
  • In this episode of the Grow Your Video Business Show, host Ryan discusses the potential of AI in the creative industry with AI expert Kim Garst. The conversation covers how AI can enhance content creation for service providers, overcome common business challenges, and be utilized as a creative partner. They explore applications like content repurposing, faceless content, and chatbots for improved business efficiency and client satisfaction. The episode also features practical tips on maintaining human connections in a tech-driven world and leveraging AI to work smarter, not harder.

    Key Takeaways The Dual Nature of Technology: Both Kim and Ryan kick off the discussion by addressing the dual nature of technology, particularly AI. Just like social media, AI has its benefits and drawbacks. Both agree that as we embrace AI, it's crucial to focus on leveraging its benefits while being mindful of its limitations. AI as a Creative Partner: Kim emphasizes the potential of AI as a "creative partner" for service providers. The fascinating aspect here is the ability of AI to understand and replicate a client's voice, making the content creation process much more efficient. For anyone in the business of content creation, the ability to generate a client's voice in a text or video format can save hours of manual work and ensure consistency. AI in Short-form Content: Ryan sheds light on how AI can be particularly valuable in short-form content production. By sending clients 5-7 scripts weekly, Kim's team ensures that clients spend just a few minutes each week creating high-quality, intentional content. This strategic approach has proven successful, particularly when dealing with busy clients who often lack the time and resources to produce regular content. The Reality of Faceless Content: Interestingly, the conversation segues into the emerging trend of faceless content. According to Kim, faceless content—content where the creator doesn't appear on camera—is outperforming personal content in some algorithms. Despite this trend, both agree that appearing on camera still holds value, especially for those who are the face of their business. For those who are uncomfortable appearing on camera, Kim suggests alternatives like tutorial. About Kim Garst

    Kim Garst is a renowned marketing strategist and speaker pioneering the use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing. With an eye on innovation, Kim fearlessly embraces change, constantly exploring new opportunities. Her relatable, actionable advice guides entrepreneurs to harness AI, simplifying complex technology to drive growth. Named a Top 10 Influencer by Forbes, Kim leads the way in combining human creativity and AI. Join her thriving community to unlock your potential with her visionary guidance.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [02:44] Meet Kim Garst [03:32] Leveraging AI In Business [08:32] Converting Content To Profit [10:30] Faceless Content [19:46] A Creative Partner [22:31] Monthly Workshops [24:39] Intentional Content [26:03] Using A Framework [29:25] Providing Freebies & Communities [30:20] Funneling [34:30] Connect With Kim [36:02] Outro Quotes

    “AI can be an incredible creative partner for you and me.” - Ryan Koral

    “I don't think AI is going to replace you. I think it's going to… you're going to be replaced by someone using it.” - Kim Garst

    “It's easy to just be like, Oh my gosh, like I can't believe what it can do.” - Ryan Koral

    “It is my creative partner and it allows me to… you're still in charge, large and in charge, you know, what you put in is what you get out.” - Kim Garst

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  • In this captivating podcast episode, we delve into the art of storytelling in video production with none other than Michael Hauge, a renowned Hollywood script consultant and story expert. Michael shares invaluable insights and practical tips on how to infuse emotion, connection, and narrative depth into video content to captivate audiences and drive engagement.

    From understanding the hero's inner journey to overcoming common challenges in incorporating storytelling into videos, this episode is a masterclass in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with viewers. Whether you're a seasoned filmmaker or just starting in the world of video production, this episode offers inspiration and actionable advice to elevate your storytelling skills and create impactful videos that leave a lasting impression.

    Key Takeaways Emotional Engagement: Michael emphasizes the importance of crafting stories that evoke emotion and resonate with viewers on a deep level. By tapping into universal fears, desires, and struggles, storytellers can create a powerful connection with their audience. The Hero's Inner Journey: Understanding the internal conflicts and obstacles faced by the protagonist (or the central figure) in a story is crucial. Exploring the hero's inner journey adds depth and relatability to the narrative, making it more compelling and engaging. Simplicity and Focus: Despite the temptation to cram lots of information into a video, it's essential to prioritize simplicity and focus on the core message or goal. By honing in on key themes and emotions, storytellers can create more impactful and memorable content. Effective Storytelling in Business: Incorporating storytelling into business videos can help humanize brands, build trust, and inspire action. Whether it's sharing origin stories, highlighting client successes, or addressing common challenges, storytelling can be a potent tool for connecting with audiences and driving business outcomes. About Michael Hauge

    Michael Hauge is a story expert, author and lecturer who helps writers, speakers, entrepreneurs and filmmakers increase their impact and grow their businesses by telling better stories.

    He is the bestselling author of Storytelling Made Easy, Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds, and the 20th Anniversary Edition of his classic book Writing Screenplays That Sell.

    Michael has presented seminars, lectures and keynotes in person and online to more than 600,000 participants worldwide.

    As a Hollywood script consultant, he has worked on projects starring Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise and Reese Witherspoon.

