Связанные с
If you experience constant money worries, health problems, guilt feelings, fear, procrastination, inability to speak up for yourself, marital problems, confusion about your life, vitality, and so on, releasing will give you a powerful, unique, and very practical tool that will dramatically improve the quality and effectiveness of your life.
The Release Technique™, developed by Larry Crane with the guidance of expert Lester Levenson, can help eliminate the negativity associated with life’s challenges. -
Whether you're a dog owner or you work with dogs, this is the podcast for you. The podcast covers everything dog within the training & behaviour world. From puppy blues, reactive dogs, separation anxiety, dog training tips and everything in between. Co-authors Louise Campbell-Pierson www.canine-friends.com (@caninefriendsuk) and Jay Gurden www.goodguardianship.com (@goodguardianship) delve in to a new topic each week. Louise Campbell-Pierson is an award winning dog trainer & behaviour consultant specialising in separation anxiety and puppy training. Jay Gurden is a behaviour consultant and qualified family dog mediator, specialising in reactivity.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A podcast for fellow students of the game. Men who want to get better with women, and for men who just want to be better in general. We take teachings from multiple sources, and have experts on regularly to teach you how to achieve everything you want in life!
Predstavljamo DŠFS strokovne podcaste Serotonin! Podcasti pokrivajo razno farmacevtsko, kozmetološko in ostalo zdravstveno tematiko. S podcasti želimo javnosti predstaviti različne poglede strokovnjakov na aktualno problematiko. Upamo, da se vam ob poslušanju podcastov sprosti nekaj hormona sreče - serotonina!
Welcome to the Content That Grows podcast by Ten Speed, where we discuss the strategies and tactics that make the top content marketing programs successful. Here you’ll find interviews with our experienced team members and various in-house content leaders aimed at providing you with the most relevant advice in marketing, today.
Your go-to podcast for candid conversations with successful entrepreneurs who are willing to talk about what it really looks like to take the “road less traveled.”
Rise and Climb will feed your soul, raise your vibration, and shift your mindset, so that you can stop feeling overwhelmed and distracted, finally face your fears, reignite your dreams, and live that wild and wonderful, regret-free, extraordinary life you were born for.
We explore how to make the shift from living an ordinary life to living an extraordinary one — from just getting by to really thriving.
We get vulnerable about life and love and health and business — the things that really matter — and talk candidly about all the things that tend to get in the way of you truly living your best life, a life by design instead of by default.
If you’ve ever looked at your life and thought, “I was made for more than this,” then the "Rise and Climb" podcast is for you.
This podcast speaks to entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives — world-changers, impact-makers, culture-shapers, and risk-takers — who want practical strategies and actionable advice for growing their business, expanding their reach, and attracting their tribe.
Your host is Lori Lynn, also known as Her Royal Excitedness, "Two Comma Club Editor," book midwife, freelance actress and voice-over artist, copywriter, marketing enthusiast, educator, and lover of impromptu dance parties, karaoke, and green tea.
Her favorite karaoke songs are L.L. Cool J's "I Need Love" and Bette Midler's "Otto Titsling" from the movie *Beaches*.
If you want to become instant friends, you need only quote *The Princess Bride*. -
Sem Maja Gorec, marketinška mentorica podjetnicam in podjetnikom, svetovalka in predavateljica.
O čem bomo torej govorili vsak četrtek ob 10h? Predvsem sem hotela svoje nasvete posneti tudi v avdio obliki, ker vem, da ste zelo zaposleni, podkast pa si zlahka zavrtite v avtu, ko čakate na otroka ali pa med rutinskim delom.
Govora bo o temah, okoli katerih se vsak teden vrtimo tudi na mojih profilih na družbenih omrežjih, pa tudi o primerih iz prakse - o vprašanjih in težavah mojih mentorirancev, za katere smatram, da bi koristili širši publiki, občasno pa bom odgovorila tudi na vaša vprašanja, ki mi jih dnevno zastavljate na Instagramu.
Svetujem, da posledite moj Instagram profil @mojmarketingmentor, tam sem daleč najbolj dejavna in ažurna, najdete pa me tudi na TikToku, Facebooku in YouTubu.
Epizode bodo razmeroma kratke in zelo koristne, občasno pa bom v za mikrofon povabila tudi zanimive goste. Se poslušamo?
