
  • At 50, Julie's mom got divorced, became a real estate agent and started a new life.

    Julie Campbell says, " we are more than our fears." And she knows first hand that it's possible to move on from your past and move on from your limiting beliefs. Julie is a New York actor and founder of Center Stage Connections, where she uses her acting background and tools to help others "move beyond limiting beliefs, communicate with authenticity and presence , speak with courage and clarity and make connections with colleagues and clients that build relationships, grow your business and create the work and life that you imagine."

    Julie has a wonderful role model in her mother. In her youth, Liz was an avid athlete with a passion for basketball. Liz, as a youth, was a softball and basketball coach. She was a proof reader and typist long before computers, designer and seamstress, loved to cook and dance and a self taught handyman. My guest learned from her mother to not let anyone get in your way and never give anyone the ability to control or demoralize you. Liz did attempt to leave her husband in order to protect her children, yet realized that she wouldn't be able to offer her children a financially stable future and higher education because she was a stay at home mom at the time. Early on in her career, Liz had been a well loved nurse that became very involved in her children's lives.

    According to Julie, the basis of Center Stage Connections is " building a business that is deeply rooted in supporting others to step into their story-at work at home and in life." Because of her experience growing up in a volatile environment, Julie has so much to offer others struggling to find their truth, helping them work through their own origin stories and create their own future.






    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Sarah is a writer and this is the first time her work has been published in the New York Times. the link is below.


    This is an unusual love story where a Pakistani woman proposed to her lover which was culturally not the norm. They were both young and very much in love. Unfortunately, Kaukab, translated from Arabic, means "star" or "constellation" was diagnosed with Leukemia a few years after their daughter's were born. Sarah's parents went to London for a bone marrow transplant.

    This was the beginning of tearing the family apart. The girls moved in with family members in Saudi Arabia, while their dad stayed in London.

    Her father was distraught and couldn't even tell the girls that their mother had passed away until days later. They did not attend their mother's funeral, though they were close by. The family members blamed Sarah's father for Kaukab's death.

    This and more lead to Sarah blaming herself for her mother's death. She believes that her mom was trying to teach her to let go, but either way Sarah has spent a good part of her life blaming herself for her mother's death.

    Sarah has very few personal possessions to remember her mother by. She has a card that her mother wrote her when in the hospital, that she still has today. Her mother had hopes of seeing her girls again but fate had a different plan. And not too long ago, Sarah was able to bring home two embroideries that her mother had made, many years ago and they hang in Sarah's home today.

    Sarah's relatives have told her, that her mother handled her illness very eloquently, she didn't give into despair and she accepted her illness and her death with grace.

    My guest has plans for writing fiction, short stories, kids books and more.



    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












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  • This is a story of a woman who didn't realize she had neurological conditions that were perhaps altering her abilities until she was in her forties. You ask how is that possible? Well, Sadie thought that everyone was just like her. She assumed everyone else's brain worked just like hers. Her biggest cheerleader was her grandmother, who since Sadie was a little girl, has catalogued everything her granddaughter has written or drawn. Adele says of her grandmother "she is perfect and just brimming with fantastic folksy wisdom."

    "Do I Know You, A Faceblind Reporter's Journey into the Science of Sight, Memory, and Imagination," is Sadie's recently released book and there's a wealth of information for anyone who thinks perhaps they are alone in the discovery of being neurodivergent. Scientists believe that these types of conditions may actually give you an edge as an artist.

    One of the many gifts of having a poor memory, Sadie mentioned, is that she lives in the moment. Her grandmother "felt comforted by her self expression and it helped her make meaning out of the chaos of life," according to my guest.

    Sadie has a condition call SDAM, which stands for-SEVERELY DEFFICIENT AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEMORY.

    Sadie's videos on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sadie+Dingfelder


    FACEBLIND (prosopagnosia-(pur·suh·pag·now·zhuh, is a condition that makes it difficult to recognize faces, even though vision is normal,

    STEREOBLINDNESS- The inability to see in 3D,

    APHANTASIA- (AYE-FAN-TA-SHUH). The inability to form mental images of real or imaginary people and places, the inability to actually conjure up a mental image — or “picture” something — in one's mind.

    * AMBLYOPIA- (AM-BLEE-O PIA) (also called lazy eye) is a type of poor vision that usually happens in just 1 eye but less commonly in both eyes.

    STRABISMUS-(struh·biz·muhs) Abnormal alignment of the eyes; the condition of having a squint.