    He has also helped countless marketers, consultants and business leaders make millions of dollars through the power of their stories.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [05:24] Meet Michael Hauge [07:00] Michael’s start in storytelling [15:52] Level up your storytelling [18:57] Essential components of a story [56:04] Connect with Michael [58:30] Outro Quotes

    "Stories sort of drill down into your subconscious. If you're telling a story, just think of going to a movie. If you hear a really riveting story, it's like being in a movie, and you forget you're in a movie theater because you're totally inside the story being told." - Michael Hauge

    "When you get to the level of revealing and exploring the fear that the hero of the story is up against, those are the stories that create the deepest connection." - Michael Hauge

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    Check out the AI tool called Suno

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  • In this insightful conversation between Ryan and Ita, they delve deep into the world of video production and marketing, sharing valuable insights and strategies. They discuss the evolution of their approach to video projects, emphasizing the importance of clarity in offers and audience segmentation. They highlight the significance of crafting distinct landing pages tailored to specific audiences, allowing for clear communication of services and value propositions.

    The conversation also touches on the essence of storytelling in video marketing and the unique perspective that videographers bring to the table. Throughout the discussion, Ryan and Ita underscore the importance of leveraging their expertise to create compelling narratives and effectively connect with audiences.

    Key Takeaways Clarity in Offers and Audience Segmentation: It's crucial to have a clear understanding of the services you offer and the audience you serve. By segmenting your audience and tailoring specific offers to meet their needs, you can effectively communicate your value proposition and stand out in a crowded market. Crafting Distinct Landing Pages: Creating separate landing pages for different services or audience segments allows for more targeted messaging and a better user experience. By directing potential clients to relevant landing pages, you increase the likelihood of conversion and make it easier for them to understand what you offer. The Power of Storytelling: Storytelling lies at the heart of effective video marketing. As videographers, you have a unique opportunity to leverage your storytelling skills to create compelling narratives that resonate with your audience. By focusing on the story behind your brand and services, you can differentiate yourself and forge deeper connections with potential clients. Leveraging Expertise for Competitive Advantage: Videographers possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in video production and storytelling that can set them apart from other marketers. By embracing their craft and leveraging their unique perspective, videographers can position themselves as trusted partners who offer valuable insights and solutions to their clients' needs. About Ita Uda-Ema

    Ita Udo-Ema is a seasoned entrepreneur and a storyteller. With over 15 years of experience in the digital media industry as a Video Strategist, Media Consultant, YouTube Expert, Editor, and Artist, Ita is committed to crafting impactful stories that achieve their specific business and organizational goals.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:02] Meet Ita Udo-Ema [07:54] What makes you unique? [08:49] The YouTube First Strategy [14:12] Getting clear on what you offer [17:26] Marketing techniques [20:56] Your advantage as a video creator [26:14] You vs AI [31:58] Client experience [34:23] The right mindset [37:15] Know your audience [40:51] Connect with Ita [42:21] Outro Quotes

    "By having separate pages... it loses its uniqueness... by having separate pages like if you do weddings, like golly, get that off your commercial filmmaking website." - Ryan Koral

    "The way your homepage, your website, that's about you. So when you start talking about these different landing pages geared towards specific audiences, like that's what you're going to push out into the world." - Ita Udo-Ema

    "I think what we do is unique. We're uniquely positioned to know more about video and story than any other marketers out there. And I think we should all be leveraging that, taking advantage." - Ita Udo-Ema

    "I guess I want to leave... the idea that what we do, we have a unique opportunity and we have a unique perspective as compared to the marketers out there." - Ita Udo-Ema

    "I love your perspective... you are a smart dude... thank you for doing this." - Ryan Koral

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  • In this insightful episode, we dive into the world of filmmaking with Jenny Marvin, a talented female filmmaker navigating the industry with passion and creativity. From discussing the importance of storytelling and client relationships to overcoming challenges and leveraging networking opportunities, Jenny shares her valuable experiences and perspectives. Through her journey, we explore the unique insights she brings to her work and the impact of her approach on her clients and collaborators. Get ready for an engaging conversation filled with practical advice, inspiring anecdotes, and a glimpse into the dynamic world of video production.

    Key Takeaways The Power of Networking and Collaboration: Jenny emphasizes the importance of building a strong network within the filmmaking community. Through networking events, workshops, and even casual meetups, she has been able to forge valuable connections with other videographers and photographers. These connections have not only led to referrals but also provided her with opportunities to collaborate on projects and expand her business. Tailoring the Client Experience: Jenny discusses the significance of providing a personalized and professional experience for her clients right from the initial contact. By sending detailed questionnaires and customized proposals, she ensures that she understands her clients' needs and can deliver tailored solutions. This attention to detail not only builds trust but also sets her apart from competitors. Challenges and Opportunities as a Female Filmmaker: As a female filmmaker in a male-dominated industry, Jenny acknowledges both the challenges and advantages she faces. While there may be physical challenges associated with handling heavy equipment and long hours, she also highlights the unique perspective and storytelling approach that women bring to the table. Jenny encourages aspiring female filmmakers to embrace their creativity and seek opportunities to learn and grow within the industry. About Jenny Marvin

    Leading JM Visual Art in Colorado, Jenny specializes in shooting branding films, lifestyle and headshots for corporate companies. As a military daughter, she has moved across the world and back and has a motto to “do things scared.” The best experiences of Jenny’s life have come from taking chances, connecting with people, and creating a family with the people she works with. Whether that be in videography, music, sports, or just her daily life Jenny believes in the power of positivity and giving back to those willing and interested to learn.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:01] Meet Jenny Marvin [04:41] Empowering and guiding your clients [07:59] Becoming the go-to provider [12:38] Finding the right people for your team [14:46] Thinking beyond your limitations [15:32] The importance of community [23:01] Organized client communication [26:54] Crafting a personal customer experience [29:24] Generating new leads [31:42] Being a female in the film industry [35:43] Connect with Jenny [36:58] Outro Quotes

    "Local community is like gold. I mean, it's like the coolest best. Cause you can grab lunch, grab coffee. Being in person is like so great and such a gift."

