
  • I hope you are finding a theme on this podcast. I am always trying to bring you conversations about real-life problems that us moms face on a daily basis. Also, I want to always point us back to Jesus as well as practical ideas to move forward.

    Today’s episode is one of those issues we face on a regular basis: Alyssa Bethke is passionate about this idea of “being all and doing all.” She really digs into why women struggle with this. My intentions aren’t always bad as a “doer” - they just aren’t sustainable. I would love to fix it all, handle it all and make sure everyone in my life is happy. I really, really struggled with this in my 20s and 30s. However, I am so excited that I have grown in this area and found ways to trust what he’s calling me to do - and only those things.

    I love how Alyssa asks herself this question, “Lord, what is mine to do?” Don’t miss this part at the end when she gives us how she practically handles the pressure of many demands on us. As moms, this pressure to help, fix and support our kids is very real. It is very hard to face that reality - that there is never enough time or energy to do and be all. And that is where our faith comes in. How can we really lean into God so that we know what is ours to take and then we have peace surrendering the rest?

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The struggle of doing it all as a momThe gift of boundaries and how to say noFinding rest in God’s grace and what he calls us to do





    Introduction and Background


    The Struggle of Trying to Do It All


    Setting Boundaries and Saying No


    Seeking God's Guidance in Each Season


    The Desire for Control and Predictability


    Finding Rest in God's Grace


    The Struggle of Control and the Call to Surrender


    Honesty and Unmet Expectations in Our Relationship with God


    Parenting: Trusting God and Surrendering Control


    Trusting in God's Goodness and Seeking His Guidance

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:

    Alyssa Bethke Instagram


    When Doing It All, Is Undoing You - new book

    Gamechanger Amazon List

    Amazon List - more ideas

    White Bird Movie

    Carpool Conversations

    Christian Parenting store

    Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • “I am telling you these things now while I am still with you. But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you” (John 14:25–26 NLT)

    When we declare Jesus to be our Savior and commit to following him, the Holy Spirit enters us and changes our lives forever! With the Holy Spirit’s help and guidance, we can begin to live more like Jesus and display his character, learn the truth about God, receive and grow in our spiritual gifts, and have the power and courage to share our faith. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us when we believe. The Holy Spirit helps us in every aspect of our faith journey.

    When it comes to our kids, let’s pray that they would position their hearts to know the Holy Spirit and hear his voice, respond to his love, and let him guide their lives.

    Lord, may ______________ grow to love you more and more every day. May they feel the presence of your Holy Spirit alive in them. Make their hearts soft so they can be more responsive to you, and when the world tries to pull them away from you and your ways, may they rely on the Holy Spirit to direct their paths. Amen.

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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  • Do you have a brand you love in your house? My girls have been obsessed with all the beautiful jewelry pieces of enewton for many years. I am always intrigued when I see a mom running a massive business. My hunch was that Eizabeth Newton was a faithful, generous and fun CEO. I learned that she is even more than that!

    Elizabeth shares her story of raising triplets (and a 2-year-old) in the beginning years of enewton. She shares about her passion for generosity and how that has stayed with the company through the incredible growth and expansion. She also shares some practical ways that you can involve your kids in your business while prioritizing your family above all.

    She offers so many nuggets of parenting wisdom through our chat, but I really loved her parting words for us. She encourages us to “show up and give yourself grace.” I know I needed that reminder as a mom that is trying so hard to get it right. We are doing better than we think. Keep giving it your best and give yourself loads of grace!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Juggling business and kidsStarting a business with tripletsInstilling faith practically in her home Conflict, comparison and celebration as siblings Raising independent kids

    Enjoy !



    00:00 Introduction and shared connections

    03:18 Having fun and not taking oneself too seriously

    05:28 Parenting triplets and starting a business

    08:54 The growth of enewton and giving back

    12:49 Prioritizing presence and grace

    15:35 Creating lasting memories and prioritizing what matters

    18:08 Incorporating ministry into work and family life

    20:24 Celebrating others and teaching independence

    25:37 Showing up for your children and giving yourself grace

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:


    enewton Instagram

    Flourishing Families

    Read Again and Again Bible Storybooks

    Christian Parenting store

    Pardon The Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:16–17 NLT)

    Jesus’ death on the cross gives us access to God again. It’s not just about eternal life with him, though he promises his followers that. Choosing Jesus is also about experiencing a peace that passes all understanding and building a relationship with the father right here and right now.

