Our guest for today is Tom Schnorr, owner and pharmacist from Austin Compounding Pharmacy.
CBD is a long time argued drug in the world. For this podcast, Stephen Dunn and Tom Schnorr will explain everything about it. Its different uses, how to take it and all we need to know. So, how about it. Are you ready? Let’s go!
In this episode:
01:53 - Stephen shares a story of how he became interested in the use of CBD.
04:25 - Tom tells people a bit about himself.
06:33 - Tom shares his thoughts about marijuana.
07:48 - Tom explains the ins and outs on how to use CBD.
12:29 - Can CBD help you or your dog?
13:17 - Tom talks about the different kinds of CBD doses.
14:22 - How do you take CBD?
15:36 - Tom talks about where can people get CBD.
15:53 – Tom explains the components of CBD.
16:34 – Tom talks about things that has CBD.
18:08 - Is the CBD psychoactive?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drugschnorr
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://austincompoundingpharmacy.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-schnorr-5360487/
Today, we have Dr. Andy Tseng. He is a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a certified manual therapist, a certified classical Pilate’s instructor and he’s in the process of becoming a certified hand therapist.
Are you interested in becoming a Pilates teacher but don’t know how to? Well, Stephen Dunn and Dr. Andy Tseng got you covered. In this episode, Stephen and Dr. Andy talks everything about the PMA certification exam. They discuss the whole process, gave tips and tricks and shared their stories when they took the exam.
In this episode:
01:02 - Dr. Andy introduces himself.
01:44 - Dr. Andy talks about the new training he started.
03:09 - Dr. Andy shares a bit when he was still studying in Taiwan.
05:24 - Dr. Andy talks about the process of the PMA exam.
07:58 - What kind of preparation did Dr. Andy do for the exam?
10:02 – What was in the study guide that wasn’t in Dr. Andy’s training?
10:56 - Dr. Andy discuss how to manage the studio.
13:43 - Dr. Andy talks a bit of what the exam was like.
14:57 - Stephen talks about what he remembered when he took the PMA exam.
20:16 - Dr. Andy gives tips for those who want to take the PMA exam.
21:12 - Stephen shares what he did when he took the PMA exam.
23:55 - Dr. Andy and Stephen discuss the benefits of Pilates.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andy.c.tseng
PMA Pilates Certification With Andy Tseng
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Today, we have David Bayliff. He is a master at physical therapy and the owner of Bayliff Integrated Wellness.
In today’s episode, Stephen and David share their stories of how they got into physical therapy. David talks about his Facebook group and how he handles it. Stephen and David also explains what is mobile PT and home health PT, and so much more!
In this episode:
02:41 - How did David become a physical therapist?
04:05 - David mentioned Ed Stewart.
06:30 - Stephen tells the story of how he got into physical therapy.
11:04 - How did David transition out of corporate world to having his own business?
18:59 - Stephen talks about his online courses.
20:00 - What led David into coaching?
24:05 - David talks about his experience in building his Facebook group.
27:40 - David mentioned his podcast with Josh Payne.
29:06 - David talks about how he manage his Facebook group.
33:07 - What’s the difference between home health and mobile PT?
37:16 - David explains how his mobile PT service cross to wellness.
39:57 - Stephen shares the stories of the patients he serviced in their homes.
43:11 - Stephen tells about his experience in home health.
44:10 - Where does David get his t-shirts?
Here is the Website for Black MTN shirts: https://blackmtntshirt.com/blackmtn_t-shirt_co/shop/home
44:43 – David mentioned Lincoln Walters.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-bayliff-79505929/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BayliffWellness
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BayliffWellness/
Email: [email protected]
Today we have a special guest all the way from Hawaii. We have Dr. Randon Guerpo. He graduated from Loma Linda University and is a physical therapist at Pure Motion Physical Therapy.
For today’s podcast, Stephen and Randon talk about Pilates and how it changed their patients. They also talked about how Randon started his business and the equipments he bought.
Stephen and Randon also touch on the hardships that the Pilates community is going through due to the pandemic and a lot more.
In this episode:
01:37 – Randon tells the listeners about himself.