    FB: https://www.facebook.com/SadieFDingfelder

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sadiefd

    TWITTER/X: https://www.twitter.com/SadieDing/

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sadie-dingfelder-501397a/

    OTHER: https://www.tiktok.com/@sadiedingfelder

    WEBSITE: https://www.sadied.com/


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • My guest grew up in Chicopee, MA, a mill town, textiles/paper, with hard working moms and dads just trying to provide for their families. The large immigrant community was trying to develop new skills while developing new ties with their new neighbors. Ken's father's family was from Quebec, Canada and his mom, Cindy, her family immigrated from Scotland.

    There's quite a bit to this story that Ken shared with me and I'm not going to reveal all of it other than saying it was at times very difficult to navigate. When things are left better off not spoken about, that leaves lots of unanswered questions.

    Ken was often made to feel that he was the special son, the baby of the family, the youngest boy. His 2 older sisters were always there to help out but Ken definitely got his fair share of attention. However, there were 2 other brothers that Ken tells us about in our interview. It's heartbreaking, yet at times maybe one can understand why the decision was made so many years ago.

    One of the hardest challenges for Ken as a young boy, was that he "didn't want to be the cause of any more pain for my parents. I grew up trying to do all the right things. My parents were so forgiving." Yet there was always the underlying feeling that "he and his sisters were born to fill the void left by his brothers."

    I thought that this was overwhelming and exhausting for a little boy but Ken "thinks that this gave him a real purpose in life. "I turned myself into a person who always did my best, not a perfectionist. Mom just wanted us to do our best." Ken never cut a class, didn't drink till he was of legal age and never got into trouble because he hoped he was helping his parents.

    When Ken started working as a producer for the NBA (National Basketball Association), he basically walked through those doors as a lucky, young ambitious kid. Twenty nine years passed and he walked out as a talented, resolute adult with so many questions to answer. He was determined to write about his life and his family and it's all captured in "You're Gonna Miss Me Some Day."

    Robert and David were the answer to lots of those questions. He couldn't turn back time but he has them to thank for giving him clarity and peace.

    Hope you enjoy our conversation.

    Ken's Website: https://kengagnebooks.com/


    You're Gonna Miss Me Someday

    Wave Her Home

    The Unknowing

    Pirates Never Take Turns!



    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • As a licensed Marriage and Family Counselor, author and public speaker, Roya Dedeaux hears lots of 'mom' stories. The one she's most proud of is the story of her own mother, Pam. Pam and her siblings as well as her mother, Roya's grandmother, were all educators. Education and learning was always a topic of concern whenever they got together. So when Roya's mom said she wanted to 'unschool' Roya and her sisters, the girls were all very confused.

    Roya was just finishing up 4th grade and mom said "I'm not sending you back to school next year." Well you can imagine the confusion amongst the siblings, especially Roya who was going to be starting 5th grade.

    Mom was determined to make this work and pleaded, " just trust me for 3 months, if you don't like it, you can go back to school."

    I am not an expert by any means, but what I do know is that 'Unschooling' is all about encouraging your child or children to pursue their passions and follow their dreams, whatever they may be. For example, if your child loves animals or marine life, study animals and marine life-take them to zoos and aquariums, do projects-indulge them in their interests. And the same is true for any interest or field of study. "Supporting your children's interests, helps promote better mental health and fulfilled relationships," believes Ms. Dedeaux.

    This project of unschooling worked extremely well for my guest. Roya started taking college classes at the age of 13-always taking classes that she was interested in and she had full support from both her father and her mother. She says this was " a celebration of doing things differently, always keeping an open mind about possibilities."

    This process encourages and engages kids because these are topics of interest not mandatory subjects of study where tests are required.

    The bottom line is that it requires full attention from the parent and your children are happy. Make every adventure and trip a hands on learning experience-as though learning through osmosis.

    Roya had no interest in going back to school after a short time and says "my mom gave me to myself forever with her decision to unschool us."

    With many many years of higher education, Roya and her sisters are all very happy with the lessons their mom taught them. Roya refers to her mom as "a pioneer," and is so grateful to her mom for the tough decisions that she made when the girls were young.

    "Connect With Courage-Practical Ways to Release Fear and Find Joy In The Places Your Kids Take You," is Ms. Dedeaux's most recent book.

    I hope you enjoy this episode of SHLTMM.

    Roya Dedeaux can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok.


    "CONNECT WITH COURAGE: Practical ways to work through fear and find joy in the places your kids take you."


