
  • I have not not published an episode on either of my podcast for 6 months, missing May through October of 2022.

    What happened during that time period?

    YIKES. I am still not completely sure (the results of a brain MRI will be coming within the next day or two as I write this), but the entire experience was…ineffable.

    Ineffable means, “there are no words to describe”. I can put some color around the edges, like
    -graduating our youngest child

    -moving to a Caribbean island (and moving 4 times in 3 months in an effort to dodge mold),

    -remediating a condo (that we bought along with toxic mold),

    -starting a new business, and finally… a mental and physical breakdown?

    It doesn’t stop there, because there are another 5-8 moves, depending on how you define “move”, since I started living out of my car. Yes, I returned to the states and sold our family home, disrupting our family, and hoped to restart

    On today’s solo cast, I talk about my near-death experience and how I’ve come to terms with the idea that you CANNOT make everything fun! However, you can learn from your mistakes and failures.

    Did you learn to walk in a day? No! Did you fall on your face many times? Yes! Did your family yell at you when you fell down, telling you that you suck? No! So don’t tell yourself that you suck when you fall down, fail, or mess up in life. Pick yourself back up again, dust yourself off, and ask yourself, “What did I learn from that failure!?”. Then proceed to your next attempt at learning how to walk or whatever else you are attempting to do in your life.

    I share with you six (serious) fun nuggets that will hopefully help you feel better when you feel alone.

    #1: Making everything fun is really f*&%ing card. However, I still believe that fun is the fuel that can get us through the difficult times. I am watching funny movies (a la Norman Cousins) and doing what I can to heal from my trespasses. “As we forgive those, who trespass against us”.

    #2: Use GIST to help you get out of the really difficult parts of life. Specifically Gratitude, Intention, Surrender, and Trust. Credit to Harry Massey, CEO of NES/Energy 4 Life.

    #3: Know your allergens and how they interact with antibodies. The antigen is the attacking substance; antibodies are what our bodies create to attack that antigen.

    This interview with Dr. Martinez is also very helpful background on the immune system. Thank you Dr. Mario!

    #4: Hurt people hurt other people.

    How can you soothe yourself so that you can treat others better?

    #5: Don’t “should” all over yourself. Please.

    #6: Simplify your life. I love the work of my dear friend Laura Carlin and Allison Forbes. Please check out their work at Inspired Everyday Living.

  • I loved this interview with my dear friend and mentor Teresa de Grosbois.

    Teresa heads the international Evolutionary Business Council, a membership-based organization that empowers changemakers to create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve.

    We talk about the Evolutionary Business Council, or EBC in detail. We explore elements of her bestselling book, Mass Influence - the Habits of the Highly Influential. Teresa graciously offers every listener a free digital copy of the book along with a fun 30-day challenge that will help you in growing your influence.

    The EBC has some upcoming calls for interested members, so if you feel called to learn more, please reach out to me on my contact page at MakeEverythingFun so that I can tell you more.

    We uncover a dozen fun nuggets along the way, so don’t miss out on this fun and fantastic interview:

    #1: Limiting beliefs develop at a very young age.
    What limiting beliefs might you have developed?

    #2: Limiting beliefs do not need to be viewed as only negative. We can use them to motivate ourselves to do great things in life.

    #3: Influence is a game, and it is important to play by the rules.

    #4: Authenticity is not necessarily the same thing as honesty.

    #5: Insight alone won't get you there. You need to take action.

    #6: Request action from others when appropriate.

    #7: Play is the path to transformation.

    #8: The EBC is organized around the principle of the Tipping Point with the goal of getting our world to be conscious and sustainable.

    #9: The EBC is organized around the 3 pillars of influence, profit, and impact.

    #10: Consciousness is about challenging your limiting beliefs and thought patterns.

    #11: Money is energy.

    #10: You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with.

    More about Teresa

    Teresa is the #1 international bestselling author of “Mass Influence - the habits of the highly influential”, which has been on the bestseller lists in 7 countries over the past 4 years. A 4X international bestselling author, Teresa teaches marketing courses around the globe to business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to create massively successful word of mouth campaigns. Teresa heads the international Evolutionary Business Council, membership-based organization which empowers change-makers create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve.

    What’s fun for Teresa?

    Building relationships with & gaining endorsements from influential people.




    Her profitable hobby: Conscious Crypto Traders on YouTube.

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  • In this episode, we talk about the brain and how it protects us. However, the way our brains are wired can get in the way of ease and flow. We dive into some productivity hacks, understand how language affects our feelings, and learn how to make intuitive decisions for the highest good.

    My guest is Dr. Jane Tornatore. Jane is the author of the compact and wonderful book, Everything is Perfect, Just Not ME! A Roadmap for Self-Acceptance. She is a therapist, coach, author, and speaker who loves to help people overcome perfectionism. We uncover ten fun nuggets in our discussion about her work with clients on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

    Enjoy the fun nuggets:

    #1: The brain develops in stages, starting with Delta waves (ages -2) and moving to Theta waves (ages 2-6). Healing occurs optimally in Delta and Theta brain states.

    Learn more about healing your mind/body system in this previous episode with Dr. Mario Martinez: https://makeeverythingfun.com/podcast/e062-dr-mario-martinez/

    #2: Feelings are meant to be felt.
    Hear Dr. Jane describe her Feelings Model in the interview: repress (stuck), feel (process), or feed (spiral).

    Can you process feelings as quickly as 90 seconds? We explored this idea earlier in this episode with Dr. Chloe Carmichael. https://makeeverythingfun.com/podcast/e084-chloe-carmichael/

    #3: Change your language to change how you feel about everyday tasks.

    #4: Create new habitual thinking to overcome the Velcro and Telfon tendencies in your brain.

    #5: Be curious.

    #6: Breathe like a baby.#7: Learn how to prioritize the “big rocks” over sand and water.

