On this weeks episode we discuss rather are not you should acknowledge that you are bombing! There are a couple different ways to handle bombing ..... do you address it, do you make fun of yourself, do you yell at the crowd for being awful, or do you just plow through and get your set over with? We discuss what has worked for us, and what really didn't work for us!
#standup #comedy #howtobeacomedian #comedyclass #howtobefunny
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On this weeks episode we discuss the old theory that you have to have an awful life to become a stand up comedian. We talk about our upbringings, how tragedy has affected our comedy, and why tough times will help you prepare for the ups and downs of comedy, BUT you don't have to have tragedy + time.... to get to the comedy!
#comedyclass #funny #standupcomedy #comedycoach #humor
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
On this weeks episode we and the question we know you all want to know.....When Should You Move To LA? We both lived in Los Angeles for almost a decade, and we share the good and bad lessons we learned. We will also have you answer one question and that will give you an answer on rather or not it's time to take the plunge and move to HOLLYWOOD and become famous!
#standup #comedy #howdoibecomeacomedian #movetoLA #comedyclass
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On this weeks episode we discuss Dealing With Rejection! Any comedian has had jokes rejected, been told NO by club bookers and festivals, and dealt with rejection emails from the industry! (If they even respond) There is so much rejection in this business, and we are here to help you realize that rejection is not a bad thing!
#howtobeacomedian #comedy #funny #standup #howtowritejokes
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On this weeks episode we discuss Callbacks and Transitions! Early on our careers we were way to worried about transitions, and we eventually figured out a few tricks to make them a little more smooth. We also tell you the importance of when, where, and how to use a callback. And why crowds always love them!
#howtobeacomedian #standup #comedy #howtodostandup #funny
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On this weeks episode we discuss the importance of watching and studying headliners. We share stories of all the tricks we have learned from watching good, bad, and ugly headliners! There are so many great headliners working today, and there is so much (good and bad) you can learn from each and every one of them.
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On this weeks episode we discuss how important it is to be moving on stage. We talk about moving left to right, front to back, going into the crowd, tricks we have learned, amazing Chris Rock advice, and how there is so much more to movement then just walking around!
#standup #comedy #standupcomedy #howtobefunny #howtobeacomedian #comedyclass #comedyschool
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On this weeks episode we discuss rather or not you should put your material online. Will people steal your material, how long of a video should you put up, best ways to get a good tape, and most importantly why your material should only be showcased on your page!
#comedy #standup #standupcomedy #comedyclass #comedytips
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On this weeks episode we answer the age old question of "When should I get a manager and agent" We talk about how you get them, our experiences with them, why you need them, why you don't need them, and why the key to your success will always be your own hard work!
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On this weeks episode we discuss drinking and doing drugs before, during, and after the show. A lot of times they both will be available for free....BUT you gotta remember what's important, and that is always being funny! We give a little advice, and tell stories about the good and bad nights we have had as intoxicated comedians!
#standup #comedy #funny #howtobeacomedian #comedyclass
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On this weeks episode we discuss what to wear on stage. There are a few unwritten rules about what to wear when performing, so we go over those and share some stories about the awful things we wore on stage. Just remember look good, feel good, and be funny!
#comedy #standup #jokes #howtobeacomedian #comedyclass
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On this weeks episode we teach you how to deal with bookers. We talk about getting booked on bar shows, showcases, corporate gigs, and comedy clubs. There definitely is a strategy to getting booked, and we give you all the tricks that we have learned over the years. And we agree that the best way to get booked, is be funny!
#standup #comedy #funny #howtobecomedian #comedyshows
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On this weeks episode we discuss how crowd work ..... Works! We talk about when to do it, why you shouldn't be scared of it, organic crowd work vs forced crowd work, and why crowd work is great for your ego, but not always good for business.
#crowdwork #comedy #standup #podcast #funny
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On this weeks episode we help you write and organize your set list. We share our thoughts on why set lists are important, what to open with, finding that big closer, and the advantages of being disciplined when it comes to writing your set lists.
#standup #comedy #standupcomedy #howtobeacomedian #howtowritejokes #funny #comedyclass #comedyschool #jokes #humor
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On this weeks episode we discuss if there is anything you wouldn't or shouldn't joke about. We talk about the bad decisions we made early in our career, is it ever too soon, and what goes into our thought process when we are deciding what topics we want to write about. There are a lot of people that will tell you what you can or can't joke about, but ultimately the decision is a little more complicated than that!
#standup #comedy #howtobeacomedian
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On this weeks episode we help you overcome stage fright! We tell you about our first times on stage, why Brandt chickened out for 2 years, why, Andrew didn't invite anybody for a year and a half, and why if you overcome your fear and get on stage... that stage will eventually become your best friend! So get out there and get on stage! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
#stagefright #dealingwithstagefright #standup #comedy #funny
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On this weeks episode we answer the age old question....where do you get material from? We explain that material is all around you! All you have to do is be disciplined and commit to writing, and if you do that you will have plenty of material!
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On this weeks episode we answer the question of ... Should I start my own show? We explain why you should definitely start your own show, how you get your extra reps, why new shows inspire you to keep writing, the importance of learning how to show trade, and how you will start to learn the business of comedy! This episode will help you make progress in the stand up world!
#standup #comedy #standupcomedy #funny #howtobeacomedian #howtowritejokes #comedian
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On this weeks episode we discuss the difference between clean comedy and dirty comedy! We try to explain what is considered clean, what working clean pays, why you can still be very successful if you don't work clean, and we share stories about our clean show nightmares!
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On this weeks episode we explain how you become a writer for a famous comedian. This is a question we are often asked, and we will tell you that it is pretty much impossible....especially if you aren't already a successful comedian. We talk about who is selling jokes, who is buying jokes, and how do you decide how much a joke is worth!
#standup #comedy #howtobeacomedian #funny #standupcomedy
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