    "Invest in yourself, invest in like knowing people, networking."

    "Have fun, have fun with it. But like be the one that, you know, also on the personality front, you know, makes the experience good for your client."

    "I love what I do, but man, like a 10 hour, 12 hour day on a trade show floor with a steadicam is like, even if it's just a gimbal, a Ronin, but like I shoot with a mirrorless and a big crazy lens... after a while, like it's a lot."

    "I think there is a... I think being a female in this industry is so valuable... and I do have the guys on my team who are incredible and, Brilliant. And I also have some women on my team who are just like, yes, let's do this."

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    FREE Workshop Available "How to Consistently Earn Over $100k Per Year in Video Production While Working Less Than 40 Hours Per Week"

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  • In this episode of the Grow Your Video Business podcast, host Ryan Koral takes listeners on a solo journey through the challenges and triumphs of running a successful video production company. Reflecting on his own experiences, Ryan delves into the importance of delegation in navigating growth and overcoming obstacles. He shares insights on managing a team, adapting to changes in the industry, and finding freedom through effective delegation of tasks like email management. With a blend of personal anecdotes and practical advice, this episode serves as a valuable resource for video business owners looking to streamline operations, scale their companies, and focus on what truly matters.

    Key Takeaways Embrace Delegation: Ryan emphasizes the importance of delegation in scaling a video production business. By entrusting tasks to capable assistants, business owners can focus on high-value activities and foster growth without becoming overwhelmed. Adaptability is Key: Through Ryan's reflections on his own business journey, listeners learn the importance of adaptability in the face of challenges and unexpected changes. Being willing to rethink strategies and pivot when necessary is essential for long-term success in the ever-evolving video production industry. Prioritize Joy and Efficiency: Ryan encourages listeners to prioritize activities that bring joy and align with their strengths, while also recognizing the value of efficiency in business operations. Delegating tasks that drain energy and time allows for a more fulfilling and productive work experience. Start Small and Experiment: Whether it's hiring an assistant or exploring new workflows, Ryan advocates for starting small and viewing the process of delegation as an experiment. By testing different approaches and learning from successes and failures, business owners can gradually refine their strategies for delegation and optimize their operations. In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [00:57] Freeing up your time [05:03] Executive assistants [07:46] Book recommendations [10:41] Hiring an assistant [15:20] Outro Quotes

    "Managing people is not the thing that brings me life in this work."

    "I've rethought my business in major ways when each of these employees had moved on."

    "You can get some freedom. You can get your time back. You can find more joy in the work that you're doing if you don't do all of the things."

    "It is a gift... to have people alongside of me helping me in this area of my business."

    "Start by making some videos so that when you do feel ready... you've got a place where [assistants] can go."


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    Books Mentioned

    Your World-Class Assistant, by Michael Hyatt

    Buy Back Your Time, by Dan Martell

  • In this episode, we delve into the captivating journey of Zac Stracener, a filmmaker whose unique blend of creativity, community engagement, and dedication to storytelling has garnered attention both on and off the screen. From his beginnings crafting DIY films to his transition into feature-length productions, Zac shares insights into his creative process, the challenges he's faced, and the importance of fostering connections within the filmmaking community. Through his work, Zac not only entertains audiences but also sparks conversations about mental health and the power of storytelling to create meaningful impact. Join us as we explore the intersection of art, community, and personal growth with Zac Stracener.

    Key Takeaways The Power of Community in Filmmaking: Zac Stracener's journey underscores the importance of building connections within the filmmaking community. By collaborating with fellow creatives, sharing resources, and supporting one another, filmmakers can amplify their impact and bring their visions to life more effectively. Storytelling as a Tool for Social Change: Through his films, Zac Stracener addresses important social issues such as mental health, offering audiences a platform to engage with these topics in a meaningful way. His work demonstrates the power of storytelling to foster empathy, raise awareness, and spark conversations about pressing societal issues. Embracing Creativity and Innovation: From DIY filmmaking to larger-scale productions, Zac's journey highlights the value of embracing creativity and innovation in the pursuit of one's artistic vision. Whether it's finding inventive solutions to budget constraints or pushing the boundaries of traditional storytelling techniques, Zac's approach encourages filmmakers to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. Personal Growth Through Art: Zac's dedication to his craft has not only propelled his career forward but also fostered personal growth and self-discovery. Through the ups and downs of his filmmaking journey, Zac has learned valuable lessons about perseverance, resilience, and the transformative power of art. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring filmmakers to embrace the challenges they face as opportunities for growth and self-expression. About Zac Stracener

    Zac Stracener is a Director/Producer/Writer based in North Carolina. His work has been nominated for the Young Director’s Award at Cannes Lions and published by VARIETY. He has also created meaningful stories for The Northface, Freschetta and Jeld-Wen. Zac is well known for capturing raw, visceral human emotions and translating them into heart wrenching scenes and inspiring visuals.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [06:10] Meet Zac Stracener [12:52] Community and Mental Health [21:45] Writing a Feature Film [23:55] Film Clothing [26:55] Film Community [30:21] Advice for being a Creative [34:30] Outro Quotes

    "Filmmaking is not just about telling stories; it's about creating connections with your audience and sparking meaningful conversations about important social issues."

