
  • If you want to shift a bad mood, feel better or perhaps feel FREAKEN GOOD, you'll find brilliant motivation to get going and move your body with this episode! Through clinical practice, evidence-based reasoning & physiological, emotional and energetic mind-body principles, today I unpack the ways that movement and exercise are creating how you FEEL.

    When you tune in and become aware of how you feel, you can also tune into your energy, and use this newfound awareness to dial up your inner resilience, strength and focus, or find your easy-going flow - all which comes from the many various ways you can move your body.

    The Mind-Body Loop moves both ways - top down and bottom up. I'll explain this, and also help you understand how movement can work for you, to take more control of your crazy monkey mind, activate or down-regulate body systems (or hyperactive traits ;)) or perhaps elevate your attention, focus and inner power.

    Your body is DESIGNED to move. It's not designed to be stagnant, seated or sedentary. And the beauty is, you often get to choose HOW you move it. May movement be a practice or blessing you are grateful for... and never take it for granted.

    I truly believe your body is your canvas to paint and create how you wish to feel, how your life is playing out AND is your point of attraction to call in the even more beautiful life you long for.

    PRESS PLAY on one of my favourite episodes YET!

    Thank you for being here xx

    If you love this episode, please leave a review :)

    To get in touch with Sarah for 1:1 or group support, email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com


    Follow or DM via Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • Diving into the science, research and mind-blowing data in this incredible episode, you'll learn how to foster a deeper, more restorative night's sleep whilst better understanding how sleep impacts your mental and emotional capacity.

    I unpack the 4 stages of sleep and what happens to our brain, emotions and body when we don't sleep well, through to the vicious Sleep-Stress Cycle, how the type and volume of exercise you do impacts your sleep, and the enormous effects of light, our phones and screens... and much more juicy sleep tips & support! ...Including how your hormones interact amongst it all.

    This empowering episode is a snippet of the detailed information I presented at my "Science of Sleep & Hormones Workshop" which was part of the March edition of The Fluid Experience (my Half Day Mini Retreats).

    Sleep is one of the most important things we should be prioritising if we want to have excellent mental, physical and emotional health.

    Plug in & press play to uncover the impact and influence of all things relating to good quality, deeply rejuvenating sleep!

    I'd be so grateful to hear what you loved most from this share, so feel free to contact me personally via the email or platforms below.

    Thank you for being here xx

    If you love this episode, please leave a review :)

    To get in touch with Sarah, email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com


    Follow or DM via Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

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  • Has your burning desire or drive felt lacklustre lately, as though your spark is wavering? Maybe 'life' has got a little in the way... Or you've lost contact with feeling your vibrant zest and hum for life. Then this truthful episode is a great listen for you.

    In this potent solo share, I guide you to re-member and reconnect with your passions, love of life, goals and inner fire - without neglecting the necessary need for finding & flexing self discipline.

    I bust TWO BIG MYTHS around 'what's normal' and giving yourself permission to really pursue what YOU want - and LOVE. Nudge awake your inner flame through no B.S. self awareness, bold truths and words of wisdom. Remind yourself of your capacity to make conscious choices towards your goals... and your most heart-felt joys in life.

    Pop your headset on & press play to explore:

    The parts and energy of our inner fire and it's patterns Where or when we let our burning desire fade Messages to awaken your shine, vibrancy & self power The connection between discipline and sovereign, conscious choice Why discipline may not come naturally to you What to do if you're feeling doubts or the urge to give up Celebrating & saying 'yes' to pleasure Falling at the feet of our shadows vs. letting the light of our inner flame burn through the darkness; our old patterns, inner stories, unconscious habits... and ultimately, our own B.S. Suggestions to reconnect with your inner warmth, love of life, true passions and opening to burning desire

    If you found this episode helpful, please send me a DM on instagram! @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    I'd be so grateful to hear what you loved most from it!

    Thank you for being here xx

    If you love this episode, please leave a review :)

    To get in touch with Sarah, email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com


    Follow or DM via Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • Ever been stuck in not knowing what to do? Which path to take? Or experienced the heavy spiralling paralysis of trying to "figure it out"? This solo 'Sarah Download' is perfect for you!

    Whether it's a decision to leave your relationship, change jobs or career path, a health or diet shift, or perhaps moving house, this episode will provide you with suggestions and insights to tap into your answers.

    Speaking from my recent 'big decision-making experience' (one that would have cost me greatly), this unscripted, free-flowing episode will help you navigate ways to support making a solid, grounded and self-aligned decision; one based on what's best for YOU, your current situation and your heart.

