
  • Welcome back to another solo episode with you, me, and the mic. In this episode, I will be talking about what is the outcome when we use these tools to connect the kids because there is no one way to build and sustain a relationship. We will also talk about how to use the cross-connecting model to make a difference and build a community in the classroom.

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about cross-connecting and the outcome of the tools that we use to build connections with kids.

    [00:01 - 01:35] Opening Segment

    I want to invite you to our Virtual Conference 13th -14th July 2021, with an amazing lineup of speakers.To find out more about the conference visit www.rclfirst.com.I introduce the topic of today’s episode.What is the outcome when we use these tools to connect the kids?

    [01:36 - 07:36] The Outcome Of Relationship Building Tools

    Three areas of cross-connection.Student to studentStudent to teacher Teacher to student Through that cross-connection model, we could truly build community.What is your As card in building relationships with kids?Think about your Go-to building relationship activity and your thought process.Aspects to consider when choosing the activity Does it provide the opportunity for students to learn about each other?Does it create the opportunity for you to learn about your students?Does it create the opportunity for students to learn about you?I share an example from a brown bag activity Be intentional about your tools and the outcome.Are students going to learn about each other during this activity?Is the teacher given an opportunity to learn about the students?Are we intentionally telling the teacher to share and that they should share during these tools?We always have to incorporate all voices in the classroom.I challenge you to make sure that when you build a relationship in the classroom, incorporate your voice and let the student feel and appreciate your contribution to their community.Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “We have to think about building community; student to student, student to teacher, and teacher to student, it is an outcome that we believe is making a difference in our practices and our tools.” -  Kevin Curtis.“Cross-connecting will truly help you build classroom community in the class no matter what tool you are using .” -  Kevin Curtis.“Always incorporate all voices in the classroom.” -  Kevin Curtis.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • Welcome back to another solo episode with you, me, and the mic. In this episode, I will be talking about questions, specifically how we can question as tools to build and sustain relationships, especially with our students. Not only by focusing on the questions but also the answers that will shape the conversation.

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about questions and connections.

    [00:01 - 01:30] Opening Segment

    I want to invite you to our Virtual Conference 13th -14th July 2021, with an amazing lineup of speakers.To find out more about the conference visit www.rclfirst.com.I introduce the topic of today’s episode.Question sets the tone for the conversations.The question starts the conversation, but the answer shapes the conversation.

    [01:31 - 05:30] Questions to Connections 

    I talk about being a question sewer and question business.GTKY questions as the tools to build and sustain relationships in the classroom.Use questions to get to know your students and also think about their responses.Have the conversation shape around the right questions to find more similarities and build connections.Let the answer be genuine, real, and authentic by asking thought-provoking questions.Share your favorite questions with us on our RCLP Facebook Group or any of our social media pages.See links below.Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Over the years, we have determined that the question in itself when we use these tools sets the tone for the conversations.” -  Kevin Curtis.“The question starts the conversation, but the answer shapes the conversation.” -  Kevin Curtis.“Let the answer be genuine, real, and authentic by asking thought-provoking questions..” -  Kevin Curtis.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

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  • Welcome back to another solo episode with you, me, and the mic. In this episode, I will be talking about the pathways of training, the concept of consequences with grace, and understanding that life is far from black and white.

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about leading and responding with grace.

    [00:01 - 02:40] Opening Segment

    I want to invite you to our Virtual Conference 13th -14th July 2021, with an amazing lineup of speakers.To find out more about the conference visit www.rclfirst.com.I introduce the topic of today’s episode.Two pathways of training in The Relationship-centered learning in National Educators for Restoratives Practices.The evolution of gray developed from the concept of proactive vs. reactive.Gray are consequences with grace.

    [02:41 - 08:24] Consequences with Grace

    The background of today’s topic and how I came up with this concept.Adults who fail to give grace to kidsLife is far from black and white.I break down the analogy of speeding.The slow down period and the shift of behavior. Experience accountability.Understand that we are all going to make mistakes.Leading and responding with graceBlack and white are consequences without grace, gray are consequences with grace, and everybody wants black and white until you need gray. Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “As you grow up and go up in leadership of the educational system, it gets grayer and grayer.” -  Kevin Curtis.“As long as everything to you and your world is considered black and white, then you see no need for gray until you need it.” -  Kevin Curtis.“Black and white are consequences without grace; gray are consequences with grace. And everybody wants black and white until you need gray.” -  Kevin Curtis.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • Welcome back to another solo episode, Mindset Monday, with you, me, and the mic. In this episode, I will be talking about the power of words, how it is affecting our expectations towards our students, and the understanding not to expect students to always be perfect.

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about the power of words.