    “In the world of indie filmmaking, collaboration is key. Surround yourself with passionate and talented individuals who share your vision, and together, you can achieve great things."

    "Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow. Don't let challenges discourage you; instead, use them as fuel to propel yourself forward on your creative journey."

    "Art has the power to change hearts and minds. As filmmakers, we have a responsibility to use our platform to shed light on pressing social issues and advocate for positive change."

    "Never underestimate the power of storytelling. Whether it's through film, music, or literature, storytelling has the ability to inspire, educate, and unite people from all walks of life."

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  • In this episode, we delved into the fascinating world of storytelling and entrepreneurship with Pat Taggart, a seasoned creative professional. Pat shared insights into his journey as a storyteller and entrepreneur, highlighting the importance of creativity, passion, and resilience in achieving success. We explored the intersection of business and storytelling, uncovering how effective narratives can drive engagement and connect with audiences on a deeper level. From discussing the evolution of storytelling in the digital age to sharing practical tips for aspiring entrepreneurs, this episode offered a rich tapestry of wisdom and inspiration for anyone looking to harness the power of storytelling in their endeavors.

    Key Takeaways Storytelling is a Powerful Business Tool: Pat Taggart emphasized the significance of storytelling in entrepreneurship, showcasing how compelling narratives can captivate audiences, build brand identity, and drive business success. Authenticity Matters: One key takeaway was the importance of authenticity in storytelling. Pat highlighted the value of genuine, heartfelt narratives that resonate with audiences on a personal level, fostering trust and connection. Adaptability is Essential: As the digital landscape continues to evolve, entrepreneurs must stay adaptable and innovative in their storytelling approaches. Pat discussed the need to embrace change, experiment with new mediums, and tailor narratives to suit diverse platforms and audiences. Passion Fuels Success: Finally, passion emerged as a driving force behind entrepreneurial endeavors. Pat's journey underscored the importance of pursuing projects that align with one's passions and values, as genuine enthusiasm can fuel creativity, resilience, and long-term success. About Pat Taggart

    Pat Taggart is the Founder & Chief Creative of SkyBlue Creative, a video storytelling team based in Philadelphia PA. Pat is allergic to traditional corporate videos with their stiff scripts and choreographed handshakes. Trusting that the story already exists and doesn’t need to be created, Pat’s sole focus on production day is making his clients comfortable to share their story with authenticity. He’s a husband, a father of two, loves hockey, hates coffee and is currently working on a documentary about the greatest (and craziest) annual radio contest of all time.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [05:36] Meet Pat Taggart [10:55] What is a mastermind group? [13:24] The Abundance Mindset [19:47] Don’t be afraid to step out [21:40] Building a business vs building a job [23:33] Telling the story that already exists [27:23] Freedom through delegation [31:07] The secret to getting raving reviews [35:42] Connect with Pat [36:47] Outro Quotes

    "Success isn't just about reaching the destination; it's about enjoying the journey along the way."

    "Innovation thrives on the edge of discomfort."

    "Challenges are just opportunities in disguise."

    "The most valuable lessons often come from unexpected sources."

    "True leadership is not about being in control; it's about empowering others to reach their full potential."

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  • In this engaging episode, we dive into the often-overlooked world of contracts and legal protections for creative entrepreneurs with Ashley Fillingim, the managing partner at Sandstar Law, LLC, and president of Kick Ash Life, LLC. From the picturesque setting of a beachside location, Ashley shares her journey from a traditional legal career to discovering her passion for helping solopreneurs and small business owners navigate the complexities of legal protection. She emphasizes the importance of contracts not just as legal necessities but as foundational tools for building and sustaining healthy business relationships.

    Key Takeaways Contracts as Relationship Tools The Importance of Legal Structure for Business Ownership and Rights of Creative Content Regular Contract Review and Update About Ashley Fillingim

    Ashley Fillingim believes in legal confidence, simplified. She helps business owners establish solid foundations, protecting coaches and creators with legal ease, not legalese. After two decades at a top-tier international law firm, Ashley walked out of the office high rise, trading high heels for flip flops and beach sunsets–now empowering business owners to advocate for themselves and to protect the relationships at the core of those businesses.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:42] Meet Ashley Fillingim [04:45] The love language of contracts [12:49] Keep your contracts updated [21:18] Using AI for contracts [23:34] Contracts for small businesses [42:55] Connect with Ashley [44:23] Outro Quotes

    "Contracts are really about relationships. They're relationship builders in that they help us get really clear at the beginning of a relationship, how we're going to go on." - Ashley Fillingim

    "You can have a separate LLC for your business... It's super important to, like you said, keep your business assets and your personal assets separate." - Ashley Fillingim

    "Who owns what's produced? Is your name on it anywhere? Do they get to slice and dice it later? Can you use it for promotional purposes?" - Ashley Fillingim

    "Every six months, at least every year, go back to your contract and take a look at it and make sure everything you learned, all the tough things that you learned in the last year are now taken care of in that contract." - Ashley Fillingim

    "The bigger your business gets, the more exposure you have, the bigger the contract is, the more money that's coming in from one particular client, the bigger your exposure." - Ashley Fillingim

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    [email protected] for legal advice, etc.

