In the season finale for the Kingdoms of Burgundy, two brothers vie for the throne of Burgundy. One is the heir, the other, a traitorous bastard. But who really threw the Kingdom down a well?
Protagonists: Sigismund, Godomar II
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The price of Godegisel’s betrayal has been paid in full resulting in the massacre of his followers and the horrific execution of his wife. Now Gundobad must work to rebuild the Burgundian kingdom to reclaim the power he once had.
Protagonists: Gundobad, Caretene, Sigismund
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
In the ashes of the Western Roman Empire, three kingdoms arise to fill it's place. Hear how the Burgundian Monarchs navigate the new treacherous world that they find themselves in.
Protagonists: Gundobad, Caretene, Sigismund, Godegisel, Teudelinda
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The Burgundian kingdom has been completely annihilated after they tried to double cross Rome. All that remains of the power structure is the princes Gundioc & Chilperic. Hear how they respond to the near extinction of their people.
Mrs. His Name: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1166&context=westernarchives
Protagonists: Gundioc, Chilperic, Gundobad, Godegisel
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Quest for Power is Back! New music, new narrative structure, new host; same backstabbing bloody nonsense.
In this premiere episode of Season 5, we are traversing through the very beginning of the First Kingdom of the Burgundians. Hear how myth turns into legend and how legend becomes history.
We also get a guest appearance by our first ruler, King Alaric I of the Visigoths.
Protagonists: Gebicca, Gundomar, Giselher, Gunther
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Saint Radegund of House Merovingian, the Holy Queen, Princess of Thuringia, Ascetic, Escape Artist, Relic Hunter, Deaconess of Holy Cross.
We might have missed a few things when discussing Radegund in King Chlothar I episode. Now we are here to correct it. Hear how a captured princess will go on to outwit, outplay, and outlast the mighty king himself.
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Chlothar of House Merovingian, the First of his Name, Kinslayer, King of Incest, King of Soissons, King of Orleans, King of the Eastern Franks, King of Paris, King of the Burgundians, King of all the Franks.
Welcome to the epic finale of the battle royale for dominance over the Frankish Empire! Being the youngest son of Clovis, Chlothar had an uphill battle against his brothers. Witness how far he will go to achieve supreme power. Hear about a runaway queen, literal sister-wives, a horrific way to punish your rebellious child, and a marriage which was so repulsive that the church got involved.
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Childebert, the First of his Name, Kinslayer, Relic Hunter, King of Paris, King of Orléans, Co-King of Burgundy
If you have been paying attention to the past few episodes, this is not a happy story. Hear how Childebert ruthlessly orchestrates the murder of two children for land and power. You decide whether or not he had a hand in the death of another close family member.
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Chlodomer of House Merovingian, the First of His Name, King of Orleans.
The powerful Clovis is dead! His kingdom has been portioned amongst his sons. Chlodomer receives the Kingdom of Orleans. After the death of his father, the responsibility of maintaining his family’s honor falls to Chlodomer. Is he up to the task?
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Theudebald of House Merovingian, the First of His Name, the Unwell, King of Austrasia
A sickly prince is thrusted into a position of power surrounded by vultures he calls family. Luckily for him, his father commanded quite a bit of respect to ensure a clean succession of a stable powerful kingdom. Can he recover from a chronic disease that plague him since he was born and rise up to the challenge of ruling a Merovingian kingdom, or will his bloodline come to an end?
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Kneel Before: Theudebert the Great of House Merovingian, the First of His Name, the Pious, King of Austrasia
Theudebert did not understand the concept of consequences for one’s actions. Hear how he gets away with challenging Roman authority, flouting basic marriage customs, and double crossing two powerful factions.
Podcast Mentioned: So You Think You Can Rule Persia
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Bend the knee to Theuderic of House Merovingian, the First of His Name, the Vengeful, King of Soissons, King of Reims, King of Austrasia
King Clovis is dead and now the unified Frankish Kingdom has been broken up. Can Theuderic survive the family’s plots, wars, and murder? Hear about a legendary battle from Beowulf, awkward family conversations, kings conveniently falling to their death, and a rumor that got out of hand.
