He's a casino roaming, penthouse living, movie star dating, ruthless, fearless, WW2 double agent with a cycling-based codename.
Meet the real-life inspiration for Ian Flemming's James Bond, Dušan Popov.
Why was his codename 'Tricycle'?How did a champagne cork start a dancefloor brawl?Was it possible to sleep through the Blitz?How angry did he make J Edgar Hoover?All these and many more top-secret questions will be answered in episode 46 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
He worked for Allied Intelligence, MI6 and the spymasters of Nazi Germany. The most famous double agent of all time and an espionage legend who played a major role in the outcome of the second world war.
From Operation Sea Lion to operation fortitude , if you are a fan of famous historical spies, the British Secret Service and wartime heroes you will enjoy this episode about Dusko Popov.
00512 male group laugh 2.wav by Robinhood76 -- https://freesound.org/s/62226/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
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Flagellation, Blasphemy, Drunkenness, Promiscuity and Impersonating the King of Sweden, with the legendary leader of the most famous Hellfire Club...Sir Francis Dashwood.
How convivial was he?Why did he hate cats?What is 'Erotic Shrubbery ?How many drinking clubs can one man form?All these questions and 30 minutes more can be found in episode 45 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
An eccentric aristocrat and one of the most controversial figures in 18th century British politics, he was chancellor of the exchequer, founder of the Society for Dilettanti and the Divan Club, was friends with Benjamin Franklin and Prime Minister Pitt the Elder.
He also created the infamous Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe and shocked Georgian England. If you are a fan of secret societies, historical scandals and secret caves you'll enjoy this luxury length episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
“A harmless bit of blasphemy and dressing up" from the chairman of the very FIRST Hell Fire Club - Philip Duke of Wharton.
He should support the establishment, but instead he makes fun of it.
What is 'Holy Ghost Pie'?Who gives a bear cub as a gift?Why did Alexander Pope hate him so much?Why did the government shut him down?
Discover the debauched history of - arguably- England’s very first Hellfire Club.All of these controversial questions will be answered in episode 44 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume
An eccentric member of British Aristocracy, he was one of the most colourful figures in 18th century history.
Friends with Jacobites, scorned by Whigs and secretly greeted by Freemasons, the scandal filed life of this hard drinking libertine was short but full of incident.
If you are a fan of British political history, drunken misbehaviour , cooking and blasphemy, you'll enjoy this episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Grigori Rasputin, everyone's favourite irresistible, indestructible, mad monk is having a night on the town in Moscow.
Why did Tsarina Alexandra like him so much?Why did Tsar Nicholas II dislike him?Was Rasputin responsible for the Russian Revolution? Just how big was it ?? ( you know what I’m talking about)
He's a controversial, mystic, healer and holy man but the Romanov family love him so he can get up to all sorts of rude, vodka fuelled high jinks.It’s a possibly exaggerated tale that stretches from Siberia to St Petersburg and explores some of the myths surrounding one of Russian history's most infamous characters and his mysterious assassination.
And it's all in episode 43 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
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A necrophiliac in Paris!
Who was Robert Damiens?How many horses does it take to pull a man apart?Why did Georgian high society pay good money to sit in a field?Is disguising yourself as a woman to watch an execution weird?
Join 18th-century England's most deviant politician ( and that's saying something) on a fun-packed mini-break to the French capital.
With wit, cross-dresser and execution enthusiast George Selwyn.It's a wince-inducing tale of scandal, gossip, Louis XV, The Hellfire Club, political satire and French capital punishment.
Join the crowd at Tyburn and enjoy episode 42 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of Bad Behaviour in period costume.
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High fashion meets highway robbery with the 17th century's most lusted-after gentleman thief, Claude Duval.
Why was France full of posh Englishmen in the 1650s?How many masked women can visit one man's prison cell?Can you dance provocatively in stiff leather boots?What was the content of the condemned man's secret final speech?
It's a flamboyantly dressed tale of rampant flirting, lewd piccolo playing and an appalling French accent.If you like highwaymen, glamorous outlaws, notorious criminals or romantic bandits, you are guaranteed to swoon at the chivalrous antics to be found in episode 41 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of Bad Behaviour in period costume.
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In an extra rude episode, meet 19th-century England's most prolific and energetic smut collector.
Just how much X-rated material could one gentleman collect?Who were his famous friends?Did he go blind?Was he the mysterious author of erotic classic "My Secret Life"?Was Victorian morality really so 'moral'?
Henry Spencer Ashbee.
Listener discretion is advised - Those Victorians could be spicy!It's a furtive delve beneath the crinolines of Victorian society featuring erotic literature, erotic art, general erotica and lots of very rare books.
For open minded bibliophiles everywhere
Become an exclusive member of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - a "Rogue with benefits" - with access to some very colourful features.
