
  • In pursuing life in Christ, the experience of reality is often turned on its head. Our perception of the world around us and the interior world is shaped and formed by so many forces and influences. In a counterintuitive fashion, we have to move in opposing directions to the things that satisfy our ego or the desires of the flesh.

    Needless to say this can be disconcerting. We may see ourselves as understanding the faith or as having grown in certain virtues only to have it dispersed in an instant by the light of God’s truth. Whether it is something small or great, we can see how far we are from the stillness of mind and body of which Saint John speaks. Indeed, St. John tells us that many of these things the common run of men will find quite alien to themselves.

    We are often cast about on the sea of our emotions or blown like a reed in the wind. We struggle with a certain aberration of mind; that is, we are ever so inconstant and changeable in the way that we live our lives. If one does not acknowledge this and struggle throughout the years to purify the heart, then to enter into the life of solitude and stillness can only lead to derangement.

    If what guides us is not the humble love and desire to give ourselves over completely to Christ then we are going to be fragmented internally by the most fierce passions. Anger will increase and even the memories of past wounds within the mind can fuel our resentment and drive us to the brink of madness. The person who enters into stillness well is completely unruffled by the chaos that exist in our world and becomes abstracted from the things that take hold of other peoples imagination as having great value. For the hesychast, however, there is only Christ!


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:06:08 Greg C: Father, is that still Step 27? I missed last week. 00:06:16 Fr. Charbel Abernethy: page 226 paragraph 32 00:06:24 Fr. Charbel Abernethy: yes. Step 27 00:06:33 Greg C: Thank you! 00:09:50 Bob Cihak, AZ: Will our next book be Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian, by Holy Transfiguration Monastery? 00:10:14 Adam Paige: Reacted to " …" with ☦️ 00:25:08 Art: Where can a lay person obtain a basic rule to follow, to grow with, and progress in? 00:27:19 Adam Paige: https://store.melkite.org/product/publicans-prayer-book/ 00:27:49 Art: Reacted to "https://store.melkit..." with 👍 00:40:04 Cindy Moran: also " to make sublime " 00:56:28 Fr Marty, AZ: Being with people who push my buttons, seems to me, to be one of God’s most common ways of showing me what He wants to heal in me. Metropolitan Vlachos, with his priests in mind, once wrote a book on the healing found in the Desert Fathers. He admitted that they had a good academic study of theology, but he lamented that they did not know how to lead their flocks into healing because they had not gone down the path to their own healing. His remark in the book was, “Theology…is the fruit of a man’s healing.” 01:01:20 Ren Witter: That day, I might have gotten a message from Fr. Charbel saying he was going into permanent seclusion 😂 01:01:57 Julie’s iPad: St Diadochos taught: “ Just as, when the doors of the baths are left continually open,the heat inside is quickly driven out,so also the soul, when it wishes to say many things, even though everything that it says may be good, disperses its concentration through the door of the voice”. 01:12:45 David: 😀 01:13:00 Greg C: 😁 01:13:13 Fr Marty, AZ: :) 01:13:26 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father...excellent session. 01:13:27 Jeff O.: Thank you! 01:13:32 David: Thank you father! 01:13:33 Lorraine Green: Thank you 01:13:40 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
  • Only the most stalwart and patient of souls can follow along with this evening’s readings without being troubled. Once again it is repeated for us that our life is to be one of constant repentance; that is, turning toward God. Systematically the fathers break down every illusion that we might have about ourselves as having no need of such repentance. Even if we fulfill the work of the day, our response must be like the servants in the gospel: “we are unworthy and have only fulfilled what is our duty.”

    Our state of mind can only be that of gratitude for the gift of God’s mercy and grace. He has bestowed upon us an abundance of love despite the fact that we have often, as the scriptures tell us, treated him as “enemies”. Indeed our infidelity and the depths to which it reaches eludes are perception.

    Even our growth in virtue should instill within us a greater urgency for this repentance. Growth shows previous inadequacy and negligence. We cannot be prideful or glorious about what we achieve; acknowledging that it is but a pale shadow of the love that God has bestowed upon us.

    Such an attitude also leads us to a deeper understanding of the need to embrace affliction. The gospel does not promise the security of this world or its comforts. In fact, just the opposite. To live for God, to embody the beatitudes is to find ourselves scorned and mocked by the world. The narrow way that leads to the kingdom passes inevitably through Calvary.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:06:45 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 112, 3rd paragraph 00:25:55 Lilly: What page are we on? 00:26:11 Lilly: Thank you 00:58:49 Kate : Father,I am thinking about the Sacrament of Penance. My experience has been very legalistic and not really focused on this repentance, this turning towards of God that you are speaking about. Do you have any recommendations on how to prepare for Confession that would be focused on this kind of repentance? 01:02:47 Lilly: I personally found the Eastern sacrament of penance humiliating-in a good way-as we are face to face with the priest, and depending on the father has us under his mantle and full body prostration 01:07:39 Forrest Cavalier: O Lord, I believe and profess that you are truly Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the first. Accept me today as a partaker of your mystical supper, O Son of God, for I will not reveal your mystery to your enemies, nor will I give you a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief I profess you: Remember me, O Lord, when you come in your kingdom. Remember me, O Master, when you come in your kingdom. Remember me, O Holy One, when you come in your kingdom. 01:07:50 Forrest Cavalier: May the partaking of your holy mysteries, O Lord, be not for my judgment or condemnation but for the healing of soul and body. O Lord, I also believe and profess that this, which I am about to receive, is truly your most precious body and your life-giving blood, which, I pray, make me worthy to receive for the remission of all my sins and for life everlasting. Amen. O God, be merciful to me, a sinner. O God, cleanse me of my sins and have mercy on me. O Lord, forgive me for I have sinned without number. 01:08:25 Forrest Cavalier: From https://parma.org/prayer 01:15:32 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you Father Blessing 01:15:44 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father 01:15:48 Cameron Jackson: Thank you 01:16:02 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
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  • What possibly could hesychasm or the life of hesychasts - those who live in perpetual stillness and prayer - mean for those who living in the world; for all of those surrounded by a constant stream of noise and distraction?The answer is everything! Though few are called to this manner of life, all are destined to experience the fullness of its joy and sweetness in Christ in the kingdom. We have been made sons and daughters of God and the very Spirit of Love dwells within our hearts.

    What moves us to emulate the fathers in their discipline, to seek what they seek, must be the same desire. Our experience of Christ, our drawing close to him through prayer, the sacraments, and the scriptures must kindle within us an urgent longing for what He alone can provide.

