
  • Now, in episode number 230, I’m thrilled to bring you a brilliant interview with Freemason Josef Wäges, 32°, who is a board member of the Scottish Rite Research Society and a member of the Blue Friars (Masonic Authors).

    Josef appeared on the podcast previously in episode 192 to discuss the history of the Order of the Illuminati (https://occultofpersonality.net/josef-wages-and-the-order-of-the-illuminati/).

    Today's interview was an absolute joy because Josef is one of the most prominent Masonic historians on Earth whose work is among the most revelatory around. It was great to learn more about him and his research in this candid and relaxed interview. Enjoy!

    Topics included:

    Introduction to Freemasonry

    Family Background and Masonic Heritage

    Ancient vs. Modern Freemasonry

    The Role of Fear and Change

    Future Works and Farewell

    If you appreciated this interview and want to hear some specifics about Josef’s recent work on The Secret Freemasonry of a Priest in the Temple of Nature and Étienne Morin: From the French Rite to the Scottish Rite, and much more, be sure to catch the second half of the interview with Josef Wäges, available at https://chamberofreflection.com/ and the Occult of Personality Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality/ and support our endeavors to bring you more excellent esoteric interviews. For those who already subscribe and support the show, or have done so in the past, my heartfelt thanks, and I salute you!

    Huge thanks once again to the incomparable Frater O for coordinating this interview and co-hosting!

    intro music – “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) outro music – “Dying Magic Fire” by William Zeitler

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality – https://open.spotify.com/show/1dioFRsV25Hj3SDKR3dDmx

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    email – [email protected]

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

  • Now, in episode number 229, a brilliant conversation with author and teacher Alan Chapman of Magia and The Baptist’s Head, where we delve into magical lineage, Aleister Crowley, gnosis, and magic as a practice to attain gnosis. This was a very long-awaited meeting, and the preparation was completely worthwhile. It is no accident that while this was recorded during the autumn of 2024, it’s being released right before the Winter Solstice.

    For years I’ve been wanting to do an interview of this nature, where we discuss magic as the path towards, and in the service of, spiritual enlightenment. While I often love to focus on the intersection of these phenomena, it wasn’t until this interview that I was actually able to satisfy my yearning to know if a Western magical path could lead where I thought it was meant to by speaking with someone who claimed to have accomplished it. You can find Alan Chapman online at https://barbarouswords.com/

    Joining us are the inimitable Frater O and Kid Cooper-Levy.

    If you enjoy this interview, be sure to catch the second half with Alan Chapman, available at https://chamberofreflection.com/ and the Occult of Personality Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality/ and support our endeavors to bring you more excellent esoteric interviews. For those who already subscribe and support the show, or have done so in the past, my heartfelt thanks, and I salute you!

    intro music – “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3)
    outro music – “Land of Magic” by Frank Dorittke (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Frank_Dorittke/Mare_Tranquillitatis/pcr018_cd01_10_fd_project_land_of_magic/)

    I know that it’s been a while between episodes here and I want you to know that I am working to improve that and do more, but in the meantime, there’ve been three new episodes of the other podcast I work on with my teacher, called The Freedom Place, that you may enjoy and I definitely encourage you to listen to… https://open.spotify.com/show/19nZvJTykeHPqmTadnB2GN

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality – https://open.spotify.com/show/1dioFRsV25Hj3SDKR3dDmx

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    email – [email protected]

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

    X - https://www.x.com/occultofprsnlty

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  • Welcome to Occult of Personality podcast, now, in episode number 228, The Thai Occult! This is the full episode.

    Peter Jenx, author of the wonderful and must-read The Thai Occult series of books is our guide to the magic of Thailand in an extraordinarily lit interview. To say that Peter deserves credit for sharing the amazing magic of Thailand with us in the West would be a massive understatement as his books and interviews allow a glimpse into a magical realm that we are blessed to have access to. https://www.thethaioccult.com/

    I find Peter Jenx’s The Thai Occult series of books (3 so far) are some of the most interesting, most useful, and most extraordinary magical books that I have ever read. The reasons include the fact that it’s lore and knowledge from a vital living magical tradition, that magical tradition is rooted in Buddhist religion and its practitioners are accomplished meditators, and their magic can be practical or spiritual, and sometimes both simultaneously. I find the conceptual framework within which Thai magic is accomplished to be quite interesting and worthy of deeper investigation. Furthermore, this entire body of work is just more evidence to me of the efficacy of authentic spiritual practice with regard to invoking magic. I highly recommend all three The Thai Occult books by Peter Jenx. In my opinion, anyone who practices or is interested in magic would benefit from these books.

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg
    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com
    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality
    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality
    X - https://www.x.com/occultofprsnlty

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality podcast, I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky. Now, in episode number 227, the one and only Craig Williams returns to the podcast to discuss his most recent book, Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography – A Handbook of Agni Yoga. https://thevioletgateway.com/products/desert-meditations-gnostic-cartography-a-handbook-of-agni-yoga. As always, this interview with Craig Williams is excellent because of his extensive experience, brilliant insights, and lifelong dedication to esoteric study and practice. Enjoy!

