While waiting for the ISB agent the Inquisitors give their suspected Sith Holocron a little force poke, then get into trying to work out what is going on with the planet Agamar. Surely the appearance of three inquisitors will not put a dampener on the Harvest Festival…. Cult 547 – FAE – Star Wars – […]
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Fresh from gathering the Kyber Crystal the Inquisitors have loaded everything onto a cruiser to try and deliver it. The Liklihood of a rebel attack is high, and they also have a Sith artefact to think on. Will they make it to the anchorage without issue… No. Of course they wont. But they do have […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) Having taking out five Warbreakers at the Sun Worshipper ruins, they MArked have a few minutes to prepare before the other half of the force return. Can they be ready? Or if not ready then at least prevail… Cult 559 – Paleomythic – Tribe Of The […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) The meeting stones secured the Marked settled down for a well earned night of sleep. The group they finished off seem to have been extremely well supplied, but for what reason, and why weren’t the Water Tribe team? Then a Bull roarer goes off. Cult 557 […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) Having started their assault on the Meeting Stones the Marked now have the rest of the troops to deal with. Luckily they seem to be asleep for the most part so they are hopeful of starting their ambush by taking a few out. Cult 555 – […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) The Marked’s previous actions come back to haunt them as they find a War Breaker who has seen their tactics before. Can they deal with him and maybe lure some of the others away from the Meeting Stones to thin out the herd a little before […]
Tin Tack, Wiggy, and Rack get ready to pull off the greatest heist every told. The Goblin Queen, who looks like David Bowie in a much longer wig but shorter and greener, declares that the Goblins need to get their own presents because Goblins are not exactly on the Nice list. With the help of […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) The fight at the Water Tribe continues. It started well for the marked but now more of the enemy are coming to bear and they are now beginning to get outnumbered. Hopefully they remember the traps that they set that should help them! Cult 551 – […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) With the runner taken out the Marked can now begin planning their assault on the War Breakers hanging out on the old Water Tribe home. Some traps are constructed but then the attack begins in earnest, can they kill the enemy… without them raising the alarm? […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) We took a long break between these episodes due to reasons! However for you no time has passed. The Marked have decided what they are going to do next. In this case go into the newly taken area and cause problems for the War Breakers. Can […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) Having returned to their lands the Marked start looking for materials and considering whether to start Effigy making. There was a lot of Crafting! Unfortunately then they receive very bad news as Granmak arrives with a corpse they were not expecting. Will the Marked decide to […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) With the Water tribe saved the MArked and the Tribes Warriors head into Sun Worshipper lands to see why there is a huge plume of smoke coming from over there. That done, they begin trying to work out how they can take their god with them […]
Cave People dealing with consequences @OspreyGames Paleomythic (available Here) The war seems to have begun, and now the Marked are scrambling to keep up. Heading down to the water tribes home the Marked have noticed a huge plume of smoke. As Ugog has been left behind injured. the Marked rush forwards in their usual stealthy […]
Back to @OspreyGames Heirs To Heresy (available Here) Still in the catacombs the Knights Templar do some tidying up (mostly of flagellants) and receive the good news that they may be able to finally destroy the Chalice of Fear. However the research will take another five hours. Can they keep the Inquisition forces back and […]
Back to @OspreyGames Heirs To Heresy (available Here) Having found and slain the spy, the Knights nervously wait to see if the research will be completed before the Inquisitor can pierce the sanctity of the Library. As they have just heard the Bishops door open they know they are about to have company. NB due […]
Back to @OspreyGames Heirs To Heresy (available Here) The Templars have rescued the elderly father, but they have realised that Swainson may not be exactly what they expected. Which is bad… as they have stolen his journal. Rapid remortaring of the wall occurs along with planning to collapse the tunnel, preferably without disturbing the magick […]
Back to @OspreyGames Heirs To Heresy (available Here) Having determined to rescue Father Tizarre using Magick the Templars break into the Castle and head into Swainson’s torture chamber, what they discover there will shock them but will they be able to escape with the Father? NB due to the heat when we were recording there […]
Back to @OspreyGames Heirs To Heresy (available Here) They might have a way to sneak into the castle and either rescue or… silence Father Tizarre without being obvious. However to do so George needs to persuade Sven that he is in fact NOT a foul sorceror, but rather a pious knight using the gifts God […]
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