
  • On today’s special bonus episode, recorded live from the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, I was able to sit down with Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) to discuss the ongoing work of the J6 Subcommittee, the over-regulation of the Biden Administration and the expectations of a Trump Administration.

    Congressman Loudermilk represents northwest Georgia’s 11th Congressional District. He serves as a member of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee and the Committee on House Administration. He also serves as the Chairman of the Committee on House Administration's Oversight Subcommittee and its investigation into the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Additionally, he serves as a member of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), a conservative caucus of House Republicans.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • Today’s show first opens with the real job openings and how the Biden Department of Labor is intentionally fudging the numbers by flooding the federal workforce with employees who don’t produce a thing toward our GDP or our economy. The government cannot do a thing without first confiscating our wealth through taxes.

    The next big chunk of the show is dedicated to the continued fallout from last Thursday’s debate and the efforts by Democrat leadership do figure out how to stay in power. That’s a topic I found myself circling back to throughout the show. The Democrat leadership is not interesting in solving inflation or the border or the economy. They are not interesting in addressing issues in our domestic and foreign policy. They don’t really even care about Joe Biden. They only want to do whatever it takes to stay in power.

    There is also another wrinkle that the Democrats have been having to tackle. The Biden-Harris campaign has a massive war chest. If Joe drops out or is removed via the 25th Amendment, FEC rules still limit what can be done with those funds. It’s a financial pickle that is of the Democrats own making.

    Then we jump into Joe Biden’s four minute speech yesterday on the heels of the SCOTUS immunity decision. Not only was the speech vomit-inducing, but we got to see the teleprompter mess with Joe Biden again as he read the stage direction “end of quote.” Biden tried to liken himself to George Washington and bemoaned the importance of character. Well, guess what, Joe? Character has always mattered. The reason the country is in the condition it is can be directly attributed to his lack of character!

    In reality, the one person who continues to flout the Constitution and ignore the rule of law has been Joe Biden. His entire regime is one example after another of ignoring separation of power and the laws of our land. Whether it’s student debt forgiveness, ignoring our immigration laws, using OSHA to force people to take an experimental gene therapy or using the DOJ to wage lawfare, the Biden regime is replete with examples of their utter lawlessness.

    In a tease for tomorrow, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) promises to file articles of impeachment against the justices she doesn’t like. She is a petulant child throwing an adult-sized temper tantrum.

    We end on a survey of voter excitement, showing Trump voters as much more engaged in the election as compared to Biden voters. And, we get a sound bite from Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) from his appearance on the Sage Steele Show. He reminds the audience that it’s not about demographics, it’s about capabilities. It’s a reminder that Trump is running on a positive message of bringing all of us together, versus Joe Biden who is running on division and hatred.

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  • On today’s special bonus episode, recorded live from the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, I got to spend a few minutes with Dr. Alveda King, the niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    As founder of Alveda King Ministries, Alveda, uses her God-given talents and abilities to glorify God and uphold the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb and beyond. She currently serves as a Board Member and Senior Advisor to Priests for Life and as Chair of the America First Policy Institute’s Center for the American Dream. She is also a voice for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, sharing her testimony of two abortions, God’s forgiveness, and healing.

    As a Christian Evangelist, author of the best sellers “King Rules” and “We’re Not Colorblind”, she is also founder of Speak for Life and currently serves as a Fox News Channel contributor and is the host of "Alveda King’s House" on Fox Nation. She is also a NEWSMAX opinion contributor, a member of Optimist International, former college professor and a film and music veteran, creating uplifting “conversation starting content” to advance life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • Today’s show dives into the fallout and the spin over the last 72 hours since the CNN debate where Joe Biden had a disastrous evening. We open with a reminder of what the media was projecting ahead of time, suggesting Biden was going to easily defeat Trump. We then look at the fallout and the discussions across Legacy/mainstream media, Democrat leaders and the strategy of the Bidens, specifically Jill and Hunter, moving forward.