    Those who love the things of the world do not see the pursuit of them as being extreme. Why is it when it comes to seeking the One who offers us perfect Life and Love that we become self-conscious; that we begin to worry about what others may think of us or how they might treat us? Why is this true even though Christ tells us that we should expect to be hated all by all because of His name? The Hesychast becomes the image of one who adds fire to fire. Having tasted the sweetness of Divine Love, he is willing to sell all to possess it. Gradually he becomes prayer and his life - a sacrifice of praise. In this he becomes like unto the angels.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:29:15 Michael Hinckley: what you are talking about reminds me of St Thomas' straw comment. 00:32:04 Nick Bodmer: I believe it was Sartre 00:32:20 Michael Hinckley: "other people" came from that play no exxt? 00:32:25 Michael Hinckley: exit 00:32:32 Nick Bodmer: Yes, No Exit 00:32:47 Susan M: YES IT WAS SARTRE 00:32:56 Michael Hinckley: On the feast of St. Nicholas [in 1273, Aquinas] was celebrating Mass when he received a revelation that so affected him that he wrote and dictated no more, leaving his great work the Summa Theologiae unfinished. To Brother Reginald’s (his secretary and friend) expostulations he replied, “The end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me.” When later asked by Reginald to return to writing, Aquinas said, “I can write no more. I have seen things that make my writings like straw.” 00:55:18 Rebecca Thérèse: It made a big difference to me when I was talking to a Catholic priest and I realised that he really believed what he was saying. That was one of the main things that informed my decision to become Catholic having previously been Anglican. 00:57:13 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "It made a big differ..." with 🥰 01:01:20 Michael Hinckley: need to drop This Holy Priest is living much of what is mentioned here. He is part time hermit and fun to watch https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIcePO_eJb28EWIw68kBQMew0vMZydwj1 01:07:28 Kate : It seems like he is giving us an examination of conscience when he lists the different places on the ladder. 01:08:11 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "It seems like he is ..." with 👍🏼 01:11:41 Andres Oropeza: What if you suffer from despondency but the common life isn’t an option and yet the battle rages around you, or even if you aren’t alone but the people with you can’t offer what’s needed? Should we not pursue stillness by cutting out distractions, focus on prayer and fasting etc. or temper it in some way? 01:19:58 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father! 01:20:05 Jeff O.: Thank you!! Great to be with you all. 01:20:09 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you
  • We picked up this evening with Hypothesis 13 on the subject of keeping Vigil and not giving oneself over to excessive sleep. However, as we immersed ourselves in the reading, we began to see the father guiding us into something much deeper. The teaching on keeping vigil is a bridge to talking about Repentance.

    We were presented with the most beautiful understanding of the path the Christ guide us upon. There is a radical simplicity about it that is meant to cut through our tendency to turn the faith into something that is complex and impossible to understand. Repentance is not confined to particular times and deeds, but is put into practice to the extent that the commandments of Christ are fulfilled. The struggle for it is continuous until death.

    The kingdom of Heaven is at hand! This is our path! It is the constant turning toward God that draws us forward, transforms us, and allows us to comprehend the things of the kingdom. This forsaking of self and sin is the oil of our lamps and each person will reveal who he is from this lamp. His own, not another’s! It is filled and the light kindled by the practice of virtue.

    In fact, we are told that if we fail to live this and proclaim it to the world both in word and deed, we annul all that we do because we forget and do not take into account death. Our entire life is to be a striving to enter by the narrow gate, to walk the path of repentance - the dying to self and the rising to new life in Christ


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:07:23 Fr. Charbel Abernethy: Hypothesis XIII page 108 00:23:19 Lori Hatala: Like a soldier. 00:25:31 Adam Paige: To Love Fasting (pdf) https://archive.org/details/tolovefasting 00:26:22 Dave Warner (AL): Reacted to "To Love Fasting (pdf..." with 👍 00:30:55 Steve Yu: Reacted to "To Love Fasting (pdf…" with 👍 01:12:51 Lorraine Green: Thank you Fr.! 01:12:56 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father 01:13:02 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:13:04 Steve Yu: Thank you, Father! 01:13:25 Jessica Michel: Thank you Father 01:13:46 Lori Hatala: or a date 01:14:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Can you set it up so you have a choice of oldest first or most recent first? YouTube channels have this option for example 01:14:30 Cameron Jackson: Thank you. Very grateful.
  • It’s hard to imagine ourselves as being nourished upon stillness and silence. Yet, this is exactly what the fathers and St. John Climacus seek to teach us. Stillness allows us to have an experiential knowledge of intimacy with God - an encounter with Mystery. When we have shut the door to the senses, when we stilled our mouth from constant chatter and when we have shut the gate of the heart to demonic powers, it is then that we become prayer and gaze upon the Lord face-to-face. Our petitions, our needs and sorrows are written with love and zeal.

    We are to become an earthly image of an angel, whose prayer has not only been freed from sloth and negligence, but even from a kind of self-consciousness. The heart is ever ready for the Lord and His approach; and even if the body should sleep, the heart is awake and awaiting the beloved.

    Therefore, stillness is not only about being quiet, but rather it is a path to intimacy. The greater one’s love grows, the more passionate one becomes in their desire for God - everything on the periphery fades away and we see only our Lord.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:09:13 Fr. Charbel: page 223 no 11 00:24:18 Kate : “What more do you want, 0 soul! And what else do you search for outside, when within yourself you possess your riches, delights, satisfactions, fullness, and kingdom - your Beloved whom you desire and seek? Be joyful and gladdened in your interior recollection with Him, for you have Him so close to you. Desire Him there, adore Him there. Do not go in pursuit of Him outside yourself. You will only become distracted and wearied thereby, and you shall not find Him, nor enjoy Him more securely, nor sooner, nor more intimately than by seeking Him within you.” St John of the Cross 00:30:42 Rebecca Thérèse: Can the Holy Spirit shine light on the soul directly, for example if there is no suitable spiritual director or if there are people actively trying to corrupt and mislead the soul? 00:39:08 Nypaver Clan: Is it healthy to have a spiritual director who becomes ones “best friend”? Where are the boundaries to be set for a spiritual director? 00:41:54 Rachel: Yes, it jeopardizes their capacity to love, purely. As we cannot love purely with a gaze directed towards self or creatures 00:43:40 Rachel: it reduces the capacity to see God in the other and the only way a priest can help another or lay people help another is to first know God, to seek God and the ultimatele friendship in God, " I call you friends" 01:08:00 Fr Marty, AZ: I wanted to add to spiritual direction discussion. Everything that was said about spiritual directors is important. Boundaries and confidentiality are needful and we’re also meant to grow in detachment; that’s part of hesychasm. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean without care and affection. I’ve been close to spiritual directors, especially after ten or fifteen years of direction. And I’ve also became good friends of their other spiritual children. In a detached way, we had joy, love, and openness, but still my spiritual directors were not friends. And boundaries were still maintained. And when we’ve buried them, the other spiritual children fondly remembered their care for us. On the other hand, I once asked a friend who is an exceptional spiritual director to be mine but it didn’t work out. 01:10:09 Eric Ewanco: I observe that stillness and silence plays a central role in the desert fathers, but I don't recall it being discussed in Scripture. Is this based on experience and tradition, or is it rooted in something in Scripture? 01:13:31 Greg C: Thank you, Father! 01:13:38 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:13:44 Jennifer Ahearn: Thank you. 01:13:48 Lori Hatala: Happy Birthday 01:14:27 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father. 01:14:35 Jeff O.: Thank you! Great to be with you all. 01:14:38 Nypaver Clan: A blessed birthday, Mrs. A.!
  • We picked up this evening with Hypothesis 12. The subtitle is on avoiding idle talk. However, this does not do justice to what we are given in the text. It is revealed to us how we are to kindle within our hearts the fire of love for God that then gives rise to a holy sacrifice of praise.