    From logical dissections through to which people we ask, and the ways our body responds to our intuitive 'yes' or 'no' decisions, this insightful share will help you take basic steps, distill what's important you and provide clarity to DECIDE.

    We know our body holds both our wounds and our wisdom. I'm here to help you stay true to your values, live the life you desire and take the pressure off having to 'get it right'.

    Rather than outsourcing your power; Can you trust yourself enough to jump? Or will indecision be your decision? What if both are true and valid?

    This episode will empower you with my tools and suggestions to help you follow your inner compass and attune to your own answers.

    Plug your earbuds in for supportive decision-making insights... to reduce the energy drain of indecision, the perfection paralysis, and start to move forward with more certainty, self trust & inspiration.

    If you love this episode, please leave a review!

    To get in touch with Sarah, email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com


    Follow or DM via Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • Are you fuelling your body with enough of the good stuff? Getting your fill or requirements of protein, plants and vital nutrients is no easy feat, and it can be even trickier if you're looking for plant-based options.

    Nina Gelbke is an Accredited Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Presenter and CrossFit Coach and Athlete, with a big passion for all things fitness and nutrition. She is here to dispel the myth that plant-based diets can't support us - especially as athletes.

    Grab your earbuds and press play to explore food and nutrition "for life" as well as for high performance in sports. Tune in to learn:

    Nina's journey from her early childhood relationship with food, through to her diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes at 9 years old - which ultimately lead to perfectionism in controlling blood sugars and controlling food and exercise... resulting in an eating disorder requiring years of hospitalisation How Nina gets her required protein intake for life, recovery and to grow strength after being plant-based for 10 years+ The 'Replacing Rather Than Removing' Philosophy, particularly with meats Sourcing iron intake & where low iron tends to occur for women and for athletes Runners: Foot Strike Hemolysis & Iron Fuelling inside CrossFit & endurance considerations The specific 4 part hierarchy and tips on what & when to eat for building muscle, optimising performance & gaining strength as well as timing food around training (both carbs & protein) Minimal Protein Recommendations per day (and per meal) to grow lean muscle Examples of plant-based meals throughout the day to meet your RDI's The best plant-based protein powders to choose & WHY The #1 gap in most athletic diets - in even the recreational athlete Busting the lid on the trending "Intuitive Eating" we see everywhere on social media - and why it's setting you up for failure in your physical or sports goals What to look for instead of waiting to "feel hungry" - there are clear KEY indicators to watch for if you're unsure about when/what to eat

    You WILL be hungry after hearing this powerful conversation - but also incredibly inspired to eat well and to truly nourish and support your body's nutritional needs.

    Press play & enjoy! xx


    Follow on Instagram: @naturally_nina_



    Follow on Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • All too often we skirt around conversations, issues or voicing our needs within our relationships, which ultimately starts to walk us down the path of resentment, avoidance and/or heading towards the D word - Divorce. If you want to prevent the erosion of your intimate relationship and uphold respect, real connection and deep love & admiration for each other, this conversation with Libby Finlayson is for absolutely for you.

    Plug your earbuds in today to explore:

    What's trending or happening behind closed doors in relationships today, particularly after children The operating systems we hold within relating, and the gaps we often miss The Blame Game: Where everything starts to fall apart Communicating our feelings without the other person being defensive and navigating our ego The need and want for more and more material stuff that's creating our internal dissatisfaction Emotional Maturity and taking personal responsibility Anger, running away or avoidance; The Fight or Flight Reactions around a powerplay that occurs when we fight with our partner and how it's causing resentment How you can BOTH to start to listen better to each other Remembering "My map of the word isn't my partner's map of the world" - Sarah's key motto for life, and staying close, connected and patiently understanding with her partner despite the natural differences Relating after children, following the Matrescence transition for women Expectations are the biggest killers in our life, stress levels and with our partners What men are usually questioning & what women are often struggling with Talking WITHOUT JUDGEMENT and validating your partner Watching your words and your tone... and choosing them carefully with your partner, as well as breaking patterns we forget we have Sarah's favourite daily tool to capture and hold her partner's undivided attention, to really listen and connect together - to elevate the partnership and for her to feel seen, heard and understood by him.

    With a divorce rate of over 40% worldwide, Libby's mission is helping couples learn the tools for prevention. To understand each others world's better, come up with resolutions and respect that your partner cannot fix you, parent you or make you happy. To bring fun and vibrancy back into the relationship after kids.