    #8: Listen to the wisdom from the body (not the brain). 80% of the information exchange between the brain and body flows UP from the body to the brain.

    #9: Allow flow with breath, movement, and dance. Lack of health/life comes from constriction.

    #10: Trust your body to assist you with intuitive decision-making.

    Listen for Dr. Jane’s method of asking for the outcome aligned with the highest good and feeling into the direction/movement of her body.

    More bout Dr. Jane

    Dr. Jane Tornatore has dedicated her career to helping people be kinder to themselves. Her style incorporates compassion, curiosity, deep listening, and heartfelt optimism, along with powerful shots of playfulness. She draws from her extensive professional training and wide-ranging life experiences to help people release old patterns and unnecessary stress. A therapist, coach, author, and speaker based in Seattle, audiences rave about her engaging workshops on perfectionism, self-compassion, brain hacks for changing our thinking, and reducing stress. Dr. Tornatore received a Master’s degree at the University of Illinois and a Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota. She has authored over 20 articles and published a book—Everything is Perfect, Just Not ME! A Roadmap for Self-Acceptance.

    What’s fun for Dr. Jane

    Having my body in the ocean, lake, or stream!


    Link to Intuitive Decision Making Method: https://everydaylove.simplero.com/bodytestmethod

    Website: https://www.everydaylove.me

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janetornatore/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everydaylove

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjanetornatore/

    Link to book on Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/Everything-PERFECT-Just-not-Self-Acceptance/dp/1798229331/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2FSQ174BI4KTY&keywords=everything+is+perfect+just+not+me&qid=1638469675&sprefix=everything+is+perfect+%2Caps%2C225&sr=8-1

  • In this episode, we talk with Positively Disney’s Kimberley Bouchard.
    Kimberly followed her passion and created a life integrating fun, making a difference, and being a successful entrepreneur. She fell in love with Disney as a child dancing to The Wonderful World of Disney in her living room. When her husband encouraged her to spend more time at the Magical Kingdom, she saw the Disney mission of “representing all that is good in the world” as being something worthy of spreading. Positively Disney was born.

    In our interview, we talk about how Kimberley overcame those “little inner voices” of doubt and criticism to launch a life full of fun and purpose.

    Don’t miss out on her secret of how she is able to show up every time in such as way that is magnetic and powerful for her fans.

    We uncover nine fun nuggets in our discussion about her approach to an integrated life:

    #1: Find a way to bring together what you love with what you do professionally.

    #2: Age is just a number (never let it be an obstacle).

    #3: Do or do not. There is no try (we quoted Yoda!).

    #4: Be creative about networking tools at your disposal (Kimberly mentions wearing on-brand clothing or having on-brand accessories as a great conversation starter).

    #5: You never know who you are going to talk to (so always be kind and engaging).

    #6: Books, especially cookbooks, create community.

    #7: Philanthropy creates community.

    #8: Touch people's hearts and make a difference in the world.

    #9: Ask the (Tinkerbell) question: have I brought joy to God (Goddess/Universe/choose your word) today?

    About Kimberley

    Kimberley Bouchard is the bestselling author of the Positively Disney book series, and host of the Positively Disney podcast. Originally from Canada, she now resides in Seattle with her husband, three children, and various critters.

    What’s fun for Kimberley

    Doing new things such as trying Top Golf for the first time and beating my college son! I especially like creating good surprises such as surprising folks with candy canes (especially to the motorists backed up for miles on a road on Vancouver Island, BC), dropping off Easter baskets at friends' front doors during the pandemic, shipping Christmas in a box anonymously to someone in need. Hanging out with my family anywhere especially at Disney, and dating my husband again since our kids are all adults are at the top of my list!



    Facebook: positivelydisneybook

    Facebook: positivelydisneycookbook

    Instagram: @positivleydisneybook

    Instagram: @positivelydisney.cookbook

  • I am thrilled to continue to introduce you to more of my amazing friends from the Evolutionary Business Council. Today’s guest is Lumari, an Intuitive Coach, Conscious Channel, and Creative Catalyst.

    In this episode, we talk about her channeled book, Streams of Consciousness.

    We uncover five fun nuggets in our discussion about her work with clients on the path to living their higher soul’s callings.

    She offers a free gift that will allow you to create your own personal sacred space.

    Here are the fun nuggets from the interview:

    #1: Channeling a book is a way to deliver divine messages to the human world.
    (I first learned about book channeling from Lisa Najjar in EP004 of this podcast).

    #2: Streams (from the twelve streams of consciousness that Lumari writes about) can bring together tribe members who are resonating at a similar frequency.

    #3: The simple act of reading a book can bring about healing.

    #4: The simple act of reading a book can be transformational (make time for reading every day!)

    #5: Inspiration is the feeling when the divine is talking to you.

    About Lumari

    Lumari is a gifted, internationally acclaimed Intuitive Coach, Creative Catalyst, Multi-dimensional Conscious Channel, and Vibrational Activator. For over twenty-five years, she has mentored, coached, and guided thousands of people all over the world to live their Higher Soul’s Callings. She delights in helping her clients, celebrate and expand their soul purpose, fulfill their dreams, to create their highest path of destiny.

    Born with special multi-dimensional psychic, conscious channeling, creative and healing gifts, Lumari serves as a catalyst, guide, and inspiration for personal and planetary transformation, evolution, and awakening.

    She is an award-winning and bestselling author of numerous breakthrough spiritual, metaphysical, and self-help books. Her books, meditations, and spiritual training bring joyful awakening, profound clarity, spiritual connection, and healing. They reveal secret teachings to raise awareness and Divine connection.

    Her newest book, “Streams of Consciousness, is “A mind-altering, heart-opening, awakening journey into the cosmos, your divine nature, and our world.”

    In a fusion of her many spiritual gifts, Lumari mentors with high vibration, psychic and practical wisdom, guiding her clients to continue to reach new heights of awakening, fulfillment, and success, align with their higher souls callings, make a positive difference in our world - and have fun doing it.