    Catch episodes of SHLTMM Podcast now on youtube:



    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • As a teen, Sam neglected to really connect with his mother. Unfortunately, Eleanor passed away at a very young. In time, as a journalist, Sam realized he had the skills to research his mom's past and get to know her from the beginning. In "Who She Was, My Search For My Mother's Life," you'll find the story of a beautiful young woman who had so many hopes and dreams and life, WWII, the Holocaust and more just got in the way.

    Eleanor had everything going for her. She was smart, beautiful, creative and she had many friends. She graduated high school at 16 as the valedictorian of her class. The skies the limit for Eleanor. But life didn't really turn out the way she had hoped or planned.

    Her parent's had immigrated from Poland and settled in the Bronx, NY. When the Great Depression, WWII and The Holocaust turned her family's life upside down, Eleanor had to put her dreams aside and get a job which where hard to come by. Her father hadn't been very good at holding down steady work, so Eleanor was the most likely to fill those shoes as the main bread winner for the family.

    There's so much more to this story, so I hope you enjoy hearing it through Sam's words and his voice.


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Did your mother ever suggest you take a 'SeaMester'-a semester off from college to sail to the caribbean and keep a journal? Or maybe your mom convinced your dad to quit his job and jump in the car for a once in a lifetime family vacation to Alaska? Or how about, forgo Christmas in order to participate in an anti Vietnam war protest in DC?

    Most likely not, but Tim Wacker's mother did . Ronnie Wacker, a woman of unfailing generosity and love for her family, lived life by example. Tim has many remarkable stories to share about his mother and all that she had to give. Sometimes we look back with regrets but Ronnie loved life and always grabbed for the gold ring.

    "Both my parents showed astonishing poise in the days before they died. It was the last and possibly most important lesson I learned from them", says their son.

    Pulitzer Prize Journalist, Tim Wacker, a has made his parents proud.

    "Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall" song sung by The Inkspots and Ella Fitgerald, Lyrics by Allen Roberts.


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Rachel's father was a prominent doctor and pastor in Brazil. Unfortunately, Rachel's dad passed away when she was only 9 months old. After a few short years, Theresa, Rachel's mother, finds herself moving to the US on behalf of a sponsorship from a Christian church mainly because of her diseased husband's reputation.

    The two women relied heavily on the church community for support, including everything from meals, clothing, babysitting, etc.

    While mom was trying to continue her education and hold down three jobs, Rachel often was being cared for by neighbors and fellow church members. However, Rachel had a tough time growing up in a community that had held her father at such high esteem. She felt that they only loved her/Rachel, because she was her father's daughter. Rachel rebelled against the church quite a bit because she didn't really know where she fit in.

    As Rachel says, "my mother was the queen of tough love," so when Rachel was rebellious, her mom held stead fast and tried to be patient.

    In time, Rachel came to understand the true meaning of faith and found it extremely useful in time of crisis. Her mother was her rock and during this horrific experience, she never once saw her faith falter.

    As you listen to this unimaginable story, one that no family should ever experience, you'll hear Rachel say over and over again how faith and hope were an integral part of how she and her family endured this experience.

    Rachel has become an Advocate/Ambassador for families victimized by Family Court.

    Rachel has a bachelor's degree in communication and an MBA from Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. Rachel's book "Fractured Hope: A Mother's Fight For Justice," will be released in 2022.




    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • In his 20's, Kevin took a job unexpectedly and stuck with it for a while. He made great money, had a car and beautiful girlfriend, but he realized he still wasn't happy on the inside. He was caught up and looking for happiness in the wrong places.

    Now he's motivated and confident and he's helping others get to that "next lever in life"-one that matters. Kevin explains that "it's where each of us can make things happen by embracing the positive messages and intentions that work for us." Kevin and his podcast co-host Alan Lazaros, are helping people "level up their life, their love, their health and wealth-physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health."

    Kevin's journey had some ups and downs, as we all do, but "Next Level University" Podcast is helping people all over the world.

    It was such a delight to speak with Kevin. I love what he's doing and I'm looking forward to having a conversation with his co-host Alan in the future.

    These stories that he shared about Beth and Meema, are heartwarming, encouraging and just a so eye opening. It's not always easy raising our children but it seems that these two women did an amazing job helping Kevin along.


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • "It was all just about her," Lang explains. Her mom, Ann, was never going to change. A mother who stuck to her routine whether it was taking a long bath, bike ride, going to the gym , it was all about he needs and wants and not her daughter's. Ann had a tough childhood, grew up in a strict household, so she was going to raise Diane the same way.

