September is National Bourbon Heritage Month and it's a celebration of bourbon as America's "Native Spirit". Check out one of our favorite episodes, Bourbon and Geology, where we discuss the link between Kentucky geology and all things bourbon. Fun fact, the episode's guest, Mike McGlue, is now the new Director of the Kentucky Geological Survey and the Kentucky State Geologist.
In case you lost your old CD or iTouch, Matt, Sarah, and Doug bring back to life an OLD KyGeocast that is a guided tour of Lexington’s McConnell Springs. McConnell Springs is a city park near downtown Lexington famous for its exposure of karst features such as springs and caves, but also as the founding site of the city.
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Matt, Sarah, and Doug talk to KGS geologist Ben Tobin about all things hydrology. They discuss karst hydrogeology, the water cycle, dye tracing, water usage, integrated hydrologic modeling, the National Cave and Karst Research Institute, water data dissemination, student mentoring, climate change, and much more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug talk about KGS summer activities including the Potter Internship, an Appalachian Karst Hydrogeology Workshop, and participation in the Association of American State Geologists meeting in Utah. They discuss all things state surveys, the first female state geologist, Utah geology, field trips, Snowbird, seismic base isolators, landslides, and much more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug sit down with KGS carbonate and mineral geologist Gina Lukoczki about carbonate petrology, critical minerals, rare earth elements (REEs), tools to assess REEs, the KY fluorspar district, rotten dikes, renewed interest in KGS core, the KGS Mineral Resources Information Map, and much more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug discuss all things engineering geology with UK Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences professor Sarah Johnson. They talk about engineering geology expertise, site investigations, geology-engineer jokes, terminology for geologists and engineers, engineering geology training, landslides, and the motivation for more applied geology.
Matt, Sarah, and Doug talk with KGS geologist Marty Parris about hydrocarbon reservoir geochemistry, water and rock interactions, brines, carbon storage, Kentucky’s orphaned oil and gas wells and much more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug answer questions submitted from listeners, members of the general public, and attendees at the KGS Open House. The trio discusses the Findlay Arch, Kyrock, lack of dinosaur bones in Kentucky, oldest specimen in the KGS lobby, quicksand, world water total, cool places to hike, and more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug talk about their favorite geology books! Don’t fear, these aren’t the hard-core, in-depth science text books you might think. You will be surprised at what is discussed and hopefully enjoy their take on books that connect to careers, sharing ideas, and a general passion for earth science.
Matt, Sarah, and Doug talk with KGS geologic mapper Steve Martin about all things natural rock arches! They discuss the difference between arches and natural bridges, arches around the world, evolution of arch formation, fractures, freeze-thaw, arch openings, measuring arch spans, monitoring arch behavior, arches in Kentucky, and much more!
View the KGS map of publicly accessible KY arches.
Matt, Sarah, and Doug discuss all things geochemistry with UK Earth and Environmental Sciences professor Andrea Erhardt. The trio tackles the importance of geochemistry to our understanding earth processes, the atmosphere, and other planets. Dr. Erhardt takes them through a wide-range of topics including geochemical spheres, high and low-temp geochemistry, chemical weathering, paleo climates, mineral precipitation, the dolomite problem, geochemical environments, pH, acid mine drainage, water contamination, eutrophication, and much more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug are catching up on a busy October at KGS with a conglomerate of topics. There is no guest this month but we summarize the successful KGS Earth Science Open House, KGS’s participation at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, and Matt’s trip to Sri Lanka.
Matt, Sarah, and Doug discuss the philosophy of science with UK professor Julia Bursten. They talk about the foundations of science, purpose of science, theories, truth, epistemology, misinformation, classification in science, philosophy of geology and much more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug discuss petroleum geology with KGS geologist Dave Harris. They talk about the basics of hydrocarbons, source rocks vs reservoir rocks, structural traps, oil and gas producing areas in Kentucky, unconventional reservoirs, KGS oil and gas data services, Dave’s retirement and much more!
It's a game of musical chairs on this episode of the BBRP. KGS landslides expert Matt moves into the guest chair, while Doug and newcomer Rebekah co-host the episode. We discuss how Matt started researching landslides, the types and causes of landslides, what landslide research looks like at KGS and nationally, landslides related to the July 2022 eastern Kentucky floods, Matt's bad-fitting suits, crashing drones, and more.
Matt, Sarah, and Doug discuss all things meteorites with KGS geologist and current graduate student Ethan Davis. We get into differences among space rocks, planet evolution, impact craters around the world, Chicxulub mysteries, "meteorwrongs", meteorite composition, meteorites in Kentucky, the newest meteorite found in Kentucky, and much more!
Matt, Doug, and Sarah talk about everything extension with UK Professor Brad Lee, from soil and water quality to dog poop and lawn care. We also explore the role of extension in the University’s land grant mission and UK Extension’s environmental and educational services.
This week’s top takeaway? Check out the soil tests available from your local county extension office. Find the office online at https://extension.ca.uky.edu/county, or just google it.
Matt, Sarah, and Doug have a lively discussion about geology jargon, odd and old geoscience concepts, and weird terminology that geologists love to use. KGS geologist Meredith Swallom is the guest and helps us decipher rocks vs. minerals, lithification, unconformities, how awesome (and outdated) graywacke is, accretionary wedges, and much more!
"I'm just gonna to go ahead and say it. I love Cumberland Gap."
Matt, Sarah, and Doug discuss all things Cumberland Gap National Historical Park! KGS geologist William Andrews is our guest and we get into the park history, geologic setting, unique park features, Ridge Trail, rodents in cabins, Pinnacle Overlook, Hensley Settlement, the Tunnel, the first geology field camp, and much more!
Matt, Sarah, and Doug unpack all things science communication! We talk with Dr. Sarah Vos from UK Department of Health Management and Policy and the Director of Undergraduate Research in the College of Public Health. We discuss communication spanning many scientific disciplines, bridging the gap between science and the public, disaster communication, getting your message to stick, building trust, and why it all matters!
About our guest:
Sarah C. Vos, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy and the Director of Undergraduate Research in the College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky. Her research explores how public health organizations can use social media and other short message systems to improve health outcomes, particularly during a public health crisis. Her work has been published in Cancer Control, Health Security, Risk Analysis, and the Journal of Health Communication. In her free time, she likes to run, hike, and watch birds.
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