    What’s fun for Lumari

    I love to play! Curiosity and exploration are fun! Singing is fun. Shifting people's energies to greater joy is fun! _Ready? I say this all the time! I love to mentor people to align with their higher souls callings, make a positive difference in our world - and have fun doing it.



    free gift - https://lumari.com/sacredspace/

    https://lumari.com/bundle-of-joy/ ( a new meditation series) https://lumari.com/streams-of-consciousness/

    on amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/0999325930/.

    Cosmic Coffee Break Podcast https://lumari.com/podcast/

  • I welcome a long-time friend Traysiah Spring to the show to discuss her new book and love project, Clean Green Eating, Plant-Based to Feel Great!

    We discuss mutual friends that have been on the show (see references at the end) and how she’s excited to help others eat clean, feel peace, and feel more powerful in your body.

    We uncover eight fun nuggets that will help you find more joy in both preparing and savoring your food:

    #1: Make food fun (mindset).
    This page has numerous resources for making food fun:


    #2: Let Food Be Thy Medicine.
    (For more information please see: https://makeeverythingfun.com/let-food-be-thy-medicine-covid/)

    #3: Food is about gaining lifeforce.

    #4: Eating clean allows you to have clarity and own your power.

    #5: Food is about much more than what is on your plate (it is about your relationships, the media you consume, and what you allow into your energetic sphere).

    #6: A rice cooker can be your best friend.

    #7: A slow cooker can also be your best friend (especially in the colder months).

    #8: Find creative ways to add raw foods to your diet to benefit from the lifeforce, intelligence, and enzymes (“under 105 to be alive”).

    About Traysi

    Traysiah Spring is an international meditation facilitator, Ayurvedic consultant and author, who is passionate about exploring and sharing - how to live a consciousness-based lifestyle, for the purpose of waking up to our highest awareness and potential.

    She trained and worked with Dr. Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, in San Diego, California, for many years, alongside her husband, Tom. They are both certified Ayurveda and Meditation Instructors. Traysi also spent many years going to the Optimum Health Institute, studying how food can profoundly affect our life experiences.

    Tom and Traysiah started a non-profit organization - "Deep Peace Adventures Foundation" - where they host an international online meditation community and offer a variety of weekly classes, that explore living a conscious life. Including, offering regular video demonstrations of cooking tips and recipes from their new book - Clean Green Eating - Plant-based to feel great!

    What’s fun for Traysi:

    Playing with recipes and discovering new plant-based foods that are surprisingly delicious and that I feel good eating.





    Nurture (my nonprofit that we reference during the interview): https://makeeverythingfun.com/nurture/

  • In this episode, we talk about deep healing and transformation with Soul Guide Kerri Hummingbird. Kerri is the author of the bestselling books "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and "Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound".

    We uncover nine fun nuggets in our discussion about her work with clients on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

    Listen closely for the information about her upcoming programs, “Calling All Earth Mamas” and her year-long program which starts in February.

    Here are the fun nuggets from the interview:

    #1: Books can create transformations.

    #2: The second wave is about clearing Consciousness from the inside out.

    #3: Listen to get downloads of inspiration.

    #4: Healing can happen through frequencies and connection to the Earth.

    #5: Healing is about remembering our connection to all that is.

    #6: Healing can happen through shamanic tools.

    #7: Safety allows Transformation.

    #8: Sit and be present.

    #9: Let go.

    About Kerri

    Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide and host of Soul Nectar Show, is the #1 international best-selling author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and the award-winning best-selling book "Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love" which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. Ms. Hummingbird inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. She catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom. Her newest book, already a #1 int'l bestseller, is called "Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound" and describes the most direct path to spiritual enlightenment.

    What’s fun for Kerri:

    Spiritual realization is delightful



    (receive 17 days of interviews for the Return of Mother Wisdom Series)


    Podcast: www.soulnectar.show

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerri.hummingbird.sami

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kerri.hummingbird/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KerriHummingbrd

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerrihummingbird/


  • In this episode, I have the privilege of introducing you to my friend and fellow Evolutionary Business Council member, Rodney Flowers.

    After a traumatic high school football injury, Rodney was paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Despite a challenging recovery process over 18 years to regain his ability to walk, Rodney is all about making a positive impact on the world.

    Today, Rodney is an internationally respected speaker, thought leader, and 3-time bestselling author who helps others overcome life’s challenges to maximize success.

    Rodney offers us nine incredible “fun nuggets” in our discussion all about resilience, including the idea that “Playing the game, however you play it, is a privilege.”

    Here are the fun nuggets from the interview:

    #1: Decide on what you want; then focus on it.

    #2: Ignite the small accomplishments (chunk it down).

    #3: The end game is not as important as the journey.

    #4: Excitement itself is a celebration.

    #5: Seek out life's challenges.

    #6: Resistance is an invitation to expand ourselves.

    #7: Resilience is about getting emotionally and spiritually fit.

    #8: Adversity is something we all have in common.

    #9: Playing the game, however you play it, is a privilege.

    About Robbie

    Robbie Samuels is an author, speaker, and business growth strategy coach recognized as a networking expert by Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Lifehacker, and Inc. He is also a virtual event design consultant and executive Zoom producer recognized as an industry expert in the field of digital event design by JDC Events.

    Robbie is the author of "Croissants vs. Bagels: Strategic, Effective, and Inclusive Networking at Conferences" and "Small List, Big Results: Launch a Successful Offer No Matter the Size of Your Email List." He is a Harvard Business Review contributor.

    His clients include thought leaders, entrepreneurial women, associations, national, and statewide advocacy organizations, women’s leadership summits, including Feeding America, California WIC Association, and AmeriCorps.

    Robbie is the host of the On the Schmooze podcast and #NoMoreBadZoom Virtual Happy Hours.