Naročite se na moje vsebine, se slišimo ob četrtkih! -
Welcome to Freedom Humor! with Host Nani Reno, the podcast where no politician, policy, or scandal is too sacred to mock.
As I expose the harsh realities of government corruption and advocate for justice for all. "Freedom Humor" is a podcast that delves into the darkest corners of government dealings, shining a light on the ways in which they use the working class to line their own pockets and perpetuate poverty. The way the powers at be play their chess game, have always played their chess game and use The People as pawns to gain power, control and money.
Each episode, I'll be digging deep into the facts, analyzing data that brings you a clear-eyed view of the truth.
From rigged elections to police brutality, from environmental destruction to economic inequality, we'll cover it all.
We’ll speaking on the devastating impacts of colonialism and systemic oppression has had on indigenous communities, POC and The People in general.
Sharing knowledge is a door we can use create a better future for all. It’s our responsibility to ensure history does not repeat itself. That's why I'm committed to using any platform given, to amplify marginalized voices and promote transparency between government and the people. -
Ste nekaj slišali o temni snovi in vas zanima več? Se sprašujete, zakaj smo ljudje lahkoverni, in če je res, da so v pitni vodi ostanki citotastikov? Kako nevarni so pesticidi? Ali pa vas morda bolj zanimajo kvantni triki, teleportacija in aklimatizacija za Mars. Kje so meje zmogljivosti baterij in kakšen je življenjepis našega vesolja?
A podcast about designing experiences for humans
Prva slovenska podcast oddaja o duhovni in osebni rasti, ženski energiji in podjetništvu te spodbuja, da v ospredje svojega življenja postaviš sebe, živiš zavestno, pristno, svobodno in polno.
🗣️ Using humor to educate & radicalize🤯 Inspiring stories, resources & strategies to decolonize your mind🎙️ Hosted by Sofia Syntaxx 🎉 New shows available ONLY on Patreon/there will be no public second season.
If you are a woman in leadership and/or aspiring for greater leadership and you are looking to have it all; success in your career, personal life, and health, you're going to love this podcast season.
I am incredibly passionate about this topic because I believe that as women leaders we can have it all! We don't have to settle for being successful in just one area of life such as our careers. We can orchestrate a life that is fulfilling, pleasurable, and healthy in all areas. We are all a "work-in-progress" but it's important to BELIEVE we can have it all or we surely won't get that.
We will be speaking about what it takes to be a successful leader AND have a thriving personal life. Topics include passion, purpose, grit, compassion, self-awareness, thought leadership, self-care, wellness, visionary thinking, and strategic leadership.
*Health Is Freedom, LLC is providing this podcast as a public service. Reference to any specific product, treatment, health advice, or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Health is Freedom, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their opinions, or any entity they represent. -
Pogovori o holističnem zdravju žensk od nosečnosti, poroda, materinstva, seksualnosti, travm, zdravljenja ... skozi lečo feminizma, kot ga razumem sama. O posledicah patriarhata in kapitalizma na ženskih telesih. Z vami bom Ana Dolinar Horvat.
Pogovori in razmišljanja o zavesti, duhovnosti ter osebni rasti, o ljubezni in partnerskih odnosih, o življenju ter njegovem smislu.
Vodi Urban Urbanc. -
Pogovori s strokovnjaki na področju nosečnosti in zgodnjega materinstva
"Iz centra v gol" podcast je namenjen vsem igralcem, strokovnim delavcem, navijačem in navdušencem nad najlepšo igro sveta.V našo družbo bomo vsak teden povabili goste, ki nam bodo podali poglobljen vpogled v različna področja nogometa.
Za ženske kreatorke, ki si drznejo stopiti v svojo neopravičljivo moč, prebuditi svojo žensko esenco in živeti užitka polno življenje.
Življenjske teme, ki jih nismo obdelali v šoli: ljubezen do sebe, manifestacija, sreča, s€ks, denar in ljubeči odnosi.
Kreiraj z mano polno življenje tudi ti in klikni 'play'. -
V sodelovanju s strokovnjaki in kmeti predstavljamo dobre in uspešne kmetijske prakse vseh kmetijskih panog, v komentarjih pa vzamemo pod drobnogled aktualne odločitve kmetijske politike. Prisluhnite!
Izobražujemo lastnike in vzgajamo pse