Merry Krampus! We hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday with your friends, family, pets, and ghosts in your attic. This week, we're of course covering Krampus while respectively drinking the Krampus Cocktail!
It's delicious! Muddle a few blackberries in your cocktail shaker, add ice with two shots of vanilla vodka. Shake it up and double strain it into your champagne glass. Add some sparkling cranberry apple cider with just enough room for some Everclear. Then light it on fire!
Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4m_c7UEndg
First Leyna tells us the creepy backstory of Santa's evil helper and then Lauren shares a few poems mysteriously left in a village where people keep dying at the hands of a horrible creature.
Read them here: https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/e97lt0/krampus/
Lastly, thank you so much for your support this season! We're taking a little break to spend time with our families this holiday and recharge our batteries. In the meantime, catch up on any episodes you missed, and send in your ghost stories! We'd love to put out a few mini-episodes during the break.
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It's a Creature Feature! We're switching it up as Lauren takes a turn first to tell us about Hellhounds and how you can protect yourself from them...or make them your friends.
The drink for this subject is called Black Dog!
3oz Jim Beam Whiskey
1oz Dry Vermouth
0.5oz blackberry brandy
Shake it up and strain over ice
Leyna then tells us about little elven creatures called Redcaps. And let me tell you now, these spawns of Satan definitely aren't working in Santa's workshop and Leyna sips on a Gin & Tonic to get through it all! -
Пропущенные эпизоды?
We're going all the way to Italy this week to talk about Poveglia Island! Ever since it was claimed by people in the year 421, it has seen nothing but death. Leyna gives us the timeline from when it started off as a stronghold for battle, a quarantine zone where over 160,000 people met their deaths, and then eventually turned into an abusive mental institution run by a malicious doctor. Did you know the term quarantine comes from the Italian word "quaranta giorni" meaning forty days? That's how long people had to isolate themselves during plague times...Not these plague times, the other plague times...
Lauren tells us about the spooky encounters that thrill-seeking tourists and locals have experienced, and why they vow never to return to the island.
Our drink this week is a Bellini Cocktail which contains white peach puree mixed with Prosecco. Ironically, some of the best-tasting peaches in Venice are found on Poveglia Island. It couldn't have to do with the soil being made of human remains....could it? -
Happy Chanukah! Stay safe, be happy, and we hope you have a fantastic holiday with your loved ones.
Many a facepalm in this episode as we delve into the history and hauntings of the demon known as The Dybbuk! Leyna educates all of us on the history of what a Dybbuk is and how it came to be in Jewish folklore. Then Lauren tells us about the unfortunate events of the infamous Dybbuk Box.
What kind of reputation has this unassuming wine box caused over the years, and where is it now?? Maybe we have a few personal encounters with it as well...
This week we're both drinking wine.
While counties apart, Leyna is drinking "Josh" (Hey it's Kosher!) While Lauren is drinking "Cupcake - Red Velvet" (Uh, Not so Kosher)
Also, as a holiday gift to ya'll: no more ads for the rest of the month. Yay!
Want to give a Holiday gift to us? Why not send us your personal scary stories? Go to: passmetheboos.com/submit and send them our way ;) -
Happy Belated Turkey Day!
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This week we're covering Salem while sipping on some Witch's Brew!
Our version consists of a gin of your choice mixed with Blue Curacao and Sprite.
Stay safe out there during your Black Friday shopping, and try not to get punched in the face.
If you do, tell us about it at passmetheboos.com/submit
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Thanks for joining us for part 2!
Hey, while you're here, how about you send us a creepy story?
Email us at passmetheboos@gmail.com or go to our website passmetheboos.com! -
Woohoo double digits!? Happy episode 10 everyone. This week is a little different because this is our first episode on camera! So if you usually listen to audio, This week we talk Skinwalkers (aka Not Deer, Flesh Pedestrians, Epidermous Strollers, or Skinny Bois). How do you like this setup? Would you want to see more on-screen episodes? Let us know, send us an email passmetheboos@gmail.com
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Spooky season may be over, but we're not done telling ghost stories just yet! This week we're finally branching out from our home state of Pennsylvania and headed to Roanoke! Leyna tells us about the mysterious disappearance of the colony of Roanoke while Lauren shares some spooky local legends. Our drink of the week is a fruit wine from Bully Hill called Goat White Wine. Enjoy!
