things geeky that's old, and it's horrible. That's not telling us anything to what I need you to do this week is write me a paragraph. Do an elevator pitch about what the Kevin long show is really niche it down. We know that it's fandom for DND. I want it to say that Kevin talks about his phantom for dungeons and dragons and do it in the third person because reading it is not you or is not talking to you. So it's in the third person and give it a good like four or five sentences that really tell the audience. This is what my show is. Here's what we do. Okay. And then from a technical standpoint the last part of it is to give a good setup. Oh, and we can add this later. I'm more concerned about getting that first part.00:08:14
Right. But we can add like a weekly podcast, though, podcast drops on Tuesdays, or whatever it is that the more information you can give to the audience the better off you are. But in the beginning getting that description right is key. When you when you go down, and you look at things like tags and keywords, I have things like table top nerd geek, dungeons and dragons, it's all in their guess what? Those don't do very much. I know people get very hung up on that in your feed for like Lipson. It turns out I tunes doesn't use those tags. Okay. So really where you want it to get those words is up in your show description. Okay. But it's got to be natural. I know that seems hard. But it's got to be natural. It's a show about dungeons and dragons, guess what we have keywords. Right. All right. Another thing that we did. Right. From the beginning is we call Kevin long show podcast as opposed to buck Kevin long show as soon as you put in front of it, you now are competing with every other show out there that has the word thaw. Yeah, I heard that last week on new media lab. Yeah. Yeah. Dave Jackson talked about it. So that is something we did very well from the beginning, we called it. The cabinet. We call it. Kevin long show. Even though it is when you say it, it's duck Kevin long show.00:09:37
That's fine. But we gotta fix that show. Description the keywords, I'm not gonna worry about. Okay. From a back end thing. Now, this is something you don't deal with. But they're all these different things. I can do this is where I'm at fault for you where I can start filling in these fields on Lipson, for example. Is there a Kevin long show Facebook page? There is great. I don't have that in here. Is there a Twitter handle not for the Kevin long show? No. But you have one four swamp. It right. Yeah. That would go in here. Okay. If you have your own own Lincoln, we can put that on we need to put your I tunes your tune in your Stitcher your Google, play Google podcast address Spotify. And if you have a YouTube channel, I need that address. Okay. So I will send you a list. This is this is more. I don't expect you to write it down right now. But all those things can go and Lipson, and it will push your show to all those platforms. Okay. Cool. Now, we're gonna go to another part in here. And then we'll get to our other assignment. Now, this is one that doesn't matter so much for itunes, but for some of the other directories, it matters heck of a lot. Okay. When we post a show it says title. Okay, titles should not be an episode number. It shouldn't say like episode forty two. You should always have a name.00:11:04
Okay. Now Magid bundy's I always start with magic Mondays. And then colon and whatever the name is the Kevin long show. You should just have a name something that ties in tells the audience what this show is. Okay. So for example, if it was this show, I would say something like like. Bins and and tags. What's it about something? Like that. That tells the audience what we talked about. Now, here's the other one that I need this attached to your assignment underneath title. It says subtitle. This is the thing that I tunes doesn't care about other directories do. Okay. I need a quick few words that say what this is. So at the top it says, you know, dies dungeons and monsters. That's the name of this week's episode. Let's say the subtitle remains the same on every episode at it should be something like like other dumping. We had Kevin and his buddies discuss all things geeky. That's it. There's your subtitle. But that's not the one we're gonna use. Right. So think about something like that. And then give me a good solid show description. That's like an elevator pitch. Okay. Now, we're not going to do show notes this week. I will have a spoiler. You a pretty good job on the show notes. Ex- except for one thing, which we will get to unin other episode. You got enough on your plate. But you don't man I got one more thing for you to do. So this week I want you to to since you're thinking about your niche.00:12:45
You're thinking about what keywords you want in there in that description? I want you to do me a favor. To favors look at that. Adding to it already. I want you to go to a website called hash tag, affi- me K K. I'll put it in the show notes for this show. I know sometimes when I tell people that they're like, oh, you got to pay for it. You don't have to pay for it. There's a free version of it. Go into the website type in in the search bar DND or dungeons and dragons or tabletop scroll down, and it will show you what other words associate with that that are big keywords K. So you may be surprised you may type in dungeons and dragons when you go down, and you look it may say tabletop, and then it may say nerd, est, and you go why would it say that? I don't care right down the ones that make sense the big ones. Okay. Here's what we're going to do with it. We're going to do one thing. We're gonna put it in the tag the tags and keywords on the show, which I told you don't matter, but we're gonna put them there. We're also going to keep that list around. So when you're writing your show notes those words keep popping up. And then here's the other thing. And this is this is the one that you're going to get beat up real good on as everybody does in a future episode. We're going to do specifically different social media tactics. At if you have those those keywords already pulled aside, you know, the hashtags that associate it's gonna make it so much easier when we get to Instagram or when we when we niche down on Twitter.00:14:28
But for now just gathering list, and this goes for everybody. If you have a show if you have a subject out there take that subject. We do a show called about orange is the new black. We type in orange is the new black. What are the names that come up or the things that come up? I'll tell you one that comes up is net. Flicks. I'll tell you another one that comes up is crazy is a character on the show. Okay. Things that I would think would come up like the name of the author almost non-existent interesting. Right. A little I I would think if I was guessing atom that would be in there. But when you hashtag affi- me, you can see there's just no activity on that name unless that name hits the news. And then you could add it in your show notes. Okay. So your first assignment give me a really solid show description that really tells the audience what your show is. Go to hashtag affi- me starts researching hashtags now, I'll give you another clue as a way to do that. Go to Instagram you have Instagram. I do. Okay. I'm sure you follow people that do kind of what you do. Yeah. Like, a big big names. Like, let's say geek and sundry, right? Yeah. Okay. So go to their Instagram and steal a bunch of their hashtags. Okay. Write them down. What you'll notice is. There are some that are like oh this week. They talked about.00:15:49
I don't know sushi go because that's what they were doing this week. Well, you don't need that hashtag because you're talking about sushi go, right, but the rest of their tags if they could fit seventeen tags in there. They're gonna take like four and make him about this week's episode of the other seventeen are going to be the Sarah fifteen or whatever it is. I did the math wrong thirteen are going to be the same every week. They're going to be tabletop DND dungeons and dragons dungeons and dragons like it's going to be the same every time. Right. So get that big old list. I mean, I don't care if you come back, and you're like, I got forty ash tags off at my niche, great, let's play with that. Okay. So all right, Kevin. I'm giving you assignments we've kind of talked about these are these are basics for for new people. These are things you want to do before you launch for somebody like you. These are things we can do to tighten this up, and I'm going to fix those settings and get you. So you're across all those different platforms. Even though you are I want to make sure they're fed through Lipson. Okay. All right. So that's going to be this week week one. Last thing. What questions do you have is there something I can answer this week or that we can plant for next week? So this week's question is is it important to be on other channels like Pandora or Spotify or as a podcast.00:17:10
Okay. Just being on itunes. That's a great question. Okay. So first of all there's a couple of different schools of thought on this. And then I'll tell you what I think I have heard people say, Nope. I do it exclusively on ITN's. I've also heard people say no go to everything you can. I've heard people say YouTube is worthless. Why would you put it on YouTube? I've heard people that are like, you know, I'm Ernie on soundcloud. That's the way to go. All right. Let me let me clarify my thinking on it. I think you should be everywhere. You can be. Soundcloud is kind of worthless. From for for me, we we actually used to put all of our shows on their ended amounted to a few listens. If it was a thousand a month across the whole network to me, that's that's a win. But then I noticed they weren't quality. What I was getting was people that were putting their own music on. They would say, hey, man. I just listened to your track. Can you listen to mine and give it a like it's like getting a lot of these messages? But they're not listening to my shows. Right. That's not worth it to me. So I don't I don't mess around. With sounds cloud. I do let things push to it sometimes. But that's just in case. Somebody happens to see it. It's like throwing a line in in the ocean knows the other part of it, though is I do believe you should be on every district distribution channel, you can be unless you have an exclusive deal with Stitcher or Spotify. You should be everywhere. Because here's the deal. A lot of people are I tunes listeners.00:18:44