    Summary: Craig and I engage in a discussion about spirituality and its transformative power. We explore the profound teachings of Sanatana Dharma, emphasizing the value of simplicity in spiritual practices. The conversation touches on the importance of embracing change, overcoming fear, and finding resilience amidst life’s challenges. Through introspection, compassion, and profound spiritual practice, the complexities of life dissolve and we become more aware of the beauty in ordinary moments during the journey towards the eternal / self-realization.

    0:09 Introduction
    13:02 The Concept of Pilgrimage
    26:21 Complicating vs. Simplifying
    39:19 Perception and Interpretation

    Practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vedic Sciences, Gnostic Spirituality, and Martial Arts, Craig Williams (Sri Indra Ram-Das Aghori) is also the author of Entering the Desert, Cult of Golgotha, and Tantric Physics Vol. I & 2, and well as numerous articles on health, martial arts, and authentic initiation in the Kali Yuga. Craig also writes various ‘Daily Meditations’ pieces in his Blog: Transmissions from the Kali Yuga (https://arisearjuna.wordpress.com/).

    Craig Williams is an ordained Bishop (Tau Lazarus) with Apostolic Succession. He has a private medical practice in Austin specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, and Jyotish. He is the recipient of the prestigious Vedakovid and Yogacharya titles awarded by Vamadeva Shastri and the American Institute of Vedic Studies. More information can be found at: www.ayurvedaaustin.com/.

    “Craig Williams has extensive training and education, a sincere dedication to practice and study, and an ability to distill complex philosophies and practices into accessible and practical wisdom for modern spiritual aspirants. A rising star in the world of esotericism, I highly recommend Craig’s writings and teachings.” – Greg Kaminsky, Host/Founder, Occult of Personality

    If you enjoy this interview, be sure to catch the second half, available at https://chamberofreflection.com/ and the Occult of Personality Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality/ and support the our endeavors to bring you more excellent esoteric interviews!

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Kirvani” by Simone Angele and Amir Kalhor.

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    X - https://x.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work / Venmo – https://venmo.com/u/Gregory-Kaminsky-5

    Support My Work / PayPal – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality podcast, I’m Greg Kaminsky. Now, in episode number 226, we’re joined by Jesse Cooper Levy, AKA Kid Cooper Levy, to discuss the book he wrote about the Major Arcana of the Tarot and the Hebrew letters, entitled Black Fire. This was written while Jesse participated in on our Meditations on the Tarot study circle at chamberofreflection.com. Be forewarned, this episode goes deep into the Tarot.

    Jesse is an author of fiction and non-fiction, a musician, singer, and a songwriter. You can find him on social media @singerwrongwriter. Black Fire is currently unpublished but is scheduled to be released later this year. I’ve been friends with Jesse for a few years and it was a joy to me that he wrote this book as part of our study circle.

    I’m also joined in this episode by the one and only Frater O as my co-host! You may recall Frater O from his appearances on the Whence Came You podcast a few years ago where he discussed a variety of esoteric subjects. Frater O has been a close friend for many years, so I’m thrilled to have him join us here. I have no doubt that you’ll greatly appreciate his presence, as I do.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aids us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Highway 61 (Revisited)” by Kid Cooper Levy (https://youtu.be/m10HTWQIbwY?si=--gmALGqZYj6QFeX).

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work / Venmo – https://venmo.com/u/Gregory-Kaminsky-5

    Support My Work / PayPal – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m Greg Kaminsky. Now, in episode number 225, author P.D. Newman returns to the show after an eight year hiatus to discuss his recent book Theurgy: Theory & Practice—The Mysteries of the Ascent to the Divine, Homeric Epics, the Chaldean Oracles, and Neoplatonic Ritual - https://www.amazon.com/Theurgy-Theory-Practice-Mysteries-Ascent/dp/164411836X/.

    This interview was a real treat because P.D. Newman gives us a great depth of insight into the history, theory, and methods of theurgy—magic of the gods! There were some technical issues with the recording that I did my best to work around. My apologies for that but I know that the content of the conversation more than makes up for it.

    "P. D. Newman has been immersed in the study and practice of alchemy and theurgy for more than two decades. A member of the Masonic Fraternity, the Society of Rosicrucians, and the Martinist Order, he lectures internationally and has published articles in many esoteric journals, including The Scottish Rite Journal, The Masonic Society Journal, and Invisible College. The author of Alchemically Stoned and Angels in Vermilion, Newman lives in Tupelo, Mississippi."