    [00:01 - 02:00] Opening Segment

    I want to invite you to our Virtual Conference 13th -14th July 2021, with an amazing lineup of speakers.To find out more about the conference visit www.rclfirst.com.I introduce the topic for this episode.The power of words, between ‘students and kids’

    [02:01 - 06:41] The Power of Words

    The transformation of philosophy.It is normal for kids to make mistakes; it is normal for students to make mistakes.Two completely different connotations and expectations between the word ‘students’ and ‘kids.’The correlation between academics and how students behaveNot expecting students always to be perfect.The grace and understanding that kids and even adults are going to make mistakes. How we handle and label those mistakes.Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “I don't want perfect students; I want students to grow, reflect and own and be accountable for their voice and their choice.” -  Kevin Curtis.“When we look at our students, no matter what their age is, they are kids, and when we look at kids, we need to understand they are not going to be perfect.” -  Kevin Curtis.“If we continue to think of students, not as kids, we are going to continue to struggle in giving grace, understanding expectation, and giving kids the opportunity to be kids.” -  Kevin Curtis.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • In this episode, I get to interview the superintendent of Westwood ISD, Wade Stanford. Wade is not just full of knowledge and experience but also vulnerable. We will be talking about so many twists and turns of vulnerability, listening to other stakeholders, and utilizing those processes with staff and students. From this interview, I hope we can challenge ourselves as leaders in education to think differently, put those thoughts into action, and change the thought platform we start to use.

    Let’s dig in and learn more about his inspiring experience and how to lead with authenticity, transparency, and vulnerability.

    [00:01 – 18:30] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Wade Stanford to the show. The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions or more info about us? Visit www.rclfirst.com.

    [18:31 – 30:10] Building Genuine and Sustainable Connection

    The 2nd Restorative Practices Training conference.Wade shares his thoughts and opinions about the Restorative Practices Training conference.The internal drive of peace.Passion and conviction piece that causes people to move from their hearts not out of fear or compliance.Build genuine connections as an ordinary person regardless of your title.Thought process when dealing with the simple referral.

    [30:11 – 42:29] Leadership with Authenticity, Transparency, and Inclusivity 

    The transparency and authenticity in creating an impactful genuine connection.The inclusivity piece.The significant role of telling our story and communicating it out.Get the right people at the table to make progress.How to make collaboration to find the best approach.Buy-in vs. ownership.The importance of gathering and creating a safe place for people to share their thoughts

    [42:30 – 55:54] The Thought Exchange 

    Wade talks about the thought exchange platform.Building connection and trust with the staffsClosing the loop with vulnerability and authenticity.The importance of remembering where we come from.Create power and ownership amongst colleagues.The formula for high-level instruction on the campus.Thought exchange in the classroom between students and teachers.Utilize student and adult voices.

    [55:55 – 01:20:19 ] Power and Permission

    SNAO (Strategies, needs, and outcomes) model.Wade shares his plan with the thought exchange platform next year.Conversation before consequences.The power and permission. Breaking barriers down.Being comfortable with sharing your struggle.

    [ 01:20:20 – 01:23:04] Closing Segment

    I share my takeaways from the conversation.Wade shares his final words.Final thoughts and words of advice

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Passion and conviction piece that causes people to move from their hearts not out of fear or compliance.” –  Wade Stanford.

    “Consequences and discipline will not change behaviors, but only through practices and reflections will create changes.” –   Wade Stanford.

    “When we bring people that aren't close to the problem, they tend to see the best solution..” –  Wade Stanford.

    Connect with Wade via email to

  • In this special episode, I interview my co-founder Denise "Circlemamma" Holliday, and I sit down for a special segment called Restorative Real Life Moments. Denise and I had a conversation about an incident where another dog attacked her dog in the neighborhood by her mom's house, and we started talking about how she reacted vs. responded. We also talked about what she needs to repair hard, what some of those conversations look like, how did she pause along the way to even get to the point where the story ended. We are trying to do this Restorative Real Life Moments as frequently as we can to share who we are as human beings and the work we are trying to do and how it’s working and transforming us, but yet we are still humans.

    Let’s dig in and learn more about reacting vs. responding.

    [00:01 – 11:14] Opening Segment

    I share a brief introduction to today’s special segment. Restorative Real-Life Moments.Let’s welcome Denise "Circlemamma" Holiday to the show. Denise shares the 4 Fs and back story surrounding what happened to her and her dog-brother ‘Powder.’ Denise talks about her reaction and responds when the incident occurred.The pause and moment of reflection when she got to the right state of mind.

    [11:15 – 24:10] Reacting Vs. Responding

    We can get it wrong all day long, and we make decisions based on emotions that we call reacting vs. responding.Reacting from an emotional space.It would be up to us to find out how to make it right.Denise talks about the transformation trigger to her thought pattern and process of realization.The pause of clarity and reflection moment.The absence of rational thinking.Denise shares how her neighbor responded that helped her to get into her rational thinking and empathy.Patient and empathy.