    There are so many layers to this story, including Diane saying "she has no fond memories of her mother and no other female role models in life." Diane even mentioned that she's blocked out many of her teen years because the family relationship was so bad.

    Diane Lang is the author of 3 books: “Creating Balance & Finding Happiness”, “Baby Steps: The Path from Motherhood to Career” and “Mindfully Happy- waking up to life.”

    Diane is such an inspiration. She's redirected her own future. She has a loving relationship with her husband and daughter-nothing of which she ever experience as a child living alone in a house with parents who didn't lover her or didn't know how to express their love.

    Many wonderful lessons learned from this conversation. You control your destiny, don't blame everyone else if life doesn't turn out the way you expected and it's important to let go of the anger, hate or resentment. There are many upsides to Diane's journey and her years of studying. "I wouldn't be the person that I am today. I'm completely grateful for that and I can see how far I've come and grown. I can be the person who's empathetic and compassionate because of my childhood or despite my childhood," reflects Lang.

    People are on this planet to teach us for better or worse.

    Diane Lang Social media & Website:

    (11) Diane Lang | LinkedIn

    (6) Facebook



    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Once Faith and I had a confirmed our record date and time, Dr. Mitchell wrote saying "coincidentally this is Juneteenth. What interesting alignment and a good opportunity to honor the ancestors who paved the way for so many of us today." And I couldn't have agreed more.

    Ophelia, My guest's mother and one of twelve children, was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Faith shares stories of her mother and how enthusiastic and encouraging she was. She wanted Faith to experience anything and anywhere, including a love for a robust education, traveling with her mom and dad and Faith loved spending time with her grandmother and mother and listening to stories about the family from past generations.

    Faith also loved spending time outdoors in nature exploring. When she was a young girl she lived in rural Michigan mainly because her mother insisted her daughter go to an excellent school. They found a farmer who was desperate to sell his home and though it was an all white, restricted community, he sold it to the Mitchell's.

    Her mom used to say, "Faith, make something of yourself," and because the country was still segregated her mom used to speak to her and say "Black people have to progress and education is the way to progress." Another reflection Faith shared with me is another favorite saying of her mom's which is "the parent opens the door and the child walks through."

    There's so much more to this conversation. I hope you enjoy the listen. Faith is fascinating. She's passionate about this country and the journey of her forefathers and all that they fought for in order to become the best that they could be.

    My guest was sure to point out that "Ophelia was smart, inquisitive and open to learning anything and everything.She studied to be a teacher."

    "Both women are ancestors who have been inspirations to me because of their sense of agency--which comes across in the photos--and their courage against the odds.

    Captured in the photo of Faith and her mother Ophelia - "it captures my mother and me in 1963 in the Painted Desert and reflects the fact that my parents valued exploration even in the pre-Civil Rights period when most Black people didn't have an opportunity to travel--and it could be dangerous to do so. My mother tried to open doors for me whenever she could and that's the terminology she used," Faith recalled.

    The word grio translates to one who is an oral historian and storyteller originally from West Africa.

    INSTAGRAM:@emmas_postcard_album and @hoodoo_medicine

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/faith-mitchell-0646b313

    OTHER: YouTube - https://youtu.be/YeEWX6beGAQ.

    WEBSITE: https://www.drfaithmitchell.com/

    Emma's Postcard Album, Black Lives in the Early Twentieth Century is now available from the University Press of Mississippi, hashtag#Amazon, and hashtag#barnesandnoble!


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • AJ is the youngest of three children. The eldest, Gary was born in Belarus and about three years old when the family emigrated to the United States.

    Tamara didn't have your typical childhood. She was born in the former Soviet Union. During turbulent times, when Tamara was a young girl, she lost many family members, including her mother at the age of five. Though very young when her mom died, she can recall many vivid memories of her and refers to her mom as a "ray of sunshine." It's this positivity that AJ loves and appreciates and hopes to raise his three children in that same kind of environment with similar philosophies.

    It's a tough transition, coming to the US, barely speaking english, looking for work and having a family. Sacha, AJ's dad worked non-stop, so Tamara could stay home and be with the children. She eventually worked part-time in the family business in New Jersey, "The Wine Library, which is one of the most highly regarded wine and gourmet food

    Aj confesses, " the worst thing I could do is disappoint my mom and dad." Both parents expected a lot from their kids academically though Gary the eldest struggled, Liz their sister did well, but AJ says "it came naturally to me. If I listened in class and did my homework, I got good grades."