    The research Newman did in support of this book is really astounding and quite interesting. His scholarship has really made it clear that theurgy as we understand it did not originate in the second century A.D. but has its roots in beginningless time. Furthermore, the understanding of this activity and its context is laid out beautifully in a way that is both scholarly and valuable for practitioners. For me, what made the book so special was that contemplating the implications of his arguments helped me to see and understand that the way I defined theurgy was limiting and inaccurate, but with Newman’s words, I can more fully appreciate what is known as the Western esoteric tradition. I heartily recommend Theurgy: Theory & Practice, just like all of Newman’s books.

    "In this detailed study, P. D. Newman pushes the roots of theurgy all the way back to before the time of Homer. He shows how the Chaldean Oracles were not only written in Homeric Greek but also in dactylic hexameter, the same meter as the epics of Homer. Linking the Greek shamanic practices of the late Archaic period with the theurgic rites of late antiquity, the author explains how both anabasis, soul ascent, and katabasis, soul descent, can be considered varieties of shamanic soul flight and how these practices existed in ancient Greek culture prior to the influx of shamanic influence from Thrace and the Hyperborean North. The author explores the many theurgic themes and symbolic events in the Odyssey and the Iliad, including the famous journey of Odysseus to Hades and the incident of the funeral pyre of Patroclus. He presents a close analysis of On the Cave of the Nymphs, Porphyry’s commentary on Homer’s Odyssey, as well as a detailed look at Proclus’s symbolic reading of Homer’s Iliad, showing how both of these Neoplatonists describe the philosophical theory and the technical ritual praxis of theurgy. Using the Chaldean Oracles as a case study, Newman examines in detail the methods of telestikē, a form of theurgic statue animation, linking this practice to ancient Egyptian and Greek traditions as well as theurgic techniques to divinize the soul."

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aids us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is "Calliopeia - kithara (Ancient Greek)" by Tim Rayborn.

    In the Chamber of Reflection, P. D. Newman and I continued the conversation spending considerable time discussing statue animation as part of religious ritual and got rather contemplative. This part of the interview was outstanding, so please join us for that exclusive second half.

    Also remember that we’re in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In March, we’re meeting to discuss the Moon, and you should join us!

    I want to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work / Venmo – https://venmo.com/u/Gregory-Kaminsky-5

    Support My Work / PayPal – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. Now, in episode number 224, we’re joined by the man behind ARCANVM podcast and YouTube channel, Ike Baker!

    Ike Baker is an author, content creator, practicing ceremonialist, and senior initiate of several lineages within the Western Esoteric Traditions, including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Martinist Order of America, and Blue Lodge, and York Rite Freemasonry. With 20 years of study, training, and practice, Ike is also a traveling lecturer, instructor for multiple premiere educational organizations including the Institute for Hermetic Studies, and a Temple Chief of the HOGD. He hosts the ARCANVM YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@arcanvm), and podcast, where he produces presentation-style videos on the occult and esoteric, and converses with some of the foremost practitioners, scholars, and authors in the fields of magic, esotericism, and the occult.

    This was a really fun interview because Ike and I got to delve deeply into what the spiritual path entails and requires of us, and we got quite philosophical and contemplative as we did so. It was great to speak to a fellow podcaster who’s so prolific and has a great depth of experience along with a longing to aid his companions on the path by providing us with such excellent lectures, interviews, and a presence that entices us to learn more and become better than we are. I fully support ARCANVM and Ike Baker’s work. Hearing him talk about it was a privilege.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aids us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come. The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Initiation ” by Adam Fielding (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/fielding-lightfields?song=1).

    In the Chamber of Reflection, Ike Baker delved even more deeply into his thoughts about esotericism in the modern age. This part of the interview was dope! So, please join us for that exclusive second half of the interview. Also remember that we’re in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In October, we’re meeting to discuss the Tower, and you should join us!

    I want to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    X - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work / Venmo – https://venmo.com/u/Gregory-Kaminsky-5

    Support My Work / PayPal – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky. Now, in episode number 223, we’re joined by Eduardo Fidencio Cano, AKA Esoteric Eddie! Eddie has been researching the occult and esoteric, hidden history, conspiracies, and more for almost two decades and has authored three books: The Lucifer Mystery Revealed, The Anunnaki Theorem, and Crystal Lattice Mind Illusion. You can find him on YouTube at @esotericeddietv and Instagram @esotericeddie.




    This was a really fun interview, because Eddie and I delved into all of our favorite esoteric lore starting with Lucifer and the significance of this popular figure in occultism. From there we explore the Annunaki mythology, Nephilim, biblical connections, the origins of humanity and much more! We go deep into alternative history, touching upon the research Eddie has done to reveal the true origins of religion, humanity, and the creator(s). This interview is dope, not only because of the subject matter, but because Eddie is a completely independent researcher who’s an autodidact, an author, and runs a YouTube channel that’s still growing. With his easy-going and down-to-earth style, it’s understandable why he has such a devoted following.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aids us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Dark Secret” by VSTRS (http://download.magnatune.com/artists/albums/vstrs-pandemoniumseesaw?song=4).

