Just when I thought I was taking a break... Hey, Nice Shirt!
DATE NIGHT SPECIAL EDITION - We pick up Rusty & Jasmine on the way home and things get a touch spicy.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Quit being a big ol baby and step out of the shadows. Life in the sun feels so much better.
I don’t believe in work/life balance… I believe in work/life blending.
It’s a lonely world out there… and it only gets worse the higher you climb.
Do employees make good owners?
… and at that point, Skinhead was 10 inches away from death. The machine had sank to the point he was up to his chest in tailings and sinking deeper by the minute.
Do you have a career path plan? Have you ever thought about your end goal or what “tour of duties” you need to take in order to achieve the goal? What happens if you want to pivot midway through? Without a plan, there is no pivot… there is only wandering.
You ever met that stud high school quarterback who had life by the balls back in the day but now sells used cars?
What about that young rockstar on a fast track to Vice President or Exec in the company but spends 5 nights a week in the bar?
Talent won’t get you very far… for very long
The legendary Shelby Turner chose the episode name… so don’t @ me!
There are only a couple opportunities in life that completely change the trajectory of your life, and you will always regret not going for it while you have the chance.
Forgot to push “publish” so this one came out a few hours late… my apologies, you can cut my per diem for today.
The FINAL DAY of my 30 Days of Questions. Thanks for everyone who followed along the journey. Hopefully you got a nugget or two of value or a little bit of entertainment along the way.
Day 29 of 30 Days of Questions and this is an extra long episode of rapid fire and story-telling to make up for Episode 28’s debacle!
Day 28 of 30 Days of Questions and another round of RAPID FIRE!!!
I am trying to get to the all the questions that I can before the shot clock expires this week. Be the BIRD!!!
Day 27 of 30 Days of Questions and this is another round of RAPID FIRE!
I stole my wife’s heated blanket, it’s a must-try! And there are always crap-sandwiches for leftovers!
Day 26 of 30 Days of Questions and this is another day of rapid fire!
Advice for 23 year old blazing a path.
My thoughts on the union.
Debt or equity to fund the growth.
Pismo or Moab.
Day 25 of 30 Days of Questions and I change strategy to RAPID FIRE mode and answer 5-6 questions back to back. Plus… I tell the secret on the single greatest business tool on planet earth.
Day 24 of 30 Days of Questions and my coach Cory Carlson asks, “What is the big challenge for Keaton Turner personally in 2025?”
Dont you hate when Coaches make you work, make you grind, make you dig deep in order to get better?
Day 23 of 30 Days of Questions and @jamestiver4500 asks, “What is your goal and vision with Turner Mining?”
Amazing shoutout to Botts Grading for the review!
Day 22 of 30 and I’m tired
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