    [24:11 – 29:10] The Fix that Was Needed

    Denise shares about the fix and what needed to happen to make this right as possible.The plan of making sure it will never happen again.Denise talks about how her neighbor fixed the problem and stayed true to what he said he would do.We are all human; we do not have to be perfect and always be the right ones. But it’s about trying to make it right when the opportunity is there.

    [ 29:11 – 36:02] Closing Segment

    Denise talks about the takeaways that she had grown and going from this event.I share my takeaways from the story.Self-growth and self-understanding.Responding more to things than react out of emotionFinal thoughts and words of advice

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “We can get it wrong all day long, and we make decisions based on emotions that we call reacting vs. responding.” –  Denise "Circlemamma" Holliday.

    “We are all human; we do not have to be perfect and always be the right one. But it’s about trying to make it right when the opportunity is there.” –   Denise "Circlemamma" Holliday.

    “I am going to live my best life when I can respond more to things than I react to them out of emotion.” –  Denise "Circlemamma" Holliday.

    Connect with Denise via email to [email protected]

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit

  • Welcome back to another solo episode, Mindset Monday, with you, me, and the mic. Within the last few episodes, I realized that I continue to use the same phrase about actively listening to someone from their behavior towards us within the last few episodes. So in this episode, I will be talking about active listening and increasing the awareness of red flags. 

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about listening to someone’s behavior.

    [00:01 - 01:33] Opening Segment

    I introduce the topic for this episode.Listening for a message within someone’s behavior I share some quotes regarding behavioral listening.

    [01:34 - 06:25] Listening to Behavior

    Missing the red flags of a relationship in the way someone treats us.Reflect and ask yourself what happens when something goes awry.Become more aware of any message within someone’s behavior The importance of taking another perspective from a third party.The tendency to excuse and tolerate someone’s behavior because of your feelings, biases, or beliefs.Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” -  Maya Angelou.“There’s a message in the way a person treats you. Just listen.” – Unknown.“People always tell you who they are. You just have to listen.” - Clay Jensen (a character from 13 reasons why)

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • In this episode, I interview Veronica V. Sopher, the Chief Communications Officer of Fort Bend Independent School District. Veronica and I will be having a wonderful conversation about the art of communication, especially what leaders need to consider when they lead meetings and be in public or events. In addition, we also talk about what parents need to consider when communicating with the district, the power of social media, and many more. We will discuss not only the art of relationships but also the art of communication. 

    Let’s dig in and learn more about becoming a better listener and connecting better across generations.

    [00:01 – 07:25] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Veronica V. Sopher to the showThe Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions

    [07:26 – 20:57] The Power of Non-Verbal Communication  and Social Media

    Veronica shares a brief introduction about who she is and what is her current positionThe power and importance of Non-verbal communication Veronica talks about her experience in working on non-verbal communication with leadersThe face leakingThe role and guidance of dealing with Social Media for school leadersThe responsibility to engage folks in a positive wayVeronica talks about her experience in dealing with the breach of unwanted posts on the social media of educators or schoolsThe support of the other staff in protecting one anotherThe speed up communication on campus and a bigger reach because of social media

    [20:58 – 35:10] The Art of Communication 

    Why sometimes kids have difficult times trusting adults today, compared to 20-30 years agoThe ability to quickly question their information and verify it themselves Veronica shares some tips to consider when communicating with the school district and wanting to know more informationVeronica talks about making your message so clear; it can not be misunderstoodHave the core at the coreRelationship and communicationVeronica shares her opinion on building a community that is filled with an honest, open flow of communication and grace

    [ 35:11 – 39:27] Closing Segment

    Veronica shares her final words and a closing messageI share my takeaways from this interviewVeronica shares her experience in building trust and communication with the parentsFinal thoughts and words of advice

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Non-verbal communication is probably more powerful than verbal communication.” – Veronica V. Sopher

    The district is starting to see how important communication is to the success of the district and the expectation of the parents.” –  Veronica V. Sopher

    “Communication is part of building the relationship and the way to express it.” – Veronica V. Sopher

    Connect with Veronica via email to [email protected]

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • In this episode, I get to interview Chris Pimpton. Chris has had 16 years in education and primarily dealing with attendance truancies and behavior. He is currently working as a behavior specialist and behavior interventionist at the White Settlement Independent School District in Texas. Today we will have a great conversation about listening and how not just to become a better listener but also when and how we should listen

    Let’s dig in and learn more about becoming a better listener and connecting better across generations.

