Last week, I interviewed Todd Buchheit, the Compliance and CSV Services Director of CGMP Validation, L.L.C. our partner company in the US.
Get inspired about the upcoming challenges in the medical device industry / Parma industry in the USA in the new podcast episode.
I have worked with Todd for many years and can recommend his company for all services related to medical device consulting.
If you want to know more, just contact me below in the comments.
Enjoy! -
A few days ago I did an interview with a good colleague of mine. Aaron and I were talking about topics like problem solving and process optimization. Since Aaron is an expert in these areas, he was able to bring many exciting aspects into the conversation that were also very interesting to me personally.
One topic we talked about, for example, was how high processes should be set so that they can still be understood and executed by everyone. This topic is also very interesting for people involved, as there are always difficulties in the area of process implementation.
Aaron revealed a lot of exciting information that I'm sure you´ll find very interesting as well.
I would also like to know from you how you deal with processes in your company or whether you use processes at all in your company. Maybe the interview with Aaron and me will help you. -
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Why are problems so often only recognized as such when it is actually already too late? I have been dealing with this question for years with various customers. Again and again, we come to the answer that the problems are often not recognized as such and, above all, not accepted as such.
It is exactly this denial and refusal to accept the existing problems that is the real problem. If one recognizes inconsistencies or difficulties in one's own company, then these problems should be recognized and addressed in a structured manner. Otherwise, it is often already too late and the customer or your own job are gone in the worst case.
In the new episode of the podcast you will learn how to recognize problems and how you manage to deal with them. -
Learn more about the forecast estimation on medical device consumes for 2022.
Interventions declined by ca. 40% due to the pandemic situation in 2020. If this trend stays up until September 2021 in Germany, this is a huge backlog …
This will provide an increase in the need for having some medical devices and a ramp-up of interventions in 2022.
This positive outlook - especially for manufacturers of surgical consumables or disposable products - is dampened by the general shortage of nursing and technical staff in hospitals. In this respect, the backlog is likely to be reduced only slowly. Nevertheless, we can expect an increased demand of about 20% for the post-pandemic phase, which we should see in 2022. -
Digitization is on everyone's lips these days. Everyone wants to digitize processes and I keep hearing about how difficult the transformation is. Of course, it's all about making processes more efficient and then automating them.
What is often forgotten is that I need a solid foundation before I can even begin.
A foundation of processes, structures, input-output definition and of course the most important: the right people for this journey.
Listen to my new podcast episode to hear what can happen when the second step is taken before the first.... It all comes crashing down like a house of cards. -
it is so ridiculous, it seems that we are never coming to a common decision.
I see people struggling with the decision making itself, because they are using a lot of excuses for something not to do.
Whenever there is a decision to make most people hide behind stories and things like: I don’t have the ressource, I only can make it within a project, I will get no funding for it, we are already overloaded with the daily tasks we have to deliver and so on and so forth.
This is the direct way down the drain.
Imagine you would implement those decision making points with all the core values of the company. Wouldn’t that be worth working for? Wouldn’t that be worth fighting for? Wouldn’t that be a great world?
Listen to my latest podcast episode on how decision making can be done …. -
Building business processes is one of the fundamental things that somebody needs to do when building up an organisation. We are implementing such things in the organisations of our customers.
At the same time we are quality oriented and are following our goal to create organisations that can optimize themselves. -
Ich höre immer wieder, dass sich Unternehmen vor einer vernünftigen Prozessoptimierung scheuen. Jedoch ist gerade die richtige Anwendung von Prozessen ein wesentlicher Bestandteil für eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise. Der Prozess muss nur ein einziges Mal dokumentiert werden und steht dann für eine ganze Abteilung bereit, die von nun an in messbaren Strukturen ihrer Tätigkeit nachgeht.
Wie Du Prozesse in deinem Unternehmen einführst, optimierst und so effektiver arbeitest, erfährst du in dieser Episode von Problem Killer! -
Wir haben in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft zu Teilen ein sehr merkwürdiges Bild des Anführers. Da werden auf Social Media wolfsähnliche Hunde gezeigt, die anderen das Futter wegnehmen, Menschen die auf Kutschen sitzen und auf Menschen einprügeln mit einer Peitsche, die die Kutsche ziehen.
Das sind immer Bilder, die von Menschen gepostet werden, die sich noch nicht richtig mit dem Thema Leadership befasst haben.
Was einen Leader ausmacht, und ob du ein Leader oder ein Follower bist das erfährst du in dieser Episode von Problem Killer! -
40% der Zeit in Unternehmen wird durch Politik verschwendet. Das höre ich immer wieder im Kontakt mit Kunden. Eigentlich erstaunlich, dass Unternehmen so viel Geld haben, sich das zu leisten, nicht wahr?
Wieviel Zeit wird in Ihrer Abteilung mit Politik verbracht?
Nach der heutigen Podcastfolge werden Sie sich das vielleicht fragen! -
Alles hat Konsequenzen, das ist nicht nur der Titel der heutigen Podcastfolge sondern auch meine Überzeugung. Denken wir an die Medizintechnik: Wozu bei einer Geburt beispielsweise eine qualitativ schlechte Klammer zum Abtrennen der Nabelschnur führen kann, weil genau daran vorher im Einkauf gespart wurde, das thematisiere ich in der heutigen Episode Problem Killer.
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