04:12 – Randon tells the story of why he came back to Hawaii.
08:06 - How did Randon discover Pilates?
12:42 – Randon talks about his business.
17:01 - When did Randon start incorporating Pilates in his business?
21:17 - How does Randon use his Pilates equipment and what does he plan to do with them oving forward?
23:05 - Stephen talks about his previous patients.
26:35 – Are patients excited to use the Pilates Reformer?
29:04 – Stephen shares about what Pilates taught him.
You can find Randon Guerpo on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/randon.guerpo
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/randon-guerpo-5b728b41/
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/randocpt/
https://www.instagram.com/kauaitherapyandwellness/ -
The guest for today is Alex Engar. He is the co-founder of Healthy funnel, and he helps health care professional start and grows their business online. He is also a licensed doctor of physical therapy.
For today’s podcast, Stephen and Alex talk about their journey before they got into physical therapy, how they started their earlier business when they were younger, how they created their online courses and more.
In this episode:0:57 - Stephen talks about his sponsor for the podcast.
1:39 – Stephen tells the story of how he and Alex met.
3:51 – Q- How did you become interested in physical therapy?
8:09 – Stephen tells the story of how he got into physical therapy.
11:34 – Q- What led you not to be a physical therapist?
12:13 - Alex tells the story of his businesses when he was a kid.
16:21 – Alex mentioned Pat Flynn and the Smart Passive Income podcast. You can listen to the podcast here:
16:33 – Alex mentioned Ramit Sethi. You can visit his website here
17:25 – Alex mentioned Greg Tadd and Will Boyd.
19:48 – Stephen tells the story about his business when he was in grade school.
20:48 - Stephen tells the story of his jobs in college.
25:25 – Stephen talks about his travels.
26:22 – Stephen mentioned the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. You can find the book here:
28:20 – Alex tells the story of how he started his online courses.
30:18 – Alex mentioned the Paul Goss course.
31:57 - Alex shares the story of how his business grew.
37:31 – Stephen mentioned the author Robert T. Kiyosaki.
39:57 – Alex tells about his Pilates experience.
40:35 – Alex mentioned Cameron Garber.
43:20 – Q- How can people get InTouch with you?
Facebook group:
Today we have Emily Hudson who is a Pilates and GYROTONICS® Instructor, and a business owner for the past 6 years.
In this podcast:01:40 – Emily talks about her story and how she became a Pilates instructor
07:29 – What was the first step that Emily took to start teaching the work?
11:09 – What led Emily to become a GYROTONICS® instructor?
18:37 – What was the first pieces of equipment Emily bought?
20:06 – How did Emily’s space grow from battered equipment to what she has now?
23:46 – Stephen talks about how his business was pre-covid and how they deal with it at present
27:03 – Stephen talks about how he got into GYROTONICS®
31:23 –What are some of the things that Emily does to get clients? What are some of the things that she finds helpful?
33:13 – Emily talks about Donald Miller’s book - Story Brand and Marketing Made Simple
37:00 – Stephen talks about how he operated his business using Facebook ads during the pandemic
40:37 – Stephen shares the strategy they used to get clients
43:24 – Emily talks about her love of marketing
52:52 – Stephen shares a story and everything about marketing.
54:34 – What is the best way for people to get in touch with Emily?
Website: injoymovementstudio.com
Instagram: @injoymovementstudio
Today, I have a guest on the podcast, Adam Potts. He currently works as a Physical Therapist (PT), Health Coach, Tai Chi Instructor, and Yoga Teacher. In regards to PT, he integrates yoga, qigong, tai chi, mindfulness, and meditation with a traditional orthopedic approach.
In This Podcast:
01:08 – Introducing Adam Potts
06:08 – His journey to yoga
09:52 – How did he handle the approach from PT school compared to where he came from?
11:58 – The process of going into business after PT school
17:25 – How does he do an assessment with Tai Chi?
20:23 – Traditional Tai Chi
29:09 – The difference between being a PT versus being a health coach
32:51 – Adam’s program
34:46 – People who should join his program
38:04 – Does his clients find him for PT or for Tai Chi?
39:43 – Mindful movement
47:15 – Where can you find Adam Potts?
