... or Leopards for Ukraine - another emotional mind strolling about after life, why not to fear death, how at the end of the life we experience the best high of our lives - under certain conditions - and then I finally express strong opinions about the ongoing war in Ukraine ... and how my New Age friends piss me off ...
Where and who I am - and how you can find me.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Today playing with thoughts about improving my mind strolling and the podcast - by putting emotions instantly into words - the perfectionist's weakness: how I became a highly performing consumer and a creative survivor - the six R's - contemplating about their meaning, how to use them and what it would mean to do so.
There is a monster under my bed - and then it turns out it is also out there, everywhere ... and it's hungry, very hungry, a predator threatening to eat us all .... how can we get rid of it? - not by running away - first we need to slow down, to stop the crazy highway ride, so we can lose the tunnel view ... and learn to stay in the moment, to save ourselves and MOTHER EARTH. The crises we are in can also be seen as a sign and a chance to change directions (because unfortunately the strongest lessons we learn are taught through pain and sorrow) - but we need to do it NOW - we need to care NOW - we must stop IMMEDIATELY - we must change the course INSTANTLY.
I am annoyed with all the people around me who ignore the facts, shut their eyes and continue exploiting and using the resources like there was no tomorrow. How can a rational, caring person still fly to a distant destination to hang out in the sun? How can a sensible, empathic person still use a car just to keep up with the lazy comfort? We need more time - and we have no time left for saving the earth - BUT we have more time moving through our lives - if we slow down. Where are we hurrying at? What do we need to achieve?
Faster life means also more consumption - do we really need that? Does it make us more content or happier? Our dopaminergic behavior leaves us lonely, depressed, exhausted - while we are rushing through life on the hedonistic treadmill - is this really what we want, why we are here on earth? Have we already completely forgotten about what is truly meaningful and satisfying?
Dealing with high energy costs, depression, lack of optimism, panic attack - reading difficult and smart books, trying to cope with the confusing information and reality - how I nourish myself with knowledge - and looking for answers and solutions. Sometimes too much information can kill you. But: Giving up is not an option.
We are daily creating the Matrix - by becoming illusion seeking reality fleeing creatures - Netflix is a legal drug, feeding our dopaminergic addiction and hunger for stories ... it is difficult to stay away from these seductions - my life is consumerism on a very high level. I train to push the button ...
Taking a night stroll in the forest and experiencing archaic fear while facing darkness, silence, the unknown - confronting myself with the idea and feelings of being all alone ... how today's cultivated forests are harmless but still intimidating, creating goose bumps ...
This talk is full of monkey mind strolling - soo many thoughts and feelings expressed while taking the train to the countryside, where we organized Einstein's funeral, what he meant for me, the meaning of life, contemplating about the effects of death and finding peace with the loss of a dear companion. A manifesto for cherishing love, connection and the meaning of life - why spirituality is essential in our existence and which resolutions are important for this year: mindfulness, respect, sharing - reaching out and making people feel good ---- how meditation on food gifted me with remarkable insights on interdependence and connection ....
This one is a very long walk and talk with my friend Nicolas - a human history, rebirth and constant dwelling on life while we stroll through my favorite neighborhood by night - a story about almost everything. As I never edit anything, it is all out here for anyone to listen, to agree, to be challenged, to let it sink in ... or to use it to fall asleep - it's real!
The first living being in decades, which was close to my family, home, heart and was intensely present in my life for 17 years, died today - a big shock and a sudden good bye - grieving about the loss and surrendering to the sadness ... connecting this experience to contemplate about how I think we need to live by the end of our lives, why death is part of our lives and how Einstein came to be with us - it's all very emotional ...
Mind Strolling while Night Strolling in Berlin about family Christmas Holidays and the drama that evolves out of it, about failures of the past and the consequences - how our lives are shaped by not knowing who we are unless we make experiences of sorrow and pain ....
Situational Anorgasmia is a female orgasmic disorder in certain situations or with certain partners: Anonyma casts an unsparing view on a lost case of love - to understand and accept it’s over, without drowning in self-pity or extending the suffering.
Today while baking bread you are invited to join me mind strolling about life, what it means to love - a manifesto for what polyamory isn't but could be: the most fulfilling and satisfying concept for relationships between human beings, how it could help overcome loneliness and provide freedom, how to live connection and autonomy at the same time, without fear - but a life full of love and opportunities.
Achieving more than expected, juggling with two full time jobs, leading a rich sex and party life, moving to New York - be satisfying, satisfied and happy - Mr B is constantly extending his boundaries and possibilities, welcoming challenges and challenging on the search for personal growth and fulfillment - sharing his thoughts while preparing our favorite dish when spending time together: pasta with broccoli and anchovis - this man is a true enrichment and still humble - more to follow ...
or why I have to deal with disturbing Nazi Memorabilia - this time I was confronted with annoying communication regarding a Hitler mug that obviously can be bought on Malta, that little shitty tax paradise, online casino and capitalistic island in Europe - same island where my friend lost her pilot license regarding the accusation of human trafficking - because she was saving African refugees from drowning in the Mediterranean Sea - It leaves me speechless and sad - this time I have a very emotional, angry tale to tell ... but it is not about her.
Take a mind stroll with me, while reflecting on this podcast being ranked in Norway ... in top 50 of some exotic category - which is very flattering and feels encouraging - by simply knowing (and also seeing) - that there is at least one person (goal achieved!) listening to my improvisational recordings - while continuing of opening up heart and mind about daily adventures - adding a new story to the collection of Tales from the Bermuda Triangle from Berlin: how I got to participate in an oil playfight night in a secret location - and a kinky selfish sex date with a compassionate good looking man .... ***Warning: Xplicit adult content ***
While the cat meowing in the background I am reflecting on a night at the legendary Kitkat Club in Berlin - why it is my favourite place in Berlin to celebrate hedonism, sexuality and dancing ... why this club is so much like the spirit of Berlin, how it makes me a better person, how it contributes to my personal growth and my boobs. *** This episode is only for adults! ***
Dealing with difficult emotions while singing - and starting to feel my body again.
or Why I do not live by the rules - This episode is a manifesto for human behaviour within rationality and good common sense - fighting dogma, doubting the cultural system we live in - a grey, cold day, I am sitting at home and once again connecting myself within the History of Berlin, my home, by reflecting on the History of the house I live in, located inside the Bermuda Triangle - starting at the end of the 19th century till the Fall of the Berlin Wall. How my not living by the legal rules contributes to the well being of many people and myself.
On the Road with Berit after being to a live podcast show with Blindboy (the podcast that inspired me to make 'Tales from the Bermuda Triangle') - about gender equality, gender studies during covid times, why not being hopeful about the future of humanity, our impact and role in the world - and why we need crisis ...
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