Right. So I tuned. Is I remember hearing something like eighty five percent of the downloads, come from itunes. That's in America. They don't have I tunes in Europe coming off all of Europe, bad move. They speak English use speak English. You should have your shows there. So now, it makes sense to be on Google. It also makes sense because they do use that for the Android devices there. But it also makes even more sense to also be on Spotify because both apple and Android users use Spotify. Okay. It makes sense to be on Pandora, even though. It's a new thing that's happening. And it's a little tricky getting on it makes sense because there are people. My mom listens through Pandora all the time. And she said, oh, I wish your podcast were here. People go where they are comfortable, right? And I'm one that uses Stitcher all the time. But you know, what truth be told our Stitcher numbers are terrible for our network. They're terrible. But I listened to everything unstitched. So I go, I don't I don't understand. But I'm gonna make sure we're there because if there are a hundred people that listen to Stitcher with that's one hundred people that are now getting your content, right? So yes, you wanna be everywhere you can be. And I also think you wanna push it to YouTube. If you know, the best thing is creating original video for you too. But. You know, what through what what we do is? We have it set up. So that our shows push automatically to YouTube. And that way if you have somebody who is peering paired, they can watch on YouTube, and they can put close captions on lice. And is that a huge percentage? Maybe maybe not.00:20:32
But. The the first time somebody walks up to you and says, I'm a huge fan of your show. I'm so glad you have it on YouTube because I can read it you're going to go. Oh my God. Everything I do needs to go on YouTube. Right. So I do think you wanna push it everywhere. Now with that come something. That's we're going to explore in this show. You have to treat them all properly as well. Right. So like with YouTube, if we're just pushing it there, and there's no image. Guess what? It just says the Kevin long show, and it's not crap properly not doing any good. So if we can create either original artwork or have the show logo sized properly. So it pushes to you too. Great. And we'll we'll address sizes and artwork. And what I think of all that on a future episode. But did I answer it pretty well for your Kevin? You did. Thank you so much. All right. So, you know, your assignment let's hear it description that is above average. And hashtags specific to my show rock on. I also need that the. Yeah, the hashtags, and then I also need the subtitle. Right. And that's it. And then next week. I want to hear those we'll plug them into your show isn't going to make a difference. Immediately know will it overtime. I do believe it will. But we'll we'll address new stuff that will just start adding to this going forward. In fact, I'm gonna plant this right now, I think next week we should talk about a little some social media tactics that might have an impact immediately. So we can look and see. Hey, did your did your listens increased by ten twenty fifty one hundred percent?00:22:17
All right. All right. Well, that's it. Thank you. Kevin. I will talk to you next week. And why don't you give your social media real quickly? So you can find us on Facebook. Just search the Kevin long show were also on itunes and anywhere else. You get your podcasting from. And you can Email us at the Kevin long show at gmaiLcom cool. And how about a how about Twitter do you have a Twitter? We do. We are at the swamp pit see. I knew you had that because I asked earlier so excellent. Yeah. Get in communication that is also a key. Communicate with your audience and your audience can help you by communicating with you. Sure. Sure. Thank you so much. So that's it for our satellite edition of new media lab, creators lab, and we will be back every Tuesday. I believe going through the nuts and bolts and answering questions starting with Kevin. Eventually we're going to make us so successful you won't need me. And we'll have to get somebody else. And yeah, I excited to see how this journey goes. And if you are listening one thing you could do to help out is give Kevin some ratings and reviews, check out his show wherever you get your podcast. Follow him on Facebook, follow him on social media. And Kevin you when you see those up follow 'em back. All right. All right. That's it. Sure. To listen to new media lab prime the main show which will air on Thursday, and our guest for week two is Brent hand from his Syria. Fifty one you do not want to miss. This one follows on Facebook just look up new media lab, you can follow me on Twitter at our Southgate. You can also find me on Instagram under rob Southgate. Or if you want to drop me an Email ask a question, we will address it on this show will address it on prime.00:24:12
Send me an Email at Southgate small business at mail dot com. At south media that gmaiLcom and you can also find us on our website, which is south gate media group dot com. -
On this episode, Rob’s special guest is Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting.
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at www.southgatemediagroup.com. You can write to Rob at [email protected] and let us know what you think. Be sure to rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
Dave's Twitter @learntopodcast
Dave's Website SchoolofPodcasting.com
Rob Southgate’s Twitter @RSouthgate
Email [email protected]
Website www.southgatemediagroup.com/newmedialab
Patreon www.patreon.com/newmedialab
Pinterest www.pinterest.com/SMGPods/new-media-lab/
SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #Vlogging00:00:09
Welcome to the second season of new media lab. I m your host Robert Southgate, and it is great to be back. Lifer means world wind since post in the last episode of this podcast. It's hard to believe the last new media lab posted two and a half years ago, yet your we are right after launching the show, I started in MBA program in marketing Roosevelt university, which I just completed a couple of weeks ago as part of Miami. A I had the opportunity to an independent study which involved with the business side of podcasting. The thesis I had to prove was this podcast did not need to have a celebrity as a host to attract a large audience. It's a mixture of audience engagement consistency. And increasing visibility. The analytical process, I employed to prove my thesis was I enter viewed sixteen podcasters with audiences from fifty purpose owed to over three hundred thousand per episode. I asked everyone the same ten questions the answers. I got had a lot of similarities yet were all very different at the same time. The bottom line is I got a lot of incredible information out of each. And every interview I asked how they engaged with their audience their social media tactics, timing and consistency of show posting how they perceive gaining market share today compared to when they started podcasting. And what the host dude, which she high visibility we discussed best practices and what they perceive as the secret to their success.00:01:44
It was an absolutely fascinating project the provided insights, well beyond what my thesis posited being a content marketer. I couldn't simply conduct all these interviews. Filter them down into a paper and turn it in for a great and just leave it at that. I recorded these interviews and planned to share them right here on new media lab. And don't worry. I was up front about this with all my guests. In fact, they were all enthusiastic willing participants so much so that they agreed to help with another little project, but more on that in a moment. This is a really difficult question. That's a great question. Good question. That is a great question. It's a really good question. I love this question. And I think this really is going to help me kind of meditate and grow on. It wanna hear the answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes Google hod casts, and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. The second part of this project is I've launched a patriot page for those who don't know patriots away for you to support the artists and. Content creators directly I've set up. The new media lab patriot page to help offset the cost of doing this podcast. I don't see patriotic as a tip jar. It's much more than that in order to provide value to the new media lab patrons I asked another question of each interviewee that I'm not sharing on the free version of the show. Only supporters will get the answers the question. How do you monetize?00:03:22
Yeah. I know the question you get asked all the time. If you're a podcast or that you ask every podcast you run into the answers. I got back were incredible. You don't wanna miss out on these each week? I plan to post the answers to this question by the guest featured on the free show exclusively for the supporters on patriot. I also plan to post unedited versions of some of the interviews casually as well. For example, one interview was over two hours long, and Chuck full of ideas and information that simply I couldn't fit. It in the paper, I was writing. But that you will definitely want to hear my suggestion. Pause this podcast, go to patriot dot com slash new media lab and become a patron after you've done that come on back and listen to this episode. Also, if you wanna connect with the show, you can Email us at Southgate small business at gmaiLcom, you can find new media lab on Facebook by searching at new media lab show. You can follow me personally on Twitter at our Southgate or on Instagram at rob Southgate. Our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well. As over a hundred other podcasts, plus blogs, videos, Ben much more. Finely, follow our newest endeavor on Twitter at Indy podcast project and be sure to use the hashtag support. Indie podcasts when posting your own shows or sharing anything that's podcast related. Our first guest of season to his Dave Jackson.00:04:55