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  • Welcome to another episode of our podcast where we dive deep into the art of creating meaningful connections and unforgettable gatherings. Today, we're thrilled to have Nick Gray, the visionary founder of Museum Hack and the brilliant mind behind the book "The Two-Hour Cocktail Party," join us for a conversation that promises to reshape your approach to hosting.

    Key Takeaways The importance of hosting events to build networks and bring people together. Creating personal and memorable experiences by hosting events at one's home. Utilizing specific structures and icebreakers to facilitate engagement and connection at parties. The impact of personal invitations and the concept of 'mixing buckets' to foster diverse connections. About Nick Gray

    Nick Gray is an entrepreneur and best-selling author living in Austin, Texas. He started and sold two successful companies: Flight Display Systems and Museum Hack. Nick is the author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, a step-by-step handbook that teaches you how to build big relationships by hosting small gatherings. Over 75,000 people have watched his TEDx talk about why he hates most museums. He’s been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and New York Magazine called him a host of “culturally significant parties.”

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [05:52] Meet Nick Gray [13:34] Starting out with Hosting [15:28] Hosting as a business strategy [17:11] The formula [23:46] You CAN get better [25:52] Example case study [31:40] Getting people to show up on time [33:02] The impact on your network [39:34] Connect with Nick [40:58] Outro Quotes

    “I'd rather have someone leave my party hungry rather than bored.” - Nick Gray

    “You’ve got to mix the buckets. Not everybody is going to become best friends, but there will be some people who hit it off that are going to blow your mind.” - Nick Gray

    “I have a whole chapter dedicated to why you should host at your home. When you host in your home, it is such a vulnerable act to bring someone into your personal space and it really shifts the relationship.” - Nick Gray

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    The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, by Nick Gray

    Party Reminder Messages: The 3 You MUST Send

    How to Host a Party in a Small Apartment

    Where to Throw a Party? Ideas and Venues for 2023

    Party Times: Start, End, & Best Times

    Icebreaker Name Tags: Examples and How to Do It RIGHT

    How to Host an Event: Parties & Networking

    Icebreaker Activities for Your Next Event

    Friendship Recession Website

    7 Small Trade Show Booth Ideas for 2023


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  • In this inspiring episode, Ryan Koral is joined by Mike Gingerich, an entrepreneur, author, fitness addict, and globally minded business guy. Broadcasting from Costa Rica, Mike shares his mission of "Add Value, Be Uncommon," emphasizing how personal missions can guide professional endeavors. Mike talks about the transformative power of taking vision trips to places like Ecuador, enhancing his business perspective, and fostering a deeper understanding of impact beyond profitability. He encourages entrepreneurs to think about their legacy, the balance between profit and purpose, and the enrichment that comes from contributing positively to people and the planet.

    Key Takeaways Embrace a mission that transcends personal and professional life to guide your actions and business decisions. Vision trips can provide new perspectives on impact, encouraging a holistic approach to business that includes profit, people, and the planet. The importance of reflecting on the legacy and broader impact of your work, challenging yourself to contribute meaningfully to the community and the world. About Mike Gingerich

    Entrepreneur, author, fitness addict and globally minded business guy who seeks to live a life of impact that is uncommon. I actually have "Add Value and Live Uncommon" tattooed on my body!

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:24] Meet Mike Gingerich [06:46] Developing your mission [09:12] Global impact [15:55] The three P’s [18:57] Finding a deeper purpose [22:09] The Power of Generosity [25:14] From transactional to value [28:50] Connect with Mike [31:55] Outro Quotes

    "I have my mission tattooed on my body, 'Add Value, Be Uncommon' — a daily reminder of my purpose."

    "Running a marathon in northern Iraq to raise funds was one of those uncommon steps that define my mission."

    "A vision trip to Ecuador transformed my understanding of impact, highlighting the power of microfinance in empowering at-risk communities."

    "It's about how we can add value not just through transactions but through every interaction and relationship we build."

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  • This episode features Jason McCutchen, a seasoned wedding filmmaker, YouTuber, and podcaster. Jason shares insights on scaling a wedding film business, emphasizing the importance of efficient project management, creating a learning pathway for team members, and the significance of maintaining high standards across numerous projects. He discusses the transition from commercial to wedding filmmaking, strategies for training new talent, and the critical role of communication and structured tasks in team development.