    Thus, the greatest thing that we can give God is to emulate the angels who praise Him without ceasing. Our love for the Lord should give rise to an urgent longing within the heart to call out to Him constantly and without distraction.

    Likewise, when we pray in common, we are to be attentive to the fact that we are responsible for the attentiveness of those around us and seek to preserve their focus. We do not pray or chant in an individualistic fashion but again imitate the angels in crying out to the Lord with one voice of love.

    What a blessing monks are for the church. The fathers tell us that Christ perfects the praise of infants; that is, he prefects the prayer of the monk in his innocence and childlike simplicity. It is through this humble prayer and sacrifice of praise that the demons are conquered. What makes this even more powerful is that it is often done hidden from the eyes of the world. Such prayer is offered without pride or self-consciousness. Rather it rises unimpeded to the very throne of God on behalf of all.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:46:55 Forrest Cavalier: Since you mentioned the comment of the monk, I was thinking that every vocation is "impossible". Hence the need for grace. 01:06:33 Lorraine Green: Thank you! 01:07:05 Lisa Smith: Thank you Fr. And God bless you.🙏 01:07:26 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you
  • St. John Climacus brings us now to discuss the fruits of the ascetic life. We picked up this evening with Step 27 on “stillness of mind and body”. John is very hesitant to approach such a subject. He does not want to distract the warrior from the task at hand; that is, those who are engaged in the spiritual warfare against the passions and the provocations of the evil one. He only relents because he understands how important it is to see the goal of the spiritual life so that it might increase our desire for God and our detachment from the things of the world.

    Holy stillness emerges when the Nous, the eye of the heart, has become impenetrable and undistracted by the noise of the world. The disordered passions have now become a purified and single passion or desire for God. The love of and immersion in silence deepens because it is there that God speaks a Word that is equal to Himself. The language of Love, beyond words, begins to well up from within - united to the Spirit that cries out with groans that are beyond our understanding.

    St. John acknowledges that many will not perceive or grasp the holy violence of the Hesychast; that is, the radical turning away from the things of the world in order to turn completely toward God. This turning toward God, however, does not limit our vision or comprehension as those who are worldly often believe. Rather, it opens us up to an experience of infinite mystery of God himself; everlasting Life and Love.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:06:16 FrDavid Abernethy: page 221 00:06:30 FrDavid Abernethy: Sept 27 On Holy Stillness 00:36:18 Anthony: How do we relate, then to people like I have met, pagan Hindus and a Muslim, who also appeared to me to have this spirit of peace? 00:41:16 Rachel: Yes!! 00:41:32 Rachel: Saint Charles de Foucald 00:41:55 Rachel: Algeria 00:42:05 Rachel: same as St. Charles De Foucald 00:43:55 David: O Gods and Men is the movie 00:44:25 David: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1588337/ 00:45:06 David: The original is French Des Hommes et des dieux 00:47:14 Jeff O.: When I was Nepal, the Christians would, instead of greeting with “namaste” greet with the phrase “J’amasee” - “I honor Christ (and his work) in you.” I thought that was a beautiful way to greet people with the honor and love of seeing Christ in the other… 00:49:17 Rachel: This happens in iconography as well/ 00:49:31 Anthony: Reacted to This happens in icon... with "👍" 00:49:41 Rachel: Or I should say, sacred art as opposed to iconogrpahy 00:53:09 Rachel: I am not criticizing either but making a distinction when someone thinks that" abstraction" in iconography is simplified, yet, it is the overly realistic and naturalistic emphasis on every line that detracts from the mystery that is being revealed before us. 00:58:22 Rachel: Oh my goodness. That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. 01:00:03 Anthony: Reacted to When I was Nepal, th... with "👍" 01:01:09 Maureen Cunningham: Did Father Damion who lived among the leaders in Hawaii 01:01:27 Anthony: Replying to "I am not criticizing..." Compare the "naive" ... 01:02:17 Maureen Cunningham: He would go on a boat to and yell his confessions. I was told 01:02:44 David: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0165196/ 01:11:26 David: Theology without practice is the theology of demons- Maximus the Confessor 01:14:34 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father 01:15:02 David: Thank you father! 01:15:02 Jennifer Ahearn: Thank you 01:15:05 Rachel: Thank you 01:15:05 Jeff O.: thank you! 01:15:19 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank yu
  • As we conclude Hypothesis 11, we are given very solid food to nourish our understanding of the nature of prayer and our demeanor. How is it that we are called to worship God, to pray the psalms, and what is our demeanor to be following that worship?

    A kind of liturgical asceticism must guide and direct our prayer and piety. Even the way that we pray and celebrate the liturgy, and one might say especially here, must allow the grace of God to guide and direct us. As always, Christ is the standard and the model. It is his humility, silence, obedience to God that must form and shape the way that we approach the altar and the manner in which we listen to the word of God.

    We must pray in a manner fosters patience and that allows us to listen with the spirit of contrition. We gather before God not to alter our emotional state or to create an experience that simply elevates the mind. We come before God to offer him a sacrifice of praise and that sacrifice is the fullness of our self. We are to be completely given over to him in such way that we withhold nothing from Him and are capable of receiving everything He desires to give us.