You may know him from the school podcasting. If you don't pause this and go subscribe to that show right now, you can come back and pick up right where we are. Okay. Great. I'm really glad you came back. Dave is been podcasting since April of two thousand five in helped hundreds if not thousands of podcasters launch and improve their shows when we started our network Southgate media group, Dave was one of the first people we turn to he is full of excellent information and shares it freely. There are many reasons. Dave Jackson was inducted into the academy of podcasters all fame at the two thousand eighteen podcast movement. He is simply an icon. And I am thrilled that he joined me for this interview. So Dave describe your podcast, it's called the school of podcasting. Hopefully, that's obvious enough. And I help people plan launch and then grow if they want to monetize their podcast for this question. I know you do it a lot of different podcasts. I'm asking. When did you start podcasting? I wanted to win you started and win school podcasting started. I started in my very first one. That's a great question was in April of two thousand five I was doing a blog for musician. So I turned what would eventually become the marketing musician podcast. It's been under three different names because I could never find the right one. But that was back in April of two thousand five and I'm going to say six months after that came the school podcasting because I was losing my job. And it's hilarious. Because the the one thing I tell people to do do not get an podcasting for fast money, and I needed a job that had flexible hours because I was going to go back to school, and I needed something to keep me in my phone in my car, and and maybe some insurance in their possibly food. And so I said well.00:06:51
This whole membership thing seems to be the big buzz, and this podcasting things to be the big buzz. I'm gonna put the two together. And maybe I'll make some money, which is why I was also doing ATar lessons. I was you name it. I was doing it to make money because the first couple years were painful in the monetization world. Are you? A celebrity depends on the room. I walking into I would say, no, I'm not a celebrity. But when I was just in DC this last weekend, and I had somebody brought over to me from somebody already knew that said somebody wanted to meet you, but they were afraid to come over. And I'm like in my head. I'm thinking, I'm the most I try to be the most approachable person on the planet. And when I was at social media marketing world, I was walking down the hall and had somebody look up and go. Oh, wow. And I turned around, and there's nobody else in the hallway, and I go are you allowing me? And she goes are you Dave Jackson, I go. Yeah. And. Like, she's like, oh my gosh. I was like so that is always kind of bizarre. And so based on that, I would say, yes, I'm a celebrity, except if I walk into a room at say podcast movement. I was in there this year, and there was a whole bunch of people from radio in other areas that my little bubble, and nobody had a clue I was so it kinda depends on the audience. But you know, that's we have to define I mean, the academy of podcasters hall of fame that makes it sound like, miss elaborately. But when I go to the grocery store, don't get any discounts. And I don't know people, you know, I don't have to run from the car to the grocery. So no, I don't think I miss elaborately. I think it just depends on what audience I'm standing in one. Ed, you would also then I assume say that V celebrity that you do have doesn't really affect downloads. No, not really I mean, it's what happens is in. This is what I'm always trying to do is plant seeds. When somebody goes, I'm thinking of starting a podcast who.00:08:51
I listen to hopefully that answer is is Dave Jackson. I had a thing. There was a an event called the new the expo and the former head of the podcast track. Step down in the guy asked Lipson immediate hosting company. This is before I worked there the guy from blueberry. And the guy from speaker all three of them said, what do you think about Dave Jackson? And so that is what I'm always looking for. I want somebody to go. Yeah. To go. Check out. This Jackson guy. Do you think gaining audience today is the same as when you started? It's a little harder but not by much because it really is the same. You have to know who your audience is do you have to record a podcast that has the information that they want you then need to go to wherever they are make friends with them. That's the one everybody skips. And then tell them about your podcast, and then hopefully, your podcast one spire them to tell other people. But the thing that's different is back in two thousand five you could type in somebody's podcast. And you're pretty sure it was going to come up, and I get this more often. Now is when I type in my podcast. It doesn't come up. It's not an apple I tunes. And then if I type in my name, it does why is that? And there are some things in apple podcasts that don't make sense. Like if you like mice show is now called school of podcasting in the early days. It was called the school of podcasting because I figured out that if you have the word the in your name you then rank against.00:10:25
Everybody else who has the word thaw in your show. So if you have things that you don't need like the word podcast or something like that get those out of there because the search results depending on what screener on typically only show. Maybe if you do the old show all which is kind of a misleading button. It should say show the top three hundred because that's really what you're getting. And so I've had people at one it was I think it was called the quick cast. And they spelled quick K W I K cast, and if you type in the quick cast it did not come up and I'm like, oh, come on. That's you know, that's they spell the name weird. That's got to come up. And it's because they had the word the in the name. They took the out if you just typed in quick cast, whom they came right up. So if you're in terms of that growing your audience that's a little rougher, but I've never relied on apple podcast to make me famous. I say apple podcast is a phone book. And it's a place to be found assuming their search results leads people to that. But it's really not gonna make you famous. I'm actually doing kinda double secret probation show right now that I haven't told anybody about but it's in apple podcasts. And I'm getting about ten downloads and episodes. So that's really what being an apple podcast is going to get you about ten downloads. And people think unfortunately, that all I have to do is get my podcast in there and money will fall from heaven, and I'll get ten thousand dollars. So that's the part. That's that's harder. I think in the past it was easier to be found when people search for you. There wasn't as much competition. But in the end when people find you the part that hasn't changed is you still have to be entertaining. You have to deliver value, and you have to inspire people to want to tell their friends about it. And that hasn't changed at all.00:12:09
So what are three key things that you've done to grow your audience? The the big one is I do my best to shut up and listen. So if I go to I actually host a northeast, Ohio podcasters meet up, and the reason I do that and people like will. Yeah. But you have all these new people show up, and they're asking all these kind of podcasting one on one questions though, Mike exactly, and they're like, what do you mean? Exactly. It's been awhile since I've been in their shoes. So for me, I wanna see what they're struggling with. I want to see what they think. Because again, my goal is to give my audience what they want and what they need, especially. So I do things like that. So I always try to go where my audience is the the more time, I can tell you the eye color of my audience. That's the best because you're connecting on every level of communication. You've got body language. You've got tone of voice, you've got everything going on. And then from there get into things like Facebook groups and linked in groups if they're coming back keep hearing. You know, things like that. But it's it's still kind of networking, and then just the other thing I've done probably two to grow audiences. I don't turn down podcast interviews a lot of people like how many downloads do you have? And I'm like, I could care less. If somebody I if I have the time and somebody says, well, you come talk to me about podcasting. It's I've never said, no. Because you you never know I had if we go back the northeast Ohio podcasters meet up by six guys at a at a meeting and a lot of people like well that's complete waste of time.00:13:41
Oh, except one of those guys worked at the local TV station. And when they needed a podcast GU ru he called me, and I got to go on TV show for that. So I never underestimate who's listening. It may be. Yes. When you have, you know, hundreds thousands of people, listen, you have a better chance of quote, someone important or somebody that can help you. But, you know, little little shows grow up to be big shows. And they remember when you came on four. Yeah. And if you don't ignore them after now, you're the big show. And if you don't ignore them, guess what they become your biggest cheerleader ever. Yeah. So I if it was a three things I to me, it's all about content promotion, so going out meeting people letting people know what you do and things like that. And what was the third one? You said, oh, and then going on other shows what three key social media practices that you do to build audience one. Again, the seems kind of backwards. I always promote if I'm on somebody else's show. So how does that help me because it builds a relationship with the person who was on the show and that person when somebody says, hey, I need to learn how to podcast might say. Hey, what do you think about that day Jackson guy? I like that guy. He actually promoted my show when he came on. So again, just trying to be nice to to everybody don't be afraid of Facebook live.00:15:01
I did one today, and I fired up my phone. I stood by the window because I need a better lighting. And just explained what was going on in my head in the the fact that how goals are important because if you don't have one I felt kind of lost. And I get more comments on my Facebook stuff. I love the fact you just like talk to me on Facebook. It's just you riffing. And I'm like, yeah. So anytime you can connect with the audience. That's that's something. I didn't really expect. And the other thing I'm doing much better that I used to be horrible at is actually checking right now, I'm not I this is like blasphemy. So, you know, hang with me. I'm working on it. I'm almost not on Instagram. And I realize that I'm so old that actually say Instagram because I do realize now, it's the Graham, but okay, I didn't know that people that are younger. They're like, oh, man. I'm all over the Graham. And I'm like the grammar we're calling it the Graham now, oh man missing out. So I try to be everywhere. But I wasn't very good at being everywhere. And so like, I'm okay on Twitter. And I'm I. Spent a lot of time on Facebook. But I'm getting much better. At that. I have some tools now to keep me involved on Twitter because a lot of times I was getting lost over there. So I think that's the third one tried to if you're not going to be there don't set up an account because what's the point because then people go over and they go, oh, Dave on Instagram.00:16:25
