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I denne podcast får du, på uformel vis, viden om psykologi og konkrete øvelser til din egen selvudvikling!
Din vært er Cleoh Søndergaard: Autoriseret psykolog, der til dagligt arbejder med psykoterapi og supervision inden for det kliniske felt. Hun elsker formidling og er desuden klinikindehaver af Innervention.
Hun inviterer sine kolleger i studiet til samtaler om psykologi, psykoterapi og selvudvikling.
Flertallet er psykologer - de har alle noget vigtigt på hjertet, som de brænder for!
I podcasten finder du også solo-afsnit, hvor hun deler sin viden om en række emner som selvværd, den indre selvkritiker, stress, skizofreni og angst. Du vil også finde mini-afsnit med øvelser og guidede meditationer.
INDSIGT handler både om at kigge indad, at få et nyt perspektiv og kunne se nye muligheder - hvilket lige præcis er podcastens vision.
Missionen er at udbrede viden og psykoterapeutiske øvelser, så lytteren over tid vil opnå mere autencitet, selvværd og ro. INDSIGT med Cleoh kan derfor fungere som din psykolog i lommen.
Cleoh tror på, at gennem mere selvindsigt, får man modet til at vise sig selv venlighed og at man tør udtrykke sig autentisk. Ved at turde udtrykke sig ærligt, opnåes forløsning og ejerskab.
Dette er også en mission; at give lytteren modet til at vise mere venlighed og ærlighed overfor sig selv og andre. Så ønsker du et mere balanceret følelsesliv, mere selvværd og blomstring, bedre kommunikation i dine relationer eller blot viden om faget psykologi, er dette podcasten for dig!
Om Cleoh Søndergaard:
Uddannet og autoriseret psykolog, samt certificeret sexolog. Klinikejer og ophavskvinde ved Innervention. Underviser og supervisor.
Hun tilbyder psykoterapi og supervision og brænder for formidling og foredrag.
Hun er anerkendt for sin terapeutiske stil og har en bred erfaring, men forbliver nysgerrig og sulten på viden.
Metodisk, filosofisk og praktisk er hendes hjerte i ACT; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Denne har sit oprindelige ophav i buddhistisk psykologi og er en moderne 3. bølge adfærdsterapi, der blandt andet arbejder med følelser, selvomsorg, heling, metakognition - og har værdier for øje som en central rød tråd. -
A podcast about getting through life with a differently shaped brain. My Good Bad Brain aims to build a space of solidarity and validation for the neurodiverse. We do this with honest explorations of life with mental health challenges, especially depression, anxiety, ADHD, and the general existential dread of being alive today. Soomehow, from this, a sense of invisible connection, community, and possibility arises.
If you're thinking about killing yourself: do not.
Self - care, hydrate, be well.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The podcast for adults with ADHD. Hear stories, learn strategies, and get great productivity tips as we talk about the real-life struggles and what it takes to achieve success. Host, Eric Tivers, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, coach and entrepreneur (with ADHD) in private practice. Eric interviews a variety of guests. Many are people just like yourself, as well professionals, entrepreneurs, and ADHD experts.
Når du bare vil have max energi til at leve livet
Inspiration and motivation to help simplify your home, time, to-dos, health, relationships, and emotional well-being. Since 2001, CarlaRae has been a Professional Home Organizer and Life Coach helping families and individuals clear the chaos and clutter from their lives. She launched this podcast to help bring even more people the freedom of simplicity. Each episode gives you practical tips and resources that you can implement today to find balance in your everyday life to become happier and healthier once and for all. With no judgment and with complete understanding, CarlaRae will inspire you to let go of everything holding you back in life while focusing on what really matters to you. She offers plenty of free worksheets, guides, and other amazing resources to help you along the way. The Life Made Simple Podcast is home organizing, time management, personal development, priorities, productivity, motivation, family, relationships, diet and exercise, weightloss coaching, and so much more!
If you are serious about your own empowerment and you're looking for the most efficient and effective pathway to go to the next level in your life, if you're looking for the world's #1 leading specialist in human behavior to guide you and help you make sense of your life and help you get the advantage, then welcome home. This podcast is for you.
Dr John Demartini is a researcher, author, and global educator. He has developed step by step processes that help you to clarify your vision, achieve your goals and empower all the areas of your life so that you get to live a fulfilled and purposeful life.
He has studied over 30,000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 100 countries. -
I podcastserien undersøger Ayoe Ramati og Stine Buje, hvordan vi som mennesker kan leve fuldt og helt, mens vi er her. I en række samtaler holder de mikrofonen for mænd og kvinder, som har valgt at leve med hjertet forrest. Tag med på en rejse, hvor vi bliver klogere på, hvordan man bryder med rammerne, gør op med normerne og finder sin egen vej i livet. Musik: Martin Bentholm. Producer: Jakob Ranum.
Samtale podcasten "En snak om hestetræning" er startet af BBH Træner Sarah Gerding.
Sarah lever til dagligt af at undervise, have heste i træning og at afholde kurser.
Motivationen bag, er de super interessante, sjove pinlige og nogen gange helt ubrugelige samtaler hun på daglige basis har med sine kunder, fagpersoner, elever og familie om det at træne heste, og alt det uden om.