    Jesus took what was broken in our world and made it whole again and he can do the same for us.

    So this week let’s pray that our kids will know Jesus as the savior of the world and choose to follow him every day of their lives. Let’s pray they would come to know him as the way, the truth, and the life.

    Jesus, thank you for coming to the world and sacrificing yourself for our sins. May __________ come to understand the gift of salvation, accept your grace, and choose to follow you. May they know that they cannot earn your grace, but it is a free gift that comes from the love you have for them. Amen.

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Sophie Hudson aka “Boo Momma” is one of the funniest speakers and podcasters I have ever been around. Sophie has a way about sharing truth and encouragement in this most relatable way. Today, we cover key topics from Peepers (readers you need) to why Birmingham women are so classy and then we spend most of our chat time discussing women and leadership.

    In this episode, she shares the hard truth that our churches and communities have not always prepared women for leadership. As moms, we so often wonder if we even have gifts? And we often don’t even see ourselves as leaders.

    This conversation is a really important one for us as women. Sophie goes into ways we can embrace our roles as women and how to walk fully and confidently in our God-given gifts.This episode is very profound and at the same time practical. You will walk away with tangible things you can do today to see yourself more clearly - how God made you a leader.

    If you have sons, don’t miss the beginning part as she shares about what God is teaching her as a parent of a grown son. She has some beautiful encouragement for moms of sons and how their relationship has morphed and strengthened over time.

    I am praying you feel this conversation so fired up and excited to discover your gifts and go lead with passion! I pray that through his conversation we learn to be kind to ourselves and gracious as we learn who we are. Let’s pay attention to what makes us come alive and SEE clearly how God wired us to glorify Him right where we are.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Raising sons and what’s she’s learning latelyWhy women don’t see ourselves as leadersHow we can begin to identity our unique giftsHow to see yourself as God sees you - finding your unique wiring

    Enjoy !


    What brings you alive?


    Introduction and Family Background


    Active Parenting and Engaging in Conversations


    The Growth of Self-Awareness in Children


    The Importance of Light-Heartedness in Leadership


    Empowering Women in Leadership


    Recognizing and Embracing Leadership Gifts


    Finding Peace in Pursuing Passions


    Bringing Joy and Encouragement in Everyday Life


    Finding Purpose and Identity Beyond Motherhood


    Embracing Your Unique Gifts and Talents


    Prioritizing Personal Interests and Passions


    Living a Life that Brings Joy and Glory to God

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:


    Big Boo Cast

    A Fine Sight To See - her newest book


    Daily Drills

    HomeGoods Camp

    White Bird

    Carpool Conversations Podcast

    Pardon the Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Scripture tells us that God is like a potter and we are like the clay that he works with (Isaiah 64:8). He forms us with his hands, but he doesn’t forget about us once he is done! We are not a clay pot that sits on a shelf and is only touched when we remember to dust it every now and then. No, God continues to shape us.In fact, God loves us so much that he calls us his own! When we choose to follow Jesus, we are adopted into God’s family where there is both freedom and grace. Our father is so faithful to us that even when we don’t choose him or we run away from him, he waits for us and rejoices when we return. There is nothing we, or our kids, could ever do that would make our heavenly father love us less (or more!).So this week, let’s pray that our kids know God as the good father that he is.

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • I didn’t know “swap” was a thing in podcasting. Who knew? It was an immediate YES when we got the opportunity to swap episodes with my dear friends Sissy Goff and David Thomas. You will get to hear one of their actual episodes from the Raising Boys and Girls podcast - to get a glimpse of how they support parents across the world.

    These two have helped raise my kids in some ways. I have read every book they have written and listened to every episode of their podcast. Sissy and David, with Raising Boys and Girls, offer clinical experience and grace-filled encouragement for every stage of our parenting. You will see a glimpse of their practical parenting support and tender encouragement in this episode.

    When you were growing up, did your parents pass a feelings chart around the dinner table? Or did you have healthy conversations around emotions? We’re guessing, for most of us, that’s a no—but we’d love to hear in the comments!