    [00:01 – 09:25] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Chris Pimpton to the showThe Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions

    [09:26 – 18:45] The Relatability Aspect With Kids

    Chris talks about his current official titleHelping people to understand and see kids differently despite their behavior on a daily basisRelatability aspect on making the connection with the kidsThe strategy on working with adults who are struggling with the students’ behaviorThe disconnection and clash of perspectives between kids and adults

    [18:46 – 38:20] Becoming A Better Listener

    Talking to each other, not at each otherWhy is it so hard for us to listen?Everybody has a voice but it’s a matter of how you use itThe cultural aspect of listening and being listened toGetting people to see through a different lensThe challenges in making people listen to usPeople tend to stereotype in advanceOvercome our ego to listen betterBuild a true connection with the students to listen and be listened toHaving respect towards people despite their skin color and titleToxic positivity of social media

    [38:21 – 56:09] The Lack Of Understanding Between Generations

    The little things that make a big differenceUnderstanding the true meaning of lifeYou've got to listen to get somethingBeing the last person to speakhave the conversation that you scared to haveHelping students to grow and transition to a different personThe race conversation Build connections and trust with studentsThe lack of understanding between generations

    [ 56:10 – 58:37] Closing Segment

    I share my takeaways from this interviewChris shares a closing messageFinal thoughts and words of advice

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “We are all at war, especially from educators’ perspectives, and now it is our time to prepare the kids for it.” – Chris Pimpton

    ”Everybody’s got a story to tell, and you’ve got to allow them to create the image of their story.” –  Chris Pimpton

    “The best way to build a relationship is to have the conversation that you are scared to have.” – Chris Pimpton

    Connect with Chris via email to [email protected]

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • In this episode, I get to interview Ryan Brassel, the assistant principal of Horn Highschool Mesquite Independent School District. Ryan is entering his 20th year in education as the assistant principal in the secondary high school in northeast texas. He will share how he created a classroom space where teachers could feel safe to build and sustain relationships with kids, which he calls a ‘connection center,’ and the strategy in using conversation before consequences with an apology letter to deal with consequences.

    Let’s dig in and learn more about the relationship-centered approach on the secondary level and the importance of conversation before consequences.

    [00:01 – 09:08] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Ryan Brassell to the show. The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.

    [09:09 – 29:56] Relationship-Centered Approach in the Secondary Level

    Ryan talks about how we first connect.Bringing the relationship-centered approach to the secondary level.Creating a green room for teachersCircle for change restorative practices.The contagion effect.The strengthening piece of the student.The teachers’ takeaway of their students after attending the circle space session.Cross-connection between students

    [29:57 – 55:30] Conversation Before Consequences 

    How restorative practices reshaped the lens.The philosophy of dealing with consequences and discipline.Focus on finding another method.Anger is typically gone in 48 hours.Giving the students a chance to make it right.Accountability piece to support teachers.Punishment piece.Ryan breaks down the process of facilitating the conversation.The direct outcomes and change behavior or reduce discipline referrals on this method.The take-aways and responses from teachers of this strategy.

    [ 53:35 – 01:00:03] Closing Segment

    Ryan shares a closing messageI share my takeaway from this interviewHow to connect with Ryan.See links belowFinal thoughts and words of advice.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “People win what they focus on.” – Ryan Brassell.

    ”We all have things going on in our lives, and the students do too” –  Ryan Brassell.

    “ We want the children to be held accountable for their actions, not punished .” –  Ryan Brassell.

    Connect with Ryan via email to [email protected], or you can also connect to his personal email [email protected]

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • Welcome back to another solo episode, Mindset Monday, with you, me, and the mic. Within the last few episodes, I just realized that there was a pattern in the way I unpacked the interviews, which was head, heart, and hands approach. In this episode, I feel convicted to dig a little bit deeper into the what, why, and how factors of unpacking information.

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about the concept of head, heart, and hands approach.

    [00:01 - 01:50] Opening Segment

    I introduce the topic for this episode.Head, Heart, and Hands approachMove towards the heart by motivating and inspiring.

    [01:51 - 08:56] Head, Heart, and Hands

    Speaking to the right amount of information combined with the right amount of motivation and giving them practical tools to apply it.The significance of knowing how we unpacked our curriculum.The passion for motivating students.Injecting the ‘believe’ factors.Preparing students with the right practical tools.The ’What,’ ‘Why,’ and ‘How’ factors in unpacking the information to your audience.If you are interested in the topic of Head, heart, and hands, let’s participate in our July 13th and 14th virtual conferences. See links below.Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Speaking to the right amount of information combined with the right amount of motivation and giving them practical tools to apply it.” – Kevin Curtis.

    “If it moves us as educators, why don’t we take that same approach to the classroom?” – Kevin Curtis.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • In this episode, we have the amazing Chelsea MacKinnon; she is the Assistant Principal at Frisco ISD, Texas. Chelsea has just been a participant in our 3-day Certified Specialist in Restorative PracticesTraining, specifically done for Frisco ISD. We will be talking about some takeaways from the training and what a good leader should look for in putting relationships at the center of our learning, and the characteristics that a good leader should exhibit.