    Very few in our day think of worship in this fashion. May God give us the grace to offer him all that we have and are; for in seeking what He desires, God bestows upon us more than the mind in the heart can imagine.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:21:49 susan: after MASS i have to go to my car to pray! 00:48:07 Carol Roper: it seems that the caution is against performing, vanity, pleasure seeking, even in liturgy. one's motivation must be examined carefully i imagine 00:52:59 Anthony: Let Us Build the City of God.....they still sing it. Sigh. Are you TRYING to get me to change rites? 01:02:16 Rebecca Thérèse: a bruised reed he will not break and a dimly burning wick he will not quench 01:02:17 Carol Roper: oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb led to the shearers 01:04:52 Dave Warner (AL): A bruised reed He will not break - Isa 42:3 01:05:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Isaiah 42:3 Matthew 12:20 01:16:22 Lisa Smith: Thank you & God Bless you. 01:16:36 Cameron Jackson: Thank you 01:17:19 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:17:26 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father! 01:17:27 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
  • We come to the end of Step 26 on Discernment and in doing so we begin to see, or at least get a glimpse of, its importance for the spiritual life. So often sin distorts are perception of reality. It prevents us from seeing with clarity both the dignity and the blessings that come from being a son or daughter of God, baptized into Christ - as well as preventing us from seeing the darkness of sin.

    Christ tells us in the gospel that when the eye has been darkened completely, how great is the darkness! When the eye of the heart, the eye of the soul is darkened by sin then all that we see is the world before us in its most basic form. We see it as an object of consumption or we covet the things that we do not possess.

    In this we can become more like beasts who walk on all fours with their eyes cast down to the earth. It is discernment that allows us to see the glory of God in Christ Jesus. In the end, discernment gives rise to the acquisition of love - that is to say, the perfect dwelling of God.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:13:56 David: Father Mike Schmidt and neuroplasticity as well say with defects to right out the story or triggers. What leads to what and one often fines one needs to focus on the triggers and write a different story. 00:16:18 David: Like a dog returning to vomit. Can't get that out of my head now 00:27:38 Wayne: Very timely as suicide is being offered as an option if one finds their suffering overwhelming. 00:29:07 David: In one of my darkest times and despair I realized I had belief but no faith which is tied with hope. Now I just think what am I to learn from this situation and it will pass. 00:34:33 Anthony: There is a particularly horrible thought: curse God and die 00:35:00 Anthony: That cuts at rather suffering soul's very hope 00:48:47 Anthony: Father, remember cooking and baking are arts, to be done well...like the Cathdral of Monreale. 😉 but yeah, I get you. 😀 00:52:27 Maureen Cunningham: Christ dwell with in us when we gather we bring the body of Christ together 00:52:48 David: I think it got worse after COVID few shake hands and it seems there is little small talk. 00:57:58 Anthony: I've studied heresies and heretics for years. I observe that along with with religious differences - maybe preceding them - is a break in communion or a lack of peace: nationalism or personal trauma 01:10:51 Susanna Joy: My heart is still back at the dog and the priest... 01:10:57 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:11:00 Andrew Adams: Great class tonight! Thank you, Father! 01:11:02 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You 01:11:46 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father...excellent session! 01:11:48 David: God Bless thank you Father David! 01:11:49 Art: Thank you 01:11:50 Jeff O.: Thank you!! 01:11:58 Sheila Applegate: Thanks Father!
  • All that we do is to be touched by the grace of God, shaped by it, and perfected by it. This includes our virtues, and also the manner in which we pray.

    Psalmody has always been apart of the prayer tradition of the church and in particular of the monastics. The psalms capture within them both the adversities and the joys that we experience in this world. It is the most important thing that we can do as human beings; to seek to God and offer a sacrifice of praise.

    Therefore, the monks are very careful to allow their prayer to be guided by God. We can be willful even in the fashion that we pray and sing. This is also true in the times that we set for prayer for ourselves. For example, the monks prayed many times a day together; emphasizing that they are part of the body of Christ. We do not pray as individuals, but always aware of the radical communion that exists not only with God but with one another.

    Thus, we find among the fathers an emphasis upon praying and singing while remaining conscious of what is going on within their hearts. We do not want to fall into distraction or lead others into it. Simplicity and humility should be the mark of worship; that which guides us in order that what we sing and pray is reflective of the reality within our hearts and our desire for God. Once again, we are presented with a kind of liturgical asceticism. Liturgy shapes the interior life and the interior life shapes the way that we pray.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:42:45 Lori Hatala: I have heard psalms chanted in different melodies. Is the melody of the chant relevant? 00:54:21 Tracey Fredman: Agreed, even if you do not have the time for a whole weekend at a monastery, even a visit while monks are at prayer can be life-altering. 00:55:06 Tracey Fredman: It can alter our prayer life, is what I mean. 00:55:41 Susanna Joy: Beautifully said...discipline is a silent "word" back to God 01:11:07 Wayne: If you have the opportunity to attend Matins or Vespers in the Eastern churches, the changing can have a very positive affect on you. 01:13:40 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! 01:13:48 Edgard Riba: Thank you! 01:13:50 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙏🙂 01:13:56 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.
  • Every week it is as if we are diving into living waters that renew and refresh the soul. This is particularly true of step 26 on Discernment and St. John’s summary towards its conclusion. So often as is true with the Fathers, St. John makes use of concrete and colorful imagery to capture for us the nature of the spiritual life and in this case discernment.

    What one gathers in so many of the teachings is that Faith involves seeing; a pulling back of the veil that allows us to see with perfect clarity the love and the mercy of God. St. John describes the many things that hobble us in that regard: Avarice, pride, attachment to our appetites and desire for the things of this world. It also describes the things that sharpen that vision and open us up to receive the gift of faith. Our pursuit of the virtues, and of the truth in our life lays the foundation to receive the greater gift of eternal Truth. This kind of seeing is not passive but rather involves the whole self. The deepest part of ourselves, the Nous, must be purified by Grace and asceticism so no impediment prevents us from moving toward God. The Nous becomes the “helmsman” then to lead us through the rough waters of this world.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:12:54 FrDavid Abernethy: page 219 number 42 00:49:30 Lisa Smith: It reminds me of the verse where Christ asked if there would be faith in the end time. 00:51:43 Wayne: How do you respond to the remark I am spiritual but not religious? 00:58:48 Lisa Smith: Thoughts on church attendance? I'm struggling with this presently. I'm not Catholic, but I'm interested in this faith. Thank you Fr. 01:00:34 Lisa Smith: 🙏 Thank you 01:03:14 Cindy Moran: Teilhard de Chardin comes to my mind as an example. 01:03:40 Cindy Moran: Too complicated 01:15:07 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:15:10 sprou: did you see that a blind woman Dafne Gutierrez was healed by St Charbel? 01:15:12 Lisa Smith: God bless you Fr. Thanks for sharing 01:15:51 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! 01:16:02 Jeff O.: Thank you! Great to be with you all.
  • The focus of the Evergetinos this evening was on praying the psalms. However, as always with the writings of the fathers, the focus isn’t simply on the external actions, but the meaning of them. How do we pray as members of the body of Christ? Is there a kind of liturgical asceticism that must match our bodily asceticism? What is the measure of our prayer? In other words, as those who live in a spirit of repentance and seek purity of heart, how do these realities shape the way we pray.