    In case you didn’t or are just wondering what a healthy emotional vocabulary looks like for your family, this episode is the one for you! In it, Sissy and David discuss what it looks like to fold an emotional vocabulary into the life of your family, plus stumbling blocks and building blocks that are often more specific to girls and boys (and maybe mom’s and dad’s, too). We hope it helps and that you’re HAPPY and ENCOURAGED once you have a chance to listen!

    Grab a copy of Are My Kids on Track? to follow along with us through the season over on our podcast, Raising Boys and Girls.

    And be sure to listen for Pardon The Mess as we appear on their podcast in the next couple weeks!



    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Celebrating around the Table

    Politics Simplified

    Resources from today’s show:

    Sign up for Raising Boys & Girls monthly newsletter to keep up to date with where David and Sissy are speaking, where they are taco'ing, PLUS conversation starters for you and your family to share!

    Tune into more of this series on the Raising Boys & Girls podcast

    Go behind the scenes and watch Sissy & David’s podcast on YouTube!

    Download a copy of the Raising Boys and Girls Feelings Chart.

    Connect with David, Sissy, and Melissa at raisingboysandgirls.com.

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • The mother-daughter relationship can be the most special bond out there. However, it can also be tough in many seasons. The mother-daughter duo of Sandra Stanley and Allie Stanley Cooney are on the podcast today to give us very practical tips on ways to build, maintain and strengthen our relationships with our daughters.

    As we think about the mother-daughter relationship, we can often jump to the things we need to add to our plate. We feel guilty that we aren’t doing enough. Sandra shares that we may need to actually eliminate things. We may need to limit what we do - to make room for this important relationship.

    As a mom of daughters, I absolutely loved this chat and it gave me so many great ideas I can still implement in my own home. However, if you have sons, you will still gain some great thoughts on connecting with all of your children.

    My favorite part of the episode is when Allie shares about her college experience and how she made her faith her own. Her insight was really helpful to me about our kids finding their identity and how they can change from “I have to love Jesus” to “I want to love Jesus.” So many powerful moments from two of my favorite people.

    In this episode:

    Creating a safe and loving environment for daughtersHow to pass on an authentic faithHow to show interest in your child’s life




    Introduction and Mother-Daughter Similarities


    Creating a Safe and Loving Environment for Daughters


    Passing on Faith: Modeling and Encouraging a Personal Relationship with God


    Modeling Authentic Faith


    Personal Faith Journey


    Staying Stable in Parenting


    Being Available and Humble


    Showing Interest in Your Child's Life


    Adjusting Parenting Approaches

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:


    Allie Stanley Instagram

    Meet Me In The Middle - their new book

    I Said This, You Heard That - temperament book

    Parenting book by Andy and Sandra Stanley

    Allie & Courtney - previous podcast episode

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Have you ever had a season where you question everything about yourself? Have you found yourself in an insecure spot and wonder if you’re too late or too old? Do you wonder if you have anything to offer the world?

    I have been in this place more times than I can count. Being a mom and balancing career and purpose and raising kids can be very complicated and very discouraging. It’s so very hard to discern what to do when God feels quiet and sometimes the path feels uncertain or vulnerable.

    My guests today, Cari Trotter and Terri Flannagan, share their own stories about why it’s so hard to discern around career and calling. I believe their honest feelings and practical advice will encourage you in your own journey.

    Please don’t miss this entire episode. It’s a little long, so you may need to listen in two parts. My favorite part is at the end when we start tackling the practical stuff. What do we do with a complicated situation? How can we take a step? How can we discern what to do in the next season?

    I pray this episode meets you in such a special way. That you feel like we opened your heart and soul and spoke to a place that needs encouragement. I am insanely thankful for authentic and honest friends that love me and love Jesus. It’s a true gift.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Handling a midlife crisis, work and reinventing ourselvesBalancing careers and raising kidsHow to discern what God has for us How to fight the very loud lies that want us silent and frozen


    Introduction and Entertaining Start


    Talking About Fashion and Passion Projects


    Midlife Crisis, Work, and Reinventing Ourselves


    Introductions and Current Life Situations


    Why Balancing Work and Personal Life is Hard


    Discerning What's Next and Dealing with Lies


    Navigating Transitions and Evaluating Priorities


    Dealing with Comparison and Seeking Authenticity


    Being True to Yourself and Finding Support


    Conclusion and Final Thoughts


    Staying Rooted and Grounded


    Embracing Silence and Growth


    The Journey of Faith


    Redefining Success


    Embracing Struggles and Failure

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:


    Party On Purpose - Cari’s business with girls

    Cari’s Instagram


    The Unreal Reel - Terri’s Instagram

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • You can imagine, I have been quite excited to share this episode with you all. Priscilla Shirer is one of the gifted preachers that has inspired me and challenged me so much over the years.