Oh, he's got four post one of them is, you know, his dinner from last night. That's not again, I I wanted deliver value and until I can figure out what I'm doing. But I was getting lessons. I I went to an event this past weekend and had somebody go you poor old white, man. Let me let me. How to do Instagram? So I'm getting there are you on Facebook Twitter. I mean, what are what are the those are the two that's really and the and the other one that I'm I'm ramping up because. Hello. It makes sense is linked in. Yeah. Because there are people. There are businesses now going we should start a podcast. And so I've I've met a couple people at conferences again that have said why are you not doing things on Lincoln, you that makes a lot of sense? So I started to play a little more on linked in. And I've I've got some plans, especially if not in December definitely in January. I'm to start doing video over there in a couple of things, and I've applied to be you can actually sell courses on Lincoln's applied for that. So that's that's going to be looking into. 'cause it makes more sense. I you know, podcasting often is used as a marketing tool. So why would I wanna go play on the, you know, marketing business platform where I did play for about a month on twitch, which was great. If a bunch of gaming.00:17:40
Guys wanted to make a podcast. But I went over what this is cool. And if I want to sit there for ten years of Venturi, you know, if you depending on who you talk to which is going to be huge people are going to come over. It's not just going to be about gamers, and I'm like, I don't have time for that. And I realized I could make a huge I could be the one guy that they find. But I don't know that people looking for podcasters on twitch right now. So I just went to go spend some more time in Lincoln. So what is the secret of your podcast success from what I understand? Because for me. I just I go out. I find something that interests me. I kind of feel like I'm my target audience. But I also again because always trying to listen to the new people to see what they're getting struggled with or thriving struggles and things like that. But I have people tell me that without just making it all about me. I always try to weave in a story either something for my life or something I'm going through or something that affected me. And I try to be entertaining. And this this comes from a teacher in college. And I was taking extremely boring tech report writing class, and he would walk in and blow off the first fifteen minutes class and just make fun of people and just it was just a bunch of fun and cracking jokes. And then about that same time my niece at the time was I think all three and she had some sort of computer game on a CD. I think it was like Roger rabbit teaches reading or whatever. And I'm over. And I just keep hearing these screams and giggles, and she's just having a good old time. And I go in and like what do you do? And she's like I'm playing with Roger. And meanwhile, she's getting she's like spooky smart to this day. She still super spooky Martin, you know, if you can make education fund, people realize that they're actually learning stuff. So I always try to make it somewhat entertaining. I from an I think this is just me. Maybe that's it. I just I'm me. I don't try. I don't worry about my brand. I don't worry about.00:19:40
About how I'm coming across. I'm just here to help you. And this is how I talk. So this is how I do it. And so over the years, I've had some really weird instances where used to show that was based on my faith called feeding my faith. Why played a clip for it. And all the eighth Theus this one I should say this one eight Theus came out and said, look, I want to hear about your invisible sky, buddy. And it wasn't even me talk. It was just a clip for another show too. Which then all the eighth is came out and said, no, Dave, you Yoon, your sky, buddy. You're great don't listen that guy. So there's this whole weird argument between my listeners, it was kind of different. And I just tried to every now, and then I'd always worry about this. Because when I try that's when it usually falls on my face. I will try to throw something specifically designed to make you laugh. Whether it's I remember I did a joke or a skit, I guess you could say on you know, how every. You know, there's a commercial for some sort of drug, and there's always side effects and people at the end, you know, call your doctor of this happens or this and that and and so I went through all these ones, you know, having a podcast can lead to making you have other podcasts and call your doctor. If your podcast lasts longer than four hours, and all these other things that were just trying to be cute and funny. So I was do that just because I want my audience to kind of expect every now and then something to be just a little weird. 'cause I think at times, I'm just a little weird. So I guess that's my success. I just I'm just me. And if you don't like me, I think I'm okay with that. And that's the other thing I think that that helps after a while just have to realize that not everybody's going to like you. And if you don't like me on my buddy Ray or Daniel or whoever. So what do you think the next big thing in podcasting is?00:21:26
That is a great question. It's really hard to pick. Because as we record this. Now there, you know, we've had Spotify come on. We had Google podcast launch a new app and punt Pandora has just put their they're telling the water, and I'm not really expecting any of those to make a big deal because the the in-car dashboard that was supposed to be the big special people buy new cars that often and number two I had a Toyota Prius for a while it didn't have the index thing, but it didn't have bluetooth that. When I got in the car. Once I paired my phone with my car every time I got in. I just hit play. So I don't think having a play button on the dashboard is really gonna make that much of a difference because people that need that are, oh if I were to stereotype there, maybe somewhat older and not that familiar with how to sink Afon to a car in those people may not be listening to podcast. I'm not sure. So I'm really not sure what we need is more listeners. And I think I actually went to a picnic, and this is right after I got inducted into the hall of fame and my cousin was kind of poking fun at me. And she's like, oh, there's Mr. hall of fame. And I said, yeah. Yeah. Don't whatever. And she said, well, I'm gonna ask because nobody else is going to ask. And I go what she goes. What the heck I how do I what's a podcast? What what what's this whole thing? You're in. And I said you have phone and she goes.00:22:54
Yeah. And I said, okay, go find this purple apper here. And so then my other cousin was like, hey, wait. Hold on. Let me get my phone. And so on the back porch taught five people how to consume podcast, and we need more of that. And I I really think that's going to be the big thing. I was kind of excited. I just saw one of my first holiday commercials, you know, with you know, sleigh bells ringing in the background of the whole nine yards. And I wish I could remember the name of the company, but they were saying how you can find guess for so and so and get these for grandpa. So he can listen to his podcast, and it was. Yeah. And it was a pair of headphones. And I was like, okay. They're saying podcast. Like everybody just knows what that is now. And because I'm old school away. I'm like, they're still people going a blood. Do I need to do I need to what to listen to that. So that I hear that more and more. You know, there's a show on TV right now called God friend in me, and the lead character is a podcast or who's doing? He's an atheist. His dad is a pastor is this whole weird thing. But again, they heeds costly recording podcast, and I'm like her at this is kind of cool that you just kind of going mainstream. So I wish I had an answer. That would say it's marked speakers, you know, the woman in the tube from Amazon and Serey and all these other things are I think they're all going to bring about three percent more people. And as things go up, it'll do it. But I wish I had the if I had the answer to you know, what's going to give me ten thousand downloads. I'd I'd be a millionaire. But I think it's going to be a comedy.00:24:25
All of those. It was such a thrilled interview. Dave, I encourage you all to seek out his podcast and follow him across social media. There's a lot more to this interview. But like, I stated earlier I'm sharing the answers to the questions from my thesis on this show as with every interview, I try to leave with three key takeaways. The three that stood out to me from Dave our number one shot up. Listen, number two guest on any show that that'll have you number three make it fun and be yourself. What are your takeaways? What did Dave say that affected your business contemplation going forward? Share your thoughts on the Facebook thread for this episode. I would love to hear your insights. You can find Dave at David Jackson dot org or school of podcast dot com. Vines show on your favorite podcast app. Be at I tunes Google podcast, Stitcher, tune in or Android, be sure to subscribe and give him a. Great review believe it or not those reviews even help a hall of Famer Dave Jackson while you're at it play. Subscribe to new media lab with Robert Southgate wherever you listen to podcasts. You can Email the show at Southgate small business at g mail dot com. Do media lab is on Facebook search at new media land, our networks website is Southgate media group dot com where you can find this as well as over a hundred other podcasts, plus blogs, videos information about our live events, and so much if you wanna follow me personally, I'm on Twitter at our Southgate or on Instagram at rob Southie. Support this show and get awesome extra content by becoming a patron go to patriot dot com slash new media lab and choose your ear, please rate and review this show on whatever service. You subscribe to podcasts on it really helps others find the shop and tells me if you like what I'm doing here, you can find new media lab on items goo.00:26:27
Podcasts Stitcher Spotify tune in radio and hopefully anywhere else that distributes podcasts. If you can't find us, let me know. And I'll rectify the situation all this. Plus more lanes will be in the show notes and on our website. So don't worry if you didn't have a pen to write it all down and thanks again today. Jackson for helping me with my thesis. Prevent such a fantastic guest. That's it for this week everyone. The next episode will drop next Tuesday until then get out there and create something. -
Jesse Jackson from Set Lusting Bruce, had Rob Southgate on as a guest. This is what was discussed when the topic of what's coming up for Southgate Media Group this fall was brought up.
