
  • In this episode of the Baby Pro Podcast, Shelly and Maria delve into the topic of nipple shields, providing a balanced view on this breastfeeding tool. They explore the history of nipple shields, tracing their evolution from early versions made of materials like nutmeg and silver to the modern, thin silicone designs used today. Whether you're a new parent struggling with breastfeeding, a healthcare professional, or simply interested in the topic, this episode provides valuable information, research findings, and personal experiences that highlight the effectiveness and proper use of nipple shields.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Pros and cons of using nipple shields in breastfeeding.

    The role of lactation consultants about the proper use of nipple shields.

    A study on AI's potential role in detecting childbirth-related PTSD

    Nipple shields as a temporary solution and should be used under an IBCLC's guidance to address underlying issues.

    The evolution of nipple shield materials from nutmegs and silver to modern silicone.

    Personal experiences and case studies illustrating the nuanced application of nipple shields in breastfeeding.

    Connect with Shelly:
    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned: Mass General Study Evaluates AI Narrative to Detect Childbirth-Related PTSD

  • In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, Kate Drake, a marketing executive and mother of twins, shares her experiences with breastfeeding while maintaining a full-time job and traveling for work. She discusses the challenges she faced, such as finding pumping facilities abroad and dealing with customs destroying her breast milk shipment. Kate offers practical tips for breastfeeding mothers traveling through airports, including researching lactation pod locations, using a travel pump bag with a cooler, and understanding TSA guidelines. She also advocates for better corporate support for working mothers who breastfeed and pump.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    The unique challenges that lactating mothers face when traveling, and the practicalities of pumping breast milk on the go.

    Insufficient support structures for breastfeeding mothers within the corporate environment.

    Planning and organizational skills required to manage the storage and transportation of breast milk.

    Challenges of finding private and hygienic spaces to pump in transit.

    Creating a supportive network and infrastructure for working mothers.

    Connect with Shelly:

    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned:

    1 in 8 U.S. women mistreated during childbirth, study shows - UPI.com

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  • There are medications that can drop milk supply. In this episode, listen in as Shelly discusses one of these medications.

    In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, Shelly and Maria discuss various factors that may influence these findings, including socioeconomic disparities and research biases, while also examining claims about breastfeeding's link to higher IQs and healthy eating patterns. Additionally, Shelly tackles the delicate balance between breastfeeding and the use of medications like Abilify, which can potentially impact milk supply. Don't miss out on this essential conversation about the science and struggles of nursing infants.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    The validity of studies linking breastfeeding to higher IQs and healthier eating patterns, and advocate for systemic changes.

    How Abilify can affect milk supply by lowering prolactin levels, potentially reducing milk production.

    Guidance for parents balancing mental health and breastfeeding, stressing the importance of consulting healthcare providers before altering medications.

    A call for systemic changes such as better lactation support and access to nutritious food.

    Connect with Shelly:

    website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned:

    Research Reveals The 1 Breastfeeding Benefit We Never Saw Coming

  • Jess and Shelly discuss different postpartum and breastfeeding traditions from around the world, and what we can learn from them.

    Tune into today’s episode of the Baby Pro podcast where Shelly embarks on a fascinating exploration of international breastfeeding traditions and the latest advancements in postpartum support, featuring a conversation with Jessica Hull. Jessica, a former tech executive at Google and Facebook, has now established Mother Me - an application that includes video lessons and a support network, all rooted in the scientific research of Matrescence. Mother Me is designed to help accomplished women thrive, not just endure, during their postpartum journey. Discover how cultural attitudes toward nursing differ around the world and learn about the groundbreaking approach one mother took to improve her postpartum experience through data analysis. Additionally, Shelly and Jess weigh in on the importance of community support and parental leave policies.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Breastfeeding practices around the world including extended breastfeeding in Mongolia and the communal support that is common in many cultures.