    What’s fun for Robbie:

    Talk about virtual events and business growth strategies! I know, I know, I need a hobby. I plan to garden next year (last year was my first time gardening in 30 years) and I like to puzzle, bike, and Scrabble.





    www.RobbieSamuels.com/kathryn - download The Big Results Toolkit, which has several resources to help you implement the strategies in "Small List, Big Results: Launch a Successful Offer No Matter the Size of Your Email List."


    www.NoMoreBadZoom.com - join Robbie at his free weekly #NoMoreBadZoom Virtual Happy Hour - Fridays at 5pm ET. These are a fun way to network and discover new ways to design engaging online experiences. The first 75-90 minutes is a mix of Zoom tips and lots of networking, followed by Q&A.

    www.OntheSchmooze.com - guests share untold stories about leadership and networking in this weekly podcast (over 250 episodes!)

    www.CroissantsvsBagels.com - Download the free bonus bundle for Robbie's 1st book "Croissants vs. Bagels: Strategic, Effective, and Inclusive Networking at Conferences" (over 200 reviews worldwide!)

  • In this episode, I have the privilege of introducing you to my friend and fellow Evolutionary Business Council member, Rodney Flowers.

    After a traumatic high school football injury, Rodney was paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Despite a challenging recovery process over 18 years to regain his ability to walk, Rodney is all about making a positive impact on the world.

    Today, Rodney is an internationally respected speaker, thought leader, and 3-time bestselling author who helps others overcome life’s challenges to maximize success.

    Rodney offers us nine incredible “fun nuggets” in our discussion all about resilience, including the idea that “Playing the game, however you play it, is a privilege.”

    Here are the fun nuggets from the interview:

    #1: Decide on what you want; then focus on it.

    #2: Ignite the small accomplishments (chunk it down).

    #3: The end game is not as important as the journey.

    #4: Excitement itself is a celebration.

    #5: Seek out life's challenges.

    #6: Resistance is an invitation to expand ourselves.

    #7: Resilience is about getting emotionally and spiritually fit.

    #8: Adversity is something we all have in common.

    #9: Playing the game, however you play it, is a privilege.

    About Rodney Flowers

    Rodney Flowers, founder, and president of Inspirational Endeavors, LLC, inspires, motivates, and encourages individuals to reach for their hopes and dreams with earnest expectations regardless of their limitations or challenges.

    After a traumatic high school football injury, Flowers was paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Despite an unfavorable prognosis for recovery, he spent the next 18 years regaining his ability to walk and making a positive impact on the world.

    Today, Flowers is an internationally respected writer, communicator, influencer, thought leader, and change agent for overcoming life’s adversities and maximizing individual achievement and success.

    Flowers is a three-time international Amazon bestselling author, keynote speaker, CEO, entrepreneur, transformational leader, and resilience trainer.What’s fun for Rodney:
    Expressing your best self is fun



  • In this episode, you’ll hear the story of a man who left positions with high influence and pay to start a retreat center for transformation in Peru.

    Daniel Gutierrez was a former advisor to the White House and the author of the book Radical Mindfulness.

    When he published his book, he transformed his own life by listening to his own lessons. He is still on an amazing journey today by hosting guests at his center named Catalina to honor his mother.

    Daniel is a good friend and fellow member of a wonderful organization, the Evolutionary Business Council. We talk about mindfulness, managing transitions, plant medicine, and much more in this fun interview.

    The interview yields eight “fun nuggets” about transformation:

    #1: Writing a book can create transformation in your life.

    (In Daniel’s case, he goes so far as to say that writing a book saved his life).

    #2: You may need to read and re-read your own book to incorporate the lessons for yourself.

    #3: You are not your “bio”.

    #4: Ask permission. Daniel tells the story of his “dispacho” ceremony to connect to nature, honor Her, and ask for permission to use the land for his Retreat Center.

    #5: Plant medicines remove the veil between ourselves and a greater consciousness.

    #6: Listen.

    #7: There is a difference between an experience and a healing.

    We discuss Michael Pollan’s book, How to Change Your Mind. https://www.amazon.com/How-to-Change-Your-Mind-audiobook/dp/B07B1V3RF5/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=how+to+change+your+mind&qid=1625246520&sr=8-1

    #8: There is a journey before the journey and even a journey after the journey

    About Daniel Gutierrez

    Once a high-powered executive and in-demand consultant who graced the covers of Latin Business, Cypen, and Color Magazines, Daniel Gutierrez realized that there was more to success than a 7-figure earning potential. As President of PRIMER, a prestigious national leadership organization and an advisor to the Department of White House Personnel for the Obama Administration, Daniel was a highly regarded and deeply revered leader. Though Daniel was listed as one of the “Top 100 Hispanics in America” along with Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, actor Edward James Olmos, and CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, something was still missing.

    To find fulfillment, Daniel decided to dedicate the next chapter of his life to becoming a Master of Mindfulness. During the past 10 years, he has led quests to the heights of the Machu Picchu, the depths of the Amazon, and the top of the Himalayas. After the boardroom, now Daniel has been guiding entrepreneurs and corporate executives in deep-dive mindfulness immersions. Though mindfulness is a lifelong practice, Daniel has become known for giving life-altering strategies in as little as 60 seconds. When facing extreme pressure, executives go from high-strung to highly productive. Daniel has even turned Wall Street cubicles from a place of stress to pads of serenity.
    A beloved mentor and sought-after motivational speaker, Daniel was featured in the documentary Luminous World Views as one of eighteen world-renowned transformational thought-leaders.

    In November 2018 Daniel appeared as a special guest for renowned teacher, Michel Pascal on one of the biggest stages in the world, Carnegie Hall in New York City. He addressed a sold-out crowd with musical support from Earth Wind and Fire, Madonna and Michael Jackson’s best musicians. He is a bestselling author, who just released his fifth book, International Best Selling Radical Mindfulness.

    What’s fun for Daniel Gutierrez


    instagram: motivatordan
    twitter: motivatordan
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=676002517
    LinkenIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-gutierrez-peru/

  • In this episode, we move from the heart (our last episode featuring Dr. Akil) to the brain, with today’s guest Dr. Jacqueine Chan.