    I was so thrilled to get a chance to interview her about her latest movie and book. The Forge, produced by The Kendrick Brothers, is set to release next week. I Surrender All, her latest book, just came out last week.

    Both of those new projects are all about surrender. How can we surrender our lives and go from being a believer to a disciple? I loved how she teaches us about that difference and how the idea of surrendering all can truly impact our faith (and our families).

    Although Priscilla is a world-renowned teacher, preacher, actor and writer - she’s also a mom, just like us, giving it her very best. I love hearing about the ways her amazing parents instilled the practices of faith. She shares about their consistency and what she remembered about growing up in a house that honored God.

    Don’t forget to grab your Prayer Journal! We will be starting to pray through that together on Pardon The Mess on September 9. Grab a friend or your small group and let’s commit to pray for our kids this entire school year.

    In this episode, we chat about:

    The difference between being a believer and a disciple How to walk through grief and hold onto your faithHow to instill faith in our kids when they aren’t into itHow to stay consistent with honoring God with your kids

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:

    Priscilla Shirer - Priscilla’s ministry, Going Beyond

    The Forge - Her latest movie

    I Surrender All - Her latest book

    Evans Family on Death & Loss

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • We are finishing our Summer of Stories with Nicole Zasowski. She is a counselor, author and speaker that shares her painful story of infertility and miscarriage. Many of you know too well what it’s like to embrace joy when you’ve walked through so much loss and disappointment. Nicole bravely encourages us all that it’s possible. It’s possible to find joy and practice thanksgiving even when mourning and grief is very present.

    Make sure you follow along this week on Pardon The Mess Instagram page. I will share the picture of all of her kids that stopped me in my tracks. The photo was edited to feature her 3 kids on earth and her 5 kids in heaven all walking together on the beach. This photo so beautifully depicted the reality that Nicole is a mom of eight children, not just three. If you have been through loss like Nicole, I believe you will be so encouraged by her honesty about the emotions she feels and her journey with God through it all.

    My favorite part is when she shares about the brain science behind negativity and joy. She shares practical ideas on how we can lean towards and practice savoring joyful moments. We can store these memories in a part of our brain that helps us recall them again and again.

    Praying for each of you now, that you feel seen and heard through this episode. I pray that God meets you in the tender, broken and disappointed places of your heart.

    Much love,


    In this episode, we chat about:

    Nicole’s journey with infertility and miscarriageLeaning into God with all of your emotionsHow sadness can help us find the joyHow to practically celebrate and savor moments when life is hard


    0:00 Introduction and Background

    03:48 Struggling with Infertility and Miscarriage

    08:09 Feeling Alone and Finding Support

    11:35 Journey Between Children

    16:01 The Vulnerability of Joy

    22:24 Holding Both Pain and Joy

    24:17 The Power of Celebration

    27:56 Savoring Everyday Moments

    30:21 Celebration as a Rhythm

    35:40 Engaging God in Joy and Pain

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:


    Lost to Found

    What If It’s Wonderful

    NLT Student Thinline Reference Bible

    Hope for your Homeschool

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Welcome to Week 9 of our Summer of Stories series! This Summer we have been featuring stories of incredible moms that have endured significant challenges. Through these stories, we pray you will remember that God is faithful and always with you through life’s most challenging moments.

    In this week’s story, you will hear from the hilarious and wise Karen Stubbs. How many people can say they married a Top Gun fighter pilot? Well, Karen married that guy we saw in the movies. However, she very quickly realized that the cute uniform wasn't that cute when he was away most days of the month.