Ofte bliver umiddelbart ligegyldige samtaler om et lille sår, en øvelse der er lidt svær, en hest der ikke er helt tilpas, en hest der er den bedste i verden, og meget mere, til nogle virkelig spændene, og måske lige frem inspirerende samtaler, som man ønskede man havde fanget på bånd.
Det har vi nu, og derfor kan du sidde med ved bordet når Sarah snakker med hestemennesker fra ind og udland om alt fra hove, til sadler, det at få familen til at hænge sammen med at have hest, og bare, helt almindelig daglig træning. -
Ønsker du at vide hvordan du kan styrke dit selvværd? Ønsker du at elske dig selv og leve et autentisk liv? Tvivler du på om du kan opnå dine drømme og hvad vejen er der til? Så er Selvværds Projektet for dig!
I denne podcast vil jeg og mine gæster besvare disse spørgsmål og meget mere! Din vært, Anna Staffe vil hjælpe dig med at knække koden til et højere selvværd, få modet til at leve et autentisk liv, og en step-by-step guide til at udleve dine drømme.
Abonner på min podcast, så du aldrig går glip af en episode! -
In this episode of the "Secret to Success" podcast, CJ hosts an engaging conversation featuring co-host Karl Wesley Phillips, Dr. King, ET and special guest Gersh King. The episode kicks off with the hosts catching up, sharing a light-hearted and humorous dialogue that sets the tone for an inspiring discussion.
Gersh King, a physical therapist known for his exceptional skills and dedication, shares his journey of personal and professional growth. He discusses his experiences with challenges such as homelessness, ADHD, and anxiety, and how he overcame them through intense dedication to his craft and personal development. Gersh emphasizes the importance of impact over monetary gain, explaining how he discovered fulfillment through service and honing his skills. He also delves into his rigorous routine, including his practice of lunges and a disciplined workout regimen inspired by figures like Bruce Lee.
The hosts touch on topics like the power of breathing techniques to manage anxiety and enhance focus. Gersh leads a brief breathing exercise to demonstrate how proper breathing can ground you and activate the parasympathetic system for relaxation. The conversation further explores philosophies from Bruce Lee, the significance of being authentic, and how to harness one's energy and skills to become a master in their field.
This episode is a deep dive into the mindset and practices required to achieve personal and professional mastery, offering listeners practical tips and inspiration to pursue their own paths to success. -
Take a glimpse into the world of applied positive psychology with The Flourishing Center. Each episode includes three sections giving you insights and hacks into a living an authentically happy and flourishing life. In the first segment, Science Says, uncover new research in positive psychology and how to apply the science to your life. In the second segment, we showcase a Life Hack which is a proven and practical action you can do today to boost your productivity and wellbeing. In the third segment we enter the Practitioner's Corner where we interview with a guest positive psychology practitioner. Guests include teachers, parents, therapists, entrepreneurs, managers, coaches, doctors, teenagers and others, who have been trained in positive psychology, and are applying the science in unique ways in their unique sectors of the world.
Er du læge eller medicinstuderende og i tvivl om hvilket speciale du skal vælge? Så har du fundet den rigtige podcast!
I programmet interviewes speciallæger indenfor alle 39 specialer. Så lyt med og bliv klogere på bl.a. den typiske hverdag, work/life balance og alternative karriereveje. -
Providing awareness, identification, education and support for those in, needing more information or recovering from Domestic Violence at the hands of a narcissist.
Traume - Specialist Lars Mygind og Evolutionær Astrolog Mannah Guldager er i samtale om traumets natur, rækkevidde og helbredelse. Det vi har til fælles er en interesse for de ubevidste programmer og en åbenhed for hele tiden at lære mere om, hvordan vi kan opløse det, der holder os fra at leve et dejligt og opfyldt liv. Vores intention er, at denne programserie vil indvie dig i en forståelse af traumer, der kan hjælpe dig konkret i hverdagen og i din måde at forholde dig til dig selv på.
Du er velkommen til at skrive på facebooksiden (facebook.com/traumeterapipodcasten) med dine refleksioner og eventuelt ønsker til hvad vi tager op i kommende afsnit.
Se mere om bl.a. de kurser Lars tilbyder i traume terapi her: https://mygind.dk/
og Mannahs astrologi her:
https://www.mannahguldager.com/ -
Din Portal til Viden om ADHD
Explore the power of your mind to create reality. Featuring interviews with visionaries, consciousness researchers, maverick scientists and authors. Learn about energy medicine, remote viewing, heart intelligence, hypnotherapy, mind mapping, PSI, Kundalini, meditation, visualization and more! Hosted by Kelly Howell of Brain Sync - www.brainsync.com
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
The Herbs & Oils podcast by AromaCulture.com features educational conversations about herbalism, aromatherapy, and holistic health with some of the leading professionals in the herbalism, aromatherapy and natural health industries. Join your host, Jonathan Stewart, as we learn more about herbs, essential oils, organic gardening, sustainability and holistic health. Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only, and is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you are in need of medical care, and before making any changes to your health routine.
Kass and Steve: Two international coaches who have traveled the world educating people with their expertise in confidence, success, happiness and health. Get ready...this podcast just might change your life.
The Work for Change Podcast by brothers Jean and John Glaude. Sharing Stories and Strategies to Make a Positive Impact in Your Life.