    In the Chamber of Reflection, Eddie and I go even deeper—into conspiratorial territory that some may find challenging. From the rulers of the world and their systems of control to current events to ways to take back our own sovereignty—this interview is LIT! Please join us for that exclusive second half of the interview.

    Also remember that we’re in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In August, we’re meeting to discuss Death, and you should join us!

    I want to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net
    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com
    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality
    Email – [email protected]
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality
    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality
    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality
    Support My Work / Venmo – https://venmo.com/u/Gregory-Kaminsky-5
    Support My Work / PayPal – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. Now, in episode number 222, we have another very special interview for you! You love his books, and he always educates and entertains us beyond all expectations—the one and only, Peter Mark Adams returns to the podcast to discuss his most recent masterpiece—Hagia Sophia, Sanctum of Kronos: Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny! You can find Peter online at https://petermarkadams.com/.

    "Peter Mark Adams is an author, poet, and essayist who specializes in the ethnography and visuality of ritual, sacred landscape, esotericism, consciousness, and healing. His latest book, Hagia Sophia, Sanctum of Kronos: Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny (https://scarletimprint.com/publications/p/hagia-sophia-sanctum-of-kronos), is a study of the sacred architecture of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, which dates back to the sixth century. Adams examines the sacred traditions encoded within the structure, from the ancient Rites of Eleusis to the school of Alexandria and offers a fresh and penetrating perspective on how architectural details and history can be read and understood. The book traces a journey across the Hellenistic world as its classical culture teeters on the brink of extinction at the hands of religious zealots."

    Once again, from start to finish, this interview is LIT! Peter Mark Adams demonstrates over and over through the conversation how his mastery of his subject is all-encompassing. From Adams’s work, we can now more fully understand the significance of this holy structure and how its history and the context of spirituality which it embodies is sublime and majestic. Through understanding and appreciating human achievement in service of devotion, we participate to some degree in its intention and purpose as well. Peter Mark Adams is one of our favorite guests and this interview demonstrates why. I cannot recommend Hagia Sophia, Sanctum of Kronos highly enough! If you appreciate the most original and important esoteric scholarship available today, then you’re already a fan of his work. If not, you really should be.

    I know this intro is long enough already and I don’t mean to delay you from hearing the actual interview, but I need to take one moment here to recognize the great fortune we have to read and learn what it is that Peter Mark Adams has uncovered for us, yet again. In a superlative third book, Adams has shown us a level of research, insight, and ability to understand ancient religion and spirituality that is perhaps unmatched. It is a true blessing to share in the fruits of his labors and we celebrate his work!

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aids us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Knight of the Brazen Serpent” by Equinox (our own Billy Hepper!) (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuq3yYmrLGdtk-J_2ol23hA).

    In the Chamber of Reflection and at our Patreon, Billy and I continue the interview with Peter Mark Adams including the contrast of the aesthetics of the Hagia Sophia with other Christian churches, the spiritual and metaphysical significance of light and sound, the adaptation of pagan deity names and words of power into Byzantine Christian liturgy, and much, much more! Join us for that compelling conversation.

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you! Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In June, we’re meeting to discuss Temperance and you should join us!

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work / Venmo – https://venmo.com/u/Gregory-Kaminsky-5

    Support My Work / PayPal – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire! Now, in episode number 221, we have a very special interview for you—Chuck Dunning, Jr. returns to the show to discuss his excellent new book, A Rose Croix Oratory: Rosicrucian Reflections and Resources from a Knight of the Eagle and Pelican. Having written the foreword to this book myself, I can tell you that it is very, very special and this conversation with Brother Chuck reflects the beauty and sublimity of his work. https://www.amazon.com/Rose-Croix-Oratory-Rosicrucian-Reflections/dp/1605320773/

    "I cannot actually imagine a better gathering of author and subject then Chuck Dunning and Masonic Rosicrucianism… since the time I met him, Chuck has demonstrated the accomplishment of virtue, the embodiment of fraternalism and love for humanity, a keen intellect, and devotion to, and knowledge of, the traditions of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism beyond anyone I know. For him to author this text and share it with us is a tremendous blessing. He honors the origins of the Rosicrucian tradition, its philosophy, the teachings on spirituality and metaphysics, alchemy, magic, and its integration with Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Even his insights into the creation of a Christian Cabala that borrowed from the Jewish tradition, a thorny issue at best, is mature, well-considered, and kind. Finally, Brother Chuck graces us with his words about service, and most importantly, love as the basis and result of this spiritual path. It would be accurate to say that while reading this book, I was moved between respect for the impeccable communication of knowledge and feelings of heartfelt emotion when encountering sublime poetry and the underlying intentions beneath the words.