    Let’s dig in and learn more about her takeaways from the training and the fundamental characteristics of a leader.

    [00:01 – 11:34] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Chelsea MacKinnon to the show. The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.

    [11:35 – 28:19] Powerful Takeaways from the Training

    Chelsea shares her background of how she got into the education world.Her takeaways from the 3-day Certified Specialist in Restorative PracticesTraining with us.Building a community with small break-out groupsThe relational capacity that we want our kids to know and have.Chelsea shares her colleague’s example in practicing the material in her classroom.The two minute connect. Chelsea talks about her powerful takeaway from the training.The foundational base of how she interacts with others in general

    [28:20 – 37:30] The Fundamental Characteristics of A Leader

    Chelsea shares her philosophy as a leaderTo love peopleLeaders need to give their staff the freedom to try these thingsRelationships and student-driven.Letting teachers know that it is okay not to be perfect.A successful team builds off one another.Creating the model of connection to be implemented in the classroom.

    [37:31 – 58:34] Beauty in Vulnerability.

    The power of making eye contact, smile and using people’s names.Making students and people feel valued, seen, and heard.Heads - hearts - hands model.Showing students that it is okay to fail but not to stay there.Beauty in the vulnerability.Not being afraid to apologize.Being comfortable to show our weaknesses and mistakes as teachers and leaders.Focusing on the process.

    [ 58:35 – 01:05:01] Closing Segment

    Chelsea and I share our take away from this interviewFinal thoughts and words of advice.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Nowadays, as educators, we tend to hyperfocus on the score and become data-driven when we should be student-driven and focus on them.” – Chelsea MacKinnon.

    ”All humans want to be valued, seen, and heard.” –  Chelsea MacKinnon.

    “ It’s okay not to be successful the first time; we just had to reflect and figure out how to get better.” –  Chelsea MacKinnon.

    Connect with Chelsea on LinkedIn or send her email to [email protected]

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit

  • In this episode, I am joined by Sheila McCollum; she is the CTE (Career and Technology Education) coordinator for Decatur High school. We will be talking about leadership—building relationships with the staff, administrators, teacher leaders, and being vulnerable. We will also discuss the difference in the learning process between elementary, middle, and high schools. 

    Let’s dig in and learn more about the transition between grades and building connections between educators.

    [00:01 – 11:34] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Sheila McCollum to the show. The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.

    [11:35 – 25:29] The Expectation and The Transition between Grades

    Building and working on the relationships with students and witnessing them growing.Educator learning curves and transition between grade levels.The freedom transition between grades.

    [25:30 – 38:39] Building Connections between Educators

    The challenges of dealing with middle school students.The genuine and impactful connection with students.Campus connection between staff.How should teachers build relationships with students, parents, and fellow teachers?Bringing relationships to the center of the learning process.

    [38:40 – 51:09] Letting Yourself Be Vulnerable to Others

    Why is it so hard for teachers or leaders to be vulnerable?Society expectation towards leaders and teachers.Building the connection between teachers by offering help to people.Team effort in leadership without any ego involves.Give students, leaders, and teachers some space to make mistakes.Sheila shares some recommended resourcesBrene BrownBeneath a scarlet sky by Mark SullivanLearning beyond the academics resources.

    [ 51:10 – 54:03] Closing Segment

    I share my take away from this interviewHow to connect with SheilaSee links below. Final thoughts and words of advice.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “if you don't have those relationships and there's not the trust that being built, then I would see students that refuse to obey.” – Sheilla McCollum.

    ”You got to take a time out and do what you got to do, but you never stop being an educator ” –  Sheilla McCollum.

    “ it doesn't matter how great your data is or what your plans are if you don't have the relationships in place. You’re never going to be able to achieve what you set out to do.” –  Sheilla McCollum.

    Mentioned Links:

    No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A GloverStrengths Finder 

    Connect with Sheilla on LinkedIn or send her email to [email protected] 

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to

  • Today I will be interviewing Dr. Alvin Haywood; He is an author and educator of 34 years who retired and has many more journeys as he continues to work with state legislation in California. He has helped reshape students’ reading and expectations in the classroom.

    In this episode, he will be sharing with us about his teaching journey and how he uses the ‘human approach’ that was not in the majority back then. He will also share some of the stories of his battle and transformation with cancer.

    Let’s dig in and learn more about his inspiring life story and his teaching journey.

    [00:01 – 18:31] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Dr. Alvin Haywood to the show. The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.

