In the final installment of Sam Sheppard: Case Closed, hear about Sam Sheppard's decline in his final years that included a stint as a wrestler.
This is the story about the third trial in the year 2000, a civil casewhere Sam and Marilyn Sheppard's son, Sam Reese, tried to use DNA to prove his father innocent.
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At the second trial, F. Lee Bailey conducted one of the most famous cross-examinations ever, proving the state's star witness either exaggerated or lied about knowing the identity of the murder weapon. That, coupled with new scientific evidence, and the choice to try the case towards the younger members of the jury, helped lead to a not guilty verdict.
Sam Sheppard was convicted in 1954 of the brutal murder of his wife, and spent the next ten years in prison. A young lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, won a U.S. Supreme Court appeal that led to a second trial.
It is a murder case like no other in American history: three trials, over 46 years - reaching three different verdicts. This is the inside story of what happened as told by the people who were there.