Find out how in episode 40 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
( or just visit the website)
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Find out why 69 is just a number to Regency England's most rampant geriatric - William Douglas, 4th Duke of Queensberry, 'Old Q'.
How does a man in his 80s 'please' the ladies?How fast can you drive a carriage?Why should you never accept a milkshake from this man?What would Horatio Nelson say?
It's a heart warming tale of hot chocolate, comfy blankets, early nights and Greek-themed orgies.Whether you're a fan of 18th century British politics, horse racing, Scottish aristocracy or debauchery you'll find something of interest in episode 39 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The Podcast of Bad Behaviour in Period Costume.
He had nothing to do with 'Queensbury Rules'Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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No one expects the 15th century's biggest party pooper, Tomas de Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition.
What should you do if you see someone wearing fancy clothes on a Sunday?How many ways can you denounce your neighbour?Is a 'Papal Bull' a type of livestock?Was Torquemada a 'grand' inquisitor or was he just 'alright' ?
It’s a tortuous tale of a controversial historical figure, religious persecution, the Catholic Church, heretics, the Dominican Order and the Spanish monarchy.
But I’ve tried to keep it lighthearted.The answers to these questions ( and some dungeon sound effects) can be found in episode 38 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The Podcast of Bad Behaviour in Period Costume.
Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Take a walk on the very wild side in 18th century London with teenage "Lad About Town," William Hickey.
Is stealing a rowing boat morally unacceptable? Which was the most violent pub in London - possibly?What do you do when caught in bed with another man's mistress?Should you ever drink anything described as "..a villainous compound of filth?"
There's sex, booze, fighting and disrespecting of elders - what's the youth of yesterday coming to?
It’s a nostalgic rose-tinted saunter through the taverns and brothels of Georgian England with a young man who would become famous for his diaries and memoirs chronicling scandal, political intrigue, court life and overseas travel during a vibrant age.
But in 1768 he's just a horny teenager.All these and many more questions will be answered in episode 38 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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After a bit of a break, Rogues Gallery Uncovered returns.
How gleefully unreliable can one man be?What was 'special' about 'OK Freddie'?Why wasn't Niven in Gunga Din?Why did Flynn get angry on behalf of his horse?
Join Hollywood's most misbehaved duo, David Niven and Errol Flynn, as they water ski and roister through the 1930s - leaving a trail of broken hearts and heads in their wake.
It’s a swashbuckling romp through The Golden Age of Hollywood as these two movie legends stretch the bonds of their friendship, share the ultimate party house, sleep with lots of women and nearly get eaten by a shark ( well, one of them does)All these questions, and so many more will be answered in a celebrity packed episode 37 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behavior in period costume.
Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Keep your hands where everyone can see them while attending this stern lecture warning of the physical and moral decay brought about by the 19th century’s most destructive social contagion - MASTURBATION!!
Are there any life and sanity threatening conditions NOT caused by masturbation?Why is spicy food evil?What is a 'four-pointed urethral ring' ?Does it really make you go blind?
It’s a wrist achingly provocative tale of madness, blisters, breakfast cereals, female hysteria and abstinence.All these complex medical questions and more will be answered in episode 36 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
Surrounded by moral panic, Victorian Morality had only one solution, Anti-masturbation. The purity movement called for self-control; public health called for sexual repression. In the process, a whole catalogue of masturbation myths was created along with a cupboardful of anti-masturbation devices. Leave yourself alone and listen to this edifying presentation.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Ramble on in search of filth with Restoration England's most promiscuous, booze addled, royalty offending, saucy genius - Restoration poet and libertine, John Wilmot 2nd Earl of Rochester.
It's a disgraceful double-ended tale of Italian sex woodwork, highway robbery, park abuse and rhyming couplets.
How many years did Rochester spend permanently drunk?How offensive was the poem he accidentally gave to King Charles II?What happened under the shrubbery in Hyde park when the sun went down?Was Rochester brilliant or awful or both?The answer to these and so many more questions will be answered in episode 35 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - the podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
He was the most outrageous character in 17th century London whose scandalous life and bawdy satire shocked the royal court - and even offended king Charles II.
Is his infamous reputation as a debauchee well deserved? open a bottle of claret, loosen your doublet and find out.Read the full text of "A Ramble in Hyde Park" HERE
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Its "All Aboard" when the 18th century British navy's most promiscuous sailor puts into as many ports as he can, with Admiral Augustus John Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol.
How many brothels did the English Casanova visit in one day?What did he wear when looking for love beneath bridges?Why was he forever grateful to a horseDid he ever have enough energy to do any sailing?
Enjoy a salty tale of multiple mistresses, naughty nunneries, and opera.All of these questions and many more will be answered in episode 34 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
Naval Officer, Politician, Admiral and member of the British aristocracy, Hervey is one of the Georgian era's most colourful characters and possibly the greatest shagger in Naval history. Hoist your mainsail and enjoy this episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Be provoked beyond reason by 18th century Ireland's most quarrelsome and violent bully boy - George "Fighting" Fitzgerald.