    In hearing AJ share stories of his mom and dad, he so appreciates how they worked to shield him from a lot of their childhood trauma and sadness. As the youngest, they felt it was important to offer AJ only the good stories of their past. They were setting aside their stories from long ago, to instill happiness, peace and positivity in their children." There's nothing but appreciation and respect for all the hard work his parents did for the family. As first generation Americans, the doors are open wide for any and all opportunities.

    AJ and his brother Gary are both major business entrepreneurs and huge sports fans, in particular-huge Jets and Nick's fans! You may be familiar with Vayner Media, a legendary media agency, VaynerX where AJ was the former founder and COO and VaynerSports which Gary and AJ started in 2016. AJ is the Cofounder and CO-CEO. VaynerSports is a sports agency that represents athletes and provides brand consulting services.

    Crohn's Disease has unfortunately played a role in AJ's life for many years and he has been active in the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation trying to raise awareness for many years. Crohn's Disease is an inflammatory disease that causes chronic inflammation of the GI tract.

    VAYNERSPORTS WEBSITE: https://vaynersports.com/

    You can find AJ on the following social media platforms under AJ Vaynerchuk


    Wine LIbrary Springfield, NJ:https://winelibrary.com/

    Crohn's & Colitis Foundation:https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Elinor is definitely driven professionally and personally. She's been studying, exploring and researching how or why she feels as though she had lost her true self, and now she's doing something about it. She's written several books, won many awards for her approach and understanding of bringing "the best of you" forward and getting the best payoff possible. This approach has helped many personally, which in turn has helped them professionally.

    There's no doubt about it, Elinor and her mother, have lots of issues, as do many sons and daughters. Elinor explained how her mother's love came with "strings attached and/or waiting for the other shoe to drop." It started when Elinor was very young, four years old, and she realized that she was unable to speak her truth. She became the martyr always trying to save her mother.

    Through hypnosis, and an analysis of her female lineage from her mother's side of the family, she came to understand that "they had forgave their desires and they had all forgone their dreams and my guest didn't want to continue down this spiral. She wanted to break this chain and be a spirited, wise and inspirational voice for others.

    Lots more to this story and you're able to learn more from Elinor on her podcast, Deconstructing YOU.

    In 2025, "Powerhouse In Prison" Elinor's next book will be published and she goes into details about "the mental shackling that diminishes the experience of yourself and how that plays out. When you break the ceiling, the walls come caving in." She admits, "she had to break down to break out."

    Hope you enjoy this conversation. Please like and leave a review on Apple podcasts, YOUTUBE or where ever you listen.

    Customer Success Team:


    Discover More

    LINKEDIN: - elinor-moshe







    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • I've attached many of the links below that will take you to Edel's artwork and designs. He's highly regarded and is recognized nationally and internationally for his works. His childhood and childhood memories lends itself to his creations today. He has gone back to Cuba a number of times to see his remaining family members and truly understands all that his parents gave up for he and his older sister in order for them to have a more fulfilling life.

    Edel is passionate not only about his art but about his family and to hear him share these stories of his mother and the other women in his life including his aunt, Caridad, who arranged for the fishing boat upon which they fled Cuba, his aunt Nancy, grandmother a number of female art teachers, including Mary Nichols, just to name a few, is very touching. They were all very supportive of his interest in art and drawing from a very young age.

    June 2024, Edel's most recent children's book "The Mango Tree" was published.

    This is truly a remarkable story. Hope you enjoy it.


    IG: edelrodriguezstudio


    Facebook:Facebook.com/studioedel, https://www.facebook.com/studioedel




    WEBSITE: https://edelr.com/


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Linda, one of six siblings, left home at 17-18 years old. She had a terrible childhood with an verbally and emotionally abusive mother. She did eventually embrace her relationship with her mother and forgave her.

    My guest, Gina is convinced that she can help with ones sobriety. She's living proof that you can change your life and be healthy and happy. "I have dedicated myself to creating a transformative process called the "Transformation SHINE Process." This unique framework is designed to empower other women on their journey to recovery, enabling them to reclaim their lives, achieve their goals, and live life on their own terms."

    Gina's business philosophy "SHINE an acronym for the healing that represents the steps of our transformative journey together.

    S is for Sobriety. H stands for Healing. I represents Inspiration. N embodies Nurture. E signifies Empowerment."

    Gina's bio in her own words:

    About Me

    I'm Gina Kunadian, and let me tell you about my incredible journey. I'm a passionate wife, a nurturing mother, a certified massage therapist, and the host of the captivating podcast show Shine Within. But my true calling lies in being an alcohol-free sobriety coach, dedicated to helping women overcome their alcohol dependency in a way that goes beyond the traditional 12-step programs. I firmly believe in empowering my clients to cultivate unshakeable confidence, gain clarity, and unleash their boundless energy, so they can step into their creative potential and live the lives of their dreams, completely free from the grip of alcohol.

