This episode is also available as a blog post: http://isidororodriguez.com/2020/02/02/democrat-partys-violation-of-virginias-constitution/
In response to the erroneous critique and inaction of the Fake News, I write to argue that Associate Justice Thomas's dissent in The Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Vernica Degraffeneid, No. 20-542, and Jake Corman et al. v. Pennsylvania Democratic Party, et. al. No. 20-574, at 592 U.S.__ (2021). was spot-on correct. The evidence confirmed in both my litigation over the past 18 years (See http://www.isidororodriguez.com) and Mr. Peter Navarrow's two-volume analysis of the 2020 election, is that in both the Federal and State Judicial Branches have undertaken the systems denial of access to an impartial court to prevent obtaining compliance with the separation of power under the state constitutions and our Republic form of government. This in defiance of Marbury v. Madison, and the Void Ab Initio order doctrine. The motive for this has been to focus power into the unaccountable Washington D.C. Oligarchy.
Isidoro Rodriguez, J.D.
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