    Challenges some mothers face in the workplace, such as lawsuits against corporations like McDonald’s and KFC for not providing adequate spaces or breaks for breastfeeding.

    Practical advice for those who want to reintroduce breastfeeding after a hiatus, emphasizing patience, creating a stress-free environment and seeking guidance from a lactation specialist.

    A focus on how one mother used data to analyze and improve her postpartum experience.

    The positive effects of paid parental leave in Massachusetts and how such policies can reduce stress and improve postpartum family experiences.

    How different cultural practices such as extended family support and traditional foods can aid recovery and lactation.

    Significance of shared parenting and how cultural shifts in countries like Sweden, where paternity leave is encouraged, play pivotal roles for child rearing practices.

    Connect with Jess:
    Website: The Mother Me Method

    Insta: Instagram (@motherme.io)

    Connect with Shelly:
    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned:

    McDonald’s sued for not providing adequate time, space to breastfeed

  • Have you been told to avoid certain foods while breastfeeding? Or told you have to consume more of other foods? Listen in as Shelly goes over the four most common myths about nutrition and breastfeeding.

    In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, Shelly discussed nutrition myths that leave nursing moms scratching their heads, cutting through the fog of misinformation surrounding breastfeeding diets, as she debunks the age-old tales of gassy veggies and the impact of caffeine and alcohol on milk supply. We also celebrate a monumental step forward for breastfeeding athletes with the Paris Olympics providing much-needed accommodations for nursing mothers for the first time. Whether you're an elite athlete or a mom juggling the daily hustle, our discussion on breastfeeding challenges and the power of support will resonate with you.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    How athletes and Olympians balance motherhood and competition.

    Clarifying misconceptions about breastfeeding mothers' diets and its effects on breastfed babies.

    The difference between cluster feeding and low milk supply, offering guidance on identifying each situation.

    Concerns over gassy foods, caffeine, and alcohol consumption, and the necessity of a healthy diet for quality milk production.

    Staying hydrated for milk production and dispelling excessive water consumption is necessary for breastfeeding.

    Connect with Shelly:
    website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned:

    Breastfeeding Athletes Are Finally Taken Seriously By Paris Olympics

  • In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, Grace Standridge shares her inspiring journey of breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery, challenging common myths and offering hope to those facing similar struggles. We explore the realities of post-surgery breastfeeding, including the role of support systems and the battle with conditions like mastitis. Our discussion not only uncovers the physical challenges of multiple surgeries but also the emotional resilience required to push through the doubts and frustrations that come with striving to breastfeed post-procedure.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Addressing the myths and misconceptions about breastfeeding post-surgery.

    The importance of a supportive community, including healthcare providers, lactation consultants, and doulas, in overcoming breastfeeding obstacles.

    Outlining breast reduction surgery techniques like the anchor method and liposuction and its potential effects on future breastfeeding.

    The emotional aspects of parenting decisions, self-worth, and the need for self-compassion regardless of feeding choices.

    Connect with Shelly:

    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned:

    Birth outcomes improve in states that extend driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants, research finds - The Source - Washington University in St. Louis

  • Let’s dive deep into a world where breastfeeding is not just about nutrition; it’s an emotional rollercoaster, a physiological marvel and a cultural conversation. In today’s episode of the Baby Pro podcast, we’re exploring the intricate world of breastfeeding and unveils the personal challenges faced from low milk supply to oversupply, mastitis and plugged ducts. Practical advice was also shared for managing overactive letdown and oversupply, tackling breastfeeding positions and the physiological aspects of milk production influenced by hormones like prolactin and oxytocin.

    Tune in to discover that the path of breastfeeding may be filled with difficulties, however with the right knowledge, supportive guidance and effective methods, these can be overcome ensuring optimal nurturing for their babies.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Personal experiences with breastfeeding, discussing a study on babies’ night waking and intelligence.

    A critical look at the cry it out method and its impact on infants.