    Before stepping into the realm of entrepreneurship, I excelled as a weight loss consultant, guiding countless women towards achieving and maintaining their weight goals. My expertise grew even further during my remarkable 16-year journey as a Massage Technician at the prestigious Four Seasons Hotel in Silicon Valley. Working with high-profile guests in such a demanding environment taught me the art of providing unwavering support to clients navigating through highly-stressful situations.

    Yet, what truly defines me is my personal triumph over alcoholism. My path to recovery was filled with ups and downs as I explored various treatment options, from inpatient and outpatient programs to counseling, AA meetings, and rehab. But it was through surrendering to my faith that I discovered the key to building a life of lasting sobriety.

    My journey is one of resilience, transformation, and hope. I stand as a shining example that liberation from alcoholism is possible. I'm here to guide and support individuals, helping them break free from the chains of addiction, and embracing a future filled with extraordinary possibilities. Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and create a life that shines with purpose and fulfillment.


    WEBSITE: https://www.ginakunadian.com/






    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • It was such a joy to speak with my guest, Bonnie Kelso. A graduate of Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), she's been working in the arts her whole life and it seems to fit her perfectly. As an illustrator of kid's books, she loves sharing her adventures in the outdoors from around the world with her readers. Her books are fun, informational and beautiful to look at. Bonnie was given some sound advice about becoming an author and says "my specialty is making complex information more accessible." Advice she was given when first starting out was "to write about something that you really care about and know about."

    "Nudi Gill: Poison Powerhouse of the Sea" was released in 2023 and she loves teaching kids about Nudibranch-(sea slugs. pronounced noo-dee brink). Coming in 2024 are two more books, "Wonder of the Woods" and "Quail Trail."

    Sharon, Bonnie's mom, had her head in a book from a young age. She loved her relationship with the characters and it became her safe and happy place. Sharon worked hard in high school wanting to get a scholarship so she could continue on to college. She became an english teacher and eventually worked her way up from bookkeeper to Exec Director of a Non Profit. Sharon worked at "United Community Ministries and Micro Enterprise for twenty plus years.

    After retirement, Sharon still had more dreams and aspirations to pursue. What she was most moved by was making people laugh. Her daughters stepped in and encouraged her to pursue her stand-up comedy dreams. They set up a Youtube page, "Sharon Kelso Comedy Diva." https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sharon+kelso+comedy+diva

    It's never too late to fulfill your dreams and Sharon Kelso is a perfect example of all the surprises life hands us, if we're willing to let go of our insecurities and take that risk!

    Both Bonnie had her mom practice Reiki.


    Nudi Gill: Poison Powerhouse of the Sea, Gnome Road Publishing, ©2023

    In a Cave, Written by Heather Ferranti Kinser, Gnome Road Publishing, ©2023

    Sea Smiles, Gnome Road Publishing, ©2024

    Wonder of the Woods, The Little Press, ©2024

    Quail Trail, Muddy Boots, ©2024

    Wonder of the Woods, The Little Press, ©2024

    Quail Trail, Muddy Boots, ©2024

    Video- Facts: The Nudibranch




    IG: https://www.instagram.com/bonnie.kelso/

    X: https://twitter.com/bonniekelso

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/bonnie.kelso

    BONNIE’S WEBSITE: https://bonniekelso.com/

    United Community Ministries:



    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Jeremiah joined me to share stories of his mother, who in his mind was "a straight shooter," she told you exactly how and what she felt. She was a huge inspiration in his life and had hoped to take her on a special trip to Israel for her sixtieth birthday. He did eventually get to bring her with him but not exactly as they had imagined.

    At the same time that his mother was ill, his father had a stroke. Just a tough time for the family, but Adrienne insisted that Jeremiah carry on and continue on his journeys however different they may be.

    Adrienne was the main money maker in the family. She was the first female technician at Sears, initially repairing smaller appliances and eventually washers and dryers in customers homes. When she'd had enough of that, she moved onto repairs for Sears -in store cashiers, computer systems and video surveillance. Yes, she had to put up with sexism and discrimination in the workforce, but staying true to herself, she put her head down and just kept on working-never looking for any accolades or special treatment. Even if she did win an award, Jeremiah says, "she'd put any certificates or awards from work in a drawer. She didn't need to be celebrated."