    "Chuck Dunning is a true and worthy guide. This book is an authentic presentation of the Rosicrucian philosophy, from its inception in the seventeenth century to its modern expressions. The inclusion of his personal experiences, reflections, insights, and devotional verses along with the sublime symbolic artwork ensures that this book is one that you can depend on as you traverse the path. It is accurate, well-considered, intentionally crafted to aid you on your journey, and if you follow its teachings as methods to practice, you will not go astray." — Greg Kaminsky, excerpt from the foreword to A Rose Croix Oratory

    From start to finish, this interview is LIT! Chuck Dunning, Jr. is one of our favorite guests and this interview demonstrates why. Embodying the spirit and understanding of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry through living its teachings and communicating that to others is just one of the ways that Brother Dunning teaches us the way. His new book is absolutely crucial reading for anyone who is even interested in the subject and imperative for those who endeavor to follow this path. I cannot recommend Chuck Dunning’s A Rose Croix Oratory highly enough! If you know, you know. If you don’t, listen to this podcast and find out.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aids us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “In Search of the Philosopher’s Stone” by William Zeitler (https://williamzeitler.com/store/InSearchOfThePhilosophersStone/index.php).

    In the Chamber of Reflection and at our Patreon, Billy and I continue the interview with Chuck Dunning, Jr., where we continue our exploration of the virtues of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry including chivalry and knighthood, Christian Cabala, prayer beads, angelic ritual, compassion as a method to overcome the illusion of separation and much more! Join us for that compelling conversation.

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. Later in April, we’re meeting to discuss Death and you should join us!

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (membership) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OccultofPersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work / Venmo – https://venmo.com/u/Gregory-Kaminsky-5

    Support My Work / PayPal – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. Now, in episode number 220, you know him, you love him: Freemason, Druid, and author John Michael Greer returns to the show to discuss his recent book, The Ceremony of the Grail: Ancient Mysteries, Gnostic Heresies, and the Lost Rituals of Freemasonry. https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-ceremony-of-the-grail-ancient-mysteries-gnostic-heresies-and-the-lost-rituals-of-freemasonry/18924740/

    From start to finish, this interview is totally LIT! John Michael Greer has more fully revealed some of the most intriguing mysteries of western esotericism, which for me include gnostic connections in the Grail mythos and the origins of Freemasonry. To be honest, I never actually thought I would ever encounter proof that is so clear and was more than willing to accept these understandings without it, but this is next level in terms of the history of western esotericism. Highly recommended! The Ceremony of the Grail is a must read, along with Greer’s book on temple technology: The Secret of the Temple: Earth Energies, Sacred Geometry, and the Lost Keys of Freemasonry. https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-secret-of-the-temple-earth-energies-sacred-geometry-and-the-lost-keys-of-freemasonry-john-michael-greer/8779177

    "Delve into Ancient Mysteries with Some of Freemasonry’s Most Guarded Secrets

    "The Holy Grail. The medieval stories of Merlin. The ancient Greek Mysteries. Discover the connection between them all with this phenomenal book by 32nd-degree Freemason and celebrated author, John Michael Greer. He uses careful research to fit together seemingly unrelated traditions and topics, drawing on translated texts and published documents that, until recently, were jealously guarded. A must-read for anyone interested in occult Freemasonry and the Grail mysteries, this book provides answers that have eluded seekers for centuries.

    "Using the earliest surviving Masonic ritual texts as well as pioneering insights and writings by Jessie Weston, William Morris, and other renowned scholars, this book reconstructs the Grail ritual and provides guidelines for performing it. Greer also presents Freemasonry's origins, full translations of pivotal essays, and fascinating history from megalithic to modern times. The Ceremony of the Grail pieces together a puzzle that has captivated practitioners throughout the ages."

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “The Holy Grail” by Russ Hopkins and Jerry Palmer (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/hopalmer-moon?song=7).

    In the Chamber of Reflection and at our Patreon, Billy and I continue the interview with John Michael Greer, where he expounds upon the origins of Freemasonry and connections to ancient religion, discusses the Ceremony of the Grail, and much more! Join us for that compelling conversation.

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. Later in February, we’re meeting to discuss the The Hanged Man and you should join us!

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKBc9SEZJbz0A9n3ytbSXg

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire! Now, in episode number 219, we’re joined by author Brian George to discuss his recent book, Masks of Origin: Regression in the Service of Omnipotence. https://untimelybooks.com/book/masks-of-origin/

    Brian and his work are not the sort typically featured on this podcast. But I think you will find that the intention and exploration of his writing goes towards the results of esoteric practice and the consideration of all of the huge questions that define the meaning of our existence. This conversation is not unlike Brian’s writing in that our pace is easy, our course is not linear, and through it insights that are both wonderful and a bit surprising reveal themselves. If you appreciate humanity’s struggle to know and find new ways of knowing, you’ll enjoy this conversation. Give Brian some love and pick up his book if you enjoyed his interview.