    We also discuss the First Lady and the timing of being on the cover of Vogue magazine. It looks like Joe Biden is once again finding a way to blame everyone but himself for why he did so poorly. And, begrudgingly, some of the MSM is trying to move toward the narrative of, it was just a bad night, but that’s not who Joe really is.

    To remind you how history really does repeat itself, there are eerie parallels between the Biden regime and that of Woodrow Wilson in the last 20’s. In fact, we even know how, much like Jill, Edith Wilson his her husband’s debilitating stroke, becoming the de facto president, signing his name to letters and legislation in his stead.

    We do hit on the Supreme Court’s decision that presidents do, in fact, have immunities from criminal prosecution. The have absolute immunity when it comes to the powers specifically mentioned in the Constitution. They have presumed immunity for the actions of their office. However, they have no immunity for actions outside of their office. As a result, the very Leftists who are screaming about “saving our Democracy” have gone all-in on Biden needing to order an assassination of the former president and a military takeover of government. The derangement out there is very real and it is very dangerous.

    Finally, we look at a cringe-worthy production coming out of the office of the Vice President. VP Kamala Harris is once again having to pander to a block of the Democrat base and it is awful to watch.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s special bonus episode, recorded live from the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, I sit down with the president of The Conservative Caucus, Jim Pfaff. Jim’s political career stretches over three decades. He served as a Chief of Staff in Washington, D.C. He has also been a communications, grassroots, and political consultant during that time. Through his company, he provided consulting in public policy and public relations; business research; media strategies; and on-the-ground consulting for political campaigns and grassroots organizations.

    Jim served as Chief of Staff for two different Congressmen – Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS). He also served as the Chief of Staff for the Colorado House Republican Caucus as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Americans for Prosperity of Colorado, President of the Colorado Family Institute and a National Representative for Family Policy Councils at Focus on the Family.

    Jim is a seasoned grassroots and campaign operative having led major congressional, state legislative, and statewide ballot efforts. As President/CEO of Innovative Research and Data Solutions, LLC and the Innovative Solutions Group, he provided consulting services, media consulting services, and communications products and services.

    Jim is a nationally recognized public policy leader. He is known for his skills in strategic management, organizational development and public outreach for government officials, political campaigns and non-profit organizations.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • Today’s show is a little longer due to the many sound bites I have from last night’s CNN Presidential debate. Before we get there, we open this Friday episode with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t tell you about this week.

    Once we dive into the debate, it takes up the vast majority of the rest of the show. We dive into all the hoaxes Biden memorized and the many cringe-worthy moments Biden struggled through last night.

    The night was so bad for Biden that I couldn’t find any Legacy/mainstream media outlets who were praising Biden’s performance. We start breaking down the post-debate commentary, opening with a laundry list of fact-check errors committed by Joe Biden, brought to us by CNN. Yes, CNN!

    CNN’s Erin Burnett making it sound like Biden had all the questions ahead of time. CNN’s John King said Democrats across the board have been texting and messaging him about the poor performance. The Young Turks Cenk Uygur told his audience the Presidential race is over if Joe stays in the race. CNN’s David Urban said he’s getting messages from people running and are afraid for their own campaigns if Biden is at the top of the ticket.

    In a moment of goofy stupidity, with everyone wringing their hands and worried about the race, VP Kamala Harris laughed it off saying there is only one person who is being endorsed by her. Even host Rachel Maddow from MSNBC said it was awkward.

    Joe Scarborough shows us once again what an unserious person. In the recent weeks, he told us how amazing Biden is. Today, he is telling us we need to replace Joe Biden. Same with Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-CA) who did a presser in Atlanta yesterday endorsing Biden, then, less than 12 hours later, was re-tweeting messages stating the need for Joe to dropout.

    We then discuss a couple of great rulings from the Supreme Court of the United States of America. The first is striking down the Chevron ruling from 40 years ago, allowing the massive growth of the alphabet agencies in the Executive Branch. And, in a great win for the J6’ers, SCOTUS struck down the DOJ being able to charge defendants with 1512(c)(2).

