Связанные с
Britta Hermansson samtalar med intressanta gäster i sitt vardagsrum. Och du är välkommen!
Det vanligaste en ny besökare i vår kyrka ser, är många människor i olika åldrar och med olika stilar. Vi vill som församling vara en ”Hela livets kyrka”. En kyrka som inkluderar och välkomnar alla, oavsett var i livet du befinner dig
Islam teaches that God has sent prophets to humanity, in different times and places, to communicate His message. Since the beginning of time, God has sent His guidance through these chosen people. They were human beings who taught the people around them about faith in One Almighty God, and how to walk on the path of righteousness. Some prophets also revealed God's Word through books of revelation. This free podcast is for Sadka e Jariya
YouTube channel
https://www.youtube.com/SoldierOfAllah2 -
Profilerna - En podd om tro, hopp & kollegor i Svenska kyrkan. Typ varannan vecka träffas kyrkomusikern Maja Malmström, diakonen Jonas Wollin, församlingspedagogen Kristofer Burman och prästen Fredrik Beverhjelm för att spana tillsammans. En podd som vill gå bakom kulisserna på kyrka, tro och omvärld.
Starting Place explores what Christians believe and why it matters when it comes to growing in our faith. As Christians, we should know what our Bible is about (not just the individual books but the one unified story it tells from Genesis to Revelation). We should understand the essential theological beliefs we hold to as Christians. We should know what discipleship looks like. We should know about church history, spiritual formation, and so much more. Each season, I will unpack one of these topics, and in every episode I will interview a new guest to explore a bit of what this topic means and why it matters in our daily lives. Because it's one thing to understand theology, and it's another thing to know how it connects to the most ordinary moments of our lives.
Vad tror du på? Här diskuterar medlemmarna i Svenska Kyrkans Ungas Tro- & Identitetsgrupp kring tro och liv. Följ med i samtalet!
Nya avsnitt den 15:e varje månad.
tro[at]svenskakyrkansunga.se -
Quick Dvar Torah of the week
I vår podd analyserar vi teologi som sprids via Instagram. Välkommen att följa med!
Be blessed by the DAILY Inspirational Christian sermons by John Giftah, a Bestselling Author, Top-Ranking Podcaster, Evangelist, Aerospace Engineer and Founder of John Giftah International Ministries. This podcast is based on his main Podcast "Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah" Podcast. You can know more at www.johngiftah.com
What water pollution is and how to solve it
Cover art photo provided by Levi XU on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@xusanfeng -
Kyrkpodden Kristianstad sänds ut av Svenska kyrkan Kristianstad. Vi kommer att ta upp allt från samtal kring söndagens texter till att prata om andra aktuella ämnen tillsammans med olika gäster.
De första fem avsnitten kommer ha temat adventstid och jul. Under programmen samtalar jag med gäster kring söndagarnas evangelietexter. Varje avsnitt innehålla även ett lokalt musikstycke.
Varje fredag, inför söndagens tex i advent läggas ett nytt avsnitt upp. -
Jen and Steve chat about growing up in the Christian community -- and growing out of the Christian community. This podcast chronicles their disillusionment, analyzes their commitment to the complicated faith called Christianity, and explores how to be better humans regardless of religion. This is Red Weather Christians.
Welcome! Our show is hosted by Pastor Brad Morgan of New Life Beginnings Church in Pattison, Texas. It is our sincere wish that you find the fullness of Christ and t is our goal, through these broadcasts, to help you find your place in God’s Kingdom.
St.Matthew 12:1-14
Have you ever wondered how your peers gained a testimony of Jesus Christ? How they felt confirmation from the Holy Ghost? How they are choosing to live their testimony? I interview all kinds of people to figure out the answers to these questions, in hopes that you can relate to one of them and find comfort in their journey. Finding Jesus Christ is different for everyone, and I hope all these different stories can help you.
Podcast Instagram: https://instagram.com/gain_a_testimony?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090551566065 -
Leadership by the book.
Ένα Podcast με αναλύσεις για θέματα θρησκείας από την μεριά του Αθεϊσμού.
Welcome to the Blue Ocean, where we stand together in neutral grounds and therefore religion, faith and mystery can be discussed without fear of judgment. Together we will break taboos and speak openly about whatever comes up. I hope you enjoy.
بهترین باغ تالارهای تهران همراه با تخفیفات ویژه, جستجو و انتخاب تالار عروسی و باغ تالار در تهران, بهترین باغ عروسی و تالار پذیرایی
Välkommen till Tro & livsstil, en kristen podcast om Bibeln.