    Jeremiah was there at the Oncologist appointment when Adrienne got the diagnosis and he was there when she died 6 years later. She knew he had his trip planned to go to Egypt and she insisted he go. It made him very sad to know she wasn't going to be there when he returned.

    It was an absolute pleasure speaking with Jeremiah and I thank him for sharing his very personal stories of his mom Adrienne.

    There's so much more to hear in our conversation and I've listed more information below about Jeremiah.

    Jeremiah is a poet in addition to his other talents. The question below is an excerpt from an interview which originally appeared in Inspired Eye, Issue 71, July 2019. It gives you another perspective of my guest.

    "What purpose does photography serve for you?

    The essayist Joan Didion once wrote that “We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget. We forget what we whispered and what we dreamed. We forget who we were.” For me photography is both a way to remember and a way to share my experiences. Here is where I went and here is what I saw, and hopefully I saw something in a way others had not."

    Below is an excerpt from Jeremiah's website about his most recent award winner book released in 2023, "On to Plan C: A Return to Travel"-

    On to Plan C:
    A Return to Travel

    Literary Titan Gold Book Award winner! After more than two years of trip cancellations and travel credits, the world finally started to open again in 2022. Part travelogue and part photo essay, On to Plan C finds its author vaccinated, masked, and eager to get back on the road, assessing the realities of a post-COVID world. Includes nearly two hundred color and black & white photos. “These are some of the most storytelling, poignant, and gorgeous photographs I’ve ever seen” – Indies Today. Download a free PDF sample of the first chapter here.


    🏆 Award-winning Photographer & Travel Writer

    🌍 99 Countries / 6 Continents

    ✈️ Recent Travels: New Zealand 🇳🇿 and Australia

    Jeremiah's book collection:"Can't Get Here from There: Fifty Tales of Travel," "From Tibet to Egypt: Early Travels After a Late Start," and "On to Plan C: A Return to Travel."

    BOLD TRAVEL LINK: https://boldjourney.com/meet-jeremiah-gilbert/




    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • My guest is a licensed professional clinical counselor in the state of Ohio. She has over 30 years experience working with children and parents. Friedman passionately emphasizes, "I love struggling moms, they're trying to heal generational trauma through their own parenting."

    Ms. Friedman also provides services through a membership program called childanxietysupport.com, for parents who are parenting anxious kids. We all know the number of anxious kids in the world today is overwhelming, especially because of the past year and a half and COVID.

    "Mom is a survivor of an extremely abusive childhood. As an abusive survivor, intimate relationships are more complicated," suggests Friedman. She continues, "mom did a lot of good things in her life and she doesn't have any more good to give."

    Dawn's mother Joyce, never got to go to college and yet she always implied that she wanted Dawn to have more than she did. "She wanted me to have it better than her and she raised be to believe that I deserved that, but at a certain point, she wanted me to stop growing perhaps because she felt left behind," Friedman sadly admits.

    The family moved around quite a bit for her dad's job when Dawn was young-at least 6 times until Dawn's mom refused to move again. Within a few years, her parents divorced and Joyce negotiated a settlement for her divorce-instead of alimony, Joyce requested a certificate for a tech school-in place of alimony, Dawn's mom went to a computer school for programming.

    Once school was completely and Joyce got a job, her life really turned around. She was happy again.


    Child Anxiety Supportchildanxietysupport.com





    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Sharon, Shaun's mom had 2 kids and was living in subsidized housing when she started her janitorial business in the CD, central district of Seattle, WA. People laughed and were critical of her because she was 'cleaning houses' but mother knew best. Lots of drugs and crime hit their neighborhood in the 1980's and she knew she had to make a living to get her kids out of that neighborhood.

    Mom's dream was greater than her pride" says her son. "Mom had a dream and she didn't want my sister and I living in this neighborhood," Shaun says with such high esteem for his mother.

    The 'drugs in the neighborhood' conversation was a regular occurrence. Shaun and his sister regularly had the 'safety' conversation with their mother. Mom told us , "once the street lights go on, you have to be off the streets. It's not safe."

    Mom was unstoppable and Shaun has a very special story to tell about his mom and a prominent drug dealer in the community. It's a very touching and ironic story of trust.

    1991-1992 Sharon and her son Shaun picked up moved to the Atlanta, Georgia area. Mom and dad had never married and they realized it wasn't going to work out long term, so Sharon was determined to relocate with Shaun and join her daughter in Georgia attending college. Miss Mayweather, their guardian angel, helped them get set up in her home after their rental property was roach infested.