    Brian George’s personal essays invite the reader on a journey beyond the normal categories of space, time, and narrative structure, towards a shore of multidimensional experience. Writes the author: “The book is not quite a collection of essays, or the fragments of an autobiography, or a record of inter-dimensional journeys, or a work of metaphysics, or a sociopolitical critique, or an attempt to formulate a contemporary mythology—although it has elements of all of these.” In Masks of Origin, we meet the artist not only as a cosmic traveler and esoteric yogi, but also as a schoolboy, a son, a rebel, a lover, a teacher, a friend/enemy, and a family man—in short, as a person with adventurous goals but few pretenses. As we follow George in the probing of his origins, we may find that we have suddenly drawn much closer to our own.

    You can find more of Brian’s writing here: https://dark-mountain.net/author/brian-george/ and https://www.metapsychosis.com/creative-agents/brian-george/.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Hidden” by Myles Cochran (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/myles-marginal?song=4).

    In the Chamber of Reflection and at our Patreon, Billy and I continue the interview with Brian George, touching upon ultimate meaning, time, life, and much more! Join us for that compelling conversation.

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. Later in February, we’re meeting to discuss the The Hanged Man and you should join us!

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKBc9SEZJbz0A9n3ytbSXg

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • In episode 218, we’re joined by witch, Tarot reader, teacher, and author Sabrina M. Scott for a wonderful interview about her book Witchbody (https://www.sabrinamscott.com/witchbody), which was an entrée into an extraordinary conversation about witchcraft, magic, philosophy, and the sacred! You can find Sabrina on Instagram at @sabrinamscott and her website at https://www.sabrinamscott.com/.

    Sabrina Scott describes herself as a no bullshit spiritual teacher and tarot reader with clientele worldwide, who teaches magic, witchcraft, energy work, mediumship, and personal transformation. In addition to writing on spirituality, witchcraft, and tarot, Sabrina also writes about how these themes relate to recovery, trauma, violence, dysfunctional family systems, disability, chronic illness, wellness, and healing.

    I loved Sabrina’s book, Witchbody, because it embodies a wholistic approach to spirituality and magic, weaving strands of intuition, ancient lore, self-empowerment, learning, philosophy, and pure insight to create a wonderful book that looks and feels like a homemade ‘zine from the 1980’s. I found speaking with Sabrina to be enchanting because she’s brilliant, knows the subject intimately, has great energy, and is able to communicate the subtleties of mysticism and magic with ease. Towards the end of the public section of the interview, we also discussed her new book Curse and Cure.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    In the second half of our interview, available to members at https://chamberofreflection.com and our Patreon, Sabrina Scott continues the conversation as we delve even more deeply into magic, devotion, prayer, and practical steps to improve our spiritual practices. Join us for that compelling conversation!

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In late November, we’re meeting to discuss the Wheel of Fortune and you should join us!

    Although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://download.magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “the sadness of the witch” by Falling You (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/fallingyou-touch?song=5)

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Email – [email protected]

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKBc9SEZJbz0A9n3ytbSXg

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/occultofprsnlty/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Support My Work – https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m Greg Kaminsky and your co-host is Billy Hepper.

    Now, in episode number 217, we discuss Catholic occultism, mystical theology, saintly devotion, and exorcism with Agostino Taumaturgo! This is a great conversation with a really unique and wonderful being. Billy and I are big fans of Agostino because of the unique niche he fills and all the ways that he benefits his followers. If you’re already familiar with him and his work, then you already know, and if not, then prepare yourself for an epic Occult of Personality interview! You can find Agostino online at https://thavmapub.com/.

    "Originally from Queens, New York, and having grown up in Dayton, Ohio, Agostino Taumaturgo is a unique figure. He is the product of the unlikely combination of a Traditional Roman Catholic background and a spirituality-friendly home. It was here that Agostino first learned the basics of meditation, prayer, and spiritual working. In time, Agostino completed his theology studies and was ordained to the priesthood and was later consecrated a bishop. He has since left the Traditional movement and brings this knowledge to the outside world through his teaching and writing, discussing spiritual issues and practical matters through the lens of traditional Christian theology."

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    In the second half of our interview, available to members at https://chamberofreflection.com and our Patreon, Agostino Taumaturgo continues the interview delving even more deeply into Catholic occultism, exorcism and more. Join us for that compelling conversation!

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In September, we’ll be meeting to discuss Justice and you should join us!

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://download.magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Cursed Passage” by Equinox (AKA our own Billy Hepper!)