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Did those last games freak you out? If so, you might want to get the holy water out for this one. This week we share more games for you to play from the book Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark by Lucia Peters. This time we're sharing a few "higher-risk" games, and much to Lauren's protest, we end up playing one of them...
Among others, our games this week include Bloody Mary, The Answer Man, and The Elevator Game!
Our drink this week is our own twist on a witches brew. And since this is a two-parter, we made two versions
First, we used Three Bitches vodka, pineapple juice, and blue Hawaiian Punch to create a mix that makes a spooky shade of green!
For our second drink, Leyna made us her version of a dole whip with vanilla Smirnoff Vodka, pineapple juice, and a bit of food coloring to get that spooky green color. It tasted just like a vanilla cupcake!
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WARNING: This episode contains spooky slumber party games and rituals that may or may not summon unknown entities. Proceed with caution and welcome to the first part of our Halloween Special!
First Leyna gives us some background on the holiday that we all love so much. How did Halloween start? And how did it turn into the holiday we know and love now?
Then stay tuned as we swap rules to various games that you guys can play at your next Halloween shindig (If you dare). Remember Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board? Probably not this version... These games come from the book called Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark by Lucia Peters. Pick it up for yourself if you want all the gory details. These games range in risk levels from low to high. This week we're simply dipping our toes in by sharing some of the low-risk games, so if you think these games are freaky, just wait until next week!
And send us your personal scary stories! We wanna read then during next week's episode so hop to it! ---> https://www.passmetheboos.com/submit
This week our drink comes from Ship Bottom Brewery. It's called Cider Donut and it's fuggin delicious!
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This week we discuss the very strange case of the Smurl House. A family from a small town in Pennsylvania that claims they were haunted by demons for the better part of 12 years! Sound of pigs grunting, people being thrown across the room, cryptic messages on the mirrors. Was this the work of an angry spirit or something else?? Decide for yourself while sharing a milkshake with us!
2 pints vanilla ice cream, slightly softened10 oreo cookies2 oz Baileys Irish cream (about 1/4 cup)2 oz Vanilla vodka (about 1/4 cup)
PS: Sorry for the audio quality this week. This was when we were figuring out our new mics!
Our drink for this week was a Boozy Bailey's Oreo Milkshake!
https://www.thechunkychef.com/boozy-baileys-oreo-milkshake-recipe/FOR SERVING
drizzle of chocolate syrupchocolate jimmies (long sprinkles)cookies n creme chocolate barSteps:
Drizzle chocolate syrup on a small plate and add chocolate jimmies to another small plate. Dip rim of glasses into chocolate syrup, then into the jimmies. Set aside or refrigerate.Add ice cream, cookies, Baileys, and vodka to blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into glasses. Garnish with a piece of the cookies n creme bar and enjoy responsibly!
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It's cocktail night! Not just because we're having cocktails, but because we have a mix of stories for you this episode! This week our drunken duo discusses some local lore around Hopewell Furnace with a story sure to spark some chills around your next campfire. Then we head down the road to St. Peter's Village, a tranquil and cozy spot nestled in the Pennsylvania woods occupied by a few locals who never chose to leave. The last stop in our journey is to Free Love Valley, and that name pays homage to the free love lifestyle...
Our drink this week is called The Free Love Cocktail -
Lump Ice. Use Shaker.
½ of the white of 1 Egg.
3 dashes Anisette.
1 jigger Old Tom Gin.
1 pony fresh Cream. (What the fuck is a pony? Find out at the beginning of the episode)
Shake well, serve in a Cocktail glass.
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4 feet tall? Hairy? Yellow eyes?? Is it an Albatwitch or just one of our exes? Join Pass Me the Boos (Aka Drunk History with ghosts) as we polish off a bottle of wine from Clover Hill while discussing the mystery that surrounds this local cryptid known as the Albatwitch! Also, remember to mark your calendars for October 9th because PMTB is taking a field trip to the one and only Albatwitch Festival in Columbia, PA!