    The fathers this understood very well our tendency to focus on externals and that we can fall back into a modern day Pharisaism. We can be satisfied with the appearance of religiosity while giving scant attention to what God has revealed to us and the life that he has called us to embrace. Whenever this happens, it not only weakens our capacity to bear witness to Christ but it can undermine the life of the Church as a whole. If our hearts are fragmented by our sin this will manifest itself or be mirrored in liturgy. And when this takes place the entire culture around us - as well as within the church - can collapse.

    It’s a sobering presentation, but something that afflicts the Church in every generation. If the Evil One is going to attack the Church, he is going to attack it at its heart; that is, how we pray.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:25:00 Kate : There’s also the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is very suitable for the laity. 00:25:13 Vanessa: Reacted to "There’s also the Lit..." with ❤️ 00:25:22 Adam Paige: Reacted to "There’s also the Lit..." with ❤️ 00:39:40 iPad (2): That is a wonderful book and he also has a podcast series on the book 00:50:47 Rod Castillo: The Endarkenment 00:54:30 Bob Cihak: Reacted to "The Endarkenment" with 👍 00:57:03 Maureen Cunningham: Oh no 00:57:07 Vanessa: Lol 01:04:40 Kate : Our family has witnessed many a liturgical battle which seemed good and urgent at the time, only to realize that God has been lost in the battle. The battle took center stage, and striving for holiness took back stage. 01:14:53 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you It is wonderful . 01:15:48 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:15:54 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father. 01:16:22 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! 01:17:13 Maureen Cunningham: Wonderful choice I trust. The lord is leading you as the Captain of the ship in the studies 01:17:26 Vanessa: Reacted to "Wonderful choice I t..." with 👍 01:17:47 Maureen Cunningham: Where would we find the book 01:17:54 Lorraine Green: Thank you, Father, God bless! The Divine Office talks sound very good too.
  • As St. John draws us forward with these simple sayings about discernment and its fruit, we begin to see the immeasurable beauty of the ascetic life and the action of God’s grace. The life that God calls us to is not one of frenetic activity but rather the cultivation of purity of heart and humility in order that He might act within us. We do not seek simply freedom from sin but rather the life of the kingdom. It is the love, the virtue, the goodness of Christ that transforms the world. It is our entrance into the Paschal Mystery, the dying and rising of the spiritual life (with and in Christ), that makes the love of the kingdom present to the world.

    The life of the hesychasts, the ascetics who set all aside for Christ, is at the very heart of the church. When we lose sight of their love and desire for God, the church grows cold. It is in the spirituality of the desert that the church will find renewal; when the minds and the hearts of men and women are open to the beauty of the life that God has called us to by His Grace.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:37:24 Anthony: In a way, some of the response to church scandal has been like an ill- guided peasants crusade. 00:39:35 Anthony: The peasants crusade led to harm for thr peasants 00:54:23 sprou: does solitude equal spiritual warfare? 00:55:33 David: I liked what Bishop Barron said about love being willing the good of the other. (St. John Paul) but first one needs to know what the good is and what is truth. 00:56:03 Vanessa: Reacted to "I liked what Bishop ..." with 👍 00:56:58 Jeff O.: I’ve often wondered about the connection between the cultivation of hesychia and Paul’s admonition to stand in Ephesians 6…it seems there’s some sort of relationship there as it relates to warfare 00:57:01 David: This was in response to a lot of virtue signaling and some of the strange things in our culture. 01:04:43 Kate : A priest told me that hesychia is a form of quietism. His comment confused me, and I did not know how to reply. 01:06:47 Anthony: Uh oh, Palmas vs Barlaam again..... 😉 01:08:39 David: In Latin America it is common with quasi liberation theology priest and lay people to call them navel gazers but this is just seeing the outside aspect not understanding what is being developed. I always call the fathers the intranauts boldly going to the root of our condition. 01:13:18 David: Holiness attracts and people seek what they feel and see in joy and peace of others. N 01:13:32 Vanessa: Reacted to "Holiness attracts an..." with ❤️ 01:13:51 Vanessa: Really enjoying class tonight. Lots of good discussion. 01:14:25 Kate : Father, prior to listening to these classes and discovering the Fathers, my ladder was propped against the wrong wall for years…as you stated earlier. These classes and the Fathers have so transformed my interior life. I have only begun to understand the love of God. 01:15:04 Nick Bodmer: Jesus even rebuked Martha because she was discontent that Mary was not being "worldly enough" in her eyes. The spiritual life was established even while Jesus was still with us. 01:21:40 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:21:51 cmoran: Thank you, Father! 01:21:53 Lisa Smith: Thank you God bless you 01:22:29 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father! Praying for you! 01:22:33 Jeff O.: Thank you! Blessing to be with you all. 01:22:41 David: Thank you father will pray for you!
  • We continued with St. John’s summary of discernment and its particular fruit in the spiritual life. However, it does not read like a summary. Each saying opens us up to a divine reality and a participation in the life of Christ that comes to us by grace and the ascetic life. One cannot help but be captivated by the beauty of what St. John describes. It becomes evident that what we are being drawn into is the very beauty of Christ and that of the kingdom. Grace has the capacity to transform even the darkest of things within us and to illuminate the mind and the heart to see clearly what has eternal value. With the reading of each saying one begins to experience a holy desire growing within the heart. Thanks be to God!


