As we mentioned in the body of this episode, if you want to watch a horror movie where a dog and a kid DON'T die. Get you a different movie.
Sometimes we watch a movie that is good but makes you feel bad. This was one of those times.
WHAT? A Second episode in January? It sure can happen. Especially when I start to con my friends to come on the show. Thanks for being on this episode where we talk about I Saw The TV Glow, Danae! (@duhnae).
We chat around this film and some of our own stories about our journey as queer people. It's a good fun time and you should listen. Thanks for checking us out! And let me know if you want to come be on the podcast.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Welcome to 2025, a new year for Nothing to Fear, and some changes with the show.
Myself (Billie), Luke, and Alex sat down for our birthday month to talk about one of the most talked about films of 2024. I had been hesitant to watch The Substance before talking about it on the pod because i heard about how gross it was.
Listener. It is gross. But worth it. Give us a listen wherever you find us and check me out on Bluesky which seems to be the only social media platform not owned by a total, rhymes with yahtzee, freak who wants to ban communication and allow hate speech. @designbillie.bsky.social
ANYWAY. Podcasting is a hard game. I like doing it and if you like hearing it, it's nice to hear sometimes. And. tell your friends about it. It would be nice to see the downloads go a bit more up again.
See you next week for a special episode!
Coming in right at the wire is our last episode for 2024. We gathered 'round the microphones on a cold December afternoon to chat all about 2019's Ready or Not.
Get it wherever you get your pods casted.
Thanks for sticking with this show, we hope you'll continue to join us in 2025 for more horror chats and goodies.
For the last time in 2024 we've seen a Friday the 13th and that means we gotta watch one of them Jason Voorhees movies.
Do Alex and Luke like doing these episodes? well... no.
But they at least receive good downloads right? also no.
But you, Billie, must enjoy these movies on some level? uhmmmmmm.....
What can I say. I'm committed to a bit. That's gotta be worth something.
Stay tuned for the last episode of 2024 coming before the end of the year!
Also. Check out Horror Hour With the Hannas, wherever you find them pods!
Ok. Listen. Luke knows that this isn't a horror movie but at least we didn't talk about it in a timeline that is itself, super dark.
Stick around and listen to us chat about the teeniest indie movie you ever heard about with 2017's Super Dark Times! It's got teen angst, it's got samurai swords. It's got..... milk cartons filled with water.
Thanks for sticking with us, the times may be super dark, but at least we can have some laughs.
We did it. We got an episode out for October. Hooray.
Here's The Mist from 2007. A movie that has a very memorable ending.
We talk about the whole dang thing, and make jokes both high and low brow. We also get to hear Alex being existential at some point. What fun.
What an honour to have the lads over at Fear Daily ask to take over my little podcast feed for a day, to share some of their cool cool content with y'all.
Fear Daily takes you into the shadows of the past, unearthing the 1990's most terrifying tales of monsters, madness, and life after death. Join us a we explore the ghost stories and supernatural encounters left on an old online bulletin board that continues to operate somewhere in an unknown part of the Pennsylvania Rust Belt - a time capsule of society's greatest fears.
Brennan Storr (host of Ghost Story Guys) and Brandon Schexnayder (host of Southern Gothic) have crafted some very fun, quick and easy bites of audio fiction that is just perfect for the Halloween season.
Give this episode a listen and then head over to Podfollow for all the episodes!
Thanks again to Fear Daily for this cool collaboration and Happy Halloween, everyone!
It's back to school for some and we're visiting the late 90s cult classic, The Faculty.
What a wild ride this movie is. From the cast (bangers across the board), to the hairstyles (hmm... some of them), to the outrageous plot. What a fun time.
Give us a listen wherever you find the show on the pod places!
Happy Friday the 13th, beautiful weirdos.
We bring you yet another entry into this wild world of Crystal Lake.... I mean Evergreen or Greenwood or whatever they're calling it these days.
Joining us, in the depths of the lake is Alex (can't get rid of him) and our very own Twilight Prince, Danae!
Welcome as we talk about the third movie to feature someone named Tommy Jarvis, and it's just as hair-metal packed as we hoped.
Listen now!
Welcome back to the last episode of our Weekly Summer specials!
We have made it through the mess that was the Twilight Saga (even Audacity didn't want to play those episodes normally) and now we're back in the calm waters of Nothing to Fear Monthly.
Luke, Alex, and I talk about 2002's Ghost Ship, a surprisingly enjoyable romp including one of the wildest opening scenes in all of horror history.