    Press play & enjoy xx


    Follow on Instagram: @libfin_coach



    Follow on Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Mini Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • Has the fast paced, non-stop modern way of life got you in a flap of overdrive, fear of missing a beat or perhaps, dare I say, failing at what you "should" be doing just fine? This beautiful episode with registered Psychologist & Mentor Tricia Woods is perfect to support your hard earnt work and worth as a woman, understand your sensitivities and nourish your experience and existence.

    Tricia and I tackle the big topic of Being a Sensitive Soul in a Modern World, Motherhood & Developing Intuitive Awareness... which is more relevant for many of us than we realise.

    For all the Cat Mums, Dog Mums, Plant Mums and Human Mums: We unpack the things you can incorporate today to feel more in control and empowered, and to own more of your quirks and sensitivities with confidence.

    Plug your earbuds in and press play today to explore:

    How Tricia flowed from working in-clinic as a busy, registered Psychologist to helping women as Spiritual Mentor How we as women may be ignoring or avoiding discomfort as naturally sensitive beings, and the expectations of being all things for all people Tapping into your body or intuition to notice what’s happening in your body and better recognise when we are at a limit Types of sensitivities or traits we might have as neurodivergent humans Being a Neurodivergent & what it includes or means Characteristics to genuinely embrace, not be scared of How this can uncover your natural gifts Managing productivity and ‘being a successful person’ while upholding your self worth How to start supporting yourself more today Sustainable living in a stressful arena & managing burn out When and how Tricia started to realise she was deeply connected to her intuition, had spiritual gifts available to her and started to have her knowing drop in Developing your intuitive awareness and consciously opening to it I share my personal experience on how my diet, exercise & cleaning up my lifestyle heightened my receptivity to my intuition

    Honestly, this is an epic episode for all sensitive souls.

    Press play & enjoy xx


    Follow on Instagram: @tricia_woods


    Tricia's Blog Articles & Neurodivergent Info


    Follow on Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Mini Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • What really happens when we balance our inner masculine and feminine sides? What exactly ARE these things? As two women who have spent most of our lives heavily in our masculine, "doing it all", relying on hypercapabilities with 'go-getter' attitudes, Marina and I share the most powerful conversation about our experience navigating and integrating our inner masculine and feminine aspects.

    Inside this incredibly honest and empowering episode, Marina dives into how we can redirect our relationships, how our beliefs influence and impact our polarity (and our ways in the world) and why inner awareness and growth work can help us awaken the existence we truly want.

    Tune in today to explore:

    How Marina's experience and 'You can do what the boys can do!' childhood lead to financial success, yet co-created a wildly 'out of sync' marriage. What about "This is just how I am"? How we mistakenly believe our conditioned self is the "only" self within us. Deleting, Distorting and Denying parts of ourselves. Not identifying as a "girly-girl" vs. the 'feminine' nuance. Harmonising the constant dance of being both the masculine and feminine energies. What ARE the masculine energies vs. feminine energies? (16min) How we need polarity for ANYTHING to exist. The Gypsy, Goddess & Queen Aspects of ourselves. (This is brilliant!) Our need to 'get it done' and tick the boxes as a controlling nature which may be slipping us up - where we could be empowering others to show up for us. (27min) Toxic Masculinity and the battles men are experiencing to reclaim their inner masculine in a world constantly cutting them down. How to start integrating your feminine side without losing yourself or who you think you are. And simultaneously, not wronging, deleting or denying your masculine side. (33min) How your polarity stance is impacting your relationship dance, and how to grow in your expansion of wholeness to allow your man to step up and step forward. What do to if you want your man to grow and become stronger... and to please you.

    The feminine ALONE is not what we want to embody.

    "Life gets easier when we stop strangling it with our need to penetrate it and 'beat it over the head' attitude... recruiting the feminine energies helps you receive more support and gets you where you want to be easier, faster and with FAR more pleasure." - Marina Perry

    Stay tuned for Part Two coming this season about Polarity in Partnership, through the lens of the Masculine and Feminine.

    Big Love,

    Sarah McLachlan xx

    Marina is a thought-leader & embodied teacher empowering individuals to step into self-sovereignty, awaken their allness to embrace their wholeness & live their light. As the CEO of The School of Growth & Mum Hive, and the Founder of The Whole Woman Way, Marina spends the majority of her time coaching, training coaches and supporting Women to reclaim their power and magnify their magic.


