In this episode, Emily talks to Dr Morag Heirs who is a Clinicial Canine Behaviourist and has a speciality in training deaf dogs and has canicrossed her own dogs for years.
Dr Morag, discusses how deaf dogs can do canicross with their owners through the use of tactile cues, and having the connection to the owner through canicross helps to build confidence in deaf dogs.
For people who want to read two of the articles that Dr Morag has written on canicrossing with deaf dogs, they can be found here:
Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QqDAuZebr5AQyntWpHWYAczPrkFOIf0F/view?usp=sharing
Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ty4Q2gv3I6P8g8Wg4DCYnAv9MiGEcLws/view?usp=sharing
We hope you enjoy this episode and take some inspiration from Dr Morag's experiences and advice.
In this episode, Emily talks to three dog owners whose dogs have different medical or orthopaedic health conditions which may have limited their activity.
Gabby talks about running with her German Shepherd, Willow, who has lumbosacral disease (a spinal condition).
Helene talks about canicross with her Springer Spaniel, Evie, who has been diagnosed with arthritis, a significant heart murmur and also had her spleen removed in 2023! Helene offers her advice and she has free resources for dog owners here: www.thehealthfuldoctor.com/wpwlinks
Finally, Jo talks about her canicross journey with her Labrador, Hattie, who has been diagnosed with significant elbow and mild hip dysplasia, has undergone surgery at a young age and is still fit, largely due to the canicross.
We hope you enjoy this episode and take some inspiration from these amazing dogs and their dedicated owners.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
In this episode, Emily talks to two different tripawd dog owners about running with their three-legged dogs.
We explore the different aspects of running with a dog missing one of their legs, and having to make the difficult decision to have their dogs' leg amputated.
We also discuss the support needed for a tripawd dog and how they can continue their active lives in comfort.
We talked to Sarah about Kebey her Akita x Husky, you can follow them on Instagram @borntorunrescuesleddogteam
We also talked to Froya about her dog Buddy, who she sadly lost last year.
The groups Froya mentions in the podcast on Facebook are:
Tripaws - Three legged dogs https://www.facebook.com/groups/4311677292
Tripods Rocking K9 Sports
We hope you enjoy their stories and advice for other tripawd dog owners.
In this lengthier episode, Emily talks to three different blind dog owners about running with their blind dogs.
We explore the different training involved in canicrossing with a blind dog and talk about the different dogs and their responses to canicrossing without sight.
We talked to Anjelica about her Labrador, Juno, you can follow her on Instagram @theguidehuman, Christine about her Cocker Spaniel, Harmony, her rescue is @deliverance681 on Instagram and Becky about her (sadly no longer with us) Weimaraner, Evie.
We hope you enjoy their stories and advice for other blind dog owners.
In this short episode, Emily talks about how making mistakes with your dog is part of the process of learning and how we can use the mistakes we've made to help educate other people and result in sharing better practices with a wider audience.
Emily talks to Louise & Michelle about how their 'Get stronger, run a faster 5km' works to get participants stronger for their running and how strength should form the basis for all runners but particularly canicrossers with the extra strain that running with a dog puts on our bodies.
To find out more about their programme visit their website: https://www.runafaster5k.com/
Louise & Michelle also have their own canicross podcast, Canicross Conversations which you can listen to here: https://www.canicrossconversations.co.uk/
Emily talks to International canicross racer Chris Reade who was first and foremost a cross-country runner before he began canicrossing.
The discussion is about the differences in canicross from normal canicross running and how trail runners need to adapt their running for canicross.
Emily talks about why canicross isn't just running with your dog in response to a recent news article published by someone who had a bad experience because they didn't have the correct equipment and training for this fairly new and inclusive sport.
If you want to find a professional Canicross Coach to get you started a list of recommended coaches can be found here: https://canicrosscoach.com/meet-our-coaches/
If you'd like to know more about the running programme for strength Emily mentions, Michelle and Louise can be found here: https://www.runafaster5k.com
For any advice on equipment for you and your dog contact Emily: emilyt@k9trailtime.com
Emily talks to guest Toria Seaton about the things that can affect our motivation for canicross and how to overcome a lack of motivation when coming back into the sport after injury or a period where you haven't been able to participate for whatever reason.
Toria can be contacted on her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wonkydogtherapy
Both Emily & Toria can be contacted on their joint venture: https://www.facebook.com/ActiveDogAcademy
Emily is always contactable on K9 Trail Time too.
Emily talks to Dr Jacqueline Boyd about supplements for sports dogs - why supplements are so popular for active dogs, the most popular ingredients found in joint health supplements and what to look for in supplements for your sports dog.
Dr Jacqueline Boyd can be found on Facebook on her page: Dr Jacqueline Boyd, Animal Scientist and Canine Consultant
Emily chats to Slim Pet Vet Caroline Taylor about helping dog owners achieve weight loss in their dog, with a step by step, long-lasting manageable approach to achieve a longer, better quality of life for dogs and strengthen the family bond.
Caroline's Facebook group can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/792319511358826 and her website here: www.theslimpetvet.co.uk
If you're listening before April 30th 2022 Caroline is offering a month free on her website
Emily chats to Andrew Patterson about his experience running with his Border Terrier Betty. Andrew dispels the myth that you can't run with a smaller dog and explains why he enjoys trail running with Betty, doing everything from 5kms races to ultra marathons!
(You might need to turn the sound up a little on this one)
Emily chats through the initial process she goes through with dog owners to help them choose the best harness for their dogs' individual needs and highlights some of the better brands you might want to look at for different activities with your dogs.
Emily discusses the recent changes to Parkrun UK rules and talks about how the advice with regards to canicrossing at Parkrun has changed over the years and what the future might hold.
Emily chats through her observations about the popular breeds of dogs who are taking part in canicross and what things you need to consider when choosing the best dog for canicross.
Emily discusses three ways in which you can get started canicrossing with your dog, on your own, in a group setting or by booking in with a canicross coach.
Emily describes the people and dogs who can take part in canicross taking into account health considerations and also chats through some of the reasons you might want to start canicrossing with your dog.
An introduction by Emily Thomas to the Active Dog Podcast, the back story behind setting it up and a little bit about what to expect in future episodes.
You can contact Emily through
www.k9trailtime.com - email: emilyt@k9trailtime.com
www.canactive.co.uk - email: canactivecentre@gmail.com
www.canicrosscoach.com - email: emily@canicrosscoach.com