    Understanding breast milk oversupply and hormonal influences on milk production.

    The challenges of breastfeeding with an oversupply of milk and its impact on infants.

    Strategies for managing breastfeeding oversupply and coping with a strong letdown reflex.

    Connect with Shelly:

    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned: It's a good thing that your baby doesn't sleep through the night

    Expert says it's actually a good thing that your baby won't sleep through night

  • Catch the latest episode of the Baby Pro podcast as we delve into the world of craniosacral therapy (CST) for infants with the guidance of Meaghan Beames, an experienced CST practitioner from Toronto. Let’s discover how this gentle and non-invasive therapy can alleviate common feeding issues in newborns by addressing tension in the body’s soft tissues, thereby enhancing the overall feeding experience for both baby and parent. Tune in to explore the soft yet profound touch of CST and its ability to nourish and comfort newborns through their early developmental stages.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that addresses tension in a baby’s body to improve feeding issues by promoting relaxation and allowing the baby to self correct.

    Collaborative care involving CST practitioners and International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) can significantly enhance a baby’s feeding experience by addressing both physical comfort and feeding techniques.

    Early intervention with CST is recommended, ideally within the first week of life, to support a baby’s feeding and development with ongoing treatment being beneficial.

    Parents can play a supportive role in CST by engaging in home care practices like tummy time, gentle massages and exercises that promote physical engagement and stimulate the vagus nerve for better digestion and overall well being.

    Healthcare providers need to be discerning about when CST is appropriate, especially for vulnerable infants, and stay informed about alternative therapies to better communicate and offer support to parents.

    Connect with Meaghan:

    Instagram: Instagram (@mybabycst)

    Website: Home - MyBaby Craniosacral

    Connect with Shelly:

    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned: Cord clamping and premature babies:

    Delaying umbilical cord clamping of premature babies likely reduces the risk of death soon after birth

  • In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, join us as we tackle the intimate and often controversial topic of breastfeeding in public. Sharing from personal journeys and a rich historical tapestry, we discuss the evolution of societal attitudes towards nursing mothers and the varied experiences across different regions. We also explore practical aspects of breastfeeding, such as managing toddlers during the process and gaining confidence for public nursing. With insights into the legal protections for nursing parents and a discussion on cultural shifts, we invite you to weigh in on the topic.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    The complexities of public breastfeeding and the advocacy efforts surrounding it.

    Disparities in premature birth rates, especially among communities of color in the southern United States.

    How breastfeeding mothers' legal protections and societal norms have evolved over time.

    Tips for breastfeeding mothers, such managing nursing toddlers and confidently breastfeeding in public.

    Ongoing challenges that breastfeeding mothers face, including incidents of harassment despite legal protections.

    Connect with Shelly:
    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned: U.S scores only a D+ when it comes to rates of premature births

    For second year in a row, US gets D+ grade for high preterm birth rate: ‘There’s so much work to be done’ | CNN

  • Join us on the latest episode of the Baby Pro Podcast as we explore the tender practice of co-sleeping and bed sharing, featuring our special guest, Zoe Ayre. Zoe is an author renowned for her children’s literature, thought provoking essays and soulful social media posts. Her latest book, released in April 2023, “I Will Always Help You Sleep,” and her Instagram presence as “The Respectful Mum,” offers insights into nurturing and respectful parenting approaches from infancy. She shares advice and experiences about the joys and challenges of gentle parenting. During our discussion, Zoe guides us through the intricate and comforting dimensions of nighttime parenting while we also tackle the cultural taboos, safety concerns, and the profound bonds that are strengthened through these nighttime practices.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Co-sleeping and bed sharing can enhance parent-child bonds through shared sleep experiences.

    Cultural perspectives on co-sleeping vary widely with Western societies often promoting independence and other cultures viewing shared sleep as a natural part of parenting.

    Addressing the stigma and criticisms around bed sharing is important as many parents quietly practice it despite fear based messaging.