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Our first Saint and Queen Consort! Her Highness Saint Clotilde of House Burgundy, the first of her name, the Pious, Queen Consort of the Salian Franks, Queen Consort of the Ripuarian Franks, Queen Consort of All the Franks.
Clotilde was seen as the perfect medieval woman. Despite being described as humble and meek, she managed to charm herself to have significant influence with the King and his court of blood thirsty warriors. Her influence will have massive ramifications for the future of the Merovingian Dynasty and France.
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Bend the knee to Clovis of House Merovingian, the First of His Name, Defender of the Faith, the Undisputed Champion of Gaul, King of Salian Franks, King of the Ripuarian Franks, King of All the Franks, Consul of Rome, Co-Emperor of Rome.
Clovis has no limits when it comes to ambition, cunning and brutality. Through extreme violence and manipulation, he creates the framework of modern-day France and elevates the Roman Catholic Church to new heights. Hear about brutal assassinations, cold blooded betrayals, and why converting to Christianity creates more power than iron and blood.
Podcasts Mentioned:
Alexander Standard
Battle Royale: French Monarchs
Dan Carlins Hardcore History
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Welcome to the court of Childeric of House Merovingian, the First of His Name, King of Salian Franks
Childeric learned the hard way that It’s not the best idea to start your reign off by seducing all the daughters of your nobles. Hear how a disgraced exiled monarch is demanded to return to his kingdom and manages to create the foundation for one of the most pivotal dynasties in Europe, the Merovingians.
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Welcome to the Court of Teia the Punisher, King of the Ostrogoths
The great Totila went down in a hail of spears from a foolish charge, leaving Teia to pick up the pieces of a tattered Ostrogothic kingdom. Before the kingdom completely collapses, Teia has one last act of defiance that devastates the lives of hundreds. Come hear the story of the Gothic Avengers being assembled, a Hun that has a vendetta towards Rome, and a climatic showdown under the shadow of Mount Vesuvius.
Podcasts Mentioned: The Alexander Standard & So You Think You Can Rule Persia
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Welcome to the royal court of Totila the Fair, Master Strategist, the Last Great King of the Ostrogoths.
The Ostrogoths have been a complete disaster. They are locked in a brutal war against Rome with no end in sight. Recently King Ildibad was about to revive the kingdom before his reign was cut short by a vengeful bodyguard. To make matters worse, his successor, King Earic was executed on high treason for trying to sell the entire Ostrogothic Kingdom. Hear how King Totila transforms a struggling nation into one that is strong enough to challenge the dominant Eastern Roman Empire.
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Welcome to the court of Ildibad the Savior, King of the Ostrogoths.
Upon taking the throne in 540, Ildibad had to grapple with the challenge of restoring his kingdom despite only having two cities left which were encircled by Roman territories. Find out how he capitalized on the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian’s arrogance in order to save the Ostrogothic Kingdom from utter destruction. Stay until the end to hear about one of the craziest deeds a monarch has attempted!
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Welcome to the court of Vitiges the Unlucky, King of the Ostrogoths.
Vitiges must have felt like He was God’s personal punching bag. While he was inheriting the Ostrogothic kingdom, which was the brink of collapse, his new adversary, Belisarius is leaving a path of destruction in his wake to reconquer Italy. Just when Vitiges achieves a victory against Rome, a massive undetected force thunders down the Alps, and wipes out everything in its path. Listen to one of history’s forgotten series of unfortunate events!
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Theodahad the Forgotten, of House Amali, King of Italy and the Ostrogoths
Theodahad's rule wasn’t off to the best start. His co-ruler Amalasuntha was mysteriously strangled to death in her bath house under house arrest, which gave the vulture Emperor Justinian his needed excuse to invade the Ostrogothic Kingdom. Hear how Theodahad respond to an invasion by the most powerful military in 6th century Europe.
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