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:06:34 FrDavid Abernethy: page 217 page 14 00:25:57 Anthony: He says this while I'm making dinner.... 00:31:19 David: Despair is suffering without meaning- Victor Frankl 00:49:34 Eric Ewanco: Reacted to "Κλίμαξ αγίου Ιωάννου.LadderClimatuspdf" with ❤️ 00:49:43 Eric Ewanco: Reacted to "TheLadderofDivineAscent.pdf" with 👍 00:50:29 Lisa Smith: Reacted to "TheLadderofDivineAscent.pdf" with 🙏 00:57:24 David: The gate also opens like Grace and one needs to be drawn to the opening in the fence. 01:02:59 Anthony: If our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts.... 01:20:11 David: They are finding so much in neuroplasticity that the fathers described ages ago. One the pathways are established it becomes a cycle. Lots of talk about "rewiring the mind". I think fasting might actually help with rewiring because you are not rewarding a undesired behavior. 01:20:36 Rachel: That was in relation to the other discussion 01:21:56 David: No money in fasting 01:22:10 Rebecca Thérèse: Fasting literally rewires the brain because the body starts to generate new neurons after 48 hours of fasting. 01:22:24 Vanessa: Reacted to "Fasting literally re..." with 👍 01:22:30 David: Autophagy as well 01:23:28 Rebecca Thérèse: Reacted to "Autophagy as well" with 👍 01:25:14 Rebecca Thérèse: Autophagy is where the cells start to digest damaged parts of the body and damage interior to cells 01:26:04 Bob Cihak: Autophagy is also known as apoptosis. I call it cellular recycling. 01:26:32 Rebecca Thérèse: Fasting stimulates growth hormone which os useful in repairing damage and is also useful if you're a body builder 01:26:49 Susanna Joy: Love this clas🙏🏻💖 01:26:59 Lisa Smith: Too Fast. Thank you Fr 01:27:41 Sophia: God bless you fr.Abernethy! 01:27:42 Susanna Joy: Thank you, Father. 01:27:42 Art: Thank you Father! 01:27:43 Jeff O.: Thank you! 01:27:43 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father 01:27:43 David: Thank you father ! 01:27:51 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
  • We continued our discussion of prayer and the things that often become an obstacle to it. Much of the discussion this evening focused upon the things that make us lazy or weary in prayer or lead us to drowsiness.One of the important things that the fathers teach us is that sleep is an appetite that is to be ordered like any other appetite. Our life has been given to us for repentance; that is, to turn toward God and to seek to love him with all of our heart. It is this reality that should shape the way that we look at prayer, the way that we discipline ourselves - and yes - even how we sleep. Rising at night is one of the most wonderful times for prayer for a number of reasons. The mind and the body are humbled. The thoughts are often not moving so rapidly nor the world around us and its noises. Praying at night provides us with an opportunity to enter into deep silence, so as to listen to God and the word he wishes to utter in the depths of our hearts. Therefore, there are times when we will have to force ourselves in order to strengthen our will to not only bring ourselves to prayer but to remain there. Whenever we experience drowsiness, we must resist it firmly. Often we will give up a discipline when we face difficulty. It is our love for the Lord, however, that must send us out at night seeking He alone who can satisfy the longings of our heart.---Text of chat during the group: 00:02:04 FrDavid Abernethy: we can hear you 00:02:21 FrDavid Abernethy: page 89 00:21:49 Anthony: I did that. I'd go back. It drove me nuts, playing on scrupulous feelings 00:49:25 Ann Thelen: Quick question regarding food/fasting...how do we deal with the temptation to vanity when we are attempting to fast? We know fasting has wonderful health benefits. One of those benefits is that we look better and more healthy which can feed into vanity. 01:04:22 Anthony: Menaion? 01:17:14 Lisa Smith: Thank you & God bless 01:17:56 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! 01:17:57 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:18:04 Nicole Dillon: Thank you ☺️ 01:18:08 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father. Praying for you. 01:18:19 Ann Thelen: Thank you. 01:18:26 Cindy Moran: Thanks

  • As we come toward the end of Step 26 on Discernment, St. John begins to offer us a summary of all that we have considered in the previous pages. In doing this, he alters his typical way of writing. One may speculate that he does this because of the importance of the virtue of discernment; both in fostering it and in protecting it. Using brief sayings, very much like those found in the Philokalia, St. John begins to lay out for us the path to perfecting this virtue as well as to speak of the fruits of it in our lives.

    Our capacity to see spiritual realities in an unimpeded fashion allows us to be attentive to all of the vices as well as the remedies that the fathers set before us for overcoming them. In summarizing the step in this fashion, St. John presents us with the truth very much in the way that we receive it from the gospel. It overturns the worldly way of viewing things. It allows us to experience the discomfort of having our sensibilities challenged in regards to our patterns of thought and our most basic desires. It compels us to ask ourselves, “For whom do I live? Who do I love above all things?”


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:02:46 FrDavid Abernethy: page 215 00:02:51 FrDavid Abernethy: number 85 00:03:29 FrDavid Abernethy: number 185 00:08:47 Tracey Fredman: Thank you, Fr. David for referencing the book "Toward God" by Michael Casey. It's amazing! 00:08:57 FrDavid Abernethy: great!! 00:09:11 FrDavid Abernethy: he’s a wonderful writer 00:09:40 Kate : I am reading it too! It is wonderful. Like nothing I have read before. 00:09:41 FrDavid Abernethy: his book on lectio divina called Sacred reading is great too 00:26:15 Anthony: Do you have any comments on discerning the origin of thoughts without playing with the thoughts? 00:43:12 Anthony: That makes sense since Eros is a seeking, inquisitive movement. 00:51:38 David Swiderski: Especially prayer with gratitude. 00:52:19 Andy Nguyen: Replying to "Especially prayer wi..." Yup 00:52:21 Wayne: Reacted to "Especially prayer wi..." with 👍 00:58:03 Lisa Smith: I just read this today. 01:01:41 Andy Nguyen: Social media in general is an addiction 01:02:00 Rod Castillo: I go on to Facebook every day to see what you have posted, Father 01:02:36 Lee Graham: I go to X 01:03:05 Susanna Joy: Reacted to I go on to Facebook ... with "❤️" 01:03:35 Lisa Smith: Yeah, there was a time I would turn the internet off totally. It was easier to pray more fully then. I struggle with that these days. 01:03:44 Susanna Joy: Replying to "I go on to Facebook ..." I do too...you often... 01:04:26 Lisa Smith: But on the flip side I discovered Eastern Christianity online. 01:04:40 Art iPhone: Reacted to "But on the flip side…" with 👌 01:04:46 Art iPhone: Reacted to "I go on to Facebook …" with 👌 01:05:45 Art iPhone: Your posts Have real value Father. 01:05:49 BRIAN L: Your posting of On the Passion of the Saviour became part of my daily Lenten prayer so thank you 😃 01:09:17 David Swiderski: I have read this before with the Fathers I think Issac and I don't understand the relation between deer and snakes. Deer seem like fragile creatures and I grew up always being close to them. Destroyers of roses and alfalfa yes. 01:11:14 Jeffrey Fitzgerald: Father, what is the next book after Climacus? 01:11:24 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Prayers, Father! 01:11:38 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂. Have a good retreat🙏 01:11:39 Jeff O.: Many blessings on your time there!! 01:11:49 Lori Hatala: and i will be guilty of jealousy 01:11:53 Susanna Joy: Praying for you.🙏🏻 01:11:55 Wayne: Replying to "Father, what is the ..." good question 01:11:56 Art iPhone: Prayers!! 01:12:35 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! Have a blessed retreat!! 01:12:37 David Swiderski: Safe travels and God Bless you father! 01:12:39 Jeff O.: Thank you Father!
  • Breaking the night for prayer!! The very idea either never comes into the mind of modern Christians or it sends a shudder through the heart. The idea of limiting something like sleep for the sake of prayer, of humbling the mind and body in such a way on purpose and regularly seems to express a type of insanity. Would I not make myself sick or incapable of working the next day if such a practice were embraced in modern times.