    Key Takeaways Learn how to efficiently manage multiple projects while maintaining high-quality standards. Discover strategies for training and developing a diverse team of filmmakers at various skill levels. Understand the importance of clear communication and structured tasks in ensuring team success and business scalability. About Jason McCutchen

    Jason McCutchen is a wedding filmmaker, YouTuber at Wedding Film School, and podcaster who has grown multiple brands to over 200 weddings a year grossing over 7 figures. Jason's passion for systems and team building have created a sustainable model of excellence and sustainability for his studio and he is passionate about helping artists get out of their own way and make more money while still making work they are proud of.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:23] Meet Jason McCutchen [09:41] Secrets for scaling [12:48] Be willing to adjust [13:33] Project management [19:29] Practical improvement [28:33] Master training to scale well [42:00] Demystify your creativity [44:12] Connect with guest [45:29} Outro Quotes

    "Creating wins for your team is the number one job of a boss."

    "We run our wedding film business like a marketing company, with hard deadlines and accountability."

    "Every aesthetic is reproducible if you understand it as a pattern of your sensibilities."

    "Don’t limit yourself with preconceived notions. Be creative not just with your camera but with your business."

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  • In this thought-provoking solo episode, Ryan Koral delves into the transformative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the video production world. From personal anecdotes to industry-wide implications, Ryan explores how AI technologies like ChatGPT and Sora are reshaping content creation, from writing emails to generating photorealistic images and videos. He contemplates the future role of video professionals in an AI-dominated landscape, emphasizing the importance of strategy, storytelling, and human touch in maintaining relevance and adding value for clients.

    Key Takeaways Insights into how AI is revolutionizing the content creation process, offering both opportunities and challenges for video professionals. The critical importance of evolving from being just a "tripod" to a strategist and storyteller in the age of AI. Strategies for leveraging AI to enhance efficiency and creativity, while focusing on unique human skills that AI cannot replicate. In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [01:09] AI and filmmaking [02:37] Larger implications of AI [07:43] Don’t become obsolete [11:28] Leveraging AI for your business [16:35] Planning for the future [21:06] Outro Quotes

    "ChatGPT has become more than just a tool; it's like a companion for brainstorming and refining ideas."

    "Tyler Perry's reaction to Sora highlights the urgent need for video professionals to reassess their value proposition."

    "Being a strategist and guide for our clients is becoming increasingly crucial as AI takes on more production tasks."

    "The potential of AI in video production forces us to rethink how we add value beyond technical skills."


    Sora from OpenAI


    "Tyler Perry Puts $800M Studio Expansion on Hold," Hollywood Reporter

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  • Episode 376


    In this insightful episode of "Grow Your Video Business," Ryan Koral dives deep into the importance of having discipline in both personal and professional life, drawing parallels from his own experiences in high school football to the video production business. He emphasizes the significance of having a vision, a plan, and how these elements fuel discipline, leading to success. The episode also explores the impact of strategic growth through effective client attraction strategies, sharing firsthand experiences of securing projects by establishing genuine connections and showcasing expertise.

    Key Takeaways Discover the foundational role of discipline in achieving success and how to cultivate it in your business. Learn how having a clear vision and plan can streamline your path to growth and prosperity in video production. Gain insights into attracting clients by leveraging genuine connections, showcasing expertise, and providing unparalleled value. About Frank Farrell

    Frank Farrell stumbled into the world of video production as a child when he discovered old film equipment in his attic. Ignoring his father's warnings, he delved into filmmaking, showcasing his creativity early on by producing short 8mm films. Recognized for his ingenuity in grade school, he quickly mastered the latest technology, leading him to establish Custom Video Productions in 1978 during his junior year of high school. His journey continued through college, where he secured a summer internship and later became the go-to video expert for major corporations like Bell Laboratories, AT&T, and Lucent Technologies, showcasing his enduring passion and dedication to sharing his creative vision.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:33] Developing discipline [11:10] Attracting clients [13:31] Successful client communication [19:43] Ensuring profitability [26:18] Learning from others [31:36] Outro Quotes

    “My journey from high school football to running a successful video production business taught me the invaluable role of discipline."

    "Without a vision or a plan, it's nearly impossible to maintain discipline and achieve success."

    "Our most unique client engagements and how we attracted them through genuine connections and showcasing our expertise."

    "The significance of strategic planning in video business growth and client satisfaction."

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  • This episode features an insightful conversation with Roxana Baldovin, a multi-talented writer, director, and actress known for her vibrant and creative work in the music video industry, including the acclaimed video for Doja Cat's "Tia Tamara." Roxana shares her journey, from the challenges of navigating the industry and breaking out of being pigeonholed, to her personal projects and vision for the future. She offers valuable advice for aspiring directors and creators, emphasizing the importance of confidence, persistence, and seizing opportunities.

    Key Takeaways Navigating Industry Challenges: Listeners will learn strategies for avoiding pigeonholing and making strategic career moves. Creative Process Insights: Gain insights into Roxana's approach to directing and storytelling, including the importance of editing and post-production. Pursuing Your Passion: Be inspired to chase your dreams with confidence, leveraging every opportunity to advance your career. About Roxana Baldovin

    Roxana, señora directora, is a spiritual visionary director who has garnered close to one billion views from her videos featuring stars such as Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Saweetie, Doja Cat, and G-Eazy—to name a few. Her psychedelic-inspired artistic taste can be seen in her video “Tia Tamera,” which Pitchfork named in the top 20 videos of 2019.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:13] Meet Roxana Baldovin [06:52] Balancing passion and profit [10:05] Giving yourself room to grow [13:06] The Music Video Myth [21:25] Juggling multiple projects [26:16] What is your dream? [28:57] Focus on what you want to do [30:54] The power of your network [39:19] Connect with Roxana [40:29] Outro Quotes

    "The main bulk of directing actually comes down to writing... that's where the magic happens."

    "Finding a good editor can transform your time and creative process."

    "Even at the biggest scale, we're all trying to claw our way out of being pigeonholed."

    "I used to be super proud of it... My personal style and taste has changed."

    "It's very bright and very saturated... that kind of dictated the type of work I did afterwards."

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    Hollywood Fringe


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  • In this enlightening episode, Ryan is joined by entrepreneur coach Bri Seeley to discuss the critical shift from time-based to value-based work for videographers and business owners. They explore the importance of recognizing the true value of one's work, moving beyond hourly rates, and the impact of this approach on business growth and personal freedom. This episode is a must-listen for those seeking to transform their business mindset and practices.

    Key Takeaways Learn how to transition from time-based billing to value-based pricing to maximize your business potential. Understand the importance of recognizing and charging for the true value of your work. Discover strategies for enhancing business growth and personal freedom by shifting your pricing model. About Bri Seeley

    TEDx Speaker and award winning entrepreneur Bri Seeley is The Entrepreneur Coach. She works with ambitious entrepreneurs to evolve the business they have into the freedom-based business they dream of. You know it’s time to work with Bri when you have gone as far as you can with what you know, and it’s time to bring in an expert with 17-years of experience who can take you further than you currently imagine. You may have seen her winning awards for Female Entrepreneur of the Year in 2023 and Business Coach of the Year in 2020 or on any number of press outlets such as Good Morning America, The TODAY Show, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Women’s Health and more.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:17] Meet Bri Seeley [07:13] The right mindset for running a business - healthily [19:56] Stop trading time for money [25:52] Breaking out of the cycle [29:49] Working in vs on your business [33:52] Value based pricing [38:38] Communicating your value [44:26] Connect with Bri [45:16] Choosing a different perspective [46:46] Outro Quotes

    "Exploring the shift from hourly rates to value-based pricing with entrepreneur coach Bri Seeley."

    "Bri Seeley shares insights on why your time is worth more than you think."

    "Understanding the real impact of your work: A new perspective on business pricing."

    "Learn how to calculate the true value of your services and charge accordingly."

    "Embrace the mindset change that can lead to greater business success and personal freedom."

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  • In this episode, Ryan talks with social media expert Katie Brinkley about effective strategies for using social media to grow your video business. Katie shares insights on the importance of intentional content creation, the value of community building, and the benefits of diversifying content types to align with various platforms and audience preferences.

    Key Takeaways Discover how intentional content creation can significantly boost your social media presence. Learn the importance of community building and how it can reduce the need for frequent posting. Understand the value of diversifying content types to cater to different platform algorithms and audience preferences. About Katie Brinkey

    Katie Brinkley has been leveraging social media to grow audiences and income for over 19 years. Since the time of MySpace, she's helped her clients build a strategy to attract the right followers and generate consistent inbound leads in as little as an hour a week.

    From building corporate-level growth strategies for AT&T and DirecTV to implementing done-for-you social media for entrepreneurs, tech startups, and consultants, Katie has been at the forefront of the changes in how buyers engage on social media. Utilizing her platform-agnostic strategies, Katie's clients have been able to see bottom-line results at every stage of the sales process.

    Katie's history of radio journalism mixed with her social aptitude allows her to bring a unique insight and leverage her client stories to the forefront of their social strategy.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:22] Meet Katie Brinkley [04:15] The Social Shift [09:43] Knowing your audience [17:39] Getting started [25:52] Building the audience that you want [31:29] Take back your time [34:38] The 4 post strategy [43:52] Connect with Katie [45:00] Outro Quotes

    "Social media wasn't intended for overwhelming content creation. Being more intentional with our time and content leads to building a stronger community around our businesses and brands.”

    "Consistency is key. Whether you post every day or four times a week, success comes from showing up.”

    "This is an excellent opportunity to share your story, client testimonials, and showcase some of your best work. Tailor your messaging based on who your audience is.”

    "It's crucial to create content in the way that the platform and your audience prefer. Not everyone consumes only video content, so diversifying your content type is essential.”

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    The Social Shift, by Katie Brinkley


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  • Ryan engages in a captivating discussion with Christine Gritmon about the power and importance of personal branding for video professionals. Christine shares insights on how personal branding can significantly impact client relationships, business growth, and self-representation in the digital world. This episode is packed with practical tips for those looking to enhance their presence and influence in the video industry.

    Key Takeaways Learn how to harness the power of personal branding to attract and retain your ideal clients. Discover strategies for presenting your unique voice and story through your brand. Understand the importance of authenticity and consistency in building a trusted personal brand. About Christine Gritmon

    Christine Gritmon empowers professionals to step into their personal brands in a bigger, bolder way on social media. You CAN do it—she’ll teach you how! She’s spoken on stages worldwide and is a frequent expert guest on podcasts, live streams, Twitter chats, and blog posts, as well as hosting her own weekly podcast, Let’s Talk About Brand.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:00] Meet Christine Gritmon [04:26] Why personal branding? [10:35] Staying true to who you are [17:39] Sometimes “no” is good [19:00] You never know who’s watching [21:12] Creating the market you want [26:41] Getting started [32:15] Invite people into the mess [38:04] Connect with Christine [39:45] Outro Quotes

    "Personal branding is more than just a buzzword; it's a game-changer for your business."