    Karen’s story is one of raising her young four kids without support. So many of you know this road - whether you are a single mom, have a husband that travels or works often or even if you live from friends and community. Karen shares the very honest truth of what God did when she felt completely alone and isolated in motherhood.

    Make sure you get to the end when Karen shares about parenting very different personalities. She explains why it’s so important that we really know how our kids operate and the benefits of parenting them with strengths in mind.

    I am praying Karen’s story reaches so many moms that feel in over their heads and you find reassurance that God is with you every step of the way. Karen is now a grandmother and runs a global ministry for moms. She has mounds of wisdom and truth that you will enjoy!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    How to parent alone from single parenting to a traveling husbandHow to practically survive in a world with little support and communityWhen you realize your husband cannot meet your needsHow to parent kids with unique personalitiesWhen your child questions their faith

    Love, Courtney


    Introduction and Background


    Challenges of Military Life


    Relying on God to Meet Needs


    Impact on Children and Marriage


    Understanding and Parenting According to Temperaments


    Navigating the Challenges of Raising Kids in the Church


    Finding Hope in Difficult Circumstances


    Practical Parenting Advice from 'The Survival Guide to Motherhood'

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:

    Birds On A Wire Moms

    Wire Talk Podcast

    Survival Guide to Motherhood by Karen Stubbs

    Pinc Ministries with Ashley Hicks

    Temperament & Personality Quiz

    Parenting Together

    NLT Student Thinline Reference Bible

    Hope for your Homeschool

    Pardon the Mess is part of The Christian Parenting Podcast Network. As a donor funded ministry, we rely on generous supporters like you to keep this show going. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider giving a gift today. Join the Christian Parenting Legacy Builders community

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Welcome to Week 8 of our Summer of Stories series! This summer we have been featuring stories of incredible moms that have endured significant challenges. Through these stories, we pray you will remember that God is faithful and always with you through life’s most challenging moments.

    In this week’s story, you will hear from the extraordinary Cleere Cherry Reaves. It’s very likely that you have one of her beautiful products and didn’t even know it. Her massive heart for Jesus pours right into her beautiful company. I have enjoyed so many of her books, devotions and gifts for years.

    In the first part of our chat, we talked about her business and entrepreneurial spirit. So many of us moms have a creative stirring from God and we often aren’t sure what to do with that. How do we pursue a creative idea while raising kids? We often get overwhelmed and just put it aside. I’m praying that there’s a few moms listening that need to regain confidence and motivation to explore the creative ideas God put inside your heart.

    The second part of our talk was my favorite! Cleere shares her story of going into labor prematurely and the miracle story that follows. Cleere’s son, Sledge, has faced so many uphill battles and has suffered more than any mom wishes on their child. Maybe you have a child with a tough diagnosis? Or you know of another mom with a motherhood journey that went differently than expected? This episode is for us all. We can all learn from Cleere’s undeniable faith and perseverance as she raises one strong and mighty boy.

    Love, Courtney



    Introduction and Small Talk


    Creating Products that Serve a Purpose


    The Challenges and Rewards of Entrepreneurship


    Starting a Business with a Specific Person in Mind


    Supporting and Celebrating Others in the Entrepreneurial Journey


    From Challenges to Miracles: Trusting God's Plan


    The Impact of Perspective on Others


    Embracing Authenticity and Finding Joy


    Trusting in the Character of God


    The Power of Community and Support

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:

    Cleerely Stated

    Promises from the Psalms - card set I bought Ella

    Unfiltered - Cleere’s new devotional


    Pardon the Mess is part of The Christian Parenting Podcast Network. As a donor funded ministry, we rely on generous supporters like you to keep this show going. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider giving a gift today. Join the Christian Parenting Legacy Builders community

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Welcome to Week 7 of our Summer of Stories series! This Summer we have been featuring stories of incredible moms that have endured significant challenges. Through these stories, we pray you will remember that God is faithful and always with you through life’s most challenging moments.

    In this week’s story, you will hear from the delightful, creative and intentional Erin Burchik. She is a family friend and I have long-admired her approach to parenting. She desperately wants to enjoy each of her kids and embrace the “good ole days” of kids in the home. She will share how traveling and taking trips became a passion of hers. And she will share some super practical ways to make trips doable and affordable when you’re on a budget.