    Dr. Chan is the author of the book, Regenerate Your Brain, A Breakthrough Plan to Regain Your Brilliance.

    This book tells the story of her own encounters with brain injury (a bike accident, a tick bite, and a stroke) as well as her incredible recovery plan.

    This episode is somewhat different from typical Positive on Publishing episodes in that it is more of a presentation. You can certainly enjoy the content via audio, but the video will be the recommended format for consuming this content. The video will be available on my YouTube channel, Make Everything Fun.

    Due to the presentation style, we don’t have our typical “fun nuggets” from the show. Instead, I’ve recapped the 8 sections of the wellness wheel below. I’ve also added some fun nuggets which I refer to as “mantras”, much in line with the takeaways from my other podcast, Mountain Mantras. I’ve also added two alliterations just for fun.

    8 Sections of the Wellness Wheel

    1. Nourishing the brain
    2. Balancing healthy hormones
    3. Healing leaky gut and leaky brain
    4. Cooling brain inflammation
    5. Detoxifying for clear cognition
    6. Boosting mitochondria
    7. Soothing the mind
    8. Building new neural pathways


    Mantra #1: You can empower your doctor to give you better care through books like Dr. Chan’s guide.

    Mantra #2: Healing takes place at slower brain waves.

    Mantra #3: Wisdom lives in the inner structures of the brain (Dr. Chan mentions the hypothalamus as well as the pineal gland).

    Mantra #4: Find your feet.

    Mantra #5: Relax your jaw.

    Mantra #6: Circulation is key, whether it is your blood, your lymphatic system, or your Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF).

    Mantra #7: Detoxification is a life-long job.

    Mantra #8: Energize (see Dr. Chan’s tips for mitochondria), then rest.

    And here are a few “fun alliterations that I wrote down during Dr. Chan’s presentation:

    Keep an eye on Kale!

    Glyphosate can make you Gloomy

    Saunas Support the detoxification System
    (see/hear my interview with Sunlighten CEO Connie Zack:

    HBOT is Healing
    (See/hear my interview with Dr. Jason Sonners: https://makeeverythingfun.com/podcast/e061-jason-sonners/)

    About Dr. Jacqueline Chan

    Dr. Chan graduated from Mount Holyoke College magna cum laude in philosophy & then did a short stint in an MBA finance program on Wall Street in New York City. Jacqueline decided her true calling was in medicine. In 1994 she graduated from Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Jacqueline is board certified in Integrative Holistic Medicine and Neuromusculokeletal Medicine. Dr. Chan spent 24 years honing her skills as an integrative physician by studying herbs, functional medicine, heavy metal detox, osteopathic manipulation, nutrition, bio-identical hormone balancing and functional lab analysis. In 2012 she collaborated on a research study on chronic disease with Beverly Rubik, PhD at the Institute of Frontier Science. In 2013, she graduated from the Academy of Intuition Medicine® trained as a Medical Intuitive and remote healer. In 2014 she completed a Transformative Leadership Training; and created a Chakra Doctor Series and Energetic Boundaries Course within a yoga teacher-training program. Dr. Chan’s goal is to connect the patient to their truth, wisdom and own innate healing force within their body. As a holistic medicine physician she believes that compassion, presence and grace are crucial healing forces along with intelligently applied clinical knowledge. She is currently the Medical Director at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery of Marin and a physician at Marin Natural Medicine Clinic in Larspur, CA. She is author of # 1 new release, "Regenerate Your Brain, A breakthrough plan to regain your brilliance”, now available on amazon. Dr. Chan has appeared as a panelist for Dr. Oz in San Francisco and on Community TV twice as well as in Quantum Mental Health Conference, Neurosciences Conference in Australia.

    What’s fun for Dr. Chan
    Hiking, dancing, poetry writing


  • In this episode, you’ll hear the story of a physician who lived according to a “Type A” schedule, until he suffered from angina and needed bypass surgery.

    It was at this point, when he was being wheeled into the operating room, that he decided to turn this setback into a comeback. This comeback came in the form of a dramatic transformation in mind, body, and spirit.

    Today’s guest, Dr. Akil Taher, tells his story and provides his recommendations for transformational healing in his book Open Heart: The Transformational Journey of a Doctor Who, After Bypass Surgery at 61, Ran Marathons and Climbed Mountains.

    The interview yields a dozen “fun nuggets” about wellness, life, and transformation:

    #1: Heart disease is the number one killer, but can be prevented and reversed.

    #2: Living long is one thing, but living long and well is another.

    #3: Pursue the American dream, but do so in balance (health & wellness with the pursuit of material possessions).

    #4: You can turn a setback into a comeback.

    #5: Pain is a messenger (for Dr. Taher, pain even merged with pleasure).

    #6: Random acts of kindness are fun ( the caps story).

    #7: Respecting your elders is fun ( the marathon story).

    #8: Making mistakes is fun ( the wetsuit story).

    #9: Live outside your comfort zone.

    #10: Diet is more important than exercise.

    #11: Sleep is the best medicine.

    #12: Nature, spirituality, and emotional healing is a key part of transformation.

    Dr. Taher mentions the SKY technique; learn more about it through The Art of Living Foundation: https://event.us.artofliving.org/us-en/online-course-2/

    About Dr. Akil Taher

    Akil Taher, MD, is a practicing physician in Gadsden, Alabama. He was raised in Mumbai, India, and trained in family medicine at the Flower Hospital in Sylvania, Ohio.

    Dr. Taher is an eternal optimist, explorer, and adventurer, who in 2010, at the age of sixty-one, dramatically altered the conventional script adopted by most bypass surgery patients by undertaking a mountaineering trek to Mount Kailash in Tibet. This was a year after his open-heart surgery. In October 2011, he ran his first full marathon, the Chicago Marathon; and in September 2012, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing mountain in the world. Over the last decade, he has overcome acute and chronic medical ailments by transforming his mind, body, and spirit through the adoption of a plant-based diet, practice of yoga and meditation, regular exercise, and developing a positive and purpose-driven mindset.