Begin with Breath: www.beginwithbreath.com
Today, we have Emma Green. Emma graduated from Manchester University, England as a Physical Therapist and added a Master’s degree in Sports Medicine. She is now dual-qualified being both a licensed Physical Therapist (USA) and a State Registered Physiotherapist (UK) along with being certified in Clinical Pilates through the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI).
In This Podcast:
00:50 – Introducing Emma Green
03:12 – How did she get into Physical Therapy?
08:44 – What type of sports did she get involved with?
09:27 – Steven’s story from Pasadena
13:50 – For whom do their ed conference offered to?
20:28 – Emma’s clinical Pilates group
29:55 – What does her patient care looks like for her now?
32:34 – How hard is it for her to find physical therapists to come in and work for her?
34:12 – How hard it is to get trained?
42:09 – How do her patients come in her studio?
45:19 – Where can you join her group and where can you find her?
Website: www.clinicalpilatespasadena.com
Today’s guest is Justine Bernard, PT, DPT received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons specializing in Neurological and Orthopedic Rehabilitation in 2003. She worked in acute rehabilitation, inpatient acute care, and outpatient rotations in several major New York City hospitals.
In This Podcast:
02:00 – A little tour in her studio.
03:14 – What are her thoughts about Powerplay?
05:34 – Investing on a bio-mat.
12:16 – Touring our place.
16:40 – How did she get into aerial yoga?
18:33 – How did she end up being a Physical Therapist from Gyro kinesis?
23:56 – When did she start PT school?
25:58 – What was her next journey after she finished school?
28:41 – What is the difference between using the exercise modality and being a PT now? What was her process?
31:46 – How did she start being a PT?
38:29 – How did she work with an e-trainer and being a trainer? Is Pilates part of her program?
42:42 – Is she in-charge of marketing in her business?
46:10 – What is her financial breakdown?
52:20 – How do we pay our teachers?
57:10 – How does Justine do front desk work?
01:01:18 – Where can you reach out to Justine?
Email: [email protected]
Today’s guest is Vijay Patel, he is a physical therapist, business owner, and an author. We’re going to talk about his book and how do you transition from clinician to business owner?
In This Podcast:
01:03 – Introducing Vijay Patel
02:14 – How long did it take for Vijay to get into business ownership?
10:31 – Vijay’s transition from clinician to business owner
24:41 – When should you take your side hustle into a permanent gig?
29:45 – How did Vijay find those people that ended up leasing from him?
38:21 – Your side hustle should be your long-term vision
39:09 – Vijay’s advice to new business owners—the numbers you should focus on
44:37 – Lack of Confidence
48:10 – Learn from your failures
52:00 – Vijay’s book and where you can contact him
01:04:32 – Numbers are everywhere
Today, we have Dr. Keva Price and she’s going to tell us a little bit about her story and her journey to Physical Therapy and Pilates.
In This Podcast:
00:53 – Who is Keva Price?
01:54 – How did she get into the Physical Therapy world?
05:34 – When did Keva finish school?
06:48 – When was she able to start bringing her work environment with her patients?
09:10 – What is she currently up to?
13:57 – Is Keva an independent contractor?
16:16 – What’s her plan moving forward with a shift of 30 hours and more at a clinic?
19:45 – Where does she want to progress in the future and where can she see Pilates playing a role in the evolution of the Physical Therapy as a brand moving forward?
29:57 – How does she get paid?
37:33 – Where can you reach out to her?
Instagram: www.instagram.com/kevaprice / www.instagram.com/kevapricepilates
Today, I have a very special guest from Maine, Dr. Carol Davis, we met many years ago at a Myofascial release course with John Barnes. And years later, I bought her book and since then, she’s someone that I’ve always looked up to in the physical therapy world. I wanted to bring her on to the podcast today and tell her story and see who she can influence along the way.
In This Podcast:
00:48 – Introducing Carol Davis
01:08 – How did she become interested in Physical Therapy and what was her journey becoming a PT?
07:06 – Meeting Stephen at Barnes’ Course
10:22 – What brought her to Miami?
20:35 – What advice would she give to younger PTs who’s going to take their first John Barnes course?