    Before we get to the scoop on traveling for less, she shares her story about becoming a mom. Through many trials and some devastating financial loss, Erin has fought through doubt and frustration with God. She felt called to adopt and then it didn’t go as smoothly as she had hoped. It’s so fun to see her on the other side of this battle and see the family that God designed from the very beginning.

    My favorite part is when she explains the WHY behind their family adventures. She’s not traveling to flex on Instagram or show off or waste money. She’s traveling because she wants to create memories with her kids, to carve out time to adventure together and to get out of their comfort zone. I love her approach!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Erin’s journey to motherhood - foster care and adoptionHow to find community with other adopted familiesHow to exchange gifts for experiences at ChristmasHow to find creative ways to do big trips on a little budget





    Introduction and Background


    The Journey of Adoption


    Building a Supportive Community


    Creating Lasting Memories


    Santa Bringing Christmas Trips


    Maximizing Credit Card Points


    Saving Thousands on Family Trips


    Benefits of Traveling with Kids


    Building Independence and Confidence


    Enjoying Motherhood and Savoring the Moments

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:


    Erin’s Instagram

    Erin’s travel site - Points For Families

    Erin’s book - Animals of the Nativity

    Erin’s book - The Bear Hug

    TBRI for families that have adopted

    Pardon the Mess is part of The Christian Parenting Podcast Network. As a donor funded ministry, we rely on generous supporters like you to keep this show going. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider giving a gift today. Join the Christian Parenting Legacy Builders community

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • When I engage with young moms, I often get asked a lot about alcohol. These women are wanting me to give them an “official answer” about how a Christian woman should handle alcohol. And I often don’t have the specific answer they want - because it is so often in the gray area. And only the person asking the question knows what’s going on under the issue.

    Today’s story is about a mom that got curious about her relationship with alcohol in her early 30s. As you hear her story, you will be inspired to take an honest assessment and just get curious about your relationship with alcohol. She called it “getting sober minded.”

    Although I don’t drink - I have my own vices which we discuss. I joke about my love of the phone, cookie dough and TJMaxx. If I’m honest, I often use those to outsource my comfort. This isn’t an episode for moms that drink - this is an episode for all of us.

    My favorite part is when Jenn shares about the benefits of operating in a sober mind. She reminds us that being present with our kids is worth the fight. Let’s lean into Jenn’s story together and be brave enough to hear what God is nudging us to do in response.

    Don’t forget to check in our Jenn’s community called Sober Sis and utilize all of the fantastic resources that are helping thousands of women become sober-minded and enjoy this life to the fullest!

    In this episode we chat about:

    Jenn’s journey with alcohol and finding a sober-minded lifeHow to pay attention to what God is saying to us directlyHow to get curious about areas of addiction in our livesHow to fight for presence with our families


    Introduction and Connection


    Early Years and Introduction to Social Drinking


    The Influence of Mommy Wine Culture


    Outsourcing Comfort and Dealing with Anxiety


    Questioning the Relationship with Drinking


    Understanding the Mindset and Motivations Behind Drinking


    Questioning Your Relationship with Drinking


    Introduction: Jenn's Journey of Sobriety


    The Importance of Addressing the Root Cause


    Taking the First Step: Sobriety Curiosity


    Shifting Mindset: Gaining, Not Giving Up


    The Power of Community in Sobriety


    Personal Growth and Sobriety


    Conclusion: Encouragement for Moms

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:

    Sober Sis Home Page - ​Happy Hour Survival Guide - Free Guide​21 Day Reset Challenge Sober Sis - Facebook ​Sober Sis - Instagram​​Sober Sis 2024 Retreat ​ Look Alive, Sis! by Jenn Kautsch (book) - Little Habits, Big Faith

    Pardon the Mess is part of The Christian Parenting Podcast Network. As a donor funded ministry, we rely on generous supporters like you to keep this show going. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider giving a gift today. Join the Christian Parenting Legacy Builders community

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Happy July 4th!

    This week’s story features my friend, Stacey Morgan, who is an astronaut’s wife! Her life is truly fascinating. Her family is currently living in the Marshall Islands which is 5 hours south of Hawaii.