Social Media for Southgate Media Group
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Website for Otherworld Theatre
Tickets for The Winter Wold available via Eventbrite
Jesse is joined by Rob Southgate to discuss their new book, PodLife: Podcaster's Stories (How they got started, how they stay inspired, and the stories they have to tell.)
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Jesse’s Twitter – @jessejacksonDFW
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Ricky Diaz – S1E16 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special guest is Ricky Diaz, host of the Primatech Files Podcast and blogger for TVBinges.com. Rob and Ricky discuss strategies for getting guests, launching a successful podcast, and insights into his social media strategy.
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #VloggingTranscription
In this episode of new media lab is brought to you by tweaked audio to get awesome headphones. Go to tweet dot co dot com and use the coupon code Southgate to get thirty percent off free shipping and a lifetime warranty or you can get through the link on our website Southgate media group dot com. Welcome to the new media lab. I am your host rob Southgate day. Very special s I have Ricky the as he is a podcast from our network. And he does the private tech by which is a show all about the show heroes. It's been really successful for us. He gives us a lot of insights into his social media strategy and kind of how that show organically grew into being such a large force. So here he is Ricky as Ricky thank you so much for joining me here in the new media lab, this has been a long time coming man, I I I was really excited to see that we could line this up for those that don't know Ricky Ricky is in the UK, I'm in the United States, and we've got some time differences there, and we're both super busy. So getting you on here. This is literally the first time we've spoken to definitely I just wanna say. Before we get into this just wanna say, thank you. Rub. Putting up with me, and my OCD, and how particular I can be. I know it's what me a while to Lilith to get used to it. So I'm glad that you know, it's been clear sailing with you as well. So yeah.00:01:44
Oh my gosh. You're OCD doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I feel so blessed to have you here. A Martin I talk about that all the time. And that's another funny thing before you started doing prime attack. Ricky does the private files for the Southgate media group and four you started doing prime attack files, which is what we're here to talk about. You you were working for TV benches show ratings TV, which were partnered with and it's funny because we were talking online, but you were like the only one from there that I didn't know at I kept getting these notices from Ricky like loves TV McHugh loves movies and Katina's, and I'm going who is this. How how does he not hitting my radar this? And then one day Lilith sent me a note said Ricky, and I are doing the show, and I was like how do you Lilith, and I guess we just hired Ricky. So I it's great. But I think it was a long time coming for this to happen. Definitely. So Ricky tell us a little about yourself before we get into prime tech vials. What's your background? You're a new media person. That's for sure. So let's hear it. So yeah. Basically, I work in post production over here in the UK a kind of been doing it for a couple of years now. But most of my stuff comes from. Well, the the beginning of the story is by see I went away on cruise ships for a couple of years, and I I didn't watch TV. And when I go back, I just ended up binge-watching loss stuff and found the joys of Twitter from Twitter, I met Kyle, and blah, and then it will kind of started from the like I'd start joining up with them to from. We love we love TV more to show ratings to TV binges. And then fruit Kyle is where I met kind of Lilith, and that's where primates at clause came from now premature files, but I don't want to get into that too much yet. Because I want to talk about what you do a little bit proprietary files is about heroes. Are you a huge heroes fan is that why that niche attracted you, or did you just see it as an opportunity?00:03:53
Oh, no. I've always been like a really big here. I was found. It was one of the TV shows. I used to love is a I'd say a teenager. But. Yeah, it was it was one of the shows that I I re-. Really got into inside light checking back on the mythology because there was so much extra content. The heroes. It wasn't just the TV program. There was like comic books that was like online games. They had a. Oh, jeez. And I was checking all of the out, and then when it ended I was working on all PG boards, and like all my knowledge from heroes came from that all PG Boyd because I was trying to make you as canon as possible while diverging at the same time, and I was on that site for a good couple of years. Then that was it here. A kind of left there to go traveling than when I came back started working for Kyle, and blah, and then heroes reborn came out. And I was like if there was one show I wanna pug cost about it's going to be here rose so reached out to Lilith and the rest is history. Yeah. The rest is will the reason that I wanted to have you on number one. I wanted to talk to you about your social media strategy. I wanna talk about you know, how you've done some of this stuff. For the listener the reason that I specifically wanted to talk to Ricky is with prime attack files, which from a from a standpoint of TV shows is pretty niche. We think about it heroes. Reborn was how many episodes dozen.00:05:20
Yeah. Thirteen episode series. That's that's bringing back a series. That's years old that only lasted what three or four seasons full. And and with all that behind it. You have so far put together a hundred sixty four episodes or actually more in the in the can here and your your numbers from a download perspective are like quadruple, our highest show was the is the niche isn't it in it is niche? Yeah, definitely heroes was always kind of like a big. It was one of those shows that came about just a run round about the the good the sweet spot of TV in the second. And I think they called it the second viewing experience so like Twitter, and I think they had like little things that you could watch in the commercial break. So that kind of stuff, and it was one of the first TV programs. I remember I think lost was big on it as well. But that was the whole mythology behind it that you kind of have to look if you were really big fan online, and they kept to the little people that way, and they kind of stayed. And so I think the online heroes fandom is as is as much as sometimes it infuriates may it's one of the most passionate fan bases. There is whether they like it or not so yeah. Yeah. Well, it's to me. It's just fascinating. And you mentioned lost lost his actually when I've talked to other other podcasters to pop culture stuff lost his touchstone where the the two that come up every time the say, the reason I started podcasting was fixation on loss in a fixation on X files. Then I really think you've hit on something. I think there's a fixation on heroes.00:07:05
Does that most people don't put at the top of their mind? But as soon as you said, I wanna do prime attack files, I'm going to be talking heroes somebody who hadn't myself who hadn't thought about heroes in awhile got really excited and started thinking, oh my gosh. I used to read all this stuff. And I hope the comics are good. I got like right back to it. The ironic thing is I didn't watch a single episode of heroes reborn podcast. So that's right now that was intended to be a thirteen week series. And they'd they said that from the beginning. But have you heard any rumblings are they bringing it back? No. I don't think at the moment when it when it was a when it finished its run. It was it's it's a very click by thing to say about the show has been canceled. But they always said that it was going to be a, well, it just depends on your point of view. Like, Tim crane has always said it was going to be a one and done. But you know, if it was more kind of a need for it. That there was a possibility of it coming back, and it didn't do too well in the writing. So a lot of people would said, oh, well, you know, that's what they would say. If it if it was going to come back. It would have come back. But obviously because it's it's been canceled. But on show.00:08:20
I don't necessarily buy that with this. I think that that this series was meant to be a chapter and this series seems like something that has a joy, call it a second life it. Yes. It can live in other formats kinda like Buffy has gone onto live comics. And yeah, those comments are popular, you know, I think this is the same type of thing. So I I don't know how much I buy that is click beta or really that was just kind of wear their head was at and Tim kring. Thanks. I have other projects I can do this. I think it's just one of those things that like he had the time. And he had the story that he wanted to tell and he wanted to finish the story, and they will give him this opportunity. He took it. And now it's just a case of waiting a couple of years, hopefully, not five for him to think of another story. We told to quite a few of the riot is one of the riot is is really quite friendly with us. And he's told us that you know, they they do have a plan for a second season of heroes. They they would include it review. Because that's a separate chapter. They would call it something else. But they actually have an idea, and it will be something completely different from what we've seen, and that's all I could get out of him because he didn't want to tell me anything else.00:09:33