    We close with a bit of humor. Jimmy Failla of Fox News put together a parody song called, Joe Biden Lies.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s special bonus episode, we sit down with nationwide talk show host Todd Starnes of The Todd Starnes Radio Show to discuss freedom, liberty, our Constitution, Donald Trump and his latest book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming.”

    Todd has been a long-time news person turned commentator. He spent time on Fox News before moving to Newsmax where he still hosts a show there to go along with his normal radio time slot from 12PM to 3PM.

    Starnes is the owner of KWAM in Memphis, TN, writes a nationally-syndicated column and has more than a million people who have subscribed to his daily podcast.

    Todd Starnes is the recipient of an Associated Press Mark Twain Award for Storytelling and an Edward R. Murrow Award – one of the top prizes in American journalism. He is also a regular speaker at CPAC, the Billy Graham Training Center, the Young America’s Foundation and the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center in California.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • Today’s show opens with me acting as if I were given the chance to sit in a room with Donald Trump and give him advice for tonight’s CNN debate. The most important thing has to be that he needs to address the American people the entire time. He cannot get dragged into personal attacks and insults.

    As we move into other news items, I discuss AG Andrew Bailey from Missouri who said the SCOTUS decision to not rule on his First Amendment case simply means he will go through more discovery and vows to be back with even more evidence.

    On a positive SCOTUS note, they just ruled Biden’s EPA cannot try to back-door laws by passing onerous regulations. This will have massive implications for all of the alphabet agencies within the Executive Branch of government.

    While we are discussing our system of justice, something struck me yesterday. Why didn’t the FBI and the DOJ show up at Sleepy Joe’s home with cover sheets for all of his stolen classified documents? Where were the leaked photographs to the New York Times and the Washington Post?

    Where is all the coverage of the FEC filings that were just released showing that Biden’s DNC has been funneling millions of dollars into the very law firms who are going after Donald Trump and his supporters? Isn’t that of any journalistic interest to the Legacy/mainstream media?

    Rep. Anna Paulina Luna held a presser today explaining her demands on AG Merrick Garland and the move to hold a vote tomorrow, which could lead to sending the House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Garland. Rep. Derrick Van Orden also weighed-in on the rule of law and how Biden has been operating as a lawless regime.

    In closing, we end with a produced ad that dropped just in time for tonight’s debate. It’s for a product called Bidenica and is made from 100% Joe Biden press conference audio. If you are having trouble falling asleep, maybe Bidenica can help.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s special bonus episode, we sit down with Alleigh Marré, Founder and Executive Director of American Parents Coalition. Before we jump into what her organization does, we get a little background on her political career and involvement in areas of public policy.

    Alleigh Marré was a special assistant and Chief of Staff to the 24th Secretary of the Air Force. Prior, Marré served as the National Spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services. She also served as a communications advisor with the Presidential Transition team managing the public relations effort for the successful Senate confirmation of Secretary Wilson and also Defense Secretary James Mattis.

    As a self-described mother of three with one on the way, she found herself to be in the middle of this cultural war where elements of radical Leftist thinking have decided they are going to go after our children. From social media, to school indoctrination to reading lists suggested by Scholastic or the school library, the Left are going after children as early as 5 years old.

    When she started American Parents Coalition, Alleigh was determined to reclaim parental authority because she recognized nothing should stand between a parent and their child — not the government, not schools, not the medical establishment. Her organization wants to empower parents to determine how to raise their children and provide practical resources for doing so.

    As we wind down, the one thing made clear is parents need to be actively involved in every step of their children’s lives. They need to engage in real-life conversations and need to be ever vigilant for the forces looking to deny them their parental rights.

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  • On today’s show we open with a just released report from the House Committee on the Weaponization of Government, showing the 51 “spies who lied” about the Hunter Biden laptop knew they were lying and knew they were colluding with the Biden campaign. In fact, there were active CIA contractors who were part of the plan to pull off the PsyOp attack on the American electorate.

    Squad member Jamaal Bowman, who thinks fire alarms open locked doors, was just crushed in a democrat primary in New York State. He lost to democrat centrist George Latimer, who was much friendlier toward Israel than the Hamas-loving Bowman.

    In what I believe is a complete dereliction of duty, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, in a 6-3 decision, said that censorship case brought before them could not be decided due to a lack of standing. Justice Alito, who wrote the dissenting opinion believe the Court shirks it’s duty and thus “permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear and think.” Constitutional scholar and law professor Jonathan Turley is equally disappointed in the Court’s failure to uphold and defend the First Amendment.

    DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas wants us to believe that we have never had a “more robust screening and vetting process” for guarding our border and knowing who is coming into our country.

    On the same day he stated that, NBC News ran a story of 50+ illegals with ties to ISIS-affiliated smuggling networks that were stopped by border patrol, but then allowed to enter the country. On a more positive note, Attorney General Andrew Bailey from Missouri just stated the Court granted his motion to block Joe Biden’s illegal student loan forgiveness plan. It’s a win for the Constitution, but as Biden repeatedly shows, he likely will ignore them.

    WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre wants you to believe food prices have come down thanks to Joe Biden. She is one of the dumbest people in the White House. She doesn’t understand that a slower pace of inflation is still inflation!

    Keeping with economic news, Axios reveals that 16 Noble Prize winners in economics say if Trump wins, his plan will detonate an inflation bomb. That’s cute, given and equal number of Laureates stated that Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan would not cause inflation, would not increase the debt and would pay for itself. Seems the Nobel Prize doesn’t mean all that much anymore, as it relates to economics.

    As I close, I dive into someone else’s theory that Joe Biden will not be replaced because why would they? The forces behind this radical transformation of our country are getting everything they want. It’s a compelling argument and one that should be considered.

    Finally, off the topic, but something close to me and my family, I spend just a few minutes discussing the new Harry Potter series that is being developed for HBO. I know it has nothing to do with politics, but it’s a reminder that it’s okay to unplug from the world from time-to-time and enjoy a good movie, a good book, a good album or just good walk outside.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s special bonus episode, we sit down for a few minutes with Daniel Cameron, the former Attorney General for the state of Kentucky and the current CEO of the 1792 Exchange. During the Road to Majority Conference held in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Daniel was a keynote speaker for an evening dinner.

    I wanted to get him to recap his career and his run for Governor for the state of Kentucky and what were the lessons he learned during COVID-19. Daniel Cameron has been a supporter of life, liberty and freedom and pushed that for his state against a governor, and in some way, a Federal government, who wanted to infringe on our rights.

    Because of his fight for liberty, he was a natural fit to come on board the 1792 Exchange. Where the Wokeism of the left pushes ESG scorecards, making businesses feel they need to bend the knee under their Leftist/Marxist agenda, the 1792 Exchange looks to rank businesses on how focused they are on profitability and capitalism.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show we open with diving more deeply into why Snopes decided to fact-check the “very fine people” quote from seven years ago. This leads to a discussion of Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, including a montage of stories and story lines from the last 7-8 years.

    Jake Tapper not only pushed the “very fine people hoax,” but also pushed the original Steele Dossier/Russia Collusion hoax. And they were all in on it, or were too dumb not to know they were being dutiful stooges for the Left and the intelligence community.

    Remember the 51 spies who lied? Well, Jeremy Bash was one of those people. He’s Dana Bash’s husband. She participated in spreading the disinformation about the Hunter Biden laptop that the FBI knew was real since 2019.

    Now, I swear I talked about this two months ago, but documents circulated yesterday reveal that the Jack Smith investigation brought their own cover sheets to use when staging that photo after the Mar-a-Lago raid. On top of that, those docs also reveal the FBI demanded all security cameras were to be turned off inside Mar-a-Lago. Now, I know I told you that two years ago!

    To have some fun, we turn back the clock to 50 years ago this week. The breaking story from Time magazine was the coming Ice Age! We then look at this week around 38 years ago and the narrative changed to “Greenhouse Effect Fatal.” A lot changed in just 12 years.

    To have even more fun with the purveyors of climate fear porn, let’s look at this from the mining perspective. How much would need to be mined to get to net zero by 2050? If we kept today’s current pace, it would take 1,000 years to mine the materials necessary to be completely net zero on energy production. It’s a game they are playing with our lives, hosted by unserious people who want to control everyone’s lives.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today's special episode, I had a chance to sit down with Father Frank Pavone who was attending the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Family Coalition. We started off with a short recap of how he entered the priesthood and how he rapidly found himself drawn to the pro-life movement.

    Over the last few decades, his ministry has been about informing and educating parishioners and non-parishioners alike about what really happens during the process of terminating an unborn child and the long-lasting ramifications for the mother, physically, mentally and spiritually.

    As this debate has become more and more heated, Father Pavone became more resolute in advocating for life, for the mother and for the family. With the overturning of Roe v Wade in the midst of the Joe Biden presidency, created even more vitriol in the nation. Father Pavone started to admonish those in political office who professed to be Catholics, yet were pushing for the right to murder an unborn child up to the moment of birth.

    Unfortunately, in our current world of Wokeism and a push toward an Authoritarian/Marxist style of world governance, suddenly Father Pavone found himself in the cross-hairs of the papacy. This eventually led to being defrocked by the Pope.

    Unfettered, Father Pavone continues to bring his message of life, hope and forgiveness to groups and audiences everywhere. Through the organization, Priests for Life, they are on a mission to educate any who are willing to listen.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I open with a short recap of my time at the Road to the Majority Conference that was put on in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Each day for the next 13 weekdays, I will drop a special bonus episode of my interviews with many of the guests who spoke at the conference. So, depending on how you get my daily show, make sure to watch for the BONUS episodes each weekday.

    Then, because I did not have a show on Thursday or Friday, I open with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t talk about last week. It’s always interesting to see what my audience already knows compared to those who only watch those outlets of propaganda.

    We already know Joe Biden is deep in debate prep for this coming Thursday on CNN. Well, it seems CNN may also be in deep prep as well. By way of example, we turn to Kasie Hunt who was interviewing Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt. Rather than have to listen to truth, Kasie talked over the guest and then shut off the mic and shut down the interview. So much for truth. But, looking at what Karoline Leavitt was trying to say, it’s no wonder Kasie wanted to shut it down. The lack of objectivity from Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as “moderators” is atrocious. Even Kasie herself is a horrible Leftist who took joy when Senator Rand Paul was beaten and sent to the hospital by a rabid Democrat.

    It took seven years, but the breaking news from over the weekend from the fact-checking site Snopes, that Donald Trump never said white supremacists were “very fine people.” This audience has already known that for that seven years, but it’s nice to see the rest of the world finally catching up to the truth.

    Maybe that’s why the Left is losing their minds. Victor Davis Hanson put a piece describing the anatomy of a full leftwing meltdown and we are seeing it in full display.

    Mitch Landrieu, co-chair of the national Biden-Harris campaign was on Meet the Press and had no idea why so many Latino voters are running from Joe Biden. He also believes Joe Biden is still mentally sharp as a tack, is on the ball and the smartest guy in the room, so long as that room is behind closed doors.

    In the meantime, in the heart of deep blue Philadelphia, Donald Trump held another massive rally and his supporters are from every demographic and it’s growing. A legal immigrant was in fire when interviewed about the rally as was an seasoned citizen. While Biden is out there with messages of anger and division, stuttering and wandering off to shake hands with invisible people, Trump is positive, uplifting and uniting.

    On that note, we close with one of the moment from this weekend’s conference. Tulsi Gabbard reminded us of a different speech given in Philadelphia, by Joe Biden. In his best impression of V for Vendetta, Gabbard reminded us that Biden called all Trump supporters domestic terrorists. She then went on to describe the traits of those so-called enemies of democracy. Turns out, she’s describing what we used to call patriotic Americans who love our country as founded and the Constitution of the United States of America.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I open with more polling data that has CNN beside themselves over how much of the Democrat base has shifted toward Trump. Just like with Reagan Democrats, I think we are going to have Trump Democrats and I believe a big piece of that is the tone of messaging from Trump versus Biden.

    I did want to remind you about what one of the whistleblowers said about the “deeply flawed” investigation the Department of Defense conducted around the failures of the National Guard being deployed on January 6, 2021. It’s important to remember just how insidious elements of our government have become. It’s also a reminder about how long it takes for the truth to come around instead of the lies, spin and propaganda.

    I then go on a bit of a side-trail on learning how to think critically. The major problem with it is it’s uncomfortable. Most people do not enjoy that. But, with practice and work, critical thinking can become automatic.

    We then jump to new documents revealed by John Solomon of Just the News showing the Bidens were set to make $120 million from the Burisma relationship plus net 25% of the profits. What’s worse is the FBI had all those records and never turned them over during impeachment one.

    Next I talk about bureaucratic red-tape surrounding the FCC. Remember in 2021, the Biden regime got Congress to give them $42.5 billion dollars to connect rural communities to high-speed internet. Here we are, years later, and not one home or business has been hooked up to high-speed.

    This reminds me of my time earlier in my career when I was at IBM just as the new CEO, Lou Gerstner was brought on to break-up the company. Instead he realized two massive flaws were keeping IBM from succeeding – people confusing being busy with being productive and learning how to work smarter not harder.

    We end with a great sound bite from an average ordinary American commenting on his own personal observations about how white liberals treat him versus white conservatives. He encapsulates much of the messaging from my opening monologue in a succinct and engaging way and I hope you enjoy it.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I open with more proof that the Democrat strategists behind the scenes have decided an acceptable number of Americans are going to be maimed, injured, victimized or killed in order to allow for a new, permanent underclass of voters. The illegal invasion continues to prove that with more innocent deaths, most of them violent and horrific, at the hands of repeat offenders and repeat border-crossers.

    The other lie they hope you believe is that their use of “lawfare” is only meant for Donald Trump. Even if that was their only intended victim, it is still wrong and anti-American. But, as we have demonstrated over and over again on this show, they are using it for ALL of their political opposition. And, by “opposition”, I mean anyone who goes against their State approved mandates or narratives. Such is the case with Dr. Eithan Haim of Texas Children’s Hospital.

    As a whistleblower, Dr. Haim revealed a secret and illegal transgender medicine clinic for kids at Texas Children’s Hospital. Rather than be applauded for exposing this heinous butchering of our youth, the Biden DOJ has charged him with four felonies.

    The Legacy/mainstream media is dutifully pushing the latest propaganda piece from the White House. All those videos we are seeing of Joe Biden freezing in place, moving in super slo-mo, wandering off and having to be led by the hand or the elbow back to the group are all “deep fakes” from the far-right. As an example, Nicole Wallace on MSNBC literally shows an edited video to show you how the LA event ended, rather than an unedited one showing former President Barack Obama having to grab Biden and then lead him off the stage, keep his arm across his back the whole time.

    White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre started this ridiculous piece of propaganda and their dutiful servants in the media are repeating it. You know this latest tap-dance lie is bad when even Fox News’s Brett Baier had to side with the unedited videos showing us all just how badly Joe Biden is performing. Even if you don’t want to believe what you are seeing, just listen to Joe try to explain the jobs market. It’s embarrassing.

    VP Kamala Harris was asked to explain why their message wasn’t resonating with the Democrat base? She literally said it takes time for people to feel the policies. No, madam Vice President, I think we have all been feeling your policies for quite some time now. Which is likely why Trump’s rally in Detroit once again has him winning over more black voters. Larry Kudlow on Fox Business did a 3 minute monologue on how Trump is moving forward on positive and unifying messages while Joe Biden is caught frozen in time and place.

    Finally, we end with actor Matthew Modine shocked to find that someone at Amazon Prime has altered the helmet his character wore in Full Metal Jacket. It seems a woke, cancel culture, Leftists removed the words “Born to Kill” from the iconic poster image. Well, Matthew, that’s what happens you embrace this current Leftist agenda. Even things you love get erased.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show we open with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t tell you about this week. We usually drop that on Friday, but her list didn’t come out until late afternoon, so I put in Monday’s show.

    Janet Yellen found herself once again having to admit prices are high, but we are told the Biden Administration is ready to do something about it. Well, they have already had 3 ½ years. It’s a little late to pretend to care now.

    I do play a soundbite from around four years ago. The Morning Joe mocked and scolded anyone who believed the Hunter Biden laptop was real. I do that to illustrate how in lock-step so much of the media is in repeating state-approved narratives.

    Joe Biden’s star-studded fund-raiser in LA had him lying again. This time he wants us to believe he taught Constitutional law for nine years. He then goes on to lie about the decisions of the current Supreme Court and fear monger to his leftist audience. Then, Barack Obama had to grab Biden by the hand and lead him off stage.

    This leads to the sudden move by some in the press to suggest we are setting the bar too high for Joe Biden at the upcoming debate. Alex Wagner on MSNBC puts forth a laughable assertion that the only expectation Trump has is if he is alive, standing and able to speak. The Left is constantly proving my point that they always blame the other side for that which they themselves are.

    The Biden-Harris campaign co-chair, Mitch Landrieu, said there is no universe at all where Donald Trump gains 21% of the black vote. Talk about soft bigotry and telling an entire group of Americans how they are expected to vote. But, on the same network, their polling data specialist said he has been waiting to see if that number would shift down, but it hasn’t. If anything, it’s growing for Trump.

    Laura Trump, RNC co-chair, reminds everyone, if you are planning to cheat in the upcoming election, they will find you and prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. This goes hand-in-hand with news of how many illegals are being told how to register to vote. And, on the subject of voting, even Elon Musk has had it with electronic voting systems.

    Axios has a story about fears growing among ex-CIA officials of an imminent terror attack on our own soil. With Democrats lust for power, they are not just killing Americans via drugs and violent crime, but now they are putting our national security at risk, just to stay in power.

    While I covered it on Friday, I play some of the CNN propaganda piece trying to convince us we are a democracy. They say anyone who calls us a republic is misinformed. It’s stunning to see such efforts to redefine our nation for their own ends.

    Finally, good ol’ Senator Chuck “You” Schumer had to take down a staged picture to make it look like he was grilling burgers and hot dogs over Father’s Day Weekend. It lines up with everything else we get from them, lies and fake news.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show we open with a campaign spokeswoman for Biden saying the video and commentary of how he’s walking around and talking is all disinformation from MAGA people. In other words, we are not supposed to see just how lost, frail, slow and addled our President is at the G7 meeting. They want you to believe the footage is somehow doctored? Who was it that leaned in and put his forehead against the forehead of the Pope?

    I want to cover some of the discussion that was had in the House Weaponization Committee regarding the Alvin Bragg hush money case against Donald Trump. We get word about jurisdiction, about protecting the rights of defendants, due process and about the Bill of Rights. At the same time, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) notes an interesting coincidence on the timeline of when all four of the cases against Donald Trump started.

    We then discuss the redacted transcript that was just released between Special Counsel Robert Hur and Joe Biden’s ghostwriter. It seems Joe knew very well he was not supposed to be in possession of classified documents and that he wasn’t supposed to share them. Just as with the Biden audio, we need to get the audio of that interview to find out just how badly Joe Biden broke the law and put our national security at risk just to write a book.

    There is a deliberate move afoot to call our kind of governance a democracy rather than a republic. There are huge difference and we need to be sure we never become a democracy. It’s not an innocent slip. This is intentional.

    It seems I may have hurt Fani Willis’s little feewings because she doesn’t like being called “fanny.” Well, as far as I am concerned, it will always be the big Fani Willis RICO case and the Big Fani Willis Reality TV Show.

    Donald Trump drops a :60 second social media spot filled with real quotes from stumbling, mumbling Joe Biden. It’s a pretty effective ad.

    Finally, we end with a quote from an ordinary citizen who is sick and tired of seeing Lawfare being waged in our country. She knows without the rule of law and the Constitution, we will lose our republic. She’s right.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show we open with Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen lying to the American people. But, when pressed about the state of the economy admits how bad things really are.

    President Biden is in Italy at the G7 summit and while there, made a creepy-laugh statement in praise of Larry Fink of Blackrock and the CEO of Microsoft and their globalist agenda. At the same time while there, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Biden was going to sign a 10 year support deal with Ukraine.

    While we have the most fiscally irresponsible people in government spending money like water, they let the petrodollar agreement with Saudi Arabia expire. That means the Saudi’s can trade in energy in whatever other currency they want, rather than the U.S. Dollar.

    Then I take just a momentary road into the world of “What If…?” This relates to the 8 ISIS-K terrorists arrested and the sheer number of military aged males flooding into our country. Could there be some other plan in place to create a situation during the election to keep voters from going to the polls?

    Now, back to the real world. Nathan Wade had to pause in the middle of a live interview on CNN with Kaitlan Collins because he was about to lie again about the timeline of his affair with DA Fani Willis. On top of that, he thinks a president can still be put on trial and convicted while serving in office.

    At the same time, DA Fani Willis, in a move of desperation, filed a plea in the Appeals court of Georgia, asking them to change their minds and not hear the appeal to have her disqualified from the Trump RICO case. Her RICO case is going nowhere, but, she might be.

    The House voted yesterday to hold AG Merrick Garland in contempt. Let’s see if they really mean it by ordering the House Sergeant-at-Arms to go arrest him. And, if you think that’s not an option, I have over two minutes of soundbites of Democrats saying that is exactly what should happen.

    Finally, in a move that will lower your IQ while listening, we have a 60 second sound bit of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling MSNBC the the Supreme Court needs to be reined-in and brought to heel under the Legislative branch. The level of empty-headedness required for such drivel is beyond description. We need people that dumb to be voted out of office this coming November.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show we open with the latest inflation numbers. While the Biden regime is wanting to take a victory lap for a CPI that didn’t go up (or down), the number still represents a sharp increase from four years ago. In fact, if you are not making at least $12,000 more a year than what you were making four years ago, then you are not even breaking even.

    Speaking of breaking, it seems the news from last night is 8 members of ISIS-K were arrested across three cities here in the United States. All of them came across our southern border. In fact, the rise of people on the known terrorist watch list has skyrocketed under Joe Biden.

    Next, I give you my thoughts on Hunter Biden being found guilty on the three charges related to him lying on the gun purchase form. This was the lowest of all the low-hanging fruit and the one crime that would not remotely connect to Joe Biden. The real issue is whether the DOJ will go after all of the other far more serious crimes that run throughout the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.

    Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) reminds us how US Attorney David Weiss initially cut a sweetheart deal for Hunter and allowed the statute of limitations to expire on serious tax evasion charges. We also need to recognize that the DOJ went along with the Biden campaign to cover-up Hunter’s laptop.

    Work done by the non-profit group Marco Polo reminds us they put out a 640 page report on the Biden laptop, containing 2,020 citations that documents 459 crimes committed by the Biden family and their business associates. 140 were business crimes, 191 sex crimes and 128 were drug crimes.

    Rep. James Comer (R-KY) says, “Justice won’t be served until the DOJ prosecutes the Biden family’s FARA violations and other financial crimes. And, let’s remind you that the 2020 Biden campaign, with the help of Antony Blinken, got 51 intelligence community operatives to lie about the laptop and then Joe Biden lied to the American people.

    Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) helps us understand why we need to audio of Joe Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur. To illustrate her point, I say the following line three different ways: No. Stop it. You! I said stop. What are doing? Stop...stop...stop. There is a huge difference between reading a transcript and hearing the delivery.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!