    Stacey honestly shares the truth about loneliness. She has had to start over multiple times as a military spouse. I love her hard truth about loneliness: we have to make the first move. She also shares how her kids are thriving as they were uprooted from the cultural norm in Texas, and now live on an island with 1,200 people total. They are learning valuable life lessons about what’s most important.

    My favorite part is at the very end when she talks about her top learning as a mom of over 20 years. Her encouragement to “let go” was really timely for me. I am having trouble letting go of my oldest who is a rising senior. I need that reminder over and over again.

    In this episode, we chat about:

    How to navigate marriage when you are both strong leadersHow to start over when you move into a new city (or island! :)Why community matters in motherhoodHow to make friends as an adult woman What to do when you’re deeply lonely



    Introduction and Background


    Moving to the Marshall Islands


    Supporting a Spouse's Career


    Living in a Small Community


    Transition and Loneliness


    Supporting Military Spouses and Moms


    The Importance of Community for Military Families


    MomCo: Supporting Military Moms


    Lessons in Trust and Letting Go


    The Power of Grace and Understanding in Parenting

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Get your 2024-2025 prayer journal, A Life of Faith

    Resources from today’s show:

    Stacey Morgan’s site

    Stacey’s Instagram

    Stacey’s Book: The Astronaut’s Wife

    MomCo - Military Meetups

    How to start an online MomCo group

    Pardon the Mess is part of The Christian Parenting Podcast Network. As a donor funded ministry, we rely on generous supporters like you to keep this show going. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider giving a gift today. Join the Christian Parenting Legacy Builders community

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • If she wasn’t one of my best friends, I don’t know if I would believe this story. However, it is true and real and incredibly powerful. My friend, Kylie White, was fully healed from near blindness. Her story and her miracle has exploded my faith the last several years. It has given me courage to pray bigger prayers.

    I will never be over what God did for Kylie. Even though I’ve heard this story many times, I heard even more details during this conversation which exploded my faith yet again. God is so good. I’m truly excited for us all to have this reminder today through Kylie’s story.

    My favorite part is hearing how she got to the miracle day. Listen closely as she shares the years leading up to her miracle. Lean into what God was pressing on her heart. And let’s lean into what God wants to say to you through her story. What is He asking you to release and surrender? What miracle do you believe is too far gone?

    In this episode, we chat about:

    Kylie’s miracle story and healing How we can trust God and lean in when we don’t understand the full storyHow to parent the pain endured with adoptionHow to love our kids unconditionally

    Don’t forget to share the Summer of Stories with your friends - so that they can also be reminded that: God is good. You are not alone. And He is with you during life’s hardest moments.



    Introduction and Catching Up


    Adoption and Navigating Challenges


    Parenting and Unconditional Love


    Experiencing a Modern-Day Miracle


    Asking for Healing


    Miraculous Healing


    Confirmation of Healing


    Orphan Prevention and Untold


    Lessons Learned as a Parent

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Pardon the Mess is part of The Christian Parenting Podcast Network. As a donor funded ministry, we rely on generous supporters like you to keep this show going. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider giving a gift today. Become a Christian Parenting Legacy Builder

    Resources from today’s show:

    Kylie’s Instagram

    Kylie’s blog

    Untold - Nonprofit Kylie supports

    Father’s House - Bible study by Rachel

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Welcome to Week 3 of our Summer of Stories series! For the next 10 weeks, you will hear one powerful story after another. We are featuring 10 stories of incredible moms that have endured significant challenges. Through these stories, we pray you will remember that God is faithful and always with you through life’s most challenging moments.

    I need everyone to take a massive deep breath before listening. And listen to the entire episode, not just the first few minutes. This is not a political episode. This is a story of one incredible mom, Amy Ford, that chose to keep her baby boy after an unplanned pregnancy and the God-sized story that followed.

    My favorite part is when she shares about her love for the women that walk with the shame of abortion. She is for all women and all stories. And she walks closely with women who have endured every part of the unplanned pregnancy journey.

    I am praying deeply that this story reaches an untold number of women and heals their hearts in a special way. And that we may join together and support women with unplanned pregnancies in the way God would. That we would love them deeply.

    Don't forget to share this episode with women in your community that need encouragement and healing around unplanned pregnancies.

