Lori talks with Carolyn, a natural energy healer, and we both agree that everyone and everything has been affected by Nano technology. Both of us have been researching the evolution of the Nano-world for many years. You'll see why we believe the western-world is saturated with them - which includes the air, water, soil, plants, animals, and humans.
A Quote From Carolyn: "It's totally possible to detox nanoparticles from the body if one is committed to the process of real healing and open minded enough to step into a different paradigm of healing than the mainstream model offers. I encourage people to set up a free call to discuss this with me one on one by visiting my website: elementalmedic.com."
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This episode is a recent interview I did as a guest with Shit Shooting (Joshua Lee) for his website and blog. You can find his other great interview content at www.ShitShooting.comJoshua asked me questions about the experiences and opinions I have about "Flat Earth Conspiracy" and the newer topic of "Simulation Theory". We also chat about the ideas I have about my version known as "The Supernatural Construct" and where my thoughts are currently regarding the "Truther Movement" and the alternative media explosion in the last decade. I hope you enjoy listening to Joshua's great questions and check out his content.
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
Join the discussion between old friends Lori and Lynn about how and why to exit the matrix construct. What are we manifesting? Is it enough to be non-compliant or are we expected to stop this coming reset/4IR before it's too late to stop it? This week has been the Davos meeting and the entrance of the monkeypox on the "virus" scene. Hope this helps you decide how to manage your "default face" in the world. Thanks for listening!
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Unless we stop getting trapped in distractions and focus on The Great Reset Plan, how can we hope to fracture this public enemy No. 1?This is the most important message I've ever published. Can you see the switcheroo? The word "Government" is a noun and defines a thing. This (thing) is supposed to be elected by The People. This NEW word "Governance", replaces government with a verb that describes an action. This action of governance replaces elected legacy governments with what they call public/private partnerships which is a pretty way of saying Corporations. Please share this message.
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If you haven't found Cindy Niles from Australia yet, allow me to introduce you to a brilliant mind, researcher, and dot connector regarding the future plans for the earth and everything in it that THEY have in store for us. No stones left unturned!
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What if the life you have now is being systematically destroyed in order to drive you into the Metaverse virtual reality? The more agitated you get, the more likely you are to want to escape into a world you can control, right? Because fighting it is just too much like work.
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https://www.lorifrary.comLori Frary chats with Philipp Druzhinin of "Mud Flood" fame on Youtube. We catch up 5 years after he was introduced on the Flat Earth Conspiracy Channel. We discuss current events comparing the US to Russian experience with the "Black Swan" event, the Great Reset, and how it will affect us all. You can find Philipp's work on Youtube, Insta, and Facebook.
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We jump right into the nanotechnology pond in this broadcast. The Matrix movie was 22 years ago so I know you all remember the "Sentinels". Do we all have Nanos in us already? Is it go time for transhumanism and how will we handle getting downloads from our technocratic controllers? Well, here's what we think!
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Lori and JJ introduce and welcome Russell Red (@EarthToRussell) to the podcast. Topics include a frank discussion about the vaccine passports, decrypting cryptocurrency and DeFi...as well as how our attitudes and (non)compliance regarding the plandemic affects our relationships with family and friends.
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Today's truthers are as different as the parable of "The Elephant and The Blind Men"...each with their own version of what they feel is the truth. How can we bring them all together to imagine the elephant out of all the parts? Until we all see the same animal, we'll never combine our beliefs in order to understand how to defeat the lies and manipulations.
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This episode reminds us about all the psychological manipulation we are being subject to and why we need to zoom out to see it. More on the Great Reset and why we need to learn and understand their control plans.
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Lori Frary with guest co-host, JJ, talk about where we are headed with the "new normal" and the Great Reset plans of the World Economic Forum. We also get into decentralized finance and how the world and US economies are evolving for the future. This content is headed towards a new podcast platform called "Pressure Valve". We all have to let off some steam, don't we?
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