The story of “O Come, All Ye Faithful” is a bit fuzzy. We’ll see if we can focus it a little. Just a little. Plus bonus songs you’ll love! I do. Email me at TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Call (323) 487-12-25. Follow the Christmas Stocking on Facebook and Twitter @XmasStocking. Thanks to the generous souls who have given to the show at […]
It’s not Christmas without Christmas lights. Well, at least these days. How did the electric ones develop and get popular? We’ll talk about that and more. Every episode is at MyChristmasStocking.net, along with a lot more, including video and some pictures. Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Call (323) 487-12-25. Find the Christmas Stocking on Twitter @XmasStocking and Facebook. Thanks to everyone who’s given to […]
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Rereleasing the show again! Another episode from the first season back in 2006. I wrote, “How was a Middle Ages Christmas different? For one thing, no one got an iPod.” I guess our Christmases have more in common with the Middle Ages now than when I first presented it. Find out how they celebrated way […]
From all the way back in 2006! Back then I started the season the day before Thanksgiving, so I assumed, correctly, I’m sure, that everyone listening had already seen the parade. Well, I’m even later this year. And the info is 12 years old. I don’t know how many episodes I’ll be able to get […]
Happy Labor Day weekend! Still summer! (At least when I’m posting.) It’s been a crazy year. It’s a mostly-favorites (mine) spectacular this year, with a couple of special previously unplayed songs I think you’ll like. Thank you for your gifts to the Christmas Stocking. MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. They mean a lot. The Christmas Stocking is on Twitter (@XmasStocking), […]
Thanks to a suggestion Vivian made on Facebook, we learn a bit about the Three Wise Men, Three Kings, Three Magi–all the same people and all more characters than verifiable real people. Call (323) 487-12-25 any time and share whatever you’d like. Get in on next season or summer early, or just say hi. Email TopElf@MyChristmasStocking.net. I so appreciate the […]
Not a story this time. More like a sermon/essay. I hope you like it. Please join us on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Facebook and on Pinterest (where I realize I’m not active enough). Call (323) 487-12-25 and share what Christmas is to you or wish Merry Christmas. Or you can email TopElf@MyChristmasStocking.net. Thank you so much for the gifts to the Christmas Stocking. MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. […]
Some things you probably didn’t know about a holiday favorite. Thank you for the gifts to the Christmas Stocking at MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. I feel a little like Sally Brown in “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” but it really does help. Stop by the Christmas Stocking Facebook page (and Like and Follow us, too!), and Follow on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and on Pinterest (where […]
It’s not about Advent, really, but it’s kind of about Advent. If you want to be on the show, call (323) 487-12-25 now. We’re getting kind of close to the day. What is Christmas to you? You can also email TopElf@MyChristmasStocking.net. Thank you for giving to the Christmas Stocking at MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. It’s huge to me. Keep in touch on Twitter (@XmasStocking), or Facebook, or Pinterest. […]
If you grew up in the ’90s, or had kids who grew up in the ’90s, you will remember these classics. Let me know if you loved any of these on Facebook, or on Twitter (@XmasStocking), or Pinterest. Make a phone call to the Christmas Stocking! (323) 487-12-25. Tell me what Christmas is to you. Or write (or send an audio […]
It’s a great story, beautifully told in this old, old carol. How old? Not sure. Thank you for giving to the Christmas Stocking at MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute! Call me at (323) 487-12-25 and tell me what_is_ Christmas to you. Or write (or send an audio file) to TopElf@MyChristmasStocking.net. Join the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Facebook and Pinterest. Click here to download the show to your device. […]
On our Facebook page, Richie suggested I talk about this. Good suggestion! The Christmas Stocking is also on Twitter (@XmasStocking) and Pinterest. Thank you for the gifts sent through MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. They are a big help and make me feel good! Be on the show! Call (323) 487-12-25. What_is_ Christmas to you? You can also send your response to TopElf@MyChristmasStocking.net. Click here to […]
Sounds cuddly, right? He’s not. He’s from Iceland. Some of their Christmas legends are stone cold scary. Call (323) 487-12-25, and be on the show! Tell us what Christmas is to you, say Merry Christmas, or do your own thing! Follow the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Pinterest. Give to the show at MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. Thank you if you have! Click […]
Learn the story of this year’s Rock Center tree–it’s an interesting one! Thanks to everyone who’s given to the show at MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. If you want to be on the show, call (323) 487-12-25, tell what Christmas is to you, say Merry Christmas to someone you love, or whatever! Join us on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Pinterest. Click here to download the […]
If you’re looking to get your shop on, make sure you do it wisely. I’m not going to help you choose gifts, but I’ll give you some tips to stay safe in the stores and online. Want more? We’re on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Pinterest. I appreciate the generous gifts! Go to MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. Call the Christmas Stocking at (323) 487-12-25. Tell what […]
Some facts about Macy’s parade that I haven’t talked about, and what’s happening in 2017. Thanks for giving to the Christmas Stocking! MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. Be on the show! The number is (323) 487-12-25. Call and tell me what Christmas is to you, say Merry Christmas to someone you love, or whatever. You could hear it this season! Find the Christmas […]
Another year we need a bit of escape from the world. That’s what I’m here for–in the summer, at least. The Christmas Stocking is on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Pinterest. Please join me! Thanks to everyone who has given to the Christmas Stocking! MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. Call (323) 487-12-25 and say Merry Christmas to someone you love, you could hear it this season! Click here to download the […]
A bedtime story with an important message for all of us. The phone number is (323) 487-12-25. Call and tell me what Christmas IS to you. Thanks to everyone who has given to the Christmas Stocking! MyChristmasStocking.net/contribute. Get social with the Christmas Stocking on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Google+ and Pinterest. Click here to download the show to your device. Featured music: “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” by […]
It’s all about tinsel. Find the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, Pinterest and Google+. Call (323) 487-12-25 and tell me what Christmas IS to you. Thanks to Rick in Pennsylvania for the generous gift to the Christmas Stocking! Go to MyChristmasStocking.net and click Contribute. Click here to download the show to your device. Featured music: “The Lights on the Trees” by Matt diVenti from […]
You may have heard the story of the origin of “Silent Night,” but I may have some info you didn’t know about. Find out about more carols at MyChristmasStocking.net. The phone number is (323) 487-12-25 What IS Christmas to you? We do the social thing–on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Pinterest and Google+. Click here to download the show to your device. Featured music: “Silent Night” […]
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