    Dr. Taher is also a speaker focused on spreading the message of a heart-healthy lifestyle. Open Heart is his first book, and it chronicles his exploits since his heart surgery. He is happily married and has two children and an adorable grandson.

    What’s fun for Dr. Taher
    Living outside your comfort zone and having fun doing it.


    Website: https://www.akiltaher.com www.akiltaher.com akiltaher.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/akiltaher/ or akiltaher
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akiltaher/ or @akiltaher
    Facebook.com: https://www.facebook.com/authorakiltaher or @authorakiltaher
    Youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oqo8jk-iYUnXA65gWYemA/about

  • In this episode, you’ll learn about how publishing a book is very similar to the process of inventing a product, as we go through the process of “getting your ideas out of your coffee cup, and on the market.”.

    That’s the subtitle of the book of today’s guest, Ron Richard.

    This phrase might be familiar to you if you’ve listened to my Make Publishing Fun Summit, which was based on the concept of “Getting your book out of your head and into the world with a smile on your face.”
    Link to the FREE Make Publishing Fun Summit: https://makeeverythingfun.teachable.com/p/the-make-publishing-fun-summit

    We have 8 “fun nuggets” that apply to both the process of launching an invention and publishing a book. Enjoy!

    #1: Always start with customer (reader) needs

    #2: Then answer the question: does it (the product or book) have a right to exist?
    You can do this through the process of focus groups, or when working digitally, through surveys.

    #3: When asking questions of the market, keep it simple and not too many

    #4: Get help along the way

    #5: Steer around the ever-shifting rocks in the river

    #6: Stay focused: don't clutter up your product line

    #7: If you see a need, plant the seed

    #8: Laugh and have fun along the way

    More about Ron F. Richard
    Ron is the Founder of BLD Medical Consulting, a turnkey consulting firm focused on sales, marketing, digital, web design, M/A, FDA and overall supporting medical device manufacturers, hospitals, homecare, physician-based businesses, as well as clinical trials.

    He is a seasoned expert specializing in the medical device, medical diagnostic, and life science market segments. With over 35 years of experience in the Medical Industry, he has gained extensive knowledge and experience in respiratory, pulmonary, and sleep medicine.

    Primarily spearheading domestic and international sales, marketing, business development efforts, prospect for increased networks and engagement, he also advances, executes and assesses strategic plans to develop and implement strategic repositioning, product launch, branding, distribution, and marketing. Improve and apply policies and procedures refining overall operation and efficiency.

    His involvement in owning and operating home care companies, sleep laboratories, manufacturers, and distribution businesses became instrumental in developing and designing several products used in the treatment and diagnosis of chronic health care conditions.

    He’s known for being a patient advocate. Awarded Home Care Person of the Year in 2004 and Top Tech Executive in San Diego in 2011. He is passionate about his work and this has resulted in launching over 40 major products resulting in sales of over $1B.

    He helps formulate new product FDA submissions, coordinate registration processes for security protocols of HIPAA/PCI/ISO/HITRUST.

    What’s fun for Ron: Playing live gigs.

    Website: Inventingstartstoday.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ronfrichard/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ron.richard.7902

    Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/32CXsyu

    Book on B&N: https://bit.ly/2P9VJh3

  • In this episode, you’ll learn from anxiety coach Heather Rider, who personally overcame high-functioning anxiety to lead a life with more grace and ease.

    Heather is the author of the Anxiety Detox Workbook, a publication that allows clients to take consistent action towards improved mental wellness.

    This episode is a fun add-on discussion to the recent interview with Dr. Chloe Carmichael, author of the recently published “Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety”.

    We have 7 “fun nuggets” to share with you from this interview:

    #1: High functioning anxiety is like having 2 layers of the brain: one is where you are present and calm, and the other is like a crazy hamster wheel

    #2: To address high functioning anxiety, it is important to address the hamster wheel (and get off it)
    For a fun giggle, this link goes to my book trailer video for Mountain Mantras: Wellness and Life Lessons. Notice the hamster on the wheel! https://makeeverythingfun.com/mountain-mantras-book-trailer/

    #3: If YOU don't say no the body will say no
    I mention a favorite book of mine called “When the Body Says No” by Dr. Gabor Mate:

    #4: Be open to signals from the universe

    #5: Take consistent action towards mental wellness
    Heather talks about her anxiety detox workbook:

    #6: Experiment with various modalities for optimal wellness. Heather mentions hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, energy work, EFT, and Reiki

    #7: Find a community so that you don't feel alone.

    About Heather Rider
    Heather Rider is an anxiety coach and Imposter Syndrome educator who personally overcame high-functioning anxiety and Imposter Syndrome while working in a demanding Tech job. She works with clients from all over the world who want to take a nontraditional, holistic approach to heal anxiety.

    She regularly writes and presents on the issues of perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome, high-functioning anxiety, and other anxiety-related topics.

    What’s fun for Heather:
    yoga, hiking, playing board/card games with my kids, going to coffee shops I've never been to.


    Anxiety detox workbook: https://www.theenergysynergist.com/anxiety-workbooks

  • In this episode, you’ll learn about the differences between self-publishing and publishing with a traditional publisher with author, media personality, and clinical psychologist Dr. Chloe Carmichael.

    Dr. Chloe’e interview not only shines a light on the publishing industry but also the mental wellness industry. We discuss how our world is in the midst of a triple pandemic, one around physical health and the virus, another around nutritional health, and a third around mental health.

    We have 5 “fun nuggets” and many additional resources to help you on both your publishing and wellness journey.

    #1: Publishing timelines are very different for traditionally published books (vs. self-published). See this ebook for a description of the different kinds of publishers.