    [18:32 – 32:30] Human Relationship Approach in Teaching

    Dr. Alvin shares how he started his teaching career.The mindset requirements to be a social worker.The respect and trust aspect in the classroom Building relationships with the students so they can learn.Dr.Alvin shares his experience of being stood out and fought for the human approach in teaching.Erasing the limitation on students.Giving students their new slateJust by treating and talking to the students differently, they will act differently.

    [32:31 – 49:54] Storytelling to Building Relationships

    Dr. Alvin talks about how he turns from teaching to leadership in administration after he retired.He got diagnosed with cancer in 2007.He started to do public policy and his doctorate after retirement.Dr. Alvin talks about how he got into writing and published his booksThe inequality of society in standardizing students to get into college by passing algebra tests.Students loving mathIt depends on the way you present math to the students.Do not limit your child by your limitation.Storytelling is sharing your own personal story and it is part of building relationships.Giving the students a narrative to make them drawn to you to learn more.Discipline alternative education placement school.The flaw of alternative high school systems.

    [49:55 – 01:00:30] Cancer Survivor-Thriver 

    Dr. Alvin shares the revelation he got on his journey in battling cancer.He started his reading clinic at his garage.Cancer survivor-thriver The intervention of God in his life.Faith without work is dead.Dr. Alvin talks about his book; “Take up your bed and walk; this is my story.”Dr. Alvin talks about the moment when he got diagnosed with cancer.It’s not what they say but how they say it that could make or break you.The significance of the human center approach in the medical world.

    [ 01:00:31 – 01:07:59] Closing Segment

    I share my take away from this interviewHow to connect with Dr. Alvin.See links below. Final thoughts and words of advice

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “The kids that I have in front of me, they can learn a lot of it depends on what they feel that I feel about them.” – Dr. Alvin Haywood.

    ” If we take that approach in that mindset, it becomes pervasive and a lifetime learning process” – Dr. Alvin Haywood.

    “If you are treating your students like criminals, they will start acting like criminals.” – Dr. Alvin Haywood.

    Mentioned Links:

  • Welcome back to another solo episode, Mindset Monday, with you, me, and the mic. In this episode, I want to focus on the issues of the 1999 playbook in 2021 and the importance of trust and connection to students’ compliance... I am trying to get educators to be enlightened and develop a new 2021 playbook because we can no longer use the playbook of 1999 to 2021.

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about the 2021 playbook and the importance of connection in creating trust.

    [00:01 - 01:13] Opening Segment

    I introduce the topic for this episode.Playbook of 2021: Connect before CorrectEnlightened and develop a new 2021 playbook

    [01:14 - 08:56] The Playbook of 2021: Connect before Correct 

    Redesigning the way you teach your student today.Students are no longer listen to us and comply with us just because we are an adult. The difference between parenting style in the old era and the modern era.Why is it so hard to for this new generation to listen and do certain requests?Cut the top patterns.Why students are no longer listens and comply with us.The aspects that play a big role in the compliance of the youth new generations,Handling the ‘why question” from a student’s lens perspective.Does not matter what you frame it around, the kids are going to ask whyConnect to correctTo get students to comply, how many of us asking for the help of another adult who has a connection to that kid?The reason why students are no longer listens or comply is that they do not trust us.How to get students to comply and listens to us is to make sure they feel valued, seen, and heard; therefore we’d began the trust process through connection.Not just comply, but to connect.If you are interested in attending our Certified Specialist in Restorative PracticesTraining on June 22-24 in Austin, Texas, or participating in our July 13th and 14th virtual conference. See links below.Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Trust level of understanding that they are told to comply and listens to adult, but they also watching society unfold in a way that adults made mistake.” – Kevin Curtis.

    “How to get students to comply and listens to us is to make sure they feel valued, seen, and heard; therefore we’d began the trust process through connection..” – Kevin Curtis.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • Today I will be interviewing the human spark, Niki Spears. She is an author, motivational speaker, and former school principal who now works as an educator and change leader. In this episode, Niki will talk about creating a positive culture, the impact of a positive culture on your campus, and how that trickled down to your students. 

    Let’s dig in and learn more about her inspiring life story, creating a sustainable positive culture, and her latest released book.

    [00:01 – 12:08] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Niki Spears to the show. The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.

    [12:09 – 22:39] Creating Sustainable Positive Culture 

    Niki gives a quick synopsis of who she is.Passion and mission for helping people.She makes her classroom a platform to bring people together as a family.Niki talks about the period when she left her job to help schools created a sustain positive culture, As an educator, we are just giving the tools, but it is up to each individual to take the tools and apply them.We are responsible for our happiness.Personal culture to build team cultureReal inspiring mission statementBe intentional with the positive interaction.