    Safe bed sharing practices such as the cuddle curl position can prevent parents from rolling onto the baby and facilitate easier breastfeeding.

    The Safe Sleep 7 guidelines can help parents create a safer bed sharing environment by considering factors like sobriety, smoking and the baby’s health.

    Parents should make informed decisions about their family’s sleep arrangements without succumbing to societal pressures or external judgment.

    Connect with Zoe:

    Website: Home - The Respectful Mum

    Instagram: Instagram (@therespectfulmum)

    Tiktok: TheRespectfulMum- Zoe Ayre's Creator Profile

    Amazon: I Will Always Help You Sleep (US version): A Gentle Parenting Storybook Series

    Connect with Shelly:
    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned: One third of women have health complications after birth:

    One-third of women experience health problems overlooked during childbirth, study says

  • In today’s episode of the Baby Pro Podcast, tune in as we unwrap the transformative power of skin to skin contact for newborns, exploring its almost mystical ability to stabilize a baby’s vital functions postpartum. Discover how a simple touch can do wonders for your newborn’s physiological regulation and cement the foundation for a deep, enduring bond between parent and child. We share an article about the significant victory for working mothers with Frontier Airlines’ commitment to the needs of breastfeeding pilots. We also engage in a transparent discussion about the contentious topic of bottle versus breast for babies with reflux or colic, underscoring the importance of addressing underlying health issues.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    The importance of skin to skin contact for newborns and its benefits for infant development and parental bonding.

    An article about Frontier Airlines’ commitment to accommodate breastfeeding pilots, acknowledged as a win for working mothers.

    The debate of whether bottle feeding is preferable for babies with reflux or colic, emphasizing the need to address underlying issues

    The physiological effects of skin to skin contact such as regulation of the baby’s heartbeat, breathing and temperature are examined.

    The benefits for parents include stress reduction and the release of oxytocin which enhances bonding.

    The importance of skin to skin contact post birth, with advice on how to ensure it happens in both vaginal and C section births.

    Connect with Shelly:
    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned: Frontier Airlines:

    Frontier Airlines settles lawsuit filed by pilots who claimed bias over pregnancy, breastfeeding

  • Dr. Michelle Gerbi offers her thoughts during a discussion on how our medical system sets parents up for failure and self blame.


    Dr. Michelle Gerbi is a certified perineal health coach, chiropractor, functional medicine provider, postpartum corrective exercise specialist, and international board-certified lactation consultant. She has over 17 years of experience in postpartum care and has helped thousands of mothers overcome common and difficult issues related to motherhood. With Dr. Gerbi's expertise, her insights reveal the profound connection between emotional well-being and breastfeeding success, offering practical advice and encouragement for those struggling with pumping and infant feeding.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    The emotional challenges and the importance of support for breastfeeding at work.

    A need for comprehensive healthcare that includes emotional well-being and breastfeeding success.

    Restrictions faced by healthcare professionals due to insurance and administrative pressures.

    The limited breastfeeding education among healthcare providers and the consequences for mothers.

    Addressing the lack of follow-up care for newborns and the overreliance on weight checks.

    Encouraging parents to establish care with family practice doctors and leverage nursing resources.

    Recognizing the need for systemic support for new mothers rather than personal failure.

    Connect with Dr. Gerbi:
    Website: Dr. Michelle Gerbi DC, IBCLC | Home

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/postpartummotheringmentor/#

    Connect with Shelly:
    Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Article mentioned: Preg Perego recall:

    Peg Perego infant bassinets for strollers recalled for suffocation risk, fall hazard

  • Dr. Charnetta Williams is a renowned OB-GYN with advanced knowledge in various fields including tetanus, human papillomavirus infection, zika virus disease, and gonorrhea. She is also an author, known for her book, “Penelope and the Power of Positivity.” Dr. Williams sheds light on her personal experiences with breastfeeding and postpartum recovery, recounting the struggles she faced despite her professional medical training. Her personal journey serves as an eye opener not only for new mothers but also for healthcare providers, highlighting the gaps in the understanding of practical aspects of motherhood.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    An in depth discussion about breastfeeding challenges and the need for a more comprehensive breastfeeding education in medical training.