    Yet, it is a constant practice throughout the spiritual tradition; to sanctify time and foster an urgent longing within the heart for God that causes the soul to rise, even in the night, to seek him. Admittedly, this may require that we simplify our lives. There is already a frenetic pace in our day-to-day lives; a busyness that is almost suffocating. Such makes the idea of adding night prayer to that seem impossible and even frightening.

    One can only come to know the fruit of this through experience. In the stillness of the night, impediments that often plague us throughout the course of the day fall away. Creation itself grows quiet and with it the human heart. Such a heart filled with urgent longing for the Lord will rise eagerly and with joy to taste the sweetness of his presence!


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:59:01 Anthony: Perhaps a principle issue I'd reconciling the mind / interior thoughts with the heart / the noetic sentiment of affection for one's true calling. 01:02:04 Kate : Do the Fathers differentiate between vocal prayer and mental prayer, or is that a Western distinction? Is there a recommendation to the kind of prayer that would take place during a night vigil? 01:02:34 Lisa Smith: I find the setting has a huge impact on prayer/ like a noisy city compared to the quiet woods. I find it easiest to pray in a rural solitary place. With minimal distractions 01:03:31 Ann Thelen: what is the best way to discern if waking in the night to prayer is something we are called to? or are we all called to this? Maybe I am overthinking this. 01:06:22 Ann Thelen: fear of failure in this resolve seems to be the thing that immediately presents itself when thinking about rising in the night for prayer. 01:08:42 Lisa Smith: Catherine Daughtery wrote a series called Poustina. I've been meaning to read that. 01:10:38 Wayne: Replying to "Catherine Daughtery ..." I do have a copy of this book 01:10:58 Lisa Smith: Replying to "Catherine Daughtery ..." 🙏 01:10:59 Ambrose Little: I wouldn’t suggest that’s a healthy model! 😄 01:11:07 Rebecca Thérèse: Before the modern era it was common for the night to be divided into "two sleeps". It was really the industrial revolution that ended this practice. 01:11:50 Ambrose Little: Replying to "I wouldn’t suggest t..." Saying that as one who’s helped his wife stay sane through 7 kiddos. It’s not a time we want to extend or further. 01:14:47 Anthony: Another ill effect of the "reformation," particularly the English variety. 01:16:37 Anthony: Yes 01:17:15 Ann Thelen: I appreciate the analogy of nursing the baby. We have five children and the youngest is 7 now. My excuse has been that I will be tired if i get in the night to pray. That analogy shed light on my excuse. It actually spoke to my heart saying "Ann, you've done this before. Don't be afraid of it" 01:20:00 Maureen Cunningham: Susan Wesley would put an apron over her head she 12 children everyone new she was in prayer 01:23:31 Lisa Smith: Thank you Fr. God bless you.🙏 01:23:32 Maureen Cunningham: Blessing Father 01:24:09 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! 01:24:10 Ann Thelen: Thank you 01:24:11 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father! 01:24:20 Steve Yu: Thanks, Father! 01:24:22 Maureen Cunningham: You are to kind of 01:24:25 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:24:43 Leilani Nemeroff: Thanks
  • With each passing week, as we read St. John’s thoughts on discernment, we begin to see how it touches every aspect of our life. So often we confuse this gift with intellectually analyzing the circumstances around us or internal experiences and feelings or our perception of others’ actions.

    Yet discernment is not rooted in our private judgment. Rather, it arises out of union and communion with He who is Truth and Love. We engage in the ascetic life and seek purity of heart in order that we comprehend the truth unimpeded, to see things as God sees them and to see and respond to what he wants us to perceive.

    Anything less than this leaves us completely vulnerable. St. John says, “let us watch and see which demon uplift us, which cast us down, which harden, which comfort, which darken, which pretend to communicate enlightenment to us, which make us slothful, which make us cunning, which make us sad, and which cheerful.” It is only in Christ that we have the capacity to see these things. Strength and virtue of any kind comes not from climbing up a ladder of virtue on our own, but rather having Christ live within us. His virtue must become our virtue and his strength must becomes our strength. This is a difficult thing because it means letting go completely of the illusion that we can see the truth of the spiritual realities outside of our relationship with Him. It means being humble.


    00:02:32 FrDavid Abernethy: page 214 number 172 00:26:36 David Swiderski: I struggled with discernment most of my life and got far too intellectual analyizing everything. A wise friend made a comment that helped me- you only need to think of two things- does this lead us closer to God or away from God. 00:27:10 Lisa Smith: Reacted to "I struggled with dis..." with 👍 00:30:31 David Swiderski: My grandfather always said wisdom is absorbed slowly over time while being intellectual is something to grasp. 00:32:37 Jeff O.: julian of norwich seems to say the same thing about affliction going so far as to say to actually pray for it as it is one of the greatest graces of God. 00:36:27 Lisa Smith: Sufficient is the evil of today, Is that what Christ said? 01:02:47 Johnny Ross: God forgives seven times seventy-so long as the will is there 01:03:12 Vanessa: Reacted to "God forgives seven t..." with ❤️ 01:12:15 Kate : At what point and in what circumstances can we make a judgement about a situation? 01:14:50 David Swiderski: Everytime I see arguments on how to make the sign of the cross or taking communion in the hand or on the tongue I feel like both sides want to be right rather than acknowledge each is seeking to get close to God. 01:16:11 David Swiderski: The focus falls to Pride as you mentioned before. 01:19:11 Tracey Fredman: Most recently, Romans 15:1-6 has been quite helpful for me - it's not about pleasing myself, but for building up others and letting go of what I think they should do: St. Paul wrote "... let each of us please our neighbor for the good , for building up. For Christ did not please himself …" 01:23:55 Rebecca Thérèse: God is often presented to us by people who want to control us. 01:24:06 Ambrose Little: Avoid “Catholic” Twitter/X. Social media in general. 01:24:27 sheri: Thanks Father. Gotta go... 01:24:52 Kevin Burke: Thank You Father! 01:25:30 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! 01:25:36 Jeff O.: Thank you!! 01:25:36 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:25:43 David Swiderski: Thank you!
  • The fathers continue to speak to us about service and work and the disposition that we are to have in doing it. Our understanding must move from a functional understanding of labor; engaging in it in a way that is determined by private judgment or by the desire for worldly things.

    Everything that we do must be tied to our service of the providence of God. In other words, we are responding to the call of Love. The way that the Christian works and responds to the needs of others (as well as the one’s own needs) is tied to our relationship with the Lord. We are given the task of being the guardian of souls; our own and others’. We are to attend to our own needs, trusting that God will provide us with what is needed. We are to serve others without making excuses for our avoidance or negligence in doing so.

    We are to seek first the kingdom of heaven. This is what shapes everything for us. We always return to the nest of prayer, there to be nourished upon the love and the grace of God. And it is only from that nest that we step out in response to His call to love and serve others.