    Shaun speaks so highly of his mom. Throughout so much adversity, Shaun says "they never lacked anything", we were always covered and protected." "My mother was so resourceful, she never gave up" continues her son.

    "Mom is the cook at Camp Warrior King, the camp that Shaun and his mom started for kids in the Atlanta metro area. The kids loved the food because Sharon was the cook. These kids love all of these 'all you can eat' meals, often the only meal they have all day. Some of the favorites are fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits, green beans or breakfast for dinner or Italian day, the list goes on and on.

    Shaun is an entrepreneur, just like his mother. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. Because of Sharon's education background, she was an ideal partner for Shaun to start up this wonderful camp.

    "Honeybee" is Shaun's nickname for his mother. "She reminds me of a bee-always buzzing around." Shaun lovingly brags "the kitchen at camp is called "Honeybee's Kitchen."

    *CAMP WARRIOR KING-Youth development program to expose kids to things they'd never experience throughout the year




    All of the above motivational programs are in the Atlanta, Georgia area.


    Shaun is the author of the book: "Persevere Overcome Win: SuperPOWers That Will Give Your Child The EDGE In Life"


    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:












  • Donna Burke explains that her mum gave birth to seven children of which there are two sets of twins. Donna is the first born twin to a boy and the second set of twins was also boy/girl. She basically in the middle of the seven children.

    To add to Donna's many talents, she is also the long time English announcer on the Shinkansen bullet train, from Tokyo to Osaka. She refers to herself as an entrepreneur, which she says she inherited from her dad. In addition to lending her voice to many genres, she also has a business called "Royal Flush" Japan Toilet Sound Maker. There's a Japanese cultural love affair with sound effects that mask any noises one may make while busy on the toilet!

    The video games that she's featured on, including her singing songs and character roles in video games are Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill 2 and 3.

    My guest's mum had a very rough childhood. Marg's mother, Donna's maternal grandmother, was an alcoholic. Her second husband was a pedophile. Marg and her older sister were in and out of orphanages, treated horribly while they were there. So the two sisters figured out that they could pretend that their life was better than it actually was. The two sisters felt so much shame about their broken family, parent's divorced, etc so they decided it was a good idea to dream up a different past. This was a coping mechanism which seemed to help. When Marg was 14-15 years old, her biological father eventually let Marg live with him once he saw the horrific conditions she had been living in.

    Donna loved to sing and really tried very hard to get every opportunity to perform when she was a teen. Unfortunately her mom, busy with all the kids, didn't really realize how passionate Donna was and how committed she was to fulfilling her dreams of being a performer.

    Come 1996, Donna realized it was time to get away from Australia and ventured on to live in Japan. She is still there today with a budding career -using her voice for singing monster hits from legendary video games and doing voice overs, including the job as the english announcer on one of Japan's bullet trains.

    Marg has been to Tokyo to visit her daughter and loves spending time in Tokyo. Marg also was thrown into the spotlight because of the notoriety of her daughter's voice as the announcer on the Shinkansen bullet train. The video interview went viral and that was Marg's first experience with real fame.

    Though Donna's mom had a dark childhood for many, many years, she still instilled in her children that it okay and important "to be kind to yourself and it's okay to love yourself "

    Donna Burke has a wonderful sense of humor, though at times her childhood may have been a bit chaotic, her sense of humor staid intact. I so enjoyed speaking with her about her mom Marg.

    One of Marg's favorite songs that Donna sings is "Sins of the Father."

    "Sins of the Father" is a song from the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It was first featured in the E3 2013 trailer.

    The lyrics were written by Ludvig Forssell, performed by Donna Burke and composed by Akihiro Honda.

    Donna also sings:"Metal Gear V:The Phantom Pain


    Donna Burke, the voice of Angela in "Silent Hill 2" wrote a song about her character. "no one can save me-Angela's song Silent Hill 2"




    Here is the viral tweet





    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie's guests were open and honest and  answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You'll be amazed at what the responses are.

    Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:


    “A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”

    Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee.  This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.

    Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.

    This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society.  Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.

    I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.

    Gina Kunadian

    "Should Have Listened To My Mother" would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship. My guests and I 

    Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist,  Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.

    Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed  many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.

    A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for "Should Have Listened To My Mother".

    Check out our website for more background information: https://www.jackietantillo.com/

    Or more demos of what's to come at https://soundcloud.com/jackie-tantillo

    Link to website and show notes: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Or Find SHLTMM Website here: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/

    Listen wherever you find podcasts:









