On this episode we have Kae Dusosky making her filmmaking debut with a documentary on cancer. She is producing and directing. We talk about how she got involved with this project, it development , and of course other films she enjoys
interested in donating to fight cancer, donate here https://www.vranicure.org/
read host Nick Palodichuk's film reviews here https://stpaulfilmcast.reviews/
like and subscribe to KYLE AN NICK ON FILM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
on this episode we have actor TIC TREITLER. We talk about their works and process of acting. The experience of performing at the Guthrie in Minneapolis. We also talk about Sweden and of course, a little Shakespeare.
Visit TIC TREITLER's IMDB page https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13508227/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk
Follow TIC TREITLER'S on INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/tictreitler/
LIKE AN SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK on FILM" with st.paulfilmcast host NIck Palodichuk and Film Critic Kyle Goethe
and Check out our film reviews
Пропущенные эпизоды?
on this episode we director/editor/writer/actor MATTHEW DANIEL FORD. what talk about his works and process of course as well as , Shakespeare of course and the marx bros.
Follow MATTHEW DANIEL FORD on instagram https://www.instagram.com/sprinter24/
Follow MATTHEW on Letterbox https://letterboxd.com/sprinter24/
Like and Subscibe to KOOL FLIX youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@koolflix4362
"THE TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN SPHERE" trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM6Bb8_PSVk&t=2s
check out MATTHEW DANIEL FORD's IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8849807/
Check out host NICK PALODICHUK's film reviews https://stpaulfilmcast.reviews/
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" https://www.youtube.com/@kylenickonfilm1970/videos
one this episode we have documentary filmmaker, and short film creator SEAN SKINNER. We talk about his latest documentary "NO STARS" about the North Stars leaving Minnesota in the early 90's. We also talk his other documentaries and he experice doing camera for the news.
visit Sean's film company page https://red23films.com/
Watch "NO STARS" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzExLxZJwR0&t=201s
watch "SHOWTIME" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DciluHzcOY
watch "MILLENNIALS and GEN Z are making VINYLS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw6vTN5GU1M
watch "MINNESOTA ICONIC burger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuJFJNeaymQ
watch "APPLE RIVER STABBING" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVhEivbwqoQ
follow Sean and Red23films on vimeo here https://vimeo.com/red23films
follow Sean Skinner on instagram https://www.instagram.com/digital_sean/
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE to "KYLE AND NICK on Film" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
Read host NICK PALODICHUK's film reviews here https://stpaulfilmcast.reviews/
on this episode we have film critic from the Cinema Dispatch and President of the Minnesota Film Critics Association HUNTER FRIESEN
we talk about some of his reviews of films and what he does he do when hes not watching movies.
Visit Hunter's web page https://www.cinemadispatch.com/
follow Hunter on instagram https://www.instagram.com/thecinemadispatch/
Visit "MINNESOTA FILM CRITICS ASSOCIATION" https://mnfilmcriticsassociation.com/mnfca-awards-2024/
check out host NICK PALODICHUK's film reviews https://stpaulfilmcast.reviews/
like and subscirbe to "KYLE AND NICK on FILM" with host Nick Palodichuk and film critic Kyle Goethe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
on this episode we have Sebastain Pruitt on. We talk about his works, his process, and what next for him. We also talk a little Walking Dead
you can email Sebastian Pruitt [email protected]
visit Sebastain Pruitt's imdb
follow Sebastian Pruitt on instagram https://www.instagram.com/sebastian.pruitt/
PLEASE Like and Subscribe to host Nick Palodichuk's film review youtube channel "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" with film critic Kyle Goethe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
on this episode host Nick Palodichuk with guest , film critic Kyle Goethe go over their list top ten best films of 2024
like, and subscribe to their youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
visit Kyle's web sight for reviews https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
follow NIck Palodichuk on instagram https://www.instagram.com/npalodichuk/?hl=en
follow the "St. Paul Filmcast" on instagram https://www.instagram.com/npalodichuk/?hl=en
on this episode we have voice actor Kalin BIrkel on. We talk about her latest projects, as well as her process and inspirations. Oh, and of course her favorite hobby- traveling.
please visit Kalin's web site https://www.kalinbirkel.com/
you can email Kalin at [email protected]
you can follow Kalin on instagram https://www.instagram.com/kalin.voices/?locale=es_ES&hl=af
you can follow Kalin on tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@kalin.voices
you can follow kalin on twitch https://www.twitch.tv/socialklown
TICKETS for TRI-CITY CON March 29-30
TICKETS for "SECRET MOVIE NIGHT" JAN 8th 2025 hosted by NIck
Palodichuk https://www.emagine-entertainment.com/movies/secret-movie-night/
please like and subscribe to 'KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" https://www.emagine-entertainment.com/movies/secret-movie-night/
on this episode we have actress Sam Wren Vincent, the star of the full feature indie horror film "SOLITUDE", which is several film festivals right now. We talk with her about her process of acting, how she took on the role of Kara in "Solitude" we of course, talk about her inspirations of actors and favorite films that inspired to go into acting as well.
please visit SAM WREN VINCENT's web page https://www.vincentcollab.com
please visit SAM WREN VINCENT's IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11789667/
follow SAM on instagram https://www.instagram.com/samwrenvincent/?hl=en
Visit "SOLITUDE" film IMDB page https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21414954/
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK on FILM" with host Nick Palodichuk and film critic Kyle Goethe. both members of the MINNESOTA FILM CRITICS ASSOCIATION. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
on this episode we have screenwriter Chelsie Knight. She is on to talk about her latest work. A full feature comedy screenplay titled " WATER SKI". She is out looking for people interested in producing or being part of film project. We also talk about her process of writing, her inspirations of writing. and other writing tips.
if you interested in being involved with, or produced the film "WATER SKI" you can email Chelsie Knight [email protected]
you can also follow CHELSIE KNIGHT on instagram https://www.instagram.com/writerchelsieknight/
Please like and subscribe to "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" with host Nick Palodichuk and film critic Kyle Goethe as they review films. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
on this episode we have film reviewer DALLAS FISHER. we talk his best films of 2024 and also his reviews of Movie theaters around the twin cities and greater area. We also get into classic films as well.
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO DALLAS FISHER's youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@dallasfisher633?app=desktop
also LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" with host Nick Palodichuk and Film Critic KYLE GOETHE https://www.youtube.com/@kylenickonfilm1970/videos
on this episode we have film director and fellow podcaster Alan Tracy on. We talk about his films, especially his STAR WARS fan film with his production company Colliding Pictures. We also talk about his podcast "FILM and BEYOND" he co-host with Rehana Power
please visit the web sight of "COLLIDING PICTURES" https://collidingpictures.com
please visit COLLIDING PICTURES on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/Collidingpictures
Follow ALAN TRACY on instagram https://www.instagram.com/alanthedirector/
Check out Alan Tracy on IMDB https://www.instagram.com/alanthedirector/
check out "FILM AND BEYOND" podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd3HZoU1ocEax7PyYgr3JrQ
GET YOUR TICKETS for TWIN CITY CON here https://www.twincitiescon.com
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
on this episode we have Film and TV critic CAT KRUMMEY. Another member of the MINNESOTA FILM CRITIC ALLIANCE. CAT not only does reviews but alos provides great vegetarian recipes to go along with film and tv. shows. So go ahead and listen as we talk a little film, tv and of course foods.
PLEASE visit CAT's web page https://vegoutrecipes.com
Follow CAT on instagram https://www.instagram.com/ckrummey
Please visit the MINNESOTA FILM CRITICS ALLIANCE's web page
please checkout "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
On this episode we have film critic MATT HAMBIDGE member of "The Minnesota Film Critic Alliance" and from "News from The Couch" web site. we talk a little film and, of course some tennis.
Visit "NEWS FROM THE COUCH" web site https://www.newsfromthecouch.com
Visit "MINNESOTA FILM CRITIC ALLIANCE" web pagehttps://mnfilmcriticalliance.wordpress.com
Follow MATT on instagram https://www.instagram.com/matthambidge/?hl=en
PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
On this episode we talk with Romance Author J.E. Joyce. We about her writing process and and her influences, as well as some writing tips as well
Please click the link and read one her books. and please give her a review.
You can follow J.E. Joyce on instagram https://www.instagram.com/author.j.e.joyce/
Also check out her books on amazon https://www.amazon.com/stores/J.E.-Joyce/author/B0BSD1XG5X?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_8&qid=1719799512&sr=1-8&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Please like and subscribe to "Kyle and Nick on Film" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
on this episode we have from Kyle and Nora from NOGGIN COMICS
which review and promote comics and films. We talk of course superhero movies and the latest in comic books
visit NOGGIN COMICS web site https://noggincomics.com
like and subscribe to NOGGIN COMICS youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoO6nDWqYpRm2Ogv0ucfInQ
like and subscribe to 'KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" https://www.youtube.com/@kylenickonfilm1970
Visit MINNESOTA COMIC BOOK EXCHANGE web site https://minnesotacomicexchange.com
on this episode we have film maker Elijah Plaep on to talk about his short film "BUTTONS" a film about recovering addiction. We also talk about his process and upcoming projects he is working on.
If you interested in donating to "the FATHER PROJECT" https://www.goodwilleasterseals.org/services/family-stability/father
Follow ELIJAH PLAEP on instagram https://www.instagram.com/elijahplaep/
Like and Subscribe to ELIJAH PLAEP on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Abnqp8hPAyE
to contact ELIJAH PLAEP email him at [email protected]
PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE to "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
one this episode we have film podcaster and occasionally film reviewer NOEL THINGVALL on. Noel hosts two podcasts
"MASTERS OF CARPENTRY" https://mastersofcarpentry.blogspot.com
"SCHUMACAST" https://schumacast.blogspot.com
follow NOEL in instagram https://www.instagram.com/noelct1/
Also check out
"KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" with host Nick Palodichuk and film critic Kyle Goethe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMugsOa1GscyD7oBQmcsCQ
MCBA SPRINGCON https://www.mncba.org
for our first episode of the year we have film scorer and music composer MICK LYNCH. We talk about his process of creating film scores. His inspirations for doing film scoring. Later we talk about each other favorite music from films.
follow Mick on instagram https://www.instagram.com/micklynchcomposer/
SUBSCRIBE TO MICK LYNCH on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@micklynchcomposer
to contact Mick Lynch email him at [email protected]
PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK ON FILM" where host Nick Palodichuk and film critic Kyle Goethe talk films https://www.youtube.com/@kylenickonfilm1970
On our last episode of 2023 Host Nick Palodichuk and Film critic Brian Eggert reveal their top ten films of 2023. thanks for listening and enjoy
Visit Brian's web site https://deepfocusreview.com
check out Brian's patreon https://www.patreon.com/join/deepfocusreview?
Check out Brian on KARE 11 NEWS twin cities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqFHSDjhmCs
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO "KYLE AND NICK on FILM" with host Nick Palodichuk and Film critic KYLE GOETHE https://www.youtube.com/@kylenickonfilm1970/videos
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