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality podcast website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Email – [email protected]

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKBc9SEZJbz0A9n3ytbSXg

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m Greg Kaminsky and your co-host is Billy Hepper. Now, in episode number 216, author, speaker, and our good friend Angel Millar returns to the show to discuss his most recent book, The Path of the Warrior Mystic: Being a Man in an Age of Chaos. https://www.amazon.com/Path-Warrior-Mystic-Being-Man-Chaos/dp/1644112671/

    "Ancient and classical societies have always had an ideal of manhood. . . Yet, today, men exist in a chaotic world without role models, guidance, or a sense of the sacred masculine. Exploring how to reconnect with the archetypal male ideal and develop the different sides of your being, author Angel Millar offers a journey of self-development to help cultivate yourself as a whole, mentally, physically, and spiritually. He examines some of the problems facing men in the world today—lack of strong friendships, distracting technology, constant criticism—and shares practices to develop yourself in the face of these problems. . . this guide will help you discover your inner sacred masculine, a better understanding of the world and your place in it . . . "

    Personally, I find Millar’s writing to be inspirational, motivational, beneficial, and eminently practical. His most recent book, The Path of the Warrior Mystic, meets us where we are as modern men and helps us to understand the work required to realize our potential. If you want to understand the truth of your situation and how to make it better, I highly recommend Angel’s book. If you read it and implement its recommendations, your life will begin to change for the better.

    Angel Millar is a well-known lecturer on initiation, symbolism, Freemasonry, and self-development as well as an artist and student of the martial arts. The author of several books, including The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality and The Path of the Warrior-Mystic. https://angelmillar.com/

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In September, we’ll be meeting to discuss Justice and you should join us!

    In the second half of our interview, available to members at https://chamberofreflection.com and our Patreon, Angel Millar delves deeply into the circumstances which bind us and potential solutions. We also chat about the state of the world, society, and a future that most of us never imagined. Join us for that compelling conversation!

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Forbidden Zone” by Equinox. https://soundcloud.com/billy-hepper

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality podcast website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Email – [email protected]

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Support Our Work – PayPal - https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKBc9SEZJbz0A9n3ytbSXg

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Rokfin – https://www.rokfin.com/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m Greg Kaminsky and your co-host is Billy Hepper.

    Now, in episode number 215, we’re joined by the one and only John Michael Greer: Archdruid, Freemason, teacher of ceremonial magick and mysticism, and one of the most excellent and prolific writers around, not only with his occult books and blogs, but also his extensive writings on ecology and civilizational decline. We get into all of it in this extensive interview, which is an important and timely conversation, but especially the second half. I’ve personally found that JMG’s occult writings are very accurate and reliable, and that following his recommendations from his non-occult writings are lifesaving, so it is a joy to be able to share this interview with you!

    You can find JMG online at https://www.ecosophia.net/ and https://ecosophia.dreamwidth.org/.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership website who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    In the second half of our interview, available to members at https://chamberofreflection.com and our Patreon, JMG delves even deeper into civilizational decline in its various manifestations. Join us for that compelling conversation!

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. In August, we’ll be meeting to discuss The Chariot and you should join us!

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Nou Welcome Somer” by Shira Kammen (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/shira-almanac?song=11).

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality podcast website – http://occultofpersonality.net

    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com

    Email – [email protected]

    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality

    Support Our Work – PayPal - https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality

    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKBc9SEZJbz0A9n3ytbSXg

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

    Rokfin – https://www.rokfin.com/occultofpersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m Billy Hepper and Greg Kaminsky is your co-host.

    Now, in episode number 214, we have the return of Freemason and author Jaime Paul Lamb to discuss his excellent recent book, The Archetypal Temple and Other Writings on Masonic Esotericism! https://triaprima.co/2021/08/18/new-book-the-archetypal-temple-and-other-writings-on-masonic-esotericism/

    Jaime Paul Lamb is an astrologer and tarotist, practicing in the context of the Western occult tradition. You can find Jaime online at https://www.jaimepaullamb.com/.

    In the second half of our interview, available to members at https://chamberofreflection.com, our Patreon, and premium subscribers to Rokfin.com at https://www.rokfin.com/occultofpersonality, Jaime Paul Lamb delves even deeper into the content from his latest book. We talk about astrology, Tarot, Hermeticism, and much more. Join us for that wonderful conversation!

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. Later in May, we’ll be meeting to discuss The Pope / Heirophant! Join us!

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Fortune Lies Freedom” by Shawn Harris (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/harris-temptation?song=5).

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg
    Occult of Personality podcast website – http://occultofpersonality.net
    Chamber of Reflection (Occult of Personality membership section) – https://chamberofreflection.com
    Email – [email protected]
    Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality
    Rokfin – https://www.rokfin.com/occultofpersonality
    Support Our Work – PayPal - https://paypal.me/occultofpersonality
    Telegram - https://t.me/occultofpersonality
    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/occultofprsnlty
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKBc9SEZJbz0A9n3ytbSXg
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OccultofPersonality

  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky. Your co-host is Billy Hepper.

    In episode number 213, we have the legendary Scott Gosnell for an amazing conversation about his translation of Giordano Bruno’s essays, entitled On Magic (https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Giordano-Bruno-Collected-Works/dp/198182636X/)! You can find Scott online at https://bottlerocketscience.blogspot.com/.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership site who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    Please remember, we are in the midst of our Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle that is open to all Chamber of Reflection paid members. At the end of this month, we’ll be meeting to discuss The Pope / Heirophant! Join us!