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Hide your booze, hide your wife because the ghosts of Brinton Lodge are coming out to play and they're a bit frisky. Cozy up with your favorite drink as we talk about Brinton Lodge and its colorful history of tragedy, unrequited love, and two different kinds of "spirits". Today we're drinking Nefarious Vibes which Lauren spills all over Leyna's floor. It's a Saison ale provided by Hidden River Brewing Company that's located inside the lodge! Plus, check out our socials to see the spooky photos of the ghosts that still live at the lodge to this day. Stay tuned after the main story as we finish off our Nefarious Vibes ale and break in our new shot glasses...literally. Cheers!
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Here at Pass Me the Boos we have a rule. That we just made up. Just now. Whenever we have a two-parter in the series, we take a shot in between episodes. Of what? Doesn't matter. This week it was windowsill whiskey! So now, a few Victory beers and shots of whiskey later, Lauren is ready to tell us about the few that still roam the corridors of this once bustling prison called Eastern State Penitentiary. It becomes clear that some inmates are still serving their sentence and they are less than pleased about it...
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Surprise! We wanted to give you all a little bonus episode in between our two-parter this week as a way to say thank you for listening to our new show!
Join us for our Bonus Boos as we read stories sent in by YOU. We'd love to read these at the end of episodes on a consistent basis, so send 'em in!
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This episode is for you history buffs! Join us for episode "Two-Parter" where Leyna gives us all the juicy details about the history of Philadelphia's prison system and the series of unfortunate events that eventually led to the birth of Eastern State Penitentiary. Join us as Leyna regales us on the process of construction, heinous torture methods, and the deaths that plagued this 10-acre coffin. Stay tuned for next week's episode when Lauren tells Leyna all about the haunted happenings at the former prison while several Victory Brotherly Love IPAs deep...
Stay tuned early next week for a special bonus episode!
If you'd like us to read your story at the end of the episode, send us an email at passmetheboos@gmail.com with the subject title "Bonus Boos" or visit our website at passmetheboos.com/submitInstagram: @passmetheboos
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Grab your martini shakers and sprinkle some salt on your windowsills, because today Pass Me the Boos is doing a deep dive into the history and hauntings of Pennhurst State School & Hospital!
Our drink of the week is called The Mayflower Martini in honor of the Mayflower Building at Pennhurst. Check the recipe below if you want to make your own drink while you listen! Post your creation if you do... If you tag us we'll feature you in our stories!Stay tuned after the episode to hear more paranormal experiences that people sent in! Want your encounter read on the podcast too? Send us an email at passmetheboos@gmail.com with the subject title "Bonus Boos" or visit our website at passmetheboos.com/submit
Instagram: @passmetheboos
Twitter: @PassMeTheBoos
Facebook: @PassMeTheBoos
Pour 1 teaspoon of sweet vermouth into each martini glass; swirl glass to coat and pour out excess. Set aside.Fill a martini shaker with ice cubes. Pour 1 part gin and 2 parts white cranberry juice. Shake vigorously 💦 Pour into martini glasses.Serve chilled with a garnish of whole cranberries on a toothpickBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched!
Recipe provided by Sandra Lee on foodnetwork.com
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Welcome to Pass Me the Boos! Join two childhood friends as they discuss the history and hauntings of locations far and wide while sipping on some spirits to complement their stories. Each week Lauren and Leyna dive deep into the unexplained sharing their findings and their own personal encounters with the paranormal. So get out your martini shakers and sprinkle some salt on your windowsills because Pass Me the Boos is coming September 3rd!
Want a chance to have your spooky experiences read on the show? Send us an email at passmetheboos@gmail.com with the subject title "Bonus Boos" or fill out the form on our passmetheboos.com/submit
Follow us on our socials to get updates for new episodes and content shared on the podcast!
Music by Parris Ryan
Art by Lauren Niedelman