    The potential risks of using white noise machines for babies, as raised by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the need for appropriate volume control to avoid possible hearing damage.

    The significant role of lactation consultants in supporting new mothers through the emotional journey of breastfeeding and weaning.

    A critique of the current healthcare system and its inadequacies in supporting new mothers.

    The importance of medical training in identifying risk factors for low milk supply and the need for OB-GYNs to refer patients to lactation consultants before birth.

    The need for greater understanding and support for postpartum women and the challenges of balancing time constraints and providing quality healthcare.

    Connect with Dr. Williams::
    Instagram account - Instagram (@pictureperfectreads)

    Website: Picture Perfect Reads | Author of Children's Picture Books | Atlanta

    Connect with Shelly:
    my website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Warnings about sound machines: The AAP Has a Warning About Kids' Sound Machines for Sleep: Here's What You Need to Know | Sleepopolis

  • Trisha Zehrung, a Nurse Practitioner and fertility consultant, tells us the ins and outs of trying to conceive while breastfeeding.


    Dr. Trisha Zehrung is a nurse practitioner and fertility consultant, specializing in assisting busy couples in optimizing their fertility to expedite their journey to parenthood. She provides valuable insights and advice on navigating the complexities of fertility, breastfeeding, and birth control. From understanding the relationship between breastfeeding and fertility to discussing the impact of age and hormonal birth control, Dr. Trisha offers expert guidance to help parents make informed decisions and optimize their chances of conceiving while breastfeeding.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    How breastfeeding can suppress fertility due to elevated prolactin levels, which can prevent ovulation.

    Learning how to track your cycles in determining fertility while breastfeeding.

    Understanding the relationship between breastfeeding and fertility, as well as the impact of age and nutritional health.

    The significance of consulting with a healthcare professional to discuss the potential impact of birth control on your fertility goals.

    Taking care of your physical and mental health, including nutrition, sleep, and stress management, is crucial for fertility and overall well-being.

    Connect with Trisha:
    Instagram (@trishazehrung)

    Your Fertility Breakthrough Waitlist

    Connect with Shelly:
    Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Breastmilk and early cancer detection

    Screening breast milk may be the new way to detect breast cancer early

  • Andrea Davis, founder of Better Screen Time, tells us the ins and outs of how screen time impacts your child's emotional development.

    Andrea Davis is a seasoned former secondary education teacher who has successfully transitioned into a screen time guide. As the founder of Better Screen Time, she offers tried and tested strategies from her own experiences as a mother of five. She is on a quest to assist parents in reducing their tech-related concerns and enhancing their connection with their children. She has authored the book “Creating A Tech-Healthy Family” - offers the necessary tools, resources and discussion topics for crafting your Family Technology Plan. This aids in establishing sound tech boundaries and instills a heightened sense of confidence in your capability to raise children in the digital era.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Explore the influence of screen time on kids and its role in molding their growth and wellness.

    Discover valuable methods to supervise your child’s screen usage in order to encourage good habits and a balanced approach.

    Uncover the potential hazards of social media for children and learn strategies to ensure their digital safety.

    Analyze the significance of establishing limits on screen time and its role in fostering a more beneficial digital setting for your child.

    Understand the possible dangers linked with excessive use of screens and explore strategies to counteract these risks to safeguard your child’s health and wellness.