    #2: A storyline for a great book can be the answers you give to questions again and again.

    #3: Know your why for your publishing journey.

    #4: Understand the pros and cons of each publishing option (from having control, to speed, to quality). For those that seek more information about publishing, and especially profitable publishing, I’ve created a new ebook called “5 Things You Need to Know to Make Publishing Profitable and Fun”. Download it now.

    #5: Recgonize that “mental conditions” such as anxeity are not necessarily a bad thing. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and leverage them. The nine tools from her book for harnessing anxiety are:
    The three-part breath
    Zone of control
    Mental short list
    To do list with emotions
    Mind mapping
    Worry time
    Response prevention
    Thought replacement
    Anchoring statements

    About Dr. Chloe Carmichael
    Dr. Chloe Carmichael, PhD is a clinical psychologist known as Dr. Chloe. Her practice in New York City employs multiple therapists to serve high-functioning business executives, people in the arts, and everyday people seeking support with personal or professional goals. Dr. Chloe was a yoga teacher prior to becoming a psychologist, so her practice blends the best of both meditation and psychology to support clients as they work towards emotional fulfillment, goal attainment, and success in relationships.

    Dr. Chloe is the author of Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety (in press, Macmillan, 2021). She is a member in good standing of the American Psychological Association, as well as the National Register of Health Psychologists, an elite organization for psychologists with gold-standard credentials. She is also a consultant at Baker McKenzie, the third-largest law firm in the world. She is an Advisory Board member for Women’s Health Magazine (Hearst) and a featured expert for Psychology Today. Dr. Chloe enjoys relating with the media, as well as public speaking. She has been featured as an expert on VH1, Inside Edition, ABC Nightline, and other television; and has been quoted in the New York Times, Forbes, Vanity Fair, Shape, Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, and other print media.



  • In this interview, we talk with Innovation Alchemist Laura Seymour about her quantum strategy to bring out creation and innovation, in a grounded way, with leadership teams.

    You’ll learn about the amazing roots of the Baca Institute, a beautiful instrument for change in our world.

    We talk about her upcoming quantum collaboration program, which I really hope the world is ready for!

    We cruise through nine powerful fun nuggets as the excitement builds, so strap yourselves in for an exhilarating ride:

    #1: Creation and creativity are not linear

    #2: The key to productivity is being connection to your inner compass

    #3: Know your creative innovator style (see the quiz on Laurie’s website (https://thebacainstitute.com/creative-innovator-quiz/), and my Unique Author Style quiz is also available as part of one of my courses on publishing - https://makeeverythingfun.teachable.com/p/make-publishing-profitable-and-fun)

    #4: Recognize that your ideas do not necessarily belong to you

    #5: You may have more ideas than you can possibly work with at one time; discernment will allow you to navigate/avoid overwhelm

    #6: There are no such things as accidents

    #7: Timing is everything

    #8: Be curious and go with the flow

    #9: We are adjusting to a new normal; the time for innovation and change is now!

    About Laurie Seymour
    Laurie Seymour, Innovation Alchemist, is a 2x #1 best-selling author, founder and host of the Wisdom Talk Radio podcast, Executive Coach, international speaker and trainer and Founder/CEO of The Baca Institute. Over twenty years ago, Laurie was honored to receive the stewardship of a special esoteric technology that accelerates the process of innovation and creation in individuals and groups.
    Her work is particularly valuable for conscious entrepreneurs, thought leaders, product designers, company founders; because the work accelerates the time from ideation to implementation and revenue, while also opening the creator to new levels of confidence, peace and satisfaction.

    What Laurie thinks is fun:
    Travel, meeting new people, gathering with great friends.

    Inspiration into Action (upcoming retreat): https://thebacainstitute.com/turaya-intensive-retreat/

    www.thebacainstitute. com,

  • In this episode, we are ON FIRE for 20-minutes with John Lee Dumas, host of the podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire as he talks about the launch of his brand new book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success.

    We ground our discussion around quotes and concepts from the book, which form the three“fun nuggets” (and I would also say, in JLD terms, “value bombs”) from the show:

    Fun nugget #1: Freedom is not just about money. Financial freedom and fulfillment (from the book’s subtitle, A Roadmap to Financial Freedom ad Fulfillment), include aspects of time, social, and mental aspects of freedom.

    From Chapter 18, the Well of Knowledge, James Clear Edition:

    “Wealth is the power to choose. Financial wealth is the power to choose how to spend
    money. Social wealth is the power to choose who to hang out with. Time wealth is the
    power to choose how to spend your day. Mental wealth is the power to choose how to
    spend your attention.

    JLD tells a story of a friend in Montana who chooses not to maximize the money aspect but has the life of his dreams (through time, social, and mental freedom).

    Fun nugget #2: Become a person of value. This quote, from Albert Einstein, kicked JLD in the butt in his early 30’s to shift his focus from trying to meet society’s standards of “success” to endeavoring to truly be of value to the world:

    “Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value.”

    JLD tells the story about how he created his podcasting empire by focusing on where his passions and talents intersected along with how this “zone of fire” meets an important need in the world.

    Fun nugget #3: Do things that don’t scale. Yes, you read that correctly. Entrepreneurs are so focused on avoiding the one-on-one in order to teach large groups or engaging in tasks that scale, they miss the importance of relationships, connection, and heart to heart communication.

    From Chapter 10: Pinpoint Your Avatar’s Biggest Struggle:

    “At this stage on the common path, you need to do things that don’t scale. You need to
    ask the people who are consuming your content these four questions, and you must do it
    one-on-one. It’s the only way you will get the honest and detailed responses you need.

    Why these four specific questions? Let me break them down.

    How did you hear about me/find my content?

    What do you like about the content I’m producing?

    What don’t you like?

    What is your biggest struggle right now?

    JLD tells the story about how he created new programs and services that the market gobbled up. People asked him, “how did you come up with these amazing ideas for these products and services?”. He said (paraphrasing): “I didn’t come up with a single one. The market did”.