    Follow on Instagram: @iammarinaperry

    The Whole Woman Way: https://www.marinaperry.org/the-whole-woman-way



    Follow on Instagram: @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Mini Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • Ever wish you could move through the journey of life with more trust, especially in uncertainty? Well, this epic episode is for you. From listening to spiritual nudges through to disowning parts of yourself, Narelle Clyde shares the evolution of her journey from her desk job and departing relationships, to trusting in a higher power and embracing her gift of light language.

    A timeless episode about trust, the universe and following your path, plug your earbuds in today to discover:

    How to move thtrough the journey of life more attuned to guidance Narelle's take on making the leap from desk job to unchartered but aligned 'work' Divine timing & clear signs from the universe (relationships, jobs & injuries) How to take action when your soul says "No" to spread your own wings How Narelle started trusting her connection to the divine & higher power, after burying it and disowning it (12mins) How the sound and frequency of light language effects us and our bodies Bringing order to chaos with light language The use and practicalities of light language (and what it is) How rejecting and being closed to receiving will block guidance & clarity Narelle's suggestions to start leaning into trust when there's uncertainty (36mins) "The body wants to be safe, so sometimes trust has to be practiced." How to use your own version of meditation to bring yourself out of overanalysis and blocking, to trust source and spirit's guidance

    "Resistance is the mind overthinking. The body wants to be safe. There's always a level of discomfort when something is different and new, especially when we haven't trusted before." ~ Narelle Clyde

    Narelle Clyde is a highly respected Spiritual Mentor, Life Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Energy Healer & #1 Bestselling Author. With 10+yrs experience guiding women worldwide on their spiritual journeys, she wields a unique ability to channel Light Language through art & sound, facilitating deep transformation & healing.


    Bali Retreat baby woohoo! http://narelleclyde.com/eden

    Narelle's Guided Meditations on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGQwS360jvxL6hkXZD1dTiQ

    Connect on Instagram @narelleclyde - https://www.instagram.com/narelleclyde/


    Follow on Instagram @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Mini Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • An eye-opening conversation all women must hear! Explore how you can support and restore hormonal balance, throughout your cycle and beyond, using food as medicine.

    And not only that, the benefits of seed cycling extend through to clear glowing skin, reducing bloating, boosting nutrient levels of key vitamins and minerals, reducing period pain, supporting PCOS, reducing chronic inflammation, improving fertility... and so much more!

    As a Functional Nutrition and EFT Practitioner, and Founder of The Seed Cycle, Mel Kovacevic, is a passionate about supporting women with healthy, balanced hormones, to to reach their full potential.

    Plug your ear buds in to learn:

    What is seed cycling? Why it's a holistic approach to healing your body as a woman Living in an abundance and "adding" as a nutritional approach, rather than limiting foods and a scarcity mindset How to start seed cycling today - likely with your pantry ingredients! How seed cycling works relative to your oestrogen, progesterone and cycle phases Supporting changes through perimenopause regarding sleep, oestrogen & healthy hormone modulation including reducing your PMS symptoms Mel's client case study examples and current scientific research (very new, as of last year 2023, particularly for PCOS) The Therapeutic Dose as per the hormone modulation protocol What to do if you're on the pill, have medically induced menopause or similar existing hormone-effecting changes Infradian rhythm vs. circadium rhythm cycles How best to access and maintain the quality of these particular seed nutrients to receive the greatest benefits through seed cycling... and enjoying your FOOD!

    Ladies, if you're looking for relief from period-related discomfort, creating hormonal harmony or even elevating your skin, health or wellness through higher nutrient consumption, this episode is an epic conversation to tune into! Don't miss it.


    Use Code SARAHM20 for 20% OFF at The Seed Cycle

    For your organic, pre-ground seeds, ready to go - https://theseedcycle.com.au/ref/170/

    Is Seed cycling for me? Take the Quiz.

    PCOS study & links to all literature

    Download the Seed Cycling Period Tracker


    Follow on Instagram @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Connect on Facebook via Sarah McLachlan BASc.

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Mini Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.

  • To kick off Season 2, Sarah opens up and vulnerably shares her journey or "course correction" over recent years. From listening and aligning with her core values to taking blind, brave action - even when there's no Plan B, no structure, no ideas or next step in mind. This chapter was Sarah's 'glitch in the matrix' of her life.

    Sarah reflects on knowing and deeply trusting yourself, and choosing YOU... while simultanenously processing one's 'failure'.

