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The laws of macro investing are being re-written, and investors who fail to adapt to the rapidly changing monetary environment will struggle to keep pace. Felix Jauvin interviews the brightest minds in finance about which asset classes they think will thrive in the financial future that they envision.
Il podcast rivolto a chi desidera restare aggiornato sulle ultime notizie dai mercati finanziari raccontate da Alberto Tocchio, Head of Global Equity and Thematics di Kairos.
Per non perdere tutti gli aggiornamenti di Kairos, iscriviti alla sezione Approfondimenti del sito www.kairospartners.com -
Neits aus der Welt vun de Finanzen
Tauchen Sie mit unseren Sendungen New York to Zürich Täglich (täglich), Die Marktwoche (Montag), Krypto Market Talk (Mittwoch) und Fast & Forex (Donnerstag) in das Herz der Märkte ein, um Trends zu entschlüsseln. Abonnieren Sie den Podcast-Kanal und bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden!
Herzlich Willkommen in der Hydrogen Bar!
Macht es Euch mit uns am Tresen gemütlich und schnappt Euch einen Drink.
Wir plaudern über die aufregende Welt des Wasserstoffs, der Brennstoffzellen und der Batterien, reden über neue Arten der Mobilität, über saubere Energieversorgung, und träumen von einer besseren Zukunft.
Unser Podcast richtet sich an alle interessierten HörerInnen - egal ob fachfremd oder mit allen Wasser(stoffe)n gewaschen.
Kontakt zu uns: hydrogenbar@yahoo.com -
Forget the status quo — Get Reworked. Join the editors of Reworked, your guide to the r/evolution of work, as they interview business leaders transforming the way work gets done today.
Have a question, comment, idea or guest suggestion? Drop us a line at editors@simplermedia.com. -
Die Wochenvorschau der Börsen-Zeitung
7TageMärkte ist die akustische Wochenvorschau der Börsen-Zeitung. Immer freitags gibt es eine Einordnung zu den Themen, die den Kapitalmarkt bewegen. Wir schauen voraus auf die wichtigsten Termine und Ereignisse bei Unternehmen, Banken sowie an den Finanzmärkten in der folgenden Woche, hintergründig eingeordnet von den Redaktionsmitgliedern der Börsen-Zeitung.
Redaktion: Sabine Reifenberger und Franz Công Bùi.
Jeden Freitag ab 7.00 Uhr.
Feedback und Fragen sind willkommen: podcast[at]boersen-zeitung[dot]de
Sie interessieren sich für ein Sponsoring des Podcasts oder für die weiteren ESG-Produkte der Börsen-Zeitung? Dann tretet gern in den Austausch mit unserem Sales-Team.
Eva Kammler: E.Kammler[at]boersen-zeitung[dot]de -
Hosts Alex Steger, Frank Talbot, and Chris Sloley ask the best investors about their worst mistakes, and (crucially) what they learned from them.
We hear from some of the brightest minds in markets, advice, and analysis to glean their gravest errors and discover how they beat their blunders to become better investors today. -
Becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) charterholder is a defining moment for any investment professional. But earning this distinction is no easy task. It takes true grit and determination to invest the time and dedication needed to succeed. What drives candidates to embark on this journey? We’re uncovering the inspirational stories that led people across the globe down the path to charterholder. This unique collection of personal experiences is intended to help inspire the investment professionals of the future to chart their own journey.
Host "G3" discusses the impacts of technology & AI, crypto, health & longevity, and public policy on financial markets with Weiss partners and friends of the firm. Frequent guests include President and CIO, Jordi Visser, Deputy CIO, Michael Edwards and Senior Vice President, Lundy Wright.
Love Island contestant and investment analyst Jay Younger 'couples up' with Broadcast Specialist Kim McAllister to demystify investments and the world of finance in this informative money management podcast. Class Assets is a Connect production sponsored by Aubrey Capital Management and Aston Martin Edinburgh. https://www.connectcommunications.co.uk https://www.aubreycm.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/astonmartinedinburgh
Make better investments by staying up to date with the very latest UK property news, data and trends from a leading developer. With key insights from industry thought leaders, this podcast discusses all things UK property, keeping global investors informed and helping them to identify the best new opportunities.
The WESPOD is a weekly economics podcast bringing you the latest talks, debates and ideas from the world’s leading thinkers. Make sense of the world’s pressing issues on the go.
Presented by the Warwick Economics Summit 2022 Team. Subscribe now for updates. -
Beer industry news, the strange goings-on in the world of craft beer, and the general insanity around the world's best beverage.
The craft beer industry in the United States is a strange place. It's the wild west with new breweries popping up all the time and making beer with strange ingredients including —but in no way limited to— fruit, spices, lucky charms, more glitter than your little sister's trapper keeper and an objectively stupid amounts of hops.
Every week Jeremy Jones and Tyler Zimmerman wade into the world to bring you the latest industry news and commentary. It's weird, it's intoxicating... It's All Beer! -
The Lebanese pound has lost 90% of its value since 2019, wiping out soldiers' salaries and the army's budget.
A donor conference hosted by France is not being asked for funds but rather food, fuel, medicine and spare parts.
The army is one of the few institutions seen as a unifying and stabilising force in the deeply divided country. -
Welcome to the All Night Gamers Podcast! We are a group of Nintendo loving Gamers and just wanted a place to talk and discuss things going on in the world of Videogaming! We will cover weekly news, including rumors and announcements, as well as some more personal things, such as our currently playing games and any recent collector pickups! We will post weekly podcasts on Wednesday at 7AM CST. Find us where ever you listen to your podcasts.
Compliance Desk est un podcast hebdomadaire d'actualité Compliance.
Retrouvez chaque lundi, sur un format court, un résumé de l'actualité de la semaine précédente avec une synthèse des publications des régulateurs européens, français, belges et luxembourgeois.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
The latest daily business news, in 5 minutes, 7 days a week. Download the Blogcast app to listen to your own personalized audio feed.
The Wealth Enterprise Briefing highlights the latest trends in investment strategies for ultra-high-net-worth families. Join host Michael Zeuner, Managing Partner at WE Family Offices for interviews with industry experts about financial news and investment topics impacting enterprising families.
Un pequeño dato acerca de marvel que quizas no sabias