    Connect with Andrea Davis:

    Instagram account - Instagram (@betterscreentime)

    Facebook group - Better Screen Time Group | Facebook

    Website - Better Screen Time | Andrea Davis — Better Screen Time

    Course Homepage - Better Screen Time

    Connect with Shelly:

    my website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Toddler Milk Formulas Lack Nutrients:

    Powdered milk ‘formulas’ for toddlers are lacking in nutrients, warns American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Dr. Anya Dunham is a highly respected research scientist and author in the field of child development. With a background in ecology, she has applied her scientific training to studying how babies interact with their environment and the people around them. Her book, Baby Ecology, offers a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of nursery design and its impact on infant growth and development. Drawing on her expertise, Dr. Dunham provides evidence-based insights and practical recommendations for creating a nurturing and mind-minded nursery. Her unique perspective, backed by extensive research, makes her a sought-after expert in the field. Listeners can expect to gain valuable knowledge and guidance from Dr. Anya Dunham as she shares her expertise on the importance of mind-mindedness in nursery design.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Establish a caring nursery setting that promotes the growth and development of your infant.

    Create a nursery with a focus on emotional well-being to support your baby's development.

    Encourage language development in a meaningful manner by aligning with your baby's interests.

    Modify the nursery to evolve with your baby's growth, ensuring it accommodates their shifting requirements.

    Guarantee a secure and cozy nursery to promote the best sleep and overall health.

    Connect with Dr. Anya Dunham:

    Website: Caring for baby with science in mind

    Facebook: Anya Dunham - KidEcology

    Instagram: Instagram (@anya_kidecology)

    Baby Ecology book: Baby Ecology: Using Science and Intuition to Create the Best Feeding, Sleep, and Play Environment for Your Unique Baby

    Connect with Shelly:

    my website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Formula Making Machines:

    Baby formula machines not killing bacteria, study finds

  • Dr. Lim talks to all about how to promote healthy jaw and teeth development in children to prevent airway issues.


    In this installment of the Baby Pro podcast, Shelly and Maria engage in a conversation with Dr. Shereen Lim, who specializes in assisting children in surmounting obstacles related to infant feeding, swallowing, breathing, chewing, and speech by focusing on issues related to airway and jaw development. Dr. Lim adopts a collaborative team approach to manage tongue ties and to encourage proper oral function and healthy jaw development. When oral function and jaw development are not progressing as they should during childhood, it can have a profound impact on the development and functioning of the airway, affecting aspects like breathing, sleep, and overall growth.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Recognizing signs of airway issues in infants and young children, such as mouth breathing, snoring, open mouth posture, and restless sleep.

    Understanding the importance of breastfeeding for jaw development and palate expansion.

    Identifying potential causes of airway issues, including tongue ties, high palates, and allergies.

    Collaborating with healthcare professionals, such as ENTs, lactation consultants, and myofunctional therapists, to address airway issues comprehensively.

    Considering interventions like palate expansion, tongue tie release, and myofunctional therapy to promote proper breathing and jaw development.

    Being aware of upper airway resistance syndrome, a precursor to obstructive sleep apnea, and its impact on sleep quality and overall health.

    Encouraging good oral habits, such as closed mouth posture and nasal breathing, to support optimal airway function.

    Connect with Dr. Lim:

    Website: Dr Shereen Lim | Airway Health and Tongue Tie Solutions

    Instagram: Instagram (@dr.shereenlim)

    Facebook: Dr Shereen Lim

    Book: Breathe, Sleep, Thrive: Discover how airway health can unlock your child’s greater health, learning, and potential

    Connect with Shelly:

    My website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Future of Artificial Wombs:

    Future of 'artificial wombs' for human preemies to be weighed by FDA advisors

  • Amy Watson, a Life after Babyloss coach, shares her expertise around infant loss and having a baby after that loss.


    In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, we have Amy Watson From Smooth Stone Coaching, who brings hard-earned wisdom and compassionate understanding to her role as a Life after Baby Loss Coach. Her own experiences with stillbirth, miscarriage, and a subsequent pregnancy became the catalyst for a dedicative career in assisting parents through such challenging times. Certified in coaching and constantly empathetic, Amy hosts the Smooth Stones podcast to offer everyone a roadmap to recovery and self-discovery after unimaginable loss.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Explore the hidden facets of pregnancy loss and how to cope with grief and emotional turmoil.