    This open-hearted, unscripted episode includes:

    Discerning & navigating when things are a NO for you Integrity with your values vs. the Logical Self & Ego Realising you're becoming someone you don't want to be Walking a new path when it's unchartered and unclear Survival Codes, Beliefs & Backing Yourself Owning that you have CHOICE

    Most profoundly; "It's not a failure if it's not a fit."

    Raw & real, why hold back the truth?

    It's only going to come back and bite us in the a*se anyway right?



    Follow on Instagram @iam.sarahmc.mindbody

    Connect on Facebook via Sarah McLachlan BASc.

    Join The Fluid Experience - Women's Mini Retreats in Dunsborough & the South West

    Email sarahmc@movetrainglow.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended to educate, inspire and support you on your personal journey, awareness and growth. I am not a medical doctor, psychologist or medical health practitioner and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions or require support, please seek help from your GP or qualified health practitioner.


  • We know women and men operate differently... But have you ever considered why women require a different approach in healing and transformation? In this episode, we examine the gender difference through the lens of creating immediate positive change... that lasts.

    Stephanie Serone bounced between mentors and coaches, often rebounding 'back to the start' when trying to shift her life experience.

    From severe anxiety and depression, to feeling trapped and losing hope, Stephanie hit her 'last resort'... and realised that most coaching or healing methods are focussed on the male physical, mental and emotional operational system.

    Today Stephanie and I unpack the gender differences inside healing with instant and sustained transformation.

    Plug in today to learn:

    - How *exactly* a women's mind operates differently

    - Changing our processing on an epigenetic level

    - How analogy processes can reframe a woman's patterns and insecurities through metaphor

    - The major differences in vision, processing, focus and mentalities between the genders

    - Why the male population NEED the 'nothing box' (you'll laugh at this one!)

    - The impact of a woman's 4 cyclical seasons vs. the male 24 hour season

    - The Top 5 Beliefs Stephanie sees women replay on repeat and how we can transmute these limitations

    Stephanie Serone is a licensed Transformologist® an authority in empowering women, and facilitating the worlds only female specific transformation process based on the science of epigenetics to resolve chronic emotional issues and inter-generational trauma to create inspiring, instant and irreversible change.



    Get access to Stephanie's FREE Masterclass *as mentioned in the show*


    Follow or DM on Instagram @_thetrueyou_


    DM Sarah personally on Instagram via @iam.sarahmc.life

    Sarah's Business Instagram @iam.sarahmc

    Email Sarah McLachlan: sarahmc@movetrainglow.com
  • You don't have to put up with "how things are". Acceptance is NOT the vibe when it comes to this one precious life you have, here and now. If you're feeling disappointment in any area of your life, this episode is for you.

    Reclaiming your self authority and not settling for less is exactly what this week's open-hearted, vulnerable and bold conversation with Sapha Pardo is all about.

    Feminine Embodiment + Relationship Mentor Sapha Pardo has walked away from the 'should's', the empty 10 year marriage and the societal norms, and carved her path in life. On the other side, she has to pinch herself now, as she does 'have it all'... but it was no easy feat exploring her inner wounding.

    Settling and the wound of disappointment is a common thread in many areas of our lives. Question is; What are you sacrificing, tolerating or 'accepting'? Rather than showing up for YOURSELF, and embracing your heart's real desires?

    Plug your earbuds in today to explore:

    - How we've been taught that self love is self acceptance... and how much we DISAGREE with this!!

    - How we enslave ourselves with "I can't", experiencing guilt and shame when we try to show up for ourselves

    - Being 'unscared' of your beliefs and wounds, as we ALL have them

    - The Feminine Wounding types that are naturally within us all

    - WHY we settle because of our inbuilt patterns

    - Paying attention to the areas of your life

    - "The deeper you embody, the more things change" vs. "The more you think / analyse the HOW, the more desperate you get"

    - The Stagnation Spiral and Settling: What it is, why it's dangerous and why you likely can't see it

    - HOW you can trust the process more

    - How I created internal safety and security as I navigated my recent big life changes, to stop settling and accepting and instead start embracing, making changes and bravely stepping up for a different life existance -

    "The question is;

    "Is this how I want to live my life? And, is it how I want to live THE REST of my life??"

    Press Play today!


    Sapha Pardo is known for her unique approach to feminine energetics, empowerment, and no-nonsense introspective work that explores the root of trauma and core wounds in a person’s subconscious.

    Sapha’s personal experience with emotional and psychological trauma, as well as her passion for life has led her to search for, cultivate and refine healing techniques that allow her to guide women to become deeply devoted to their process without dismissing the validity of their life experiences.