25:18 – What’s her take on John Barnes’ New Oregon?
30:42 – What’s the best place for younger PTs to understand more of where Carol is coming from?
41:59 – Where can you get her books?
42:16 – Where can you reach Carol?
Email: [email protected]
· Patient Practitioner Interaction: An Experiential Manual for Developing the Art of Health Care - https://amzn.to/3jdLG4F
· Integrative Therapies in Rehabilitation: Evidence for Efficacy in Therapy, Prevention, and Wellness, Fourth Edition - https://amzn.to/3hbPdio · SlackBooks: http://www.slackbooks.com/davisforms · John Barnes: https://www.myofascialrelease.com/merchandise/books.aspx
Today, we talk about digital marketing and how it can help your business with Dr. Will Boyd.
In This Podcast:
01:07 – How did Stephen meet Will?
04:25 – Will’s Tips for PTs that don’t have any experience in Online Courses.
09:50 – Things to consider when starting an Online Business as a PT.
14:07 – Online Business starts with a Conversation.
18:01 – How do you get accepted in Facebook Groups?
22:46 – How do you find a product/course to create?
29:12 – Are people quite used to doing Online Courses yet or are they more used to doing it post COVID?
32:30 – Getting ideas from your audience and creating what they want.
40:09 – Where can you reach out to Will?
Facebook: www.facebook.com/drwillboydpt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/willboydpt
Group: Healthcare Digital Marketing
Today we are here with Dr. Jared Cooper and we’re going to be talking about Life after COVID-19, Life during COVID-19, and Life after COVID-19 as Physical Therapists.
In This Podcast:
01:43 – Introducing Jared Cooper.
02:59 – How does Jared essentially convert his current customers in his brick and Mortar Practice over to Telehealth and How does he keep his business going?
05:50 – Jared talks about his process on getting in touch with people and his message about the transition to Telehealth.
06:58 – Is it the physical therapist who is afraid that they’re going to get rejected when we try to offer a practice through Telehealth or is it the patient’s actual fear of coming into the practice? Whose belief is it?
07:20 – Reflecting for a moment and recognizing if your customers really want to do Telehealth.
07:44 – Address the Fear.
09:39 – How do you get somebody that comes in for manual therapy, converted to a movement only intervention like telehealth?
12:46 – If belief is the limiting factor to the patient getting better, then where are we falling short? Is it the intervention or our ability to create belief?
19:14 – Jared’s virtual offerings and how COVID might have changed some of that for him?
22:23 – Definition of Passive Income.
Website: https://www.physiosecrets.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jared.cooper.1023
Today, we’ve got Andy, he’s a physical therapist and he just completed his Pilates Teacher Training Program at a classical studio in New York City. And we’re going to talk more of his journey with Pilates today.
In This Podcast:
01:00 – Introducing Andy
01:28 – Andy’s journey to Pilates
03:22 – His experience with his first exposure to Pilates
06:46 – Does he find Pilates different from teaching traditional PT exercises?
10:02 – What is his plan moving forward with his certification?
11:14 – Being a Physical Therapist and an Occupational Therapist
14:17 – Does having a PT and OT background make it easier for him to start thinking about other things to spread his net further?
20:45 – Pilates tips from Andy
21:30 – Where can you contact Andy?
Today, we have my brother, Dr. James Dunn from Northern California, and we will talk about pelvic floor health with him.
A lot of back pain is also because of weakness in the pelvic floor.
In this episode of Pilates for PTs:
02:15 - What is a Urogynecologist?
03:45 - Types of Incontinence and how to treat it
06:30 - Pelvic floor therapy
09:00 - Pelvic floor and back pain
11:00 - Pelvic floor anatomy
16:00 - When is the right time for women to see a Urogynecologist?
16:50 - Is it normal to have Urinary Incontinence?
18:00 - Percentage of women that undergo surgery
19:00 - Pelvic Mesh Surgery
Do you want to be trained and get BASI certified?
Patricia shares about getting BASI certified and also the 2 interesting studios she has, one is located in a man-made island, and how she runs it together with her PTs.
She has learned to love Pilates and saw how it made a difference in so many people’s lives including her own family.