What did Fitzgerald do to his father - twice!?How did he stand when facing an armed opponent?Should you avoid him on a narrow street?Why should you not try and seduce his female travelling companion?
Its a short tempered tale of animal disguise, head trauma, gratuitous musketry and good old fashioned insanity.All these questions will be answered in episode 33 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of Bad Behaviour in Period Costume.
A duellist, rebel and one of the most controversial figures in Irish history, he lived a life of scandal and violence among the Irish gentry. When he wasn’t duelling he was starting feuds, gambling and arguably murdering. If you like historic true crime with a hint of weirdness, buckle up for this episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Enjoy non stop 19th century sexcapades with Queen Victoria's most prolific swordsman and erotic wordsmith - Edward Sellon.
Why should ladies refrain from playing hide and seek with him?How many 'affairs' could he conduct at any one time?What's the worst thing that can happen when cleaning a sailing ship?Should he have been allowed anywhere near a girls boarding school?
Its a shameless tale of peeping, pooping, penile stamina and pistols.The answers to these and equally sleazy questions can all be found in episode 32 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
A titan of erotic literature, the soldier, adventurer, and infamous British army officer combined a less than stellar military career with some of the biggest scandals of the Victorian era. If you're a fan of erotica, erotic literature, military history, sexual exploration, the British Empire or smut then you'll find something to arouse you in this episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Brawling, duelling, thievery and seduction with the 17th century's most enthusiastic woman warrior, and a pivitol figure in LGBTQ+ history - Catalina de Erauso.
Why did Catalina disguise herself as a man?How many times did she lose her temper and kill someone?What made her apologise profusely to her brother?Who was "The Cid"?
Its a bloody tale of senseless violence, nunnery escapades, greed, unbelievable coincidences and the Pope.All this and so much more will be answered in episode 31 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
Subject of the book Lieutenant Nun, this cross-dressing female soldier and adventuress was one of the most fascinating - and possibly violent - women in history. Her gender identity may forever be a mystery, but her bravery was in no doubt. She remains a unique figure in Basque history and the history of the ‘New World.’
Dress however you please and enjoy this episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Enjoy a spectacular bender in Victorian London with one of the 19th century's most prolific party animals, Henry Weysford Charles Plantagenet Rawdon-Hastings.
Why should you always dance with a pocketful of coins?Who looked like "a giant blancmange"?What is so dangerous about Ratcliffe Highway?How much booze can four gentlemen of quality put away in a night?
It's a convivial tale of alehouses, drinking,rat baiting, dancing girls, drinking, outrageous pranks,menacing Scandinavians....... and drinking.All will be revealed in episode 30 of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
Come on an exhausting tour of public houses , taverns, and gin palaces alongside a pioneer of drinking culture and arch enemy of the Temperance Movement. The alcohol consumption is heroic, the drunkenness extreme and somewhere among the gin haze is a bit of social history. Grab a beer, say 'Damm your eyes' to prohibition and enjoy this episode...God Save Queen Victoria!Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Get whipped into a terrified frenzy of social anxiety with the 18th century's most notorious gang of lawless youths - The Mohocks!
Who was 'King of the Mohocks'?What is “Tippling the Lion”?How scared should I be?Is any of it true?
It's a fear-inducing tale of brutal slashing, barrel-rolling, eye-gouging, random stabbing and violent flatulence.Find out in episode 29 ( season 2) of Rogues Gallery Uncovered - The podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
Watch out youth has gone wild! Urban legend or a particularly violent slice of London History? Notorious hooligans who are a menace to public safety, infamous for rioting and street crime...or Georgian era fear mongering stoked up by the newspapers and the gutter press to drum up sales? True crime or imaginary Crime?
Pick up your cudgel and enjoy this episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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Victorian Superman
Why did Burton live with a family of monkeys?What did he use to hit one of his teachers over the head?Where did someone stick a spear in his body that made life difficult?What was the Cannibal Club?
He translated the karma sutra and The Arabian Nights, sneaked into one of the holiest places on earth, was the first European to see Lake Tanganyika – by accident - and possessed an extremely impressive moustache.
His name was Richard Francis Burton and there was very little he couldn’t do.
It’s a tale of pathological boredom, heroic drinking, sexual exploration and malaria.The answers to all these questions and more can be found in episode 28 of Rogue’s Gallery Uncovered – the podcast of bad behaviour in period costume.
The 19th century explorer, orientalist, literary giant, spy? and global traveller who crisscrossed Africa, India, and the Middle East in search of adventure and erotic knowledge. The queen may not have approved, but he was one of the Victorian era's most famous men and remains a controversial figure in colonial history and the story of the British Empire. Book passage on a steamship and enjoy this episode.Thanks for listening. Stay Roguish!
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