    Follow Sapha Pardo on Instagram @yoursoulfulgoddess



    DM Sarah personally on Instagram via @iam.sarahmc.life

    Sarah's Business Instagram @iam.sarahmc

    Email Sarah McLachlan: sarahmc@movetrainglow.com
  • Are you missing the messages from your authentic self? Inside Part 2 of this incredible conversation with Luke Aeyra, I share a vulnerable snippet of how I neglected and avoided my inner truth and intuition this year.

    With Luke's generous support, I share my recent signs, symptoms and emotional rollercoaster experience which lead me to quit the online coaching industry and courageously begin anew. Drawing a line in the sand, undecided and uncertain of what was next, I ruthlessly drafted a new path in my life having finally listened to my truth.

    My experience is a empowering example of how our soul speaks to us through the mind, heart and gut centres, as defined in episode Part 1. But, you must be open, willing, committed and slowing down enough to listen.

    This 2 part trauma-informed conversation with Luke Aeyra will help you understand and interpret your soul or authentic self from a clinical psychology, psychotherapy and holistic approach.

    Press play on this powerful + passionate Part 2 and learn:

    - Where to start particularly if you feel daunted or unsure, to slow down and listen more deeply to your authentic self, soul and inner guidance

    - How sitting and being with yourself will be THE #1 THING that actually allows BIG shifts to occur, and a better life to unfold

    - What happens when we DON'T take the time to listen, or we avoid the messages from our 3 Minds (Listen to Part 1 to find out what the 3 Minds are)

    - The importance + value of tuning in to the ways YOUR authentic self is speaking (or screaming) to you

    - Luke's Practical Tools for self examination

    - Seeking wise counsel and support - before the whisper turns into a scream!

    - The signs + symptoms of an Upset Soul vs. An Inspired Life on your own unique path

    - My Depression, Misalignment & Suffering: How my authentic self was guiding me to leave the online coaching industry and quit the false bravado, pseudo-phantom connection that comes with owning a business defined by social media

    - How I choose body-based guidance over mindset work, enduring more perseverence and faking my mental positivity

    "If you're struggling, or just want a better life, getting to know your soul and authentic self is the key to getting there."

    Luke Aeyra is an experienced Soul-Focused Psychotherapist, Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Soulight Psychology - an integrative therapy and healing service attuned to the psycho-spiritual needs of the soul that resides in us all.

    With over 7 years of experience in the fields of mental health and spiritual development, Luke has gained extensive expertise working in some of Australia’s industry-leading not-for-profits, psychiatric hospitals and treatment centres.

    ***Much gratitude to Luke for holding the safe space and comfort for my sharing a snippet of what was very raw and fresh as I moved through grief, shame and loss at the time of recording this episode.***



    Follow Luke Aeyra on Instagram @soulight.psychology


    Bookings + More Information Luke Aeyra


    DM Sarah personally on Instagram via @iam.sarahmc.life

    Sarah's Business Instagram @iam.sarahmc

    Email Sarah McLachlan: sarahmc@movetrainglow.com
  • Too often we miss the ways our authentic self or inner being is communicating life direction to us. Admittedly, I have been avoiding my truth or soul whispers for most of this year. Modern life, and our endeavours to 'control' our mindset, means we unconsciously bypass our internal guiding signs and symptoms.

    Inside this trauma-informed conversation, Luke Aeyra helps you understand and interpret your soul or authentic self from a clinical psychology, psychotherapy and holistic approach.

    In Part 1 of our conversation, experienced Psychotherapist Luke Aeyra explores HOW to listen more to our authentic self to lead life in a way that truly makes you lit up, happy, content and naturally higher vibe.

    Press play to be inspired and empowered on:

    - What the soul, the conscious and the authentic self actually is

    - The difference between Psychology vs. Psychotherapy

    - How to make your life, and yourself, become better

    - The 3 Minds you can listen to, how to 'hear' and feel them, and learning to interpret your soul's whispers

    - The difference between a soul YES or NO to create positive changes to your life experience

    - Operating from a more self aligned existence

    - Clinical case examples of soul-led psychotherapy sessions

    - How Psychology is moving more towards the 'woo'

    - Where to start to get in touch with your soul and authentic self


    "We are in complete avoidance of self. Look at TicTok... if we can instead sit with ourselves and be with ourselves, things will move and shift for your highest best.

    If you're struggling, or just want a better life, getting to know your soul and authentic self is the key to getting there."

