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satisfechos: satisfied
disturbios: riots
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vasco: Basque
rico: rich
pobreza: poverty
Francisco Franco: Spanish military general who led the Nationalist forces in overthrowing the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. He was a dictator from 1939 to 1975.
bombardeo de Guernica: In 1937, the Basque town of Guernica was bombed at the request of Franco. The attack targeted Republican communication lines but killed many civilians. This is depicted in Guernica, a famous painting by Pablo Picasso.
cinturones: belts
ahorrar: to save
guerra: war
humilde: humble
malcriado: spoiled
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sillones: armchairs
cuero: leather
calculadora: calculating
bienestar: wellbeing
quiebra: bankruptcy
faltantes: shortages
acceder: agree
hechos: facts
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escalera de caracol: spiral staircase
bastón: cane
comprender: to understand
ley: law
apartarse: to step aside
impedir: to block
desprecio: disdain
espanto: horror
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llamador: door knocker
hierro: iron
arrastrarse: to drag
felpa: plush
empresario: businessman
mocoso: brat
recibidor: entrance hall
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con celeridad: promptly
temer: to be afraid
enmendar: to make things right
acariciar: to caress
estropear: to mess up
peldaños: steps
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pote: bowl
cucharadas: spoonfuls
cuenta: bill
barra: bar
cartera: wallet
celoso: jealous
mosquita muerta: (expression) a person who hides their true intentions behind a facade of innocence
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arroz con leche: traditional Spanish dessert made with rice and milk.
canela: cinnamon
postre: dessert
insinuar: to suggest
bocado: bite
resentimiento: resentment
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atuendo: attire
camisa estampada: graphic T-shirt
chaqueta: jacket
boquiabierto: flabbergasted
zapatos de tacón: high heels
cremallera: zipper
sonrojarse: to blush
menú del día: today’s special
estofado: stew
vino: wine
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distenderse: to relax
revolver: to stir
ajetreado: hectic
camisa: shirt
calcetín: sock
arreglarse: to dress up
zambullirse: to dive
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torbellino: whirlwind
coraza: shell
declaración: statement
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arruinar: to ruin
rata de oficina: (expression) desk jockey
ser el último mono: (expression) to be the last one on the totem pole
bueno en nada: (expression) to be good-for-nothing
camada: class
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clarear: to lighten
dimisión: to step down
ánimo: spirit
desvanecerse: to vanish
retar: to scold
niñita: little girl
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sobresaltarse: to startle
ceniza: ash
alfombra: rug
machacar: to crush
suplicar: to beg
alcanzar: to reach
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retener: to retain
felpudo: rug
llamativo: eye-catching
maletas: suitcases
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arrastrarse: to crawl
tiritar: teeth chattering
encandilar: to blind
desplomarse: to collapse
recobrar la compostura: to regain composure
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poseer: to posess
raíz: root
tragar: to swallow
escupiendo: spitting
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apoderarse: to take control
sobrevivir: survive
cada hombre por sí mismo: every man for himself
claro: clearing
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arrodillado: kneeled
gacha: down
distorsionados: distorted
podrido: rotten
criatura: creature
canicas: marbles
abalanzarse: to pounce
roer: to gnaw
dagas: daggers
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tiesos: stiff
asustadiza: fearful
persignarse: to cross oneself
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