Join us, won't you? I promise all the sections line up now.
Oh my gosh, folks. We did it. We got to the end. *Aro laugh inserted* We have made it through the entire Twilight Saga.
2012 certainly was a time to make movies look like an Avengers film.
I'm glad you took this ride with me. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you had as much fun as I did. As we mentioned in the show, if there are some other sagas you think the three of us should tackle or if you think Alex and Luke should have had to watch these movies or we should do some other fun films, let us know online and let us know who you think should be the reigning monarch of Team: Somebody else.
Folks! Grab your recently married spouses and head off to a privately owned island in Brazil because we're talking about the most horrifying movie in the Twilight Saga to date.
Not this movie touting the virtues of waiting until marriage to have sex, only to show the more horrific consequence of it. Sorry, Bella. You deserved better.
But at least we know Kristen Stewart is a wonderful queer icon nowadays. (unless she does something to get herself cancelled and then we never liked her in the first place, phew. I sure am glad no one reads the show notes.)
Anyway. Join us for this 2011 hit and see if comic book movies had ANY impact on the way this film was put together. (spoiler alert. It did).
In keeping with our discussion of the Twilight franchise, we decided to recast Billie for the third full episode. All of her lines have been re-recorded by Bryce Dallas Howard.
Just kidding. Billie is irreplaceable. Justice for Rachelle LeFevre.
We finally get the conclusion of the Victoria plot line in this movie and our hosts discuss how the vampire powers work, we learn the worst thing ever about Jasper (iykyk), and discuss what if Jacob and Edward just got together. Honestly. It would be much better for everyone.
Where the hell have you BEEN, loca?
Welcome back for the second movie in the Twilight Saga. We talk all about New Moon.
It's not often that you can witness a movie that is almost entirely table setting for something bigger while also having almost no plot of its own.
Either way, grab your recently restored dirt bike, head off to the cliffs by La Push and roll up in your local gang of Never Nudes because we're talking about the franchise that gave us weirdo sparkling vampires, now giving us weirdo werewolves.
Oh. And also they mention the Volturi but you don't really gotta worry about them for a while.
This is the skin of a podcaster, Bella!
If I tell you that during the recording of Twilight Summer, all of my social media feed turned into memes about this franchise, would you believe me?
Regardless of the quality of the filmography (mid), to the acting choices (so so bad), to the decisions to make so much of this seem like a weirdo metaphor for having a crush while a part of a strict religious upbringing (very cringey), you cannot deny that Twilight has cultural impact.
Much like how even if you don't like Star Wars, you know what the Force is, and you've heard of a lightsaber, everyone knows about the Sparkly vampires, even if they haven't seen the franchise.
We talk all about it, from the cultural impact, to that scene in the forest, to the greatest baseball scene in the history of cinema.
Hold on, Spider Monkeys, we're in for a wild ride.
Folks. I am so absolutely stoked to have you here at the start of my journey into the Twilight Saga.
This episode is a preview episode where you'll meet our hosts, Billie (you know her), Josh from the Super Scary Podcast, and Danae who is a friend of the pod (and friend in real life).
We chop it up about our experience with Twilight. Talk about some unfortunate high school portrait choices and what we think about the saga before jumping in. Tune in each week this summer for this Summer series from Nothing to Fear!
This movie asks the question, "Wait. Is relying on technology to do most of the things for you, a bad thing?"
We're talking about M3GAN this week, after Alex heard me rave about it back during its theatrical run in 2023.
Join us as we dip into the Psychology Corner, chat about artificial intelligence, and even touch on something called the Green Light Fallacy.
Honestly, that last one sounds like a mid tier ska band.
Enjoy the episode, everyone!
Listen to the Twilight Summer Series right here on Nothing to Fear's feed!
We're back to a weekly release schedule for the Summer and Alex and Luke are no where to be found!
Billie teams up with Josh from The Super Scary Podcast, and Danae, friend of the pod (and friend in real life), to talk about the sparkliest vampires in the Pacific Northwest.
Listen right hecking here!
Happy 4 years of Nothing to Fear!
This movie has been waiting for us to tackle it since we started the podcast, and I have to wonder, did we leave it too long?
Despite some of this movie's drawbacks, it is undeniably a seminal text for the found footage movie genre, and a master class in how movies were marketed during the infant stages of the internet.
Join us and stay tuned right to the very end where I talk about the plans for the summer of Nothing to Fear!
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