    In the second half of our interview, available to members at https://chamberofreflection.com, our Patreon, and premium subscribers to Rokfin.com at https://www.rokfin.com/occultofpersonality, Scott Gosnell delves even deeper into the magical philosophy of the brilliant Giordano Bruno. The essays Scott translated are overflowing with fascinating insights into the mind, humanity, and the world. Join us for that wonderful conversation!

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. As always, if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Magic of Love” by Vasily Boykov (http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/vasilyboykov-mysticalspirit?song=10).

    Greg Kaminsky Linktree – https://www.linktr.ee/brothergreg

    Occult of Personality podcast website – http://occultofpersonality.net

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  • Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky.

    In episode number 212, we have a very special guest, my new co-host, Billy Hepper! Billy is a Freemason and lectures on Masonic topics. He hails from Vancouver, British Columbia, and has been a longtime listener and supporter of the podcast.

    Billy also has skills in digital audio, and we share a love of specific esoteric studies, like Freemasonry, the Grail mythos, spiritual contemplation, and Tradition.

    It’s been a few years since Rudolf and I parted ways and I have to admit that doing the podcast with a partner is a lot more fun. So, thankfully, Billy has agreed to join me here and we’re looking to make the podcast fresher, more energetic, and fun by doing what we do best. So, you can expect more excellent audio interviews with authors and experts in occultism and esotericism. But in this episode, I welcome Billy and we talk about our shared interests.

    One of the topics Billy and I discussed is the book, Meditations on the Tarot, as it has had a significant impact on both of us. This text is subtitled A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, and it demonstrates a contemplative method for direct apperception of divine wisdom through the symbolism of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. We are forming a study circle for this book to go through it in depth. More details about the study circle are available in the recording of the initial meeting. That meeting and all future meetings will be recorded and made available for members in the Chamber of Reflection at chamberofreflection.com. After the interview, stay tuned for an important message about our new Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle.

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Crypt of the Black Virgin” by our own Billy Hepper.

    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to, our membership site who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come. Although you may listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com, subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality, or join us at https://rokfin.com/occultofpersonality! And if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past – my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

    Order of the Cup and the Sword: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2125957214164805/

  • In episode number 211, we’re joined again by our good friend, spiritual practitioner, martial artist, and author Craig Williams, to discuss his recent book, Tantric Physics I & II—In One Volume— (Vol.1: Cave of the Numinous Vol.2: Sacred Body, Sacred Space) from Anathema Publishing, Ltd.


    Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to chamberofreflection.com, our membership site who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.

    Now, in episode #211, Craig Williams returns to the show to talk about his wonderful book, Tantric Physics, specifically Volume II: Sacred Body, Sacred Space! You can find Craig online at http://www.ayurvedaaustin.com/.

    I want to take a moment to reminisce about how I’ve known Craig personally for 9 years. Since the day I met him, he’s been honorable, straightforward, honest, smart, talented, inspiring, and has had the most intense focus on advancing on his spiritual path of almost anyone I’ve ever known. Craig’s writing and talks inspire his readers and listeners to learn and grow and become better people. I am honored and proud to call Craig my friend. I am also thrilled that he joined us here to discuss Tantra and his book, which is an absolutely amazing two-volume in one that is one of the best books on the subject I’ve read. Whatever your spiritual path, Craig’s work is beneficial because he is describing authentic esoteric view and methods that are designed to and do produce gnosis as the result. I highly recommend Tantric Physics I & II!

    "First explored in Tantric Physics Vol. I: Cave of the Numinous, the new release from Anathema Publishing, Tantric Physics II: Sacred Body, Sacred Space continues to express the haunting inner realizations of initiatic perceptions. Embracing both the right-hand and left-hand paths, the text reveals a unique vision of a Tantric physics utilizing all branches of Vaidika sciences: Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, Vedanta, and Tantra.

    "Far from a dry academic text, Tantric Physics II: Sacred Body, Sacred Space reveals an intensely personal initiatic vision of the human body, Shivaite and Vaishnava gnostic streams, and the mysterious path of the Aghori leading unto the Womb of the Dark Goddess in all her intoxicating manifestations."

    The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “Diana Nemorensis (A Ritual in Four Parts)” by Noumenal Vibes x Giulia Turolla (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnHKyfY_Paw).

    In the second half of the interview in the Chamber of Reflection, Craig and I continue to discuss Tantric Physics, diving very, very deeply into an exploration of gnosis, gnostic bliss, birth and death, and much more. In all my years of recording this podcast, few interviews have resulted in a more in-depth analysis and a discussion that goes straight to the heart. You do not want to miss this crucial conversation on the very nature and purpose of esoteric practice!

    I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. And if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past—my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!