I don't wanna push you away. Right. Right. So you've been really successful with the podcast. I n you also are a blogger, right? Yes. So do you do any blogging related to the prime attack files? Or is it literally just the show notes that you deal with? Oh, no. When when heroes reborn came out. I was doing the TV binges. I was doing a a five things recap on the episode and stuff lead to look out for in like kind of stuff that you could that that was being launched in future episodes when you so lucky enough to get a free game. So yeah, we we got a couple of days before he got released to the general public, and it took me like three days to complete or my ipad, and I had to complete because I had to get it out before before the general release. So yeah, we got very lucky in some respects. Like, there was a magazine that came out a managed to speak to one of the senior says on it because it was. Coming out that that much over here in England or I couldn't find any ended up sending me free copies. We go very lucky with some of the stuff. But you know, you have to take those opportunities while you can get it. No this. This is part one of the strategy that I wanna talk about you did get a lot of attention. You guys ended up on TV Canadian. What was it entertainment tight?00:10:55
Yeah. You ended up getting some great interviews. You got some as you said some early release stuff. How did you go about doing that? And this is we're gonna framework in TV, but anybody listening. I mean, whatever your show is about whatever your blog is about their YouTube channels about you've got a subject, you're working. So you can take these ideas and kind of go out how did you attract that attention? Well, it was my my stuff was done through Twitter. I know there's loads em. You know, we've got all this. Social media's we've got like, the we go Facebook tumbler klama, but most of it was from Twitter and most of every all of our content stems from Twitter, and then the rest kind of was just placed on the other four on the other social media platforms. We manage to get followed by quite a couple of big heroes. Reborn. Kind of official site says the heroes universe which was very big. And we even go followed by the heroes official account. One of the biggest things that kind of was. Aw, was all the Lynch pin of everything was a Facebook group on Facebook cooled heroes fans unite unites and one of the admins of that when heroes was first about they were doing a lot of the stuff that we were doing they're covering everything from heroes. And I guess they took a liking to us and they helped us out with a low of interviews. And we got a like it was interviews from heroes prime. So.00:12:32
Oh, the original stuff. But then she managed to gals quite a low of of the heroes. Reborn people. And from that that kind of from getting the interviews with like hit Tim crane was a really big one. Who's the creator of the show? Yeah. Then I think each one to get from that that's where everything kind of stemmed from and we were able to get the executive producer on the executive producer was able to put us in touch with a costing. And we live was really big on talking to one of the causing agents. And then you know, he was able and then we got a couple of the riots to follow us, and they quite like they like to a law, and you know, we've interviewed a couple of them a couple of times. So yeah, it was just really a lot of being in the right places at the right time. The Facebook group also got us on sir AT Canada, because I was put in the episodes on the Facebook group as well as mice live things. And the guy the producer from anti candidate sore and said, I'd love the toll ta and. That's where that came stems from while you actually had there was a lot more than just being in the right place at the right time in just said, I I I have a couple of questions. This is one of those episodes. I'm gonna have to go back and take notes, and then we listen again and take notes again, I have a feeling so so you you get in with this group this Facebook group, and they're connecting you how does that go and how how does all of this go because I know personally like we interviewed Doug Jones. And that was a big interview for me. I'm a big fan. And I don't do a lot of those types of interviews. Just because I just don't, but this was one I I wanted to grab and the way that happened was I tweeted something I tagged him in it just because it was relevant to him. He wrote back and said all thank you so much. I said is there any way I could possibly interview you he gave me his PR person. And we set it up is that the route you've had to go or is it been more?00:14:32
For they've contacted you and said, I love to be on or have you seen their name pop up and you've written back and said, hey, can we make this happen? What what's out different ways? The Tim Tim kring in view was sell through the puzzle on the heroes. Reborn. A Facebook group. And she goes a lot of other interviews with people from heroes the original series, but a lot of the heroes prime a a love the heroes. Reborn interviews with Don initially three tweeting. I basically would sell the notification. So as soon as they tweeted anyone from the show, whether it be cost crew, right? As I wanted to speak to everyone about their opinion on the show. As soon as they tweeted, I would get a notification. I would tweet them directly straight that sometimes. But look, I run a hero's re heroes reborn pub costs would you have time to to for an interview. And, you know, some people got back to us like eve hollow pretty much as soon as she got the Email got the tweets she said, yes. And just told it's a follow us in. Then we arrange the time for that. The same thing happened with quite love them. Like crazy. One of the riot was exactly the same. But I think that crazy also had kind of heard of us through the I don't know if they blowing smoke into, but, you know, Zachary was like, we listen to you guys in the writers room, and I think that helps us out a little bit. But you know, again, I don't know if he was just being very nice. But yeah, a lot of the white is kind of go in with talking to us about it. And we're going to kind of try and do more stuff with that. Because.00:16:13
Heroes reborn. The DVD came out and the like some of the extras were not very good. So we which wine to do a commentary with the rights and us all what a great idea. That's the idea. We've already talked to one guy we've already told the two of them. And they said they're up for it is just about trying to find time. So yeah, now, you said something in there again that I wanna I wanna go back to and this is something that I've I've gleamed we've had by the way people that listen to this show. We've had Lilith on as guest and the next person minute bring up his Troy Heinrich who was the first or second cast. I think Lilith might have been one. And he was number two. Troy does a blacklist podcast that has been nominated in has done. Really? Well, and in what you just said it reminded me of Troy because they have had the same type of experience with the writers room blacklist. And I think that might be a key. If you're doing TV more if. You're doing film or any type of subject you find out. What that what that step is? And maybe re tweet to that group. I know I'm sure heroes probably has a hero's writer's room Twitter account. Correct on doesn't oh. So basically when a soon as heroes. They started announcing everything for heroes. Reborn live from the the costs. I pretty much was on IMDB every other day looking at and seen who was Ryan episodes. I will try and find the Mansueto I made a comprehensive list of pretty much everyone who was on the show. Whether it be like, a recurring carrots, a couch who's on unit for one or two episodes, who I really liked the main cost the riot is some of the the makeup all is the musicians, everyone I made a comprehensive list on my on the primates at falls twits. And everyday I would search through that see what they were talking about. And I would have them. No fly like, it would notify soon as I tweet it. So I will straight away just being able to say would you have time for an interview talk about your time on heroes? And you know, a lot of the kind of not we got quite a few of the secondary carrots is. And I appreciate that so much because some of them were some of my favorite characters.00:18:32
And the rise really helped us out as well. I think so. Yeah. So yeah, I think that there's a lot there to unpack in it. Don't just go for the prime people you want to try to build those relationships in. They opened the doors to other things. Yeah. Now, we keep talking about Twitter. And we keep talking about that at one point. I ask you what your strategy was because you were getting a lot of attention. Your response back to me was I don't have any you said, I have OCD. I just do this a lot. And then he and it's funny because you don't know this. But on my end, I was trying to figure out why it was blowing up so much. So I started trying to analyze all the little pieces at one thing. I did was I took four days of tweets, and I wrote down when you tweeted, and what you tweeted, and that was when I ask you about your strategy. And when you said, you didn't have one I found it really interesting because you naturally did a couple of things one was you did almost. You were almost right on for the eighty twenty rule. Twenty percent original tweets eighty percent, retweets. I mean, you were almost spot on with that in that for day. Mark. You also didn't have I tweeted three. And then I tweeted at five I it was just kind of throughout the day. There wasn't a rhyme or reason to it. But I did see a consistency. And it seemed like it could be unobtrusive. Now, if you're working from lis-, I'm sure that makes it really easy to the re tweeting thing because we're getting those notifications, right?00:20:05