In this episode of Pilates to PTs:
01:00 – How did Stephen, Cheryl and Patricia came to know each other
04:50 – What got Patricia interested in Pilates?
06:20 – Pilates combines dance with rehabilitation
07:45 – Patricia talks about BASI
08:35 – Do you have to stay in the same place to do the whole training (BASI)?
11:00 – Is PMA a pre-requisite to BASI or is BASI involved with the PMA?
11:55 – What led Patricia to open her business and start her own studio?
13:00 – Pilates made difference in so many people’s lives
15:00 – Stephen asks “Does your PTs work as PTs or are they teaching Pilates?”
17:10 – Patricia shares about her second studio in a man-made island in Bahrain
18:40 – What are the different payment structures in her 2 studios?
21:55 – How does the private membership work?
26:35 – Patricia on teaching in her main studio
31:30 – What are the inclusions with her packages?
33:40 – Pilates changes your posture, it changes your life
Today we have Barbara Wintroub, who are mine and Cheryl’s very first Pilates instructor. She took us from a newbie, to incorporating Pilates to every single one of my patients from 2002 to 2019.
In this episode of Pilates for PTs with Barbara Wintroub:
02:00 - What got Barbara interested and involved in Pilates?
03:30 - Pilates during Barbara’s time went underground
07:00 - Did Barbara have her own studio before?
08:30 - How did Barbara and Stephen meet?
12:12 - What was Barbara’s first memory of Stephen and Cheryl?
19:30 - What brought Barbara out of California to Palm Springs?
24:00 - How does Barbara do her classes now?
27:00 – How do you get certified for Pilates?How do you reach out to Barbara?
You can call her directly at 3109133333 or through email – [email protected] -
In this episode of Pilates for PTs:
01:00 – What got Karyn into physical therapy? What got her into pilates? And which came first?
04:00 -- Dr. Staples found Pilates as her physical fitness
05:25 -- How Stephen started and grow his own team
06:50 - [Question] How did Karyn build her team? Where did her team members come from?
08:31 - [Question] How many physical therapists are working Karyn currently?
10:00 - Transition packages
12:10 - Team communication and proper system are important
15:20 - Does Karyn do cash-based? Does she accept insurance?
18:50 - [Question] How to charge your wellness rates?
19:30 - Building relationships with clients and instructors in multiple levels
21:30 - Best return on time from your community investments?
25:45 - [Question] For PTs who are new to Pilates: How do they get certified? Where do they go? What are the steps?
28:30 - The Pilates Method Alliance
Contact information of Dr. Staples:
Email [email protected]
Studio phone number 770 487 1931
Facebook and Instagram @prohealthptc
How did Stephen and Cheryl, run their business successfully for 13 years?
Learn the basics from knowing your target market and ideal clients, nurturing your old and new clients and the marketing strategies to help you build a successful business.
Team nurturing and engagement are very important to build a strong foundation for a successful business.
In this episode of Pilates for PTs:
02:00 – Introduction of Cheryl Dunn
02:50 – Cheryl’s Pilates and Gyrotonic journey
05:00 – How Stephen and Cheryl started marketing their services (PT, Pilates, Gyrotonic)
07:50 – How did their roles delineated over the years with their business?
08:50 – What are the important things that Cheryl does in their business?
11:10 – FB Live as a platform for teaching
11:30 – Teach as a team
12:00 – Nurture the staff
13:00 – Nurturing new and old clients
15:20 – Keeping track of the marketing metrics
17:15 – The importance of knowing your target market (ideal clients)
19:00 – Learn how to market your business
23:00 – Retaining old clients
24:45 - From Cheryl’s business standpoint: keep educating yourself, take care of yourself, enjoy the process
25:15 – From Stephen’s business standpoint: learn to enjoy the things that you have to do to keep the marketing going; come from a place of abundance and not from a place of scarcity
26:00 – Serve rather than Sell
27:25 – Keep being creative with staff and clients
29:40 – Have individual goals for clients; take people forward
32:20 – 1 minute Facebook messenger video vs. Email
34:00 – How Stephen became a Gyrotonic trainer
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