    In this episode we chat about:

    Amy’s unplanned pregnancy Amy’s encouragement for those who live with shame of abortionHow to create a safe and supportive church environment with unplanned pregnanciesHow to turn towards God in some of life’s biggest mistakes or struggles



    Introduction and Amy's Family


    The Love Box and Volunteer Opportunities


    The Rejection from a Pastor and the Healing Journey


    The Impact of Amy's Story on Her Son


    Creating a Safe and Supportive Church Environment


    Healing and Hope After Abortion


    Creating Safe Spaces in Churches for Unexpected Pregnancies


    Taking Small Steps of Obedience


    Celebrating Women Who Turn Towards God

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Become a Christian Parenting donor

    Resources from today’s show:

    Amy Ford

    Embrace Grace

    A Bump In Life

    Love Box

    Support After Abortion

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • For our Summer of Stories, I got the pleasure of interviewing a dear friend Rachel Faulkner Brown about her incredibly hard and beautiful life. In the first half of this episode, we talk about her journey with losing two husbands and walking that grief journey twice. She shares so much wisdom for other widows as well as practical tips for all of us enduring life’s toughest pain.

    In the second half of our chat, Rachel bravely shares about their family’s most recent struggle - an eating disorder that quickly took a grip on her daughter. She provides invaluable insight and practical advice from the deeply painful journey they have walked.

    My favorite part of the interview is when she shares honestly about the shame we can feel as mothers. As she watched her daughter walk through the hardest season of her life - she was also faced with a choice to hold onto that control or release her to God. We all have these moments in parenting and we can learn so much from Rachel’s incredible faith journey.

    I’m so thrilled for you to get to know Rachel. She is a dear friend and a woman that has experienced God’s goodness throughout some of the deepest pain in her life. You will be inspired by her calling to pass on the love of God and hope to others’ in their darkest days.

    In this episode, we chat about:

    How to practically move forward when you lose your spouseHow to wrestle with God when horribly hard things happenHow to lean into God when life is upside downHow to love our kids when it’s hard and you must release controlHow to parent a child with an eating disorder



    Introduction and Background


    The Importance of Honesty and Community


    The Need for Aggressive Treatment


    The Healing Journey and Future Hope


    Prayer and Encouragement for Mothers

    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Resources from today’s show:

    Never Alone Widows

    Father's House Bible Study

    There is More podcast

    Podcast with Rachel’s daughter about her eating disorder - Part 1

    Podcast with Rachel’s daughter about her eating disorder - Part 1

    Reverend Joanne Moody

    St. Teresa of Avila Quote

    Healing prayer - resource 1

    Healing prayer - resource 2

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Welcome to week 1 of our Summer of Stories series! For the next 10 weeks, you will hear one powerful story after another. We are featuring 10 stories of incredible moms that have endured significant challenges. Through these stories, we pray you will remember that God is faithful and always with you through life’s most challenging moments.

    Today’s guest is my dear friend, Joy Phenix, who bravely shares her journey of losing her amazing son. Her story of loss and indescribable grief is so very hard to hear but oddly peaceful and sacred.

    My favorite part is when she encourages us to be a student of others’ grief journey. Every single person grieves at different times and in different ways. We cannot judge our friends or family members on that journey. This takes patience and grace and understanding.

    This episode is for anyone walking in grief - not just the loss of a child. All of us have seasons of tragedy and unthinkable hard times. We want to know how to trust God again and how to move forward in the midst of the pain. Joy will touch your heart in a profound way. I am deeply thankful for her willingness to share her story to help others.

    In this episode we chat about:

    How to endure the indescribable journey of losing a childHow we can help and support friends in their grief How to remember each person grieves differently and at unique timesHow to normalize talking about grief through the process


    Introduction and Catching Up


    The Power of Community in Times of Loss


    Finding Hope and Healing Through Faith


    Cherishing Memories and Finding Healing


    Vulnerability and Trust in Difficult Times


    Connect with Pardon The Mess:

    Christian Parenting

    Pardon The Mess

    Courtney DeFeo

    Resources from today’s show:

    Josh’s Celebration Service

    Joy’s Instagram

    Body Keeps The Score

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out FamilyAlbum: family-album.com
    * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: www.ixl.com/TODAY
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com
    * Check out Lil Critters: www.lilcritters.com

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy