This episode Cal and David interview Nate Schuele, owner of Full Tilt Timber Framing. They get down into some of the basic terminology and details of timber framing. More parts coming soon!
As always download Hammr! The fastest growing platform for the trades! No bs, no politics just blue collar brothers and sisters working together to create an amazing community!
This episode Cal, David and Nate absolutely lose their marbles and get derailed into an absolute dumpster fire of an episode. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
This week Cal and David interview Nate Schuele from Full Tilt Timber Framing. They discuss engineering struggles and the intricate and highly scientific world of timber framing.
This week David and Cal interview Kerstin Dart. Kerstin is a hard working first level carpentry apprentice that is also making a go of starting her own business Darts Artisan Woodworking and Renos.
This episode David goes solo and tells his story of how he came in to the blue collar lifestyle
This week Cal and David get up to speed on the craziness that's been going on the past few weeks. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!
This epsiode Cal goes solo and shares his story of coming into the trades.
This episode Cal interviews Jarod and Parker, two framers from the US. We discuss quality of work and crazy experiences with other trades.
Thank you guys for the support you've given the show and thank you for getting us to 1k plays!
As always be sure to check out Hammr , the hard working blue collar social media platform for the next generation.
No BS, no politics, just a community of trades around the world taking pride in their work, connecting with each other and even finding jobs.
Hammr, the future of the trades.
This episode Cal and David tell tales of dirt nasty jobs they've encountered. As always remember to download Hammr. The leaders in social media for the trades. No bs no politics, just a community of trades around the world taking pride in their work, connecting with each other and even finding jobs within the platform.
Hammr, the future of trades
This episode is a Canadian classic. David and Cal interview Liam Madu a seismic carpenter. Enjoy and as always make sure you go check out Hammr the greatest social media platform for tradespeople.
This episode Cal and David interview John Rick, a seasoned carpenter from New Jersey.
Download the Hammr app, the best place for all things trades.
This episode David and Cal discuss Pit Vipers and the stereotypes associated with them.
Today Cal and David interview Joe Cadwell From the Grit NW Podcast. Joe is an experienced and established commercial diver, with many achievements under his belt. From diving for the US Navy to diving in Norway to watch orcas he is a well accomplished man!
This week David and Cal catch up with Ben Bellavance, a millwright apprentice from Colorado. They discuss the differences in trades and challenges that are unique to millwrights. Staying true to Skilled Trades Podcast fashion they ask the age old question, do YOU own a pair of Pit Vipers?
In this episode Cal and David discuss some hot topics. Ranging from hot weather to mental health and the censorship of blue collar workers. Enjoy!
This episode we talk about all things efficiency. From time saving tools, to methods of working to make you more efficient on the job. Remember time is money.
This week Cal and David meet up with Jonah Anschell to talk all things trades. Jonah is a hard working young guy working his tail off to come up as a tradesperson locking in his career at a young age.
This episode Cal and David speak with Hayden Donoviel, a young aspiring tradesman. We chat about jobsite tales, schooling and the future of the blue collar community.
This week David and Cal interview Emily Chung of Auto Niche and discuss struggles as a business owner and training young people for the blue collar lifestyle.
This episode David and Cal ramble on about the work week. Enjoy the episode!
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