    "Christine Gritmon reveals how personal branding can open doors to new opportunities."

    "Explore the intersection of creativity and branding with expert insights."

    "Find out why your personal brand is your most valuable asset in the video industry."

    "Learn how to stand out in a crowded market by embracing your unique brand identity."

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  • In this insightful episode, Ryan chats with David Masters about the transformative power of effective branding in video business. They delve into the importance of authenticity, building a legacy through branding, and the impact of strategic positioning. Whether you're a solo videographer or run a full-scale production company, this episode offers invaluable insights into elevating your business through thoughtful branding.

    Key Takeaways Discover the profound impact of authentic branding on your video business. Learn how to align your brand with your evolving business goals and values. Gain insights on the importance of strategic positioning and relationship-building in the video industry. About David Masters

    Davis is a fine artist, designer, and creative strategist with a passion for building brands that step up and stand out.

    He’s worked in the world of professional design for 16 years and has partnered with both national and international clients to build brands, product lines, and more. He is a visionary, big-picture type of creative, constantly exploring new creative outlets. He also has a passion for inspiring and mentoring the next generation and enjoys teaching Art and Design at the Collegiate level.

    When he’s not creating, he will most likely be found throwing a football or building Lego with their son, playing guitar and dancing with our daughters, or working outside cultivating our garden, fruit trees, and bamboo oasis.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [06:53] Meet David Masters [11:15] Why brand matters [18:57] Your personal brand [26:55] Using video in your brand [28:29] Your target audience [33:55] The value gap [43:31] Create your market [49:42] Where to start [56:10] Connect with David [57:30] Outro Quotes

    "Branding is not just about visuals; it’s about the promise and emotional connection of your business."

    "Understanding your brand can change everything – from your client interactions to your business strategy."

    "The journey of rebranding involves humility, open-mindedness, and a willingness to evolve."

    "Effective branding goes beyond the surface, impacting every aspect of your business, including client perception and service quality."

    "Authenticity in branding can create lasting relationships and open up new business opportunities."

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  • In this introspective solo episode, Ryan Koral shares his personal journey and the lessons learned in almost 20 years of running a video production business. He discusses the importance of reflection, setting goals, and the power of focusing on the 'gains' rather than the 'gaps' in personal and professional life.

    Key Takeaways Discover the importance of intentional reflection and learning from past experiences to grow your video business. Understand the power of setting clear, ambitious goals and focusing on achievements to drive business success. Learn how to balance personal and professional growth in the ever-evolving landscape of video production. In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [01:23] Planning and vision for 2024 [07:12] The Gap and The Gain [10:30] The Roadmap for Optimism [11:12] Why are we doing this? [12:07] Celebrate your progress [14:36] Setting goals [16:33] Outro Quotes

    "Last year, I absorbed three books that really impacted me. 'The Gap and The Gain' was particularly powerful for me. I made some very proactive decisions about my health, both physical and mental, that have been really beneficial.”

    "I believe 10x is easier than 2x. I'm setting my goals and priorities for 2024, focusing on what I'm really wired to do and cutting out the rest.”

    "2024 is not waiting for me. It's important to find time away from day-to-day work to reflect and plan.”

    "What if you took some time for a brain dump? Think about what consumes your time, what impacts your revenue, and what brings you joy.”

    “At the end of the day, I reflect on the three best moments, whether personal or professional. This practice of recognizing daily achievements is really helping me.”​


    FREE Workshop Available "How to Consistently Earn Over $100k Per Year in Video Production While Working Less Than 40 Hours Per Week"

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  • Join us in an exciting episode where Steve Govel shares his remarkable journey from New Jersey to Sydney, and how he founded Rising Tide Film. Discover the challenges and triumphs of changing careers, finding a niche, and turning a passion for the ocean into a successful business. Steve's story is a testament to the power of adaptability, vision, and passion in entrepreneurship.

    Key Takeaways Learn how to pivot careers and thrive in a new industry. Discover the power of niche specialization in video production. Gain insights into leveraging personal passions for professional success. About Steve Govel

    Steve Govel owns Rising Tide Film, a content production business based in Sydney that creates story-driven films and photographs for marine businesses. Steve started his career as a wedding and portrait photographer in New Jersey and now spends his days on the water, telling stories for boat brands and cleaning his gear from saltwater daily.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:14] Meet Steve Govel [07:07] Learn while you earn [14:00] Caring about client success [19:09] Niching [21:37] Starting a podcast [37:59] Aligning with others [39:52] Connect with Steve [42:13] Outro Quotes

    "I always search for something I love - that led me to Rising Tide Film." - Steve Govel

    "The marine industry was a perfect blend of my passion and profession." - Steve

    "Embracing change and adapting to new environments was key to my success." - Steve

    "It's about finding the right people and business that align with your vision." - Steve

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    FREE Workshop Available "How to Consistently Earn Over $100k Per Year in Video Production While Working Less Than 40 Hours Per Week"

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