    [22:40 – 38:10] Listening to The Student Voice

    The advocate of bringing student voice into the conversationLeadership development schoolTeachers need to facilitate and partner with students to makesure they are gaining the information in the appropriate way.Niki talks about how she partners with school and what she brings to schools.Overcoming the obstacles of time. Making the students know and understand the mission statement of our school.Turning the mindset around, we are not here just to serve the students but the family as well.Relational practices that build relationships.

    [38:11 – 48:30] The Positive Outlook to Create the Spark

    The significance of reactive title and contentThe positive interaction Both kids and parents play a huge role in creating a positive experience for everybody.Teach our kids to focus and look for the positive things in life.Niki talks about the moment that made her started to look at the positive side.The power of positive reading.It all depends on how you choose to look at the moments and the experience you get in your life.Niki talks about all the things she has done during the pandemic.

    [48:31 – 57:36] The Beauty Underneath the Struggle

    Niki talks about the process of writing her book, titled “The Beauty Underneath the Struggle: Creating Your Bus Story.”All about looking for the opportunity that is hidden in each moment.The compilation of her life story on how she finds beauty in it.Niki talks about the outcome of this book.If you want a better life, you are the one who must create that for yourself and start that from the inside.Niki shares about what is up and coming in her life.Shut out to her new assistant, Rachel. The celebration of principals on June 19.

    [57:3 7– 01:00:27] Closing Segment

    Shout out to our assistants and partners that complement us in life.How to connect with NikiSee links below. Final thoughts and words of advice

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Culture does not make the moment you walk into the building, but it begins in our homes.” – Niki...

  • Today I will be interviewing Michael Pogue. Director of Special Services at White Settlement ISD. In this episode, we will be having a powerful conversation about the culture and the climate in White Settlement, how he got there, and how the superintendent is an impactful component in the district. We will also talk about how he shapes the teachers in education and how we believe education continues to be reshaped even after all these years.

    Let’s dig in and learn more about the importance of making a connection education process and the sense of belonging amongst educators.

    [00:01 – 07:44] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Michael Pogue to the show. The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.

    [17:45 – 30:59]  Connect Before Content

    Michael talks about his current location and his current role in education.The common stereotype of the superintendent.Power and permission from leadership.Being yourself as an educator Social-emotional learning.The importance of building relationships with your students There is no magic in social-emotional learning; you just got to learn how to connect with the kids.If you can not connect, you can not help the kids.If you can build a good relationship with the kids, the learning will take care of itself.

    [31:00 – 48:04] Strategy to make a connection with the students

    Michael shares his strategy to make a connection with his studentsKnowing what drives your studentsThe struggle of some adult educators to make a genuine connection with their studentsFocus on the process, not only the outcomeMichael talks about how relationships play a more pivotal role in special needs students than just the average student.The inclusive lifestyleReading and relationshipsThe arcade mindset of teacher in labeling their studentsThe flaw in the education system in applying the same test standard.

    [48:05 – 01:06:30] The Sense of Belonging as Educators 

    Michael shares some insights for those who want to get an education career.The guiding philosophy The education system and personal values The financial side of being educatorsBeing a happy educator.The culture and sense of belonging.Michael talks about how his superintendent creates a positive culture for the educator.The appreciation for educator

    [01:06:31 – 01:11:23] Closing Segment

    I talk about my takeaway from today’s discussion.Michael shares some of his final thought about today’s discussion. Final thoughts and words of advice


    Tweetable Quotes:

    “It’s my job to let them be successful because when the team is successful, it is the best part.” – Michael Pogue.

    ”There is no magic in social-emotional learning; you just got to learn how to connect with the kids.” – Michael Pogue.

    “Focus on the process, not only the outcome.” – Michael Pogue.

    Email Michael at [email protected] or connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories...

  • This episode is a special one, as I will be interviewing my daughter Krystal. She is not an educator; she is a college graduate with a communication degree. But what I wanted to bring to light today is how my daughter has built an online community in The Twitch Platform and how she takes a relational approach to build a community in the virtual space.

    Let’s dig in and learn more about Krystal’s relational approach so we can bring it to our classroom, whether it’s online or offline.

    [00:01 – 07:14] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Krystal to the show. Why I asked Krystal to be on the show.Krystal talks about how she started live streaming and build her community on Twitch.Krystal gives a brief description of what the Twitch Platform is.Turning followers into a community.

    [07:15 – 18:04] Building Community in The Virtual Space 

    Turning Followers into Discord Community Making people feel important and creating a safe place for people to shareWhen you make people feel important, seen, valued, and heard, you will keep them coming back.Treat people like you want to be treated.Making people feel welcomeThe disconnection in the virtual space.

    [18:05 – 27:44] The Challenges of building Engagement in Virtual Setting

     Social things to be considered in the virtual setting vs. in personThe extra effort in building relationships in a virtual spaceThe challenges of building engagement in virtual settings.