    Luke Aeyra is an experienced Soul-Focused Psychotherapist, Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Soulight Psychology - an integrative therapy and healing service attuned to the psycho-spiritual needs of the soul that resides in us all.

    With over 7 years of experience in the fields of mental health and spiritual development, Luke has gained extensive expertise working in some of Australia’s industry-leading not-for-profits, psychiatric hospitals and treatment centres.



    Follow Luke Aeyra on Instagram @soulight.psychology


    Bookings + More Information Luke Aeyra


    DM Sarah on Instagram via @iam.sarahmc.life

    Sarah's Business Instagram @iam.sarahmc

    Email Sarah McLachlan: sarahmc@movetrainglow.com
  • What is unapologetic confidence? How do we navigate this bravely and with sensitivity towards the different aspests of ourselves? I'm beyond excited and honoured to speak with Amy Ruthworth this week to help you feel more centred, content and empowered, both inside and out.

    Amy Rushworth is an Empowerment and Sexual Wellness Coach and Breathwork Teacher, for women who are ready to f*ck off the rules and create a life of unashamed pleasure and deep confidence.

    As a globally-recognised thought leader on empowerment, Amy Rushworth helps women heal fear and shame, so you can step into the most outrageously free, unapologetically expressed version of yourself.

    Amy has a burning passion for the taboo and "naughty areas" of womanhood - such as sexual wellness, bold self-expression and defying social expectations. The topics that women are typically taught to shut up about (or be ashamed of) are the type of conversations she lives for!

    Plug your earbuds in to learn:

    - What Rebirthing Breathwork is compared to other breathwork modalities. How it helps you feel more calm, peaceful and comfortable

    - "It's ok to be gentle." Nose Breathing as a gentle experience of sustainable healing and growing, shifting neural pathways over time

    - How to walk with your inner critic rather than bypass it, being brave and defiant in who you are

    - The energy of "I can handle that" through tools and practices to ground your 'weirdness' and multi-dimensional self - without being too much!

    - Amy's personal experience with sexual abuse, PTSD, witnessing abuse as a child and the impact of her parent's influence growing up

    - How to bring your compassionate, big heartedness together with your fierceness; Being the sensitivite good girl as well as the brave bad-a*ss

    - Why your confidence waivers, fluctuating like your nervous system, with a Window of Tolerance

    - The untold story of Amy's 2022 experience, the highs and lows behind the scenes

    - Amy's advice for increasing your resilience + grounding in unapologetic confidence, to be fully expressed, seen + radiant in yourself... and strong in who you are.

    "I am not responsbile for what others think of me."

    You can choose to be self responsible + self respectful instead.

    Amy Rushworth combines her background and qualifications in Rebirthing Breathwork, transformational and sexuality coaching, somatic healing, integrative nutrition... with real-talk, practical wisdom. Over the years she's built a global coaching and healing business that serves thousands of clients and students in dozens of countries.



    Follow on Instagram @thisisamyrushworth



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  • Sound and music significantly impacts your brain, body, health and wellbeing. In this episode, Ian Morris and I explore the healing power of music for physical health, pathology and positive mentalities. Together we unpack how the frequency and beats of music can be 'prescribed' for healing the mind and body to live a thriving life.

    Ian Morris is a Music Producer, Creator, Artist and Sound Alchemist who suffered digestion, autoimmune, pain and heart problems, obesity, anxiety attacks, migraines and severe food reactions. Ian used sound to shift both his mind and body, to reduce his weight from 320lbs, defeat his MS diagnosis and heal Colon Cancer.

    Music lights up several parts our brain, creates new neural pathways, imprints our wellbeing and can facilitate incredible changes to our mind-body systems.

    Music effects the body beyond the conscious mind, but through the physical mind.

    Plug your earbuds in today to learn:

    - Ian's personal health journey with obesity, MS and Cancer

    - What Binaural Beats are, and how your brain responds to different frequencies, creating positive change in your processing patterns

    - The specific music beats to support anxiety and feelings of dis-harmony based on your brain waves and frequencies

    - Why we get sucked into the negative through entrainment and how this communicates within your body

    - Case studies & clinical outcomes for the use of music in PTSD, dementia, asthma, allergies and experiencing more safety in your body

    - The science behind how you can 'prescribe' music, it's benefits and what it does to your brain and body

    - The vibration of masculinity in modern women, where it comes from and how it can become toxic

    - Reforming the masculine and feminine to rebalance the world beyond gender

    - Frequency-infused music, food and nutrients for consicously creating higher health, forming a positive frame of mind and body.