So it was just to me. It was really telling that it wasn't so much about the strategy as much as it was about the consistency of just doing it. And being cognizant of who is involved with the show. Well, it it will kind of started with the kind of pre heroes reborn because as soon as we found out the show was coming on mainland. Start thinking about how we can incorporate people into it because you need an audience. Some we didn't know, you know, this show had been off the F like five years. So we had to try and bring them back into it. So the first thing we did was we're going to do a weekly live tweet, and we're going to rewatch the episodes, and then directly off towards me, and let us we're gonna do those episodes as appalled cost separately. And that's how we started. We started off with really small numbers because we only had a few people who joining in. But we kept those loyal fans, and they came with us the whole way through and that's kind of where it started. So what would happen was? It was basically I I would have a routine. What I would do. I would wake up first thing in the morning, maybe about an hour and a half before I actually had to leave the house, and I would go through Twitter, and I go through the heroes hashtag, and I would respond to everyone, and I would re tweet anything that was good. I did the same with the heroes reborn. And that would be like a good forty five minutes of my first thing in the morning, and then maybe about lunchtime. I do exactly the same thing. But because obviously, you know of the time difference it would show up a different time in America. Like, it would be like the middle of the night. But it was something that people who would follow us would be able to look through when they go up. And I would always make sure it was the last thing that I did. So I was doing like that three times a day. I was doing like I was going to the hash tides of anything that was relevant for heroes or anything that I could join make relevant to hero. So like if there was national sibling diode put as many siblings in heroes.00:22:05
As I could in a tweet. And I would sweep the out. We got really lucky that an eclipse happens in the right? Good timing. Yes. So we just like that was old day of may trying to find time of checking heroes and tweeting everyone re tweeting and as soon as someone responded, I would follow them hoping for them to follow me back in the you know, we kind of build up an audience that way. And then you tell them like, oh, we do a weekly rewatch. If you want to join us for a live tweet and anytime someone would join us for the live tweet. We would shout them out on the on the episode. And as soon as the episode went out, we would sweep them saying you got show on the episode. Make sure you listen, and that kind of stuff, and we it like everything from heroes reborn kind of followed that same pattern. We would also people for feedback. And no matter what feedback they gave we would read out. And then we would sweep them. When the episode came out we use tweeted to a couple of the because. Anytime someone from the heroes. Reborn costs tweeted out. So we we tweet at them. And they tweeted back, then I was like, okay. They're on the list. And I would have a list on my notes on my iphone of people. We would sweet every time a new episode came out. So we'd always always tweet out the same bunch of people. And if Austra while you know, I figured out that they were getting annoyed with I'd take them off. And I'd only do it if it was relevant to them. Obviously if we were bad mouthing people, we will take them off.00:23:34
Right. But yeah, it it just kind of became a routine of stuff that I was doing and that was it. Yeah. Interesting. Now, you mentioned other social media, you mentioned, I mean, you've got clamor you've got tumbler Facebook. Now, you said that you basically create the content that you're gonna use to push out from Twitter. Just push it to those things. Do you do any type of strategy for those other formats, or is it really just you push it from here? And it goes where it goes literally by if new trailer came out, I would watch the trailer, and I would screen show any news scenes, and I would make like a an analysis of it for twit. So like something for one hundred like the characters that we needed. And then I would do exactly the same thing with that on the Facebook and on the tumbler, but I would elongate it because you you've got more more words to play them. Okay. All right. Just depends. That's important. So you're not taking your tweet and just pushing it to Facebook tomorrow. No, I'm your. Okay. All right. Just depends. Zuni Ted putting it there. But adding a little bit changing it slight. Yes. That is important Ricky. So an idea I'm really high on right now that I'm trying to develop for us NAN when I say us, I mean, we have eight shows in this network. It's going to be a hundred by by Christmas. And I can't obviously handle all of those you see how hard it is to handle one.00:24:57
Yeah. So I'm actually writing like a playbook for everybody. And we talk about it on here. I'm kind of sharing it as we explore this. But a big thing that I'm high on right now is this idea of you create something so you take an episode of prime attack files, and it we pretty much do what you do you you find different ways of of sending out there. But my my big thought right now is how do you create multiple pieces of content off of that one piece of content that you can use for social media? So what I mean is you mentioned your top five list, you mentioned clamours. So you make you. You make five clamours off the episode, you make sure you send those out you make sure that you have screen caps in your tweet. Some of that stuff out you make sure that you have a blog post if you can or whatever. So it's not just the one piece of content getting pushed out there. Doing that. It sounds like you're naturally kind of doing that. I'm trying to develop a strategy little bit more. So it's a little easier for people to grip onto my question is how much do you push that one piece? So let's say you make your blog post your top five. Okay. You tweeted out when you're done. You put it on Facebook. You obviously stagger. That correct. Yeah. How often do we know? Don't stagger. It pretty much if I create like something for Twitter. I would once I finished with I pretty much put it onto Facebook in some blow. Just right.00:26:23
Yeah. Yes. Our this. Yes. Yeah. Go ahead. No. The only reason I do that is because I I've got everything in my hand there, and I can do it straight away. Snow because I could push out like a time. But I feel like if I'm going to be doing something on Twitter. I'm wise, we'll do on the other two because people might not be looking at the Twitter at that time. They might be looking at the Facebook or they might be looking at tumbler. So I to me that's how I do it. And most of my stuff is pushed out through is done on Twitter. No pushed out, and it's repeated on on that shirt ends the rest, I kind of one and done it. Okay. That makes sense. And when you do this on Twitter. So let's say you take your top five list. How often are you tweeting out that tweet about the top five list, not the other content? We're talking about we're let's say claim it. Let's say you make a clamor, and you send it out once in. It's out the either or do you say you don't I'm gonna send out a clamour on Monday. And then I'm gonna wait twenty four hours and Senate again, and then I'll wait for days and send it again. Do you have any type of strategy like that no pretty much this push out? The only thing that I would alway I always push out every day is is episodes. 'cause that's like sounds really bad. But I'm just all about the download numbers shirt. So that so bit I said that's driven by so do you do you send out? So let's say it's episode one sixty four will that go out every day. One time will it go out multiple times at another question is will it go out with the same lake meeting? Do you send the itunes link do said the Google play link? Do you send the Lipson link? How do you manage that?00:28:06
I only well, I would only do I only have indeed be I tunes link. But that's just because that's how I've been doing it. I haven't even thought about putting out different different links for it. But basically I would. So today's is my is my primary. Balls day. That's when new episode gets released. So I will release I will do a tweet, but each individual putt catches service. And then I will finish it with the itchy. And then tomorrow around about the same time, which is about eight o'clock, my time, maybe ten just depending on when I'm tired. Basically, I will just do it. In case you missed it tweet with a generally while we'll put the the newest episode. And then at the moment, I'm doing old episodes underneath it. I'm just doing one one extra what moving up one a day. So I will do that old throughout the week until the next week and the next Wednesday. I will put the new episode, and then someone so forth. Any case you missed it. Yeah. Yeah. And if like say, we're doing the COMEX once I finished the fi once I get once we get to the fishy, which the loss one, why would probably do as all put swoop to in case you missed it tweets out a day with all five episodes. So that you can listen to them continuously. Interesting interesting now fan interaction, you you're obviously dealing with them on Twitter. You're talking to people. Are you finding that fan interaction is key to this also?00:29:35