    [27:45 – 42:50] Creating An Impact through Live Streaming

    Making an impact through virtual community settingsKrystal shares some of the testimonies she received from her followers about the impact she has been making through her platform.The average length of period that streamers spent on the platform.The entertainment piece in the streaming worldKrystal talks about the support she received from her community on the Twitch Platform.The mutual support between streamers and followers in the platform.The reciprocation from her followers.

    [42:51 – 59:19] Community builds Community 

    Krystal shares her thoughts on the inclusivity and welcoming nature of her virtual community.The resistance of some people to engage in the virtual community (Lurking).Helps people that are struggling with mental health.Relationship-centered streaming.Putting relational approach into the streaming community.Krystal talks about the gifts that her followers sent to her on her birthday.The impact of allowing her community and audience into her personal life through the webcam.

    [59:20 – 01:12:29] Closing Segment

    Krystal shares some of her final thought and takeaways about today’s discussion. Final thoughts and words of advice


    Tweetable Quotes:

    “It is my want and needs for every each one of you guys to feel seen, valued, and heard.” – Krystal

    “In building a community, you have to be communicative, willing to share about your life, and listen to what they want to say about it.” – Krystal.

    “There is a little extra effort that you have to take to build relationships in the virtual space.” – Krystal

    To know more and connect with Krystal via Twitch, Instagram, and

  • Welcome back to Mindset Monday with you, me, and the mic. We are so excited that our Certified Specialist in Restorative PracticesTraining on June 22-24 in Austin, Texas, is finally top out at 84 people. Visit our website at www.rclfirst.com to learn more.

    In this episode, I want to talk about a quick message on feeding off of each other. There are three things that would possibly happen in life: to either figure it out, stand out, or get out. 

    Let’s jump into this episode and dig in more about life.

    [00:01 - 05:00] Opening Segment

    I introduce the topic for this episode.Navigating to life as educators. Figuring out who you areDeveloping and discovering your skillsetHow are you wired, and what makes you ticked What are the things that excite and challenge you?A deeper understanding of ourselves Figuring it out sometimes takes us to think outside the boxThe adjustment that it takes during the pandemic for us to figure out life.


    [05:01 - 09:49] Figure it Out, Stand Out or Get Out

    Knowing what you are standing for?Are you standing out for something negative or positive?We are internally wired to strive to stand out above others.What are you standing at?Look for the sign in your personal relationships.We need to work together and stand out together. Get out!Getting out could be a personal choice that you make, or you could be pushed out.As great leaders, we do not force people to follow, but we invite them on a journey.Final words.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “When life comes at us at any aspect, I think the first thing we got to do is to figure it out..” – Kevin Curtis

    “As great leaders, we do not force people to follow, but we invite them on a journey.” – Kevin Curtis.

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!

  • Josh is an incredible young man with such a mature point of view and perspective in life. From a very young age, he realizes that life is all about the process of becoming, not only to get the end result. In this episode, we will discuss the self-drive to become a better communicator, exchange trust, and the importance of trusting the process in life.


    [00:01 – 21:29] Opening Segment

    Let’s welcome Denise and Josh to the show. Let’s get to know Josh Bowers.The Flip 5! We take turns asking five GTKY questions.

    [21:30 – 37:50] The Self-drive to become a better communicator

    Josh shares about his journey coming back to Texas.Getting out of the comfort zone and work on the communication skills.The inner self-drive to work on his communication and relationship skills.The anxiety in communication.The importance of simplicity and not thinking too far ahead.Being an intentional listener 

    [37:51 – 53:00] The Importance of Trusting The Process

    Josh talks about his motivation in trading and business.Focus yourself on the process and not on the end resultThe importance of focusing on the processLearning from a personal experience.Trusting a slow process.Consistency to open and build up a conversation with anyone.Being genuinely interested in the conversation and hit the right button.The humility to be the student of the student.

    [53:01 – 01:04:30] Exchange of Trust 

    The dynamic role of College as the vehicle to success.The challenges of our education system in preparing students for careers.How to connect and build relationships to motivate struggling students as an educator.The simplicity of the exchange of trust between educators and students.

    [01:04:31 – 01:08:08] Closing Segment

    Josh shares some of his final thought about today’s discussion. Final thoughts and words of advice


    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Focus yourself on the process and not on the end result.” – Josh Bowers

    ”Show up every day and focus on the things that you can control.” – Josh Bowers

    “It’s all about the exchange trust with your students.” – Josh Bowers

    Visit www.Rclfirst.com to join the Educator Circle Calls that happen three times a week! 

    Join our Facebook Group for more stories and communication about our work. 

    Want a FREE download of 25 GTKY questions? Visit www.rclfirst.com and sign up for our newsletter!