    "Frequency is the greatest disruptor of the mind. If you bring intention to it as well, you will amplify it."

    Ian Morris plays 28 musical instruments and creates and shares music for others worldwide through his company, Listening to Smile. His mission is to use his gifts and passion for people in search of healing and growth.

    What makes his music unique and effective is that it is made with frequency in mind and the intentions to heal.



    Get Ian's Music on Bandcamp here

    Follow on Instagram @listeningtosmile



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  • When it comes to regulating your nervous system, there's a lot more to it than what social media might elude to. We cannot change the state of our body from the mind alone - no amount of affirmations, positive thinking or discussion will "sort things out".

    Truth be told, your nervous system directly influences your digestion, reproductive ability, relationships and EVERY aspect of your life.

    Karolyn Zinetti holds over 20 years experience in the health field, bringing together Breathwork, Naturopathy, Somatic & Trauma Informed Certifications, and much much more.

    Overcoming stress and anxiety through our nervous system and emotions allows us to heal FAR more deeply than talking about our problems - or medicating them.

    Plug your earbuds in to learn:

    - How to access your parasympathetic nervous system, and respond rather than react, coming back to harmony, calmness and aliveness

    - The real meaning of Rest & Receive

    - What the Window of Tolerance is and how to build your Window capacity

    - Hyperarousal vs. Hypoarousal, Micro vs. Macro Trauma and The Four Trauma Responses

    - DIY: A Vagus Nerve Exercise and Containment Exercise: to create introception, calm the body and increase your experience of safeness

    - Ways to give yourself more cellular energy at home right now

    - How your nervous system state is influencing and impacting your digestion +/- causing your digestion problems

    - How to create spaciousness in order to open your nervous system and capacity, creating space for joy and aliveness

    - The benefits of resting during your cycle and why your nervous system optimises reproductive function

    Affirm it with me: "The more I rest, the more I receive!"

    Karolyn is highly experienced, qualified and fully embodied in her practice. This is an episode not to miss!



    Follow on Instagram @karolynzinetti

    Connect on Facebook Karolyn Zinetti


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  • Attracting success and abundance is more than affirmations and actions. Releasing beliefs can open the flood gates to achieving results in business and support your success.

    This week Business Coach Lisa Morgan unpacks how she helps women shift their passions and purpose to receive more financial abundance through releasing limiting beliefs.

    Plug in today to learn:

    - Lisa's Chakra Audit to detect blocks in your system

    - Things to do to dial down money chatter on negativity and turn up measures of success

    - How potent it is to become an expert on YOURSELF

    - Understanding how the chakra system shows up every day, and ways to unblock your system

    - How you can nurture your root chakra for more money and abundance

    - Supporting your body through the seasons all year round

    I hope you enjoy this beautiful conversation with Lisa!



    Instagram @thehealthy_entrepreneur


    Listen to Lisa's Free Chakra Meditation


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  • Every woman must hear this episode! It's time to flip the narrative and redefine perimenopause beyond the 'old woman' stereotype. There ARE ways to navigate this time with a strong and healthy mind, higher body confidence and emerge as an even better version of yourself.

    Perimenopause as a subject is quite taboo and usually avoided by women over 35. With more awareness, you can move through this time in your life feeling prepared, confident and empowered, and take back control of this stage in your life.

    Becks McCulloch and her doctors missed many signs and symptoms of perimenopause for over 8 years. After circling around the truth of what was going on, with uncertainty, upheaval and dysfunction, Becks is now passionate about raising the awareness of perimenopause, dropping the stigma and helping women navigate this time with more ease and support.

    Plug your earbugs in your earholes today to learn:

    - Becks' own initimate and personal story and how easily the signs and symptoms were missed - even as a highly self aware woman and health professional

    - The ACTUAL time frames, diagnosis and reality of perimenopause

    - How we can drop the fears, stereotypes and misconceptions around perimenopause and embrace it with more reassurance and support

    - The first steps to approach and support your mind and body, before and during perimenopause

    - The 3 Pillars to managing perimenopause with body confidence

    - Becks suggestions to increase your awareness, support your girlfriends and work with your GP, for an empowered experience that is natural and expected!

    Perimenopause can impact you and ALL areas of your life. But you CAN take back control of your health and life, and rebirth a NEW next level you.



    Follow on Instagram @menopause_bff

    Connect on Facebook: Becks McCulloch

    As mentioned in the show: @themenopausedoc


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