Yeah. Well ago, we when we first thought it was only a couple of people who following us and a couple of people who would sweep out to us all the time. And you know, it was really good. Because at the end of 'cause we were doing this rewatch at the end of like the first season we were able to do a Google play a play we're able to do a Google hangout. And we had about eight nine people on that, which you know for a little show which had been off the F like five years. I was quite proud proud of it. And then we put the out possess puck cost as well. So we were able to let them know that you know, you you were involving them in everything. So it's the same with the feedback as soon as we finish one of the reward. She's we would say, okay. So what did you think of that episode? You can tweet us. You can let us know when I'll Facebook, you can let us know one. By email. We will read out anything, and we did that. And then like I said we would tweet them as soon as that episode became available to air. And then the same thing happened with the Facebook group. So I would put like every time a new episode come up. I would put a post and they were the guys on the admins on. There were really great about is just like pimping now are episodes essentially, and at the bottom of that in a common, I would want everyone who we had talked to will. He would sit in feedback.00:30:53
I would say you got show in this episode. Make sure you listen. And then they would. And then the same thing happened on the Facebook group where I would ask a question, and then they would on, sir. And then I talked to them, and you know, it's it's always good to have that kind of fan interaction because it makes them feel Paul the the crew as we call them prime attack peop-. So yeah, it's restoring interesting. Well, what points haven't we talked about here? I'm sure that we're gonna finish. And I'm gonna have eight hundred is. But what haven't we talked about here? What points? Did you? I wanna make ranching we got lucky in the fact that primates at falls was available on pretty much everywhere that we went. It's not the thing about the name primate falls is it doesn't instantly you don't instantly think of heroes unless you're really big heroes fan. But I think it's a brand that we've been able to develop and with starting to move off into other things now. And you know, I'm as much. Yeah. We'll just leave that. Okay. Okay. Randy this important, and and take your branded at work it yet. Definitely, you know, you actually said something important there too. This is an ongoing conversation. I've had with people because we have shows with some of them have very unique names. Some of them are spot on wall monkeys podcast is about the twelve monkeys TV show. Private tech files about heroes. That may not.00:32:16
Yeah. Ring enough said podcast is about marvel. It's about agents shield is what it was originally about. Now. All about marble. I think that in your branding. I think it's important to either be spot on like twelve monkeys or to do if you're going to do it find something that speaks to the fan prime attack vials because I was a hero's fan. I knew what that was. Yeah. Nuff said everybody is a marvel fan knows Stanley ends everything with enough said name mmediately. No, that's immoral show. Yeah. And then you make sure you have your tag, a hero's podcast, a marvel podcasts. That's how you build that brand. But worked at brand don't keep shifting it underneath. But also, we we stop every episode. We saw with the same blood, which is you know, whip hall the Southgate media group. This is prime attack falls Paul the Southgate media group heroes in heroes, reborn podcast dente will things in the heroes universe. That's how we solve every episode. And then we always end on the same end tag. All like, we have one of two enzymes, and we always end up with something heroes relates and whenever we did interviews with people. We were able to get them to. Ceo Rennes Agan, that's a nice little night as you have U S A must will note, you could have in a clamour. You could say, you know, you can have that. And that's what you need. And then you can say this is an interview with eve hollow they know isn't interview with the hall eve hollow because she says a name she says I'll tied at the end. And then the link to that interview. So yeah, you know, what it's it's funny. 'cause we when you talk about that beginning ending as a producer, and this may seem wrote to to some people listening, but to a lot of podcasters, especially new people. They don't understand that importance of having that beginning and the end and have something that builds the brand at the beginning and the end and don't stumble on.00:34:05
Yeah. Because there's nothing worse than stumbling through the beginning of the end of your show, and it feel it you feeling like what did I just listen to? The other one it. Oh, you mentioned the the getting people to say it. I can't tell you how many people in the beginning when we interviewed people for Nuff said, or when we would even interview other podcasts talked other podcasters, they all wanted to say our tagline, which is at the mary-anne. We said, that's it. Everybody enough said, and they would also want to say Nuff said having that type of brand building is so important because the fan grips it. I know we're gonna stop moving, obviously. Because heroes is not is on. I'm gonna say hi is at the moment. Yeah. We're gonna call it. Wigan assault branding out raunchy out into other kinds of superhero shows book that on kind of model DC related because I think that's kind of another niche market that's not kind of being looked into. So when moving onto ALPHA's next and ALPHA's was very heroes. It was kind of like heroes bought Masai fi channel a bit more grounded in reality. And we've got about four or five episodes in the can. But it took us about three or four episodes to think of an end tag. And that was something I was really pushing to we needed a decent end tag. And finally got one and I'm really looking forward to like moving onto these other shows though as Ellen stain on prime attack files where it's going to be okay.00:35:33
Yes. So basically, we're going to brunch. Everything cow, and it's just gonna be alpha files 'cause own private falls. We go about three or four different segments. We've got from its at falls, which is looking at the old episodes. We've got rebellion reborn. Which was looking at heroes. Reborn. We've got. Molly Walker which was to thinking about like the the kind of high. He kind of things we've got the interviews. We go rebellion. Reborn roundtable. Rebelling reborn review the lots of different segments on the primates at while. So we the way I'm seeing it as we want to keep that branding. And we want to keep that kind of that list of that body of work behind us. And you know, anyone who's an alpha found is probably going to be a hero's found as well. So if we only pick up people if we only pick up people now from ALPHA's, they know that when they go to all of feeds that the oldies heroes reborn an hero stuff that they can listen to as well, that's fantastic. And I have one more requests than for you. Yes. Look at the show powers yet. It's a mobile show. Isn't it though says it is power? I think as either Modelo DC, but it's one of the off shoes, but other staving off shoot I didn't even realize it was so I think that it kind of stands on its own. Own. And I think that it fits really well don't do the Cape. The Cape was terrible.00:36:55
Ooh. The Cape complain about that one. I do my said it would bait you the next the the one that we kind of push towards which I think is going to is going to be very much like heroes in heroes reborn, and we're going to pretty much do the same kind of strategy or I will kind of do the same strategy for it which is sent site because that's coming out roughly around about the end of the year. Once we finish ALPHA's. We'll go straight into sensei, and it will basically be exactly the same. As what happened with heroes? We will do the the rewatch and live tweet and get people to get fans from that. And then we'll do sent site the new season to a weekly often. It's come out just hope that we can get everything out before the new season unlike heroes in heroes reborn where we would like mixing the matching them while. I'm going to request that you let us know when you're doing a sense eight roundtable because we did it for binge. Worthy. Ned? We love it we presented income. So, and I think that's a perfect fit to I think that makes a lot of sense with heroes analysis. I think I'll also let you know when we do the Cape as well. Can you please do please? All right. We'll Ricky thank you so much. This was so much information. I'm definitely going to have you back on this show.00:38:14
I can't wait. I've got a process. This is a lot to take in a lot of things. I take notes on. I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did Ricky. Thank you again. What did you give your social media and let people know how they can get in touch with you. And if anyone has questions or comments right to him. So go ahead Ricky, so you can find you can find my podcast primates at falls on any social media, just such web, prime attack falls same thing with the with the pod catches of is just such prime attack falls on any catches as you will find us. And if you want to contact me, you can just find me on Twitter. That's Ricky Jay DSS r I c k y J D. I is Ed Ozzy if you're American all right, man. Thank you again. Ricky the problem. New media lab is a south gate media group production produced mixed edited and hosted by Robert Southgate, if you enjoy new media lab, you'll love new media labs social media Monday on the same feed. You can listen and subscribe to new media lab on itunes, Google, play Stitcher or on your favorite podcast directory, please rate, and especially review on I tunes or wherever you found our show reviews, Keith the new media lab on the charts, which helps other people find us. Additionally, please consider supporting us on patriot at patriot dot com.00:39:32
Backslash Southgate meeting. Oh, and don't forget to visit our website at WWW, south could media group dot com slash new media lab where you can also find past episodes, and all our other content. Thank you so much for listening to media lab and heath creating. - Показать больше