    So often we fill our life with needless tasks; more often than not to give us a sense of security and safety. Yet to do so draws us away from He who is the Lord of love and the Governor of history; the One who provides for every one of our needs.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:10:07 Ann Thelen: hello everyone. I've been listening to these podcasts for the last year or so. tonight is the first time i've been able to jump in live due to Easter Break. No children's activities. Happy and grateful to be joining you. 00:10:25 Adam Paige: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍 00:10:32 Ambrose Little: Southerner joining early… 00:10:37 FrDavid Abernethy: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍 00:10:41 Lori Hatala: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍 00:18:13 Dave Warner (AL): Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍 00:22:01 Steve Yu: Social media has enhanced the spirit of rudeness. I think it has to do with interacting with others in a non physical manner. We gain a certain “freedom” from politeness and respect, in my opinion. 00:22:15 David C: Reacted to "Social media has enh..." with 👍 00:23:54 Carol Roper: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍 00:24:23 Steve Yu: Cultural difference? 00:40:24 Nypaver Clan: Do you think St. Philip got that imagery from St. Isaac? 00:47:28 Susanna Joy: On the previous section: The bird has to hurry back to the nest because the egg needs warmth or the baby bird is hungry and waiting...what stuck with me from the nido image is taking what gleaned from the world and hurty back to care for this tender growing "baby" life within the love Divine...the goodness received from the sheltering nest of the hand of God... 00:51:34 David C: Reacted to "On the previous sect..." with 👍 00:55:23 Erick Chastain: where are we in the evergetinos? 00:55:41 Nypaver Clan: Top of 85 01:04:49 Ann Thelen: Is there a book or something of the sorts that gives a good recommendation for what the structure of what our daily prayer life should look like as someone who is married or taking care of family. Specifically, the amount of time spent in prayer that should be non negotiable. 01:10:48 Ann Thelen: haha 01:12:47 sharonfisher: Thank you — I needed this instruction and I need to heed it. 01:13:06 Lori Hatala: Reacted to "Thank you — I needed..." with ❤️ 01:13:16 Kevin Burke: Me too.. “Prayer is a relationship” 01:13:46 Ann Thelen: Thank you. Thats very helpful 01:16:02 Kevin Burke: Thank you Father, very profound teaching tonight… 01:16:02 sharonfisher: And with your spirit!! 01:16:04 Susanna Joy: When my son was small I was at a retreat, and some were going to devotions while those of us with small ones to the children out on a hike. A community member remarked to me, too bad you cant be in worship...It occured to me that my life with my child is a devotion... 01:16:06 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:16:15 Troy Amaro: Thank You 01:16:20 Erick Chastain: have a good night father 01:16:31 Lisa Smith: God bless 01:16:33 David C: Thank you God Bless all 01:16:40 Susanna Joy: Thank you, Father
  • Discernment, St. John tells us, arises out of humility. It also allows us to see the value of humility in the spiritual life. It is the virtue above all virtues, that we must cling to in the spiritual battle. The enemy will seek to confuse us in one way or another; by flattery or by seemingly knowing our thoughts and placing ideas before us which then make us fear their control over us. However, discernment and humility, both protect our capacity to live in He who is the truth.

    It also allows us to see the truth about ourselves as human beings and our dignity. We are not created with the passions. They rise out of our sin and the distortion of the desire that God has placed in us naturally. It is desire that makes us long for him and the life of virtue and it is anger that allows us to fight the good fight of faith and strike down the evil one and the temptations that are placed before us.

    We also find, over the course of time, that discernment allows us to let go of our judgment and what gives us security in the spiritual life and to trust wholly in God. Therefore, when life seems to crumble around us and all seems to be wrapped in darkness, discernment allows us to step forward with trust in God and his love. While it keeps us from acting in rash way it also protects us from false prudence that hides cowardice and lack of courage.

    What we begin to see is that any struggle in the spiritual life to overcome the passions, any sacrifice that we make to follow the Lord, promises what is beyond imagination. Even to lose all in this world is to lose nothing if we have Christ.


    Text of chat during the group:

    00:06:22 Rachel: Hello everyone 00:11:11 Rachel: lol 00:12:42 Rachel: No one will take me😭 I guess trying to convince people what sinners they are and so need to go to the Holy Annointing as well as drive me was not a good stategy 00:13:28 Rachel: I have been but I went to Mass at noon, and others have other obligations 00:13:42 Rachel: When Rory gets home, Ill try to convince him. LOL 00:14:08 Rachel: He will gladly go. He loves the Byzantine Liturgies 00:17:48 Ambrose Little: I resemble that. 00:31:21 David: Virtue is nothing without the trial of temptation, for there is no conflict without an enemy, no victory without strife.-St. Leo the Great 00:33:09 David C: Reacted to "Virtue is nothing wi..." with ❤️ 00:34:12 mhinckley: incisive anger: I always struggle with being just with it 00:34:36 David C: Reacted to "incisive anger: I al..." with 👍 00:34:39 mhinckley: not to mention charitable 00:40:01 mhinckley: I have always appreciated the use of "thorn" with sin. You never intentionally grasp for a thorn, only things that thorns surround. 00:40:51 David C: Reacted to "I have always apprec..." with 👍 00:42:58 Rachel: no. he is frozen 00:43:03 Lisa Smith: Same here. 00:43:04 Bob Cihak: Me too. 00:43:08 David C: Yeah he was frozen on my screen as well 00:43:29 Rachel: I only have Rens screen 00:43:38 Bob Cihak: Rising from the Frozen! 00:43:43 sprou: Reacted to "Rising from the Froz..." with 👍 00:43:46 David C: Reacted to "Rising from the Froz..." with 👍 00:47:29 David: I always try to remember what Mother Teresa said - I am a little pencil in the hand of God. At least when good flows through me however I often need frequent sharpening and a good eraser when I write :) 00:48:11 David C: Reacted to "I always try to reme..." with 👍 00:49:53 mhinckley: Reacted to "I always try to reme..." with 👍 00:53:40 Bob Cihak: What about St. Paul? "You have fought the good fight." 00:57:29 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Examples?? 00:59:26 David: Would this be something like instead of dwelling on a temptation and agonizing vs. simply casting the thought from our minds in the beginning? 01:00:26 David: Evargius a good example 01:15:38 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂 01:16:13 Bob Cihak: Blessings to you, Fr. 01:16:20 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! 01:16:21 David: Thank your Father! 01:16:24 Rachel: thank y ou 01:16:25 Jeff O.: Thank you Father! 01:16:25 mhinckley: buona pasqua tutti! 01:16:31 Semai: Oh i joined late 😭 01:16:38 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Blessed Easter! 01:16:41 Mitch: Thanks!