Stefanie Sinclair takes a journey through Berlin, detailing the life of Regina Jonas, the world’s first female rabbi. Stefanie visits the Centrum Judaicum, Regina Jonas’ house, and Abraham Geiger College to examine details of Rabbi Jonas’ life.
Transcript - Stefanie Sinclair takes a journey through Berlin, detailing the life of Regina Jonas, the world’s first female rabbi. Stefanie visits the Centrum Judaicum, Regina Jonas’ house, and Abraham Geiger College to examine details of Rabbi Jonas’ life.
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Stefanie Sinclair talks to Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah and Rabbi Sybil Sheridan, discussing the significance of the first female rabbi, Regina Jonas, her life and legacy.
Transcript - Stefanie Sinclair talks to Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah and Rabbi Sybil Sheridan, discussing the significance of the first female rabbi, Regina Jonas, her life and legacy.