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Welcome to WOCTalk, a podcast courtesy of the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society. WOCTalk is your opportunity to learn more about advocacy, education, and research that support the practice and delivery of expert healthcare to individuals with wound, ostomy, and continence care needs.
CABTalks by Synthace is the Computer-Aided Biology podcast hosted by Dr Fane Mensah, Life Sciences Business Director at Synthace.
We talk to the “who’s who” of our community and those working in the trenches across the diverse fields of life science. From data scientists to biologists and from investors to engineers, you will hear their stories, opinions, and expertise on everything happening at the intersection of biology and technology.
Want to learn more about Computer-Aided Biology? Go to www.synthace.com/cabtalksbysynthace -
This podcast starts at the beginning of Earth's prehistory and works forward through time. Bedrock will explore the first 90% of Earth’s past, a time known as the Precambrian Era. Before humans, before dinosaurs… there was the Precambrian.
The Earth was an incredibly alien world, but not a dead one.
Along the way, you will build a mental toolkit to see the world like a geologist. You will never look at a mountain, the moon, or pond scum in quite the same way again.
Welcome to Bedrock.
For transcripts, visuals, and references, check out https://www.bedrockpodcast.com -
Join the nano-rare disease community! Interviews features leading physicians, scientists, biotech experts, and patient advocates. Lessons teach core concepts about drugs. Our host Dr. Crooke has led the creation of antisense technology and his foundation, n-Lorem, is using this powerful technology to discover, develop, and provide personalized experimental antisense oligonucleotide medicines to nano-rare patients for free, for life.
n-Lorem is a non-profit organization established to apply the efficiency, versatility and specificity of antisense technology to charitably provide experimental antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) medicines to treat patients (less than 30 patients) that are the result of a single genetic defect unique to only one or very few individuals. The advantage of experimental ASO medicines is that they can be developed rapidly, inexpensively and are highly specific. n-Lorem was founded by Dr. Stan Crooke, who founded IONIS Pharmaceuticals in 1989 and, through his vision and leadership, established the company as the leader in RNA-targeted therapeutics.
The podcast is produced by n-Lorem Foundation and hosted by Dr. Stanley T. Crroke, who is the Founder, CEO and Chairman. Our videographer is Jon Magnuson. Our producers are Kira Dineen, Jon Magnuson, Kim Butler, and Amy Williford. To learn more about n-Lorem, visit nlorem.org. Contact us at [email protected]. -
Kırmızı Alan, bir grup acil tıp uzmanı tarafından acilde sıkça karşılaşılan durumları daha geniş bir perspektiften anlatmak, acil tıp uygulamalarını geliştirmek amacıyla kurulmuştur. Amacımız textbook'ların ya da kılavuzların yerine geçmek değil ele aldığımız konuları farklı yönleriyle anlatmak ve genel bir kavrayış sağlamaktır.
Interviewing biologists, chemists and biochemists to find out what motivated them to study science and what work they are currently undertaking
هي عن الكرونا ڤيروس
About what mitosis and meiosis is
Altında sorguladığımız köprüler yıkıldı, yeni buluşma noktamız Yüksek Kafa Enstitüsü !
Enstitü Fabrika'nın ürettiği podcastleri içermektedir.
Merhaba. Podcast serimde hayvan davranışlarının ve psikolojisinin dokunduklarına dair bir çok içerik bulabilirsiniz.
Fark etmenin kıymetini anladığımdan beri, heybemde biriktirdiklerimi kısa kesitler ile paylaşacağım...Burada biraz kitap, biraz hikaye, biraz film, biraz hayat, biraz düş, çokça keşif, soru ve fark etmek üzerine egzersizler bulacaksınız. Bilenler bilir, mottom yaşat, fark et, çoğalt! İşte bunlar hep deneme, öyle ya, denemeden tadı çıkmazdı :)İlham olması dileğiyle...
پرونده، پادکست هفتگی ایندیپندنت فارسی است که فراتر از اخبار روزانه نگاهی متفاوت به موضوعات مهم مربوط به ایران دارد
Welcome to the Clinical Care Solutions Internal Medicine podcast channel. Our podcast shows give you quick access to important content when you need it - at home, at your desk, or on the go.
Delve into the newest biochemical research with this easy to understand podcast. In every episode, we will explain one new biochemistry-focused research paper, providing context so even beginners will be able to follow and understand the newest research. We will then try and predict some of the implications of this research.
Cahil bilimden ne anlar mottosuyla başladığımız geleneksel radyoculuğun dışına çıkarak abi-kardeş olarak her hafta bir popüler bilimsel konuya yer verip konu hakkında yorumlarımızla siz değerli dinleyicilerimizi bilimsel konularda sıkıcı olmadan dinleyebileceğiniz bir hale getirmek amacıyla bu yola çıktık.
İsminde geçen mentalese (zihince) kavramına uygun olarak bilişsel bilimin birçok dalından beyin ve zihin hakkında konuşulan podcast serisi.
میخوام اینو به شما بگم
نزارید اتفاقات کوچیک
اتفاقات بزرگتون رو خراب کنه
Gizem Bozkurt ve Eren Zaman'ın gerontoloji ve yaşlanma üzerine yaptıkları konuşmalarının podcast halidir.