    But you do need to ASK.

    I hope you enjoy this fast-paced and high-energy interview with JLD and KTKG!

    About John Lee Dumas
    John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award-winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 1 million monthly listens and 7-figures of annual revenue, JLD is spreading Entrepreneurial FIRE on a global scale. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is available for pre-order now at UncommonSuccessBook.com

    Pre-order and collect the amazing bonuses that JLD discussed during the interview.

  • In this episode, you’ll learn how to become a conscious leader (and how to spot a leader whose NOT yet awake). You’ll learn how to lead from the heart through a model called the SER model, which comes from the Spanish verb SER, to be.

    Our guest is Rodolfo Carrillo, speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. He is also the author of the upcoming book, BE-ing leadership, How to Thrive Using the SER model.

    We have 3 “fun nuggets” followed by the 5 principles of the SER model:

    Fun nugget #1: Know your why for your book project and every other project you dedicate time to (Rodolfo shares his “why” around service)

    Fun nugget #2: Be open to downloads from the universe (especially when you are away from your desk!)

    Fun nugget #3: Creation is nonlinear (and creation can be FUN by opening up one’s energy to access the greater intelligence referred to by Carl Jung as the Collective Unconscious)

    Here are the 5 SER model principles:

    #1: Purpose (life is not about “me” but how I serve)

    #2: Interdependence (we all belong to a tribe)

    #3: Responsibility

    #4: Compassion

    #5: Beginner’s mindset.

    What Rodolfo thinks is fun:
    Transcending our mental limits
    Playing basketball (team sports)

    About Rodolfo Carrillo
    Conscious Leadership Shaman, speaker, consultant, trainer, coach & author, Rodolfo has developed the powerful SER model for achieving leadership of the fullest potential as well as, deep-sustainable personal mastery and organizational growth.

    As an MBA graduate, Rodolfo has been involved in business consulting and training for more than 15 years and has participated as an independent director on more than 20 business boards. He has also been meditating and on a spiritual development path since he was 7 years old.

    Rodolfo has a very interesting and unique combination of business skills, experience, and spiritual wisdom that triggers profound transformation through his work, which is motivated by his purpose: to raise consciousness in the World so all beings can live in harmony and greater wellbeing


    FB: @thesermodel
    FB & IG: @rodolfo.carrillo
    Linked-in: @rodolfo-carrillo

  • In this episode, you’ll learn the rules of highly successful business operators. We talk about how culture is everything, in the context of creating a sustainable profit and cash flow.

    Our guest is Neville Joffe, one of the world’s top experts in financial education. Neville Joffe is regarded as a world authority on the subject of “bridging the gap between corporate financial goals and employee performance.”

    We have 5 “fun nuggets” about running a business and engaging employees and 3 more “fun nuggets” from Neville’s new book, The Baker’s Dozen Rules of Highly Successful Business Operators.

    #1: Nobody washes a rented car (because they have no sense of ownership)

    #2: A salary pays for a person’s skillset; the bonus is to reward heart and soul

    #3: Go for win-win-win (instead of just win-win). Incentivize your employees based on the success of the customer

    #4: Do the wrong thing more efficiently

    #5: Do the right thing more effectively.

    We add 3 more “fun nuggets” with Neville’s top rules for running a successful business (from The Baker’s Dozen Rules of Highly Successful Business Operators):

    #6: Not everything is useful (rule 11)

    #7: So what (cause and effect) (rule 3)

    #8: Don’t evaluate numbers in isolation (rule 4)

    About Neville Joffe
    Neville Joffe is regarded as a world authority on the subject of “bridging the gap between corporate financial goals and employee performance.”

    Using his patented technology, Neville has trained internationally with many of the world’s leading companies. He has also worked extensively with entrepreneurs and especially those in growth mode and has written and published several textbooks that accompany his patented teaching method for use in community colleges and universities.

    Neville’s creative style of education has won him numerous awards, including the conversion of his system into Braille for the visually impaired. His training peers have called him a “trainers trainer”. He is a motivating, passionate, humorous, engaging and compelling educator that will open your mind by providing you with stimulating and refreshing ideas that will generate sustainable financial results in your business.


  • In this episode, you’ll learn about emotional intelligence, emotional energy, and how you can increase your performance through a heightened awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

    Our guest is Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda, an author, consultant, and change agent for corporations, entrepreneurs, and high performers.

    We have 7 “fun nuggets” from the interview:

    #1: Emotions are not good or back, they are just data/information in motion.

    #2: Emotions might need boundaries (if they are negative) OR they might need fule to spread (if they are positive)

    #3: What you resist, persists.

    #4: Emotions and the body are linked (see When the Body Says No and The Body Keeps the Score)

    #5: To process emotions, we can start by creating a full vocabulary to describe and understand the nuances of various emotions.

    #6: Emotional intelligence is good for a company’s bottom line (affects on retention, absenteeism, and productivity)

    #7: Publishing a book can have many positive outcomes; one is the process of catharsis (See the “Top 10 Why’s for Publishing”
    (Allison, can you insert this-- I think we had it in Mitchell Levy’s interview)

    About Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
    Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda, author of The EQ Deficiency, is the region’s foremost authority on emotional intelligence and human behavior and lives her purpose as a Catalyst4Change. Connor-Savarda earned degrees in education and psychology, a certification as a Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) practitioner and is a HeartMath trainer. As a credentialed and respected “People Whisperer,” Brittney-Nichole specializes in working one-on-one with high-achieving male entrepreneurs to help them discover a life of fulfillment, balance, and confidence that success alone can not satisfy. In addition, she partners with executives and their teams to solve the people problems that are holding them back from innovation and people-centered success.Links
    https://www.thecatalyst4change.com/ , https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLfQtNHsj-5LCcsvxFg96PA?view_as=subscriber , https://www.facebook.com/brittney.connor2321