    Hear profound stories of Rainbow Babies and the journey towards healing and hope after enduring loss.

    Navigate through the complexities and anxieties surrounding pregnancy after experiencing a loss.

    Delve into ways of supporting partners who are grappling with loss and coping during a subsequent pregnancy.

    Harness effective strategies to empower children to understand and process the feelings of grief and loss.

    Connect with Amy:

    Website: Smooth Stones Coaching

    Instagram: @amy.smoothstonescoaching

    Facebook: Smooth Stones Coaching

    Connect with Shelly:

    My website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Study shows the majority of women in the US have an intense fear of childbirth.

    A Majority of U.S. Women Have an Intense Fear of Childbirth, Survey Finds

  • Stephanie tells us the ins and outs of getting professional newborn photos done, as well as tips for photographing your baby at home.


    In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, we sat down with Stephanie Donovan, a photographer with over 13 years of experience discussing her journey into the field and how it has evolved over time. She also shares her expertise on how to create stunning images of your baby, whether you choose to hire a professional or take photos at home. From selecting the right photographer to ensuring the safety and comfort of your little one, this episode provides valuable tips and insights for preserving precious memories of your baby's early days.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Hiring a professional photographer can ensure that the photos capture the emotions and memories of this special time in a family's life.

    When selecting a newborn photographer, it's important to choose someone whose style and aesthetic align with your preferences.

    Safety and comfort should always be a priority during newborn photo sessions, both with professional photographers and when taking photos at home.

    Experience and expertise are important factors to consider when choosing a newborn photographer, and it's worth investing in a professional who can deliver high-quality images.

    Connect with Stephanie:

    Website: Stephanie Beth Photography: Boston Portrait Photographer

    Instagram: Instagram (@stephaniebethphotography)

    Connect with Shelly:

    My website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Women with Hypertensive Disorders Benefit from Breastfeeding

    Women With Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Benefit Most From Breastfeeding

  • Join us in this enlightening episode as we sit down with Dr. Quantrilla Ard to unravel the mysteries of preeclampsia, a condition that can impact expecting parents. Discover the signs, risks, and proactive measures to safeguard maternal and fetal health. Gain insights into the latest research and practical advice for a healthier pregnancy journey.


    Today's guest on the Baby Pro podcast is Dr. Quantrilla Ard, a passionate and energetic public health professional with a background in behavioral science. She thrives on working with people and possesses valuable qualities like adaptability and problem-solving skills. Her extensive experience includes conducting various research activities such as focus groups, interviews, and needs assessments for both individuals and communities. Driven by her passion for helping others, she has served as an advocate for various populations in roles ranging from consultant to Senior Clinical Analyst. Dr. Ard's expertise extends to research and data analysis, involving data collection, mining, and utilization of tools like SPSS and Microsoft Excel in academic and health settings. Notably, she is dedicated to addressing disparities in Black infant and maternal health.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine.

    Symptoms of preeclampsia include headaches, blurred vision, upper right quadrant pain, and swelling.

    Preeclampsia is a serious condition and one of the leading causes of maternal mortality.

    Black women and women of color are five times more likely to develop preeclampsia and have more severe cases.

    Preeclampsia can also occur postpartum and requires ongoing monitoring and care.

    Advocacy, sharing stories, and participating in research studies are important in addressing preeclampsia and improving outcomes.

    Connect with Dr. Ard:

    Twitter: qyard08

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thephdmamma

    Website: Home of The PhD Mamma

    Connect with Shelly:

    my website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft

    Instagram: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)

    Resources Mentioned:

    Article: Over the counter birth control:

    FDA approves first over-the-counter birth control pill in the U.S.